Linking Individual and Collective Contests through

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Oct 4, 2016 - (2012): “A nested contest: Tullock meets the All-Pay Auction,” Tech. rep., MPRA. Paper No. 41645. Appelbaum, E. and E. Katz (1986): “Transfer ...
Linking Individual and Collective Contests through Noise Level and Sharing Rules∗ Pau Balart†

Subhasish M. Chowdhury‡

Orestis Troumpounis§

October 4, 2016

Abstract We provide a theoretical link between the two most prominent ways of modeling individual (Tullock, 1980) and collective (Nitzan, 1991) contests. We introduce Nitzan’s sharing rule as a way of modeling individual contests and obtain a contest success function that nests a Tullock contest and a fair lottery. This proposal (i) serves as a tractable way of introducing noise in Tullock contests when a closed form solution for the equilibrium in pure strategies does not exist, and (ii) satisfies the property of homogeneity of degree zero - unlike earlier similar attempts in the literature. Keywords: Individual contest; Collective contest; Equivalence JEL classification: C72; D72; D74

We gratefully acknowledge the comments by Matthias Dahm, J¨org Franke, Sanghack Lee, Shmuel Nitzan and conference participants in the CBESS Conference on ‘Contests: Theory and Evidence’ 2016. Any remaining errors are our own. Balart and Troumpounis thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for its financial support through grant ECO2012-34581. † Department of Business Economics, Universitat de les Illes Balears. Ctra. de Valldemossa, km 7.5, Ed. Jovellanos, Palma de Mallorca 07122. Spain, e-mail: [email protected] ‡ Corresponding Author; School of Economics, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science, Centre for Competition Policy, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK, e-mail: [email protected] § Department of Economics, Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster, LA1 4YX, UK, e-mail: [email protected]




Situations in which economic agents exert costly and irreversible resources (often termed as ‘efforts’) in order to win a prize are called contests. A contest can be among individuals who independently compete for a prize and the winner takes it all (e.g., Tullock, 1980). Or, it can be collective, in which groups of individuals compete for a prize. In case of victory the prize is then shared among group members according to a precommited sharing rule (Nitzan, 1991). Both types of contests are observed frequently in the field and are modeled in the literature. In this study we provide a link between these two types of contests. Providing the theoretical link is important for a number of reasons. First, and most importantly, it is well known that under certain conditions a pure strategy equilibrium does not exist for the Tullock (1980) contest. We show that in such cases one can employ our results to consider a dual problem in the Nitzan (1991)-equivalent collective contest in which an equilibrium in pure strategies always exists. Second, our link provides a tractable way of modeling individual contests while satisfying an important desirable property, homogeneity of degree zero, that is hitherto unattained in this line of investigation. Third, our results will be of use for contest designers who look for optimum mechanisms under constraints and can now implement a particular type of mechanism that works the best. Fourth, Baye and Hoppe (2003) show that a Tullock contest can represent various general situations other than only rent-seeking (as initially proposed by Tullock, 1980) and provide relevant equivalence conditions. Hence, the link we establish allows the application of our results in various areas of contests. A crucial modeling element in individual contests is the contest success function (CSF) that associates individuals’ effort levels to individuals’ probability of winning the prize. Consider N players competing for a prize of common value V by exerting non-negative levels of effort. The CSF, fi , maps the vector of efforts to the probability that player P N → [0, 1] such that i∈N fi (.) = 1). In the CSF i ∈ N wins the prize (i.e., fi : R+ proposed by Tullock (1980), the probability of player i winning the prize when exerting effort ei ≥ 0 is er fir (e1 , ..., eN ) = PN i

r j=1 ej



ej > 0 and 1/N otherwise



where ej denotes the effort exerted by player j and r ≥ 0 determines the level of noise. If r = 0 then the noise is maximum and players face a fair lottery. If r → ∞ then there is no noise and players compete under an all-pay auction in which the highest effort wins with certainty. Different levels of noise can be introduced for intermediate values. 2

Although the importance of noise when modeling contests is widely accepted, Tullock’s otherwise tractable proposal leads to certain modeling challenges: First, when more than two players with asymmetric costs compete, a closed form solution for the equilibrium in pure strategies exists only if r = 1. This implies that the introduction of noise in asymmetric multiplayer contests is intractable. Second, when only two players compete, an equilibrium in pure strategy does not exist for high levels of noise. In this study we propose the use of the allocation of a prize among group members in collective contests as a tractable and intuitive way of addressing these challenges. Once the proposal is defined, we provide a theoretical link between the two-players individual contest (Tullock, 1980) and the collective contest (Nitzan, 1991); and derive the sufficient conditions for effort and noise equivalence between the two. Since an equilibrium in pure strategies always exists with the collective contest framework, this link highlights the latter as an appropriate way of modeling N -asymmetric-players individual contests. Morever, several of the proposed equilibrium properties resemble closely the ones of Tullock’s original formulation. An important stream of literature starting from Skaperdas (1996) delineates axiomatic properties of the CSFs. The most discussed properties are imperfect discrimination, anonymity, monotonicity, Luce’s axiom and homogeneity of degree zero (HD0). The very last property, in specific, is given high importance in several studies; see for example Hirshleifer (2000), Malueg and Yates (2006), Alcalde and Dahm (2007) and Bevi´a and Corch´on (2015). HD0 is relevant for contests where the result should be scale invariant, for instance when it should be irrelevant whether effort expenditures are measured in euros or in dollars or whether effort levels are measured in hours or minutes. Our proposal satisfies this axiom, along with imperfect discrimination, anonymity, monotonicity; but it does not satisfy Luce’s axiom. We are not the first to approach the problem of non-tractability of the original Tullock (1980) CSF. Amegashie (2006) employs the structure of Dasgupta and Nti (1998) in his α-CSF: ei + α fiα (e1 , ..., eN ) = PN j=1 ej + N α where α > 0 is the introduced “tractable” noise parameter. High values of α imply high noise levels, with the case of α → ∞ representing a fair lottery. This CSF, however, while satisfying imperfect discrimination, anonymity, monotonicity, and Luce’s axiom, sacrifices the property of HD0. Hence, depending on the importance of HD0 versus Luce’s axiom, researchers and contest designers may choose between the current proposal and the CSF proposed by Amegashie (2006).



The proposed λ-contest

Now we propose a link between individual and collective contests by introducing Nitzan’s (1991) sharing rule in an individual contest. Following Nitzan (1991) define the λ-function as: N X 1 ei λ + (1 − λ) if ej > 0 and 1/N otherwise fi (e1 , ..., eN ) = λ PN N j=1 ej j=1 Importantly, and compared to the α-CSF, it is easy to show that the λ-function satisfies HD0.1 Letting individuals have linear cost functions with ci > 0 denoting the marginal cost of player i, and without loss of generality assuming that c1 ≤ c2 ≤ ... ≤ cN , we can define player’s i payoff in the λ-contest as:2 πiλ = fiλ (e1 , ..., eN )V − ci ei


If λ ∈ [0, 1], the λ-function satisfies the properties of a CSF and can be interpreted as a nested contest that is a convex combination of the most common version of a Tullock CSF where r = 1 and of a fair lottery where r = 0.3 Parameter λ is associated to the level of noise in the competition and clearly resembles the effect of r in the r-contest. Low values of λ are associated with high levels of noise. Note however that λ need not be restricted in the [0, 1] interval. Nevertheless, when λ > 1 the proposed function fiλ may take values outside [0, 1] and therefore can not be interpreted as a CSF representing probabilities. If λ > 1 the proposed function actually allows for transfers among group members or the presence of a compulsory participation fee, similar to the proposal by Appelbaum and Katz (1986) and Hillman and Riley (1989). P Consider, for example, that λ = 2. Individual payoffs for N j=1 ej > 0 can be written as: ei πiλ = PN

j=1 ej

2V −

V − ci e i N

In this example each participant is forced to pay a participation fee equal to V /N . Total fees are added to the original prize. Therefore after the collection of participation fees the size of the prize is twice its original one. Notice that λ > 1 may imply a negative The λ-function can be obtained from Bevi´a and Corch´on (2015) by setting α = N1 , s = 1 and β = NN−1 λ and the HD0 property can be found from there as well. 2 For the reasons of interpretability, players’ heterogeneity is introduced through cost asymmetries. This is equivalent to asymmetries in terms of valuations or in the effort impact (Gradstein, 1995; Corch´on, 2007). 3 Amegashie (2012) proposes a similar nested two-player contest that ranges from a Tullock to an all-pay auction. A similar structure can also be found in Grossmann (2014) where individuals face a nested CSF representing uncertainty regarding the noise involved. 1


expected payoff for some contestants. This feature violates voluntary participation and hence as Hillman and Riley (1989) argue is relevant in situations that involve winners and losers. If one does not want to model such transfers and interpret the λ-function as a λ-CSF then λ needs to be restricted to the [0,1] interval.



The λ-contest as presented by its payoffs in (1) has been previously solved in Hillman and Riley (1989).4 The equilibrium is then characterized as follows: Remark 1. [Hillman and Riley (1989)] Denoting individual prize valuations by Vi = pure strategies with player’s i effort given by: ei =

λV ci

1 (M − 1) 1 − PM 1 Vi j=1 V j


, there exists a unique equilibrium in

(M − 1) PM 1


j=1 Vj

where M is the number of active players. Player M is the highest marginal cost player for whom the condition VM > P (M −2) 1 is satisfied. i≤M −1 Vj

First, and most important, using the λ-contest one can solve for the equilibrium efforts in closed form when introducing noise in any asymmetric multiplayer contest. This is not possible in the r-contest. Second, and focusing on a two-player contest, an equilibrium in pure strategies always exists in the λ-contest, while this is only true for certain parametric restrictions in the r-contest. This difference is attributed to the fact that while zero effort guarantees a zero payoff in the r-contest, this is not true in the λ-contest. In the λ-contest, zero effort may result in negative payoffs since losers have to make a transfer to the winners (Hillman and Riley, 1989). These transfers in the λ-contest make the condition ei ≥ 0 non-binding. This guarantees an interior solution, and consequently an equilibrium in pure strategies always exists. Comparing equilibrium properties across the three ways of modeling contests the following results arise. First, individual and aggregate effort decreases with the level of noise in both the α and λ-contest. This is different to the r-contest where for the two player r-contest comparative statics of aggregate effort with respect to noise levels depend on the degree of asymmetry between the players. Second, linking the asymmetry with aggregate equilibrium effort in a two-player λ-contest is in line with the standard result 4

In their notation, Wi and Li denote winner and losers’ payoffs and the λ-contest is obtained for the V V particular values Wi = λV ci + (1 − λ) ci N and Li = (1 − λ) ci N .


of the r-contest (Nti, 1999) and the α-contest since aggregate equilibrium effort decreases in players’ asymmetry. Third, in an N -symmetric-players contest adding an additional player increases total effort in the r-contest with an equilibrium in pure strategies and in the λ-contest, while it may decrease total effort in the α-contest. Fourth, the λ-contest and r-contest can not sustain an equilibrium where all players are inactive while this may occur in the α-contest.



We can now further compare and link our proposal based on Nitzan (1991) with the original formulation by Tullock (1980) and provide some equivalence results. Following the definitions coined by Chowdhury and Sheremeta (2014):5 Definition 1. k • Contests are effort equivalent if they result in the same equilibrium efforts. • Contests are strategically equivalent if they result in the same best responses. • Contests are payoff equivalent if in equilibrium they result in the same payoffs. Following Alcalde and Dahm (2010) we use the effort-elasticity of the probability of ∂f j (e1 ,...eN ) ei . This winning as a measure of noise in a contest j, i.e., νij (e1 , ...eN ) = i ∂e i fij (e1 ,...,eN ) measure requires to specify the effort levels at which one compares the noise between two CSF. Hence, we follow Alcalde and Dahm (2010) and pay attention to the case in which efforts are equalized.6 Definition 2. Two CSF j and k are noise equivalent if and only if νij (e1 , ...eN ) = νik (e1 , ...eN ) for all i = 1, ..., N ; whenever e1 = e2 = ... = eN . It can be shown, by comparing the α-CSF and the r-CSF, that none of the four equivalence properties hold. We now restrict attention to the comparison between the λ and r-contests. Proposition 1. For any two-player r-contest with an equilibrium in pure strategies (i.e., r such that V1r + V2r > rV2r ): 5

In the case of a unique equilibrium, Chowdhury and Sheremeta (2014) show that strategic equivalence implies effort equivalence while the opposite need not be true. Moreover, strategically equivalent contests may result to different equilibrium payoffs, i.e., strategic equivalence need not imply payoff equivalence. 6 The all-pay auction (a special case of the r-contest with r = ∞) is considered a deterministic contest because in case of a tie, an arbitrarily small amount of additional effort is sufficient to secure the prize. In contrast, a marginal increase in effort has no effect on the probability of winning when the two efforts are not equal. This justifies measuring effort-elasticity at equal effort levels.


1. There exists an effort equivalent λ-contest with λ =

r(V1 V2 )r (V1 +V2 )2 . V1 V2 (V1r +V2r )2

2. There exists no strategically equivalent λ-contest (except for r = λ = 0 and r = λ = 1 when the two contests coincide). 3. There exists no payoff equivalent λ-contest (except for r = λ = 0, r = λ = 1 when the two contests coincide and the symmetric case, c1 = c2 ). Figure 1 illustrates the result for asymmetric players. On the left, best responses are different for the λ and r-contest but they intersect at the same effort equivalence point. On the right panel, it is clear that the value of λ that guarantees payoff equivalence for player 1 only coincides with that providing payoff equivalence for player 2 when the two contests coincide (i.e., r = λ = 1 and r = λ = 0). For the symmetric case, effort equivalence is obtained when λ = r. This also translates into payoff equivalence.  





Figure 1: Best response functions and effort equivalence on the left (r = 0.5, λ = 0.524729) and payoff equivalence on the right. For both graphs V1 = 20, V2 = 12. Figure 2 illustrates how effort equivalence can be obtained through the appropriate choice of value λ∗ for any given value r for a given level of asymmetry (V1 /V2 = 10). Notice that the value of λ∗ that guarantees an effort equivalent λ-contest, is not monotonic in r. This is a direct consequence of the fact that while in the λ-contest individual and aggregate equilibrium effort are increasing in λ, in the r-contest individual and aggregate   equilibrium effort need not be increasing in r. Note further that, even for r < 1, the level of λ that ensures effort equivalence between the two contests might involve transfers as in Hillman and Riley (1989). This depends on the exact level of asymmetry. Noise equivalence is summarized in Proposition 2. Observe that for asymmetric players the value of λ that guarantees noise equivalence differs from the value that guarantees 7

Figure 2: Effort equivalence value of λ, given any r such that an equilibrium in pure  strategies exists V1r + V2r > rV2r (with V1 /V2 = 10). effort equivalence. Therefore one can obtain both effort and noise equivalence with the same choice of λ only for symmetric players. Proposition 2. For any λ-contest with λ ∈ [0, 1], the λ-contest and the r-contest are noise equivalent if and only if λ = r. The previous proposition implies that for any r ∈ [0, 1], we can find a λ-contest with a comparable level of noise. This is particularly important if we take into account that the r-contest has no closed form solution when N ≥ 3. That is, for any r-contest with r ∈ [0, 1) and N ≥ 3, although the r-contest does not have a closed form solution, there exists a noise equivalent λ-contest with λ = r and a closed form solution. In contrast to the α-contest that also provides a closed form solution, our proposal can also guarantee noise equivalence with the original r-contest.



We have shown that for any r-contest, one can always find an effort equivalent λ-contest. However, in the effort equivalent λ-contest the presence of transfers may be required (i.e., λ > 1, as in Figure 2 for r belonging to [0.41, 1]). These transfers in turn may violate individuals’ participation constraint as is always the case in Hillman and Riley (1989). The following remark provides the conditions that guarantee voluntary participation. Remark 2. In any λ-contest the participation constraint is satisfied if P 1 λ(N −1)+1 Vi N ≥ λ(N − 1)(2 − V PNN−1 1 ) ∀ i = 1, ..., N j=1 Vj N i

j=1 Vj







% !"#$%&'(')*'&+#',#-&*$# ./*0/$1'$.#',#/2$#*34",/$./&

5'"(0/'",#"6#-0*/'4'-0/'", 4",./*0',/#',#/2$#$%&'70($,/# 834",/$./# !

:%&'70($,/#834",/$./# ! .0/'.6;',1#-0*/'4'-0/'",#4",./*0',/.


Figure 3: Two panels on the top depict the value of λ guarantying effort equivalence for different values of r. The panel on the bottom focuses on the possible violation of the participation constraint in the λ-contest. Intuitively, as long as λ is low, that is either no transfers are involved (λ ≤ 1) or transfers are present but are not too punishing for low contributors, all individuals obtain a non-negative payoff in equilibrium and hence the participation constraint is satisfied. Once the transfers become high enough, then low contributors are severely punished and therefore are better off not participating in the contest.7 The conditions under which the λ-equivalent contest does not satisfy the participation constraint depend on the specific combination of cost asymmetry and noise level. In general, for any two-player r-contest, although an effort-equivalent λ-contest always exists, the latter fails to satisfy participation constraint if (V1 + V2 )2 r(V1 V2 )r (V1 + V2 )2 > V1 V2 (V1r + V2r )2 V12 + 2V1 V2 − V22 In the two upper panels of Figure 3, we provide a graphical representation of two different 7

The remark follows from condition (23) in Bevi´a and Corch´on (2015, p. 387).


scenarios regarding the satisfaction of the participation constraint. The lower horizontal line at value 1 reminds the reader that above this value the λ equivalent effort contest requires the presence of transfers. The upper horizontal line of these two first panels, represents the upper bound on the values of λ for which the participation constraint is satisfied. In the left upper panel, for a low level of asymmetry (V1 = 3V2 ), for any r we can find an equivalent λ-contest that satisfies the participation constraint, even if the latter requires some transfers. In contrast, in the right upper panel, we observe how the effort equivalent λ-contest violates the participation constraint for some values of r when the level of asymmetry is high enough (V1 = 9V2 ). The darkest area in the lower panel plots the combinations of asymmetry V1 /V2 and r for which the effort equivalent λ-contest does not satisfy the participation constraint. While the equivalent λ-contest satisfies the participation constraint for any level of r when players’ asymmetry is low, for higher levels of asymmetry the region of r’s for which an equivalent λ-contest satisfies the participation constraint shrinks.



We propose the use of the λ-function as a tractable way of modeling noise while guaranteeing homogeneity of degree zero. Depending on whether HD0 or Luce’s axiom is more relevant, we highlight the choice between the proposed λ-contest and the α-CSF proposed by Amegashie (2012). Moreover, we provide a link between the individual and collective contests by showing that the λ-contest can be effort or noise equivalent to an r-contest while its equilibrium properties are similar to Tullock’s original proposal. The λ-contest can be implemented for example in applications where the absence of closed form solutions induces focus only on r = 1. Franke (2012), for instance, analyzes the effect of affirmative action policies on aggregate effort. While in the two-player case different noise level is allowed, the analysis is restricted to r = 1 for the N -players contest. By considering the λ-contest one can generalize the results to investigate whether the affirmative action condition to maximize effort are also true for lower levels of noise. The λ-contest can also be of interest for experiments. Besides the equivalence results, the attractiveness of the λ-contest comes from the intuitive manner it can be introduced. Experimenters could split (1 − λ) fraction of the prize in an egalitarian manner and let subjects compete for the remaining part λ through a standard Tullock contest. Noise can hence be introduced in the lab in a tractable manner by varying parameter λ.


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Nti, K. O. (1999): “Rent-seeking with asymmetric valuations,” Public Choice, 98, 415– 430. Skaperdas, S. (1996): “Contest success functions,” Economic theory, 7, 283–290. Tullock, G. (1980): “Efficient Rent Seeking,” in Toward a Theory of the Rent-Seeking Society, ed. by J. M. Buchanan, R. D. Tollison, and G. Tullock, College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 97–112.





Proof of Proposition 1

1. When N = 2 the condition for a player being active active in the λ-contest is always V 2V λ satisfied. From Proposition 1 the equilibrium effort of player i is ei = (V1i+Vj2 )2 for i = 1, 2, j 6= i. To prove effort equivalence we just need to equalize these equilibrium efforts with the ones of the r-contest, see Nti (1999). Equilibrium efforts of the λr 2 1 V2 ) (V1 +V2 ) contest coincide with the ones of the r-contest for λ = r(V . V1 V2 (V r +V r )2 1


2. Note that when r = λ = 0 or r = λ = 1 the λ-contest and the r-contest coincide, hence strategic equivalence follows immediately in these cases.pThe best response for p player i in the λ-contest is ei (ej ) = max{−ej + ej Vi λ , −ej − ej Vi λ} while it is not possible to find a closed form solution for the best response of the r-contest. However, as shown in Chowdhury and Sheremeta (2014) effort equivalence is a necessary condition for strategic equivalence. Therefore, strategic equivalence is guaranteed only if the first order conditions of the r-contest are satisfied for any value of ej r 2 1 V2 ) (V1 +V2 ) . This after substituting the best responses of the λ-contest with λ = r(V V1 V2 (V r +V r )2 1

is true if and only if

erj rVi (A)r−1 (erj +(A)r )2

p = 1, where A = −ej + ej Vi



r(Vi Vj )r−1 (Vi +Vj )2 (Vir +Vjr )2


is not true for all values of ej (only for the equilibrium one). 3. By plugin equilibrium efforts in the payoff of player 1 we obtain that the λ-contest (V +V2 )2 (V12r −V22r −2r(V1 V2 )r ) = induces the same payoff as the one in the r-contest for λ = 1(V 2 −2V 2 r r 2 1 V2 −V2 )(V1 +V2 ) 1 λ1 . Similarly, the λ-contest induces payoff equivalence for player 2 if and only if (V +V2 )2 (V12r −V22r +2r(V1 V2 )r ) λ = 1(V 2 +2V = λ2 . Normalizing V2 = 1 and V1 /V2 = v we see that 2 r r 2 1 V2 −V2 )(V1 +V2 ) 1 λ1 = λ2 , i.e., payoff equivalence, is only obtained for V1 = V2 or r = {0, 1} (when the two contests coincide).


Proof of Proposition 2

Player i effort-elasticity in the λ-contest is

P e1 j6=i ej N λ P P (e1 + j6=i ej )( j6=i ej (1−λ)+e1 (1+(N −1)λ))

which eval-

uated at ei = e ∀i = 1, ..., N is λ NN−1 . Player i effort-elasticity in the r-contest is P er

j6=i j N −1 Thus λ = r guarantees r er +P r which evaluated at ei = e ∀i = 1, ..., N is r N . j6=i ej i noise-equivalence.