Lipid mobilising factors specifically associated with ... - BioMedSearch
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May 28, 2013 - Conclusion Among Korean dysphagic patients, compliance with a ... thin fluid, such as water, soup, or juice is more likely to be ... For patients in the noncompliant group, the reasons .... levels in skilled nursing facilities.
in plasma and WAT, and an increase in lipid in liver (Bing et al,. 2002). The rate of .... Bing C, Russell ST, Beckett EE, Collins P, Taylor S, Barraclough R, Tisdale.
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internal medicine clinics, the Diabetes. Teaching Center of a large west coast ac- ademic medical center, two local commu- nity clinics, and three local churches.
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Sep 24, 2010 - Tompkins DS, Cowden JM, Roderick PJ: A study of infectious ... 26. Golding J, Emmett PM, Rogers IS: Gastroenteritis, diarrhoea and breast.
sonal processes with their healthcare providers were less reluctant to use ... review board of the academic medical ... tions among the IPC subscales, i.e., the.
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Apr 1, 2009 - University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Department of Emergency ..... Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. 14.
Lipid mobilising factors specifically associated with ... - BioMedSearch
Human colon carcinomas were obtained from the operating theatre of Dudley Road. Hospital, Birmingham, UK (courtesy of Mr J. Neoptolemos) ..... Rep., 65, 49.
Br. J. Cancer (1991), 63, 63, 846-850 Br. .1. Cancer (1991),
Lipid mobilising factors specifically associated with cancer cachexia S.A. Beck & M. J. Tisdale CRC Experimental Chemotherapy Group, Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK. Summary Both urine and plasma from mice and humans with cancer cachexia have been shown to contain higher levels of lipid mobilising activity than normal controls, even after acute starvation. There was no significant increase in the urinary lipid mobilising activity of either mice or humans after acute starvation, suggesting that the material in the cachectic situation was probably not due to an elevation of hormones normally associated with the catabolic state in starvation. Further characterisation of the lipid mobilising activity in the urine of cachectic mice using Sephadex G50 exclusion chromatography showed four distinct peaks of activity of apparent molecular weights of >20, 3, 1.5 and