Linda Hudson Parrish - Texas A&M University

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Linda Hudson Parrish. TAMU Regents Professor. Phone: (979) 845-3447 (O); ( 979) 696-6026 (H). Professor, Educational Psychology. Fax: (979) 862-1256.
Linda Hudson Parrish TAMU Regents Professor Professor, Educational Psychology 4225 Texas A&M University College Statio n, TX 77843-4225

Phone: (979) 845-3447 (O); (979) 696-6026 (H) Fax: (979) 862-1256 email: [email protected]

Education Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 1978. Concentrations: Employment and Education of Special Populations M.S., Indiana University at South Bend, 1973. Concentration: Special Education/Mental Retardation. B.S., Abilene Christian University, 1966. Major: Speech and Hearing Therapy Minor: Psychology Professional Experience TAMU Regents Professor (1998-current) One of only four faculty in the university to be selected for this recognition at the time of honor. Only College of Ed ucation recipient to date. Full Professor (1988), Associate Professor (1983), Assistant Professor (1978). Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Faculty Development, TAMU College of Education, 1995-1997 Assistant Department Head, 1991-1993, Department of Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University. Chair, Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, Governor Ann Richards appointee. 1993-1996. Member, Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, Governor Bush appointee. 1996-present. Chair, Public Policy Committee 1998-present Member, Executive Committee, 1993-present Member, Advocacy, Inc. Board of Directors. State Advocacy and Protection Agency for people with disabilities. 1998-2000. Chair, Texas Le gislature appointed five member task force for: Mental Retardation/Mental Health Facility Review Task Force for State School and Hospital Closures. 1991-1993. Trainer, Marc Gold & Associates. 1977-79. Illinois, New York, Texas. Consulted with Motorola, other companies employing people with disabilities. Teacher, Special Education Programs: Houston ISD 1968-71, South Bend, Ind. 197274; Bryan ISD 1974-76. Therapist: Speech and Hearing Programs: Dallas ISD 1966-67; Lawrence, Ks. 1967-68. Speech Therapist and Audiologist, West Texas Rehabilitation Center, Student Intern, Abilene, Texas, 1965-66.

Books/book contributions Parrish, L. & Blair, E. (2001). A review of the Brigance Assessment Series for LifeSkills. In J.T. Kapes (Ed. ) A Counselor’s Guide to Vocational Assessment Instruments. 4th edition. Alexander, VA: The National Career Development Association. Algert, N. & Parrish, L. (2000) Cultural perspectives on behavioral disorders. In C.R. Reynolds & Fletcher-Janzen, E. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Special Education, 2nd edition. (pp. 517520). New York, NY: Wiley and Sons. Lynch, P.S. & Parrish, L.H. (1994) A review of the Prevocational Assessment Screen. In J.T. Kapes (Ed.) A Counselor's Guide to Vocational Assessment Instruments. 3rd edition. Alexander, VA: The National Career Development Association. Parrish, L. H. (1991). Community Resources and Dropout Prevention. In L. West (Ed.) Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention of At risk Youth. Chapter 9, pp. 217-233. Rockville, MD: Aspen Publishers. Parrish, L.H., & Lynch, P.S. (1988). A Review of the Pictorial Inventories of Careers (PIC). In J.T. Kapes & M. Mastie (Ed.), A Counselor's Guide To Vocational Assessment Instruments. 2nd edition. (pp. 260-265). Alexandria, VA: The National Career Development Association. Anderson, C.B., Palmer, D. J., & Parrish, L.H. (1987). Generic Special Education. in C. R. Reynolds & Mann, Encyclopedia of Special Education. (pp. 704-705). New York, NY: Wiley & Sons. Kapes, J.T., & Parrish, L.H. (1985). Career guidance and assessment tools for handicapped persons. In R.C. Roger (Ed.), Measurement Trends in Career and Vocational Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Parrish, L. & Kok, M. (1985) Procedures handbook for vocational adjustment coordinators. Rockville, MD: Aspen Publishers. Parrish, L.H., Kok, M.R., & McNelly, D. (1982). Insuring, interagency/ interdepartmental coordination through personnel development. A monograph in a series for Vocational Special Needs Programs. Champaign/Urbana: University of Illinois. Parrish, L.H. & Frances, J. (1982). A review of the talent assessment program (TAP) assessment instrument In J. T. Kapes (Ed.), A Counselor's Guide to Vocational Guidance Instruments. Clark, D. L., Parrish, L. H., & Kok, M. R. (1981). A cooperative, interdisciplinary personnel development project in vocational/career education for the handicapped. In C. A. McArthur, & C. Allen (Eds.), Vocational education for the handicapped: Models for preparing Personnel. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Department of Education.

Journal Publications Roberts, C., Stough, L., and Parrish, L. (2002) The role of genetic counseling in the elective termination of pregnancies with disabilities. The Journal of Special Education. Parrish, P. & Parrish, L. (1999) A review of The Body and Physical Difference: Discourses of Disability in the Humanities. In D. Mitchell and S. Snyder (Eds.) South Central Review: The Journal of the South Central Modern Language Association. Vol 16, no.1. Parrish, L. Wircenski, M., & Durbin, B. (1999) Including the Student with Special Needs in Home Economics Education. In M. Ragg (Ed.) Cornerstone. Lubbock, Tx.: Texas Tech University. Lynch, P. & Parrish, L. (1993). Parent's perceptions of their involvement in planning the transition from school to work for their children with disabilities in Texas. Texas Researcher. Kapes, J.T., Parrish, L.H., & Funderburg, D.L. (1993) Vocational Assessment for Students with Special Needs: A Survey of Texas Public Schools. Occupational Education Forum. Vol. 2 1, No.2., pp. 42-60. Parrish, L.H. & Lynch, P. S. (1990). Guidance and Counseling in Rural Communities for Students with Special Needs. The Journal of Vocational Special Needs. Vol. 12, No. 2. pp. 13-16. Colby, C. R., & Parrish, L. H. (1990). Effectively Addressing the Needs of Learning Disabled Students. School Shop. pp. 30-31. Zellner, R. D., & Parrish, L. H. (1986). Critical issues in vocational teacher education: The results of the AVA national survey. Vocational Education Journal, 61, 39-40. Parrish, L. H., & Colby, C. (1986). Personnel preparation in generalizable skills instruction. The Journal of Vocational Special Needs, 9 (1), 34-37. Greenan, J., & Parrish, L. H. (1985). Serving special needs learners in postsecondary vocational technical education programs: Implications for teacher education. Journal of Vocational Special Needs. Parrish, L. H. (1985). Critical issues in vocational teacher education. Vocational Education Journal, 60 (6), 44-46. Burger, M. L., & Parrish, L. H. (1984). Microcomputers in vocational special needs programs: Consideration of funding sources for hardware and software. Journal of Vocational Special Needs, 6 (3). Parrish, L. H. (1983). Review: Vocational special needs: preparing T&I teachers by J. Scott & M. D. Sarkees. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 20 (4). Parrish, L. H., & Kok, M. R. (1980). A misinterpretation hinders mainstreaming. Phi Delta Kappan.

Kok, M. R., & Parrish. L. H. (1980). How the IEP helps the shop teacher. School Shop. Wharton, R. C., & Parrish, L. H. (1980). Susan Seidell and handicapped students. Education Unlimited. 2 (2). Davidson, J., Swinney, S., & Parrish, L. (1979). Access strategies for the handicapped in vocational education. Journal of Vocational Special Needs. Parrish, L. H. (1979). Entry level competencies for handicapped students in vocational agriculture. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals. Hull, M., Parrish, L. & Hill, 0. (1977) Developing Individual Education Programs for Handicapped Leamers. Industrial Education.

Significant reports/products: Parrish, L. (annually 1977-2002) Texas Education Special Populations Career and Technology Information Center Reports. Aus tin, Texas: TEA. Parrish, L., Campbell L., Sampson, J., Soto, K, & William, B., (1992) State Schools for Persons with Mental Retardation, State Hospitals for Persons Who are Mentally Ill, , and State Centers. TXMHMR Facility Review Task Force Final Reports for Review and Closure. Volumes 1-3. Austin, Tx.: Office of the Governor of Texas. Parrish, L. & Lynch, P. (1992). An Educator's Guide to Guidance and Counseling for Non Traditional Occupations. Project product. Austin, Tx.: Texas Education Agency. Lynch, P.S., Stanton, S.B. & Parrish, L.H. (1991) A Curriculum for Supported Employment. Austin, Texas: The Extension, Instruction and Materials Center, The University of Texas at Austin. Parrish, L.H., White, G.R., & Wircenski, J. L. (1989) Windham to Work: Report on the Transition of Inmates with Special Needs to the Free World. Unpublished Report. Huntsville, Tx: Texas Department of Corrections/ Windham ISD. Kapes,J.T.,Parrish,L.H.,Vansickle,T.V.&Vansickle,K.(1988) Vocational Assessment Handbook. Austin,Texas: The Extension, Instruction and MateriaIs Center, University of Texas at Austin. Lynch, P., Stanton, S. & Parrish, L. (1988) A curriculum for supported employment. College Station, Tx.: TAMU, Vocational Special Needs Program and Austin, Tx.: TEA. Lynch, P. Vansickle, K. & Parrish, L. (1988) A training manual for supported employment. College Station, Tx.: TAMU, Vocational Special Needs Program and Austin, Tx.: TEA. Thomas, L.D., Bartley, D., Rodriquez, L., Vance, M., Vance, P. Swor, D. & Parrish, L. (1988) Basic Vocational Education. Austin, Texas: The Extension, Instruction and Materials

Center, The University of Texas at Austin.

Parrish, L. & Lynch, P. (1987) National teacher education directory. Alexandria Va.: American Vocational Association, Special Needs Division. Colby, C.R., Parrish, L.H., & Wircenski, J.L. (1987) Vocational Special Needs Teacher Training Curriculum. Austin, Texas: The Extension, Instruction and Materials Center, University of Texas at Austin. Hines, M & Parrish, L. (1982) Survival Skills Curriculum for Incarcerated Youth. Windham School District, Huntsville, Texas. Parrish, L.H. & Kok, M.R. (1980) Instruction in Vocational Special Needs: A Resource for Teacher Educators. College Station, Tx.: TAMU and Austin, Tx.: TEA. Kok, M., Parrish, L. & Clifford, R. (1979) Including the Handicapped in Vocational Education. A six-module multimedia package for teacher training. Austin, TX: TEA.

Funded Project Activity

2002-2007: Project Co-Director (with Stough and Lynch). Low Incidence Disabilities and Transition Specialists. Funding Agency: OSERS. Accumulated amount: $1.48 million dollars for five years. 1977-2003: Project Director. Career & Technology Education Information Center for Special Populations. Funding Agency: TEA. Accumulated amount: +$2,000,000 (annual range- $57,000-$400,000). 2000-2003: Project Director. Interdisciplinary Faculty for International Studies. College of Education. $25,000. Co-director, Dr. Laura Stough 1999:

TAMU Honor’s Program Curriculum Development Grant. Disability & Literature, Film, and Art. $2000.

1999-2002: Project Faculty: Special Education Leadership Interagency Collaboration, A doctoral training grant for Special Education Administrators. Funding Agency: DOE/ OSERS. $780,000. 1998- 2001: Project Faulty: Low Incidence Disabilities. A Master’s level training grant. DOE/OSERS. $860, 373. 1991: Project Director. Capacity Building Project to Prepare Secondary Student for Nontraditional Occupations and to Eliminate Sex Bias and Stereotyping in Vocational and Applied Technology. Funding Agency: TEA: Level of Funding: $ 52,679. 1990: Project Director. Vocational and General Education Personnel Training

Funding Agency: TEA Funding Level: $ 50,000 1989: Faculty Developmental Leave Proposal: Funding Agency: Texas A&M University. Level of Funding: $ 25,000. 1988: Project Co-director. Evaluation of Employment - Related Activities Projects. Funding Agency: Texas Planning Counc il for Developmental Disabilities Level of Funding. $ 99,036 year 1; $ 150,000 year 2. 1987: Project Co-director. Vocational Assessment of Disabled Students. Funding Agency: TEA. Level of Funding: $ 80,000. 1987: Project Director. Curriculum Development for Alternatives to Social Promotion. Funding Agency: TEA. Level of Funding $ 100,000. 1987: Project Director. Development of Individualized Vocational Education programs for handicapped students. Funding Agency: TEA. Level of Funding $99,416. 1987: Project Director. Job Coach Model for Instruction. Funding Agency: TEA. Level of Funding: $ 49,708. 1987: Project Director. Pregnant and Parenting Teens. Funding Agency: College of Education Organized Research Funds. Level of Funding: $3,600. 1986: Project Director. Vocational Teacher Education Instructional Materials Development. Funding Agency: TEA. Level of Funding: $67,000. 1985: Project Director. Project WINC: A Field Test of U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau Curriculum Materials For Women in Non-traditional Careers. Funding Agency: TEA. Level of Funding: $ 40,000. 1984: Project Director. National Network for Professional Development in Vocational Special Education. Funding Agency: University of Illinois. Level of Funding: $ 2,000 for each of three years. 1983: Project Director. Identification of Non-Vocational Services for Developmentally Disabled Persons. Funding Agency: Texas Rehabilitation Commission. Level of Funding: $ 22,825. 1982: Project Director. Personnel Training-Vocational Education for the Handicapped. Funding Agency: TEA. Level of Funding: $ 49,955. 1982: Project Director. Personnel Training-Vocational Special Needs. Funding Agency: Division of Occupational Education and Technology, TEA. Level of Funding-. $ 94,326. 1981: Project Director. Cross-Disciplinary Leadership Training For Special Education WorkStudy Coordinators. Funding Agency: Office of Special Education, U.S. Department of Education. Level of Funding: $ 171,924 (Year I- S 57,772; Year 2 - 57,076; Year 3-

57,076). 1981: Project Director. Vocational Special Needs Personnel Development. Funding Agency: Division of Occupation Education and Technology, TEA. Level of Funding: $ 89,772. 1981: Project Director. Cooperative Sub-contracted Agreement with the University of Texas at Dallas-George Fair, Director. Funding Agency: TEA. Level of Funding: $ 89,772. 1980: Project Director. Leadership Training in Vocational Special Needs. Funding Agency: Division of Occupational and Technology, TEA. Level of Funding: $85,125. 1980: Project Director. Instruction in Vocational Special Needs. Funding Agency: College of Education Organized Research Funds. Level of Funding: $ 5,460. 1979: Project Director. A Comprehensive Inservice Program for Personnel Providing Vocational Education for Handicapped individuals. Funding Agencv: Division of Occupational Education and Technology, TEA. Level of Funding: $ 160,068. 1978: Project Director. Mainstreaming the handicapped. A statewide research effort resulting in six multi-media self instructional modules for school personnel. Funding Agency: Research Coordinating Unit, Division of Occupational Education and Technology, TEA. Level of Funding: $71,245. 1978: Graduate Faculty Project Staff. A Cooperative, Interdisciplinary Personnel Development Project in Vocational Career Education for the handicapped. Funding Agency: Office of Special Education. Level of Funding: $ 64,000/year for three years. 1977: Associate Director. Professional Development for Career Vocational Education Personnel for the handicapped. Funding Agency: Bureau of Education for the Handicapped, U.S. Office of Education. Level of Funding: $ 45,000. 1977: Research Associate. Access Strategies for the handicapped in Vocational Education. Funding Agency: Bureau of Occupational and Adult Education, U.S. Office of Education. Level of Funding: $ 66,604. 1976: Research Assistant. Programming for the handicapped. Accomplishments. Commitments and Forecast." Funding Agency: TEA and BOAE, U.S. Office of Education. Level of Funding: $ 63,000.00.

Major Presentations Best practices: Post secondary services for college students with disabilities. (Feb. 2002) Statewide Special Populations annual conference. College Station, Tx. With Donna Williaims. Americans with disabilities act: A decade later. (December 2000) TASH International Conference. Miami, Florida. Employers’ s perspectives of hiring individuals with Disabilities. (July, 2000) TAVAC, Waco

Texas, and Bryan/College Station Mayor’s Committee for Hiring People with Disabilities, August, 2000. Teaching all Students for transition from school to life. (April, 2000) Region VIII Educational Service Center, Mount Pleasant, Tx. & Region VI Educational Service Center. The Texas Public School Accountability System: A metaevaluation of the Texas Education Agency’s District Effectiveness and Compliance Review. (April 2000) With V. Mitchell and P. Lynch. American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, La. Interdisciplinary teacher training for special educators and adapted physical educators of students with low-incidence disabilities. (Feb. 1999) Paper presented at the 15th annual Pacific Rim Conference on Disabilities. Honolulu, HI. With L. Stough and P. Lynch. Women and Technology, (March, 1996) Keynote speech presented at the International Technology Education Association, Phoenix, AZ. Self-advocacy: The power within. (Nov. 1996). Paper presented at the annual meeting of TASH. New Orleans, La. With L. Stough and N. Algert. Inclusion of Special Populations within regular teacher education. (Jan. 1994). Southwest Education Research Association. San Antonio, Tx. Public Policy and the Education of Students with Disabilities" and/or Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in the Regular Education Program: (August 1994) Waco, Tx.: Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators. Effective board membership.(Aug.,1993,1994,1998) Austin, Texas: Partners In Policymaking Seminars Inclusion of special populations within regular teacher education. (Jan. 1994) Southwest Educational Research Association,. San Antonio, Tx. With P. Lynch. Consultation strategies in Special Education and Regular Education. (Jan. and Sept. 1994). Inclusion Works Conference, Dallas, Texas. Parent involvement in transition planning for children with disabilities. (Oct. 1993) Division on Career Development & Transition, 7th International Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. With P. Lynch. Deinstitutionalization: Meeting the challenge for transition into the community. (April 1993) Division on Career Development & Transition 7th International conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. With P. Lynch. Public Education and Leadership (Oct. 1993) Hugh O'Brien Leadership Conference. Houston: Tx. Rice University. Parent Participation in the Transition from School to Work Process of Students with Disabilities. (April, 1993) Council for Exceptional Children annual international conference. San Antonio, Tx. With P. Lynch.

Parent Participation in the Transition from School to Work Process of Students with Disabilities. (April, 1993) American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, Ga. With P. Lynch. Parents’ perceptions of their involvement in planning the transition from school to work for their children with disabilities. Fourth Annual Worknet Conference (Oct. 1992) Fort Worth, Tx. With P. Lynch. Technology Education Models for Serving At Risk and Special Needs Students. (December 1992), Keynote Address. American Vocational Association, St. Louis, Mo. An Educator’s Guide to Guidance and Counseling for Nontraditional Careers (Dec. 1992). American Vocational Association, St. Louis, Mo. Career Assessment Instruments for Vocational Students with Special Needs American Vocational Association, St. Louis, Mo. With J. Kapes and P. Lynch.

(Dec. 1992).

Inclusion: A Leadership Initiative for Special Education , (December, 1992). University Forum. Teacher Education Conference, Austin, Texas. The Procurement and Management of Contracts and Grants. (Yearly- April, 1989-1992).TEA Sex Equity Conference, Austin, Texas. The effects of training and practice on preservice special education and regular education teachers. (Jan. 1994). Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, Texas. With P. Lynch. Tech-Prep and Implication for Students From Special Populations. (April, 1992). Coordinating Board for Higher Education Conference. Austin, Texas, State School and Hospital Closure and Community Health Services. (April, 1992).Texas Alliance for the Mentally Ill. Bryan, TX. Living and Working In the Real World. Key note address for the Texas Self- Advocates State Conference. College Station, TX. , August 1992. Career Assessment for Persons with Disabilities Kapes, J.T., & Parrish, L.H., American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. April. 1992. Career Assessment Instruments Used with Students With Special Needs in Texas. (, Dec. 1991), American Vocational Association, Los Angeles, CA. With Kapes, J. & Funderburg, D. Barriers Within the Helping Society. (October, 1989). Keynote speech at the Statewide Special Populations Conference at The University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. Reliable Resources for Serving At-Risk Students. (May, 1989). State At-Risk Conference, Austin, TX. Why be Politically Active? (April, 1989). JTPA funded Teen Pregnancy Program, Bryan, TX.

Vocational Assessment. for Special Populations. (1987-1988 ) Twelve Educational Service Centers throughout Texas: Edinburg, Corpus Christi, Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Fort Worth, Waco, Huntsville, Kilgore, Richardson, Amarillo, and Lubbock. With J. Kapes. Future Trends in Special Education. (March, 1988.) Invited Keynote Speaker, National teachers conference. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Pregnant and Parenting Teens: A Crisis in Texas. (June 1987). TEA Conference for Guidance Personnel. Austin, TX. Models for Transition from School to Work. (April 1986). University of Hawaii Transition Conference, Honolulu. Women as Role Models. (April 1986) TEA Sex Equity Conference, Austin, Tx. Presentations from 1977-1986 include University of Kentucky, Bemidji State University, and Purdue University among many others, but too numerous to list.

Professional Association Memberships And Responsibility Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): * * * *

Division of Career Development (DCD) Sub division of CEC; Texas DCD President 1992-93, Research Chairperson, 1993-1997. Consulting Editor, Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 19851987. Division of Teacher Education (TED), Mental Retardation (DMR), International Studies (DIS), Texas Association of Council for Exceptional Children

Career and Technology Education (ACTE) • •

Vocational Education Research Journal. Editorial Board, 1992-1994. National Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Personnel (NAVESNP) committee member 1978-79; chairperson, 1984. Vocational assessment committee member 1980-82; Invited reviewer, NAVESNP Journal 1981; Editorial Board member, 1982-1992. Guest editor, Winter Issue, 1986; Vice President for Region IV, 1982-84. • Special Needs Division (AVA) Nomination Committee 1986-87; Research Award Committee 1987-88; Policy Committee Member 1983-85.

• AVA Teacher Education Committee Member, 1982-85; Chairperson, 1984-85. • AVA national conference. Facilitator, chairperson. 1982-89; 1992.

Phi Kappa Phi; TAMU Honor Society; Public Relations Chair, 1999; Secretary, 2000-2002. Phi Delta Kappa Phi Beta Delta, Honor Society for International Scholars Southwest Educational Research Association American Educational Research Association American Industrial Arts Association-Special Needs Task Force member 1980-81 Iota Lambda Sigma National Association of Industrial Teacher Educators Invited referee (field reader) for Journal of Industrial Teacher Education (JITE) 1982 Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators, Executive Board member, 1982-84. Life Member Award Recipient 1985 TASH

Texas A&M University Service University Faculty Senate: Charter Member, College of Education Senator (1983-1985), Status on Women (19841987), Co-chair, 1986. Public School/University Relations (1984-1987), Council of Principal Investigators (1985-1986), Executive Committee, (1984-1985), Bylaws (19831984), Multiple Missions/Faculty Award Structure Committee, (1997-2000). Core Curriculum Committee, (1999-present.) University Level Committees: Honor’s Program Committee, Outstanding Jr. Selection Committee, Vision 20/20 Committee, the University’s strategic planning committee, International Programs Enhancement Coordinating Committee; TAMU Mentors; ALLIES, TAMU School of Medicine Mentor; Appeals Committee for students with disabilities; Brown-Rudder Award Committee, Women's Studies Program, Sexual Harassment Task Force, Academic Scholarship Selection Committee, Honorary Doctorate Committee, Study Abroad Committee, Ombudsperson Committee, Graduate Assistant Research Award selection, Association of Former Students Teaching Award, Graduate Council, Graduate Operations Committee, International Center for the George Bush Presidential Library (chair), University Affirmative Action Committee, University Grievance/Investigation Committee, Community Action Network/University Outreach Committee, Graduate Merit Fellowship Selection Committee; International $1.00 fee (chair), Bush International Research Fellow Awards (chair), Bush International Teaching Awards (chair), Evaluation team member of the Student Counseling Center.

College Committees: Dean's Advisory Committee on Funded Research, School/University Collaboration, Faculty Awards Committee. Tenure and Promotion,

Joint Congress on Research in Special Education, Task Force on Undergraduate Education Curricula, Dean's Council, Faculty Advisory Committee, Chair, International Programs Committee, (chair). Multiple Search committees: ( multiple Dean, Dept. head, professors), COE 25th Anniversary committee. Restructuring the College of Education Committee, COE Graduate Instruction Committee (chair), Council for Master Teachers.

Community Service: On-sight team coordinator, Habitat for Humanity Building Project, 2002. Founding Member, College Station ISD Education Foundation, 1999-present. Chair, Grants committee, Member, Alumni Association, Member, Bylaws committee. Board of Trustees, College Station Independent School District, 1990-1996, Vice President, 1992-1993, President, 1994-1996. College Station City Council/School Board advisory Council, 1994-1996. Member, Advisory Committee, HIV+ /AIDS, Brazos Valley Community Action Agency 1992-present. Member, Sister Cities International Association, Board of Directors, 1992-1996 Officer, 1993-1996. Member, Advisory Board, OPTIONS for Pregnant and Parenting Teens, Bryan Independent Schools, 1988-present. Member, Advisory Committee, FIVE-0-FIVE Personnel, Supported Employment Agency. 1988-1994. Member, TAMU President's Task Force on Commitment to Education. 1989- 1993. Brazos Valley MHMR Community Advisory Committee. 1997-2000. Brazos Valley Vision 20/20 Community Citizen Committee. 1994-96. A&M Consolidated High School Improvement/Site Based Management Team, 1996- present. Opera and Performing Arts Society (OPAS) Board of Directors – 2001-present OPAS Junior production selection committee member- 2000-2001 OPAS Gala planning committee- 1995 Awards and Honors College of Education Development Council Extraordinary Service Award, 1993 & 1996.

Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award - Teaching, 1984, 1995 TAMU International Excellence Award, 1994 Partners in Learning Award of Excellence, TAMU Support Services Office, 1994 Life-time membership award. Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators. 1984

Honoree, Fish Camp (Freshmen) Name Designee, 1992; T-Camp (Transfer students) name designee,1994 Phi Kappa Phi; TAMU Honor Society; Public Relations Chair, 1999; Secretary, 2000-2002. Phi Beta Delta, Society for International Scholars.