Lincoln Heights ES-PTA Newsletter - Lincoln Heights Elementary PTA

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If you can be a proctor, please contact ... constant Pi (3.14159). ... joining the LHES PTA but the membership fee is co
Lincoln Heights ES-PTA Newsletter March/April 2017

PTA News-Upcoming Events

Newsletter Updates Due to volunteer time constraints, we will be publishing the PTA newsletter on a bi-monthly basis

Upcoming Events 

March 8th Family Digital Academy (volunteers needed)

 

March 14 Pi Day!


March 31st Masquerade Ball in the GYM


March 18th Big Sweep Fuquay!

April 5 Family Digital Academy (volunteers needed)

April 10th – 14th SPRING BREAK

April 14th Good Friday

Believe Fundraiser Fundraiser sheets went home for a Spring Catalog sale. Funds from this will go towards LHES Field Trips – orders due rd MARCH 3 .

March 13th New Box Tops contest begins


April 16 Easter Sunday

April 20 STEM Night / Literacy Night/ FINAL PTA General Meeting

April 22nd Earth Day!

We are currently looking for members and volunteers!! See page 2 for details!

WE WILL ALSO BE ASKING FOR EOG TEST PROCTORS If you can be a proctor, please contact us! All proctors need initial training prior to test administration!


March 24th preorders begin for the “EOG Survival Surprise” kit. Look for the info sheet to be sent home

FINAL PTA GENERAL MEETING (APRIL 20th before STEM / Literacy Night)

Masquerade Ball

Please plan on attending this meeting. We will be voting in the 2017/2018 board in addition to setting the budget and events for next year. If there is something you would like to see

March 31 from 6-8 in the GYM Information sheets were sent home 02/24.

included, please attend – PARENTS and TEACHERS.




Volunteers NEEDED: BOARD MEMBERS 2017/2018

If you want to volunteer or see upcoming events, see our VOLUNTEER CALENDAR at

Pi Day March 14 : A fun day to celebrate mathematics and the mathematical constant Pi (3.14159). Pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter and used extensively in mathematics and geometry.



Stacie Carroll, President Tennille Rivas, Vice President Erin Laskowich, Treasurer


GRAB YOUR TICKETS! SPACE IS LIMITED – Prizes for best masks! PTA IS VERY LOW ON FUNDS FOR 2017/2018 and this may result in costs for school activities, classroom supplies and field trips may be passed onto parents. ANY DONATION HELPS and all donations are tax deductible.

Earth Day April 22 : Earth Day marks the anniversary of the modern environmental movement. Earth day activities including cleaning trash, and being an activist to protect the environment from pollution and deforestation. In honor of Earth Day, there th will be a park clean up on March 18 at the Carroll H Johnson Environmental Park from 9-12pm.

If you are interested in joining the LHES PTA but the membership fee is cost prohibitive, please contact us for potential sponsorship!

Page 2 of 2 NEWSLETTER ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION If you are interested in receiving our newsletter electronically, please sign-up on our website (Under Join Us): or send us an email at [email protected] OR Sign up for our TEXT MESSAGING REMINDER service via “Remind”

Just text to 81010: @lhespt Lincoln Heights Elementary School 307 Bridge Street Fuquay Varina, NC Phone: 919-557-2587

LHES – PTA Newsletter

PTA BOARD OPENINGS FOR 2017/2018 Are you interested in joining the LHES PTA Board? We are in need of several positions to be filled for 2017/2018. Board members meet monthly to discuss PTA and school related business. Both stay at home and working parents/caregivers are encouraged to apply! Hospitality: Assists with teacher appreciation lunches, catering school events and decoration. You run the budget and are the primary contact for organizing pot-lucks or other events. Depending upon the number of volunteers or availability of the Hospitality Head, events are added or decreased as necessary. You also give vital input on decisions affecting the school and PTA. Cultural Arts: If you would like to make a difference by bringing performers into

and you are given a budget in which to use funds accordingly. This is in support of the Arts, Music, Dance and Drama. Treasurer: Do you love numbers, spreadsheets and keeping track of spending? This is the job for you. The treasurer ensures that budgets are maintained and announces when funding is low. They are responsible for deposits and check writing, in addition to filing forms and paperwork as it pertains to non-profit status and tax filing. It is quite easy once you get the hang of it, and we have a treasurer that can teach you the basics. Secretary: Includes taking notes and minutes at the PTA meetings and providing a write-up to be posted online. The secretary can also assist with social media as desired and ensuring newsletters are published. The Secretary aids in membership database and outreach. We have 1 nominee for President: Erin Laskowich We have 1 nominee for Vice President: Tennille Rivas


Fax: 919-557-2769

LHES and the LHES_PTA are on Twitter! Follow LHES to see Bus Route Update Information

Volunteers Needed: If you would like to volunteer to help us keep children of attendees occupied, please join us at the school for Family Digital Night Academy from 6:007:30pm. Again, ALL volunteer opportunities are on our website at If you would like to help with Lunch Bunch (where adults read to children during lunch hour) STEM Night, or have an event which you would like to lead, please let us know!!! We also need translators that could help with the newsletter or at PTA events for our

Spanish speaking community.

LHES, come aboard. You can work with UAC (United Arts Council) to see what is available for our students

HOLIDAYS FOR MARCH and APRIL Jewish Holidays: th Purim March 12 : This is a Jewish holiday commemorating the saving of the Jewish people from a high ranking political advisor in the Persian Empire. This holiday is celebrated by exchanging gifts, donating to charity, and daily prayers and recitations. It also includes celebrations wearing masks and costumes. th th Passover April 11 -18 : Commemorates the liberation of the Jewish people by God. Typically during Passover, no leavened bread is eaten and a traditional food is matzo. Hindu Holiday: th Holi March 13 : Holi is the Hindu spring festival and is also known as the festival of colors. Hoi celebrations begin with a bonfire the night before, filled with prayer and religious rituals. The next day is a carnival of colors where people run, laugh and throw colored powder onto each other. Holi is the festival in which “color runs” are appropriated. Christian Holidays: Ash Wednesday March 1st: This is the first day of Lent. Lent begins the 40 days of fasting as preparation for Easter. th St Patrick’s Day March 17 : Celebrates the life and death of the patron saint of Ireland. Celebrations include parades and wearing green and shamrocks and embracing all things Irish. th Good Friday April 14 : Commemorates the death and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Followers of this religion pray and sing songs (hymns). This is a festival of mourning. th Easter Sunday April 16 : Follows Good Friday and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.