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LIST 173
1 2013 ANTIQUES: CHINESE ARTS AUCTION RECORDS 2012.1.1-2012.12.31. 2013 Gudong Paimai Nianjian. 2013 拍賣年鑒. Taibei, 2013. c.500 pp. Colour plates throughout. 23x17 cm. Wrappers. £110.00 Detailed coverage of auction prices for Chinese ceramics, jade, bronzes, sculpture and numerous other fine works of art in various media sold at salesrooms in the US, Europe and the Far East in 2012. Colour illustrations throughout. Thousands of fine examples are shown with prices realised. Brief captions to plates in both Chinese and English. A prime reference.
2 Art Museum, Chinese University HK: JIXIA MINGDAO: HUAIHAI TANG CANG MINGDAI ZHONG WAN QI GUANYAO CIQI. Enlightening Elegance: Imperial Porcelain of the Mid to Late Ming: The Huaihaitang Collection. 機暇明道 : 懷海堂藏明代中晚期官窯瓷器. Hong Kong, 2012. 395 pp. Numerous full page colour plates and colour text plates. 31x25 cm. Cloth. £110.00 Catalogue of a fine exhibition at the Art Museum, Chinese University of Hong Kong, showing 128 Chinese imperial ceramics dating from the Zhengtong (1436-1449) to Wanli (1573-1620) reigns. The majority of the exhibits are Jiajing (1522-1566) and Wanli examples. The ceramics come from the collection of Anthony Cheung. All the ceramics are illustrated in full page colour plates, the majority in multiple views and all base marks are shown. Interesting essays accompany: Weng: Recurring Islamic Influence on Zhengde Imperial Porcelain Designs; Jin: From the Zhengde Blue and White Al-Kalimah Al-Tayyibah Table Screens Found in Dongsi Mosque; Wan: Grotto-Heaven in West Park: Daoist Motifs on Jiajing Imperial Porcelains; Wang: The Changing System of Imperial Kilns and the Imperial Kiln Production Chronology during the Jiajing and Wanli Reigns. Near dual texts in Chinese and English, the Chinese text (particularly the essays) being more detailed. An excellent catalogue.
3 Beijing Lu Xun Museum: NU HOU: BEIJING LU XUN BOWUGUAN CANG KANG ZHAN BANHUA ZHAN TULU. (The Howling: Illustrations of Anti-War Woodblock Prints from the Exhibition at the Lu Xun Museum in Beijing). 怒吼 : 北京魯迅博物館藏抗戰版畫圖彔. Changsha, 2013. 715 pp. c.600 pp. b/w illustrations of prints. 25x17 cm. Boards. £80.00 Produced to accompany an exhibition at the Lu Xun Museum in Beijing, this copiously-illustrated work shows some 400 black-andwhite woodblock prints produced in China in the 1930s and 1940s dealing with the theme of the anti-Japanese War and its effects. Many of the prints are by known artists, a number anonymous. An excellent visual reference on the subject. Illustrated throughout. Text in Chinese.
4 Bennett, Terry: HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY IN CHINA. Chinese Photographers 1844 -1879. London, 2013. x, 386 pp. c. 400 b/w photographic illustrations. 23x24 cm. Cloth. £80.00 The third and final volume in this comprehensive history of the early years of photography in China. Discusses the earliest Chinese photographers active from 1844-1879. Introductory chapters and then chapters on photographs taken by native Chinese photographers in Peking, Hong Kong, Canton, Shanghai, Foochow, Amoy, Hankow, Tianjin, Macau, Taiwan and other ports. Illustrated throughout. Five interesting appendices. A welcome reference.
5 Burnett, Katherine: DIMENSIONS OF ORIGINALITY. Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Criticism. N.p, 2011. xxx, 414 pp. 41 colour and b/w plates. B/w text illustrations. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £52.50 Provides a focus on what originality looks like in artworks of the time created by both gentry and commoners. Explains how such a value lost its appeal at the end of the 17th century.
6 Chen Cantang ed: XIHAN LONGWEN JING. (Western Han Bronze Mirrors with Dragon Designs). 西漢龍紋鏡 。 陳燦堂 編著. Shanghai, 2012. 2, 3, 164 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £50.00
A survey of Han dynasty bronze mirrors bearing designs of dragons. The mirrors shown come from various sources — auctions in China, a private collection in Taibei and others from unattributed sources. The mirrors are shown in full and with a close-up highlighting the dragon design. Text in Chinese.
7 Cultural Relics Bureau: 2012 ZHONGGUO ZHONGYAO KAOGU FAXIAN. Major Archaeological Discoveries in China in 2012. 2012 中國重要考古發現. Beijing, 2013. 181 pp. Colour text plates throughout. 26x19 cm. Paper. £25.00 Well-illustrated work on major archaeological discoveries in China in 2012 from the Neolithic through the dynasties to the Qing. Forty-two sites are shown and described. List of contents, descriptions of each find and captions in English. Main text in Chinese.
8 de Jong, Koos: DRAGON & HORSE: SADDLE RUGS AND OTHER HORSE TACK FROM CHINA AND BEYOND. Fei Long Junma: Zhongguo Gunafan Diqu de Antan he Maju. 飛龍駿馬 : 中國廣泛地區的鞍毯和馬具. Hong Kong, 2013. 191; 46 pp. Colour plates and illustrations throughout. 2 vols. 31x23 cm. Cloth. £75.00
Well-researched and well-illustrated work on the appealing and colourful saddle rugs and associated items from Northern China and Inner Mongolia. The objects date from the 18th to early 20th centuries. A useful contribution to the subject. Main volume in English with Chinese captions to plates. Separate text volume in Chinese.
9 Eskenazi, Giuseppe & Elias, Hajni: A DEALER’S HAND. The Chinese Art World Through the Eyes of Giuseppe Eskenazi. London, 2012. 359 pp. 600 colour full page and text plates. 30x24 cm. Cloth. £60.00
The fascinating story of the world’s pre-eminent dealer in Chinese art from childhood in Constantinople to the peak of his profession. Much enlivened by anecdote, insight and reminiscence and illustrated throughout with superb examples of Chinese art that Eskenazi has handled. Recommended.
10 Franz, Hedda and Lutz: FRANZART: CHINESE ART FROM THE HEDDA AND LUTZ FRANZ COLLECTION. Volume Two: Glass. Hong Kong, 2011. 250 pp. 195 pp. full page colour plates. Colour text plates. 37x29 cm. Cloth. £180.00 Shows nearly 200 Chinese glass snuff bottles and a few other items made from glass held in the Hedda and Lutz Franz collection. All the objects date from the Qing dynasty. All illustrated in full page colour plates showing the objects larger than life-size and in multiple views. Captions accompany. The large colour plates allow full and detailed appreciation of all the objects.
11 Franz, Hedda and Lutz: FRANZART: CHINESE ART FROM THE HEDDA AND LUTZ FRANZ COLLECTION. Volume One: Jade. Hong Kong, 2010. 317 pp. 250 pp. full page colour plates. Colour text plates. £180.00 37x29 cm. Cloth.
Shows some 250 jadeite and nephrite objects from the Hedda and Lutz Franz collection. The vast majority of the objects are jadeite and nephrite snuff bottles but also includes a few small jade objects. Nearly all date from the Qing dynasty. All illustrated in full page colour plates showing the objects larger than life-size and in multiple views. Captions accompany. The large colour plates allow full and detailed appreciation of all the objects.
12 Glover, Denise et al: EXPLORERS AND SCIENTISTS IN CHINA’S BORDERLANDS 1880-1950. Seattle, 2011. xii, 300 pp. A couple of b/w text illustrations. 23x15 cm. Paper. £23.99 Essays are devoted to D. C. Graham, Joseph Rock, Reginald Farrer, George Forrest, Ernest Wilson, Paul Vial, Johan Gunnar, Ding Wenjiang, Friedrich Weiss and Hedwig Weiss-Sonnenburg. Reveals the extraordinary travels and times of these remarkable and intrepid people.
13 Greenbaum, Jamie: CHEN JIRU (1558-1639). The Background to, Development and Subsequent Uses of, Literary Personae. Leiden, 2007. xliii, 292 pp. 24x16 cm. Boards. £120.00 Chen Jiru was one of the great late Ming arbiters of culture and taste and his influence has endured. This is the first major work to examine Chen’s background, the genres he used in forging his literary reputation and to assess the use that publishers and others have since made of the literary personae he constructed. A study of interest to historians of China and to those who study cultural and print histories.
14 Heilongjiang Provincial Museum ed: HEILONGJIANG SHENG BOWUGUAN GUANCANG JINGCUI. (Treasures in the Heilongjiang Provincial Museum). 黑龍江省博物館館藏精粹. Beijing, 2012. 248 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 36x27 cm. Boards. £75.00 large format work highlighting some of the many treasures in the Heilongjiang Provincial Museum located in Harbin in China. Includes neolithic pottery, an interesting selection of Jin dynasty material, paintings and ceramics from various dynasties, early Communist period woodblock prints and more. All illustrated in fine full page colour plates. Text in Chinese.
15 Kleiner, Robert: THE GOLDEN AUTUMN COLLECTION OF CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES. Hong Kong, 2012. 160 pp. Colour plates throughout. 31x23 cm. Cloth. £120.00 Illustrates, describes and discusses 163 Chinese snuff bottles from the privately-held Golden Autumn collection. All shown in fine colour plates, many in multiple views.
16 Kwan, Simon: THE MUWEN TANG COLLECTION SERIES VOLUME 10: CHINESE SCULPTURES. Zhongguo Diaosu. 中國雕塑. Muwen Tang Collection Series Vol. 10. Hong Kong, 2011. 280 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £95.00 Volume 10 in the Muwen Tang Collection series covers Chinese sculptural art. Illustrates and discusses 109 fine examples dating from the Neolithic through to the Qing dynasty. Includes sculptures in stone, wood, clay, jade and clay. Ranges from Buddhist sculpture through to tomb figurines. All illustrated in colour, the majority in multiple views. Introductory texts, essays and captions accompany. Near dual texts in English and Chinese. See also items 453-456.
17 Kwan, Simon: THE MUWEN TANG COLLECTION SERIES VOLUME 11: SONG CERAMICS. Songdai Taoci. 宋代陶瓷. Muwen Tang Collection Series Vol. 11. Hong Kong, 2012. 592 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £110.00
Volume 11 in the Muwen Tang Collection shows superb and beautiful Song ceramics collected by Simon Kwan. His Song ceramic collection first came to fame in 1994 when they were exhibited (205 pieces) at the Hong Kong Museum of Art. The catalogue of this exhibition is long out-of-print. This present volume is a revised and rephotographed catalogue of 262 outstanding examples of Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan ceramics in the collection. Illustrated throughout in colour. Dual texts in Chinese and English. An excellent reference.
18 Kwan, Simon: THE MUWEN TANG COLLECTION SERIES VOLUME 12: CHINESE FANS. Zhongguo Shan Ju. 中國扇具. Muwen Tang Collection Series Vol. 12. Hong Kong, 2011. 328 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £110.00 Volume 12 in the Muwen Tang Collection is a fine and useful survey of Chinese fans. Shows 153 beautiful examples predominantly dating from the Qing dynasty. All illustrated in colour, the majority in multiple views. Introductory texts, essays and captions accompany. Near dual texts in English and Chinese.
19 Lian Yingjun ed: TIANLONGSHAN SHIKU YISHU. (The Art of the Tianlongshan Grottoes). 天龍山石窟藝術 。 連穎俊 編著. Beijing, 2012. 2, 469 pp. 187 pp. colour plates. Numerous b/w text illustrations. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £120.00
A very good visual survey of the Tianlongshan Buddhist cave complex located near the city of Taiyuan in China’s Shanxi province. The 21 caves date from the Eastern and Northern Wei, Northern Qi, Sui and early Tang dynasties. The caves are sadly notable for the amount of sculpture that has been removed or damaged. The black-and-white text illustrations show sculptures (particularly heads of sculptures) that have been removed and are now in museum and private collections. Captions to the colour plates in English. Main text in Chinese.
20 Moss, Hugh & Sargent, Stuart: THIS SNUFF BOTTLE MONKEY BUSINESS. The Mullin Collection and Its Story. Hong Kong, 2012. 435 pp. Colour text plates throughout. 26x30 cm. Cloth. £230.00 Details the formation and evolution of the Mullin Collection, formed in main from the 1940s to the 1970s. Shows 314 Chinese snuff bottles dating from the 18th and, predominantly, 19th centuries. All illustrated in colour and described. Accompanied by much detail and anecdote on the pleasure and interest of collecting.
21 Moss, Hugh intro: ARTS FROM THE SCHOLAR’S STUDIO. Hong Kong, 2011. 287 pp. 207 colour and 186 b/w illustrations, numerous line drawings and rubbings. 37x26 cm. Cloth. £135.00
A comprehensive and excellent survey of the arts that were produced, patronised or seriously collected by the influential minority in China — the Literati. 277 works of art are illustrated and fully described. A wonderful book that is a highly-recommended reference. Main text in English. Captions in Chinese. A very welcome reprint of the scarce 1986 original edition.
LIST 173
22 Musée Guimet: TRESORS DE LA CHINE ANCIENNE — BRONZES RITUELS DE LA COLLECTION MEIYINTANG. (Treasures of Ancient China — Ritual Bronzes from the Meiyintang Collection). Paris, 2013. 200 pp. Colour plates throughout. 27x21 cm. Boards. £45.00
Catalogue of an exhibition at the Musée Guimet in Paris showing 121 examples of extremely fine archaic Chinese ritual bronzes held in the Meiyintang Collection. Dating from the Erlitou culture through the Shang and Zhou to the Han dynasty. All illustrated in fine colour plates, many in multiple views and showing close-ups of archaic characters. Text in French.
23 National Palace Museum: SUYUAN YU TUOZHAN: LINGNAN HUAPAI TE ZHAN. Origins and Developments of the Lingnan School of Painting. 溯源與拓展 : 嶺南畫派特展. Taibei, 2013. 281 pp. Colour plates throughout. B/w text illustrations. 30x23 cm. Wrappers. £70.00 Catalogue of an exhibition at the National Palace Museum showing 90 examples of Chinese painting by various artists belonging to the Lingnan School which was centred on Guangdong province in South China. The Lingnan school began in the late 19th century and flourished into the Republic period in the early 20th century. The works predominantly by famous masters and from collections in Taiwan together with major loans from the Guangzhou Museum of Art. A very fine selection. Illustrated throughout in colour. Introduction, brief introductions to each section and captions to plates in English. Main text in Chinese.
24 Pierson, Stacey: FROM OBJECT TO CONCEPT. Global Consumption and the Transformation of Ming Porcelain. Hong Kong, 2013. xi, 2, 169 pp. text plus 40 pp. colour plates hors texte. 25x15 cm. Cloth. £35.00
Examines the ways in which porcelain was appreciated in Ming China, followed by a discussion of encounters with Ming porcelain in several global regions, including Europe and America. Also looks at the invention of the phrase and the concept of the ‘Ming vase’. Concludes with a history of the transformation of Ming porcelain into works of art.
25 Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology: TONGGUAN SHUICUN SUIDAI BIHUA MU. The Sui Dynasty Mural Painting Tomb in Shuicun, Tongguan. 潼關稅村隨代壁畫墓. Beijing, 2013. 9, 169 pp. text plus 100 pp. colour plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. 11 foldouts. Separate folder containing 7 large foldout b/w illustrations of rubbings of engraved murals and designs within the tomb. 29x22 cm. Boards. £70.00
Very interesting excavation report of a Sui dynasty tomb located in Shaanxi province in China. The tomb walls bear fine murals and the excavation yielded numerous artefacts including tomb figurines, pottery, small pieces of glass and crystal plus 4 small gold objects. The murals and many artefacts illustrated in fine colour. A separate folder contains 7 large foldouts showing rubbings of engraved murals and designs from within the tomb. Four page abstract in English. Main text in Chinese.
26 Shen Qin: MING SHI JINGDIAN JIAJU WENHUA YANJIU. Research on Ming-style Furniture and the Culture behind. 明式經典家具文化研究 。 沈勤 著. Kunming, 2013. 286, 377 pp. Colour plates, text plates b/w test illustrations and numerous b/w text drawings throughout both volumes. 2 vols. 35x27 cm. Boards. £350.00 Detailed and copiously-illustrated large two-volume work on Ming-style Chinese furniture. Divided into two sections. Volume One: History of Art about Classical Ming-style Furniture; Volume Two: New Research on Classical Ming-style Furniture. Illustrations throughout both volumes. In Chinese.
27 Xu Wubin: BEISONG QINGLIANG SI RU GUANYAO ZHI YANJIU. (Research into Official Ru Ware from the Northern Song Qingliang Si Kiln). 北宋清凉寺汝官窯之研究 。 許武賓 著. Fuzhou, 2013. 8, 187 pp. Colour plates throughout. B/w text drawings. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £60.00 A study based on sherds from this famous Ru kiln. Also shows intact Ru ware from various museum collections. In Chinese.
28 Yan Zhibin: SHANGDAI QINGTONGQI MINGWEN YANJIU. Study on the Bronze Inscriptions of the Shang dynasty. 商代青銅器銘文研究 。 嚴志斌 著. Shanghai, 2013. 4, iv, 4, 3, 604 pp. A number of b/w text drawings. 25x18 cm. Cloth. £45.00 Detailed study on the inscriptions on Shang dynasty bronzes that shed light on the society and rituals of the time. In Chinese.
29 Allain, Maurice: L’EMPIRE FRANCAIS D’ OUTRE-MER. (The French Colonies). Montpellier, 1939. 3, 430, 5 pp. 4 colour folded maps; 416, 6 pp. A number of tipped-in colour plates. Numerous colour and b/w text illustrations. 2 vols. 31x25 cm. Half cloth. Some wear to covers. £180.00 A good period piece describing and depicting life in the French colonies in the mid and late 1930s. The illustrations range from reproductions of colour paintings by Jacques Simon and others to black-and-white photographs. Includes much detail on the economy of the colonies, their products and exports. One section in Volume Two covers French Indochina. In French.
30 Ambary, Hasan Muarif ed: EXCAVATION REPORT AT PASAR IKAN, JAKARTA. Jakarta, 1981. 83 pp. 24 plates, 3 in colour. 33 illustrations, 2 maps. Bibliography. 28x20 cm. Paper. £15.00
Report of archaeological discoveries made in 1980. The ceramic fragments and other objects excavated prove the existence of an extensive level of trade in early metropolitan Jakarta.
31 Arts Council of Great Britain: THE ARTS OF THAILAND. London, 1964. 50 pp. text. 2 colour plates, 24 b/w plates. 25x19 cm. Paper. £15.00 Exhibition catalogue from the Victoria & Albert Museum.
32 Auboyer, J: ANGKOR. New York, n.d. (1970s?). 83 pp. text plus 128 pp. primarily b/w photographs, a few in colour. 21x21 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £50.00 A fine photographic survey of the architecture, art and sculpture of this extraordinary complex. Dual texts in English, French, German and Spanish.
33 Aung, Maung Htin: FOLK ELEMENTS IN BURMESE BUDDHISM. Rangoon, n.d. (1970s?) xiii, 140 pp. 21x13 cm. Boards. £18.00
Sections on: The Nine Gods, The Feast of the New Year, The Cult of Alchemy, The Cult of the Magus, The Lord of the Great Mountain, The 37 Lords, Initiation Ceremonies, The Ari Monks.
34 Barrow, John: A VOYAGE TO COCHINCHINA. Oxford in Asia Historical Reprints. Kuala Lumpur, 1975. xvii, xviii, 447 pp. 20 colour plates, map. Index. 28x22 cm. Cloth. £45.00 Originally published in 1806, this is an account of Barrow’s journeys to Java and Vietnam, as well as visits to South America and South Africa.
35 Beek, Steve van: THE ARTS OF THAILAND. London, 1991. 248 pp. 310 illustrations, 272 in colour. 29x23 cm. £20.00 Cloth. This exhaustively-researched volume covers every major form and period of Thai art, and gives a most comprehensive account of its rich artistic tradition. Magnificent photographs by Luca Invernizzi Tettoni.
36 Beurdeley, Jean-Michel: THAI FORMS. Tokyo, 1980. xii, 127 pp. 120 fullpage illustrations (20 in colour). 28x25 cm. Cloth. £55.00 A photographic study of the formal design of everyday objects in Thailand, ranging from simple household utensils to objects used in Buddhist religious services. Photographed by Hans Hinz, a pioneer of colour photography. First English edition.
37 Boisselier, Jean: THAI PAINTING. Berne, 1976. 270 pp. Colour and (predominantly) b/w illustrations throughout. 29x25 cm. Cloth. £45.00 Remains a prime detailed reference.
38 Bonheur, Albert le: OF GODS, KINGS, AND MEN. Bas-reliefs of Angkor Wat and Bayon. London, 1995. 112 pp. 100 colour plates. 20x30 cm. Paper. £30.00
First study of the bas-reliefs devoted to recording entire scenes up to 100 meters long, using a newly developed ‘slit-scan’ photography technique.
39 Bowie, Theodore et al: THE SCULPTURE OF THAILAND. New York, 1972. 137 pp. 80 plates and 4 textfigures, 13 in colour. 28x21 cm. Paper. £20.00 Asia House Gallery exhibition catalogue. With loans from a number of Thai museums showing this beautiful sculptural tradition.
40 Bowring, Sir John: THE KINGDOM AND PEOPLE OF SIAM. Oxford, 1977. xiii, xi, 481; vi, 446 pp. 1 foldout. Folding map. 2 vols. 22x14 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £45.00
Bowring was Governor of Hong Kong and Minister to China for nine years from 1854-1863. One of his earliest acts in this role was to undertake a Mission to Siam in 1855. Although Bowring barely spent a month in Bangkok, this is a lengthy and perceptive account which also made use of earlier accounts of Siam. This two-volume work on the Mission and the accompanying descriptions of the country and its people is regarded as the best account of the Kingdom of Siam in the mid-19th century. 1977 two-volume facsimile reprint of the 1857 original.
41 Braddell, R: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ANCIENT TIMES IN THE MALAY PENINSULA AND THE STRAITS OF MALACCA. Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Society Vol. XVII Part 1. London, 1939. pp. 147-212. Paper. Wear to spine. £20.00
An interesting survey with much detail of the early archaeology history and peoples of the Malay Peninsula. Much detail on what is known of the area up to the 8th century AD.
42 Brand, M. and Phoeurn, C. ed: THE AGE OF ANGKOR. Treasures from the National Museum of Cambodia. Canberra, 1992. 112 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 30x23 cm. Paper. £45.00 Scarce catalogue of an exhibition at the Australian National Gallery of sculptures and bronzes from the Angkor period held in the National Museum of Cambodia and dating from the 6th to the 13th century.
43 Brandon, James R: THEATRE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. Cambridge, 1974. xiii, 370 pp. 73 b/w illustrations. 6 maps. 23x15 cm. Paper. £25.00 A good introduction and survey of the subject.
44 Broman, Sven: SHADOWS OF LIFE. Nang Talung: Thai Popular Shadow Theatre. Bangkok, 1995. 109 pp. 23x20 cm. Cloth. £22.00 Description of a rich tradition of folk art in southern Thailand, illustrated with 147 examples of shadow figures from two Thai and two Swedish collections.
45 Brown, Robert ed: ART FROM THAILAND. New Delhi, 2000. 112 pp. Colour and b/w plates throughout. Map, index. 34x25 cm. Cloth. £47.00 An introduction to Thai art present as a selection of illustrated essays by various experts. Includes: Wicks on Coins & Medals; Nandana Chutiwongs on Buddhist Sculpture; Dofflemyer on Vishnu Images; Listopad on Thai Sculpture 13-16th century; Fickle on Khmer Architecture; a virtually unique article by Chirapravati on Buddhist votive tablets and amulets; and Roxanna M. Brown on ‘Last Shipments from the Thai Sawankhalok Kilns’.
46 Brown, Roxanna M: THE CERAMICS OF SOUTH-EAST ASIA. Their Dating and Identification. Oxford in Asia Studies in Ceramics. Oxford, 1977. 98 pp. 63 plates, 20 in colour. 28 text-figures. 3 maps. 28x21 cm. Cloth. £20.00 One of the major books for the dating and identification of South-East Asian ceramics. Now much reduced in price to clear stock.
47 Brown, Roxanna M: THE CERAMICS OF SOUTH-EAST ASIA. Their Dating and Identification. Oxford in Asia Studies in Ceramics. Oxford, 1988. 250 pp. 216 colour and 275 b/w illustrations, 69 figures, 6 maps, bibliography. 28x21 cm. Cloth. £40.00
In this new edition (original published 1977), the author has brought her original study fully up to date, has corrected and revised the text where necessary, and has added a number of new illustrations and maps. The outcome is virtually a new book, entirely re-illustrated.
48 Brown, Roxanna M: THE CERAMICS OF SOUTH-EAST ASIA. Their Dating and Identification. Chicago, 2000. 272 pp. 207 colour and 274 b/w illustrations, 69 figures, 6 maps, bibliography. 28x21 cm. Paper. £30.00
LIST 173
In this new edition (originally published 1977), the author has brought her original study fully up to date, has corrected and revised the text where necessary, and has added a number of new illustrations and maps. The outcome is virtually a new book, entirely re-illustrated.
49 Brown, Roxanna M. ed: GUANGDONG CERAMICS. From Butuan and other Philippine Sites. Singapore, 1989. 128 pp. 200 illustrations, 36 in colour. 29x22 cm. Boards. £60.00 An exhibition of Chinese trade ceramics held by the Oriental Ceramic Society of the Philippines.
50 Bruce, Helen: NINE TEMPLES OF BANGKOK. Bangkok, 1960. 136 pp. B/w photographs throughout. 24x19 cm. Cloth. £18.00 A pleasant black-and-white photographic tour of nine of Bangkok’s major temples. A pleasing read.
51 Burma Research Society ed: FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY PUBLICATIONS NO. 2. Rangoon, 1960. 546 pp. A £30.00 few b/w text illustrations. 26x19 cm. Cloth. Thirty four articles on aspects of Burma’s history and literature reprinted from various editions of the Journal of the Burma Research Society.
52 Buttinger, Joseph: A DRAGON DEFIANT. A Short History of Vietnam. Newton Abbot, 1972. 147 pp. Map. Bibliography, index. 23x15 cm. Cloth. £15.00 A good general history of Vietnam.
53 THE CERAMICS OF SOUTH-EAST ASIA FROM THE 10TH TO 16TH CENTURIES A.D.. N.p., n.d. 240 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £50.00 Catalogue of the little-known (privately-held?) Osothsapha Ceramics Collection in Thailand. 110 very fine examples are illustrated in colour and described. Introduction and captions in English. Main text in Thai.
54 Chalermnit: THAI FOLKTALES. Bangkok, 1967. 113 pp. 22x15 cm. Boards. Six tales translated into English.
55 Charernsupkul, A.; Kennedy, V. trans: THE ELEMENTS OF THAI ARCHITECTURE. N.p., 1978. 142 pp. 61 pp. b/w plates. 24x25 cm. Cloth. £20.00 An analytical approach to Thai Buddhist architecture and its component parts from the Sukhothai period down to the 19th century. Well-illustrated. Dual texts in Thai and English.
56 Charernsupkul, Anuvit: THE STRUCTURE TYPES AND PATTERN BONDS OF KHMER AND SRIVIJAYAN BRICK ARCHITECTURE IN THAILAND. c. 200 pp. 52 pp. b/w illustrations. 5 maps. 25x19 cm. Paper. £20.00 A focussed study. List of plates, preface and summaries to chapters in English. Main text in Thai.
57 Charoenwongsa, P. & Diksul, M: THAILAND. Archaeologia Mundi. Geneva, 1978. 256 pp. Numerous colour and (predominantly) b/w illustrations. 24x17 cm. Cloth. £20.00
Good detailed study in the archaeological and artistic heritage of Thailand primarily drawing on archaeological finds and extant sites.
58 Chiang Hai Ding: A HISTORY OF STRAITS SETTLEMENTS FOREIGN TRADE 1870-1915. Memoirs of the National Museum No. 6. Singapore, 1978. xii, 250 pp. Bibliography. 61 tables. 24x15 cm. Paper. £40.00
A study of the growth of foreign trade in the period 1870-1915 and to analyse the factors that influenced trade. Chapters include, The History of Straits Settlements Trade to 1869; The Regional Distribution; The Commodity Composition; The Effect of Exchange Rate Depreciation. A scarce study.
59 Christie’s: THE BRAKE-LAU-ECKERMANN COLLECTION OF SOUTH EAST ASIAN CERAMICS, TEXTILES AND WORKS OF ART. Melbourne, 1990. 64 pp. Numerous colour and b/w illustrations. 27x21 cm. Paper. £15.00 Christie’s sale catalogue of a fine collection of Southeast Asian art.
60 Chuen, Ooi Kok; Garrett Kam ed: THE WORLD OF CHANG FEE MING. Terengganu, 1995. 96 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x24 cm. Cloth. £15.00 Catalogue of work by this contemporary Malaysian artists
61 Chutiwongs, Nandana & Denise P. Leidy: BUDDHA OF THE FUTURE. An Early Maitreya from Thailand. New York, 1994. 112 pp. 62 illustrations, 6 in colour. Map, bibliography, glossary. 22x26 cm. Paper. £10.00
Focusing on an extraordinary eighth-century statue of Maitreya, the Buddha of the Future, excavated in north central Thailand in 1964, this volume provides an overview of Buddhist art in Southeast Asia.
62 Coedès, George: ANGKOR. An Introduction. Singapore, 1984. iv, 116 pp. 24 b/w photographs, 2 foldout maps, glossary. 19x13 cm. Paper. £20.00 An abridged translation by Emily Floyd Gardiner of a book first published in French in Hanoi in 1943: Pour Mieux Comprendre Angkor. Paperback.
63 Cohen, Joan Lebold: ANGKOR. Monuments of the God-Kings. New York, 1975. 240 pp. Fullpage and colour plates throughout. Text drawings. 34x26 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £140.00
A finely-produced and well-photographed survey of the temple complex of Angkor. Photographed at a time when there were few visitors to this extraordinary complex. Good informative text by an authority.
64 Collis, Maurice: THE LAND OF THE GREAT IMAGE. Being Experiences of Friar Manrique in Arakan. London, 1943. 259 pp. A few b/w illustrations and maps. 1 foldout map. 21x14 cm. £15.00
Starting with a description of Portuguese Goa in the 1620s, this is the description of the travels of the Augustinian friar Manrique who, in 1628, set out on a diplomatic image to the kingdom of Arakan — the land of the Great Image — a colossal image of Buddha, said to have been cast in his lifetime. Arakan is now part of Burma. A fascinating and little-known historical episode.
65 Collis, Maurice: RAFFLES. London, 1966. 225 pp. 36 illustrations. 22x14 cm. Cloth. Good account by this well-known author of Raffles life and career. Neat ex-library copy.
66 Collis, Maurice: SIAMESE WHITE. Harmondsworth, 1940. viii, 224 pp. Appendix, index. 1 text figure map. 18x11 cm. Library Binding. £20.00 ‘Siamese White’ refers to Samuel White who travelled to Mergui in South Burma in 1687. Collis was based in Mergui and here reconstructs White’s travels and early account of Burma. Based, in particular, upon the Davenport Papers, from the diary of Francis Davenport who was White’s secretary. An interesting and seldom-seen work.
67 Comber, Leon: CHINESE TEMPLES IN SINGAPORE. Singapore, 1958. 120 pp. 40 plates. 19x12 cm. Paper. £15.00 Gives details about a representative selection from the several hundred Chinese temples in Singapore.
68 Coupland, Reginald: RAFFLES OF SINGAPORE. London, 1946. 144 pp. 1 b/w plate. 20x13 cm. Cloth, torn dustjacket. £30.00 The life of Stamford Raffles.
69 Crawfurd, John: JOURNAL OF AN EMBASSY FROM THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF INDIA TO THE COURTS OF SIAM AND COCHIN CHINA. Exhibiting a View of the Actual State of Those Kingdoms. London, 1828. viii, 598 pp. Foldout frontispiece panorama. Large folding map at back plus 11 full page aquatint plates and folding page of ‘vocabularies’ hors texte. 11 b/w woodcut text illustrations. 29x22 cm. Later half leather. Marbled boards. £1,900.00 The very scarce 1828 first edition account of an important British mission to the kingdoms of Siam (Thailand) and Cochin China (Vietnam) in 1821-22 with the aim of establishing formal diplomatic relations, so as to stave off the French and open up the area to British trade. Crawfurd had much experience of Southeast Asia and was the logical choice as Envoy. Whilst the embassy met with little success, either diplomatically or trade-wise, it served to much clarify and enhance British information and intelligence. After his return, Crawfurd was, in 1823, appointed Resident of Singapore where he remained until 1826. Following a mission to Ava (Burma) in 1826, Crawfurd retired and returned to England where he wrote this and other accounts of his travels. This work, in addition to the account of the Embassy of 1821-22, includes descriptions of Penang, Malacca and Singapore. The foldout frontispiece three- panel panorama is entitled: ‘View of the Town and Roads of Singapore from the Government Hill’ and measures 27x50 cm. It was drawn by Captain Robert Elliot R.N., and is an important and fine early view of the colony. There is also a full page plate entitled ‘Map and Plan of Singapore’. The large and important linen folding map, measuring 94x62 cm, is entitled: ‘Map of Siam and Cochin China’ and was compiled and engraved by John Walker using up-to-date information from a number of sources. The other engraved plates mainly show the inhabitants of the area. There is also a plan of the city of Bangkok. Later binding. Minor wear to covers. Marginal staining to the top and bottom of the panorama, some creasing along the folds and some foxing. Waterstaining to the majority of plates and the plan and map of Singapore. The large linen map generally in good condition with some foxing and creasing to the edges. The text generally clean. Priced accordingly.
70 Cruysse, Dirk Van der: SIAM AND THE WEST 1500-1700. Silkworm Books. Chiang Mai, 2002. 591 pp. 12 illustrations. 2 maps, indexes. 23x15 cm. Paper. £25.00 The history of European-Siamese relations, from the arrival of the Portuguese, followed by the Dutch, British and French, woven together from journals, memoirs and other archival materials.
71 d’Orleans, Prince Henry: FROM TONKIN TO INDIA. By the Sources of the Irawadi January ’95 -January ’96. London, 1898. xii, 467 pp. Frontispiece and 94 b/w engraved illustrations (some fullpage). Folding map. 26x18 cm. Decorative cloth with gilt. £450.00
A rare travelogue of the expedition of Prince Henry d’Orleans in the year of 1895 from Hanoi in Vietnam up into the Xishuangbanna area of Yunnan in China and thence north to Dali (Tali). Following a stay in Dali, the group struck North and then Southwest travelling through the Tibetan foothills into British India and through Assam along the route of the Brahmaputra to Calcutta. The work is in eight chapters: I: Hanoi to Mongtse; II: From Mongtse to Ssumao; III: Ssumao to Tali; IV: Tali-Fou; V: From Tali to Tsekou; VI: Sojourn at Tsekou; VII: Tsekou to Khamti; VIII: Khamti to India. The work is distinguished with 95 black-and-white engravings (taken from photographs) by G. Vuillier. English translation of the French original. A prime record of areas then little-visited by foreigners. Some minor wear and foxing.
72 De La Loubere, Simon: A NEW HISTORICAL RELATION OF THE KINGDOM OF SIAM. Bangkok, 1986. xiv, 260 pp. B/w reproductions of engravings. 32x20 cm. Boards. £95.00 Facsimile reproduction of the rare 1693 original detailing the embassy of de la Loubere, envoy extraordinary from the French King to the King of Siam in the years 1687 and 1688. With an introduction on the historical background to the embassy by John Villiers.
73 De La Loubere, Simon: A NEW HISTORICAL RELATION OF THE KINGDOM OF SIAM. by Monsieur de la Loubere Envoy Extraordinary from the French King, to the King of Siam, in the years 1687 and 1688. N.p., n.d. 143 pp. B/w reproductions of engravings. 19x13 cm. Boards. £20.00
Reduced facsimile reproduction of the rare 1693 original detailing the embassy of de la Loubere, envoy extraordinary from the French King to the King of Siam in the years 1687 and 1688. Introduction on the historical background to the embassy by John Villiers.
74 Deshpandye, O. P: SIAMSKOE ISSKYSTVO XIV-XIX VYEKOV V SOBRANII GOSYDARSTVENNOVO ERMITAJA. Siamese Art of the 14th-19th Centuries in the Hermitage. St. Petersburg, 1997. 196 pp. Colour plates throughout. 26x21 cm. Wrappers. £50.00 Catalogue describing the cream of the holdings of Siamese art in the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. Very few items published previously. Good colour illustrations. Introduction, six page summary and short descriptive captions in English. Main text in Russian.
75 Diskul, M: ART IN THAILAND: A BRIEF HISTORY. Bangkok, n.d (1970s). 51 pp. text plus 125 full page b/w illustrations. 25x18 cm. Paper. £20.00 Despite the generic title, this is very much a study of Thai sculpture throughout the ages from the Dvaravati period through to the late Bangkok style. Illustrated with numerous examples. Revised edition.
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76 Dofflemyer, Virginia: SOUTHEAST ASIAN CERAMICS. From the Collection of Margot and Hans Ries. Pasadena, 1989. xii, 86 pp. 118 plates, 24 in colour. 3 maps. 28x22 cm. Paper. £20.00
A highly-informative and copiously-illustrated catalogue from the Pacific Asia Museum. The collection has an impressive concentration of Thai ceramics.
77 Dumarcay, Jacques: CHARPENTES ET TUILES KHMERES. (Khmer Woodwork and Tiling). Memoires Archaeologiques VIII. Paris, 1973. 87 pp. text plus 80 pp. architectural plans and drawings (a number folding) and 77 b/w photographic illustrations. 37x26 cm. Half cloth. £75.00 A fine and focussed contribution to the subject by an acknowledged authority. In French.
78 Father Sangermano, Tandy, W. trans: A DESCRIPTION OF THE BURMESE EMPIRE. Compiled chiefly from Burmese documents by Father Sangermano. New York, 1969. xl, 308 pp. Folding map. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £75.00
Originally published in Rome in 1833, this is a very interesting work on Burma at the end of the 18th and start of the 19th centuries. With sections covering Burmese Cosmography, Burmese History, Constitution of the Burmese Empire, Religion of the Burmese, Moral and Physical Constitution of the Burmese Empire, Burmese Code. Sangermano was a Catholic monk who arrived in Burma in 1783 and returned to Rome in 1808 where he worked on this manuscript. A scarce account. Fifth printing.
79 Flecker, Michael: THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATION OF THE TENTH CENTURY INTAN SHIPWRECK. BAR International Series, 1047. Oxford, 2002. 163 pp. B/w text illustrations. 30x21 cm. Paper. £40.00
Detailed report on the author’s excavation of the Intan shipwreck in the north-west of the Java Sea, Indonesia. The wreck has been dated to the 10th century. The remains included a huge amount of ceramic and other artefacts from China, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Middle East and the wreck is thus important for the study of maritime trade at the time.
80 Frasche, Dean F: SOUTHEAST ASIAN CERAMICS. Ninth Through Seventeenth Centuries. New York, 1976. 144 pp. 124 illustrations, 10 in colour. 2 maps. Bibliography. 25x24 cm. Cloth. £30.00
The first major exhibition in the United States of Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese ceramics arranged by the Asia House Gallery, New York.
81 Freeman, Michael: KHMER TEMPLES IN THAILAND AND LAOS. Bangkok, 1998. 315 pp. 280 colour illustrations, 35 plans and 12 maps. 22x12 cm. Paper. £25.00
Useful, substantial and well-illustrated guide book — includes walkthrough plans of every significant temple — with photographs by the author. Second edition. Out-of-print.
82 Fukuoka Art Museum: THAI & KHMER CERAMICS. Tai Kanpujia no Toki. Fukuoka, 1996. 160 pp. 155 objects illustrated in colour. B/w illustrations and diagrams. 27x21 cm. Paper. £65.00 Catalogue of an exhibition of 155 objects of old Khmer, Sangkhaloke and Burmese ceramics. The pieces are all from the Hiromu Honda collection. All pieces illustrated in colour. English captions, main text in Japanese. Scarce catalogue.
83 Garnier, Derick: AYUTTHAYA. Venice of the East. Bangkok, 2004. 199 pp. 44 pp. colour & b/w plates. Maps and plans, included one foldout. 26x18 cm. Cloth. £17.00 For over 400 years, between 1351 and 1767, Ayutthaya was the capital of Siam and one of the wealthiest trading cities in the region, renowned for its beautiful temple architecture. Garnier provides a history of the city with a wealth of fascinating material.
84 Giteau, Madeleine: LE BORNAGE RITUEL DES TEMPLES BOUDDHIQUES AU CAMBODGE. (The Boundary Ritual in Buddhist Temples of Cambodia). Publications de l’Ecole Francaise d’Extreme-Orient Vol. LXVIII. Paris, 1969. 151 pp. text plus 14 b/w plates and 39 b/w photographic illustrations. 28x20 cm. Paper. £60.00 Uncut copy. In French. Scarce.
85 Giteau, Madeleine: THE CIVILIZATION OF ANGKOR. New York, 1976. 280 pp. 151 illustrations, appendices glossary, maps, plans, bibliography, index. 29x26 cm. Cloth. £125.00 The former chief curator of the National Museum of Phnom Penh brings to life the ancient Khmer civilization of Angkor, using reliefs and Sanskrit inscriptions as her chief source of information, with magnificent photos taken just before the war and terror which followed.
86 Gittinger, Mattiebelle: SPLENDID SYMBOLS. Textiles and Tradition in Indonesia. Singapore, 1990. 243 pp. Glossary, bibliography. 21 colour plates, 184 illustrations. 28x23 cm. Paper. £30.00 Second, revised edition.
87 Gittinger, Mattiebelle & Lefferts, L. L: TEXTILES AND THE TAI EXPERIENCE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. Washington, 1992. 264 pp. 24 colour plates, 196 b/w illustrations. Maps, diagrams. 29x23 cm. Cloth. £40.00
This catalogue, complementing the exhibition at the Textile Museum, is the first significant publication devoted to the Tai peoples and their textile art. An exhaustive, groundbreaking investigation that will be a standard reference for years to come.
88 Glover, Ian et al. ed: EARLY METALLURGY, TRADE AND URBAN CENTRES IN THAILAND AND SOUTHEAST ASIA. 13 Archaeological Essays. Bangkok, 1992. 231 pp. Colour and b/w text illustrations. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £30.00 Thirteen essays focussing on early aspects of metallurgy and trade and the rise of cities on Thailand and Southeast Asia.
89 Gosling, Betty: A CHRONOLOGY OF RELIGIOUS ARCHITECTURE AT SUKHOTHAI. Late Thirteenth to Early Fifteenth Century. Monograph & Occasional Paper Series, 52. Ann Arbor, 1996. 312 pp. Cloth. £20.00
90 Gotoh Art Museum: YOMIGAERU OKOKU (TAI BETONAMU KANBOJIA) NO KO-TOJI TEN. The Exhibition of South-East Asian Ceramics (Thailand, Vietnam & Cambodia). Tokyo, 1987. 95 pp. Colour photographs of all 187 items. 30x23 cm. Paper. £45.00 Scarce catalogue of an exhibition of South-East Asian ceramics held at the Gotoh Art Museum in Tokyo. Japanese text by Takeuchi Junichi. List of exhibits and captions to the illustrations in English.
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91 Groslier, Bernard & Jacques Arthaud: ANGKOR — ART AND CIVILIZATION. Singapore, 1966. 236 pp. 6 plates in colour, 115 b/w illustrations. 28x24 cm. Cloth. £85.00 A now classic book on the ruins of Angkor. Revised edition of ‘The Arts and Civilization of Angkor’.
92 Guerin, Nicol & van Oenen, Dick: THAI CERAMIC ART: THE THREE RELIGIONS. Singapore, 2005. 310 £70.00 pp. 830 colour plates plus b/w line drawings. 30x22 cm. Cloth. A detailed and copiously-illustrated study on the 14th-16th century Thai ceramic wares used in local Buddhist, Brahman and animist religious ceremonies. Approached from an art historical perspective.
93 Gutman, Pamela: ANCIENT ARAKAN. With special reference to its cultural history between the 5th and 11th centuries. Canberra, 1976. ix, 376; 22 pp. 93 pp b/w illustrations. 2 vols. 30x21 cm. Cloth. £70.00 A doctoral thesis. Volume one comprises text, volume two plates.
94 Guy, John: CERAMIC TRADITIONS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA. The Asia Collection. Oxford, 1989. 96 pages. 25 colour illustrations, 39 halftones, 2 figures. 26x20 cm. Boards. £30.00
This book provides an introduction to the internal histories of the glazed ceramic traditions of South-East Asia. It examines the ceramics of Burma, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam discussing the wares, kiln technology, etc.
95 Guy, John: ORIENTAL TRADE CERAMICS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. 10th to 16th Century. Melbourne, 1980. 96 pp. 17 text-figures. 85 plates and illustrations, 10 in colour. 3 maps. 25x20 cm. Paper. £50.00 153 pieces of Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai ceramics selected from Australian collections, including the Art Gallery of South Australia and the Bodor Collection.
96 Haags Gemeentemuseum: KUNST UIT THAILAND. N.p., 1963. 52 pp. text plus 88 full page b/w plates. 22x18 cm. Paper. Crease to cover. £15.00
Catalogue of a major exhibition of Thai art held in the Netherlands. The very fine exhibits loaned from major museums in Thailand. 88 objects in various media illustrated. Text in Dutch.
97 Hall, D. G. E: EARLY ENGLISH INTERCOURSE WITH BURMA 1587-1743. and the Tragedy of Negrais. London, 1968. viii, 357 pp. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £90.00 Detailed study of British contacts with Burma from 1587-1743 from earliest contacts through to the last years of the Syriam Factory. Second edition with The Tragedy of Negrais in 1687 as a new appendix. Scarce.
98 Hall, D. G. E: A HISTORY OF SOUTH-EAST ASIA. London, 1981. xxiv, 1019 pp. Appendix, Bibliography, Index. 2 foldout maps. 43 illustrations. 22x14 cm. Paper. £20.00 A useful and detailed history with much on European expansion and colonialism. Third edition.
99 Hall, D. G. E. ed: MICHAEL SYMES. Journal of his Second Embassy to the Court of Ava in 1802. London, 1955. lxxxix, 270 pp. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £40.00 Description of a British Embassy to the Burmese court at the start of the 19th century. Includes an extensive introduction giving the background to the Embassy and British diplomatic involvement with Burma, Symes’s diary and appendices.
100 Harper, Rosemary: A STUDY OF PAINTED UNDER GLAZE DECORATED SHERDS SISATCHANALAI THAILAND. Research Centre for Southeast Asian Ceramics Papers 2. Adelaide, n.d. 74 pp. B/w text drawings throughout. 28x21 cm. Paper. £15.00 Primarily a visual survey. The ceramic sherds with their painted designs are reproduced in black-and-white drawings. Illustrated throughout. Introduction accompanies.
101 Hasebe Gakuji: INDOSHINA HANTO NO TOJIKI — YAMADA YOSHIO KOREKUSHON. Ceramics from the Indonesian Peninsula in the Yamada Yoshio Collection. Tokyo, 1990. 18 pp. English, 348 pp. Japanese text and 465 plates and illustrations, 231 in colour. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £180.00 Features one of the most important Japanese collections of Southeast Asian ceramics. Includes ceramics excavated from Mae Sod, Khmer, Thai, Vietnam, Bencharong & Lai, Nam Thong and Ban Chiang.
102 Heekeren, H. R. van: SAI-YOK. Stone-Age Settlements in the Kanchanaburi Province. Archaeological Excavations in Thailand 1. Copenhagen, 1967. 129 pp. text. 23 plates. 30x22 cm. Half-cloth. £45.00 An account of the Thai-Danish Prehistoric Expedition 1960-62, whose objective was to make a study of the almost unknown prehistory of Thailand.
103 Hein, D. & Sangkhanukit, P: REPORT ON THE EXCAVATION OF THE BAN TAO HAI KILNS PHITSANULOK, THAILAND. Research Centre for Southeast Asian Ceramics Papers 1. Adelaide, n.d. 101 pp. B/w text illustrations and drawings throughout. 28x21 cm. Paper. £18.00 A detailed report assisted by much illustration, including numerous excavated sherds.
104 Higham, C. F. W. and Bannanarag, R. ed: THE EXCAVATION OF KNOK PHANOM DI: A PREHISTORIC SITE IN CENTRAL THAILAND. Vol. I: The Excavation, Chronology and Human Burials. Society of Antiquaries Research Report. London, 1990. 372 pp. Many illustrations & tables. 28x22 cm. Cloth. £26.00 The first volume of the report on the important site of Khok Phanom Di.
105 Honda, Hiromu: THE BEAUTY OF FIRED CLAY. Ceramics from Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand. New York, 1997. 320 pp. Cloth. £95.00 Catalogue of the private collection of Hiromu Honda.
106 Hongvivat, Nidda: MURAL PAINTINGS OF THAILAND SERIES. Bangkok, 1983. c. 90 pp per volume. Colour illustrations throughout each volume. 15 vols. 28x21 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £200.00 Contains volumes on the mural paintings in the following temples in Thailand: Buddhaisawan Chapel, Wat Maha Phruttharam, Wat Dusidaram, Wat Phra Sing, Wat Maithepnimit, Wat Suwannaram, Wat Thong Thammachat, Wat Chong Nonsi, Wat Yai Intharam, Wat Matchimawat, Wat Ratchasittharam, Wat Ko Kaeo Suttharam, Wat Pradu Song Tham, Wat Phumin and Wat Nong Bua. One further
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volume covers Khoi Manuscript Paintings of the Ayutthaya Period. We are unsure if this comprises the complete set but it is certainly a comprehensive and well-illustrated survey. Dual texts in Thai and English.
107 Hoskin, John & Dugast, Jean-Leo: THE SUPERNATURAL IN THAI LIFE. Bangkok, 1993. 132 pp. 136 illustrations in colour. 27x19 cm. Paper. £20.00
A photographic record of a side of Thai culture rarely seen by outsiders and perhaps little-understood by many Thais — a transcendental realm of spirits, demons and bizarre happenings.
108 Hu Dezhi & Wan Yi ed: CANLAN YU DANYA: CHAOXIAN RIBEN TAIGUO YUENAN TAOCI TUSHI. (Magnificent and Elegant: An Illustrated History of Korean, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese Ceramics). 燦爛與淡雅 : 朝鮮日本泰國越南陶瓷圖史 。 胡德智、 萬一 編著. Nanning, 1999. 169 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 26x18 cm. Paper. £20.00 An illustrated guide and history of Korean, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese ceramics. Numerous colour illustrations. Text in Chinese.
109 Hürlimann, Martin: BANGKOK. New York, 1963. 122 pp. 13 pp. colour photographs, b/w photographs throughout. 25X18 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £45.00 A photographic tour of Bangkok taken in the early 1960s. Shows sites, rituals and the people of the city.
110 Isaacs, R. and Blurton, T: VISIONS FROM THE GOLDEN LAND. Burma and the Art of Lacquer. London, 2000. 240 pp. 150 colour and 50 b/w illustrations. 28x22 cm. Paper. £25.00 Paperback edition.
111 Itoi, Kenji & Shimazu, Noriki: TONAN ASIA NO TOKI — KHMER, THAI, ANNAM NO YAKIMONO. (Ceramics of Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam). Tokyo, 1982. vii, 311 pp. 113 colour and 86 b/w plates. B/w text illustrations and drawings. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £75.00 Shows a very fine selection of ceramics from Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. The pieces appear to come from museums in Japan and Southeast Asia. List of plates in English, otherwise Japanese text only.
112 Jacques, Claude: ANGKOR. Cities and Temples. London, 1997. 368 pp. 380 illustrations, 370 in colour. Glossary, bibliography, maps. 28x27 cm. Cloth. £20.00 This sumptuous pictorial record celebrates one of the world’s greatest sights: the fabulous cities and temples of Angkor in Southeast Asia. With photographs by Michael Freeman.
113 Jacques, Claude et al: ANGKOR. Cities and Temples. Cologne, 1999. 191 pp. Colour plates, b/w illustrations and architectural drawings throughout. 28x27 cm. Cloth. £35.00 A fine pictorial record celebrates one of the world’s greatest sights: the fabulous cities and temples of Angkor in Southeast Asia. Accompanied by a good text.
114 Joseph, Adrian M: CHINESE AND ANNAMESE CERAMICS FOUND IN THE PHILIPPINES AND INDONESIA. London, 1973. 208 pp. 125 colour plates and illustrations. Bibliography and index. 30x22 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £100.00 Numbered edition of 1020 copies. A study of early underglaze-painted Chinese porcelains and their related wares and of the ceramics of Annam. Now offered at a much reduced price to clear an accumulation of stock.
115 Jumsai, Brig. Gen. M L: HISTORY OF ANGLO-THAI RELATIONS. Bangkok, 1970. 3, 2, 299 pp. A few b/w illustrations. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £35.00
A detailed history of the subject ranging from the establishment of English trade, the English Factory in Bangkok, Thai emissaries to the court of James II and on through various British missions to Thailand and into the 20th century. A scarce and useful study from a Thai perspective.
116 Jumsai, M. L. Manich: HISTORY OF THAILAND AND CAMBODIA. From the Days of Angkor to the Present. Bangkok, 1970. 235 pp. 1 folding map. Bibliography. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £25.00 A history of Thailand and Cambodia by a Cambridge-educated academic and administrator. In English.
117 Jumsai, Manich M: HISTORY OF LAOS. Bangkok, 1971. 8, 325, 53 pp. Numerous b/w illustrations. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £25.00 Second edition, revised and enlarged.
118 Jumsai, Manich M. L: KING MONGKUT & SIR JOHN BOWRING. From Sir John Bowring’s Personal Files, Kept at the Royal Thai Embassy in London. Bangkok, 1970. 240 pp. One b/w plates. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £40.00
Examines the relationship between King Mongkut, the Thai monarch who opened Thailand to the West and Sir John Bowring who led a mission to Bangkok in 1855.
119 Jumsai, Manich M. L: KING MONGKUT OF THAILAND AND THE BRITISH. The Model of a Great Friendship. Bangkok, 1991. 6, 253 pp. 18x13 cm. Paper. £20.00 A study of the Thai monarch who opened Thailand to the West and his relationship with the British during the Victorian era.
120 Kasetsiri, C: THE RISE OF AYUDHYA. A History of Siam in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. Kuala Lumpur, 1976. xii, 194 pp. Map. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £25.00 A good and focussed study on the rapid emergence and rise of the kingdom of Ayudhya.
121 Kimura, Sadazo: ANNAM TOKI ZUFU. (An Illustrated Study of Annamese Ceramics). Tokyo, 1983. 149 pp. 80 pp. colour and b/w plates. 26x18 cm. Cloth. £45.00 A well-illustrated study. Many examples shown. Text in Japanese.
122 Kingshill, Konrad: KU DAENG: THE RED TOMB. A Village Study in Northern Thailand. Chiangmai, 1960. xiii, 310 pp. Several b/w illustrations. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £30.00
A detailed study of the lives and experiences of a small rural community in Northern Thailand. Undertaken in the late 1950s. The first half deals with the people of the village and their daily lives; the second half deals with the religious life of the village.
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123 Koyama Fujio: CERAMIQUE ANCIENNE DE L’ASIE. Chine Japon Coree Asie du Sud-Est Proche-Orient. Fribourg, 1959. 408 pp. 174 plates, 36 in colour. 34x26 cm. Cloth. £30.00 Nice, tipped-in plates in colour and black-and-white illustrations of important ceramics. In French.
124 Krairiksh, Piriya: ART IN PENINSULAR THAILAND PRIOR TO THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY A.D. £35.00 Bangkok, 1980 264 pp. 18 pages colour illustrations 80 black-white plates, maps. 26x18 cm. Boards.
Catalogue of an exhibition held in Bangkok, exhibits being mainly stone sculptures, with some bronze sculptures, earthenware, gold and silver objects.
125 Landon, Margaret: ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM. London, 1945. 402 pp. Map. B/w text drawings. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £25.00 A historical novel and a famous story.
126 Leksukhum, Santi: THE EVOLUTION OF STUCCO DECORATIVE MOTIFS OF EARLY AYUDHYA PERIOD. N.p., n.d. 34, 200 pp. B/w photographic illustrations throughout. Numerous b/w text drawings. 25x19 cm. Paper. Crease to cover. £20.00 Well-illustrated survey of these decorative designs. Captions in English. Main text in Thai.
127 Lenzi, Iola: MUSEUMS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA. London, 2005. 208 pp. c. 500 ills. 24x20 cm. Paper. £16.95 Satisfies the need for an up-to-date, comprehensive and accessible reference guide to the cultural institutions of Southeast Asia.
128 Leonowens, Anna K: SIAMESE HAREM LIFE. London, 2001. 228 pp. B/w illustrations. 22x14 cm. Boards. £75.00
Anna Leonowens was the real life heroine of Anna and the King of Siam. The first western woman to enter the Siam court and its harem, this is a unique insight into a mysterious world. Facsimile reprint of the rare 1872 edition.
129 Lewis, Paul and Elaine: PEOPLES OF THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE. Six Tribes in Thailand. London, 1984. 300 pp. 754 illustrations of which 712 in colour. 23x25 cm. Cloth. £15.00 The ceremonies, rituals, jewellery, textiles, basket-making, clothing, houses and villages of the Karen, Hmong, Mien, Lahu, Akha and Lisu tribes who inhabit the Golden Triangle. A fascinating book and visually splendid.
130 Lim, Aurora: THE EVIDENCE OF CERAMICS. As an Aid in Understanding the Pattern of Trade in the Philippines and Southeast Asia. Asian Studies Monographs No 36. Bangkok, 1987. vi, 153 pp. 21x14 cm. Paper. £25.00 A study with much interesting detail.
131 Liu, Gretchen: IN GRANITE AND CHUNAM. The National Monuments of Singapore. Singapore, 1996. xxi, 281 pp. Colour and b/w photographs throughout. 30x27 cm. Cloth. £35.00 A fine survey of the civic architecture of Singapore. Modern colour photographs are juxtaposed with old black-and-white images. Interesting text accompanies.
132 Locsin, Leandro & Cecilia: ORIENTAL CERAMICS DISCOVERED IN THE PHILIPPINES. Tokyo, 1967. 266 pp. 228 plates, 89 in colour. Maps, notes, glossary, bibliography. 31x23 cm. Cloth. £150.00
The Locsins have built up one of the most important collections of early Chinese trade porcelain in the world, as the contents of this, now scarce, volume demonstrate. A most important study of the subject. Now offered at a much reduced price to clear an accumulation of stock.
133 Loewenstein, John: PAPERS ON THE MALAYAN METAL AGE. Singapore, 1962. 78 pp, 35 b/w illustrations, 6 b/w plates. 25x15 cm. Paper. £15.00 Reprint of a paper in the Journal of the Malayan Branch, Royal Asiatic Society: Vol. XXIX, Part 2. May 1956.
134 Lowry, John: BURMESE ART. London, 1974. x, 106 pp. 50 plates. 21x14 cm. Paper. A good introduction.
135 LUANG PHABANG: AN ARCHITECTURAL JOURNEY. Bangkok, 2004. 119 pp. Colour plates throughout. Plans and drawings. 21x29 cm. Paper. £37.50 Based on visual and technical materials produced for the nomination of Luang Phabang to the UNESCO World Heritage List, this well-produced book contains the only aerial photographs of Luang Phabang, plus numerous architects drawings and plans, and texts by recognised scholars, including Richard A. Englelbart and Pierre-Bernard Lafont. Photography by Thierry Renavand and Jean-Pierre Cuomo.
136 Mannikka, Eleanor: ANGKOR WAT. Time, Space and Kingship. Honolulu, 2000. xv, 341 pp. Colour and (predominantly) b/w illustrations. 23x20 cm. Paper. £25.00 This study demonstrates the role of astronomy, history, cosmology and politics can play in determining a structure’s format and dimensions. Paperback edition.
137 Marchal, Henri: NOUVEAU GUIDE D’ANGKOR. [N.p. Phnom Penh & Paris], 1961. 245 pp. Numerous b/w plates throughout. Folding map. Bibliography. 23x15 cm. Paper. £30.00 Fine guide, with historical introduction, by a former curator of the Angkor monument. In French.
138 Maspero, M. Georges: LE ROYAUME DE CHAMPA. (The Kingdom of Champa). Paris, 1928. vi, 278 pp. text plus 40 pp. b/w plates hors texte. 28x20 cm. Later cloth. £50.00 An early contribution by a noted scholar. Text in French. Bound in later cloth.
139 Matics, K. I: A HISTORY OF WAT PHRA CHETUPON AND ITS BUDDHA IMAGES. Bangkok, 1979. xiv, 69 pp. B/w illustrations and architectural plans. 24x18 cm. Paper. £15.00 More commonly known as Wat Po, this famous temple is located in Bangkok and is important for its Buddhist statuary. A survey of the history of the temples and its Buddhist images, aided by numerous illustrations.
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140 Matics, K. I: INTRODUCTION TO THE THAI TEMPLE. Bangkok, 1992. 141 pp. Colour, b/w illustrations and line drawings throughout. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £15.00 Useful introduction to the layout, structures and architectural features found in a typical Thai temple. Well-illustrated.
141 Matsuyama, Akira: THE TRADITIONAL DIETARY CULTURE OF SOUTHEAST ASIA. Its Formation and £175.00 Pedigree. London, 2009.. xv, 459 pp. A few b/w illustrations, tables and maps. 24x16 cm. Boards. A detailed study of the development of the dietary culture of Southeast Asia, from Laos and Vietnam to the Philippines and New Guinea. Discusses food culture from Neolithic times onwards, the influence of the colonial age and ancient foods that survive today to be widely used in fusion cuisine. New second edition.
142 Le May, Reginald: A CONCISE HISTORY OF BUDDHIST ART IN SIAM. Tokyo, 1963. xxiii, 169 pp. Map, 205 illustrations. 28x20 cm. Cloth. £65.00 First published in 1938, this book explores in detail the development of Buddhist art in Thailand from its Indian origins in the 2nd century, and is illustrated by photographs of many fine examples of sculpture, carving and architecture. A standard reference.
143 Mazzeo, Donatella & Antonini, C. S: ANCIENT CAMBODIA. Monuments of Civilization. London, 1978. 192 pp. 111 colour plates, b/w text plans and drawings. 33x25 cm. Cloth. £45.00 Focuses on the stunning architectural complex at Angkor. Fine photography is combined with a good text.
144 MEI DIGUOZHUYI CONG YUENAN GUNCHUQU ZHANLAN TUPIAN. (Let Us Rid Vietnam of American Imperialism: An Exhibition of Photographs). 美帝國主義從越南滾出去展覽片. Beijing, n.d. Loose title page and 31 loose plates with b/w photographs. 36x25 cm. Loose in envelope. £40.00 Facsimile reproduction of a 1965 Chinese propaganda work apparently based on an exhibition of photographs showing the war waged in Vietnam against the Americans and the support of the Chinese people in their struggle. In Chinese.
145 Michaud, Jean: HISTORICAL DICTIONARY OF THE PEOPLES OF THE SOUTHEAST ASIAN MASSIF. Historical Dictionaries of Peoples and Cultures, 4. Lanham, 2006. xxvi, 355 pp. 4 maps. Chronology, bibliography. 23x15 cm. Boards. £60.00 Offers hundreds of entries on c. 200 ethnic groups, the countries they live in and their cultures, politics, social structures, religions etc.
146 Milne, Mrs. Leslie: SHANS AT HOME. With Two Chapters on Shan History and Literature by the Rev. Wilbur Willis Cochrane. London, 1910. xxiv, 289 pp. Colour frontispiece and c.85 b/w plates. A number of b/w text drawings. 22x15 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £80.00
A scarce work on the peoples of Northern Burma as visited at the beginning of the 20th century. A good number of black-and-white photographs accompany, showing mostly the people of the region. Informative detailed text.
147 Monod, G. H. intro: RUINES D’ANGKOR. (Ruins of Angkor). Paris, n.d. (1920s.) 2 pp. text plus 48 full page b/w photographic illustrations. 23x30 cm. Decorative wrappers. £135.00
48 full page black-and-white photographic illustrations of the complex of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Taken by the Saigon-based photographers Photo Nadal. Two page introduction in French. Appealing black-and-white cover drawing of a part of the Angkor complex. A scarce work in fine condition.
148 Muller, H. R. A: JAVANESE TERRACOTTAS. Terra Incognita. Lochem, 1978. 108 pp. 173 text figures. 25x16 cm. Cloth. £20.00
A study of a collection of terracottas largely excavated in and around the village of Trawulan in Eastern Java, the former capital of the Kingdom of Majapahit.
149 Muller, Hendrik: DE OOST-INDISCHE COMPAGNIE IN CAMBODJA EN LAOS VERZAMELING VAN BESCHEIDEN VAN 1636 TOT 1670. (The East India Company in Cambodia and Laos Covering the Period from 1636 to 1670). S-Gravenhage, 1917. xviii, b/w folding frontispiece (with crease), 463 pp. Folding map in rear pocket. 25x17 cm. Cloth. £350.00 In fine condition. Text in Dutch. Very scarce.
150 MUSEUM OF CHAM SCULPTURE — DANANG. Hanoi, 1987. 74 pp. text plus 48 b/w illustrations. 23x15 cm. Paper. £15.00 Shows, in basic black-and-white illustrations, the little-published treasures of Cham sculpture in this museum. Texts in Vietnamese, Russian and English. The English text comprises 14 pp. introductory text plus list of illustrations.
151 Myrdal, Jan & Kessle, Gun: ANGKOR. An Essay on Art and Imperialism. London, 1971. 167 pp. B/w illustrations. 21x12 cm. Cloth. £15.00 Describes Angkor and its history and analyses the way Westerners have reacted to Angkor.
152 Naquib Al-Attas, Syed Muhammad: THE OLDEST KNOWN MALAY MANUSCRIPT. A 16th Century Malay Translation of the ‘Aqa’id of Al-nasfi. Kuala Lumpur, 1988. xiii,156 pp. Appendix. 23x14 cm. Cloth. £15.00 A detailed study of this rare document.
153 Nguyen Dinh Chien and Pham Quoc Quan: 2000 YEARS OF VIETNAMESE CERAMICS. 2000 nam gom Viet Nam. Hanoi, 2005. 300 pp. including 222 pp. with 398 colour and 5 b/w plates. Bibliographies. 22x22 cm. Cloth. £55.00 Very well-illustrated exposition of the entire spectrum of Vietnamese ceramics with dual language — Vietnamese and English — text and brief captions in both languages by prominent curators and archaeologists associated with the National Museum of Vietnamese History. Most of the ceramics are from this collection but other Vietnamese museums are also represented.
154 Nguyen, Van Huyen: NHUNG TRONG DONG DONG SON DA PHAT HIEN O VIETNAM. (Studies on the Bronze Dong Son Drums Found in Vietnam). Hanoi, 1975. 289 pp. 124 pp. b/w illustrations comprising a few b/w photographs and numerous b/w drawings of designs on drums. 26x19 cm. Paper. £60.00
A detailed study with much illustration of the bronze Dong Son drums found in Vietnam. Ex-library copy with minimal stamps. Text in Vietnamese.
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155 Nimmanahaeminda, Kraisri: SANKAMPAENG GLAZED POTTERY. Chiengmai, 1960. 51 pp. text, English and Thai. 60 b/w plates. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £15.00 The text of a lecture given at an archaeological seminar. A good number of pieces illustrated in black-and-white.
156 [Noble, Charles Frederick]: A VOYAGE TO THE EAST INDIES IN 1747 AND 1748. London, 1762. xv, 341, £1,500.00 3 pp. 11 full page b/w engraved plates hors texte, of which one folding. 21x13 cm. Full leather.
The title continues: ‘Containing an account of the islands of St. Helena and Java. Of the city of Batavia. Of the government and political conduct of the Dutch. Of the empire of China, with a particular description of Canton; and of the religious ceremonies, manners and customs of the inhabitants.’. An interesting and early account with appealing engravings. The folding plate shows a view of the city of Batavia. Slight wear to edges. Slight loss to top and bottom of spine. The joints a little tender. All wear commensurate with age. Internally nice and clean. Very rare. Löwendahl 523.
157 O’Connor Jr, Stanley J: HINDU GODS OF PENINSULAR SIAM. Ascona, 1972. 76 pp. 34 illustrations, bibliography and index. 32x24 cm. Cloth. £65.00
158 O’Connor, V. C. Scott: THE SILKEN EAST. A Record of Life and Travel In Burma. London, n.d. (c.1928.) 384 pp. 200 illustrations including 8 coloured plates. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £20.00
A fine travel book about Burma well-illustrated with photographs and colour plates of paintings by J. R. Middleton and the Burmese court painter Saya Chone. Damage and split to bottom of spine. Priced accordingly.
159 Okuda, Seiichi: SOKOROKU ZURAN. (Illustrations of Sawankalok Ceramics). Tokyo, 1944. 20 pp. text and 102 plates and illustrations, 5 in colour. 30x22 cm. Hard boards. £150.00 Printed in a limited edition of 1000 copies. One of the earliest books on the subject. In Japanese.
160 Pacific Asia Museum: CONTEMPORARY PAINTINGS OF MALAYSIA. Pasadena, 1988. c. 100 pp. 41 colour illustrations. Bibliography. 30x21 cm. Paper. £20.00
Catalogue of the first exhibition of contemporary Malaysian art to be held in the United States, produced jointly with the National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur.
161 Pacific Asia Museum: IMAGES OF FAITH. Religious Ivory Carvings from the Philippines. Pasadena, 1990. viii, 142 pp. including 66 coloured and 51 b/w illustrations. 28x22 cm. Paper. £25.00 Catalogue of an exhibition of Christian ivory carvings.
162 Peacock, B. A. V: THAI CERAMICS THROUGH THE AGES. Hong Kong, 1978. 79 pp. 10 colour plates, 70 illustrations. Maps. Bibliography. 23x19 cm. Paper. £25.00 Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Hong Kong Museum of History.
163 Pham Quoc Quan and Nguyen Dinh Chien: VIETNAMESE BROWN PATTERNED CERAMICS. Gom Hoa Nau Viet Nam. Hanoi, 2005. 224 pp. including 149 pp. with 200 colour and 3 b/w plates and 217 line drawings. Bibliography. 29x21 cm. Cloth. £50.00 Detailed and extensively illustrated exposition of the characteristic Vietnamese ceramics decorated with brown washed patterns, important to the Vietnamese ceramics tradition especially from the 11th through the 15th centuries. Dual English and Vietnamese text and captions.
164 Phayre, Arthur: HISTORY OF BURMA. N.p. (New Delhi?), 1967. xii, 309 pp. Folding map. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £15.00
The title in full: ‘History of Burma Including Burma Proper, Pegu, Taungu, Tenasserim and Arakan. From the Earliest Times to the End of the first War with British India’. Appears to be an Indian reprint of the 1883 original. A detailed history.
165 Pramoj, Seni: INTERPRETATIVE TRANSLATIONS OF THAI POETS. Bangkok, 1965. iii, 48 pp. 25x18 cm. Paper. £15.00 A selection of translations of Thai poetry giving the original Thai, romanized pronunciation and English translation.
166 Puranananda, Jane: THROUGH THE THREAD OF TIME. Southeast Asian Textiles. Bangkok, 2004. 250 pp. 220 colour illustrations. 28x22 cm. Paper. £65.00
Based around a symposium of scholars and art historians held in Bangkok by the James H. W. Thompson Foundation, 12 experts provide a well-illustrated collection of essays on textile art in present-day Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. Out-of-print.
167 Raben . R & Pombejra, D. ed: IN THE KING’S TRAIL. An 18th Century Dutch Journey to the Buddha’s Footprint. Bangkok, 1997. 91 pp. Numerous colour photographs and illustrations. 30x24 cm. Cloth. £30.00
Theodorus Jacobus van den Heuvel’s account of his voyage to Phra Phutthabat in 1737. The then chief of the Dutch United East India Company was invited by the King of Siam to accompany him on his annual pilgrimage to the shrine of the Buddha’s Footprint, Phra Phutthabat. He recorded his impressions in his journal which is here translated into English, annotated, and published for the first time.
168 Rawson, Philip: THE ART OF SOUTHEAST ASIA. Cambodia Vietnam Thailand Laos Burma Java Bali. World of Art. London, 1995. 288 pp. 251 illustrations, 32 in colour. 21x15 cm. Paper. £15.00
This comprehensive and authoritative account surveys a vast array of works of art in every category, from massive architectural complexes to tiny bronzes.
169 Reichart, P. A. & Philipsen, H. P: BETEL AND MIANG. Vanishing Thai Habits. Bangkok, 1996. 136 pp. Colour illustrations and photographs throughout. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £25.00
A comprehensive and well-illustrated study of the chewing of betel and miang (fermented tea leaves) in Thailand. Shows many utensils and items associated with the practice. A good work on a little-published subject.
170 Remusat, Gilbert de Coral: L’ART KHMER: LES GRANDES ETAPES DE SON EVOLUTION. (Khmer Art: The Grand Stages of Its Evolution). Etudes d’Art et d’Ethnologie Asiatiques I. Paris, 1951. 129 pp. text plus 44 pp. plates with 159 b/w illustrations. B/w text drawings. 28x22 cm. Paper. £20.00 Partly uncut copy. In French. Dampstaining to bottom margin of book, not affecting text. Priced accordingly.
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171 RENAISSANCE CULTURELLE DU CAMBODGE (3). Tokyo, 1990. 6, 335 pp. A few b/w illustrations and drawings. 25x18 cm. Paper. £25.00 Contains a number of detailed essays, the majority in English and French, predominantly on the conservation and protection of the monuments at Angkor. Comprises the findings of the Third Sophia University Angkor Mission.
172 RENAISSANCE CULTURELLE DU CAMBODGE (4). Tokyo, 1991. 4, 393 pp. A few b/w illustrations and £25.00 drawings. 25x18 cm. Paper. Contains a number of detailed essays, the majority in English, predominantly on the monuments at Angkor and surveying their condition and status. Comprises the findings of the Fourth Sophia University Angkor Mission.
173 RENAISSANCE CULTURELLE DU CAMBODGE (5). Tokyo, 1991. 10, 633 pp. A few b/w illustrations and drawings. 25x18 cm. Paper. £25.00 Contains a number of detailed essays, the majority in English, predominantly on the preservation of the monuments at Angkor and surveying their condition and status. Comprises the findings of the Fifth International Survey Mission for Preservation of Monuments at Angkor by Sophia University.
174 RENAISSANCE CULTURELLE DU CAMBODGE (6). Tokyo, 1992. 10, 439 pp. A few b/w illustrations and drawings. 25x18 cm. Paper. £25.00 Contains a number of detailed essays, the majority in English , predominantly on the monuments at Angkor and surveying their condition and status. Comprises the findings of the Sixth Sophia University Survey Mission for the Study and Preservation of the Angkor Monuments.
175 Richards, Dick: THAI CERAMICS: BAN CHIANG, KHMER, SUKOTHAI, SAWANKHALOK. Adelaide, 1977. 208 pp. 130 plates (16 coloured) with many illustrations. Maps. Bibliography. 26x18 cm. Cloth. £50.00 Exhibition catalogue from the Art Gallery of South Australia.
176 Rodgers, Susan: POWER AND GOLD. Jewelry from Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Geneva, 1985. 369 pp. 361 colour and 138 b/w illustrations. Glossaries, bibliography. 27x23 cm. Cloth. £70.00 A fascinating survey of native Southeast Asian jewellery from the Barbier-Muller museum. 252 pieces all illustrated.
177 Rooney, Dawn: KHMER CERAMICS. Oxford in Asia, Studies in Ceramics. Singapore, 1984. xvii, 246 pp. 105 plates, 23 in colour; 36 figures; maps. Glossary, bibliography. 26x20 cm. Cloth. £75.00 The first comprehensive study of Khmer ceramics.
178 Rooney, Dawn (ed.): THAI POTTERY AND CERAMICS. Collected Articles From the Journal of the Siam Society. Bangkok, 1986. Cloth. £60.00
179 Roth, H. Ling: ORIENTAL SILVERWORK MALAY AND CHINESE. A Handbook for Connoisseurs, Collectors, Students and Silversmiths. Kuala Lumpur, 1966. 300 pp. 170 illustrations. Text-figures. 29x22 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £75.00 Reprint of the 1910 edition, illustrated with many choice examples of silverwork — 157 in total. A standard work on the subject. A good clean copy with dustjacket. Scarce.
180 Roveda, Vittorio: KHMER MYTHOLOGY. London, 1997. 181 pp. 265 colour plates. Bibliography, glossary, index. 26x19 cm. Paper. £16.95 In three main sections — introductory, myths and legends, index of locations — this thoroughly illustrated book provides a handy comprehensive guide to the iconography of Khmer (chiefly religious, sculptural) art. Extremely useful.
181 SEAMEO Project in Archaeology & Fine Arts: HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AND MONUMENTS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA. A Compilation: Volume 2: Thailand. Bangkok, 1987. 215 pp. 27x21 cm. Paper. £15.00 A detailed listing of sites throughout Thailand.
182 SEAMEO Project in Archaeology & Fine Arts: TECHNICAL WORKSHOP ON CERAMICS. Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand December 1-12 1985: Final Report. SPAFA Reports WS16/85. Bangkok, n.d. 474 pp. B/w text drawings. Maps and tables. 9 appendixes. 27x21 cm. Paper. £30.00 Proceedings of a symposium on the ceramics of Southeast Asia. Contains numerous articles and reports on recent findings in the area and varied contributions by scholars in the field.
183 Shaw, J. C: INTRODUCING THAI CERAMICS. Also Burmese and Khmer. Chiang Mai, 1987. 111 pp. Bibliography. 4 maps. 222 illustrations, 129 in colour. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £20.00 A well-illustrated survey of South-East Asian ceramics.
184 Shaw, John: NORTHERN THAI CERAMICS. Singapore, 1981. ix, 270 pp. 267 plates, 47 in colour. 15 maps & diagrams. 26X20 cm. Cloth. £30.00 A description of the lesser known kilns and sites. Appraisal of ceramic art from Kalong, Sankampaeng and Paan. Appendixes, nomenclature, chronology, glossary, bibliography, and index.
185 Shimazu, Noriki: NANKAI SHUTSUDO NO CHUGOKU TOJI. (Chinese Ceramics from the Southern Seas). Tokyo, 1980. 208 pp. Japanese text. 73 colour plates and illustrations, 108 in b/w, maps. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £55.00 Chinese ceramics, mostly export wares, excavated in South-east Asia & the Philippines .
186 Shippen, Mick: THE TRADITIONAL CERAMICS OF SOUTH EAST ASIA. London, 2005. 224 pp. Numerous colour illustrations. 28x22 cm. Cloth. £20.00
A comprehensive survey of the ceramic craftsmen and traditions of Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. As practised today. Illustrated throughout showing ceramics being made, transported and sold. Numerous ceramics are illustrated.
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187 Siam Society ed: INDEX: THE JOURNAL OF THE SIAM SOCIETY AND THE SIAM SOCIETY NEWSLETTER. Bangkok, 1996. c. 150 pp. 30x21 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Index covering The Journal of the Siam Society 1904-1993 and The Siam Society Newsletter 1985-1989.
188 Singh, Baldev: MALAY BRASSWARE. Singapore, 1985. 43 pp. 38 figures, 9 colour plates, 1 map. 25x18 cm. £20.00 Paper.
The National Museum has acquired over 700 brass objects from all over Asia, but the collection is dominated by brassware from the Malay Archipelago. Many of these items are illustrated and described.
189 Smithies, Michael et al: THE MONS. Collected articles from the Journal of the Siam Society. Bangkok, 1986. 82 pp. 19 illustrations. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £15.00 A collection of 5 articles, including: Halliday ‘Immigration of the Mons into Siam,’ Foster ‘Ethnic Identity of the Mons,’ etc. With introduction by Michael Smithies.
190 Smyth, H. Warington: FIVE YEARS IN SIAM. From 1891 to 1896. London, 1898. 16, 330 pp. Frontispiece and 10 fullpage b/w illustrations, 53 b/w text illustrations, 5 maps of which 3 folding (one with tear); 9, 337 pp. Frontispiece and 3 fullpage b/w illustrations, 66 b/w text illustrations, 4 maps of which 1 folding. 2 vols. 21x14 cm. Decorative cloth. £450.00 Smyth was Director of the Department of Mines in Siam during the period about which the book relates. He travelled extensively throughout Thailand and the surrounding area, Lao, Cambodia, Malaya etc. during his tenure and thus makes this work one of the, if not the, prime account in English of Thailand at the end of the nineteenth century. With much on the country, its people and culture. A detailed account with numerous illustrations. Small unobtrusive library marks on frontpaper of volume II, otherwise clean. A good firm copy with decorative cloth covers both bearing an image of a white elephant. A very scarce work.
191 Sorensen, Per & Hatting, Tove: ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS IN THAILAND: VOLUMES II AND III. Ban-Kao: Neolithic Settlements with Cemeteries in the Kanchanaburi Province. The Thai-Danish Prehistoric Expedition 1960-62. Copenhagen, 1967. 164 pp. text plus 140 pp. b/w plates and drawings; 52 pp. text plus 47 pp. b/w plates. Text drawings. Folding map. 2 vols. 29x21 cm. Boards. £85.00 The findings of the excavations of the Thai-Danish Prehistoric Expedition of 1960-62 at the Neolithic settlements and cemeteries at Ban-Kao in the Kanchanaburi province of Thailand. The first volume covers the archaeological material from the burials, the second deals with the prehistoric Thai skeletons. A scarce report.
192 Sotheby Parke Bernet: SOUTH-EAST ASIAN AND EARLY CHINESE EXPORT CERAMICS. Svargaloka, Annamese and related wares; Early Blue and White export ... Swatow wares including a fine blue and white dish. New York, 1974. 66 pp. B/w illustrations throughout. 23x22 cm. Paper. £15.00 Includes Song Yuan and Ming celadons and some early blue-and-white export wares.
193 Sotheby’s: CATALOGUE OF CHINESE, KOREAN AND THAI CERAMICS. The Property of Warren E. Cox Associates. London, 1977. 59 pp. 1 colour and 13 pp. b/w plates illustrating numerous objects. 24x18 cm. Paper. £15.00
Sotheby’s sale catalogue of a fine collection of Chinese, Thai and Korean ceramics. Warren Cox was an early writer on oriental art and ceramics. The Chinese ceramics are mostly from earlier dynasties. The others includes Sawankhalok, Koryo and Yi wares.
194 SOUTHEAST ASIA POSTCARD AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM. N.p., Various dates. 35 colour and b/w postcards and 7 small b/w photographs. 23x20 cm. Album. £350.00 Comprises 13 postcards (4 colour and 9 black-and-white) showing views and sights of Singapore, 4 postcards (3 colour, one blackand-white) and 7 small black-and-white photographs of Penang, 15 postcards (12 colour and 3 black-and-white) with various views of Rangoon and other sites of Burma. 1 black-and-white postcard of Saigon, 2 colour postcards of Manila and 3 postcards of Ceylon, 2 showing views of Colombo (one colour, one black-and-white) and one colour view of Kandy.
195 Southeast Asian Ceramics Museum: KAMRATAN COLLECTION. N.p., n.d. 120 pp. Colour plates throughout. B/w maps. 26x18 cm. Paper. £35.00 Catalogue of an exhibition showing 138 fine examples of Southeast Asian ceramics from the private Kamratan collection held in Japan. All exhibits illustrated in colour. List of plates in English. Main text in Japanese.
196 Southeast Asian Ceramics Society: A CERAMIC LEGACY OF ASIA’S MARITIME TRADE. Song Dynasty Guangdong Wares and Other 11th to 19th Century Trade Ceramics. Selangor, 1985. x, 150 pp. 212 colour plates, over 100 photographs, line drawings. Maps. Bibliography. 31x22 cm. Cloth. £70.00 Catalogue of the Second Members’ Exhibition of the Southeast Asian Ceramic Society held in Kuala Lumpur. The ceramics were found on Tioman Island, Malaysia, and reflect the prosperous trade between China and this area. Hard-to-find.
197 SPECIAL EXHIBITION: CERAMICS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA: YAMADA COLLECTION. Tokyo, 1988. 36 pp. 1 double page colour plate and 46 small b/w text illustrations. 26x18 cm. Paper. £20.00 Catalogue of an exhibition in Japan (location unclear) of Southeast Asian ceramics from the private Japanese-held Yamada collection. In Japanese.
198 Spinks, C. N: SIAMESE POTTERY IN INDONESIA. Bangkok, 1959. iii, 17 pp. 65 plates. 24x18 cm. Paper. £25.00 Catalogue of the various pottery and porcelain wares from Thailand in the Jakarta Museum.
199 Spinks, Charles Nelson: THE CERAMIC WARES OF SIAM. Bangkok, 1978. ix, 211 pp. 65 plates. 24x18 cm. Paper. £25.00 The third revised edition of this comprehensive study of Thai ceramics.
200 Sri-Aroon, Khaisri: LES STATUES DU BUDDHA. De la Galerie de Phra Pathom chedi. Bangkok, 1996. 4, 280 pp. 66 b/w illustrations, 66 b/w text drawings. 2 maps. 24x16 cm. Paper. £50.00
A fine selection of 65 Thai Buddhist sculptures from the collection of the Ombres D’Orient, Societe d’Asie du Sud-Est. All illustrated and described. Dual French and Thai text.
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201 Stern, Philippe: LES MONUMENT KHMERS DU STYLE DU BAYON ET JAYAVARMAN VII. Publications du Musée Guimet, Recherches et Documents d’Art et d’Archéologie, IX. Paris, 1965. 267 pp. 211 b/w plates on c. £75.00 60 additional pages. 15 site maps and architectural plans. Appendixes. 24x16 cm. Paper. An important study by the one-time ‘conservateur en chef’ of the Musée Guimet. In French.
202 Stevenson, John & Guy, John: VIETNAMESE CERAMICS: A SEPARATE TRADITION. Chicago, 1996. c. 450 pp. with over 500 colour illustrations. Cloth. £90.00
Explores and elucidates the distinctive and unique features of Vietnamese ceramics. The best work to date on the subject, this book combines work by experts from around the world. Traces the history and development, kiln sites, techniques and trade.
203 Sullivan, Michael: STUDIES IN THE ART OF CHINA AND SOUTH-EAST ASIA: VOLUME II. London, 1992. 405 pp. 212 illustrations. Notes, index. 24x17 cm. Buckram bound. £130.00
Second of two volumes containing collected shorter works of one of the leading Western authorities on the art of China. This volume covers modern Chinese and South-East Asian art. Contents Traditional Aesthetics: Help or Hindrance to the Resurgence of East Asia?; The Traditional Trend in Contemporary Chinese Art; A Fresh Look at Twentieth Century Chinese Painting; Contemporary Chinese Painting from the People’s Republic of China; Art and the Social Framework; Values through Art: Social Ethics as an Aesthetic: Art in China Today: New Directions in Chinese Art; Notes on Chinese Export Wares in Southeast Asia: Kendi; Chinese Export Porcelain in Singapore; Archaeology in the Philippines; Archaeology in Thailand Today, Excavations in Kedah and Province Wellesley:1957; The P’ra Sila of Chiengmai and its Replicas; “Raja Bersiong’s Flaggole Base” A Possible Link between Ancient Malaya and Champa; The Discovery of Angkor; Sketches of Penang by James Wathen in the University of Malaya Art Museum; Tessai.
204 Suryadinata, Leo ed: ADMIRAL ZHENG HE AND SOUTHEAST ASIA. Singapore, 2005. xviii, 168 pp. A few b/w illustrations. Map on endpapers. 21x15 cm. Boards. £25.00 Nine essays on various aspects of Zheng He’s travels in Southeast Asia.
205 Syamananda, Rong M. A: A HISTORY OF THAILAND. Bangkok, 1971. 4, 219 pp. One foldout. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £15.00 Written by a Thai Professor of History at Chulalongkorn University. A useful introduction.
206 Symes, Michael: AN ACCOUNT OF AN EMBASSY TO THE KINGDOM OF AVA. Sent by the GovernorGeneral of India in the Year 1795. Farnborough, 1969. xxiii, 503 pp. B/w illustrations, a number folding. 25x17 cm. Cloth. £105.00
The detailed record of Captain Symes first Embassy to the Court of Ava, present-day Burma, sponsored by the East India Company. The illustrations and drawings were done by an Indian artist attached to the Embassy and, in the original 1800 edition were contained in a separate atlas. They are here included in this one volume. Many fold out to the size of the original work and include a spectacular foldout map with much detail showing the Irrawaddy from Rangoon to Ummerapoora, botanical plates, the Schwedagon Pagoda in Rangoon, Catching Wild Elephants, Royal Barges, a Birman War Boat and much more of interest. Scarce 1969 reprint of a very rare work. Some minor foxing, otherwise fine.
207 Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja: BUDDHISM AND THE SPIRIT CULTS IN NORTH-EAST THAILAND. Cambridge, 1980. xi, 388 pp. 23x15 cm. Paper. £15.00 A comprehensive study of rural religion in northern Thailand.
208 Taylor, Paul Michael ed: FRAGILE TRADITIONS. Indonesian Art in Jeopardy. Honolulu, 1994. 208 pp. 65 illustrations. Map. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £20.00
Seven essays examining the effect of the international art market on small Indonesian communities creating and supplying primitive art.
209 Tingley, Nancy: DORIS DUKE. The Southeast Asian Art Collection. New York, 2003. 104 pp. 105 colour illustrations. 26x26 cm. Cloth. £28.00
In the 1950s and 1960s, Doris Duke was one of the few western art collectors pursuing Thai artworks. This book documents her collection.
210 Tiongco, Jose B: THE OTON DIGGINGS. Iloilo, 1969. 40 pp. text, 3 plates, 260 illustrations. Appendix. 32x25 cm. Cloth. £95.00
Privately printed report of the ‘illegal’ excavations at Oton on the island of Panay in the Philippines. Although not of the highest quality, the plates, mostly Chinese and Siamese blue & white wares of the 14th & 15th centuries, are interesting for their reproduction of unusual pieces. With a few minor annotations.
211 Tokyo National Museum: ART TREASURES OF THAILAND. Tokyo, 1987. 182 pp. including 7 pp. English text. 141 colour and numerous b/w illustrations. 27x22 cm. Paper. £35.00
The hundredth anniversary of the declaration of amity and commerce between Thailand and Japan was celebrated with this exhibition of 155 objects on loan from the National Museum in Bangkok.
212 Toyama Art Museum: THE WHITE AND GREEN WARES EXCAVATED IN THE TAK AREA IN THAILAND. From the Takao Kokubu Collection. Toyama, 1994. 138 pp. Colour illustrations of all 194 objects. Text mainly in Japanese. 26x18 cm. Paper. £35.00
Illustrated catalogue of a travel exhibition held at the Toyama Art Museum and the Machida City Art Museum. Plate captions in English.
213 Toyama Museum of Fine Art: SUNKOROKU — TAI TOJI NO SEIKA — TOKUBETSU TEN SOSAI KOREKUSHON. Thai Ceramics from the Sosai Collection. Toyama, 1985. 114 pp. Colour illustrations of all 88 items exhibited. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £25.00
Illustrated catalogue of an exhibition of Thai ceramics — Sukhothai, Sawankhalok, Kalong, Sankampaeng, Sansai & Phan. Japanese text with a list of exhibits in English. Introduction by the collector, Sosai.
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214 Tran duc anh Son: SINO-VIETNAMESE PORCELAINS IN NGUYEN PERIOD. Do su ky kieu thoi Nguyen. Hanoi, 2008. 300 pp. 95 pp. b/w plates and illustrations. A number of b/w text illustrations. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £80.00 A study of Vietnamese porcelains bearing Chinese designs and other Chinese influences produced during the Nguyen dynasty in Vietnam from 1802-1945. The ceramics are mostly blue-and-white. Well-illustrated with numerous examples in black-and-white. Nine pages show numerous little-known basemarks. Dual texts in Vietnamese and English. A useful contribution on a little-studied subject. Hard to obtain.
215 Turpin, F. H: A HISTORY OF THE KINGDOM OF SIAM. and of the Revolutions that Have Caused the Overthrow of the Empire up to 1770. Bangkok, 1997. xii, 153 pp. 21x15 cm. Wrappers. £15.00 First published in Paris in 1771, an English translation from the French of this early western work on Thailand.
216 Tyers, Ray: SINGAPORE. Then & Now. Singapore, 1976. 548 pp. in 2 vols. B/w photography throughout. 2 vols. 26x26 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £35.00 A photographic journey through time showing Singapore in olden times — “Then” — with 1976 being the “Now”, the photographs of then and now juxtaposed to show the changes. With much on the history and development of the island state.
217 Vallibhotama, S: FORM AND CONTINUITY IN THAI ART AND CULTURE. Bangkok, 1987. 145 pp. Full page b/w photographs throughout. 36x25 cm. Boards. £20.00 Damage to edges of covers.
218 van Heekeren, H. & Knuth, Eigel: ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS IN THAILAND: VOLUME I. SaiYok: Stone Age Settlements in the Kanchanaburi Province. The Thai-Danish Prehistoric Expedition 1960-62. Copenhagen, 1967. 129 pp. text plus 23 pp. b/w plates. Text drawings. 29x21 cm. Boards. £50.00 The findings of the excavations of the Thai-Danish Prehistoric Expedition of 1960-62 at the stone age settlements in the Kanchanaburi province of Thailand.
219 Warren, James Francis: AH KU AND KARAYUKI-SAN. Prostitution in Singapore 1870-1940. Singapore, 1993. 433 pp. text plus 16 pp. b/w plates. Maps on endpapers. 25x16 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £30.00 Describes and analyses brothel prostitution in Singapore 1870-1940 and the role of Chinese and Japanese prostitutes in Singapore’s pre-Second World War economy and society. A detailed study of the recruitment, brothel life, its routines and hazards. Out-of-print.
220 Warren, William: ARTS AND CRAFTS OF THAILAND. London, 1994. 160 pp. 180 colour illustrations. 26x22 cm. Paper. £15.00 Thai textiles form only a part of the rich assortment of creative traditions and products photographed by Luca Invernizzi Tettoni who, like the author, has spent many years in Thailand. Reissued 2001.
221 Warren, William: THE HOUSE ON THE KLONG. The Bangkok Home and Asian Art Collection of James Thompson. Tokyo, 1968. 87 pp. 86 plates, many in colour, 1 plan. 26x19 cm. Silk. £25.00
A photographic survey of a collection of South East Asian sculpture and ceramics in a traditional Thai house constructed in the centre of Bangkok from the remains of destroyed buildings. The owner Jim Thompson was a figure of much fascination.
222 Watson, C. & Ellen, R. ed: UNDERSTANDING WITCHCRAFT AND SORCERY IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. Honolulu, 1993. viii, 222 pp. 24x16 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £40.00 A fascinating study of this elusive and intriguing subject.
223 Wattanavrangkul, Snong: OUTSTANDING SCULPTURES OF BHUDHIST AND HINDU GODS FROM PRIVATE COLLECTIONS IN THAILAND. N.p. (Bangkok), 1975. c. 170 pp. 150 colour plates. 27x20 cm. Cloth. £40.00 Catalogue of an exhibition. 150 very fine examples from the 7th to the 18th centuries AD were shown. Included sculpture and bronzes from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet, pre-Angkor Khmer, Dvaravati, Srivijaya, Khmer, Chiengsen, Sukhothai, U-Tong, Ayudhya and Rattanakosin. All illustrated in colour. Near dual texts in Thai and English, including captions.
224 Waugh, Alec: THE STORY OF A CITY. Bangkok. London, 1970. 222 pp. 10 b/w illustrations. 22x15 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £20.00 The story of Bangkok — from its beginnings as a small river settlement to its prime as the capital city of Thailand. Much of Thailand’s history is covered en-route.
225 White, Joyce C: BAN CHIANG. Discovery of a Lost Bronze Age. Philadelphia, 1982. 96 pp. 57 figures, 9 in colour, 115 objects illustrated, 12 in colour. Bibliography. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £15.00 Catalogue of an exhibition of prehistoric bronze and pottery relics discovered in Thailand.
226 Wiesner, Ulrich: CHINESISCHE KERAMIK AUF DEN PHILIPPINEN. Die Sammlung Eric E. Geiling. Köln, n.d. 237 pp. 206 plates and illustrations, 2 colour plates. Map. Bibliography. 23x18 cm. Paper. £45.00 Catalogue of a exhibition of the Eric E. Geiling collection of Chinese ceramics from the Philippines, now at the Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst, Köln. Includes an historical introduction and an extensive chronology.
227 Wilbur, Claire & Steve: SOUTHEAST ASIAN TEXTILES. Atglen, 2009. 176 pp. 266 colour photographs. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £35.00 Explores the artistic significance of the textile art of Southeast Asia and gives an overview of the various styles, designs and decorative techniques. Chapters on batik, ikat, woven forms from stripes to tapestry and textiles embellished with beadwork and embroidery.
228 Willetts, William intro: CERAMIC ART OF SOUTHEAST ASIA. Singapore, 1971. 194 pp. 10 colour plates, 372 illustrations, map. Bibliography. 25x19 cm. Paper. £30.00 Catalogue of the first Southeast Asian Ceramic Society annual exhibition of Khmer, Annamese and other Southeast Asian wares. All exhibits illustrated, some with their base marks.
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229 Winstedt, Richard O: THE MALAYS. A Cultural History. London, 1958. 198 pp. 8 b/w photographs. 22x15 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £25.00 Deals with the origin of the Malays, their social, political, legal and economic systems, their beliefs and religions and arts and crafts. A useful account of this many-sided civilization.
230 Wong, C. S: AN ILLUSTRATED CYCLE OF CHINESE FESTIVITIES IN MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE. £55.00 Singapore, 1987. 237 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 29x21 cm. Cloth, dustjacket.
Examines the lunar-solar calendar and the 12 animal zodiac symbols and then gives an account of the various celebrations and festivities throughout the year that occupy the Chinese communities in Malaysia and Singapore. Good detailed and informative texts. Illustrated throughout in colour.
231 Wood, W. A. R: A HISTORY OF SIAM. From the earlier times of the times to the year AD 1781, with a supplement dealing with more recent events.. New York, 1974. 300 pp. Index. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £20.00 A useful introduction. Reprint of the 1933 edition.
232 Woodman, Dorothy: THE MAKING OF BURMA. London, 1962. ix, 594 pp. 12 b/w maps. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £15.00
A detailed history of Burma up to 1960. In sections: ‘Burma Before Colonial Rule’; ‘Prelude to Empire’; ‘Annexation’; ‘Resistance in Upper Burma’. Numerous appendices.
233 Woodward, Hiram: THE ART AND ARCHITECTURE OF THAILAND FROM PREHISTORIC TIMES THROUGH THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY. Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 3: South-East Asia, Vol. 14. Leiden, 2002. xix, 277 pp. Additional pages with 6 maps and 88 b/w plates. Bibliography, index. 25x16 cm. Boards. £95.00 A comprehensive survey of the art and architecture of Thailand from earliest times until the establishment of the Thai speaking kingdoms. A useful and authoritative reference.
234 Wray, Elizabeth et al: TEN LIVES OF THE BUDDHA. Siamese Temple Paintings and Jataka Tales. Tokyo, 1979. 154 pp. 32 plates in colour. 2 maps, 5 b/w illustrations. 27x20 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Relates the last 10 Jataka tales with illustrations from Siamese temple paintings.
235 Wyatt, David et al: THE CHIANG MAI CHRONICLE. Chiang Mai, 1995. xxxvi, 225 pp. 13 maps. 24x17 cm. Paper. £25.00 The Chiang Mai Chronicle was written in 1827 to relate the growth and strength of the Kingdom of Lan Na, which Chiang Mai dominated. An important Thai written history, here translated into English with annotations and indexes to assist.
236 Wyatt, David K: READING THAI MURALS. Chiang Mai, 2004. xii, 80 pp. Colour illustrations. 20x20 cm. Paper. £18.95 An examination of Buddhist temple murals in Thailand, their significance and meanings.
237 Yabe Yoshiaki: POTTERY OF VIETNAM AND THAILAND. Toji Taikei, Volume 47. Tokyo, 1978. 143 pp. 109 plates, 26 in colour, 118 illustrations. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £30.00 A survey based on holdings in Japanese museum collections. Japanese text only.
238 Yamato Bunkakan Museum: SPECIAL EXHIBITION: SOUTH EAST ASIAN CERAMICS. Nara, 1983. 76 pp. text in Japanese, 2 pp. bibliography in English. 117 colour illustrations Maps. 26x19 cm. Paper. £20.00 Catalogue illustrating in colour 117 objects selected from various public and private collections.
239 Young, Gordon: THE HILL TRIBES OF NORTHERN THAILAND. Bangkok, 1962. xivii, 92 pp. 8 Tables, 7 b/w maps, 93 plates of which 26 are coloured. 24x18 cm. Paper. £20.00 ‘The Origins and Habitats of the Hill Tribes Together with Significant Changes in their Social, Culture & Economic Patterns’. Second edition.
240 Zetterquist, Eric J: THAI AND BURMESE CERAMICS. New York, 1996. 6 pp. text, 30 objects illustrated in full colour. 26x20 cm. Paper. £15.00 Catalogue of a sale exhibition of high-class Thai and Burmese ceramics from the 14th to 16th centuries.
241 Abel-Remusat: NOUVEAUX MELANGES ASIATIQUES. Ou Recueil de Morceaux de Critique et de Memoires. Paris, 1829. iv, 446; iii, 428 pp. 2 vols. 21x14 cm. Later cloth and half leather. £30.00 A collection of writings on Asia by a famous and early French sinologist. Text in French. Volume One of the work has been rebound in later cloth. Volume Two is bound in contemporary half-leather. A non-uniform set priced accordingly.
242 Addis, Sir John et al: JINGDEZHEN WARES. The Yuan Evolution. Hong Kong, 1984. 168 pp. English and Chinese text. 211 plates and illustrations, 41 in colour. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £50.00
Catalogue of an exhibition organised by the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong, covering all aspects of porcelain manufacture at Jingdezhen during the Mongol period. All 163 exhibits are illustrated and described.
243 Addiss, Stephen: NANGA PAINTINGS. London, 1975. 90 pp. 40 plates, 4 in colour. 30x22 cm. Boards. £25.00
Catalogue on the Japanese scholar paintings discusses the pioneers of the Nanga School, Taiga and his followers, Buson and his followers etc. Each plate has a page of description opposite.
244 Akiyama, T. & Matsubara, S: ARTS OF CHINA VOLUME I. Neolithic Cultures to the T’ang Dynasty — Recent Discoveries. Tokyo, 1968. 216 pp. 322 b/w and 96 colour illustrations. 37x27 cm. Cloth. £30.00 By five Japanese art historians, translated by Mary Tregear. Chapters on prehistoric arts, tomb sculpture and paintings and funerary objects.
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245 Akiyama, T. & Matsubara, S: ARTS OF CHINA VOLUME II. Buddhist Cave Temples — New Researches. Tokyo, 1969. 250 pp. 218 illustrations, 40 in colour. Map. 37x27 cm. Cloth. £30.00
Translated by A. Soper. Early Buddhist art now in China, selected from the great cave temple sites in the north and north-west and especially from Dunhuang.
246 Anesaki, M: BUDDHIST ART IN ITS RELATION TO BUDDHIST IDEALS. With Special Reference to £85.00 Buddhism in Japan. Boston, 1923. xv, 73 pp. text and 47 plates. Index. 31x22 cm. Half-cloth.
Four lectures given at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Well-illustrated with good black-and-white plates showing objects from the Museum’s collection.
247 Anhui Provincial Museum ed: YUAN CI ZHI ZHEN. Porcelain Treasures in Yuan Dynasty. 元瓷之珍. Beijing, 2009. 179 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £70.00
Catalogue produced following an exhibition held in 2006 at the Anhui Provincial Museum showing approximately 100 of the finest examples of Yuan dynasty porcelain excavated from sites in Anhui province, together with a small number of examples from elsewhere. In addition to blue-and-white, the exhibition included a good number of celadons, some crackle glaze, qingbai, underglaze red and other monochrome glazes. Illustrated throughout with full page colour plates. Accompanying essays. Text in Chinese. Now out-of-print.
248 Archer, W. et al: COLLECTION OF BOOKS ON INDIAN PAINTING. London & New Delhi, Various dates. Various paginations. Tipped-in colour illustrations to each volume. 5 vols. 31x25 cm. Paper. £40.00 Five works. Comprises: Archer: Garhwal Painting; Archer: Kangra Painting; Chandra: Bundi Painting; Chandra: Mewar Painting in the Seventeenth Century; Randhawa: The Krishna Legend in Pahari Painting.
249 Argencé, René-Yvon Lefebvre d’: CHINESE CERAMICS IN THE AVERY BRUNDAGE COLLECTION. A Selection of Containers, Pillows, Figures & Models. San Francisco, 1967. 166 pp. 75 plates, 13 in colour with many illustrations. 23x20 cm. Paper. £25.00 This handbook details the Avery Brundage collection of ceramics from the Neolithic period to modern times.
250 ART DE L’EXTREME ORIENT. Bouddhas en bois, bronze et cuivre, lacques — bronzes — kakemonos — midzou-ires — tsubas — netsukes ceramiques de l’epoque “ming”. Amsterdam, 1923. 14 pp. Plus 5 pp. b/w plates and 1 b/w foldout plate. 32x24 cm. Paper. £25.00 Details the collection of an amateur sold in Amsterdam in December 1923.
251 Ataka Collection: CHUGOKU TOJI MEIHIN TEN. Masterpieces of Old Chinese Ceramics from the Ataka Collection. Osaka, 1972. 41 pp. with 94 plates, 15 in colour (one folding). Map. 25x22 cm. Wrappers. £25.00 Exhibition catalogue from the Mitsukoshi department store. Japanese text with English captions.
252 Atkinson, Thomas Witlam: ORIENTAL AND WESTERN SIBERIA: A NARRATIVE OF SEVEN YEARS’ EXPLORATIONS AND ADVENTURES IN SIBERIA, MONGOLIA, THE KIRGHIS STEPPES, CHINESE TARTARY, ETC. London, 1858. viii, 611 pp. 16 duotone and 4 colour lithographs, 32 wood engravings. Folding map. 25x17 cm. Original decorative green calico, some wear. £30.00 Popular account of the author’s travels in Central Asia, nicely illustrated with colour and toned lithographs. Waterstain to the colour frontispiece that does not intrude further. Slight waterstaining to the top corner of a number of other pages and illustrations. Sellotape repair to the folding map. The text generally clean. Reading copy. Priced accordingly.
253 Bacot, Jacques and H. I. Woolf: THREE TIBETAN MYSTERIES. Tchrimekundan, Nansal, Djroazanmo As Performed in the Tibetan Monasteries. Broadway Translations. London, n.d. c.1924. 268 pp. Several plates and text figures by V. Goloubew. 19x12 cm. Cloth. Gilt vellum spine label. £20.00 Very fine copy. The illustrations are from woodcuts based on ‘native designs’. These English translations are rendered from the French versions of Bacot.
254 Barthold, V. V: FOUR STUDIES ON THE HISTORY OF CENTRAL ASIA VOLUME I. Leiden, 1956. xv, 184 pp. Chronology, index. 1 b/w plate. 19x13 cm. Cloth. £15.00 Comprises: ‘A Short History of Turkestan’ and ‘History of the Semirechye’. Translations from the Russian by V. & T. Minorsky. Hucker 380. Yakushi B58.
255 Barthold, V. V: FOUR STUDIES ON THE HISTORY OF CENTRAL ASIA VOLUME II. Ulugh-Beg. Leiden, 1958. xii, 200 pp. Chronology, index. 5 plates. 19x13 cm. Cloth. £15.00 Discussions on the later Mongol empire in Turkestan, with special emphasis to Ulugh-Beg, a grandson of Tamerlane. Translations from the Russian by V. & T. Minorsky. Hucker 380. Yakushi B58.
256 Barthold, V. V: FOUR STUDIES ON THE HISTORY OF CENTRAL ASIA VOLUME III. Mir ’Ali-Shir / A History of the Turkman People. Leiden, 1962. vii, 187 pp. Index. 2 plates. 19x13 cm. Cloth. £15.00 Contains a monograph on ‘Mir ‘Ali Shir’ and an outline ‘History of the Turkman People’. Yakushi B58.
257 Baumer, Christoph: TRACES IN THE DESERT. Journeys of Discovery across Central Asia. London, 2008. xxi, 218 pp. Colour illustrations, maps. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00 Follows Baumer’s intrepid journey as he finds evidence of Indo-Europeans in the steppes of Western Mongolia, discovers lost oasis cities in the Taklamakan and unearths art treasures in Tibet. Also explores the heritage of the Nestorian church in the region. Includes his quest to find Genghis Khan’s lost tomb.
258 Beasley, W. G. & Pulleyblank, Edwin G. ed: HISTORIANS OF CHINA AND JAPAN. Historical Writing on Peoples of Asia. London, 1961. viii, 351 pp. Index. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00 A collection of essays on the general character of Chinese historiography and on particular historians and historical works by eminent scholars. Hucker 1620-a.
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259 Behrendt, Kurt: THE ART OF GANDHARA IN THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. New York, 2007. 115 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 28x21 cm. Paper. £14.50 Traces the complex and changing artist traditions of the art of Gandhara, drawing on the fine collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Also explores the development of Buddhist art in the region.
260 Bell, Charles: TIBET: PAST AND PRESENT. Oxford, 1924. xiv, 326 pp. Colour frontispiece and 92 b/w plates. £55.00 2 folding maps. Appendixes, index. 23x15 cm. Cloth.
The 1924 first edition. An extensive, intimate history of Tibet and its leaders by an experienced diplomat and Tibetan linguist. The primary focus of this history is on politics, internal and international. Generally good and firm with very little wear to gilt cloth covers and spine; internally fine and very clean. Foxing to final folding map.
261 Ben Janssens Oriental Art: MADE IN CHINA. Export Works of Art from China & the East. London, 1998. 66 pp. 106 pieces illustrated in colour. Bibliography. 22x21 cm. Paper. £20.00
Sale catalogue — well-illustrated and with informative captions — presenting a fascinating range of export material: silver and other metalwork, ivory, mother of pearl, lacquer, fans, enamel, a plaster figure and some paintings.
262 Berliner, Nancy: YIN YU TANG. The Architecture and Daily Life of A Chinese House. 2003. xiii, 178 pp. Numerous colour illustrations. Text drawings. 26x24 cm. Cloth. £35.00
Based on the full-scale removal of an 18th century merchant’s house and its contents from Huizhou in Anhui province and its reconstruction at the Peabody Essex Museum. Provides an interesting in-depth look at Chinese domestic culture, architecture, craftsmanship and the impact of these influences on daily life. With information on Yin Yu Tang’s architecture, construction, decoration, furniture and family items.
263 [Bible]: [XIN YIZHAO] MATAI CHUAN FUYIN SHU. MAKE CHUAN FUYIN SHU. LUJIA CHUAN FUYIN SHU. (The New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke in Chinese). 〔新遺詔〕馬太傳福音書 . 馬可傳福音書 . 路加傳福音書. N.p.[Hong Kong], n.d. [c. 1847] 20, 13, 21 folded leaves, Chinesestyle. 16 columns of 35 characters. Xylography. 28x19 cm. Stitched. £500.00
Three of the four gospels, in an early version, one of the many early editions based on Gutzlaff’s translation. The font, layout and text correspond with a New Testament listed as Spillett 48 (2487) which we have consulted in the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) collection, University of Cambridge. The BFBS copy is dated to 1847 with the following inscription in English on a blank preliminary page; “New Testament Ninth edition Edited by the Chinese Union / Published by Chin ji tsin Hong Kong / Presented at committee, Aug. 16 1847.” Spillett records it as W. H. Medhurst’s edition as revised by Gutzlaff. The (Chinese) rear cover of the copy here offered is inscribed in a contemporary hand: “Chinese / The Gospels of / Mathew [sic] / Mark / & / Luke / By D. Gutzlaff.” Somewhat remarkable for the typography and printing, this item is printed with a coarse ‘fangsong/kaiti’ font that may be intended to refer back to the religious sutra printing of the Song period, but which does not quite achieve such elegance. Notable as one of the many attempts of Protestant Missionary printing to elaborate the book design and production of Holy Scripture in Chinese. The wide variation in Chinese Bible book design is also, of course, a function of furious evangelical publication and the proliferation of various contested translation versions. The text of this translation is clearly related to other versions based on Gutzlaff, but is distinct in many ways, all of this textual variation deserving detailed study and research. The book appears to retain its original, simple stitched Chinese-style binding, as issued, there being no sign of its being associated with other parts of a complete New Testament. The leaves and edges are somewhat worn and chipped with damp staining to the covers themselves and a few outer leaves. Nonetheless the text is complete and the impression clear inside, manifesting its interesting ‘transitional’ typography. From the library of the Bristol Baptist College with no stamps and three very small paper labels on the spine and (Chinese) rear cover. Rare.
264 Binyon, Laurence: CATALOGUE OF THE CHINESE FRESCOES. The George Eumorfopoulos Collection. London, 1927. 22 pp. text. plus 50 tipped-in colour plates. 45x32 cm. Cloth. £800.00 Discusses the Chinese frescoes in this famous collection. An individual volume in the celebrated catalogue of 11 volumes printed in a numbered edition of 560 copies. This individual volume is No. 211. Some wear to top and bottom of spines. Inside nice and clean. Generally a fine copy.
265 Birch, John Grant: TRAVELS IN NORTH AND CENTRAL CHINA. London, 1902. xvi, 379 pp. 57 illustrations and plates. 22x15 cm. Decorative cloth. A few marks to cover. £95.00
Presents the narrative of travels contained in Mr. Birch’s diary. The illustrations are from photographs by the author. Mr. Birch met his death in the Yellow River when his raft was wrecked during the journey to Peking. Ex-library copy with minimal marks.
266 Bischoff, Friedrich Alexander: SAN TZU CHING EXPLICATED. The Classical Initiation to Classical Chinese, Couplets I to XI. 三字經訓詁. Vienna, 2005. 312 pp. A number of b/w illustrations and reproductions of pages from Chinese editions. Bibliography, glossary. 25x16 cm. Paper. £45.00 A valuable and interesting publication for anyone who really wants to come to practical grips with the nature of Confucian quasi-canonical texts and their elaborate commentaries. Bischoff takes on the task of translating and explicating 11 couplets of this ‘Classic’ (a mere 132 characters) along with a number of its more famous commentaries. This requires a book-length monograph (!), one which allows you to understand and appreciate why.
267 Blakiston, Thomas W: FIVE MONTHS ON THE YANG-TSZE. With a Narrative of the Exploration of Its Upper Waters, and Notices of the Present Rebellions in China. London, 1862. xv, 380 pp. B/w frontispiece plus 23 b/w engravings (some fullpage). 3 maps, of which 2 folding. 23x16 cm. Decorative cloth. £375.00
One of the earliest Yangtze travelogues by Captain Thomas Blakiston who journeyed at the time of the Taiping Rebellion from Shanghai up the river to Nanjing and, following a stay in the area with observations and detail on the sites and the course of the Rebellion, continued on upriver to Wuhan and then to Yichang and through the Gorges. There is then much description of the country and towns of Sichuan. Blakiston then travelled further on the river into its upper reaches. He then returned back down the Yangtze. Of the two
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maps, one folds out into a long map with details of the route up the Yangtze and its geography. The second map is of China proper. Generally firm and in good condition with some marks and foxing. Rebacked. A now rare work.
268 Bland, J. O. P. & Backhouse, E: CHINA UNDER THE EMPRESS DOWAGER. Being the History of the Life and Times of Tzu Hsi. London, 1911. xxvi, 525 pp. 30 plates, 1 map. 26x17 cm. Cloth. Very slightly loose in binding. £50.00 An enjoyable and informative book based on a literary forgery. Compiled from state papers and diary of the comptroller of her householder and later proved to be the work of a notorious, masterful forger, Backhouse. First edition, fourth impression. Hucker 610.
269 Bonnard, Abel: IN CHINA 1920-1921. New York, 1927. ix, 361 pp. 23x15 cm. Cloth.
Translated from the French, this is an account of a long journey in China, taking the author from Peking to the Yangtze, on to the coastal cities of south China, etc.
270 Boulay, Anthony du: CHINESE PORCELAIN. London, 1973. 95 pp. 30 colour plates, 102 illustrations. 24x21 £20.00 cm. Cloth. A history of Chinese porcelain from the 3rd century BC to the 20th century with numerous illustrations.
271 Boulay, Anthony du: CHINESE PORCELAIN. Pleasures and Treasures. London, 1963. 128 pp. 30 colour plates, 101 illustrations. 21x21 cm. Cloth. £20.00 A history of Chinese porcelain from the 3rd century BC to the 20th century, with numerous illustrations.
272 Bowie, Theodore: LANGDON WARNER THROUGH HIS LETTERS. London, 1966. 225 pp. 16 plates. Map, notes, index. 23x15 cm. Paper. Bump to bottom front corner. £25.00 An analysis of Warner’s letters written from Japan, Korea, China, and Siberia.
273 Boyle, John Andrew trans: THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD-CONQUEROR. Manchester, 1958. xlv; v, 763 pp. B/w frontispiece in each volume, 3 b/w foldout maps in first volume. 2 vols. 23x15 cm. Cloth. £50.00 Authoritative two-volume account of the expansion of the Mongol empire in the thirteenth century. The account was compiled by Ata Malik Juvaini who was in the service of the Mongol governors of Northern Persia and who was an eyewitness to the Mongol operations against the Ismailis. Juvaini’s work was entitled ‘Ta’rikh-i-Jahan-Gusha’ and is regarded as a masterpiece of Persian literature. Useful introduction by the translator, John Boyle. A very interesting read and insight into the Mongols.
274 Brauen, Martin: BAMBOO IN OLD JAPAN. Bambus in Alten Japan. Stuttgart, 2003. 287 pp. 261 colour and 39 b/w illustrations. 32x21 cm. Cloth. £65.00 A selection of the finest bamboo and bamboo-related objects in the Sporry Collection held in the Ethnographic Museum of Zurich University. The collection was assembled in the 19th century and comprises a total of over 1500 items. Illustrated and described here are not only artistic and utilitarian objects made of bamboo but also numerous textiles, scroll paintings, lacquer and items in other media on which bamboo appears as a decorative motif. Published in connection with an exhibition. Dual text in English and German.
275 Bretschneider, E: MEDIAEVAL RESEARCHES FROM EASTERN ASIATIC SOURCES. Fragments Towards the Knowledge of the Geography and History of Central and Western Asia from the 13th to the 17th Century. London, n.d. (c.1910) xii, 334; x, 352 pp. 2 folding maps. 2 vols. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £60.00 Two-volume work by a noted early authority. Accompanied by annotated translations from Chinese sources. Reprint of an earlier edition. Hucker 386.
276 Bunsaku, Kurata: HORYU-JI: TEMPLE OF THE EXALTED LAW. Early Buddhist Art From Japan. New York, 1981. 44 pp. 59 plates, 51 in colour. Index. Glossary. Bibliography. 37x26 cm. Paper. £30.00 A beautifully illustrated catalogue of a loan exhibition of early Buddhist art from Japan. Held at the Japan Society in New York.
277 Butsuzo Kenkyukai ed: NIHON BUTSUZO ZUSETSU. (Illustrated Account of Buddhist Sculpture in Japan). Tokyo, 1934. c. 50 pp. text; 192 b/w plates. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £50.00 A rarely-seen account of Buddhist sculpture in Japan. In Japanese only.
278 Cai Guosheng: JIANSHI YADIAO. (The Appreciation of Ivory Carving). 鑒識牙雕 。 蔡國聲. Zhongguo Guwan Jianshi Xilie. Fuzhou, 2001. 76 pp. Numerous colour illustrations. 21x14 cm. Paper. £15.00 An overview of Chinese ivory carving from earliest times but primarily Qing, Republic and modern-day material, including a couple of Cultural Revolution pieces. In Chinese.
279 Cai Hebi: TAOCI SHENYIN. (The Deep Appreciation of Ceramics). Taibei, 1992. 255 pp. 210 colour and 105 b/w plates. 26x19 cm. Paper. £20.00
This collection of the author’s articles on the connoisseurship of Chinese ceramics originally published in the magazine ‘Yishujia’ (Artist) has been revised and richly illustrated. The text contains a wealth of detail, including assessments of recent archaeological finds. In Chinese.
280 Cameron, Nigel: THE FACE OF CHINA. As Seen by Photographers and Travellers 1860-1912. New York, 1978. 160 pp. 112 b/w photographs, 42 illustrations. 24x29 cm. Cloth. £50.00 The most significant and comprehensive collection of early photographs of China, its land, people and culture, brought together for the first time. Preface by L. Carrington Goodrich.
281 Caoping Shanren/Sohei Sanjin: JIGU MING GONG HUASHI/SHUKO MEIKO GASHIKI. (A Manual of Illustrations by famous Ancient Painters). 集古名公畫式 。 草平山人 著. N.p, 1920. 29; 31; 29; 32; 27 folded leaves. B/w lithographic illustrations. 5 vols. 20x18 cm. Stitched, cloth case. £850.00 The earliest mention of this work we can find is a Japanese edition of 1883 Volume One: Figure Paintings; Volume Two: Figure Painting and Objects; Volumes Three and Four; Illustrations of Buildings; Volume Five: Pavilions, Bridges and Boats. Original cloth case with both toggles missing and wear and loss to title slip on cover.
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282 Chaffe, John W: BRANCHES OF HEAVEN. A History of the Imperial Clan of Sung China. Harvard East Asian Monographs, 183. Cambridge, 1999. xx, 3, 441 pp. 4 b/w illustrations. 2 Maps, tables, bibliography, notes, index. £35.00 24x16 cm. Cloth. Detailed academic study of the extended clans who ruled Song period China.
283 Chai Zejun et al: SHUOZHOU CHONGFUSI MITUODIAN XIUSHAN GONGCHENG BAOGAO. Report of the Repairs on the Buddha Amitabha Hall of Chongfu Temple .... Beijing, 1993. [14], 209 pp. 52 b/w text plates, 20 drawings, 100 b/w photographs. Appendixes. 27x20 cm. Cloth. £45.00 Detailed record of the process of restoration of this Jin dynasty temple hall with architectural drawings and clear photographs. The appendixes include drawings of individual elements of joints, etc. In Chinese only.
284 Chandra, Lokesh & Sharma, Nirmala: BUDDHIST PAINTINGS OF TUN-HUANG. In the National Museum, New Delhi. New Delhi, 2011. 280 pp. Colour plates throughout. 32x25 cm. Cloth. £45.00 Reproduces 143 of the best painted scrolls brought back from Dunhuang by Aurel Stein and held in the National Museum, New Delhi. Stein’s finds were split between the British Museum in London and the now National Museum in New Delhi. Whilst the British Museum holdings have been published, the Delhi holdings are little-known and this book is most welcome. Illustrated throughout in colour and with good introductory texts and descriptions of the paintings.
285 Chang, Chien-chi; text by Cheryl Lai: THE CHAIN. London, 2002. 106 pp. in concertina. 48 duotone plates. 21x15 cm. Cloth. £24.95 The renowned Taiwanese photographer’s — and member of Magnum — images of the Lung Fa Tang Temple in Taiwan where 700 psychiatric patients are chained together to farm one million chickens. These photographs were exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 2001.
286 CHAOYANG WENWU JINGCUI. Gems of Chaoyang Cultural Heritage. 朝陽文物精粹. Beijing, 2012. 179 pp. Colour plates throughout. 26x19 cm. Boards. £50.00 A survey of the cultural heritage of the extensive Chaoyang district of Beijing. Mostly shows old architecture — temples, courtyards etc. — but also some excavated material, including ceramics and jewellery. In Chinese.
287 Chapman, Spencer: MEMOIRS OF A MOUNTAINEER. London, 1945. 446 pp. 38 b/w illustrations. 19x13 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Cheap joint edition of 2 of Chapman’s books: From Helvellyn to Himalaya, and Lhasa: The Holy City. Good reading copy.
288 Chen Guozhen ed: YUEYAO QINGCI JINGPIN WUBAI JIAN. (Five Hundred Masterpieces of Yue Wares). 越窯青瓷精品五百件 。 陳國楨 主編. Hangzhou, 2007. 24 pp. introductory text plus 552 pp. colour plates. 2 vols. 29x22 cm. Boards. £160.00 Large two-volume work showing the Chinese collection of Yue wares held by Mr. Chen Guozhen, founder of the East Zhejiang Yue Kiln Porcelain Museum, established to hold this collection. Five hundred pieces are illustrated in fine colour plates and described. The pieces date from the Shang to the Northern Song dynasties. The majority of the material dates from the Western Jin onwards. Provides a comprehensive survey of this ware. Near dual texts in Chinese and English.
289 Chen Jin: CHEN JIN HUAPU. The Art of Chen Chin. Taibei, 1996. 170 pp. Colour plates throughout. Pictorial biographical table. 37x27 cm. Boards, in a cloth slipcase. £90.00 Catalogue of a major retrospective of the Taiwanese artist’s work held at the National Museum of History 90 years after his birth. Modern, ‘palace style’ portraits and ‘naive’ oil landscapes, flower paintings amongst other subjects. In Chinese, with English preface.
290 Chen Yuan et al: ERSHI SHI SHUORUN BIAO FU XILI HUILI. (Chronological Tables for the Twenty Histories with Appended Day-date Concordance to Western Calendars). 二十史朔閏表附西歷回歷 。 陳垣 等 編纂. Guoli Beijing Daxue Yanjiusuo Guoxuemen Congshu. Beijing, 1925. 2, 3, 106, 7, 2 folded leaves, Chinese-style. 26x19 cm. Stitched, cloth case. £40.00 Chronological tables of cyclical and reign dates from the 24 standard dynastic histories — extending from 206 BC to AD 1940 — with further tables allowing day-dates in Chinese history to be identified with dates in Western calendars. First edition of this standard reference in its original stitched paper covers, worn and torn, but protected by a new traditional cloth case. Fine inside and complete. In Chinese only. Teng & Biggerstaff, 94.
291 Cheng Cunjie: SHIJIU SHIJI ZHONGGUO WAIXIAO TONGCAO SHUICAIHUA YANJIU. Chinese Export Watercolours on Pith in 19th Century. 十九世紀中國外銷通草水彩畫研究 。 程存潔 著. Shanghai, 2008. 2, iv, 312 pp. Hundreds of colour illustrations. 21x23 cm. Wrappers. £55.00
Excellent visual reference on 19th century Chinese export watercolours. Show hundreds of series and sets including, amongst much else, views of Chinese ports, trades and crafts, boats and ships, beautiful women, flowers, butterflies and punishments. Illustrated throughout. In Chinese.
292 Cheng Po Hung: EARLY HONG KONG TRAMWAYS. Xianggang Daomao: Xianggang de Zaoqi Dianchelu Fengguang. 香江道貌 : 香港的早期電車路風光 。 鄭寶鴻. Hong Kong, 2003. 200 pp. B/w photographs throughout. 31x23 cm. Paper. £30.00 Catalogue of an exhibition at the Hong Kong University Art Museum that features old photographs showing the trams and tramways of old Hong Kong from the early 20th century onwards. The photographs date from the late 19th century onwards.
293 Cheng Te-k’un: ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDIES IN SZECHWAN. Cambridge, 1957. xx, 321 pp. 118 plates, 5 maps. Bibliography, index. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £30.00 This authoritative survey — in two parts covering I: ‘Prehistoric Archaeology of Szechwan’ and II: ‘Han Burial Remains in Szechwan; The Kiln Sites of Ch’iung-Lai and Liu Li-Ch’ang; Sung Burial Remains in Szechwan’ — was conducted under the auspices of the Harvard-Yenching Institute and the West China Union University. 1957 original.
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294 CHENGJISIHAN: ZHONGGUO GUDAI BEIFANG CAOYUAN YOUMU WENHUA. Genghis Khan: The Ancient Nomadic Culture of the Northern China. 成吉思汗 : 中國古代北方草原游牧文化 。 中華世紀壇藝術館、 內蒙古 自治區博物館 編. Beijing, 2004. 415 pp. Colour plates throughout. Chronology. 31x24 cm. Full decorative and gilt imitation leather, all edges gilt. £145.00
Catalogue of a superb exhibition held at the Millennium Art Museum in Beijing in June 2004. The exhibition explored the nomadic culture of Northern China, with a focus on the Mongol culture associated with Genghis Khan. The exhibition benefited from major loans from the Museum of Inner Mongolia plus other little-known museums, with the majority of the exhibits previously unpublished. The exhibits range in date from the Warring States to the Qing with an emphasis on earlier material and much from the Mongol period — Liao, Jin and Yuan. The later material, mostly Qing, shows much to do with nomadic life and religion on the steppes — from costumes to musical instruments, seals and living utensils. There are numerous fine early and distinctive bronzes unearthed from sites in Inner Mongolia, including Ordos material. There is much gold material dating from the Northern Dynasties onwards with some extraordinary Liao material. There are also ceramics, including some highly distinctive and interesting tomb figurines. There are numerous other exhibits in a range of other materials — from stone sculpture to textile and bone. The quality of the objects is extremely fine and many are of great rarity. Introductions and captions in English. Main texts in Chinese. Recommended. Now out-of-print.
295 Chung Chong-wha ed: KOREAN CLASSICAL LITERATURE. An Anthology. Korean Culture Series. London, 1989. 221 pp. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £15.00
The writings of Park Ji-won, Yi Injik and others, with essays on the development of Korean literature, the Sijo, legends in literature, and nineteenth-century books with stories in Korean.
296 Clark, Leonard: THE MARCHING WIND. New York, 1954. xvi, 368 pp. 31 illustrations, index. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00 Travels in Western China and Tibet in the late 1940’s. First edition.
297 Clunas, Craig: CHINESE CARVING. Singapore, 1996. 104 pp. 103 plates and illustrations, c. 50 in colour. Notes and index. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £45.00
Aims to illustrate and discuss a number of objects in the collection of the Victoria & Albert Museum, which share the characteristic of having been worked principally with a knife, being ivory and rhino horn, bamboo, wood and gourds, and various soft-stones.
298 Clunas, Craig ed: CHINESE EXPORT ART AND DESIGN. London, 1987. 128 pp. 100 colour illustrations, 1 map. 28x22 cm. Paper. £15.00 Looks at the production of luxury goods for export to European and American markets by the highly developed Chinese craft trade in the period following the arrival of the first Portuguese in 1514.
299 COLLECTION OF FUNDAMENTAL DOCUMENTATION OF THE HISTORY OF JAPANESE SCULPTURE OF THE KAMAKURA PERIOD: INSCRIBED PIECES: VOLUME SIX. Nihon Chokokushi Kiso Shiryo Shusei: Kamakura Jidai: 6. Tokyo, 2008. 4, 238; 18, 208 pp. 1 colour and 205 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w text illustrations. 2 vols. 30x21 cm. Cloth. £350.00
Volume Six (of a projected series of 8) in this series of works examining all known inscribed examples of Kamakura period Japanese Buddhist sculpture. This volume examines a further 30 sculptures (listed as sculptures 167-196) from various Japanese collections and temples and which are extensively discussed in this volume with detailed black-and-white photography showing the sculptures from all angles and with many close-up shots. This sixth volume is in two parts — one volume of text and one of plates. Text in Japanese. An important study reference. Other volumes in the series are available.
300 THE COMPLETE WORKS OF KAII HIGASHIYAMA 8. Japan, 1980. 131 pp. 45 colour plates, 4 colour foldouts, 9 colour photographs. 32x27 cm. Cloth, cloth case. £60.00 Individual volume of a set comprising Volume 8 of the complete works of the 20th-century Japanese artist, Kaii Higashiyama. This volumes shows in foldout colour plates and numerous other colour plates, exquisite landscape screens and sliding panels of misty mountains and forests together with seas and waves crashing on rocks. The screens were created in the mid and late 1970s for the Toshodai-ji Temple located in Nara. In addition to the beautiful illustrations of the panels and screens there is also much illustration of the artist composing and creating this beautiful work of art. Text in Japanese.
301 Le Coq, Albert von: BURIED TREASURES OF CHINESE TURKESTAN. An Account of the Activities and Adventures of the Second and Third German. London, 1928. 180 pp. Itineraries, bibliography, index. 52 plates, 2 maps. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £200.00 First English edition, this is an account of the Second and Third German Turfan Expeditions led by Le Coq. A good copy.
302 Cox, John Hadley: CHINESE BUDDHIST BRONZES. A Loan Exhibition. Ann Arbor, 1950. 16 pp. plus 23 pp b/w plates. 23x15 cm. Paper. £20.00 An exhibition catalogue of 100 pieces in the Museum of Art, University of Michigan.
303 Cox, W. E: CHINESE IVORY SCULPTURE. New York, n.d. 118 pp. 48 plates with 75 illustrations. 34x26 cm. Cloth. £45.00 Undated reprint of the 1946 original. One of the few contributions on the subject.
304 Cressy-Marcks, Violet: JOURNEY INTO CHINA. London, 1940. 324 pp. Portrait frontispiece, 79 b/w plates. 4 maps. Index. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00
In the tradition of English explorers associated with the Royal Geographical Society, the author undertakes a journey from Mandalay to Koko Nor by way of south-west and north-west China where she visits the Communist stronghold and meets Mao Zedong. Well-illustrated.
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305 Crossman, Carl L: THE DECORATIVE ARTS OF THE CHINA TRADE. Paintings, furnishings and exotic curiosities. Woodbridge, 1991. 462 pp. with numerous colour and b/w illustrations. 28x22 cm. Cloth. £25.00 The revised edition of this standard work on the China Trade with useful appendices on painters, frames & stretchers, Chinese ports and an invaluable bibliography. A recommended work.
306 Crump, J. I. (translator): CHAN-KUO TS’E. Oxford Library of East Asian Literatures. Oxford, 1970. xxviii, 602 £25.00 pp. bibliography, index. 22x15 cm. Cloth. Translation and study of China’s largest collection of pre-Han historical anecdotes, fables and tales.
307 Cseh, Éva: NETSUKE: JAPANESE MINIATURE CARVINGS. Collections of the Ferenc Hopp Museum of East Asiatic Art Budapest, vol. 1. Budapest, 2002. 198 pp. 541 illustrations (some in colour) plus 243 b/w photos of marks and signatures. 30x21 cm. Cloth. £110.00 The first publication devoted to the excellent collection of Netsuke in the Ferenc Hopp Museum, Budapest and also the first of series planned on the East Asian collections generally. With a good apparatus and high-quality photography, this is a valuable addition to the connoisseurship of Netsuke. A work that has received most favourable customer comment. Dual text in both Hungarian and English.
308 Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, The Fourteenth; David Howarth ed: MY LAND AND MY PEOPLE. The Autobiography of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. London, 1962. xv, 255 pp. Appendixes, index, 15 plates & illustrations in colour, 29 b/w, 2 maps. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £15.00 The Dalai Lama tells the simple and moving story of his life. Yakushi D15b.
309 Dannin, Robert ed: ARMS AGAINST FURY. Magnum Photographers in Afghanistan. London, 2002. 256 pp. 200 colour and duotone illustrations. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £29.95 Examines the dramatic struggles of the Afghan people as seen through the lens of Magnum photographers from World War II to the present day.
310 1995-2002 DANSEYOU CIQI PAIMAI TUJIAN: HONG YOU. (An Illustrated Compendium of Monochromes Auctioned 1995-2002: Red Glazes). 19952002年單色釉瓷器拍賣圖鑒 : 紅釉 。 雅昌藝術網 主編. Wuhan, 2003. 7 pp. text and 135 pp. colour plates. 21x14 cm. Paper. £20.00 Illustrated throughout in colour showing many examples of red glaze (sang-de-boeuf etc.) monochrome Chinese ceramics auctioned between 1995 and 2002 in Chinese and foreign auctions, primarily Qing dynasty (many from the Kangxi reign) plus a few Republican period examples. In addition to being a price guide, is also a good survey of this particular glaze. Prices shown are those realised and are in RMB. In Chinese.
311 Davies, John Paton Jr: DRAGON BY THE TAIL. American, British, Japanese, & Russian Encounters with China and One Another. London, 1974. 448 pp. 36 photos. Index. 24x16 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £25.00
312 Davison, Gerald: NEW AND REVISED HANDBOOK OF MARKS ON CHINESE CERAMICS. London, 2010. 310 pp. Illustrations of marks throughout. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £45.00
Revised and much expanded edition of this extremely popular and useful guide. Contains illustration of almost 3400 marks that have appeared on Chinese pottery and porcelain dating from the Tang dynasty through to the Republic period of the early 20th century. Includes Yixing pottery. The marks are translated into English and also have pinyin romanization. A detailed 70 page directory provides a wide range of historical, mythological and dating information for marks as well as identifying the types of ware on which they appear. A prime reference and guide to the subject.
313 Deleo, Thomas: THE ART & ARTISTRY OF CHINESE FOLDING FAN FRAMES. Cortlandt Manor, 2001. 33 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 22x17 cm. Paper. £18.00 A most informative and readable contribution to this little-published subject. Illustrated throughout in colour, primarily with examples from the Thomas and Rae DeLeo Collection.
314 Die Tiaoxin, Pan Lusheng ed: ZHONGGUO FOJIAO TU’AN. Chinese Buddhistic Patterns. Zhongguo Chuantong Tuan Xilie. Hong Kong, 1994. 204 pp. 40 colour illustrations, 280 b/w illustrations and drawings. 29x21 cm. Paper. £20.00
An overview of Chinese Buddhist patterns and designs ranging from temple sculptures, Guanyin, apsaras, mandalas, roofs and friezes to temple guardians and luohans. In Chinese only.
315 Diemberger, K: TIBET. The Roof of the World. London, 2000. 224 pp. Colour plates throughout. 36x26 cm. Cloth. £29.50 Fine colour photography of Tibet, her landscapes, scenery, people and life. Informative text.
316 Dingle, Edwin J: CHINA’S REVOLUTION, 1911-1912. A Historical and Political Record of the Civil War. London, 1912. xiv, 358 pp. Folding chart, 36 illustrations, 2 maps. 23x15 cm. Cloth, gilt spine and front cover. £50.00 A popular history of the 1911 revolution by a personal friend of General Li Yuanhong, leader of the revolution at Wuhan. Firm but slightly grubby copy with front paste-down endpaper split. Title-page signed by the author.
317 Doi Tsuguyoshi: SANRAKU TO SANSETSU. (Sanraku and Sansetsu). Nihon no Bijutsu No. 172. Tokyo, 1980. 94 pp. 12 colour & 66 b/w illustrations 23x19 cm. Paper. £20.00 Well illustrated study of the Kano painter Sanraku and his student and son-in-law Sansetsu. Japanese text only.
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318 Dollar, Robert: MEMOIRS OF ROBERT DOLLAR. San Francisco, 1921. iv, 144 pp. Frontispiece and 42 b/w plates, many full page. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £175.00
Robert Dollar owned a steamship company that plied the routes from North America across the Pacific to various sea and river ports in Asia and, in particular, China at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries. These are his privately-published memoirs. Dollar travelled extensively on business and his travel impressions are here recorded. He ventured much into China and the work is accompanied by interesting photographs, many fullpage, of Shanghai, Chungking, the Yangtze Gorges, Hankow and other places in China and Asia. The work has some unobtrusive worming, otherwise fine. A rare work.
319 Dong Hongquan ed: QINGDAI YINQI JIANSHANG. The Qing Dynasty Silver Appreciation. 清代銀器鑒賞 £70.00 。 董洪全 編著. Hangzhou, 2012. 4, 206 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards.
Illustrates an extensive amount of Qing dynasty export silver held in a private Chinese collection. It is stated that the items were bought from a number of countries outside China. Some 150 varied examples are shown, all illustrated in colour and described. A good visual reference. Text in Chinese.
320 Donk, Pieter van: INDONESIAN COCKSPUR CASES. Kotak Taji. ‘t Goy-Houten, 2000. 143 pp. 136 colour plates. 23x25 cm. Cloth. £65.00 To our knowledge, the only comprehensive work on the subject in English. Discusses cockfighting in Indonesia and the superstitions and traditions surrounding the practice. Most of the book is then devoted to showing, in good colour plates and with descriptions, numerous carved examples (mostly in wood) of cockspur cases.
321 Duda, Margaret: TRADITIONAL CHINESE TOGGLES. Counterweights and Charms. Singapore, 2011. 276 pp. 1450 colour and 500 b/w illustrations. 29x24 cm. £60.00
Shows over 1500 Chinese toggles from six of the world’s finest collections. This is the first major reference on the subject to be published in 50 years. Divided into sections by material of manufacture — wood, ivory, jade etc. Illustrated throughout.
322 Dukes, Edwin Joshua: EVERYDAY LIFE IN CHINA. Or Scenes Along River and Road in Fuh-Kien. London, 1885. xiii,240 pp. B/w engraved frontispiece plus 11b/w engraved text illustrations. 20x14 cm. Decorative cloth. £25.00 An account of missionary life in China’s Fujian province mostly describing areas in and around Amoy. The frontispiece shows a scene of the town of Amoy from the foreign community area of Kulangsu. Some grubbiness and foxing to the text. Wear and rubbing to edges of covers and top and bottom of spine. Reading copy.
323 Durand, Algernon: THE MAKING OF A FRONTIER. Graz, 1974. xxxvi, xi, 298 pp. 35 b/w plates plus colour foldout map. 19x14 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Deals with Durand’s (a British officer based in India) reconnaissance visit to Gilgit in 1888 when the Great Game was afoot. His task was ‘to work out a scheme for rendering Gilgit secure without the aid of British troops, and for dominating from Gilgit, through the Kashmir forces, the country up to the Hindu Kush’.
324 Eberhard, Wolfram: A HISTORY OF CHINA. From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. London, 1950. xvi, 368 pp. 17 plates, 6 maps. Bibliography, index. 23x15 cm. Cloth. £25.00 A history of China which attempts to be as objective as possible.
325 ECANG XIKEQIN YISHUPIN. Shikchin Art Relics Collected in the State Hermitage Museum of Russia. 俄藏錫克沁藝術品. Shanghai, 2011. 12, 417 pp. 86 pp. colour & 133 pp. b/w plates. A few b/w text plates and drawings. 38x27 cm. Cloth. £650.00 Xikeqin is a ruined and little-known Buddhist complex situated south-east of the the town of Yanqi in China’s Xinjiang province. It lies on the Northern Silk Road in the Turfan depression. The site is also known as Shikchin/Shikshin/Shorchuk and is near Karashahr. It is also referred to by the generic name, Mingoi. The site was investigated by Grunwedel during the Third Turfan Expedition of 1905 to 1907, by Stein in 1907 whilst on his second expedition (described in Serindia) and also by Oldenburg during the Russian expeditions to Turkestan in 1909 and 1914. Whilst descriptions of the site, and finds made there, were published in the accounts of the above explorers, very little has been published since. This work systematically describes and illustrates in fine full page colour plates the artefacts discovered and excavated by Oldenburg (the majority dating from the Tang dynasty) and now held in the collection of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Includes very fine stucco paintings of Buddhist deities, terracotta figurines, wooden pieces etc. Also reproduces the numerous black-and-white photographs taken by the Oldenburg expedition, together with a few plans and drawings. Illustrated with numerous full page colour and black-and-white plates. List of contents and nine pages of useful introduction and essays in English. Main text in Chinese. Produced to a high standard and a valuable addition to the limited literature on this Silk road site. Complete in this one volume. Published in a very limited edition of 300 copies, of which only 100 have been made available for sale in China. We have been able to obtain a number of copies but are unlikely to get more.
326 ECONOMIC HISTORY OF MANCHURIA. Seoul, 1920. x, 303 pp. 39 b/w photographs. Folding map. 20x14 cm. Cloth. Waterstains. £30.00 An economic snapshot of Manchuria in the early 20th century. Covers various industries and the political situation. Waterstained front cover, internally fine.
327 Eisei Bunko: GEN NO CHATO MEIHINTEN. (Exhibition of Tea Ware). Tokyo, 1978. c. 100 pp. 77 exhibits, all illustrated in colour. 25x26 cm. Cloth. £15.00 A well-illustrated catalogue of selected tea-ceremony wares held at the Eisei Bunko. In Japanese.
328 Elliott, Jane E: SOME DID IT FOR CIVILISATION, SOME DID IT FOR THEIR COUNTRIES. A Revised View of the Boxer War. Hong Kong, 2002. xliii, 610 pp. Numerous b/w illustrations, 29 pp. of colour plates. Notes, bibliography, index. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £37.00
A radical departure from previous studies of the Boxer War which examines the way the war was perceived and portrayed in the contemporary mass media, and provides a major contribution.
329 Endacott, G. B: A HISTORY OF HONG KONG. London, 1958. xiii, 322 pp. Illustrations 3 maps plus 1 tippedin. Bibliog., appendixes, glossary, index. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £45.00 This book tells the story of Hong Kong from the first British naval settlement after the convention of 1841 down to the post-war period. Dedication and signature of the author.
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330 Endacott, G. B. and Hinton, A: FRAGRANT HARBOUR. A Short History of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 1962. 216 pp. Frontispiece, 18 illustrations. 4 maps, appendices, index. 19x13 cm. Cloth. £35.00 A history of Hong Kong with extracts of source material at the end of each chapter chosen to give a flavour of the times and people described.
331 Endacott, G. B. and Hinton, A: FRAGRANT HARBOUR. A Short History of Hong Kong. Westport, 1977. 216 £30.00 pp. 20 text illustrations 22x14 cm. Cloth.
A brief account of the growth of Hong Kong from its humble origins to a modern teeming industrial and commercial centre. First published in 1962. Ex Library of Congress copy.
332 Evans-Wentz, W. Y. ed., intro. and annotations: TIBET’S GREAT YOGÎ: MILAREPA, A BIOGRAPHY FROM THE TIBETAN. Being the ‘Jetsün-Kahbum’ or Biographical History of Jetsün-Milarepa, according to the Late Lâma Kazi Dawa-Samdup’s English Rendering. London, 1928. xx, 315 pp. Colour frontispiece, 4 further b/w plates, 4 emblems. Appendix, colophon, index. 23x15 cm. Cloth, decorated with gilt, front and spine. £40.00 First edition of the important work on this Tibetan Buddhist ‘saint’. This copy with no dustjacket, somewhat spotted and with damp staining to rear cover and edges of the last few pages, otherwise good and clean inside.
333 Executive Committee of the Exhibition ed: PERSIAN ART. An Illustrated Souvenir of the Exhibition of Persian Art at Burlington House London 1931. London, 1931. xix pp. text plus 101 pp. b/w plates. 25x19 cm. Half cloth. £60.00
Catalogue of this famous exhibition of Persian treasures held at the Royal Academy, London, in 1931. The black-and-white plates show numerous exhibits in various media.
334 Fairbank, Wilma: THE OFFERING SHRINES OF “WU LIANG TZU”. Harvard, 1941. p. 1-36; p. 52-88; p. 214220. Numerous b/w plates throughout. 26x18 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Comprises; Fairbank, Wilma: The Offering Shrines of “Wu Liang Tz’u” together with ‘A Structural Key to Han Mural Art’. Two offprints bound together.
335 Falconer, John: 1860-1930 YINGGUO CANG ZHONGGUO LISHI ZHAOPIAN. Western Eyes: Historical Photographs of China in British Collections, 1860-1930. 1860-1930 英國藏中國歷史照片. Beijing, 2008. 618 pp. Full page b/w photographs throughout. 1 foldout. 2 vols. 25x25 cm. Wrappers. £175.00
Large two-volume catalogue of a fascinating exhibition held at the National Library of China in Beijing showing hundreds of black-and-white photographs of China from 1860 to 1930 held in British collections. Starts with Felice Beato’s photographs and moves chronologically through to photographs from Mennie’s ‘Pageant of Peking’. The exhibition is in sections, including important photographers such as Thomson and Miller and major events such as the Boxer Rebellion. Other interesting sections include ‘Western Travellers in China 1870-1920’ and ‘Western Missionaries in China’. The exhibition shows many images by famous, little-known and unknown photographers and includes many previously unexhibited images. A good reference. Dual texts in Chinese and English. Now out-of-print and hard to find.
336 Finlay, John: THE CHINESE COLLECTION. Selected Works from the Norton Museum of Art. Trumbull, 2003. 279 pp. 95 pp. fullpage colour plates and 35 b/w illustrations. Map, glossary, bibliography, index. 30x24 cm. Cloth. £45.00
A selection showing the finest Chinese works of art from the Norton Museum of Art. Described in detail and illustrated with excellent colour plates. Accompanied by three essays: So: The Norton Collection of Archaic Chinese Jades — Fifty Years Later; Mackenzie: Chinese Bronze Casting at Anyang During the Late Shang Dynasty; Finlay: Qianlong Imperial Jades in the Norton Museum of Art.
337 FitzGerald, C. Patrick: CHINA. A Short Cultural History. London, 1935. xviii, 615 pp. Index. 21 plates, 66 text figures, 19 maps (1 folding). 25x16 cm. Cloth. £20.00 First edition of this brilliant synthesis of Chinese cultural history which weaves together the developments in culture, religion, literature and art in China from prehistory to the later 19th century. A. C. Moule’s signature ‘from C. G. Seligman 16 Nov 1935’.
338 Fleming, Peter: NEWS FROM TARTARY. A Journey from Peking to Kashmir. London, 1941. 384 pp. 12 b/w plates, 1 map. Index. 20x14 cm. Cloth. £25.00
Peter Fleming describes a seven months journey across 3,700 miles of desert and mountains, undertaken on horseback. Eleventh impression!
339 FOJIAO CHUCHUAN NANFANG ZHI LU: WENWU TULU. (The Route by which Buddhism First Reached South: Catalogue of Relics). 佛教初傳南方之路 : 文物圖錄. Beijing, 1993. 191 pp. 127 colour and 34 b/w plates. 27x20 cm. Cloth. £30.00 An interesting illustrated monograph which explores the ‘southern’ route which Buddhism took into China — paralleling and complementing the better-studied more northerly ‘silk route’ — and the influences it spread on arrival. In Chinese.
340 Cai Zhizhong: FOJIAO MEISHU QUANJI 3: ZHONGGUO JINTONG FOXIANG. (Buddhist Art 3: Chinese Gilt and Bronze Buddha Images). 佛教美術全集 三 : 中國金銅佛像 。 蔡志忠 著. Taipei, 1997. 175 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 24x18 cm. Cloth. £30.00
Volume 3 of 5 in this series on Buddhist art covers gilt bronze statues and images of the Buddha dating from the Northern Wei to the Qing dynasty. In Chinese only.
341 Chen Minghua: FOJIAO MEISHU QUANJI 11: HANGUO FOJIAO MEISHU. (Buddhist Art 11: Korean Buddhist Art). 佛教美術全集 十一 : 韓國佛教美術 。 陳明華 著. Taipei, 1999. 207 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 24x18 cm. Cloth. £30.00 Volume 11 in this series shows Korean Buddhist art in various media — painting, sculpture, gilt-bronze. A useful contribution. Illustrated throughout in colour. In Chinese.
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342 Fortune, Robert: THREE YEARS’ WANDERINGS IN THE NORTHERN PROVINCES OF CHINA. Including a Visit to the Tea, Silk, and Cotton Countries .... London, 1847. xxiv, i, 420 pp. Woodcut title page, 3 tinted lithographic plates, engraved map, numerous b/w text woodcuts (1 full page), 23x15 cm. Decorative cloth with gilt. £90.00 Second edition with additional information on tea, and an appendix entitled ‘Method of Transmitting Plants from one Country to another by Sea in ‘Ward’s Cases’, the method by which Fortune transported his plant collections for the Royal Horticultural Society. Foxing to the three tinted lithographic plates, otherwise generally clean inside. Tear to top of spine. Priced accordingly.
343 Franck, Harry A: WANDERING IN NORTHERN CHINA. New York, 1923. xx, 502 pp. text. Frontispiece, 170 b/w photographic illustrations, map. 23x16 cm. Decorative cloth. £40.00 Fascinating account of a journey through North China, beginning in Korea, undertaken at the beginning of the century by a seasoned American traveller. Some wear to covers. Fine within.
344 Franke, Herbert ed: SUNG BIOGRAPHIES 1-3. Münchener Ostasiatische Studien 16:1-3. Taipei, 1988. xxix, 1,272, viii, 157 pp. 2 vols. 23x15 cm. Cloth. £75.00
Two-volume work containing 406 biographies of important personages who lived during the Song dynasty in China. Although the majority is in English, there are also biographies in German or French. The most exhaustive work on Song personalities. Taiwan reprint of the scarce original.
345 Fuchs, Walter: DER JESUITEN-ATLAS DER KANGHSI-ZEIT. Seine Entstehungsgeschichte nebst Namensindices für die Karten der Mandjurei, Mongolei, Ostturkestan und Tibet mid Wiedergabe der JesuitenKarten in Originalgrosse. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series IV. Peking, 1943. iii, 414; 36 loose folding maps in separate, larger box (35x27 cm). 2 vols. 28x20 cm. Half-leather and blue silk-covered box. £1,800.00 The history and full facsimile of the Jesuit atlas of China produced in the early 18th century by Western Jesuits resident at the court of the Kangxi emperor. Together with indexes of place names. Comprises text volume and separate volume containing the 36 maps. Text in German. The maps with Chinese characters. Printed in 500 copies only. Now very rare as a complete set. Some wear and fading to the box containing the maps, otherwise in fine condition.
346 Fujioka Ryoichi: CHADOGU. (Tea Utensils). Nihon no Bijutsu No. 22. Tokyo, 1968. 108 pp. 208 plates, 19 in colour. 23x19 cm. Paper. £25.00 Utensils for the Japanese tea ceremony — tea canisters, tea ladles, tea bowls, flower vases, incense burners etc. Well illustrated. Japanese only.
347 Furuya Korin: DATE MOYO HANA TSUKUSHI. (Floral Pattern Kimono Designs by Furuya Korin). 伊達模樣花川久志 。 古谷光林. Kyoto, 1905. 25 pages of original colour woodblock prints — 2 per page. 18x25 cm. Boards. £1,200.00
A very accomplished collection of 50 designs on the theme of flower and plants by Furuya Korin, a leading neo-Rimpa Japanese woodblock artist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Some of the designs verge on the near-abstract. All are delightful. Printed in a wide range of colour and techniques including the use of metallic inks. Each woodblock print measures 14x9cm. Published by Unsodo. Dated Meiji 38. Rare. Generally in good condition. Some slight rubbing and chipping to covers. Loss to top left margin of first page — image unaffected. All the woodblock prints clean.
348 Gabbert, Gunhild: BUDDHISTISCHE PLASTIK AUS CHINA UND JAPAN. Wiesbaden, 1972. 540 pp. Bibliography. 358 b/w illustrations. 23x18 cm. Paper. Tear to front cover. £40.00 Catalogue of the collection in the Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst, Köln. A most scholarly work on Buddhist sculpture with numerous illustrations. Text in German
349 Gansu Province Archaeological Team: QINGYANG BEISHIKU SI. The North Grotto Temple at Qingyang. Beijing, 1985. 164 pp. 84 plates, 4 in colour; 53 text figures. 27x19 cm. Half-cloth. £40.00
The Buddhist North Grotto Temple at Qingyang with its Northern Wei and Tang period Buddhist stone sculptures was rediscovered in 1959. English abstract.
350 Gao Benli: TAIWAN ZAOQI FUSHI TULU. Traditional Dress in Taiwan 1860-1945. Taiwan Wenhua zhi Mei, 1. Taibei, 1995. 335 pp. 374 colour plates, numerous additional b/w plates and figures. Map. 32x25 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £75.00
A beautifully produced book illustrating a wide range of Taiwanese dress and accessories from all sectors of the island’s society. Fine plates of the textiles themselves are supplemented with early photographs of the clothes in use. Introduction in English.
351 Gao Qipei, Yang Renkai ed: GAO QIPEI HUAJI. (A Collection of Paintings by Gao Qipei). Shanghai, 1989. 1, 2, 21 pp. Chinese text. 1 p. English foreword. 170 plates, including 42 colour. 38x27 cm. Cloth. £56.00
A well-illustrated conspectus of work by the seventeenth century painter, particularly known for his excellent figure painting. Published for the 40th anniversary of Liaoning Provincial Museum, in Gao’s native province.
352 Gao, George ed: THE TRANSLATION OF THINGS PAST. Chinese History and Historiography. Renditions Books. Hong Kong, 1982 200 pp. Boards. £25.00 With 12 essays on aspects of Chinese history and historiography.
353 Garner, Sir Harry M. intro: CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN. 14th to 19th Centuries. London, 1953. 32 pp. plus 18 pp b/w plates illustrating 131 exhibits. 28x22 cm. Paper. £20.00 Catalogue of an exhibition held by the Oriental Ceramic Society at the Arts Council Gallery in London, 1953/54.
354 Gayo, Fr. J. intro: DOCTRINA CHRISTIANA. Primer Libro Impreso en Filipinas Parian de Manila, (1593). N.p. (Macau?), n.d. c. 240 pp. 23x16 cm. Boards. £45.00
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A facsimile of the first book published in the Philippines in 1593, the ‘Doctrina Christina’, which was printed in Chinese, presumably for dissemination by missionaries in the Middle Kingdom. Lengthy introduction and analysis followed by a facsimile reproduction of the Chinese text and a translation. All text in Portuguese.
355 Geil, William Edgar: A YANKEE ON THE YANGTZE. Being a Narrative of a Journey From Shanghai Through the Central Kingdom. London, 1904. xv, 312 pp. 100 b/w plates, many fullpage. Small b/w text vignettes. Folding map. 21x15 cm. Decorative cloth. A few marks to cover. £65.00 The numerous interesting black-and-white plates (many fullpage) are from photographs mostly taken by the author. Geil was a missionary and his commentary, apart from detailed observations of the river journey up the Yangtze into Sichuan and down through Yunnan, includes the moral state of the people, observations and views on the use of opium. A scarce early Yangtze travelogue.
356 Geng Baochang: MING QING CIQI JIANDING. Ming and Qing Porcelain on Inspection. Hong Kong, 1993. 544 £80.00 pp. 159 colour plates, 596 b/w illustrations, 243 line drawings. Appendixes. 31x22 cm. Cloth. Finely produced, single-volume edition of the work of Geng Baochang — Research Fellow of the Palace Museum, Beijing — on ceramics connoisseurship. Appendixes with transcriptions and lists of persons and factories active in the ceramic industry. Chinese text only.
357 Giles, Herbert A.; Huang Ping-wei comp: SHORT STORIES FROM GILES’ HISTORIC CHINA. 翟理斯譯文言故事 。 黃秉煒 編選. Hong Kong, 2004. xiv, 255, xiii pp. Errata slip inserted. 20x14 cm. Paper. £30.00
Herbert Giles was one of the most accomplished translators and scholars of Chinese. This is a selection from his 1882 ‘Historic China, and Other Sketches’ presented in a dual-language format, in Chinese, as sourced by the compiler, and Giles’ English.
358 Gobi Desert Academic and Exploration Team ed: GOBI SABAKU. (The Gobi Desert). Tokyo, 1943. 1, 3, 191 pp. Folding map. 142 pp. mainly of full page b/w plates. A total of 180 images. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £300.00 A rather curious and interesting work that seems to be the result of a Japanese expedition in the Gobi desert in 1942 during World War Two. One can only assume, given the state of the world at the time, that the expedition had reconnaissance of terrain for future Japanese territorial expansion in mind. The black-and-white photography is very good and shows life in the grasslands and desert of Mongolia, not only scenery but people, flora and fauna, historical sites and daily life. The photography was apparently done by one Sawa Hisaji. The map shows that the expedition started from Peking and travelled beyond the Great Wall striking both north-east and more extensively north-west. Text in Japanese. Published in a small edition of 200 copies. The first time we have seen this work.
359 Godard, Andre and Y: BRONZES DU LURISTAN. Collection E. Graeffe. La Haye, n.d. c. 60 unnumbered pp. 33 b/w plates. 23x18 cm. Wrappers. £28.00
Scare catalogue of an interesting collection of, chiefly, ‘animal-style’ bronzes of the Near East, similar in style to the Ordos bronzes. Brief introduction and catalogue entries for 345 items of which 33 are illustrated. In French.
360 Goldman, Merle and Leo Ou-fan Lee: AN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OF MODERN CHINA. Cambridge Modern China Series. Cambridge, 2002. 607 pp. Bibliography, index. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £30.00
The only comprehensive book on modern China’s intellectual development from the nineteenth to the end of the twentieth century. Merle Goldman and Leo Ou-fan Lee introduce this collection of essays, drawn from the later volumes of ‘The Cambridge History of China’. Merle Goldman brings the history up to date with a new, concluding chapter on the Deng Xiaoping era and China’s intellectual scene at the end of the twentieth century.
361 Gotuaco, Larry, Rita Tan & Allison Diem: CHINESE AND VIETNAMESE BLUE AND WHITE WARES FOUND IN THE PHILIPPINES. Manila, 1997. xii, 259 pp. 122 colour plates, 11 b/w illustrations. 28x22 cm. Paper. £75.00 An attempt to present the variety and quality of Chinese and Vietnamese blue-and-white wares traded to the Philippines. The Chinese wares are late Yuan and Ming period, whereas the Vietnamese are dating from the late 14th to 16th centuries. Hard to obtain. Paperback edition.
362 Gray, Jack: REBELLIONS AND REVOLUTIONS. China From the 1800s to the 1980s. Short Oxford History of the Modern World. Oxford, 1990. 512 pp. 8 maps. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £35.00
The only one-volume study of China from the 1800s to the present day. Jack Gray’s accessible analysis is supplemented by a chronology, eight maps, full notes and index, and a bibliography.
363 Gredzens, David I: VISIONS FROM THE TOP OF THE WORLD. The Art of Tibet & the Himalayas. Minneapolis, 1983. 24 pp. 31 plates & illustrations, 8 in colour. 28x22 cm. Paper. £15.00 Small catalogue of a loan exhibition at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts of Tibetan and Himalayan paintings and sculpture.
364 Greenwich Fan Museum: FROM THE LAND OF THE FAN. London, 2001. 48 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 30x21 cm. Paper. £19.50 An exhibition held at the Greenwich Fan Museum in 2001 exploring the history of the Japanese fan and stressing the many functions fans fulfilled. Shows 96 fans and associated objects — ukiyo-e prints, photographs of subjects with fans etc. — from the Greenwich collection and other museums.
365 Grosier, Abbe J. B. G. A: A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CHINA:. London, 1788. vii, xvi, 582 pp; viii, 524 pp. 15 b/w fullpage engraved plates (1 folding). Map with tear near crease. 2 vols. 22x14 cm. Contemporary full calf. £750.00 The title continues: ‘Containing the Topography of the Fifteen Provinces Which Compose This Vast Empire; That of Tartary, The Isles and Other Tributary Countries; The Number and Situation of its Cities, The State of its Population, the Natural History of its Animals, Vegetables and Minerals. Together with the Latest Accounts that have reached Europe, of the Government, Religion, Manners, Customs, Arts and Sciences of the Chinese.’ An important history of China, with much information on commerce and science, largely gleaned from Jesuit researches. The folding map, coloured in outline, shows China and Chinese Tartary together with Tributary States. First English edition. The first French edition was published as volume 13 of de Mailla’s Histoire Generale de la Chine. Cordier 62; Lust 31; Morrison I: 318. There is some
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worming predominantly to the edges of the work and which, in general, does not detract. Priced accordingly. The book has been sensitively refurbished, rebacked and retooled. Full gilt with two labels, dark brown and green, as original. A pleasing copy of a rare title.
366 Grousset, René: THE RISE AND SPLENDOUR OF THE CHINESE EMPIRE. London, 1952. 302 pp. 16 £25.00 plates, 2 maps (one folding). 24x17 cm. Cloth. The development of traditional China into the nineteenth century, emphasising great men and cultural glories.
367 Grove, Linda & Daniels, Christian ed: STATE AND SOCIETY IN CHINA. Japanese Perspectives on Ming-Qing Social and Economic History. Tokyo, 1984. x, 507 pp. Maps. Glossary, bibliography and index. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £48.00 A collection of essays with an extensive bibliography listing all Chinese and Japanese sources used and a glossary of Chinese terms.
368 Gugong Museum: MING QING XIAOXIANG HUA. Portrait Paintings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.. 明清肖像畫. Complete Collection of Treasures Gugong, 16. Shanghai, 2008. 24, 267 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £80.00
Illustrates 141 superb examples of Chinese portrait painting from the Ming and Qing dynasties held in the collection of the Gugong Museum in Beijing. Includes both paintings and handscrolls. Presumably many were in the former imperial collection. A fine addition to the material on this subject. Captions in English, otherwise Chinese text.
369 Gugong Museum: YANSE YOU. Monochrome Porcelain. 顏色釉. Complete Collection of Treasures Gugong, 37. Shanghai, 1999. c. 300 pp. Over 350 colour illustrations. 29x22 cm. Boards. £80.00
Volume 37 in the series The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum illustrates and describes exquisite Ming and Qing monochrome porcelains held in the Gugong Museum, Beijing. Captions and brief descriptions of each piece in English, otherwise Chinese text. Excellent colour illustrations.
370 Gugong Museum: WUCAI DOUCAI. Polychrome and Doucai Porcelains. 五彩 。 鬥彩. Complete Collection of Treasures Gugong, 38. Shanghai, 1999. c. 300 pp. Over 350 colour illustrations. 29x22 cm. Boards. £80.00
Volume 38 in the series The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum illustrates and describes wonderful Ming and Qing polychrome and doucai porcelains held in the Gugong Museum, Beijing. Captions and brief descriptions of each piece in English, otherwise Chinese text. Excellent colour illustrations.
371 Gugong Museum: YUQI 1-3. (Jadeware 1-3). 玉器(上中下). Complete Collection of Treasures Gugong, 40-42. Shanghai, 1996. 28, 292 pp; 29, 290 pp; 27, 283 pp. A total of 865 pp. colour plates illustrate 698 jade objects. 3 vols. 29x22 cm. Boards. £300.00
Volumes 40-42 in the series The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum illustrate in good colour plates and describe in Chinese a total of 698 jade objects in the Gugong collection in Beijing. Volume 40 shows 232 jade objects from the Neolithic period through to the Northern & Southern Dynasties. Volume 41 continues with 222 jades from Sui and Tang periods through to the Ming period. Volume 42 depicts 244 jades from the Qing period. Text in Chinese only. Not out-of-print and hard to find.
372 Gugong Museum: QINGGONG XIYANG YIQI. Scientific and Technical Instruments of the Qing Dynasty. 凊宮西洋儀器. Complete Collection of Treasures Gugong, 58. Hong Kong, 1998. 27, 4, 289 pp. c. 300 colour illustrations. 29x22 cm. Boards. £80.00 Volume 58 in the series ‘The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum’ illustrates and describes 247 scientific and technical instruments collected and commissioned by the Qing Court. Divided into sections on Instruments for Astronomy, Instruments for Mathematics, Instruments for Geoscience and Typography, Types of Clocks and Watches, Medical Instruments. Includes numerous varied objects ranging from French 18th century drawing instruments to highly ornate gilt-copper clocks, telescopes and various instruments made by the Imperial Workshops (presumably under Jesuit direction). A wonderful, extraordinary and fascinating assembly of objects made in Europe and the Orient and an intriguing insight into Qing imperial scientific interest. Much never before published. Captions and brief descriptions of each object in English, otherwise Chinese only. Highly recommended.
373 Gugong Museum: ZAYOUCAI SUSANCAI. Miscellaneous Enamelled Porcelains and Plain Tricoloured Porcelains. 雜釉彩 素三彩. Complete Collection of Treasures Gugong, 64. Shanghai, 2009. 35 pp. text and 324 pp. colour plates. 29x22 cm. Boards. £80.00 A supplementary volume in the series. Illustrates 273 wonderful examples of Ming and (the vast majority) Qing dynasty ceramics decorated with various coloured enamels and the type of colouring known as susancai. It seems that this volume has been produced to include ceramics that don’t fall easily in to any of the categories of the other ceramic volumes in the series. This is not said to denigrate the quality of the ceramics which are excellent, if not superb. Many of the pieces were in the Qing Court collection. Nearly all the examples are illustrated in multiple views and basemarks are shown. Captions in English, otherwise Chinese text.
374 Gugong Museum: WENWAN. Small Refined Articles of the Study. 文玩. Complete Collection of Treasures Gugong, 65. Shanghai, 2009. 21 pp. text and 337 pp. colour plates. 29x22 cm. Boards. £80.00 A supplementary volume in the series. Shows 334 marvellous examples of small Qing dynasty scholar’s studio objects in various media, from bamboo and jade to ceramic and ivory. Includes seals, waterdroppers, small carvings, brushpots, brushwashers and paperweights. A beautiful selection of objects of the highest quality and craftsmanship, many formerly in the Qing Court collection. Illustrated throughout in colour. Many objects previously unpublished. Captions in English, otherwise Chinese text. Recommended.
375 Gugong Museum: GUANGNING QIUSHUI: QINGGONG ZAOBANCHU BOLI QI. Luster of Autumn Water: Glass of the Qing Imperial Workshop. 光凝秋水 : 清宮造辦處玻璃器. Beijing, 2005. 403 pp. 187 colour plates, b/w text illustrations. 31x24 cm. Wrappers. £85.00 Catalogue of an exhibition in the Gugong Museum in Beijing of Qing dynasty glassware produced in the Zaobanchu imperial workshop. The exhibits come from the Gugong collection and represent a survey of the finest glass production. Includes vases, snuff bottles, scholars’ objects, dishes and a truly remarkable pair of transparent glass Tibetan stupas containing enamel Buddhas. A number of the pieces were influenced by Jesuits present at the imperial court. All 184 pieces are illustrated in colour and described. All base marks are shown. Introductory essays. Near dual text in Chinese and English. An important contribution.
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376 Gugong Museum: GUGONG BOWUYUAN CANG MINGCHU QINGHUACI. (An Exhibition of Early Ming Blue-and-White Porcelain in the Collection of the Gugong Museum, Beijing). 故宮博物院藏明初青花瓷. Beijing, £150.00 2002. 399 pp. Colour plates throughout. 2 vols. 29x22 cm. Cloth.
Catalogue of an important exhibition held in the Forbidden City in Beijing showing 213 superb examples of Hongwu, Yongle and Xuande blue-and-white porcelains, along with some later imitations of these wares. This two volume work has fine colour plates throughout, with many of the porcelains being depicted in multiple shots, including bases, interiors and close-up detail. An excellent survey that demonstrates the depth of the Gugong Museum holdings, as many of these pieces have never previously been exhibited. Indeed, we were told that the pieces came from storerooms that had been unopened for decades. Text in Chinese. Now out-of-print and difficult to find.
377 Guillén-Nuñez, Cesar; with photographs by Leong Ka Tai: MACAO STREETS. Hong Kong and Oxford, 1999. 148 pp. Colour photographs throughout. 26x22 cm. Cloth. £30.00
Macao’s streets hint at the vagaries of its historic development over the past four centuries. This book provides colourful descriptions of forty-five of these roads, along with fine photography by the award-winning Hong Kong-based Leong Ka-tai.
378 Gulik, Robert H. van: CHINESE PICTORIAL ART AS VIEWED BY THE CONNOISSEUR. Taibei, 1993. xxxvii, 537 pp. 160 illustrations. Appendixes. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £90.00 An excellent reprint of the Rome 1958 edition. The technique of mounting scrolls is described in detail, and the author also examines methods and means of detecting fakes and forgeries. Special attention is given to seals.
379 Haas, Ernst: HIMALAYAN PILGRIMAGE. London, 1978. 142 pp. 141 colour photographs. 24x34 cm. Cloth. £15.00 Pictures of Tibet, Ladakh, Bhutan, Sikkim and Nepal photographed from the late 1960s to the mid 1970s.
380 Han Bowen: GANSU CAITAO. Painted Pottery From Gansu. 甘肅彩陶 。 韓博文 主編. Beijing, 2008. xix, 187 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £70.00 Well-illustrated work showing 149 excellent and varied examples of painted Neolithic pottery from Gansu province in China held in the collection of the Gansu Provincial Museum in Lanzhou. All the pottery comes from sites in Gansu, the site of excavation being stated in the captions. An excellent visual reference to this much-collected ceramic form. Near dual texts in Chinese and English.
381 Han Suyin intro: CHINA 1890-1938 — FROM THE WARLORDS TO WORLD WAR. A History in Documentary Photographs. Vaduz, 1989. 260 pp. c. 400 illustrations. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £15.00 The magnificent and revealing photographs presented by Eric Baschet cover the struggles of the whole empire during this tumultuous period.
382 Hao Liangzhen ed: CIZHOU YAO QINGHUA WUCAI CIQI. (Blue-and-White and Polychrome Ceramics from the Cizhou Kilns). 磁州窯青花瓷五彩瓷器 。 郝良真 主編. Beijing, 2012. xv, 363; xviii, 359 pp. Full page colour plates throughout both volumes. 2 vols. 29x22 cm. Boards. £160.00
Two-volume work exploring the folk blue-and-white and polychrome wares produced in the late 19th century and through the first half of the 20th century at the Cizhou kilns in China’s Hebei province. One volume on blue-and-white, the other on wucai (polychrome) wares. All the examples come from the Handan Museum, located not far from the kilns and which has a key collection of Cizhou ceramics. Both volumes illustrated throughout in colour and showing extensive amounts of ceramics. In Chinese.
383 Hart, Sir Robert: THE I. G. IN PEKING. Letters of Robert Hart Chinese Maritime Customs 1868-1907. Cambridge, 1975. xxviii, vi, 1,625 pp. 21 plates. 3 maps. Index. 2 vols. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £85.00
Edited by John K. Fairbank et al., these are the letters written by the Inspector General to his confidant and London commissioner, James Duncan Campbell. They reveal the problems encountered by Hart in his work, and the complex flow of events in China at this time.
384 Hartstone, Eleanor: RICE GRAIN PORCELAIN. A Handbook To Accompany the H. Nelson Hartstone Collection. Boston, 1978. 80 pp. 40 plates and illustrations, 17 in colour, sketches, 3 maps. Bibliography. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £35.00 Catalogue of an exhibition, held at the Museum of American China Trade in Boston and featuring the development of the pierced-glaze technique in ceramics. Ex-library copy with minimal stamps to frontpaper and base of spine only.
385 Hasumi Shigeyasu: SESSHU TOYO RON — SONO NINGENZO TO SAKUHIN. The Study of Sesshu Toyo — His Humanity and Works. Tokyo, 1961. 263 pp. & 13 pp. English text. 31 plates & 38 illustrations. 22x16 cm. Cloth. £85.00 A biography of the Zen painter Sesshu which aims to understand him as a realistic painter and to make clear his working methods. Japanese text with a summary in English.
386 Hawley, W. M: CHINESE FOLK DESIGN. A Collection of Cut-Paper Designs used for Embroidery. Pictorial Archive. New York, 1971. 8 ff. 300 designs. 24x17 cm. Paper. £20.00 Includes a supplement with 160 Chinese art symbols and their meanings. An unabridged reprint of the original publication of 1949.
387 Heath, A. H: SKETCHES OF VANISHING CHINA. London, 1927. 186 pp. 24 tipped-in colour plates. 29x23 cm. Cloth. Some mottling and marks to covers. £70.00 An appealing travelogue of a journey through China in the 1920s, illustrated with 24 colour plates taken from watercolours by the artist en-route. A light and pleasing read.
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388 Hedin, Sven: OVERLAND TO INDIA. London, 1910. xix, 416 pp; xiv, 342 pp. Numerous b/w plates throughout both volumes, 2 colour foldout maps. 2 vols. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £80.00 Detailed two-volume account of a lengthy and intrepid journey at the beginning of the 20th century by a famous explorer through remote parts of Turkey, Persia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and onwards to India. Some marks to covers. Internally fine.
389 Helman, Isidor Stanislas Henri: FAITS MEMORABLES DES EMPEREURS DE LA CHINE. Tires des Annales Chinoises. Paris, 1788. Engraved throughout, comprising title, dedication and 24 plates, each with leaf of text, contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt. 27x20 cm. Half leather with marbled boards. £1,800.00
Contains 24 exquisitely-engraved scenes (each with an accompanying page of text) by Helman showing memorable deeds of the Emperors of China throughout history, taken from the Chinese annals. The plates are printed on one leaf with facing adjacent descriptive texts. The plates were engraved from original Chinese drawings in the cabinet of Bertin (now held in the Bibliothèque Nationale, France) and are said to have been derived from a Chinese work. Text in French. In fine condition. Some foxing, the plates generally clean. The binding probably somewhat later — 19th century. An attractive work.
390 Henan Provincial Institute comp: KYOKEN SEKKUTSU JI. The Cave Temples of Gongxian. Grotto Art of China / Chugoku Sekkutsu. Tokyo, 1983. 345 pp. in Japanese, 10 in English. 184 plates with 252 illustrations, 29 in colour. 31x22 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £120.00 The text has numerous illustrations and text-figures which illustrate the articles on style and technique, Buddhist sculptural art of Gongxian cave temple, and general information about it.
391 Hillier, Jack Ronald: JAPANESE DRAWINGS. From the 17th Through the 19th Century. Drawings of the Masters. New York, 1965. 139 pp. 90 plates, mostly in colour. 6 b/w figures. Biographies. Bibliography. 23x22 cm. Paper. £25.00 A collection of sketches, or shita-e, by various Japanese artists.
392 Hirth, F: HSIN-KUAN WEN-CHIEN-LU: TEXT BOOK OF DOCUMENTARY CHINESE. With a Vocabulary for the Special Use of the Chinese Customs Service. 新關文件錄. Shanghai, 1885. viii, 272; 299 pp. 137 pp. 2 vols. 27x21 cm. Half leather. Worn £200.00
Two-volume work on written business Chinese compiled for the use of western (British) employees of the Imperial Customs Service in China. Contains examples of the types of documents officials in the Chinese Customs Service were likely to encounter: official forms, despatches, letters, petitions, treaties, rules, etc. Copy owned by W. R. Clouth of the Customs Service in Shanghai c. 1907.’ Together with a third separate but uniformly bound volume also by Hirth: Wen-Chien Hsiao-Tzu-Tien: A Vocabulary of the Text Book of Documentary Chinese, 137 pp. Published Shanghai 1888. This work reproduces the second part (Part II) of the second volume of the main work. Here included as uniform in binding with the two main volumes and all three volumes obtained together. Very rare. There is much rubbing to the leather part of the covers (testament to the work’s usefulness?) and also to the spines with loss to the bottom of the spine of one volume and splits to the spines of the other two volumes. Inside generally clean. Priced accordingly.
393 Ho Wing Meng: STRAITS CHINESE PORCELAIN. A Collector’s Guide. Singapore, 1996. 144 pp. 81 colour plates and illustrations, map. Glossary, index. 29x21 cm. Cloth. £45.00 The term Straits Chinese Porcelain refers to a little known category of polychrome enamelled export porcelain, made exclusively for the Chinese in Southeast Asia during the last century. Many items and marks illustrated. 1996 reprint.
394 Hong Kong Museum of History: DONG XI HUILIU: YUE GANG AO WENWU DAZHAN. East Meets West: Cultural Relics from the Pearl River Delta. 東西匯流 : 粵港澳文物大展. Hong Kong, 2005. 251 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x23 cm. Paper. £45.00
Catalogue of an exhibition at the Hong Kong Museum of History showing cultural relics from the Guangdong and Hong Kong regions of the Pearl River Delta. The exhibits come from museums in Guangdong, Macau and Hong Kong and date from the Qin dynasty onwards. Much of the material relates to the maritime trade routes that passed along the Guangdong coast. About half the material is pre-Ming, the remainder late Ming and Qing. Includes sections on the Portuguese and Macau, the spread of Christianity in China, the export trade in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Illustrated throughout in colour and showing objects ranging from export ceramics and trade painting to religious iconography and rare books and documents. Dual text in Chinese and English.
395 Honma Hyakuri: SHOKO GAISHOKU ICHIRAN. (Catalogue of Colour Combinations and Designs on Old Armour). 尚古鎧色一覽 (上下). Tokyo, 1901. 22; 19 folded leaves. Colour woodblock prints throughout each volume. 2 vols. 25x18 cm. Stitched. Decorative covers. £450.00 Very interesting and rarely-seen work showing designs and colour combinations on traditional Japanese armour. The work was originally published in the Edo period in 1833. This is the only known reprint of the work produced in the late Meiji period. The work is illustrated throughout with colour woodblock prints showing conspicuous colour combinations used on traditional Japanese armour, the colour combinations proclaiming individual clan identities and the glory of each house. In Japanese. Transliteration of Japanese title and title in English written in a copperplate script on title slips, otherwise in mint condition. Rare.
396 Hsu, Immanuel C: THE RISE OF MODERN CHINA. New York, 1983. xxxiii, 934 pp. 59 b/w plates. Appendix, maps. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Third edition. Describes China’s change from a traditional self sufficient empire into a modern nation.
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397 Hu Xiaoquan: HU XIAOQUAN XIEYING ZUOPIN JI. (Collected Photographs of Hu Xiaoquan). Beijing, 1991. 56 pp. 50 photographs, 22 in colour. 29x21 cm. Paper. £25.00
An expose of the contemporary photographer Hu’s work. His camera catches everyday people in their toils and labours as well as rest and play. Text in Chinese.
398 Hu Zhengyan: SHIZHUZHAI SHUHUA PU. (Painting Album from the Ten Bamboo Studio). 十竹齋書畫譜 。 胡正言 摹古 。 光緒已卯夏至日 校經山房槐廬主人 謹識. Beijing 1879. Various paginations of folded leaves, Chinese-style. Colour woodcuts throughout. 8 vols. 27x30 cm. Stitched, cloth case. £6,000.00
The title-page of this Guangxu edition — based on the famous late Ming manual of painting and woodcut printing — indicates that it was issued by the Jiaojing Shanfang. We have handled two editions bearing this this date, both of which are noted in the ‘Sibu Zonglu Yishu Bian’. The Jiaojing Shangang edition is cited in article 210 and the edition of Mr Qiu of Yuanhe in article 837. The highly-regarded Qiu edition is bound ‘butterfly’ style with restrained colour and careful registration. This Jiaojing Shanfang edition is also bound ‘butterfly style’ but has slightly more strident colour, slightly less care with registration and also red seal impressions stamped at the end of the printed inscriptions accompanying the illustrations. (These is also a red stamp with ‘Jiaojing Shanfang’ in regular script on the title page.) The blocks for the two 1879 editions seem to be the same or very close. It seems likely that the Jiaojing Shanfang edition is a slightly later impression issued by a different publisher of the Guangxu blocks. Without more information or serious research on the way such illustrated works were disseminated and published in the late Qing period, it is hard to say more. In any case, both editions are wonderful and rare examples of multiblock colour book illustration of the time. The original edition of ‘Shizhuzhai Shuhua Pu’ — compiled and produced by Hu Zhengyan (zi: Yuecong, 1584-1674) — was one of the earliest painting manuals to be printed in colour and is still considered the epitome of what was then an innovative art. The illustrations are arranged in eight volumes, — Shuhua (exemplars of painting and calligraphy), Mohua (ink flowers), Guopu (fruit manual), Lingmaopu (bird manual), Lanpu (orchid manual), Zhupu (bamboo manual), Meipu (plum manual), Shipu (stones manual). They are Hu’s designs but, in many cases, they are based on works by famous early masters. Flowers and fruit predominate, along with beautiful multiblock prints of birds, orchids, bamboo and ‘strange stones’ (qishi). The illustrations are matched with a text or poem on an adjacent opening.The colour to the illustrations is fresh and vivid. The work retains its original ‘butterfly’ binding which is the same as that of the original Ming edition. This type of binding is rarely seen intact. The folded leaves are held together at the binding fold rather than at the edges as is common in later Chinese binding. This allows illustrations printed across the entire leaf to be fully viewed in each opening. There is some slight foxing to a number of leaves and the occasional spot, mark or small tear here and there, but the illustrations are unaffected and the overall impression is clean. The book is, unusually, with its original cloth-covered thin board case which is in decent condition (one toggle missing) and still bears the title slip. In Chinese. Rare. ‘Sibu Zonglu Yishu Bian’ nos. 210, 837. ‘Visible Traces’, 65-68 (for the Ming edition).
399 Huang Quanxin ed: ZHONGGUO WUBAI MINGREN TUDIAN. (A Compendium of 500 Famous People). Beijing, 1997. 500 pp. B/w illustrations throughout. 26x18 cm. Paper. £25.00
A trawl through Chinese history illustrating 500 famous personalities ranging from early philosophers and military figures through to artists and emperors. All illustrated. In Chinese only.
400 Huang Zongjian and Yuan Rongchen ed: FOTUO SHIJIE. (The World of Buddha). Nanjing, 1995. 6, 63 pp. text and 106 pp. colour plates. 26x19 cm. Paper. £25.00 Essays on various aspects of Buddhist art are followed by colour plates showing Buddhist art — primarily sculpture and painting — from the 3rd to the 17th centuries. In Chinese only.
401 Hubei Provincial Museum: DAOSHENG WANWU: CHU DI DAOJIAO WENWU. The Tao Gives Rise to Ten Thousand Things: Taoist Relics from the Chu Region. 道生萬物 : 楚地道教文物. Beijing, 2012. 305 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £65.00 Catalogue of an excellent exhibition at the Hubei Provincial Museum in Wuhan, China, showing Daoist relics from southern China centring on Hubei and Hunan provinces, the ancient Chu kingdom. Laozi, the founder of Daoism, came from this region and the area is rich in Daoist artefacts. Prefaces, abstracts to essays, Introductions to each section and brief captions to plates in English. Fuller text in Chinese.
402 Hui Guangzong: ZHONGGUO TUSHI: JIEKAI ZIJINCHENG CHUJIAN BUJU ZHI AOMI. Discovering the Secret Geomancy Behind the Layouts of the Forbidden City. 中國圖式 : 揭開紫禁城初建佈局之奧秘 。 惠光宗 編著. Taibei, 2001. 211 pp. Colour plates, diagrams and tables throughout. 31x22 cm. Cloth. £75.00 Unusual and intriguing. A contemporary application of geomancy with a intermixture of connoisseurship concerning the Forbidden City and its material culture. In Chinese only. Now out-of-print.
403 Hui, Humphrey K. F. and Peter Y. K. Lam: HONG YING YAO HUI: LI JINGXUN CANG QINGDAI BOLI. Elegance and Radiance: Grandeur in Qing Glass: The Andrew K. F. Lee Collection. 虹影瑤輝 : 李景勳藏清代玻璃. Hong Kong, 2000. 384 pp. 200 colour plates. 33x25 cm. Cloth. £170.00
Catalogue of an excellent exhibition of Qing dynasty glass at the Art Museum, Chinese University of Hong Kong. 148 items, both monochrome and multicoloured examples, many with reign marks and dating from the 17th to early 20th century are illustrated (many from different angles or with close-up detail) and provided with detailed descriptions, supporting material and, in a number of cases, panoramic rubbings of their decorative designs. An additional bonus is the first-time publication of archival records of glass production. In English and Chinese. An excellent addition to the limited literature on the subject. Out-of-print and hard to find.
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404 Hyde, Francis E: FAR EASTERN TRADE. 1860-1914. The Merchant Adventurers. London, 1973. 229 pp. Appendixes, index. 22x14 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £40.00
A comprehensive account of Western trade with the Far East during this period. The author also goes into the history of three British companies — Rathbones, Holts and Swires.
405 Idemitsu Museum of Art: NIKUHITSU UKIYO-E PAINTING IN THE COLLECTION OF THE IDEMITSU £50.00 MUSEUM OF ART. Tokyo, 2007. 261 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x23 cm. Paper. Catalogue showing the fine collection of nikuhitsu ukiyo-e painting in the collection of the Idemitsu Museum in Tokyo. 173 very fine examples dating from the mid 17th to early 19th centuries are illustrated in colour. List of plates in English. Main text in Japanese.
406 Iijima Isamu ed: TANOMURA CHIKUDEN. Nihon no Bijutsu No. 165. Tokyo, 1980. 102 pp. 123 plates, 19 in colour. 23x19 cm. Paper. £20.00 A well-illustrated study of the life and work of the Edo period Nanga painter, Tanomura Chikuden. Japanese text only.
407 Impey, Oliver and Fairley, Malcolm: TREASURES OF IMPERIAL JAPAN. Ceramics from the Khalili Collection. London, 1994. 80 pp. 98 colour illustrations, 9 b/w figures, examples of signatures, glossary. 30x21 cm. Paper. £20.00 Catalogue of an exhibition at the National Museum of Wales of Japanese porcelain and pottery from the Meiji period in the collection of Dr. Nasser D. Khalili.
408 Ingrams, Harold: HONG KONG. London, 1952. xii, 307 pp. 40 plates, some in colour. 9 maps, including 2 folding in back-pocket. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £35.00 One of the most comprehensive and readable histories of Hong Kong from its establishment as a colony up to 1950.
409 Institute of Archaeology, Shaanxi Province: TANGDAI HUANGPU TONGCHUAN. Excavation of a Tang Kilnsite at Huangpu in Tongchuan Shaanxi. Beijing, 1992. 14, 539 pp. text volume with over 280 text illustrations. 184 plates, 40 in colour. 2 vols. 36x27 cm. Paper. £45.00 Report of excavations of workshops making Tang tri-coloured glazed pottery, three kilns for firing the same, eight workshops for making porcelain, five kilns, etc. plus tens of thousands of sherds. With a ten-page English résumé.
410 Ip Yee: NOTES ON A COLLECTION OF CHINESE RHINOCEROS HORN CARVINGS. International Asian Antiques Fair, HK. Hong Kong, 1982. Pp. 20-42. 43 objects all illustrated in colour. 29x21 cm. Paper. £18.00
This was the first time that Dr Ip Yee’s collection of Chinese rhinoceros horn carvings had been on public view. Nine of the pieces exhibited carry the marks of their carvers. Catalogue of 2nd Int. Antiques Fair, HK.
411 Irons, Neville John: FANS OF IMPERIAL JAPAN. Kaiserreich Kunst Oriental Art Series, Volume 2. Hong Kong, 1982. 176 pp. 40 full page colour plates, 21 b/w illustrations, 5 tables, bibliography. 22x30 cm. Cloth. £60.00 An historical survey covering development, manufacture, use and dates. The Tanto (dagger) fan is shown and many fans of the Meiji period are catalogued for the first time.
412 Ishida Mosaku: BUKKYO BIJUTSU NO KIHON. (Fundamentals of Buddhist Art). Tokyo, 1967. 481 pp. 4 pp. of colour and hundreds of b/w plates. Index. 22x16 cm. Cloth. £40.00 Important study of Japanese Buddhist art. In Japanese.
413 Ishida, Mosaku: JAPANESE BUDDHIST PRINTS. Tokyo, 1964. 195 pp. 194 illustrations, 32 in colour. 35x27 cm. Cloth. £45.00 The first book of its kind to demonstrate that the art of printmaking in Japan had a long development before it finally reached its climax in the ukiyo-e prints. Abrams C7.
414 Itabashi Ward Museum: PAINTINGS OF KANO SCHOOL IN ITABASHI ART MUSEUM. Itabashi, 2006. 167 pp. Colour and b/w plates throughout. 1 colour foldout. 29x22 cm. Paper. £35.00 Catalogue of an exhibition showing paintings by artists of the Kano school held in this museum. Well-illustrated throughout in colour. Black-and-white close-ups of signatures and seals. List of plates and an essay in English: Yasumura: History of the Kano School and the Edo Kano School. Main text in Japanese.
415 Jaquillard, Pierre: EVENTAILS CHINOIS DE LA COLLECTION F. VANNOTTI. Etudes Asiatiques, XXIV. 12. Bern, 1970. 9 pp. 4 plates. In French. 24x17 cm. Paper. £10.00 An appreciation of Franco Vannotti’s Chinese painted fans, the largest such collection in the West. French text.
416 Jäschke, H. A: TIBETAN GRAMMAR. Trübner’s Collection of Simplified. London, 1883. x, 104 pp. 19x13 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Trübner’s Collection of Simplified Grammars of the Principal Asiatic and European Languages VII. Second edition with some annotations. Scarce.
417 Jenner, W. J. F. ed: CHINA. A Photohistory 1937-1987. New York, 1988. 200 pp. B/w photographs throughout. 27x25 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £40.00 An excellent selection of photographs taken from the Magnum archives showing key moments and drama in recent Chinese history from 1937 to 1987.
418 Ji Cheng: THE CRAFT OF GARDENS. The Classic Chinese Text on Garden Design. Rutland, 2012. 144 pp. 120 colour photographs. B/w text drawings. 21x28 cm. Cloth. £30.00 Ji Cheng’s great work on garden design, the ‘Yuan Ye’ or ‘Craft of Gardens’ was originally published in 1631 and is the earliest manual of Chinese landscape gardening. This is the first complete English translation.
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419 Jin Nong: JIN NONG SHUHUA JI. (The Paintings of Jin Nong). Shanghai, 1996. 212 pp. 161 pp. colour plates, 166 b/w illustrations. 38x27 cm. Cloth. £60.00 Paintings and calligraphy by the 18th century artist Jin Nong, one of the Eight Eccentrics. Specialised in the depiction of plum blossoms, bamboo, landscapes and figures. Distinctive calligraphy, called lacquer script, which evolved from stone-cut inscriptions. A good representation of his works. In Chinese only.
420 JIN SI. Jin Memorial Temple. Beijing, 1981. 14 pp. in Chinese, 6 pp. in English. 101 colour illustrations. 1 map. £25.00 26x19 cm. Paper. This famous temple is situated 25 km. from Taiyuan, Shanxi. Nearly 100 buildings are set in the ancient park which is mentioned in a 5th century geographical treatise by Li Daoyuan. The temple is also famed for its stucco statuary. Three-page introduction and plate list in English.
421 JINGDEZHEN MING QING CIQI WENSHI. (Patterns on Ming and Qing Porcelain from Jingdezhen). 景德鎮明清瓷器紋師. Beijing, 1987. (14) pp. text. 5 pp. in English. 92 plates in colour, some folding. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £40.00 Porcelain production at Jingdezhen was at its height during the Ming and Qing. This book contains modern Chinese drawings of designs. Five pages English text, otherwise Chinese text only.
422 Jingdezhen Research Institute: ZHONGGUO DE CIQI. (Chinese Porcelain). Hong Kong, 1975. 284 pp. Chinese text, 49 plates, 6 in colour, several text-figures. 21x15 cm. Cloth. £20.00 General history of Chinese ceramics written by Jingdezhen Research Institute. Includes latest archaeological evidence as well as a summary of porcelain manufacturing from middle of 19th century to present. Reprint of Beijing, 1963. RBS 9:422. In Chinese.
423 JIUJING XINGSHI HUABAO. (The Jiujing Xingshi Illustrated Paper). 舊京醒世畫報. Beijing, 2003. 10, 173 pp. B/w illustrations throughout 29x29 cm. Cloth. £50.00
An interesting work on a publication about which we can find no information, other than that stated in this book. The Jiujing Xingshi Huabao, roughly translated as ‘Illustrated News of the Striking World of the Old Capital’, had a very short life span, being printed in only 60 or so issues in Beijing in 1908/9. The work appears to be a Beijing version of the successful Dianshizhai Huabao and associated publications that flourished in Shanghai from the 1880s onwards. Each illustrated edition (of which 42 are shown here) comprised just a few pages and told various tales, often strange and scandalous, of life in Beijing. The work lacks the finesse of the Shanghai versions but is similar in style. In Chinese.
424 JIURUTANG GU TAOCI CANGPIN: CIQI PIAN TAOQI PIAN. The Jiurutang Collection: Porcelain Volume & Pottery Volume. 九如堂古陶瓷藏品 : 瓷器篇 。 陶器篇. Beijing, 2007. viii, 200; viii, 344 pp. Colour plates throughout. 2 vols. 37x27 cm. Cloth. £190.00 Large and impressive work detailing the fine early ceramics held in the Jiurutang collection dating from the Neolithic through to the Jin dynasty. A total of 405 pieces are shown, all illustrated in colour, a good number shown in multiple views. List of contents and captions in English. Main text in Chinese.
425 Johnston, Reginald F: TWILIGHT IN THE FORBIDDEN CITY. London, 1934. 486 pp. 43 b/w illustrations. 24x16 cm. Binder’s cloth. £40.00 Account of the life of the Manchu imperial family from the 1911 revolution until their expulsion from the Forbidden City in 1924. Johnston served as tutor and confidant of the last emperor, Puyi. First edition. Rebound. Hucker 753.
426 Kanagawa Prefectural Museum: KANNON BOSATSU AND JIZU BOSATSU IMAGES IN KUMAMOTO PREFECTURE. Kanagawa, 1997. 154 pp. 8 colour and 45 b/w plates. 28x21 cm. Paper. £38.00
In a series that features artistic developments in Kyushu, this exhibition focuses on Kannon and Jizo images. Some extremely fine sculpture from various periods is shown. Text in Japanese.
427 Kanazawa Bunko ed: BUDDHIST STATUES IN THE KANAZAWA BUNKO. Tokyo, 2007. 64 pp. 63 colour and 58 b/w plates. 30x21 cm. Paper. £30.00 Catalogue of an exhibition at the Kanazawa Bunko showing 33 Buddhist statues from the collection. Very fine pieces. In Japanese.
428 Kanazawa Bunko ed: THE TWELVE DIVINE GUARDIANS: A GATHERING OF DIVINE PROTECTORS. Tokyo, 2004. 64 pp. Numerous colour and b/w illustrations. 30x21 cm. Paper. £30.00
Catalogue of an exhibition at the Kanazawa Bunko showing a total of 70 exhibits featuring Buddhist Guardian spirits in painting and sculpture. Includes a group of Hei’an period Guardian images. Some very fine pieces. In Japanese.
429 Kao Mayching ed: THE ART OF SU LIUPENG AND SU RENSHAN. Hong Kong, 1990. 327 pp. 16 colour plates, 100 b/w plates, appendices, bibliography. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £70.00 Catalogue of an exhibition organised jointly by the Guangzhou Art Museum and the Chinese University Art Gallery of the work of two highly original artists from Guangdong in the 19th century. In English and Chinese. Out-of-print and hard to find.
430 Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts ed: HONGXI JIZHEN — LIDAI TAOCI LIUJIN FOZAOXIANG TEZHAN: TAOCI TULU. Ceramics from the Chang Foundation. 鴻禧集珍-歷代陶瓷鎏金佛造像特展 : 陶瓷圖錄. Gaoxiong, 1995. 7, 239 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x23 cm. Wrappers. £60.00
Catalogue of an exhibition at the Gaoxiong Museum of Fine Arts in Taiwan showing a fine and large selection of the finest Chinese ceramics from the Chang Foundation in Taibei. 120 examples are illustrated in full page colour plates and described. Prefaces, list of contents, introductory essay and captions in English. Main text in Chinese.
431 Ke Jisheng: QIANZAI JINLIAN FENGHUA: CHAN ZU WENWU ZHAN. A Thousand Years of Bound Feet. 千載金蓮風華 : 纏足文物展 。 柯基生 著. Taibei, 2003. 145 pp. Colour plates throughout. B/w photographs. 30x21 cm. Paper. £45.00 Catalogue of an exhibition at the National Museum of History in Taibei that examines the culture of the bound foot in China. Hundreds of colour illustrations, mostly of the embroidered shoes that enclosed these tiny feet. Black-and-white photographs show women with bound feet and the feet themselves. In Chinese.
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432 Keeton, G. W: THE DEVELOPMENT OF EXTRATERRITORIALITY IN CHINA. New York, 1969. xvi, 405; vii, 422 pp. Appendixes. Bibliography, index. 2 vols. 24x16 cm. Boards. £105.00
A detailed historical treatment of extraterritoriality in China, from middle of the Ming period but, of course, concentrating on the nineteenth century and the legal reforms in the early twentieth century. With 51 appendixes in volume two with cases and discussion of treaty provisions.
433 Kemp, E. G: CHINESE METTLE. London, 1921. 227 pp. 17 full page plates, a number in colour. B/w text £55.00 drawings. 21x17 cm. Cloth. A journey through 13 of the 18 provinces of China. The colour plates show paintings by the author depicting scenes of China. A number of black-and-white pen-and-ink text illustrations also by Kemp. A pleasant work.
434 Kemp, E. G: THE FACE OF CHINA. Travels in East, North, Central and Western China. London, 1909. xv, 282 pp. 46 coloured plates, 24 sepia drawings. Folding map. 26x20 cm. Decorative cloth. £100.00
The result of a year spent in Shanxi 1893-94 and 6 months spent in Shandong Zhili, Hubei, Sichuan and Yunnan during 1907-8. A light travelogue of personal observations that makes pleasant reading. Accompanied by colour plates of paintings and drawings by the author. Limited edition of one hundred copies of which this is No. 32. Produced in a somewhat larger format than the regular edition.
435 Keyes, Roger S: EIGHT HUNDRED YEARS OF JAPANESE PRINTMAKING. From the Collection of Dr. and Mrs. James B. Austin. Pittsburgh, 1976. 126 pp. 145 plates and illustrations, 8 in colour. 30x21 cm. Wrappers. £15.00 Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute. The exhibition was drawn from one of the most comprehensive collections in USA, ranging from 12th Century Buddhist prints to modern day.
436 Kinki Nippon Railway ed: KASUGA TAISHA — KOFUKU-JI. (The Kasuga Shrine and Kofuku-ji Temple). Kinki Nippon Sosho No. 6. Osaka, 1961. 169 pp. text with 33 text figures. 1 colour & 40 b/w plates. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £65.00 A study of the sculpture of Kofuku-ji temple, the armour of Kasuga Shrine and the architecture and paintings of both establishments. In Japanese.
437 Kinki Nippon Railways comp: MURO-JI. (Muro-ji Temple). Kinki Nippon Sosho. Osaka, 1963. 138 pp. text with 29 text figures. 40 plates. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £45.00 From the Kinki Nippon series this is a view of Muro-ji temple, looking at its architecture, Buddhist images and wall paintings. In Japanese.
438 Kitagawa Momoo: HORYU-JI. (Horyu-ji Temple). Tokyo, 1942. 231 pp. Illustrations throughout & 2 colour plates. 26x19 cm. Boards, binding split. £38.00 The history and art of Horyu-ji temple, with numerous illustrations. In Japanese.
439 Kitamura Tetsuro: NINGYO. (Dolls). Nihon no Bijutsu No. 11. Tokyo, 1967. 114 pp. 126 plates, 17 in colour. 23x19 cm. Paper £25.00 A well-illustrated account, in Japanese only, of the various dolls in Japanese culture.
440 Klein, Bettina: JAPANESE KINBYOBU. The Gold-Leafed Folding Screens of the Muromachi Period (13331573). Artibus Asiae, 45: 1,2/3 offprint. Ascona, 1984. 107 pp. including 38 plates, some in colour. 32x24 cm. Cloth. £35.00 Adapted by Carolyn Wright. Japanese Kinbyobu are considered to be significant expressions of the Muromachi-period Pure Land Belief. This study was based on ‘Flowers, Birds and Insects’, a pair of screens in Tokyo.
441 Kobayashi Takeshi: NARA BUDDHIST ART: TODAI-JI. Heibonsha Survey of Japanese Art Vol. 5. Tokyo, 1975. 157 pp. 48 colour plates, 112 b/w illustrations and plates. 24x19 cm. Cloth. £25.00
Buddhism, centring on the capital of Nara, was a powerful force in 7th and 8th century Japan. During this period were constructed the colossal bronze statue known as the Great Buddha and the Todai-ji temple.
442 Koreana: KOREAN CULTURAL HERITAGE. Volume 2: Thought and Religion. Seoul, 1996. 269 pp. Colour photographs throughout. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £35.00 This volume (part 2 of 4) covers Korean thought and religion. Covers Buddhism, Confucianism, Village Rites, Shamanism and religion in Modern Times (Christianity etc.). A compilation of articles from the Korean English language journal Koreana. Copiously illustrated with good colour photography.
443 Koson, Ikeda: KORIN SHINSEN HYAKU ZU. (A New Selection of One Hundred Paintings by Korin). 光琳新撰百圖. Kyoto, 1891. 29; 31 folded leaves. B/w woodcut illustrations throughout each volume. 2 vols. 25x18 cm. Stitched. Decorative covers. £500.00 A faithful reprint (dated Meiji 24) of the original work published in 1864. Shows a wide variety of paintings, sketches and designs by Ogata Korin, the famous Rimpa master. The illustrations were compiled by Ikeda Koson. The illustrations range from kimono designs to fan paintings, screens and figures. This work was obviously meant to accompany the four volume Kyoto reprint of Korin Hyaku Zu that we have handled as the two works both have uniform covers with a pleasing design of stylised butterflies and flowers in silver on a grey background. As with the reprint of Korin Hyaku Zu, this work is elusive. Text in Japanese. In fine condition. Rare. Mitchell p.377.
444 Kracke, E. A: CIVIL SERVICE IN EARLY SUNG CHINA 960-1067. With Particular Emphasis on the Development of Controlled Sponsorship.... Taipei, 1975. xvii, 262 pp. 21x14 cm. Paper. £25.00 Taiwan reprint of the 1953 Cambridge edition.
445 Krahl, Regina: CHINESE CERAMICS FROM THE MEIYINTANG COLLECTION: VOLUMES ONE AND TWO. London, 1994. 688 pp. 957 colour illustrations. 2 vols. 36x25 cm. Cloth. £800.00
The Meiyintang collection is one of the finest and largest private collections of Chinese ceramics in the West. Assembled over some 40 years and covering every period from the Yangshao culture to the Qing period, the collection is famous as a comprehensive overview of Chinese ceramic art. Volume One covers mainly earthenware and stonewares from the Neolithic period to the Song dynasty. Vol-
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ume Two shows porcelains from the Yuan to the Qing dynasties. The emphasis of the collection is on quality and rarity. Pieces from the collection have been shown in Paris and New York but the majority of objects have never been illustrated before. This is the definitive record with an excellent text by a leading scholar. Includes 1000 objects.
446 Krahl, Regina: CHINESE CERAMICS FROM THE MEIYINTANG COLLECTION: VOLUME THREE. London, 2006. 614 pp. Colour plates throughout. 2 vols. 36x26 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £490.00
The Meiyintang collection is one of the finest and largest private collections of Chinese ceramics in the West. Assembled over some 40 years and covering every period from the Yangshao culture to the Qing period, the collection is famous as a comprehensive overview of Chinese ceramic art. The emphasis of the collection is on quality and rarity. Since the publication of the first two volumes (details available), the collection has almost doubled in size and expanded in scope to include ceramic types not previously represented, as well as individual masterpieces from old collections. This Volume Three (which comprises two physical volumes) comprehensively covers material from the beginnings of pottery making in the Neolithic to the end of the stoneware tradition after the Song dynasty. They are conceived as a supplement to Volume One which spans the same period. Nearly 600 pieces are shown in fine colour and fully described. Accompanied by introductory essays. A fine work and an excellent reference. Other volumes in the series also available.
447 Krahl, Regina: CHINESE CERAMICS FROM THE MEIYINTANG COLLECTION: VOLUME FOUR. London, 2010. xi, pp. 1-212; xi, pp. 213-457. Colour plates (many full page) throughout both volumes. 2 vols. 37x27 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £450.00 The Meiyintang collection is one of the finest and largest private collections of Chinese ceramics in the West. Assembled over some 40 years and covering every period from the Yangshao culture to the Qing period, the collection is famous as a comprehensive overview of Chinese ceramic art. The emphasis is on quality and rarity. This work (comprising of two physical volumes) is the fourth on the collection and shows examples added to the collection over the last 10-15 years. It focuses on ceramics dating from the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, highlighting imperial ceramics from Jingdezhen. Illustrated throughout in colour and with a detailed text by a leading scholar of Chinese ceramics. Earlier volumes also available.
448 Kreijger, Hugo: GODENBEELDEN UIT TIBET. (Religious Images from Tibet). s’Gravenhage, 1989. 149 pp. 100 illustrations, 24 in colour. Glossary, bibliography. 24x22 cm. Paper. £20.00 A unique survey of Lamaistic paintings and sculpture in private Dutch collections. Five essays deal with different aspects of Tibetan Buddhism. In Dutch, but with good illustrations and construable captioning.
449 Kroes, Jochem: CHINESE ARMORIAL PORCELAIN FOR THE DUTCH MARKET. Chinese Porcelain with Coats of Arms of Dutch Families. Zwolle, 2007. 718 pp. 615 colour and 70 b/w illustrations. 30x24 cm. Cloth. £120.00 Contains approximately 500 Chinese export ceramic plates bearing coats of arms of Dutch families with detailed descriptions of form, composition, decoration, heraldic device and the family who acquired the service.
450 KURAMA-JI HOBUTSU ZUKAN. (An Illustrated Account of the Treasures of the Kurama Temple). Kyoto, 1975. 236 pp. Colour and b/w plates throughout. 37x27 cm. Cloth. £75.00 Profusely-illustrated account of the treasures and architecture of the ancient Kurama Temple near Kyoto. Includes fine Buddhist statuary, Buddhist scriptures and painting and treasures in other media. Views of the architecture and setting of the temple. In Japanese.
451 Kurata Bunsaku & Tamura Yoshiro ed: ART OF THE LOTUS SUTRA. Japanese Masterpieces. Tokyo, 1987. 174 pp. 107 colour illustrations. 37x26 cm. Cloth. £70.00
Since its introduction into Japan in the 6th century, the Lotus Sutra, one of the principal scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism, has been a rich source of subjects and themes for Japanese artists. A good well-illustrated work.
452 Kuwahara Jitsuzo: KOSHI YUKI. (An Account of Historical Research Travels in China). Tokyo, 1942. 311 pp. text; 34 pp. index; 128 pp. photographs. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £45.00 The diary of Kuwahara Jitsuzo who went to study in Peking in 1907 and then travelled around Western China, visiting historical sites. Japanese text only. The photographs are not too well reproduced, but they show some ancient buildings, monuments, and people.
453 Kwan, Simon: THE MUWEN TANG COLLECTION SERIES VOLUME 1: CHINESE PORTRAITS. Zhongguo Xiezhen Ji. 沐文堂收藏全集 : 中國寫真畫 。 關善明. Muwen Tang Collection Series Vol. 1. Hong Kong, 2003. 267 pp. 212 colour plates. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £90.00
Includes 106 Chinese portraits of the Ming and Qing dynasties, all illustrated in colour, with detailed analysis of painting techniques and dating criteria. A good study on a much neglected area. Near dual text in English and Chinese. See also items 16-18.
454 Kwan, Simon: THE MUWEN TANG COLLECTION SERIES VOLUME 3: CHINESE NEOLITHIC POTTERY. Zhongguo Xinshiqi Taoqi. 沐文堂收藏全集 : 中國新石期陶器 。 關善明. Muwen Tang Collection Series Vol. 3. Hong Kong, 2005. 315 pp. 142 pp. colour plates. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £95.00 Describes and illustrates (mostly in fullpage colour plates) 142 extremely fine examples of Chinese Neolithic pottery in the Kwan collection. Near dual text in English and Chinese.
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455 Kwan, Simon: THE MUWEN TANG COLLECTION SERIES VOLUME 19: GLASS SNUFF BOTTLES. Boli Yanhu. 玻璃煙壺. Muwen Tang Collection Series Vol. 19. Hong Kong, 2010. 538 pp. Colour plates throughout. £110.00 30x23 cm. Cloth.
Volume 19 in the Muwen Tang series shows 449 very fine examples of Chinese glass snuff bottles held in the collection. The bottles date from the mid-18th through to the early 20th centuries. All illustrated in colour, many in multiple views or showing a similar piece. Introductory texts, essays and captions accompany. Near dual texts in English and Chinese.
456 Kwan, Simon & Sun Ji: CHINESE GOLD ORNAMENTS. Zhongguo Gudai Jinshi. 中國古代金飾 。 關善明、 孫機. Hong Kong, 2003. 1, 571 pp. 400 colour plates with 639 illustrations. Colour text illustrations. B/w text drawings. 31x21 cm. Cloth. £200.00
400 items of Chinese gold ornaments from the Kwan collection, dating from the Shang through to the Qing dynasties, are illustrated and described. An excellent reference with fine colour plates. Text in Chinese with English captions to plates.
457 Kyoto National Museum: FAITH AND SYNCRETISM: SAICHO AND TREASURES OF TENDAI. Commemorating the 1200th Anniversary of the Tendai Buddhist Denomination. Kyoto, 2005. 397 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x21 cm. Wrappers. £55.00
Catalogue of a major exhibition at the Kyoto National Museum featuring the history of the Tendai Buddhist sect through artworks. 236 exhibits include painting, calligraphy and sculptures. Summary and list of plates in English. Main text in Japanese.
458 Lady Hosie: BRAVE NEW CHINA. London, 1938. xii, 251 pp. Frontispiece and 15 b/w plates. Map. 23x15 cm. Cloth. £40.00 Lady Hosie here relates her impressions of China, and her travels therein, in the 1930s. Well-observed.
459 Lai Suk Yee ed: INNOVATIONS AND CREATIONS. A Retrospect of 20th Century Porcelain from Jingdezhen. 薪火英華 : 二十世紀景德鎮瓷藝回顧. Hong Kong, 2004. 255 pp. Over 150 colour plates. In English and Chinese. 30x24 cm. Cloth. £70.00
Catalogue of an exhibition jointly presented by the Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum which gives an overview of ceramic production in Jingdezhen in the last century. There are 186 items of porcelain plaques, wares and sculptures decorated in famille rose enamels, wucai enamels, monochromes and underglaze blue. The rich contents include imperial wares for the last Qing Emperor Xuantong and also the short-lived Hongxian regime, painted porcelain by accomplished ceramic artists including the celebrated group of the “Eight Friends of Zhushan”, sculptures and painted plaques of the Cultural Revolution period (1960s and 70s), a variety of antique-type wares and porcelain painted with new techniques. The majority of the pieces are selected from the collection of the Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum – this is augmented by items from private and public collections in Hong Kong. Most pieces are here published for the first time. The catalogue contains full colour plates of all items with detailed descriptions and an introductory essay by Cao Ganyuan, Academic Director of the Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum. Dual text in English and Chinese. Now out-of-print.
460 Lan Ying: LAN YING FANGGU SHANSHUI HUACE. (Album of Landscapes in the Styles of Early Masters by Lan Ying). 藍瑛仿古山水畫冊. Shanghai Bowuguan Keluoban Yingyin, 6. Shanghai, n.d. 28 collotype plates. 29x20 cm. Stitched. £30.00 Reproduced from paintings in the collections of the Shanghai Museum by the Ming dynasty artist (1585- c.1644).
461 LAO ZHAOPIAN. Old Photos: Scenes of Local Life. 老照片. Nanjing, 1997. 468 pp. 561 b/w photographs. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £30.00
A great compendium of photographs from the 1930s and 1940s showing a huge variety of scenes of local life; architecture to people, street scenes to industrial production, weddings to camel trains. In Chinese only.
462 LAO ZHAOPIAN. Old Photos: People and Fashion. 老照片. Nanjing, 1997. 464 pp. 625 b/w photographs. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £30.00
A great compendium of photographs from the 1930s and 1940s showing people from all walks of life in many settings and activities sporting clothing and costume both traditional and fashionable. In Chinese only.
463 LAO ZHAOPIAN: SHEHUI BAIYE. (Old Photos: A Hundred Facets of Society). 老照片 : 社會百業. Nanjing, 1999. 448 pp. 641 b/w photographs. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £30.00
A great compendium of photographs from the 1930s and 1940s showing numerous trades and activities from agricultural activities through commerce, cultural and social gatherings, military training and exercises, refugees and much more. Fascinating. In Chinese.
464 Larson, John and Rose Kerr: GUANYIN. A Masterpiece Revealed. London, 1985. 76 pp. 65 plates and illustrations, 25 in colour. Appendix, bibliography, index. 25x20 cm. Cloth. £20.00 An account of the painstaking restoration of the Victoria & Albert Museum’s late 12th-century wooden statue of Guanyin, revealing highly significant information about Chinese painted sculpture.
465 Latourette, Kenneth Scott: THE CHINESE — THEIR HISTORY AND CULTURE. New York, 1934. 389 pp. Large folding map. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £35.00 Revised second edition comprising two volumes in one.
466 Laumann, Maryta M: THE SECRET OF EXCELLENCE IN ANCIENT CHINESE SILKS. Factors Contributing to the Extraordinary Development of Textile Design.... Taibei, 1984. xvii, 111 pp. 2 maps, 17 figures with 2 in colour, 27 plates with 20 in colour. 22x16 cm. Cloth. £35.00
The author investigates the significant factors uniquely responsible for the remarkable progress in ancient China in textile design and technology, combining studies in literature with art to present this fascinating study.
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467 Lee Mei, Ching-ying: INDEX DES NOMS PROPRES DANS LES ANNALES PRINCIPALES DE L’HISTOIRE DES SONG. (An Index of Proper Names in the Principal Annals of Song History). Paris, 1966. £20.00 xxii, 130 pp. 25x16 cm. Paper. Wear to spine.
Indexed both by alphabetical Wade-Giles romanization and by Chinese character in ascending stroke count. A number of annotations. Introduction in French.
468 Li Binsheng — paintings and text: YANJING HUA JIU. (Pictures of the Old Traditions of Yanjing). 燕京畫舊 。 李濱聲 繪著. Beijing, 2012. 2, 7, 450 pp. on folded leaves. Full page colour illustrations throughout each volume from drawings and paintings. 3 vols. 30x19 cm. Stitched, cloth case. £250.00
Very appealing three-volume work on old Peking, Yanjing being an ancient name for the city. Sections on the sights, sounds and events of Republican Peking, local life and traditions in the city and its surrounds and two smaller sections on the old brands and shops of Peking and things of interest to the children of the city. The illustrator and author, Li Binsheng, was born in Peking in 1925 and grew up surrounded by this fascinating cultural milieu and clearly loved it all. The three volumes are illustrated throughout with appealing colour paintings depicting the activities, events and traditions being described. A delightful thing. Text in Chinese. Recommended.
469 Li Chi [Li Ji]; Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang trans: WANG KUEI AND LI HSIANG-HSIANG. A narrative poem. Beijing, 1964. 33 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 26x17 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £15.00 A real period piece. Li Ji (1922- )’s long political poem in folk style with colour illustrations very much in the style of political posters of the time. Third edition, good; Spine slightly stained. Good inside. Scarce.
470 Li Guorong & Lin Weisen: QINGDAI GUANGZHOU SHISANHANG JILUE. Chronicle of the Hong Merchants in Canton during Qing Dynasty. 清代廣州十三行紀略 。 李國榮 林徫森 主編. Guangzhou, 2007. 2, 6, 2, 154 pp. Colour and b/w illustrations throughout. 1 foldout. 30x21 cm. Wrappers. £40.00 Based on visual records (paintings, prints and drawings) this is a survey of the Hongs in Canton through the Qing dynasty up to the 1920s. In Chinese.
471 Li Guozhen: CHUGOKU TOJI ZENSHU 10 — CHINESE CERAMICS IN CHINESE COLLECTIONS 10. Yaozhou Wares (Shanxi province). Kyoto, 1985. 158 pp. Japanese text. 161 colour plates & illustrations. Maps. Textfigures. 33x27 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £70.00
A well-illustrated study of these interesting and fine ceramics, produced from the Northern Song to the Jin dynasties. Text in Japanese.
472 Li Song ed: SUI TANG RENWU DIAOKE YISHU. (The Art of Figural Sculpture of the Sui and Tang Dynasties). 隋唐人物雕刻藝術 。 李淞 編著. Changsha, 2002. 310 pp. B/w illustrations throughout. 30x21 cm. Paper. £30.00
A visual survey of numerous examples of figural carving and sculpture from the Sui and Tang dynasties from sites throughout China. Primarily Buddhist sculpture from cave grottoes but includes examples from tombs and spirit ways. In Chinese.
473 Li Zhiyan et al: CHUGOKU TOJI ZENSHU 7 — CHINESE CERAMICS IN CHINESE COLLECTIONS 7. Three Coloured Wares of Tang Period. Kyoto, 1983. 211 pp. Japanese text. 209 colour plates & illustrations. Maps. Text-figures. 33x27 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £70.00
474 Liang Yinjing: SUIDAI FOJIAO KUKAN YANJIU. (Research into Sui Dynasty Buddhist Grottoes). 隋代佛教窟龕研究 。 梁銀景 著. Beijing, 2004. 2, 250 pp. B/w illustrations. 20x14 cm. Paper. £25.00 A survey of Sui dynasty Buddhist grottoes, caves, niches and their sculpture. In Chinese.
475 LIAONING SHENG WENWU KAOGU YANJIUSUO CANG WENWU JINGHUA. (Fine Cultural Artefacts in the Collection of the Liaoning Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute). 遼寧省文物考古研究所藏文物精華. Beijing, 2011. xvii, 229 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £60.00 Illustrates the cream of the collection of the Liaoning Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute located in the city of Shenyang, China. Over 400 very fine excavated items are illustrated and described. Includes bronzes, gold, ceramics, jade, stone and pottery — the bronzes and gold of particular note. Sites of excavation are given. Two page introduction in English. Main text in Chinese.
476 Lin Youlin: SUYUAN SHIPU. (Stones from Su Garden). 素園石譜 。 林有麟 著. Tianjin, 2011. 4 fascicles, each c. 500 leaves. Numerous woodcut illustrations and foldouts. 4 vols. 25x15 cm. Stitched, cloth case. £100.00 A fine facsimile of a Republic edition of a Ming dynasty work held as part of the Siku Quanshu in the Gugong Museum in Beijing. Profusely illustrated with weird and wonderful scholar’s rocks, stones and pebbles. An appealing work assisting the connoisseurship of this esoteric pursuit. Chinese text.
477 Linqing: JIANGSU MINGSHENG TUJI. (An Illustrated Record of the Famous Sights of Jiangsu). 江蘇名勝圖記 。 麟慶 撰. Yangzhou, 2002. c. 200 pp. 60 double page b/w illustrations. 2 vols. 28x18 cm. Stitched, brocade case. £45.00 This is an illustrated record of sights, scenery and events recorded whilst the Qing dynasty scholar official Linqing was posted to the Jiangsu region. The 60 descriptions are each accompanied by a double page illustration measuring 35x28 cm. Linqing asked the artist Wang Yingfu to provide the illustrations from his impressions. The illustrations and texts are selected from Linqing’ s most famous work — the beautifully illustrated ‘Hongxue Yinyuan Tuji’ published in 1849. In Chinese.
478 Little, Stephen: REALM OF THE IMMORTALS. Daoism in the Arts of China. Cleveland, 1988. 67 pp. 40 figures, 7 colour plates. Glossary, bibliography, index. 28x22 cm. Paper. £10.00 Catalogue of an exhibition of Daoist art held at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
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479 Liu Jianhua: YIXIAN WANFO TANG SHIKU. (The Wanfo Tang Grottoes at Yixian). 義縣萬佛堂石窟 。 劉建華 著. Shaolin Wenhua Yanjiu Congshu. Beijing, 2001. xiii, 172 pp. text plus 20 pp. colour plates. Numerous b/w text illustrations. One foldout. 27x19 cm. Boards. £25.00 An illustrated description of the little-known Wanfo Tang (Hall of the Ten Thousand Buddhas) grottoes at Yixian in China’s Liaoning province, founded 1500 years ago. Shows statuary and murals. In Chinese.
480 Liu Jinglong ed: TWENTY STONE INSCRIPTIONS OF LONGMEN GROTTOES. Longmen Ershi Pin. 龍門二十品 : 碑刻與造像藝術 。 劉景龍 編著. Beijing, 1995. c. 200 pp. Colour plates and b/w illustrations throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Illustrates the classical 20 inscriptions from where rubbings have been taken during the years, but also shows where the inscriptions are situated and which sculptures are adjacent. A very good documentation of the Guyang and the Cixiang caves. In Chinese.
481 Liu Kaiqu: ZHONGGUO GUDAI DIAOSU JI. (Collection of Ancient Chinese Sculpture). Beijing, 1955. 100 pp. Chinese text. 48 b/w plates. 26x19 cm. Wrappers. £45.00 Stone and clay sculpture ranging in date from Han to Qing. A representative selection. In Chinese.
482 Liu Shuoshi ed: ZHUKE YISHU. (The Art of Bamboo Carving). Shanghai, 1996. 171 pp. 44 colour plates. Numerous b/w text illustrations. 26x18 cm. Paper. £25.00 An overview of bamboo carving with chapters on history, craftsmanship, conservation and connoisseurship. An amply illustrated book. Chinese text only.
483 Liu Tan: SHIJI JINIAN KAO. (Study of Reign Periods and Dates in the ‘Shiji’). 史記紀年考 。 劉坦 著作. Shanghai, 1937. 3 juan in 1 ce. Stitched, cloth case. £50.00
This is a detailed study of the dates mentioned in Sima Qian’s classic historical text, the first major history of China dealing with the pre-Han period. The author tabulates the cyclical and reign period dates for the various rulers of the various kingdoms of this complex period and discusses the ensuing difficulties. In Chinese only.
484 Liu Tao; Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments: SONG LIAO JIN JINIAN CIQI. Dated Ceramics of the Song, Liao and Jin Periods. 宋遼金紀年瓷器 。 劉濤 著. Beijing, 2004. 6, 9, 257 pp. 23 pp. colour plates plus numerous b/w text illustrations and drawings. 26x18 cm. Paper. £35.00 Useful work depicting and detailing ceramics from the Song, Liao and Jin dynasties (primarily from excavations) that can be dated. Numerous illustrations, primarily black-and-white. In Chinese.
485 Liu, Heung Shing: CHINA AFTER MAO. Seek Truth from Facts. Harmondsworth, 1983. 176 pp. B/w photographs throughout. 22x27 cm. Paper. £35.00
China in the late 1970s (following the death of Mao) and the early 1980s. A great photographic record. Black-and-white photographs throughout.
486 Liu, James T: REFORM IN SUNG CHINA. Wang An-Shih, 1021-1086, and his New Policies. East Asian Series 3. Taipei, 1972. xiv, 140, xix 19x13 cm. Paper. £25.00 Taiwan reprint of the 1959 Cambridge edition.
487 Ljungstedt, Anders: AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE PORTUGUESE SETTLEMENTS IN CHINA. And of the Roman Catholic Church and Mission in China etc.. Hong Kong, 1992. xii, 280 pp. 2 plates, 1 in colour. 3 folding maps. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £19.50 Reprint of the very rare Boston 1836 original, being the first and most authoritative book on Macau. Also contains ‘Description of the City of Canton’. Historians today acknowledge this book as a primary source for the early history of the Portuguese settlements.
488 Lowry, John: TIBETAN ART. London, 1973. 111, vi pp. 50 illustrations, index. 22x14 cm. Paper. £15.00
The Victoria & Albert Museum’s first publication on Tibetan art. The book introduces the subject with illustrations chosen both to show some of the finer examples and to give an idea of the scope of the Museum’s collection.
489 Lu Chenglong & Yang Jingrong: GUGONG TAOCI GUAN. Ceramics Gallery of The Palace Museum: Parts I & II. 故宮陶瓷館 。 呂成龍 楊靜榮 主編. Beijing, 2008. 531 pp. Colour plates throughout. 2 vols. 29x22 cm. Wrappers.
Detailed two-volume survey of the ceramics in the Ceramics Gallery in the Palace (Gugong) Museum in Beijing. The gallery provides a comprehensive chronological overview of the ceramic history of China illustrated by the finest pieces from each period. 414 superb examples are here well-described and illustrated in colour in fine full page colour plates. From Neolithic painted pottery to the Xuantong reign of the last Qing emperor. In Chinese.
490 LU XUN. 1881-1936. Beijing, 1976. c. 170 pp. 114 b/w photographs. 27x24 cm. Cloth. Covers loosening.£25.00
A photographic survey of the life of Lu Xun from childhood to old age. Primarily photographs of Lu Xun, family and associates. In Chinese. Separate Japanese text insert.
491 Macau Museum of Art: HAI QIAO RU ZONG: LI MADOU SHISHI SIBAI ZHOU NIAN WENWU TEJI. The Master from the West: Commemorating the 400th Anniversary of the Passing of Matteo Ricci. 海嶠儒宗 : 李瑪竇逝世四百周年文物特集. Macau, 2010. 255; 193 pp. Colour plates throughout. 2 vols. 36x27 cm. Boards & Paper. £130.00
Two-volume catalogue of an exhibition at the Museum of Art in Macau examining the life, work and legacy of this important and influential figure with a focus on the period he spent in China. Includes loans from public and private collections in Italy, Macau and elsewhere. Of particular note is the Chinese printed religious material and Chinese artefacts. Illustrated throughout. Texts in Chinese, Portuguese and English. Hard to obtain.
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492 Maglioni, R et al: ARCHAEOLOGY IN HOIFUNG ... AND OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS. Hong Kong, 1938. p. 208-244; p. 1-20; p. 1-39; p. 49-53; p. 35-45; p. 70-76; p. 1-12. 25x19 cm. Cloth. £25.00 Comprises: Maglioni: Archaeological Finds in Hoifung; Maglioni: Archaeology in South China; Solheim: Ocean Pottery Manufacture; Solheim: Archaeology in the Philippines; Solheim: Pottery Manufacturing in the Islands of Masbate and Batan, Philippines; Solheim: Paddle Decoration of Pottery; Solheim: Preliminary Report on Archaeological Fieldwork in San Narciso; Conklin: Buhid Pottery. Eight offprints bound together.
493 Malek, R. ed: JEWS IN CHINA. From Kaifeng to Shanghai. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series XLVI. Nettetal, £65.00 2001. xii, 706 pp. A number of b/w illustrations 24x16 cm. Boards.
29 essays from a colloquium held in Germany in 1997 on Jews in China. The large majority are in English, a few in German and Chinese. The essays range in subject from the religious life, manuscripts and assimilation of the Jewish community in Kaifeng through to the Jews in Harbin, Russian Jews in Shanghai, the Sephardi Jewish community in Shanghai. An interesting contribution.
494 Malleson & Kaye, J. ed: KAYE’S AND MALLESON’S HISTORY OF THE INDIAN MUTINY OF 1857-8. London, 1896. xx, 454; xxiv, 506 pp. 2 b/w folding maps and 1 colour folding map in second volume. 2 vols. 19x14 cm. Later cloth. £15.00 Two volume history. Popular edition, Ex-library copy bound in later cloth. Reading copy. Priced accordingly.
495 Malleson, G. B: HISTORY OF THE INDIAN MUTINY 1857-1858. Commencing from the close of the second volume of Sir John Kaye’s history of the Sepoy war. London, 1878-80. xxxi, 575 pp; xxxvi, 602 pp; xxxiv, 524 pp. 9 b/w folding maps. 3 vols. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £40.00 Detailed three volume history of this pivotal event. Fading and sunning to covers and, in particular, the spines of all three volumes. Some marks and foxing inside but generally clean. A few of the maps with tears along the folds. Second edition. Good reading copy.
496 MAO ZEDONG HUA ZHUAN. (Mao Zedong: An Album). 毛澤東畫傳. Beijing, 2003. 487 pp. Over 1800 b/w photographs. 2 vols. 38x27 cm. Cloth. £250.00
Published to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong, this is a large two-volume photographic work portraying and describing chronologically the life, struggles and work of Mao from his childhood in Shaoshan through the Yan’an period, the Second World War and the subsequent fight with the Nationalists to the achievement of power in 1949 and onwards through the 1950s,‘60s and ‘70s. The Cultural Revolution is touched on briefly and the work ends with the death of the Chairman, depicting the grief of the Chinese people and the funeral ceremonies and parades. Illustrated throughout with black-and-white photographs, many never published before. A fine visual reference that traces one of the prime influences of Chinese history in the 20th century and which plays to the Mao cult now prevalent in China. Text in Chinese.
497 Marchant & Son: THE BERTIL J. HOGSTROM COLLECTION. Kangxi Blue and White Porcelain (16621722). London, 2011. 104 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £80.00
Dealer’s catalogue showing 50 fine examples of Kangxi blue-and-white from this very focussed collection. All illustrated in colour, many in multiple views and described. Base marks shown.
498 Marcotty, Thomas: DAGGER BLESSING. The Thibetan Phurpa Cult: Reflections and Materials. Delhi, 1987. 107 pp. Numerous b/w illustrations. Notes, bibliography. 29x23 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £25.00
Rare study of ‘an unknown side of Buddhism’, the Phurpa or ‘Dagger’ cult, a subsect of Tibetan Tantra, focusing on the manipulation of ritual daggers capable of generating bliss, curses and, ultimately, the destruction of demons (or at least the bad qualities of the demons). Hard-to-find.
499 Marriner, S. and Hyde, F. E: THE SENIOR JOHN SAMUEL SWIRE 1825-98. Management in Far Eastern Shipping Trades. Liverpool, 1967. xiv, 224 pp. 17 plates. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £45.00
The life and work of John Samuel Swire, and his central role in the foundation of John Swire & Sons, Butterfield and Swire, the China Navigation Company and the Taikoo Sugar Refinery. In short, an analysis of 19th century Far Eastern business and trading relationships.
500 Martyn Gregory Gallery: CHINNERY AND THE CHINA TRADE. Historical Pictures by Chinese and Western Artists 1770-1910. Martyn Gregory Catalogue 80. London, 2004. 103 pp. Chiefly colour and a few b/w illustrations throughout. 2 foldouts. 20x21 cm. Paper. £20.00
Dealer’s catalogue of oil paintings, watercolours, rice pictures and some paintings on glass showing Chinese and other eastern scenes. Includes work by Chinnery, a very fine foldout colour illustration of a late 18th century panorama of Macao, the Western factories at Canton, a regatta at Shanghai. Well-illustrated and described.
501 Masereel, Frans: SOUVENIRS DE CHINE. Leipzig, 1961. 3 pp. text booklet plus 20 loose colour and b/w illustrations. 28x36 cm. Loose in folder. £230.00
The Flemish painter, graphic and woodcut artist, Frans Masereel, travelled in China in October 1958 at the start of the Great Leap Forward. The twenty illustrations in this work are taken from paintings he made during his travels which included Beijing and the surrounding area, Shanghai, Nanjing and along the Yangtze River. The illustrations are primarily of well-known tourist sights — the Forbidden City, Ming Tombs, Shanghai Bund and so on, but which also include a couple of illustrations of the infamous backyard steel furnaces of the Great Leap Forward plus a couple of scenes in the then recently-established communes. Twenty loose illustrations, each on a separate sheet, with accompanying text booklet with introduction and list of contents. Text in French. A scarce item by a littleknown but prolific artist. The first time we have handled it.
502 LA MATRONE DU PAYS DE SOUNG: LES DEUX JUMELLES (CONTES CHINOIS). (The Lady of the Song: The Two Twins (Chinese Novels). Paris, 1884. xxx, 100 pp. A number of colour text illustrations, of which some full text and hors texte. 23x16 cm. Later leather. £20.00
Two Chinese novels translated into French. Accompanied by charming colour illustrations that, despite the content being Chinese, have a distinct element of then-fashionable Japonisme. An appealing period piece. Rebound in later leather.
503 Matsushita Takaaki: SUIBOKU BIJUTSU TAIKEI 6 — JOSETSU, SHUBUN, AND SANAMI. Tokyo, 1978. 211 pp. including 4 pp. English plate captions. 163 plates, 26 in colour. Many text-figs. 27x20 cm. Cloth. £35.00 Volume 6 in the series on Chinese and Japanese ink and brush paintings. This volume is on early Japanese painters.
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504 Meadows, Thomas Taylor: THE CHINESE AND THEIR REBELLIONS. Viewed in Connection With their National Philosophy, Ethics, Legislation. London, 1856. lx, 656 pp. 3 folding, partly coloured, maps. 23x15 cm. £90.00 New half leather with marbled boards.
Original edition. Useful source material with much detail for the Taiping Rebellion. The author, a member of the British consular service, was a witness to many events of the rebellion. The three maps with colour are: Map of China Proper (sellotape repair). Sketch Map of the Chinese Empire, Map of Kwang Tung. Rebound. Rare.
505 Menpes, Mortimer & Blake, Sir Henry A: CHINA. London, 1909. vii, 139 pp. 16 colour plates, 64 b/w text drawings. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £75.00 An early 20th-century description of China illustrated with colour plates of paintings by Menpes of people and places and charming text drawings predominantly of the people of China. An interesting read for an insight into a way of life long-gone. Fine copy of an appealing work.
506 Merrillees, Scott: BATAVIA. In Nineteenth Century Photographs. Richmond, 2000. 282 pp. Numerous b/w illustrations. 27x29 cm. Cloth. £45.00
A fine collection of 19th century photographs of Batavia — modern-day Jakarta — from public and private collections. Good size reproductions of photographs are aided by a detailed descriptive text, including photographer and collection. Recommended.
507 Michael, Franz with Chung-li Chang: THE TAIPING REBELLION: HISTORY AND DOCUMENTS. Volume I: History. Seattle, 1966. xii, 244 pp. 15 maps. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £35.00 Complete history of the Taiping Rebellion, derived from existing Taiping documentary material. Two more parts were published.
508 Michener, James A: THE FLOATING WORLD. The Story of Japanese Colour Prints. New York, 1954. xii, 404 pp. 66 plates, 32 in colour. Annotated bibliography, index, glossary. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £45.00
A popular account, including the artists’ part in the evolution of Japanese printmaking, and political forces that altered artistic development. Abrams B61.
509 Michener, James A: THE FLOATING WORLD. London, 1954. xii, 404 pp. 66 plates, 32 in colour. Annotated bibliography, index, glossary. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £45.00 Popularised account including the artists’ part in the evolution of Japanese printmaking, and political forces that altered artistic development. Abrams B61.
510 Migot, Andre: TIBETAN MARCHES. London, 1955. 288 pp. 39 b/w plates and illustrations, 2 maps. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £20.00 A French doctor’s travels from Kunming to the Sino-Tibetan marches in 1946, thence north to Koko-Nor and east to Peking. Yakushi M187b.
511 Millennium Art Museum: CAN YUAN QIN MENG: AOERMO YU YUANMINGYUAN LISHI YINGXIANG. Disturbed Dreams in the Ruins of the Garden: Ernst Ohlmer and Historical Photographs of Yuanmingyuan. 殘園驚夢 : 奧爾末與圓明園曆史影像. Beijing, 2010. 103 pp. Full page b/w photographs throughout. B/w text illustrations and photographs. 31x31 cm. Cloth. £60.00
Catalogue of an exhibition showing extraordinary and rare black-and-white photographs of the ruins of the European Palaces at Yuanmingyuan taken in 1873 by the photographer, Ernst Ohlmer. The photographs exhibited are of an excellent and clear quality and were produced from the original glass negatives which have now returned to Chinese hands. Illustrated throughout. Near dual Chinese and English texts including much interesting information on the history of the Yuanmingyuan. The catalogue has already gone out-of-print. Recommended.
512 Millennium Art Museum: WANQING LUEYING: YUEHAN TANGMUSUN YANZHONG DE ZHONGGUO. China Through the Lens of John Thomson 18681872. 晚清掠影 : 約翰 湯姆遜眼中的中國. Beijing, 2009. 167 pp. Full page b/w plates throughout. 31x31 cm. Cloth. £70.00
Catalogue of a travelling exhibition at the Millennium Art Museum in Beijing and elsewhere in China showing 148 wonderful black-and-white photographs taken by the English photographer, John Thomson, during his travels in China. The images are taken from the original glass negatives held in the Wellcome Collection in London. This is the first such large-scale showing of Thomson’s work in China and includes many previously-unpublished images. Dual texts in Chinese and English. Recommended.
513 Millward, James A: EURASIAN CROSSROADS. A History of Xinjiang. London, 2007. xix, 2, 440 pp. A few b/w illustrations. 2 maps. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00 The first general account in English of the history of Xinjiang and its peoples from the earliest times to the present. Useful and readable.
514 Min, Anchee; Duo Duo and Stefan Landsberger: CHINESE PROPAGANDA POSTERS. From the Collection of Michael Wolf. Köln, 2003. 320 pp. Colour plates throughout. 37x25 cm. Paper. £19.99 The most extensive illustrated work on Chinese propaganda posters published to date, arranged by theme. Captions are quite detailed and accompanied by short contextual essays. Text in English, German and French.
515 Ming Xiaoyan & Wiest, Jean-Paul ed: LISHI YIZONG: ZHENGFUSI TIANZHUJIAO MUDI. When Stone Speaks: Zhengfusi Catholic Cemetery. 歷史遺蹤 : 正福寺天主教墓地 。明曉艷 主編. Beijing, 2007. 279 pp. Numerous colour and (predominantly) b/w plates. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £55.00 Most interesting work on the Qing dynasty Jesuit cemetery in Beijing located at Zhengfusi temple in the west of the city. The work accompanies the exhibition at the Museum of Stone Carving in Beijing of large tombstones of Jesuit missionaries which have been relocated from the Zhengfusi temple to the museum. Numerous illustrations of rubbings of headstones showing the Latin and Chinese inscriptions. Includes both famous Jesuit missionaries such as Gerbillon, Bouvet and Amiot, together with lesser-known individuals. Five pages of prefaces plus list of tombstones of missionaries in English. Main text in Chinese.
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516 MOA Museum: UMEZAWA KINENKAN SHOZO SHINSHO TOJI. (Qing Ceramics from the Umezawa Museum). Moa, 1984. 78 pp. 60 colour plates, numerous text-illustrations. 22x24 cm. Paper. £20.00 Exhibition catalogue of Qing porcelain from the collection of the Umezawa Museum. Japanese text only.
517 Mochizuki Shinjo: SHOKA AIZO — NIHON BUKKYO BIJUTSU HIHO. (Japanese Buddhist Art Objects in £95.00 Private Collections). Tokyo, 1973. 304 pp. Colour and b/w plates. B/w illustrations. Cloth. Shows 100 superb pieces of Japanese Buddhist art held in private collections: 45 paintings, 35 sculptures, 20 free-standing Buddhas and Shinto sculptures. Objects date from the seventh century onwards. Five page booklet with list of objects in English. Main text in Japanese.
518 Mody, N. H. N: A COLLECTION OF NAGASAKI COLOUR PRINTS AND PAINTINGS. Showing the Influence of Chinese and European Art on that of Japan. London, 1969. xxxii, index 25 tipped-in colour plates, 6 folding, 225 b/w plates. 32x24 cm. Cloth. £70.00
The one-volume reprint of the famous Nagasaki colour prints, with Japanese and English text and captions. Abrams D46.
519 Montell, Gösta: THE CHINESE LAMA TEMPLE: POTALA OF JEHOL. Exhibition of Historical and Ethnographical Collections. Chicago, 1932. 64 pp. 26 b/w plates. Plan. 24x16 cm. Paper. £50.00 Exhibition of a collection made by Dr Montell on Hedin’s expeditions, housed in Chicago in an absolutely faithful replica of the Golden Pavilion of Jehol. With dedication from Alma Hedin, Sven’s sister, and a clipping from The New York Times, May 5, 1935 of Hedin and Alma.
520 Morrill, Samuel: LANTERNS JUNKS AND JADE. New York, 1926. viii, 287 pp. 21x15 cm. Cloth. £45.00
Impressions of China in the 1920s, primarily Peking but with excursions to Shanghai and the surrounding region. Nicely written.
521 Moss Ltd., Sydney L: ESCAPE FROM THE DUSTY WORLD. Chinese Paintings and Literati Works of Art. London, 1999. 391 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £125.00
116 excellent objects, predominantly Ming and Qing, comprising 17 examples of painting and calligraphy with the remainder being scholar’s studio objects — fine brush pots, inkstones, rhinoceros horn carving, boxes etc. A meticulously researched and well-produced catalogue. A pleasure to read.
522 Moule, Arthur Evans: NEW CHINA AND OLD. Personal Recollections and Observations of Thirty Years. London, 1902. xx, 322 pp. 30 b/w plates. 20x14 cm. Decorative cloth. £25.00 A picture of late 19th century life in China, including interesting descriptions of local customs and the effect of the introduction of Western culture to China. Written by a famous missionary.
523 Mullikin, Mary A. & Hotchkis, Anna M: THE NINE SACRED MOUNTAINS OF CHINA. An Illustrated Record of Pilgrimages Made in the Years 1935-1936. Hong Kong, 1973. xx, 156 pp. Index, e/p maps. 93 illustrations, 22 in colour, tipped-in. 26x20 cm. Cloth. £35.00 A light-hearted account of travels by two intrepid ladies to the nine sacred mountains of China in 1935 and 1936. Being artists, the book is amply illustrated with on-the-spot sketches and watercolours. Reprint of the original.
524 Münsterberg, Hugo: THE ARTS OF CHINA. Tokyo, 1981. 234 pp. 116 plates, 10 in colour 25x19 cm. Cloth. £10.00
The history and development of Chinese art traditions as exemplified in ceramics, ritual bronzes, sculpture, painting, and architecture from prehistoric to recent times. Second printing.
525 Musée Albert-Kahn: CHINA 1909-1934: CATALOGUE OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS AND FILM SEQUENCES FROM THE MUSEE ALBERTKAHN. Volume 1: Albert Kahn’s Chinese Guests. The Identified Sites (Except Beijing). Volume 2: Chinese Overseas, The Northern Expedition, Beijing, and the Unidentified Sites. Boulogne-Billancourt, 2001. 404; 443 pp. 401 colour and 524 b/w plates; 1154 photographs, the majority in b/w. 19 maps. Bibliography, indexes. 2 vols. 30x27 cm. Cloth. £220.00
A marvellous work with hundreds of photographs (including many stereoscopic slides) taken mostly between 1909 and 1913 and showing views of numerous parts of Northern China from Shanghai up through Shandong (Qingdao, Ji’nan, Taishan) through the area surrounding Beijing and on up to Shenyang in the Northeast. Much more besides. Volume two contains 1154 photographs of which the vast majority are of Beijing and the surrounding areas. An absolute pleasure to browse and an excellent photographic reference on China in the early 20th century. Trilingual publication in French, English and Chinese. Published in a limited edition.
526 Museum of Oriental Ceramics: EXHIBITION OF ORIENTAL CERAMICS. Toyo Toki no Tenkai. Osaka, 1982. 216 pp. 133 colour plates, additional plates and illustrations. 27x23 cm. Paper. £30.00 Catalogue of Chinese, Japanese and Korean ceramics, formerly in the Ataka collection, donated by the Sumitomo group to the Museum. Brief introduction and captions in English, otherwise Japanese only.
527 Museum of Toji Temple: SPECIAL EXHIBITION: THE GREAT MANDALA OF TOJI TEMPLE — THE RESTORATION OF BUDDHIST IMAGES, THE FLOWER OF BUDDHIST BEAUTY. Kyoto, 2004. 59 pp. Numerous colour plates, b/w illustrations. 30x22 cm. Paper. £32.00
Catalogue to accompany an exhibition held at the Toji Temple in Kyoto to commemorate the completion of restoration on the ‘Kohon’ version of the Great Mandala, with the largest mandala in Japan plus others on display. In Japanese.
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528 Museum Rietberg Zurich: ARTIBUS ASIAE VOL. LXIX, NO. 1. Zurich, 2009. 220 pp. Numerous b/w plates throughout. 31x23 cm. Paper. £35.00 Comprises; Weidner: Beyond Yongle: Tibeto-Chinese Thangkas for the Mid-Ming court; Bagley: Anyang Mold-making and the decorated model; Gulacsi: A Manichaean “Portrait of the Buddha Jesus”: Identifying a Twelfth or Thirteenth Century Chinese Painting from the collection of Seiun-Ji Zen Temple; Bentley: Authenticity and the Expanding Market in Chen Hongshou’s Seventeenth-Century Printed Playing Cards; Scheurlee: The Javanese Statue of Garuda Carrying Wisnu.
529 Myers, Myrna et al: CHINESE BUDDHIST SILKS — SOIERIES BOUDDHIQUES CHINOISES. 14th-18th centuries/XIVe-XVIIIe Siècles. Paris, 1996. 41 pp. 25 colour plates, 16 macro- photographs. 42x30 cm. Paper portfolio. £47.00 Bilingual limited edition of 1,000 numbered copies of the AEDTA portfolio collection on Chinese Buddhist silks. Most specimens originate from Central Tibetan monasteries. Each colour plate carries a descriptive account.
530 Nanbata Tetsu: KOEZU. (Old Illustrations). Nihon no Bijutsu No. 72. Tokyo, 1972. 106 pp. 104 plates, 17 in colour. 23x19 cm. Paper. £25.00 Ancient Japanese illustrations, mostly Buddhist — mandala and illustrations of Buddhist temples, but also some illustrations of Shinto shrines and of manors. Japanese text only.
531 Nanjing Museum & Mai Foundation: ZI YU YIN XIANG 2008: NANJING BOWUYUAN ZISHA ZHENPIN LIAN ZHAN. Yixing Stoneware: Hidden Fragrance of Purple Jade: The Collection from Nanjing Museum and Mai Foundation. 紫玉喑香 2008 : 南京博物院紫沙珍品聯展. Nanjing, 2008. 308 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £75.00 Catalogue of a joint exhibition showing 50 examples of Yixing wares from the Nanjing Museum collection, together with 64 teapots from the collection of the Mai Foundation in Taiwan. A good number of the pieces from the Nanjing Museum collection here exhibited for the first time. All exhibits illustrated in colour and described. Dual texts in Chinese and English.
532 NANNE OTTEMA EN ZIJN KRING. Leeuwarden, 1967. 58 pp. 30 illustrations, 4 in colour. 26x19 cm. Paper. £20.00 Correspondence between Nanne Ottema, a notable collector of Chinese ceramics early this century, and others involved with his collection, housed at the Het Princessehof in Leeuwarden. In Dutch.
533 NANSONG GONGSHENGRENLIE HUANGHOU ZHAI YIZHI. The Remains of the Mansion of Empress Gongshengrenlie of the Southern Song Dynasty. 南宋恭圣仁烈皇后宅遺址. Beijing, 2008. 15, 9, 242 pp. 135 pp. colour plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. Folding map in back pocket. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £75.00 Detailed report on excavations at the site of this Southern Song imperial residence, located in Hangzhou in China, the site of the Southern Song capital. Apart from the remains of foundations and building structures, the site yielded a large amount of ceramics sherds, including many examples of guanyao celadon. Three page abstract in English. Main text in Chinese.
534 Nara National Museum: ARTS OF BUDDHA SAKYAMUNI. Special Exhibition. Nara, 1984. 408 pp. 250 plates and illustrations, 14 in colour. 26x18 cm. Paper. £35.00
Catalogue of the first systematic exhibition having Sakyamuni as the central theme. The focal points of the exhibition were: various works based on Sakyamuni’s life; the form of Shaka Nyorai as an object of worship; and Buddha’s remains (ashes) in stupas as a legacy of faith. With many articles of importance both from collections in Japan and England, India and Korea. Introduction and caption lists in English, otherwise Japanese text only.
535 Nara National Museum: BAKED CLAY RELIEFS & CLAY STATUES OF ASUKA AREA. Nara, 1976. pp. 36. 1 colour plate, numerous b/w plates throughout. 26x18 cm. Paper. £10.00
Catalogue of an exhibition at the Nara National Museum showing early Asuka statuary. Brief introduction and captions in English. Main text in Japanese.
536 Nara National Museum: BUDDHIST IMAGES OF EAST ASIA — SPECIAL EXHIBITION. To Ajia no Butsutachi. Nara, 1996. 306 pp. 219 colour illustrations and plates. English plate captions. 30x21 cm. Paper. £32.00
The exhibition consists of 2 parts: 1. is titled East Asian Buddhist Images Introduced to Japan, and 2. Various Images of Buddha Seen in the Imported Buddhist Items. 219 objects illustrated, including paintings, bronzes, illustrated sutras, etc.
537 Nara National Museum: EXQUISITE: PAINTINGS OF THE 11TH-13TH CENTURIES. Special Exhibition. Nara, 2007. 254 pp. Numerous colour & b/w plates. 30x21 cm. Paper. £40.00 Catalogue of an exhibition at Nara National Museum showing 59 rare examples of Japanese paintings and scrolls dating from the Heian period through to the start of the Kamakura period. All illustrated in colour. Introductions to each section and list of plates in English. Main text in Japanese.
538 Nara National Museum: ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF NARA NATIONAL MUSEUM PAINTINGS. Nara, 1988. 156 pp. 70 plates. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £45.00 Includes all the Museum’s Buddhist paintings, mostly Japanese. Text in Japanese only, except brief plate captions in English.
539 Nara National Museum: SPECIAL EXHIBITION OF GILT-BRONZE STATUES. Formerly in the Collection of Horyu-Ji Temple. Nara, 1981. 87 pp. 4 colour plates, numerous b/w illustrations. 26x18 cm. Paper. £30.00 An excellent exhibition with many fine pieces. Assisted by a foreword and caption list of exhibits in English. Main text in Japanese.
540 Nara National Museum ed: SHORAI-BIJUTSU. The Buddhist Art from China, from 6th to 10th Century. Tokyo, 1968. 1, 1, 6, 116, 77, 12 pp. 215 plates, all b/w except 7 tipped-in in colour. A few b/w text illustrations. Cloth. £250.00
An extremely interesting work showing Chinese Buddhist art brought to Japan between the 6th and 10th centuries. 215 objects are illustrated, mostly dating from the Tang and Song dynasties, including mirrors, ritual bells, gilt-bronzes, textiles, reliefs on wooden boards, hanging scrolls, woodblock prints, Buddhist scriptures, travel permits for Japanese monks visiting China. In addition, there
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are early Japanese lists of the same period of objects brought back from China by Japanese monks, including Ennin. The objects are held in various Japanese temples and museums. Useful introduction and list of plates in English. Main text in Japanese. A scarce reference on the early transmission of Buddhist objects from China to Japan.
541 National Centre for Traditional Arts: JIXIANG XIANFO. Exhibition on the Eight Immortals and the Arhats. £35.00 吉祥仙佛. Yilan, 2005. 167 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x21 cm. Paper.
Catalogue of an interesting exhibition held at the National Centre for Traditional Arts in Yilan, Taiwan, showing the eight immortals and arhats in various media. The exhibits date mostly from the Qing dynasty and is particularly strong in fine soapstone carvings. Illustrated throughout. Basic English captions to some of the colour plates, otherwise Chinese text only.
542 National Museum of China: OULUO YICUI: GUANGXI BAIYUE WENHUA WENWU JINGPIN JI. (Masterpieces from the Baiyue Culture of Guangxi Province). 甌駱遺粹 : 廣西百越文化文物精品集. Beijing, 2006. 299 pp. Colour plates throughout. Colour text illustrations 29x22 cm. Wrappers. £70.00 Catalogue of an exhibition held at the National Museum of China in Beijing showing major archaeological finds from China’s Guangxi province. The exhibits date from the Spring and Autumn period and, primarily, from the Han dynasty. Includes unusual and interesting bronzes and pottery and, of particular note, finely decorated bronze drums. Illustrated throughout in colour and with much closeup detail shown. A very fine assembly of artefacts. Seven page list of exhibits with brief descriptions in English, otherwise main text with good descriptions and essays is in Chinese. Out-of-print.
543 National Museum of China: PASSION FOR PORCELAIN. Masterpieces of Ceramic Treasures from the British Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum. Beijing, 2012. 409 pp. Colour plates throughout. 31x23 cm. Wrappers. £150.00 Large and heavy catalogue of an excellent loan exhibition at the National Museum of China in Beijing showing porcelain treasures from the collections of the British Museum and the V&A in London. The exhibits comprise Chinese ceramics dating from the Song through to the Qing dynasties together with European porcelain predominantly depicting Chinoiserie themes and subjects. The exhibition is divided into 10 sections: Ming Export Ceramics; East India Companies; Special Orders; Special Orders: Armorial Porcelain; Early European Porcelain; Chinese Designs Copied in Europe; European Designs Copied in China; Chinoiserie; Chinese Porcelain Mounted or Enamelled in Europe; Collecting. A number of interesting essays accompany: Mengoni: The Sino-European Trade in Ceramics: Bulk Export and Special Orders; Dawson: The Development of Porcelain in Europe; Young: European Responses to Chinese Porcelain: Technology, Design and Trade; Harrison-Hall: Collecting Ceramics: London Fashion; Geng: The Glory of Porcelain Art; Yang: Themes and Motifs in Decoration Schemes of Ming-Qing Export Porcelain. A total of 148 very fine ceramics are shown, all illustrated in their entirety and many with accompanying illustrations. This is the English edition of the catalogue, printed in a small edition and difficult to obtain.
544 National Museum of History: GUOLI LISHI BOWUGUAN CHUBAN SHUMU TIYAO 1955-2000.11: QINGZHU JIANGUAN SISHIWU ZHOUNIAN. Summary of Major Catalogues Published by the National Museum of History from 1955-November 2000: 45th Anniversary Edition. 國立歷史博物館出版書目提要 : 1955-2000.11 : 慶祝建館四十五週年. Taibei, 2000. 359 pp. Thumbnail colour plates throughout. 30x21 cm. Wrappers. £40.00 Useful summary of the publishing work and exhibition history of this major museum and research institution. The vast majority of the catalogues have their covers illustrated in thumbnail and are provided with full bibliographic details and an outline description of contents. In Chinese.
545 National Museum of History: HAOMANG WEIDIAO. An Exhibition of Micro-Carvings. 毫芒微雕. Taibei, 2007. 159 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x21 cm. Wrappers. £40.00
Catalogue of an exhibition at the National Museum of History in Taibei showing the famed Chinese craft of micro-carving, be it an olive stone carved in to the shape of a boat with seated figures or ivory wrist rests carved with microscopic calligraphy. A large selection of such micro-carvings are illustrated, the majority in ivory but also other materials, such as olive stones and walnuts. Practically all the exhibits date from throughout the 20th century and come from the museum’s collection or Taiwan private collections. Preface, list of contents and captions in English. Main text in Chinese.
546 National Museum of History: A JOURNEY INTO CHINA’S ANTIQUITY. Volume One: Palaeolithic Age — Spring and Autumn Period. Beijing, 1997. 272 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £55.00 Volume 1 of a 4 part work covering China’s history. Well-written and well-illustrated with exhibits from the Museum of Chinese History in Beijing.
547 National Museum of History: SHANGXIANG CHENGXING: ZHONGGUO CHUANTONG ZHUDIAO YISHU. The Art of Bamboo Carving. 尚象成形 : 中國傳統竹雕藝術. Taibei, 1996. 224 pp. 175 pp. colour plates. 30x21 cm. Boards. £45.00
Illustrations of predominantly Qing pieces of carved bamboo. Good illustrations but minimal descriptive text. In Chinese only. Long out-of-print.
548 National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo: KAII HIGASHIYAMA. Tokyo, 2008. 257 pp. Numerous colour plates. A number of foldouts. 30x22 cm. Wrappers. £45.00
Catalogue of an extremely popular retrospective exhibition of the work of this modern Japanese landscape artist. 106 works were shown including superb screen doors painted with panoramas of the Lijiang River and mountains in Guilin. A further wonderful set of screen doors is entitled ‘Balmy Wind in Yangzhou’. All exhibits illustrated in colour and described. Essays and captions in English. Main text in Japanese.
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549 National Palace Museum: CHENGHUA CIQI TEZHAN TULU. Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Ch’eng-Hua Porcelain Ware, 1465-1487. 成化瓷器特展圖錄. Taibei, 2003. 199 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x21 cm. Paper. £80.00 Catalogue of a major exhibition at the National Palace Museum in Taipei of 208 (!) pieces of Chenghua period porcelain — blue-and-white, doucai and a few monochromes — together with a few later copies and imitations. All exhibits from the former Chinese imperial collection. Many pieces are shown in multiple views, some of the interior decoration. Base marks are shown for all pieces. An important reference on the subject. Near dual text in Chinese and English.
550 National Palace Museum: GUGONG SHUHUA JINGHUA TEJI. Catalogue to the Treasured Paintings and Calligraphic Works in the National Palace Museum. 故宮書畫精華特集. Taibei, 1996. 202 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £50.00
A catalogue of the top 70 paintings and calligraphies in the collection of the National Palace Museum selected for their fame, importance and age. These are the works that are only ever exhibited for a short period between mid-October and November when temperature and humidity conditions are optimal. The works date from the Jin, Tang, Five Dynasties, Song and Yuan dynasties and include 13 calligraphies and 57 paintings. The cream of the crop — a superb group of works. English introduction and caption list. Main text in Chinese.
551 Natori Yonosuke: MAI-CHI-SHAN SEKKUTSU. The Rock Grottoes of Maichi Mountain. Tokyo, 1957. 138 pp. 102 b/w plates and illustrations. Architectural drawings 30x22 cm. Cloth. £55.00 An early and good black-and-white photographic study of the ancient sculptural works found in the caves on Maijishan mountain. Main text in Japanese. List of plate captions in English.
552 NEUES CHINA. (New China). Beijing, 1953. c. 150 pp. B/w illustrations throughout plus a few in colour. 27x22 cm. Cloth. £25.00 An early propaganda publication of the new China showing industrialisation, industry and agriculture, education of the masses, scenery and the people enjoying a better life. Copious illustrations. Text in German.
553 NEW CHINA. Beijing, 1953. c. 150 pp. B/w illustrations throughout plus a few in colour. 27x22 cm. Cloth. £45.00
An early propaganda publication of the new China showing industrialisation, industry and agriculture, education of the masses, scenery and the people enjoying a better life. Copious illustrations. In English.
554 Nezu Art Museum: SEIZANSO SEISHO VII. Illustrated Catalogue of the Nezu Collection 7 : Japanese Painting. Tokyo, 1943. 2 pp. introduction. 36 plates, many in colour. 54x42 cm. Brocade, cloth case. £130.00
Superb plates of hanging scrolls and screens in the Museum’s collection. Each painting has a lengthy description in English and Japanese. Mint copy.
555 Nezu Art Museum: SEIZANSO SEISHO VIII. Illustrated Catalogue of the Nezu Collection 8 : Japanese Painting. Tokyo, 1943. 2 pp. introduction. 49 plates, 4 in colour. 54x42 cm. Brocade, cloth case. £130.00 Superb plates of eight hand scrolls in the Museum’s collection. Each painting has a description in English and Japanese. Mint copy.
556 Nezu Institute of Fine Arts: CATALOGUE OF SELECTED MASTERPIECES FROM THE NEZU COLLECTIONS. Objects of Religious Art. Tokyo, 2001. 213 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x22 cm. Paper. £40.00 From this excellent collection, 169 fine examples of Buddhist art in various media — from sutra covers and sculpture to scrolls and painting. Caption lists with brief descriptions in English. Main text in Japanese.
557 Nezu Institute of Fine Arts: JUN’ICHI AKIYAMA COLLECTION OF RYOKAN’S CALLIGRAPHIES AND KOREAN CERAMICS. Tokyo, 1987. 57 pp. Japanese & 4 pp. English texts. 85 plates, 12 in colour. 26x18 cm. Paper. £20.00 Illustrates the fine collection bequeathed to the Nezu Institute. Mainly ceramics illustrated. In Japanese with list of plates in English.
558 Ngapo, Ngawang Jigmei et al: TIBET. New York, 1981. (13), 296 pp. Numerous colour illustrations. Chronology, bibliography. 30x24 cm. Cloth. £35.00 A well-illustrated photographic survey covering all aspects of Tibetan life, from rice-growing to sky burials.
559 Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha: MIKKYO BIJUTSU MEIHO TEN. KOBO DAISHI GOTANJO SEN NIHYAKU NEN KINEN. (Exhibition of Esoteric-Buddhist works of art). Tokyo, 1973. c. 170 pp. 12 colour and 44 pp. b/w plates. Cloth. £25.00 This exhibition was held in commemoration of the 1200th birthday of Kobo Daishi. In Japanese only.
560 Nishi Nihon Shinbunsha Bunkabu: KYUSHU BUKKYO BIJUTSU HYAKUSEN. (A Selection of a Hundred Items of Buddhist Art from Kyushu). Fukuoka, 1979. 216 pp. 100 b/w illustrations. 19x14 cm. Cloth. £30.00
Detailed information on each of the hundred items selected from the Buddhist art of Kyushu, together with a b/w illustration of each one. Japanese text only.
561 Nishikawa Shinji ed: KAMAKURA CHOKOKU. (Sculpture of the Kamakura Period). Nihon no Bijutsu No. 40. Tokyo, 1969. 110 pp. 17 full page colour plates and numerous b/w plates. 23x19 cm. Paper. £30.00 A survey of Japanese sculpture of the Kamakura period. Well-illustrated with numerous examples. Japanese text only.
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562 Okudaira, Hideo: EMAKI. Japanese Picture Scrolls. Rutland, 1962. 241 pp. 14 plates, 12 in colour, 104 illustrations. Index 28x21 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £25.00 Comprehensive survey of the history, subjects, styles and painters of classical scroll paintings, with biographical sketches of painters, illustrations, references, etc. Index of artists, scroll titles & subjects. Fukuda C96a.
563 Old, Walter G. trans: THE SHU KING OR THE CHINESE HISTORICAL CLASSIC. Being an Authentic Record of the Religion, Philosophy, Customs and Government of the Chinese from the Earliest Times. London, 1904. xiii, 306 pp. Appendix. 20x14 cm. Cloth. £45.00 An annotated translation of this earliest history of China from 2355 to 719 B.C., with an introduction by the translator.
564 Oliphant, Laurence: NARRATIVE OF THE EARL OF ELGIN’S MISSION TO CHINA AND JAPAN. In the Years 1857, ‘58, ‘59. New York, 1860. 645 pp. Colour frontispiece and 60 b/w plates and text engravings. 23x15 cm. Quarter leather. Marbled boards. Gilt spine. £250.00
A detailed account of Lord Elgin’s Embassy to China and Japan, together with a brief account of the circumstances which necessitated it. First US edition. A very good firm copy.
565 Olson, Eleanor: CATALOGUE OF THE TIBETAN COLLECTION AND OTHER LAMAIST ARTICLES. In the Newark Museum. Volume IV. Newark, 1975. vi, 106 pp. 34 plates. Bibliography. 24x19 cm. Paper. £20.00 A revised edition. This volume is devoted to textiles, rugs, needlework, costumes and jewellery.
566 Olson, Eleanor: CATALOGUE OF THE TIBETAN COLLECTION AND OTHER LAMAIST ARTICLES V. In the Newark Museum. Volume 5. Newark, 1971. iv, 72 pp. 20 b/w photographs. Index. 24x19 cm. Paper.£20.00 This volume is devoted to food utensils and tables, fire-making and tobacco utensils, travel and fighting equipment, and currency and stamps. Also contains an appendix to preceding volumes and an index to the five volumes.
567 Omura Seigai: SHINA BIJUTSU SHI CHOSO HEN. (The History of Ancient Chinese Sculpture). 支那美術史雕塑篇 。 大村西 著. Tokyo, 1915. 14, 41, 27, 661, 4 pp. text plus 434 b/w collotype plates in 2 cases. 3 vols. 27x20 cm. Cloth. Japanese style bindings. Plates in 2 cloth cases. Some wear. £2,500.00
An early and extensively-illustrated history of early Chinese sculpture written by a Japanese scholar in the early 20th century. The work is outstanding for the hundreds of black-and-white collotype plates that show a huge variety of Chinese sculpture, rubbings of tomb murals, ancient Chinese bronzes, bronze mirrors, stone Buddhist sculptures, archaic jades and other sculptural artefacts. Many of the objects are quite superb. Of most importance though are the early photographs of Chinese Buddhist caves and their interiors plus a few other sites. These include the Longmen caves (folding engraved panorama plus 60 other photographic views plus one plate showing plans of the Guanyin cave), the Yungang grottoes (17 photographs), a few very early photographs of the Dunhuang caves (6) probably taken by the Otani expedition. A few plates show views and interiors of the Gongxian caves. Nine plates show views of interiors of miscellaneous other cave complexes. There are also a number of photographs of tomb sculpture and sites in the Xi’an area. The artefacts shown date from earliest times through to the Song dynasty. The cave complexes illustrated are primarily in Northern China plus some Silk Road sites and a couple in Sichuan. A total of 978 images are shown on the 434 plates. One small discoloured sellotape repair to the edge of one plate, some slight marks here and there but generally fine. In Japanese. Extremely rare.
568 Orientations Magazine: CHINESE AND CENTRAL ASIAN TEXTILES. Selected Articles from Orientations 1983 to 1997. Hong Kong, 1998. 260 pp. c. 290 colour plates and 50 b/w illustrations. Cloth. £45.00 30 articles from Orientations on Chinese and Central Asian textiles which together provide an excellent reference on the subject. Particular emphasis is placed on dating and provenance. By leading experts in the field.
569 Orientations Magazine: CHINESE FURNITURE. Selected Articles from Orientations 1984-1999. Hong Kong, 1999. 340 pp. 410 colour and 286 b/w plates and illustrations. 28x22 cm. Paper. £45.00
This is a significant update of the magazine’s previous 1994 collection of articles on furniture, which was already a unique source of reference including contributions by all the leading experts in the field. This contains 17 new articles.
570 Osaka Municipal Museum: CHUGOKU KAIGA MOKUROKU. (Catalogue of Chinese Paintings). Osaka, 1954. 12 pp. Japanese, 1 p. English text. 28 plates. 26x18 cm. Paper. £10.00 Catalogue of 28 Chinese paintings from the Abe collection.
571 Osaka Municipal Museum of Art: ARTS OF THE LOTUS SUTRA FROM THE TAISAN-JI TEMPLE, KOBE. Osaka, 1997. 96 pp. 62 pp. colour plates. 30x22 cm. Paper. £33.00 Sutras and Buddhist paintings showing scenes or inscriptions from the Lotus Sutra. The objects are held in the Taisan-ji Temple in Kobe and date from the Kamakura Period onwards. List of plates and foreword in English, otherwise Japanese text only.
572 Pal, Pratapaditya: THE ART OF TIBET. New York, 1969. 163 pp. 119 pieces all illustrated, 4 on colour plates. 28x21 cm. Paper. £20.00 Includes an essay by Eleanor Olson. Catalogue of an exhibition shown at the Asia House Gallery, the first after the flight of the Dalai Lama in 1959.
573 Pallis, Marco: PEAKS AND LAMAS. London, 1948. viii, 248 pp. 8 b/w illustrations, 5 maps and diagrams. 21x13 cm. Cloth. £25.00 Revised edition. The author’s travels and expeditions to the Ganges and Satlej, Sikkim and Ladakh, 1933-1936. An informed survey of Tibetan art and living and a well-known travel book on Tibet. Good reading copy.
574 Pan, Lynn: MAO MEMORABILIA. The Man and the Myth. Hong Kong, 1999. 96 pp. Full-colour illustrations throughout. 26x26 cm. Paper. £35.00
An well-illustrated and well-written treatment of the great man and his material-cultural fallout: many highly collectable objects which are now recognised as an important part of the artistic representation of a unique moment in Chinese history.
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575 Parmenter, Henri: L’ART DU LAOS. (The Art of Laos). Paris, 1954. iv, 364; 120 pp. b/w plates and 51 b/w foldout plates of architectural drawings and plans. 2 vols. 29x20 cm. Later cloth. £105.00
Complete two volume set of this detailed and important survey by a noted authority. Volume One comprises text and Volume Two black-and-white plates, architectural drawings and plans. Text in French. Bound in later cloth retaining the original paper covers.
576 Pavlovsky, Michel N: CHINESE-RUSSIAN RELATIONS. New York, 1949. viii, 194 pp. Folding map. 22x14 £55.00 cm. Cloth.
In four main sections: The Role of Mongolia (covers the period from earliest times until after the Russian Revolution), The Jesuits in Early Sino-Russian Relations, Concerning a Strange Document, Russian Émigrés in China at the End of the 17th Century. A scarce contribution.
577 Pegg, Richard A: A WALK THROUGH THE AGES. Chinese Archaic Art from the Sondra Landy Gross Collection. New York, 2004. 218 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 30x24 cm. Paper. £30.00
Catalogue of an exhibition at the Hillwood Art Museum at Long Island University. Showed Chinese archaic art from the Sondra Landy Gross Collection — pottery, jade, and bronze. A total of 38 exhibits dating from the Neolithic to the Han. Essays accompany.
578 Phillips, Richard T: CHINA SINCE 1911. London, 1996. xii, 315 pp. Bibliography, index. 23 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Comprehensive introduction to 20th century Chinese History.
579 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM OF (INNER) MONGOLIA AND CHINA. N.p., n.d. [1919]. 127 original b/w photographs, the large majority measuring 8x13 cm or 13x8 cm. 22x30 cm. Stitched. Silk-covered boards with wear to edges. £3,800.00
An interesting album of a trip to Inner Mongolia and Peking around 1919. We understand that the photographer was German. The album is unusual in that it ventures well outside the normal venues for photography of the period. It is the first time we have seen an album from this period (indeed any album!) that shows photography presumably taken in Inner Mongolia. The first two-thirds of so of the album illustrates a journey taken by horse and car around towns, villages, scenery and sites that include people in Mongolian dress, camels, yurts etc. We say Inner Mongolia because the scenery is more hilly than Mongolia proper and, towards the end of this section of the album, there are pictures of beacon towers and ruined sections of the Great Wall, followed by pictures of a pass in the Great Wall (possibly Gubeikou) before the album devotes its final third to photographs taken in and around Peking, in particular, a visit to, with much photography of, the Summer Palace. The first photograph in the album is a portrait of a man with the initials W. W. and the date of 1919 in the photograph. He travelled with a couple of male companions who feature in a good number of the images. The journey seemed to be for purposes of sightseeing and exploration. Rifles appear in a couple of photographs. They were presumably carried for purposes of security rather than hunting as there are no pictures of shot animals. The party used horses for most of the Mongolian part of the trip although there are a few photographs of splendid old cars which may have been used at some point — despite the terrain?!. Of other interest is a photograph of a collision between two trains, pictures of local people and a camel compound. The photographs of their visit to the Summer Palace are interesting in that the visit was taken before the Palace was opened to the general public. In all, a a total of 127 original black-and-white photographs, mostly either landscape 8x13 cm, or portrait format 13x8cm. A few smaller photographs. The album generally in good condition, some wear, rubbing and fading to the silk-covered boards. A couple of tears to the paper pages of the album but no photographs affected. The photographs generally well-composed and in good to fine condition with good definition, a couple of blemishes and blurs to just a few images. Very rare given the unusual content.
580 Pierson, Stacey: CHINESE CERAMICS. A Design History. London, 2009. 144 pp. 200 colour illustrations. 27x21 cm. Cloth. £30.00
Draws on the V&A’s fine collection to look at the production, consumption, aesthetics and trade of Chinese ceramics. Also explores ceramics made in the 20th century from Republican period porcelain to propaganda wares and studio pottery. Illustrates over 200 pieces, many previously unpublished
581 Pope-Hennessy, James: HALF-CROWN COLONY. A Hong Kong Notebook. London, 1969. 150 pp. 20 illustrations. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00 A general history of Hong Kong as a British colony.
582 Pott, P. H: INTRODUCTION TO THE TIBETAN COLLECTION OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY. Mededelingen van het Rijkmuseum, 8/9. Leiden, 1951. 184, (17) pp. 32 plates. Bibliography, appendix, indexes. 25x17 cm. Paper. £35.00 Includes a historical background; general remarks on the Lamaist pantheon; and essays on art, iconography, industrial arts, and the life of Johan van Mahen (secretary of The Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal).
583 Qiao Dengyun ed: HANDAN GUDAI DIAOSU JINGCUI. Exquisite Ancient Sculptures from Handan. 邯鄲古代雕塑精粹 。 喬登雲 主編. Beijing, 2007. 18, 261 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £85.00
Shows 164 examples of Chinese stone sculpture and tomb figurines dating from the Shang dynasty through to the Jin Dynasty in the collection of Handan Museum in China’s Hebei province. A fine selection, well-illustrated in colour. Near dual texts in Chinese and English, including captions.
584 Qingdao Municipal Museum: QINGDAO SHI BOWUGUAN CANG HUA JI. (Paintings from the Collection of the Qingdao Municipal Museum). Beijing, 1991. 4, 4, 17 pp. text. 124 colour plates. 37x27 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £70.00
A well-produced and well-illustrated volume on the collection of Qingdao Museum which has a significant holding of Chinese paintings. In Chinese.
585 Qingwan Yaji: ZHONGHUA WENWU JICUI: QINGWAN YAJI SHOUCANG ZHAN. The Exquisite Chinese Artifacts Collection of the Ching Wan Society. Taibei, 1995. 298 pp. 197 full colour plates, often with details and multiple illustrations. 37x27 cm. Cloth. £60.00 Catalogue of an exhibition of high quality objects in all media, loaned by the members of a collectors’ society in Taiwan, with particularly fine porcelains, but also including painting, calligraphy and two bronze heads from the Yuanmingyuan. Brief texts in English.
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586 Rawson, Jessica and Bunker, Emma: ANCIENT CHINESE AND ORDOS BRONZES. Hong Kong, 1990. 364 pp. 234 colour plates, 58 illustrations. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £170.00 The excellent catalogue of an exhibition organised by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong. A very useful reference on the subject. Now very hard-to-find.
587 Rawson, Jessica et al: CHINA: THE THREE EMPERORS 1662-1795. London, 2005. 496 pp. c. 500 illustrations, chiefly in colour. 30x25 cm. Paper. £40.00 Published to accompany the spectacular exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, with essays by Jessica Rawson, Regina Krahl, Alfreda Murck and Evelyn Rawski. Containing a wealth of new and unpublished material, this is destined to become a landmark reference in the field. Paperback edition.
588 Reagan, Louie: TOWARD A TRUER LIFE. Photos of China 1980-1990. New York, £26.00 1991. 95 pp. Colour plates throughout. 25x29 cm. Cloth. A fine photo-essay.
589 Reischauer, Edwin O: ENNIN’S TRAVELS IN T’ANG CHINA. New York, 1955. xii, 341 pp. Colour frontispiece. Map on endpapers. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £75.00
Ennin, a Japanese Buddhist monk, crossed the sea to China in the year 838 and during the next nine and a half years kept a detailed diary of his travels. First account of life in China by any foreign visitor.
590 REMINISCENCES OF A CHINESE OFFICIAL. Revelations of Official Life Under the Manchus. Tientsin, 1922. 158 pp. B/w frontispiece. 25x16 cm. Cloth. Damage to spine. £15.00
First published, it appears, as a a column in the Peking Gazette in the early 20th century. They were the work of a young foreign educated Chinese man and were based upon various Chinese publications surreptitiously circulated during the late Qing dynasty. They primarily contain a fictionalised account of the tortuous methods of Chinese officialdom. Written Damage to spine and slightly shaky in its binding.
591 Research Institute of Nara Bijutsu: BUDDHIST ART IN THE SICHUAN AREA. Tokyo, 2007. vii, 318 pp. B/w text illustrations. 22x15 cm. Cloth. £70.00
A survey of Buddhist sites and artefacts in China’s Sichuan province. Develops the ‘Sichuan model’ of the area as a distinct cultural identity within Chinese art and culture. Three page English summary. Main text in Japanese.
592 Rhie, Marylin M: THE FO-KUANG SSU. Literary Evidences and Buddhist Images. New York, 1977. 256 pp. 79 illustrations. 21x16 cm. Cloth. £35.00
Rhie’s thesis on the historical literary evidences and stylistic chronological dating of the Buddhist images in the main shrine hall of Foguang monastery at Wutai Shan which dates from the late Tang dynasty.
593 Rinchen Dolma Taring: DAUGHTER OF TIBET. London, 1971. xv, 280 pp. 27 b/w photographs. 2 maps. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Intriguing story of a Tibetan girl who grew up in the Tibetan nobility and who fled in 1959.
594 ROC Society of Art Collectors: WENWU XUANCUI 1990. Selected Pieces from the Collections of the ROC Society of Art Collectors. Taibei, 1990. 247 pp. with 211 colour plates . 31x22 cm. Cloth. £45.00
Superbly illustrated fine examples from private collections in Taiwan- mainly porcelain, but some jade, seals, paintings and pieces of minor art. Captions in English.
595 Roerich, Georges de: LE PARLER DE L’AMDO. Ètude d’un Dialecte Archaique du Tibet. Serie Orientalia Roma XVIII. Rome, 1958. 159 pp. Map. 25x17 cm. Paper. £30.00 Study of an archaic Tibetan dialect.
596 Rosenfield, John M. ed: SONG OF THE BRUSH. Japanese Paintings from the Sanso Collection. Seattle, 1979. c. 168 pp. 63 exhibits, all illustrated, 12 in colour. 31x24 cm. Cloth. £45.00 A special exhibition at the Seattle Art Museum of Japanese paintings from the 14th to the 19th centuries. It focuses on three important schools of Japanese painting: Suibokuga, Zenga and paintings of the Nanga School.
597 Rosenfield, John M. et al: THE GREAT EASTERN TEMPLE. Treasures of Japanese Buddhist Art from Todaiji. Chicago, 1986. 180 pp. 95 b/w & 70 colour illustrations. 26x25 cm. Paper. £25.00 Includes chapters on architecture by William H. Coaldrake, sculpture by Samuel C. Morse and painting by Christine M. Guth. The catalogue also covers calligraphy and decorative arts.
598 RUIYING SI YIZHEN. (Treasures from the Remains of Ruiying Temple). 瑞應寺遺珍. Lanzhou, 2008. 215 pp. Colour and b/w plates throughout. 23x26 cm. Wrappers. £40.00
Ruiying Temple is part of the Maijishan cave complex located in China’s Gansu province. This work shows the treasures held in the temple, including fine Qing dynasty Buddhist paintings, together with books and some sculpture. In Chinese.
599 Sacchi, Livio: TOKYO. City and Architecture. Milan, 2010. 249 pp. Colour photographs throughout. A number of b/w text drawings. 16x21 cm. Paper. £16.95 A well-illustrated survey of the varied architecture of this remarkable city.
600 Sakamoto & Ueno: NIHON CHOKOKU ZUROKU. (An Illustrated Guide to Japanese Sculpture. Tokyo, 1957. 12, 144, 70, 96 pp. 240 pp. b/w plates. 26x18 cm. Cloth. £40.00
A well-illustrated survey of Japanese sculpture, illustrated with pieces from temple and museum collections throughout Japan. Good black-and-white plates. Text in Japanese.
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601 Salmony, Alfred: CHINESE SCULPTURE. Han (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) to Sung (A.D. 960-1279). New York, 1944. 57 pp. 28 plates. 37x27 cm. Cloth. £80.00 Limited edition of 500 copies. Exhibition of sculptures from the collection of Jan Kleijkamp and Ellis Monroe, exhibited at the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum and others. Full descriptions and excellent photographs of the exhibits. Scarce.
602 Sanekisha ed: CHUSHI NO TENBO. (A View of Central China). Shanghai, 1938. 1 colour & 55 b/w plates & 56 £85.00 pp. of accompanying text. 1 folding colour map. 27x20 cm. Cloth. Tear to base of spine. Photographs of Central China during the Japanese occupation. Japanese text only.
603 Sargent, William: TREASURES OF CHINESE EXPORT CERAMICS FROM THE PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM. Salem, 2012. 556 pp. Colour plates throughout. 31x24 cm. Cloth. £45.00
Shows 287 representative examples of Chinese export porcelain dating from the 15th to the early 20th century from one of the world’s great collections. Divided into sections by types of ware and decorative motifs. Illustrated throughout in colour and with an excellent descriptive text. An absolute bargain at the price!
604 Sasano Masayuki: MASTERPIECES FROM THE SASANO COLLECTION — PART ONE. London, 1994. 328 pp. 297 illustrations of 297 tsuba in actual size. 25x18 cm. Cloth. £25.00 The result of 20 years of informed study eclipses Mr. Sasano’s earlier work on Sukashi tsuba, already a classic in its own right. The present book, in only 400 copies, challenges many traditional ideas relating to Japanese sword guards. A major publication on the subject. Now at a significantly reduced price to clear stock.
605 Sawa Takaaki: MIKKYO BIJUTSU RON. (Study of Esoteric Buddhist Art). Kyoto, 1960. 8, 207 pp. text. 43 illustrations. 22 plates, 2 in colour. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £45.00 The art of esoteric Buddhism with particular attention given to the images of Fudo Myoo and Kannon. Japanese text only.
606 Sawa Takaaki ed: BUTSUZO ZUTEN. (Iconography of Buddhist Images). Tokyo, 1962. 294 pp. Numerous b/w illustrations. 22x16 cm. Cloth. £30.00
Useful in study and appreciation of Buddhist art, assembling illustrations of images in Japan, classified under Buddha, Goddess of Mercy, saints, messengers, other divinities and high priests, each with explanation of its name and symbolism. In Japanese. Fukuda C70.
607 Schmid, Andreas and Xu Xiaoyu: ZEITGENÖSSISCHE FOTOKUNST AUS CHINA. (Contemporary Photo Art from China). Heidelberg, 1997. 112 pp. c. 70 colour illustrations. 30x24 cm. Paper. £30.00 This book, edited by Alexander Tolnay, is a comprehensive survey of the current scene in artistic photography in China and the first publication of its kind in Europe. To accompany the exhibition in Neuen Berliner Kunstverein.
608 Schram, Louis M. J: THE MONGUORS OF THE KANSU-TIBETAN FRONTIER. Part III. Records of the Monguor Clans. Transactions of the A.P.S, 51:3. Philadelphia 1961. 117 pp. 2 maps, index. 31x24 cm. Paper. £45.00 Final part of the author’s study of the Monguors, on the history of the clans in Huangchung during the Ming and Qing dynasties, based on the Annals of Xining and Gansu.
609 Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah: CHINA. The Long-lived Empire. London, 1900. xv, 466 pp. 50 plates (incl. tinted frontispiece) and numerous text illustrations. 21x14 cm. Decorative cloth, somewhat grubby. £25.00
Imperialist China at the end of the nineteenth century as observed by the author of the popular ‘Jinrikisha Days in Japan’. Especially good on Beijing Shanghai and Canton with many acute and memorable bons mots and predictions ‘It is not possible to regenerate China as China’. Ex-lib.
610 Segalen, Victor: THE GREAT STATUARY OF CHINA. Chicago, 1978. 192 pp. 59 plates. 22 drawings. 26x21 cm. Cloth. £15.00
Based on three trips to China, in 1909, 1914, and 1917, this book is an extraordinary study of relatively inaccessible monuments of Chinese stone sculpture.
611 Seikado Bunko: BUDDHIST ART FROM THE SEIKADO COLLECTION. Sutras, Painting and Sculpture. Tokyo, 1999. 133 pp. Colour and b/w illustrations throughout. 30x21 cm. Paper. £35.00
Illustrates 43 exhibits — sutras, painting and sculpture — dating from the 5th to 14th centuries. Superb Buddhist art from China and Japan. Caption list in English, otherwise Japanese only.
612 Selby, John: THE PAPER DRAGON. An Account of the China Wars 1840-1900. New York, 1968. 214 pp. 33 b/w photographs. 10 maps. 22X15 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £30.00 A history of Sino-British relations during the 19th century and of the wars between China and the western powers. Combining scholarly research with eyewitness accounts.
613 sGam.po.pa; Herbert V. Guenther trans: JEWEL ORNAMENT OF LIBERATION. London, 1959. xiv, 333 pp. Indexes. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £20.00 First translation, with annotations, of the survey of Tibetan Buddhism written by the founder of the Red Hat order, born in 1079 and the favourite pupil of Mi.la.ras.pa.
614 Shaanxi Provincial Museum ed: SHAANXI SHENG BOWUGUAN CANG SHIKE XUANJI. (Selected Stone Carvings). Beijing, 1957. 56 pp. 53 b/w plates. 26x18 cm. Paper. £35.00
The booklet contains photographic illustrations & several rubbings of about 50 pieces of sculpture in the Shaanxi Museum. RBS 3:484.
615 Shai, Aron: BRITAIN AND CHINA, 1941-47. London, 1984. xi, 190 pp. 1 map. 22x14 cm. Cloth.
A detailed study of the developments which affected Britain’s traditional privileged position in China in the course of the Pacific war and the period which immediately followed it.
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616 Shang Chengzuo: GUANGZHOU GUANGXIAOSI GUDAI MUDIAO XIANG TULU. (Ancient Wooden Sculptures from the Guangxiao Temple in Canton). Shanghai, 1955. 6 pp. Chinese text. 40 b/w plates. 31x21 cm. £45.00 Cloth. 617 Shanghai Museum: NANZONG ZHENGMAI: SHANGHAI BOWUGUAN CANG LOUDONG HUAPAI YISHU. The Orthodox Lineage of the Southern School: The Art of Loudong School in the Collection of Shanghai Museum. 南宗正脉 : 上海博物館藏婁東畫派藝術. Shanghai, 2011. 309 pp. Colour plates (many full page) throughout both volumes. B/w text illustrations. 2 vols. 37x27 cm. Wrappers. £135.00
Large two-volume catalogue of a fine exhibition at the Shanghai Museum exploring the art of the Qing dynasty Loudong school which flourished from the start of the Qing dynasty onwards. Its leading lights were Wang Shimin and his grandson, Wang Yuanqi. This exhibition explores the work of these two artists and their followers, together with related works and forgeries. Eighty works (including some albums) from the Shanghai Museum’s collection are shown in fine and large full page colour plates. Preface, abstracts to essays, list of contents and captions in English. Main text in Chinese.
618 Shanghai Museum: ZHU LOU WENXIN: ZHUKE ZHENPIN TE JI. Literati Spirit: Art of Chinese Bamboo Carving. 竹鏤文心 : 竹刻珍品特集. Shanghai, 2012. 372 pp. Colour plates throughout. B/w text illustrations. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £90.00 Catalogue of an exhibition of bamboo carving at the Shanghai Museum. The 194 exhibits are of superb quality, the large majority coming from the Museum’s little-published bamboo carving collection, together with a few loans from the Forbidden City Museum and Ningbo Museum. Sections on: The Jiading School; Lineage of the Jiading School; Liuqing Technique; Interaction. Contents, foreword, brief introductions to each section, list of plates and captions in English. Main text in Chinese. Recommended. Please note that this is an entirely different exhibition to the ‘Charm of Bamboo’ exhibition held at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum at the end of 2011/early 2012.
619 Shanghai Museum ed: CHEN DUANYOU KEYAN YISHU. (The Art of Ink Stone Carvings of Chen Duanyou). Beijing, 1981. 8 pp. text & 33 b/w plates. 26x19 cm. Paper. £15.00
Chen Duanyou (1892-1959) was, without doubt, a most ingenious carver of ink stones, amply proved by the examples illustrated, mostly from several angles. In Chinese.
620 Shaoxing Museum ed: JIANGHAN JIJIN: HUBEI SHENG BOWUGUAN DIANCANG SHANG ZHOU QINGTONGQI. Auspicious Metal from the Jianghan Plain: Shang and Zhou Bronzes from the Collection of the Hubei Provincial Museum. 江漢吉金 : 湖北省博物館典藏商周青銅器. Beijing, 2012. 137 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £32.00
Catalogue of a loan exhibition at the Shaoxing Museum in the city of Shaoxing, China, showing superb examples of Shang and Zhou dynasty bronzes from the collection of the Hubei Provincial Museum in Wuhan. Over 100 examples are shown, all illustrated in colour and described. Introductory texts and brief captions in English. Main text in Chinese.
621 Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum: SHENYANG GUGONG BOWUYUAN YUANCANG WENWU JINGCUI: CIQI JUAN SHANG, XIA. The Prime Cultural Relics Collected by Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum: The Chinaware Volume The First Part. 瀋陽故宮博物院院藏文物精粹 : 瓷器卷 上下. Shenyang, 2008. 8, 18, 19, 288; 18, 261 pp. Colour plates throughout each volume. 2 vols. 34x26 cm. Cloth. £200.00 Large format two-volume work comprising part of a series on objects in the little-published Shenyang Forbidden City collection. These two volumes cover ceramics in the collection and around 500 superb pieces are illustrated, the vast majority from the Qing dynasty and most not previously published. Many are illustrated in multiple views and basemarks are shown. There is an eleven page list of plates in English in each volume and brief captions in English to illustrations. Main text in Chinese.
622 Shenzhen Museum ed: CHAN FENG YU RU YUN: SONG YUAN SHIDAI DE JIZHOU YAO CIQI. (An Exhibition of Song and Yuan Ceramics from the Jizhou Kiln). 禪風與儒韻 : 宋元時代的吉州窯瓷器. Beijing, 2012. 243 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x22 cm. Wrappers. £65.00 Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Shenzhen Museum showing an excellent selection of Song and Yuan dynasty ceramics produced at the Jizhou kiln in Fujian province. Predominantly brown and other dark-glazed wares. A total of 114 very fine and varied examples plus a number of sherds. The exhibits come from various museum and private collections in China. All illustrated in colour. Text in Chinese.
623 Shenzhen Museum ed: XUAN SE ZHI MEI: ZHONGGUO LIDAI HEIYOU CIQI ZHENPIN. (The Beauty of Dark Colours: Treasures of Dark-Glazed Chinese Ceramics Across the Ages). 玄色之美 : 中國歷代黑釉瓷器珍品. Beijing, 2012. 225 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. A number of colour and b/w text illustrations. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £60.00 A work presumably produced to accompany the exhibition of Song and Yuan ceramics from the Jizhou kiln held at the Shenzhen Museum in 2012. Provides a chronological overview of dark-glazed Chinese ceramics from the Tang dynasty through to the end of the Yuan. Illustrated throughout with many fine examples. Text in Chinese.
624 Shi Yinshun ed.; Niu Zhaorui paintings: HONGFA SI BIHUA. (The Murals of Hongfa Temple). 弘法寺壁畫 。 釋印順 主編; 牛兆瑞 繪著. Beijing, 2006. 127 pp. Colour plates throughout. Colour and b/w text illustrations. 38x27 cm. Cloth. £50.00 Describes and illustrates the Buddhist mural paintings in the Hongfa Temple in Shenzhen, China. The temple was built 20 years ago, the murals commissioned 5 years ago. Demonstrates the historical tradition of Buddhist mural painting and shows it flourishing in modern China. Illustrated throughout in colour. Two page preface and list of contents in English. Main text in Chinese.
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625 Shiga Kenritsu Biwako Bunkakan: OMI NO MEIHO. (Masterpieces of Art from the Omi Region). Kyoto, 1981. c.150 pp. Colour and (predominantly) b/w plates throughout. 26x18 cm. Paper. £25.00 Catalogue of an exhibition of art from the Omi region around Kyoto. The strength of the exhibition lies in extremely fine examples of Buddhist art from temples and museums in the area. Numerous illustrations. Text in Japanese.
626 Shimonaka, Yasaburo ed: SEKAI BIJUTSU ZENSHU 10. Tokyo, 1929. viii, 86 pp. text. 138 plates, 10 in colour. £25.00 27x20 cm. Cloth. Covers mainly late Tang period Buddhist art as well as Central Asian art of the same period. In Japanese.
627 Shirahata Yoshi & Murashige Yasushi: JIDAI BYOBU SHUKA. Masterpieces of Folding Screens From the Muromachi Through the Edo Periods. Kyoto, 1990. 296, 56 pp. 156 colour plates. 2 vols. 43x30 cm. Cloth and £550.00 paper, silk box. 156 painted screens, never published before, are magnificently reproduced. The separate text volume contains 3 pp. of English captions. A splendid publication in 400 numbered copies.
628 Shui Jisheng: CHUGOKU TOJI ZENSHU 28 — CHINESE CERAMICS IN CHINESE COLLECTIONS 28. Shanxi Ceramics (Shanxi Province). Kyoto, 1984. 188 pp. Japanese text. 210 colour plates & illustrations. Maps. Text-figures. 33x27 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £60.00 Primarily illustrated with objects from the Shanxi Provincial Museum and the little-published Datong Museum, this works shows numerous ceramics from the Warring States to the modern day. Well-illustrated. In Japanese. On offer at well under half the usual price to clear excess stock.
629Sierra de la Calle, Blas: CHINA 1793: LA EMBAJADA DE LORD MACARTNEY. (China 1793: The Embassy of Lord Macartney). Valladolid, 2006. 253 pp. Colour and b/w illustrations throughout. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £55.00
Well-illustrated and documented account of the Macartney Embassy to China. Illustrated throughout with plates from the Staunton atlas and other associated works. In Spanish.
630Snellgrove, David L: HIMALAYAN PILGRIMAGE. A Study of Tibetan Religion by a Traveller through Western Nepal. Oxford, 1961. 304 pp. 44 b/w plates, 8 maps, bibliography, index. 21x14 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. Library binding. £15.00
During a seven month trek into the remote Tibetan-speaking regions of Nepal the author travelled over a thousand miles from the Indian border, over the high mountain passes of Dolpo, and across Mustang to the Kathmandu Valley. Ex-library copy.
631 Snow, Edgar: FAR EASTERN FRONT. London, 1934. 318 pp. Frontispiece and 44 b/w illustrations 24x15 cm. Cloth. £60.00
Drawn from Snow’s experiences and observations as a reporter of the Sino-Japanese war in Manchuria and Mongolia between 1931 and 1933. In three sections: Manchuria, Birthplace of Conquerors; China, Within the Wall; Manchuria under the Japanese Flag. An interesting and lesser-known work by Snow. Scarce.
632 Snow, Edgar: JOURNEY TO THE BEGINNING. A Personal View of Contemporary History. New York, 1958. 434 pp. 22x14 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £25.00 Travelogue of Snow’s voyages in the Far East in the 1930s. With much on China during a period of growing strife and conflict, including his journey to Xi’an and Yannan and his first meetings with Mao and Zhou Enlai. First American edition.
633 Snow, Edgar: SCORCHED EARTH. London, 1941. 396 pp. 20x13 cm. Cloth. One of Snow’s lesser-known works on life in China with the Communists in the 1930s.
634 Sohei Sanjin (Takahasi Sohei?): SHUKO MEIKO GASHIKI. (A Manual Emulating Painters of Antiquity). 集古名公畫式 。 草坪山人. N.p. (Osaka?), n.d. (1883). 5, 22; 30; 28; 31; 26 folded leaves, Japanese style. B/w lithographic Illustrations throughout. 5 vols. 29x18 cm. Stitched. Cloth case. £1,400.00 The earliest mention of this work we can find is a Japanese edition of 1883. The only date this work contains is at the end of a preface and equates to either 1860 or 1920. We believe this to be the 1883 edition due to the finesse of the lithography which tended to dete-
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riorate into the early 20th century with the rise of other forms of printed illustration. There is also no mention that we can find of a 1920 edition. The work possibly derives from a manual of painting done by Takahashi Sohei (1802-1833) but we can find no information as to the original work. Volume One: Figure Paintings; Volume Two: Figure Painting and Objects; Volumes Three and Four; Illustrations of Buildings; Voljume Five: Pavilions, Bridges and Boats. Illustrated throughout with delicate lithographic illustrations. Text in Japanese. Original cloth case with both toggles missing and wear and loss to title slip on cover. The volumes themselves in fine condition. Very rare.
635 Song Dachuan ed: BEIJING MAOJIAWAN CHUTU CIQI. (Ceramics Excavated at Maojiawan in Beijing). 北京毛家灣出土瓷器 。 宋大川 主編. Beijing, 2008. 18, 250 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x21 cm. Boards. £70.00 Shows in full colour plates about 250 of the finest and most interesting ceramics excavated from the Maojiawan site in Beijing, a Ming dynasty pit within the old city of Beijing. Over one million ceramic sherds and pieces were found, dating from the Tang to the Ming. Most of the pieces are mid-Ming dynasty blue-and-white from Jingdezhen. Other styles and kilns included Cizhou and Longquan. Text in Chinese.
636 Staunton, George Leonard: VOYAGE DANS L’INTERIEUR DE LA CHINE, ET EN TARTARIE FAIT DANS LES ANNEES 1792. 1793, ET 1794, PAR LORD MACARTNEY. Redige sur les Papiers de Lord Macartney. Paris, 1804. Atlas with 2 ff. 38 engraved plates (including portrait frontispiece and one map) and 3 large folding maps. 28x21 cm. Rebound in later quarter leather. £650.00 ‘Traduit de l’Anglais, avec des Notes, par J. Castéra. Troisieme Edition, revue, corrigée, et augmentée d’un Précis de l’Histoire de la Chine par le Traducteur’. Maps by Tardieu l’anné, bound in later quarter leather and boards, Paris, F. Buisson, An XII (1804). The atlas volume only to the third French edition cf. Cordier 2385; Morrison II:248. A small number of the plates are repeated from the English edition, but the majority are new with the emphasis on the manners and customs of the Chinese. The three large folding maps with detail show: 1. The route of the Embassy from Britain to China; 2. The route of the Embassy from Jehol to Peking and thence down to Hangzhou; 3. The Embassy’s onward route from Hangzhou to Canton. The atlas is clean but has some worming, thankfully mainly confined to the paper margins of the plates and maps. Where the worming does intrude, it is only to the margin of the image or is well-nigh unnoticeable. A couple of the maps with slight margin loss. Priced accordingly. Quite rare.
637 Sugiyama Jiro: TEMPYO CHOKOKU. (Sculpture of the Tempyo Period). Nihon no Bijutsu No. 15. Tokyo, 1967. 116 pp. 165 illustrations, 16 colour. 23x19 cm. Paper. £20.00 A well-illustrated study of Japanese Buddhist sculpture of the Tempyo period. Japanese text only.
638 Sun Bo ed: FOJIAO SHENGDI WUTAISHAN. (The Buddhist Sanctuary of Wutaishan). 佛教聖地五台山 。 孫波 編. Beijing, 1992. 105 pp. Colour illustrations throughout 25x25 cm. Wrappers. £30.00
A photo-survey of the setting, religious life, architecture, art and artefacts and surrounding scenery of the Buddhist complex at Wutaishan in China’s Shanxi province. Dual texts in Chinese and Japanese.
639 Suzhou Museum: WENFANG YA WAN: SUZHOU BOWUGUAN CANG WENFANG YONGJU. (Elegant Playthings from the Scholar’s Studio: Scholar’s Objects in the Collection of the Suzhou Museum). 文房雅玩 : 蘇州博物館藏文房用具. Beijing, 2011. 287 pp. Numerous colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £65.00
A well-illustrated volume showing various types of Scholar’s Studio objects and playthings in the little-known and little-published collection of the Suzhou Museum. Illustrated throughout in colour with many fine examples. Dual texts in Chinese and English.
640 Suzuki, Hideio: A STUDY OF THE CULTURAL HISTORY OF HEIAN PERIOD SCULPTURE. Tokyo, 2004. 202 pp. 22x16 cm. Cloth. £50.00
Written by an authority on early Japanese culture, Professor Suzuki here discusses and assesses the cultural history of early Japanese sculpture from the Heian period. In Japanese.
641 Sydney L. Moss Ltd: CH’I PAI-SHIH. Paintings. London, 1980. 71 pp. 32 b/w plates. 24x18 cm. Paper. £30.00 Exhibition catalogue of 32 paintings by the modern master Qi Baishi.
642 Takamizawa Mokuhansha: SOTATSU. Tokyo, 1940. 9 pp. text and 167 pp. of plates. 6 colour, 10 folding colour, 72 b/w, 12 folding b/w. 31x24 cm. Cloth. £400.00 An illustrated record of the Japanese painter Sotatsu’s work. Some of the reproductions are by colour woodblock prints. Limited edition of 800 copies. Text in Japanese.
643 Takashi Hamada: BUDDHIST PAINTINGS. Japanese National Treasures: Restored Copies by Miyahara Ryusen. Tokyo, 1981. 10, 117 pp. 24 colour plates, 47 b/w plates. 37x27 cm. Cloth. £45.00 Ryusen, born in 1899, has devoted his life to reproducing old Buddhist paintings. This volume includes a brief biography and a thorough outline of the history and trends of Japanese Buddhist painting.
644 Tanaka Atsushi et al: SHAJITSU NO KEIFU III: MEIJI CHUKI NO YOGA. Realistic representation III: Painting in Japan 1884-1907. Tokyo, 1988. 193 pp. 5 b/w illustrations and 103 in colour. 26x19 cm. Paper.£20.00
Illustrated catalogue of an exhibition of Western-style oil paintings from the mid-Meiji period following the opening of Japan, held at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. It is interesting to note and speculate on the western influences. 22 pages English text, otherwise Japanese.
645 Tanaka Ichimatsu: JAPANESE INK PAINTING: SHUBAN TO SESSHU. Heibonsha Survey of Japanese Art Vol. 12. New York, 1980. 175 pp. 175 illustrations, with 24 in colour. 24x19 cm. Cloth. £20.00
Abundantly illustrated. Traces the development of ink painting in Japan five centuries ago. For this era, the works of Shubun and Sesshu represent the beginning and the culmination of an unique painting style.
646 Tanaka Ichimatsu: SUIBOKU BIJUTSU TAIKEI 5 — KAO — MOKUAN — MINCHO. (Great collection of inkpaintings, Vol. 5: Kao, Mokuan and Mincho). Tokyo, 1978. 27x20 cm. Cloth. £35.00 Volume 5 in the series on Chinese and Japanese ink and brush paintings.
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647 Teng, Ssu-yu: HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE TAIPING REBELLION. Cambridge, 1962. vii, 180 pp. Notes, index. 28x22 cm. Paper. £25.00
Annotates Chinese, Japanese, Western-language, and Russian sources, as covered in Teng’s New Light on the History of the Taiping Rebellion, 1950. Index-glossary to names, titles, terms, and subjects. Tsien 1230.
648 Teng, Ssu-yü: NEW LIGHT ON THE HISTORY OF THE TAIPING REBELLION. Cambridge, 1950. 132 pp. £20.00 Notes, list of characters referred to in the text. 28x22 cm. Paper.
Important scholarly essay and resource on the history of the Taipings. Reproduced from typescript by Harvard University Press for the Institute of Pacific Relations. Front paper cover wrinkled.
649 Terada Toru: JAPANESE ART IN WORLD PERSPECTIVE. Heibonsha Survey of Japanese Art Vol. 25. Tokyo, 1976. 161 pp. 142 illustrations, 33 in colour. 24x19 cm. Cloth. £20.00 A survey of movements in Japanese architecture, painting & sculpture since the beginning of the Second World War.
650 Thomas, F. W: NAM. An Ancient Language of the Sino-Tibetan Borderland. Publications of the Philological Soc. 14. London, 1948. xi, 469 pp. 10 plates. Vocabulary, index. 23x15 cm. Boards. £40.00 Text, with introduction, vocabulary and linguistic studies.
651 Thomas, Lowell: OUT OF THIS WORLD. Across the Himalayas to Forbidden Tibet. New York, 1950. 320 pp. Colour frontispiece. Numerous text illustrations. 23x16 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £25.00 The story of the author’s trek to the Dalai Lama’s throne at Lhasa. First edition. Yakushi T 49a.
652 Thompson, Julian: THE ALAN CHUANG COLLECTION OF CHINESE PORCELAIN. Hong Kong, 2010. 325, 83 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. Colour text plates. 35x27 cm. Cloth. £400.00
The Alan Chuang collection is amongst the most important to have been formed in recent years. The collection clearly reflects the collector’s preferences. Thus, vases and cups, rather than dishes and bowls; flowers and landscapes instead of dragons and other more formal decoration. The ceramics date from the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties and include many important pieces, including a superb late Yuan Qingbai figure of Guanyin, the only other known example being in the Capital Museum, Beijing. Amongst the Ming wares, the Chenghua period is well represented. Moving on to Qing dynasty examples, there are numerous imperial wares of fabulous quality, including monochromes, famille-rose and the highly-prized falangcai enamelled porcelains made for the personal use of, and appreciation by, the Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors. Shows a total of 121 superb ceramics. Illustrated throughout with full page colour plates, many of the pieces being shown in multiple views and with close-up detail. All base marks shown. Introductory and descriptive texts by a renowned expert in the field. Dual texts in Chinese and English. A beautiful book produced to the highest standards.
653 Tian Xutong & Hou Fang: LAO JINGCHENG JIANZHU: MENCHUANG, SHIDIAO, LIULI, ZHUANDIAO, CAIHUA. (The Architecture of the Old Capital: Doors and Windows, Stone Carving, Glazed Tiles, Carved Bricks, Painting). 老京城建筑 : 門窗、 琉璃、 磚雕、 彩畫、 石雕 。 田旭桐、 侯芳 著. Nanning, 2003. c.135 pp. per volume. Colour photographs throughout. 5 vols. 17x19 cm. Paper. £50.00 A five volume set on various aspects of architectural design and decoration on the buildings of old Beijing — Doors and Windows, Stone Carving, Glazed Tiles, Carved Bricks, Painting. Each volume is illustrated throughout in colour and shows a good varied range. In Chinese.
654 Tianjin Museum ed: TIANJIN BOWUGUAN CANG YAN. Inkstones Collected by Tianjin Museum. 天津博物館藏言硯. Beijing, 2012. 223 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £70.00
Two hundred fine and varied Chinese inkstones from the collection of the Tianjin Museum in China. The inkstones date from the Han through to the Republic period and there is an extensive selection of Qing dynasty examples. Illustrated throughout in colour. Text in Chinese.
655 TIBETAN MONASTIC ART. Xizang Simiao Yishu. 西藏寺廟藝術. Chinese Folk Art Series. Chongqing, 1998. 232 pp. 248 colour photographs throughout. 21x19 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Split into sections on sculpture (all media), murals, architecture and thangkas. A good pictorial survey in colour of the range of Tibetan monastic art but does not identify the sites whence the objects come. Dual text and caption list in English and Chinese.
656 Tokuda Tomijiro: CHOSEN KONGO SAN TAIKAN. (Views of Mount Kong in Korea). 朝鮮金剛山大觀. N.p. [Korea], 1935. 50 full page b/w collotype plates. Foldout panorama. Colour map. 23x31 cm. Silk-covered boards. Stitched with cord. £400.00 Captions to each plate in Japanese and English. Accompanying text to each plate on protective tissue leaf in English with fuller descriptive text in Japanese. In fine condition. Rare.
657 Tokyo National Museum: ASAI CHU. Tokyo, 2005. pp. Colour plates 30x23 cm. Wrappers.
Catalogue of an exhibition showing the interesting work of the late Meiji artist, Asai Chu (1856-1907). Asai Chu’s career overlapped the introduction of western influences and art into Japan and this is much reflected in his work. He also travelled to Europe. The exhibition showed a good selection of his watercolours of both Japanese and western scenes, together with a few of his lively depictions of Japanese folk traditions. List of contents, essays, list of plates and captions in English. Main text in Japanese.
658 Tokyo National Museum: EXHIBITION OF TODAI-JI TREASURES. Tokyo, 1980. 250 pp. 143 exhibits all illustrated, over 50 in colour. Text-figures. 24x24 cm. Paper. £35.00 Catalogue of a travelling exhibition that toured a number of Japanese museums showing treasures from this famous Buddhist temple. List of plates and captions in English. Main text in Japanese.
659 Tokyo National Museum: ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF TREASURES ORIGINALLY FROM THE HORYU-JI. Horyu-ji Kenno Homotsu Zuroku. Tokyo, 1959. 116 pp. text, English introduction and captions. 389 objects illustrated, 4 in colour. 30x21 cm. Cloth. £120.00
These objects from the old Nara temple of Horyu-ji were presented to the Imperial Household in 1876 as a means of obtaining financial aid for restoring the temple which had fallen into a dilapidated state. English introduction. Main text in Japanese.
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660 Tokyo National Museum: JAPANESE SCULPTURE OF THE HEIAN PERIOD. 9th-12th Centuries. Tokyo, 1971. 236 pp. 100 plates, 1 in colour. 26x18 cm. Paper. £25.00 A very fine exhibition. Caption list in English with brief descriptions of the 98 exhibits. Main text in Japanese.
661 Tokyo National Museum: THE PRICE COLLECTION: JAKUCHU AND THE AGE OF IMAGINATION. £50.00 Tokyo, 2006. 276 pp. 150 pp. colour plates. 2 foldouts. B/w text illustrations. 30x23 cm. Paper.
Catalogue of a loan exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum of works from the Price collection held in southern California. The exhibition shows 100 extremely fine paintings from the Edo period with a focus on Jakuchu. The exhibition is divided into five sections: Orthodox Paintings, Kyoto Painting, The Eccentrics, Edo Painters and Edo Rimpa. Well-illustrated with colour plates. Introductions, essays and list of plates in English. Main text in Japanese.
662 Tokyo National Museum: RIMPA — OUTSTANDING WORKS OF THE KORIN SCHOOL. Special Exhibition Celebrating the Centennial of the Tokyo National Museum. Tokyo, 1972. 266 pp. Japanese text. 305 plates, 16 in colour. 26x18 cm. Paper. £40.00 Foreword and caption lists in English, otherwise Japanese text only.
663 Tokyo National Museum: SESSON. Exhibition of Paintings by Sesson Shukei (1504-ca.1589). Tokyo, 1974. 85 pp. 62 plates and illustrations, 8 in colour. 26x18 cm. Paper. £20.00 Plate captions in English, otherwise Japanese text.
664 Tokyo National Museum: TREASURES FROM THE HORYU-JI. Tokyo, 1974. 60 pp. Japanese and 10 pp. English. Most of the over 300 exhibits are illustrated. 26x18 cm. Paper. £25.00 Catalogue of an important exhibition of a variety of Buddhist art and implements. Especially strong on metalwork — mirrors, vases, halos, etc.
665 Tokyo National Museum: ZEN TREASURES FROM THE KYOTO GOZAN TEMPLES. Tokyo, 2007. xxiii, 358 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x23 cm. Paper. £50.00 Catalogue of an exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum exploring and exhibiting treasures from the Gozan, a group of Zen temples in the Kyoto area, together with exhibits from related Zen temples elsewhere in Japan. A very fine assembly of objects. Introductions and list of plates in English. Main text in Japanese.
666 Topping, Audrey: DAWN WAKES IN THE EAST. New York, 1973. 162 pp. 210 photographs, 125 in colour. 22x27 cm. Cloth. £35.00 Pictorial record of the author’s return to China in 1966, 1971 and 1972. Fascinating photography from the time of the Cultural Revolution of a closed society.
667 Trubner, Henry and Rathbun, William Jay: CHINA’S INFLUENCE ON AMERICAN CULTURE IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES. New York, 1976. 94 pp. Bibliography. 67 objects illustrated, 9 in colour. 23x20 cm. Paper. £25.00 Catalogue of a special Bicentennial exhibition at the China House Gallery and Seattle Art Museum. Pieces exhibited included China Trade porcelain, paintings, furniture, and silver.
668 Trungpa, Chogyam: BORN IN TIBET. London, 1966. 264 pp. 6 pp. b/w plates. Endpaper maps. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £20.00 Biography of the 11th Trungpa Tuku as told to Esmé Cramer Roberts, with a foreword by Marco Pallis. Good clean copy.
669 Tsang, Steve: A MODERN HISTORY OF HONG KONG 1841-1997. London, 2003. xii, 340 pp. Map. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £35.00 A major new history of Hong Kong from its occupation by the British in 1841 to its return to Chinese Sovereignty in 1997.
670 Tuo Xiaotang ed: ZHONGHUA JIUSU. (Old Chinese Customs). 中華久俗 。 拓曉堂 主編. Beijing, 1997. 264 pp. B/w photographs throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £60.00 An interesting collection of photographs from the late Qing and Republican periods showing the fascinating old customs and lifestyle of China. Divided into sections on clothing, eating, transport, city life, entertainments and more. In Chinese only. Out-of-print.
671 Uehara Shoichi: ASUKA, HAKUHO CHOKOKU. (Sculpture of the Asuka and Hakuho Periods). Nihon no Bijutsu No. 21. Tokyo, 1968. 110 pp. 122 plates, 17 in colour. 23x19 cm. Paper. £25.00 Wooden and gilt bronze Buddhist sculptures of the Asuka (552 — 645) and Hakuho (646 -710) periods. Japanese text only.
672 University Museum and Art Gallery, University of Hong Kong: ENLIGHTENING PURSUITS: SCHOLAR’S OBJECTS FROM THE MENGDIEXUAN COLLECTION. Yingchuan Gaozhi: Mengdiexuan Cang Zhongguo Wenfang Yongpin. 螢窗高致 : 夢蝶軒藏中國文房用品. Hong Kong, 2006. 383 pp. Numerous colour plates throughout. 31x24 cm. Cloth. £70.00
Catalogue of an exhibition at the University Museum and Art Gallery, University of Hong Kong, showing 156 examples of scholar’s objects from the Hong Kong-held Mengdiexuan collection. Includes inkstones, water droppers, desk objects, stones, brushwashers, brush holders and more. Most of the objects are Ming and Qing, some of the inkstones are earlier. Each object is illustrated in a full page colour plate, often accompanied by smaller plates showing different views of the object or related objects. Essays and descriptions accompany. Dual text in Chinese and English.
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673 University of Fine Arts: EXHIBITION OF NATIONAL TREASURES OF KOFUKUJI FROM THE TEMPLE REVIVAL OF KAMAKURA PERIOD. Tokyo, 2004. 263 pp. Colour plates throughout. B/w text £50.00 illustrations. 30x23 cm. Paper. Catalogue of an exhibition showing the Kofuku-ji’s fine holdings of Kamakura art supplemented by loans from museums in Japan. The highlight is superb Kamakura Buddhist sculpture accompanied by paintings, metal ritual objects, sutras and masks. well-illustrated throughout in colour. Introductions and list of plates in English. Main text in Japanese.
674 Unknown: TROIS MOIS AU KOUANG-SI. Souvenirs d’un Officier en mission. Paris, 1906. iv, 247 pp. plus 8 pp. b/w plates ( a total of 16 photographs). Folding map. 20x13 cm. Later cloth. £125.00
Description of a French expedition to Jiangxi province, at the time close to their sphere of influence — Cochin-China. Jiangxi province at the time was very little-known and the account makes interesting reading. In French. Rare.
675 Valenstein, Suzanne G: THE HERZMAN COLLECTION OF CHINESE CERAMICS. New York, 1992. 123 pp. 103 colour plates, 40 b/w illustrations. 29x23 cm. Cloth. £40.00 Catalogue of a private collection, which to some extent has been donated to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Covers all periods from Han to Qing. Good colour plates.
676 Vambery, Arminio: VIAGGI DI UN FALSO DERVISH NELL’ASIA CENTRALE. Da Teheran a Khiva, Bokhara e Samarcanda. Milan, 1873. 300 pp. B/w engraved plates. 3 b/w foldout maps. 22x16 cm. Quarter leather. Marbled boards. £15.00 Italian edition of Vambery’s travels. Some foxing. Tear to one page.
677 Vambery, Arminius: ARMINIUS VAMBERY. His Life and Adventures Written by Himself. London, 1884. xii, 370 pp. B/w photograph frontispiece, 14 b/w engraved plates. 22x15 cm. Half leather. £50.00
Autobiography of this enigmatic character. Focuses on his famous travels which included journeys across Turkey and Persia to Khiva, Bokhara and Samarkand. Inscribed by the author ‘ Faithfully Yours A. Vambery’ below the original portrait photograph frontispiece of the author. Third edition. Some wear and rubbing to covers. Inside clean with very occasional slight foxing.
678 Various: ANDON 87 — JAPAN TATTOO. Tattoos in Japanese prints. Andon 87. Leiden, 2009. 143 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Paper. £25.00 Special edition of Andon magazine focussing on the Japanese tattoo and its depiction in Japanese prints.
679 Various: THE ANNUAL CABINET OF MODERN FOREIGN VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Selected from the Most Recent and Interesting Journals of Eminent Continental Travellers..... London, n.d. (c.1825). xxxxix, 439 pp. Frontispiece (with stain) and 5 engraved plates. 14x9 cm. Quarter leather with marbled boards. Wear to edges. £95.00
A compilation of accounts of contemporary travels. Includes a scarce account in English of Timkowsky: Russian Mission to China in 1820-21 (58 pages) and Drouville: Persian Manners (27 pages). Slight loss at bottom of title page. One repair. Slight worming to first few pages.
680 Wakayama Prefectural Museum: KUWAYAMA GYOKUSHU. Wakayama, 2006. 115 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x21 cm. Paper. £37.00
Catalogue of an exhibition showing the work of the Japanese painter, Kuwayama Gyokushu (1746-1799). All 119 exhibits (paintings, screens, handscrolls, albums and calligraphy) are illustrated in colour. Also shows close-ups of seals and signatures. In Japanese.
681 Wan Jinli and Zhang Jian ed: ZHONGGUO FOJIAO WENWU JINGHUA JIANSHANG. (An Appreciation of China’s Buddhist Treasures). Beijing, 1996. 134 pp. 119 pp. of colour illustrations 27x20 cm. Cloth. £35.00 Pictures and descriptions of the cream of China’s Buddhist treasures. Objects range from sculptures, gold, banners and thangkas to porcelain and seals. Chinese text only.
682 Wang Gungwu: ANGLO-CHINESE ENCOUNTERS SINCE 1800. War, Trade, Science and Governance. Cambridge, 2003. ix, 202 pp. 21x14 cm. Cloth. £45.00
Discusses the interactions between the two Empires since the 1800s, both the big picture of trade, opium, war etc. and more intimate personal encounters. Based on a series of lectures.
683 Wang Gungwu: CHINA AND THE CHINESE OVERSEAS. Singapore, 1991. vii, 312 pp. 23x15 cm. Paper. £25.00
A collection of essays which trace the history of Chinese migration, focusing on particular types of immigrants and migration patterns. Also discusses contemporary issues.
684 Wang Jiaguang et al: CHUGOKU TOJI ZENSHU 3 — CHINESE CERAMICS IN CHINESE COLLECTIONS 3. Qin and Han Period Ceramics. Kyoto, 1984. 167 pp. Japanese text. 143 colour plates, 16 illustrations, maps, text figures. 33x27 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £70.00 Well-illustrated in colour. A good selection of ceramics from this period. Text in Japanese.
685 Wang Jianhua ed: GUGONG BOWUYUAN CANG YIXING ZISHA. Yixing Zisha Wares in the Palace Museum. 故宮博物院藏宜興紫砂 。 王健華 主編. Beijing, 2009. 304 pp. Over 200 colour plates. 29x22 cm. Wrappers. £70.00 Shows 200 superb examples of Yixing wares in the collection of the Forbidden City Museum in Beijing which were used by the imperial court. Appears to be the catalogue of an exhibition. Illustrated throughout in full page colour and basemarks shown. Prefaces, introductions and captions in English. Main text in Chinese.
686 Wang Jiapeng ed: FANHUA LOU. The Fanhua Pavilion. 梵華樓 。 王家鵬 主編. Beijing, 2009. 1414 pp. Colour plates throughout each volume. A number of foldouts. A total of over 1400 colour plates and 149 b/w text and architectural drawings. 4 vols. 31x25 cm. Cloth. £300.00
Marvellous four-volume publication on this highly important Tibetan Buddhist pavilion located in the Ningshou Gong palace of the Forbidden City. The Ningshou Gong (Palace of Tranquil Longevity) was built as the retirement complex for the Qianlong emperor who
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was fascinated by Tibetan Buddhism. Thus, the Fanhua Pavilion was personally used by the Qianlong emperor in his latter years. This work is an exhaustive visual reference on the Tibetan Buddhist paintings, murals, decoration, ritual objects, religious items, architecture and, most importantly, the bronze Buddhist statuary (many with gilt and with Qianlong marks) held within the pavilion. Fine colour plates throughout of all the objects. A total of 1263 objects are illustrated, a number being shown in multiple views. The statues are all shown in full page (or near full page) colour plates with many being shown larger than life. Four page introduction in English. Main text in Chinese.
687 Wang Shixiang: ZHONGGUO HULU. (Chinese Gourds). 中國葫蘆 。 王世襄 著. Shanghai, 1998. 333 pp. 188 illustrations, the majority in colour. 21x14 cm. Cloth. £60.00 A useful work by Wang Shixiang, who was an enthusiast of this minor, but widely-collected and interesting art. Discusses types of gourds, how they are moulded, the types of cricket kept when gourds are used as cricket cages etc. Well-illustrated with moulded and decorated examples dating from the early Qing dynasty through to the present day. In Chinese only.
688 Wang Shixiang and Zhu Jiajin: ZHU MU YA JIAO QI. (Bamboo, Wood, Ivory, and Rhinoceros Horn). 竹木牙角器. Zhongguo Meishu Quanji — Gongyi Meishu 11. Beijing, 1987. 104 pp. text and 190 pp. with 212 plates and illustrations in colour. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £60.00 This volume is part of the 60-volume series on Chinese art. It illustrates and describes, in Chinese only, furniture, bamboo, ivory and rhinoceros horn carvings, most not published previously. Text in Chinese.
689 Wang Tao: CHINESE BRONZES FROM THE MEIYINTANG COLLECTION. London, 2009. xix, 324 pp. Colour plates throughout. 36x26 cm. Cloth. £395.00
The Meiyintang collection of ancient Chinese bronzes comprises 156 pieces dating from the Erlitou culture through to the Tang dynasty. It is one of the finest collections of such material outside China and provides a fine overview of the remarkable achievements of ancient China’s bronze artisans. Interesting introduction and a stylistic analysis of every piece with research information and comparison of similar excavated material. All pieces illustrated in fine colour plates (a good number in multiple views) and exhaustively described. A lengthy introduction accompanies. A very fine work. Limited edition of 500 copies.
690 Wang Weidong ed: KUMUTULA SHIKU NEIRONG ZONGLU. (A General Record of the Kumutula Cave Grottoes). 庫木吐喇石窟內容總錄 。 王衛東 主編. Beijing, 2008. 1, 306 pp. Numerous colour & b/w illustrations and drawings. 1 foldout. 26x18 cm. Paper. £30.00 Systematic listing and description of the caves comprising this complex in China’s Xinjiang province. Outline plans of each cave given, together with sculpture, carvings, murals and other contents therein. In Chinese.
691 Wang Zhijie: MAOLING WENWU JIANSHANG TUZHI. Cultural Relics of Maoling Mausoleum by Pictures and Stories. 茂陵文物鑒賞圖志 。 王志杰 著. Xi’an, 2012. 17, 299 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £90.00 Illustrates the many artefacts, a number absolutely superb, excavated from the Maoling Mausoleum near Xi’an in China — burial place of the Western Han dynasty Emperor, Wu Di. Also shown are artefacts from satellite tombs around the Maoling Mausoleum, together with artefacts from other Han tombs in the area. Illustrated throughout in colour and with an extensive amount of English text including essays, introductions to each section and brief captions. Fuller text in Chinese.
692 Wang Zhu: SONG SHI ZHI. (The History of the Song Dynasty). 宋史質 。 王洙 撰. Taibei, 1977. 4, 23, 471 pp. 27x20 cm. Cloth. £40.00 Reduced academic facsimile edition of what was the first Ming-period revision of the official (1345) history of the Song dynasty. Wang (fl. 1521) was the first to revise the somewhat biased Yuan-period history, but his work was superseded by the ‘Songshi Xinbian’ of Ke Weiqi (1497-1574). The preface to the original work is dated 1546.
693 Wang, Audrey: CHINESE ANTIQUITIES. An Introduction to the Art Market. London, 2012. 175 pp. A number of colour plates. 24x17 cm. Cloth. £30.00
A survey of the growing (booming!) market for Chinese antiquities encompassing all sectors from painting and calligraphy to ceramics, bronzes and sculpture. Also includes information on dealers, collectors and museums. A very interesting and informative overview.
694 WANLI CHANGCHENG. (The Great Wall). 萬里長城. Shijie Wenhua yu Ziran Yichan (Zhongguo Bufen. Beijing, 1997. 111 pp. Colour photography throughout. Map. 29x22 cm. Boards. £25.00 Some very fine photography of the Great Wall with a brief text in Chinese. Truly one of the best such books we have seen. Text in Chinese only.
695 Ward, Edward: CHINESE CRACKERS. A Journey from Hong Kong to Manchuria. London, 1947. 187 pp. 20 b/w photographs. 20x13 cm. Cloth. £25.00 The author, amongst other exploits, stayed at Nationalist headquarters and visited the Communists on the Mongolian borders. His journey took him from Hong Kong through Southern China to Chongqing, thence to Shanghai and northwards. A scarce account.
696 Warner, Langdon: JAPANESE SCULPTURE OF THE SUIKO PERIOD. New Haven, 1923. 80 pp. Glossary, index, bibliography. 145 plates. 41x34 cm. Half-cloth. £150.00 An important study with excellent plates, published in a limited edition of 300 copies. Very scarce. Silberman 744. Slight foxing. A good copy.
697 Warner, Marina: THE DRAGON EMPRESS. Life and Times of Tz’u-hsi, 1835-1908. Empress Dowager of China. London, 1984. xi, 247 pp. 13 illustrations, 1 map. Notes & index. 20x13 cm. Paper. £20.00 The Empress Dowager Tz’u-hsi was the power behind the throne in China from 1861 to 1908. Marina Warner’s compelling biography describes Tz’u-hsi against the background of court ceremony and Confucian tradition. Paperback edition with some staining to front and endpapers and first few pages inside. Perfectly decent reading copy.
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698 Watson, William ed: POTTERY AND METALWORK IN T’ANG CHINA. A Colloquy held 29 June to 2 July 1970. PDF Colloquies, Art & Archaeology in Asia 1. London, 1970. 86 pp. 12 illustrations. 25x18 cm. Paper. £15.00 Collection of scholarly articles by various learned authorities on the subject. Covers Near Eastern as well as Chinese wares.
699 Watthe, Henry: LA BELLE VIE DU MISSIONAIRE EN CHINE: RECITS ET CROQUIS. (The Beautiful Life of the Missionary in China; Tales and Sketches). Vichy, n.d. (1930s?). xvi, 2, 194, 1; 26, 1 pp. Numerous b/w plates. 2 vols. 19x14 cm. Paper. £45.00
Relates various tales of catholic missionary work throughout China, from Shanghai to remote parts of Jiangxi province. Interesting black-and-white photographs. In French.
700 Weller, J. Marvin: CARAVAN ACROSS CHINA. An American Geologist Explores the Northwest, 1937-1938. San Francisco, 1984. xviii, 394 pp. 31 b/w photographic illustrations. Map. 21x14 cm. Paper. £25.00
Relates the experiences of J. Marvin Weller, an oil geologist, in the north-west of China in the late 1930s, primarily the provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu and Qinghai. Includes a visit to Dunhuang. The book is drawn from Weller’s journals.
701 Welsh, Frank: A BORROWED PLACE. The History of Hong Kong. New York, 1993. 540 pp. Photographs, illustrations. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00 A wide-ranging history of Britain’s anomalous ‘insular possession’. This book is a well-illustrated, sparkling valedictory chronicle.
702 Wender, L. J: MASTERPIECES OF MODERN CHINESE PAINTINGS. Zhongguo Jindai Shuhua Jingpin Xuan. Beijing, n.d. 90 pp. 39 colour plates. 25x22 cm. Paper. £15.00 Catalogue for an exhibition at the L. J. Wender Gallery in New York of Chinese paintings and calligraphy, organised in conjunction with the Beijing Arts & Crafts Import & Export Group Corporation.
703 Weng T’ung-wen: REPERTOIRE DES DATES DES HOMMES CELEBRES DES SONG. (A Listing of Dates of Famous Figures of the Song Dynasty). Materiaux pour le Manuel de l’Histoire des Song IV. Paris, 1962. iv, 192 pp. 27x21 cm. Paper. £25.00
An alphabetical listing by surname of the years of birth and death of numerous famous figures of the Song dynasty. Chinese characters are given alongside the Wade-Giles transliterated names. Also accompanied by a listing of the names purely in Chinese. Introduction in French.
704 White, Stephen: JOHN THOMSON — LIFE AND PHOTOGRAPHS. The Orient, Street Life in London, Through Cyprus with the Camera. London, 1985. 200 pp. 173 illustrations, 161 duotone plates. 28x25 cm. Cloth. £30.00
One of the great figures of nineteenth-century photography, John Thomson is prominent because of the unusual and exotic nature of his subject matter.
705 Wilde, Oscar: A CHINESE SAGE. A Humanstep Volume. Dublin, 1997. 20 pp. 24x13 cm. Paper. £10.00
Delightful little reprint, in paperbook form, of Oscar Wilde’s witty, acute and socially-pointed review of the Herbert Giles translation of the Zhuangzi, ‘Chuang Tzû: Mystic, Moralist and Social Reformer’ (still a useful and very readable translation, by the way).
706 Wiltshire, Tea: OLD HONG KONG: VOLUME ONE 1860-1900. Hong Kong, n.d. 159 pp. 160 photographs reproduced. 26x33 cm. Cloth. £40.00
This volume charts the phenomenal growth of Hong Kong from its birth in the 1840’s to the turn of the century, illustrated by old photographs.
707 Winkel, Margarita: SOUVENIRS FROM JAPAN. Japanese Photography at the Turn of the Century. London, 1991. 160 pp. 70 colour, 106 duotone and 9 b/w plates. 22x25 cm. Paper. £25.00 An excellent work giving a broad sweep of the state of Japanese photography at the beginning of the 20th century. A wide range of subject matter from scenery to people are illustrated.
708 With, Karl: BUDDHISTISCHE PLASTIK IN JAPAN. Bis in den Beginn des 8. Jahrhunderts N. Chr.. Wien, 1920. 95 pp. text plus 230 pp. b/w plates. 30x22 cm. Boards.
A still valuable and authoritative survey of the development of Japanese sculpture up to the beginning of the 8th century. With numerous black-and-white plates. Second edition, in one volume. In German. Silberman 743.
709 Wong, J. Y: DEADLY DREAMS. Opium, Imperialism and the Arrow War (1856-1860) in China. Cambridge Studies in Chinese History. Cambridge, 1996. 572 pp. 19 line diagrams, 59 tables 23x15 cm. Cloth. £40.00 The Arrow War was a landmark in Chinese history, ending with the burning of the Old Summer Palace in Peking. Dr. Wong’s study reveals the financial realities behind the conflict — vital economic interests in Britain and British India which had to be protected at all costs.
710 Woodcock, George: CAVES IN THE DESERT. Travels in China. Vancouver, 1988. 201 pp. 25 b/w plates. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £35.00 The travels in China of one of Canada’s most respected men of letters, concentrating on the traditional Buddhist centres: Datong, Yungang, Wutai Shan, and Dunhuang. Inscribed by the author.
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711 Worswick, Clark & Spence, Jonathan: IMPERIAL CHINA: PHOTOGRAPHS 1850-1912. New York, 1979. 151 pp. 115 sepia plates. Text-illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. 24x29 cm. Paper. £35.00 In addition to the early and interesting photographs, contains an index of commercial and amateur photographers of China, 1846-1912, and a list of picture collections. Paperback edition.
712 Wu Hung: THE WU LIANG SHRINE. The Ideology of Early Chinese Pictorial Art. Stanford, 1989. xxiv, 412 pp. £60.00 151 illustrations. 25x21 cm. Cloth.
A study of the most important Buddhist monument in China, the funerary shrine of the Confucian scholar Wu Liang, created in A.D. 151.
713 Wu Youru: SHENJIANG SHENGJING TU. (The Famous Sights of Shanghai). 申江勝景圖 。 吳友如 繪. Nanjing, 2003. 70, 66 folded leaves, over 60 double page b/w illustrations. 2 vols. 28x18 cm. Stitched, brocade case. £50.00 Facsimile of this work on the sights and scenes of Shanghai as seen in the 1880s. With illustrations by Wu Youru. Shows the famous traditional sights such as Yu Garden, Longhua Temple, the Bund and the foreign concessions and also famous restaurants, places of entertainment, the foreign influence and the life of the city. The (lithographic) illustrations are from early in Wu’s career but already show the style of the Dianshizhai and Feiyingge publications. There are over 60 double page black-and-white illustrations each accompanied by a descriptive poem. First published in 1884 by the Dianshizhai publishing house. In Chinese.
714 Xia Mingcai: QINGZHOU LONGXINGSI: FOJIAO ZAOXIANG YAOCANG. (Longxing Temple in Qingzhou: The Hidden Cache of Buddhist Statues). 青州龍興寺 : 佛教造像窯藏 。 夏名采 著. Beijing, 2004. 177 pp. Colour & b/w illustrations throughout. 24x17 cm. Wrappers. £30.00 A survey of the finds and artefacts from this important discovery made in 1996 at Qingzhou in Shandong province in China — a hoard of over 400 superb examples of Buddhist statuary, dating from the 6th to the 11th centuries. In Chinese.
715 Xie Changyi: SHANDONG MINJIAN NIANHUA. Shandong Folk New Year Pictures. 山東民間年畫. Ji’nan, 1993. [18] pp. text, 120 pp. colour plates, 23 pp. captions. Text in Chinese and English. 26x25 cm. Cloth. £40.00 Good reproduction of the New Years Prints which are traditional in Shandong. Most of the prints illustrated are from the workshops of Yanjiabu and Pingdu.
716 XIHU JIUYING. (Old Scenes of West Lake). 西湖舊影. Hangzhou, 1998. 170 pp. B/w photographs throughout. 25x26 cm. Cloth. £35.00 Appealing old photographs of West Lake and its environs. Photographs date from 1921 to 1929 and include scenery, temples and other buildings. Evocative photographs. In Chinese only.
717 Xu Huping & Nanjing Museum ed: GONGTING ZHEN CANG: ZHONGGUO QINGDAI GUANYAO CIQI. Treasures in the Royalty: The Official Kiln Porcelain of the Chinese Qing Dynasty. 宮廷珍藏 : 中國清代官窯瓷器 。 徐湖平 主編. Shanghai, 2003. 513 pp. 496 pp. colour plates. 31x23 cm. Cloth. £180.00
Approximately 450 superb pieces of Qing dynasty porcelain from the Nanjing Museum collection are illustrated in full page colour plates and arranged chronologically by reign from Shunzhi to Xuantong. Many of the pieces are imperial and come from the former imperial collection. Twelve pages of useful introductory text, brief introductions to each section and captions to all plates in English. Main text in Chinese. A prime reference on Qing ceramics and quite the best work on the Nanjing Museum Qing dynasty porcelain collection yet published. Recommended. Out-of-print and hard to find.
718 Yamane Yuzo: SOTATSU. Tokyo, 1962. 257 pp. Japanese, 31 pp. English texts. 17 colour and over 170 b/w illustrations. 33x26 cm. Cloth. £125.00 A detailed study of the life and work of Tawaraya Sotatsu, enigmatic artist active in Kyoto from approximately 1600 to the 1630s. Thirty=one pages of English explanation. Main text in Japanese.
719 Yamato Bunkakan: FUKKO YAMATO-E TAMECHIKA. (Exhibition of Work by the Fukko Yamato-e Painter Tamechika Reizei). 特別展 復古大和繪師 為恭. Osaka, 2005. 207 pp. 121 pp. colour plates. 30x21 cm. Paper. £40.00
Catalogue of an exhibition that shows the work of the Fukko Yamato-e painter, Tamechika (1823-1864) who sought to revive the classical yamato-e style of paintings. His subjects are primarily Buddhist painting and scenes of court life. Well-illustrated in colour. Text in Japanese.
720 Yamato Bunkakan: SPECIAL EXHIBITION OF THE NATIONAL TREASURE — THE ILLUSTRATED HANDSCROLL OF THE TALE OF NESAME. The Beauty of Weaving Together Literary Art and Buddhist Faith. Osaka, 2001. 179 pp. 85 exhibits illustrated in full in colour. 30x21 cm. Paper. £37.00 Catalogue that examines the interplay of art and religion through an exhibition of this famous scroll together with some other works. Includes a complete reproduction of the scroll. Japanese text only.
721 Yan Xinghua: YIXING TAOQI TUPU. (A Compendium of Yixing Pottery). Taibei, 1993. 309 pp. 102 pp. colour illustrations, b/w text illustrations throughout. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £45.00 The history and art of Yixing pottery from the 18th century onwards. Numerous illustrations. In Chinese only.
722 Yanagisawa Taka: YANAGISAWA TAKA BUKKYO KAIGA SHI RONSHU. (A Collection of Essays on the History of Buddhist Painting by Yanagisawa Taka). Tokyo, 2006. 8, 16, 5, 656 pp. 8 pp. colour and 16 pp. b/w plates. A number of b/w text illustrations. 25x19 cm. Cloth. £250.00 Contains 34 lengthy essays pertaining to Buddhist painting by this noted Japanese scholar on the history of Buddhist art. One of the essays is in English (A Study of the Painting Style of the Ryokai Mandala at the Sai-In To-Ji with Special Emphasis on Their Relationship to Late Tang Painting), the remaining 33 in Japanese.
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723 Yang Daixin: ZHONGGUO YANTAI TULU. (An Illustrated Handbook of Chinese Inkstones). 中國硯臺圖錄 。 楊代欣 編著. Zhongguo Shoucang Jianshang Congshu. Urumqi, 2002. 234 pp. Colour plates throughout. 21x14 cm. Paper. £20.00 Useful well-illustrated conspectus to the variety and fine craftsmanship of this particular treasure of the scholar’s studio. Text in Chinese.
724 Yang Dazhou: MANYOU HUIJU. Wandering over Residences in Anhui Province. 漫游徽居 。 楊大洲 著. £28.00 Hangzhou, 2000. 309 pp. Colour photographs throughout. 22x16 cm. Cloth. A nicely-produced work with excellent colour photography that rambles around the scenery, architecture and villages of southern Anhui province. With preface and some captions in English. Main text in Chinese.
725 Yang Jianfeng ed: ZHONGGUO HUANIAO HUA QUANJI. The Complete Works of Chinese Flower-Bird Painting. 中國花鳥畫全集 。 楊建峰 編著. Beijing, 2011. 4, 4 pp. text plus 424 pp. colour plates. 2 vols. 29x21 cm. Boards. £80.00 Two-volume compendium of Chinese bird-and-flower paintings arranged chronologically from earliest times through to the early 20th century. Illustrated throughout both volumes with hundreds of paintings in colour. A good study reference. In Chinese.
726 Yang Renkai et al. ed: QING GONG SANYI GUOBAO TEJI: SHUFA JUAN, HUIHUA JUAN. Album of Lost National Treasure of the Qing Palace: Calligraphy and Painting. 清宮散逸國寶特集 : 書法卷、 繪畫卷. Beijing, 2004. 7, 2, 624 (over 600 pp. colour plates); 9, 626 pp. (over 600 pp. colour plates) A number of foldouts. 2 vols. 45x33 cm. Cloth. £3,000.00
An absolutely magnificent two-volume catalogue of an exhibition of early calligraphy and paintings commemorating the opening of the new Liaoning Provincial Museum. In the period leading up to his expulsion from the Forbidden City in November 1924, the last Emperor, Pu Yi, selected a number of the finest treasures from the collection that were easily portable. These included an undefined (but not insignificant — it is said up to 1200) number of paintings, album leaves and calligraphy, the majority early. Pu Yi, together with his brother Pu Jie, were said to have smuggled this material, along with other light pieces, out of the Forbidden City as an insurance policy against financial distress. When Pu Yi later became the puppet ruler of the Manchukuo regime in north-east China, this material undoubtedly went with him. The paintings have since become known as the Northeast or Liaoning Group. It appears that over a period of time some of these paintings went to Japan and elsewhere. Following the defeat of the Japanese and the detention of Pu Yi, the remainder ultimately entered the Liaoning and Jilin Provincial Museums or were returned to the Gugong Museum in Beijing. This work shows 39 calligraphies and 53 paintings (in a second volume) in the Liaoning Provincial Museum, many here exhibited and illustrated for the first time due to their fragile nature. These 92 works comprise the entire holding of works known to have been taken by Pu Yi that are in the Liaoning Museum collection plus two very fine Liao paintings excavated in Liaoning province. All the calligraphies are shown actual size and in their entirety. It also includes all accompanying colophons, inscriptions and collectors seals. The paintings are again all shown in their entirety, with many also reproduced in their original sizes and again showing collectors’ seals, colophons and inscriptions. The calligraphies and paintings date from the Eastern Jin to the Qing with the majority of the material being early. Comprises 1 Eastern Jin work, 7 from the Tang, 2 Five Dynasties, 41 from the Song, 2 from the Liao, 1 from the Jin, 17 Yuan, 20 Ming examples and 1 Qing work. All the works are reproduced in fine colour plates throughout with many folding out to give unprecedented reproduction of selected works. A superb record of little-known treasures from the Chinese imperial collection that have a distinct cachet due to their obscure recent history. Given the high quality of the colour plates and the reproduction of many works in their original size, this is also an important tool in the research of early Chinese painting and calligraphy. A large and weighty set of volumes with dual English and Chinese texts. Highly recommended.
727 Yang Xin: GUOBAO HUICUI: BEIJING GUGONG BOWUYUAN TAIBEI GUGONG BOWUYUAN CANGPIN JINGHUA. Treasures of China: Collection of Precious Treasures of the Palace Museums of Beijing & Taipei. Hong Kong, 1992. 296; 272 pp. 460 colour illustrations throughout. 2 vols. 36x26 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £180.00 Two-volume work illustrating and discussing 76 works of art from the Palace Museum in Beijing and 76 from the Palace Museum in Taipei. Arranged chronologically with a historical account and a critical appreciation of Chinese art. Chinese text only.
728 Ye Luhua: ZHONGGUO FOJIAO TUXIANG JIESHUO. (Explanations of Chinese Buddhist Iconography). Hong Kong, 1993. 165 pp. B/w line drawings throughout. 27x20 cm. Cloth. £50.00
The major figurative elements of Chinese Buddhist iconography are redrawn and supplied with detailed explanations in this useful publication. Chinese text only.
729 Yetts, W. Perceval: CATALOGUE OF THE CHINESE & COREAN BRONZES, SCULPTURE, JADES, JEWELLERY AND MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS: VOLUME ONE: BRONZES: RITUAL AND OTHER VESSELS, WEAPONS ETC.. The George Eumorfopoulos Collection. London, 1929. xii, 89 pp. text plus 75 pp. colour and b/w plates. The colour plates tipped in. 45x32 cm. Cloth. £900.00
Volume One of Three on the Chinese bronzes and other assorted material in the famous Eumorfopoulos collection. This first volume covers Chinese ritual bronzes, bronze vessels and weaponry. Published in an edition of 560 copies, of which this is copy No. 144. Exlibrary duplicate copy from the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. A few discreet library stamps only to the front of one frontpaper and to the reverse of a couple of text pages. No stamps on plates. Generally a fine copy.
730 Yetts, W. Perceval: CATALOGUE OF THE CHINESE & COREAN BRONZES, SCULPTURE, JADES, JEWELLERY AND MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS: VOLUME THREE: BUDDHIST SCULPTURE. The George Eumorfopoulos Collection. London, 1929. viii, 93 pp. text plus 75 pp. colour and b/w plates. The colour plates tipped-in. 45x32 cm. Cloth. £1,200.00 Volume Three of Three on the Chinese bronzes and other assorted material in the famous Eumorfopoulos collection. This third volume shows Chinese Buddhist sculpture. Published in an edition of 560 copies, of which this copy is unnumbered. A very fine copy.
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731 Yonezawa, Y. & Kawakita, M: ARTS OF CHINA VOLUME III. Paintings in Chinese Museums. Tokyo, 1970. 235 pp. 153 illustrations, 39 in colour. Map. 37x27 cm. Cloth. £30.00 Translated by G. C. Hatch. The selection is taken primarily from the Palace Museum, Peking, and the Shanghai, Nanking and Liaoning Provincial Museums, with contributions from other museum collections throughout the country.
732 Yoshimura, Rei: CHUGOKU BUKKYO ZUZO NO KENKYU. (Research into Chinese Buddhist Iconography). £50.00 Tokyo, 1983. 288, xx pp. B/w illustrations and text drawings. 21x15 cm. Boards. Detailed study of Chinese Buddhist iconography. Abstract in Chinese. Main text in Japanese.
733 Yoshio, Imaizumi et al. ed: ZEN AND TENJIN. The Dream and Legend of Tenjin-sama Crossing the Seas. N.p., 2000. 287 pp. 75 b/w illustrations. 20x14 cm. Cloth. £39.00
Discusses the formation of Tenjin worship, the image of Tenjin in tale literature, the trip of Toto Tenjin (who travelled to Tang dynasty China), his image in art and the depiction of Tenjin by Kano artists, Sesshu etc. In Japanese.
734 Younghusband, G. J & Frank: THE RELIEF OF CHITRAL. London, 1895. vi, 2, 183 pp. Frontispiece, map and 22 b/w illustrations and drawings (two folding). 23x15 cm. Decorative cloth. £40.00 A joint effort by the two Younghusband brothers (one being the famous Francis), army captains present at the relief of Chitral. The two also acted as correspondents for the Times. This is their record of the campaign. Sunning to covers and spine.
735 Yu Jixing: LAO MINGXINPIAN: JIANZHU BIAN. (Old Postcards: Architecture). Shanghai, 1997. 176 pp. Colour and b/w photographic illustrations throughout. 28x21 cm. Paper. £25.00 Hundreds of postcards mostly from the turn of the century, in colour and black and white, provide a fascinating view of Chinese architecture and photography of the time. Many captions on the photographs are in English to assist identification. Some English text.
736 Yu Xining & Luo Shuzi: BEIWEI SHIKU FUDIAO TAPIAN XUAN. (Collection of Rubbings From Northern Wei Period Cave Temples). 北魏石窟浮雕拓片選. Beijing, 1958. 110 pp. 60 plates, some folding. 38x27 cm. Cloth. £65.00 The illustrations concentrate on the Guyang and Lotus caves at Longmen. Many interesting details are shown for the first time, or more clearly than before. A detailed contribution. In Chinese only. RBS 4:1958.
737 YUAN SIJIA HUAJI. (Four Painters of the Yuan). Tianjin, 1995. 13 pp. text and 139 pp. colour plates 38x27 cm. Cloth. £90.00
Fine colour plates showing works from various museums in China of the following Yuan painters: Huang Gongwang, Wu Zhen, Ni Zan and Wang Jia. Text in Chinese only.
738 YUANMINGYUAN CHANGCHUNYUAN GONGMEN QU YIZHI FAJUE BAOGAO. (Excavation Report on Remains Found in the Palace Gate Area of the Garden of Everlasting Spring at Yuanmingyuan). 圓明園長春園宮門區遺址發掘報告. Beijing, 2009. vii, 118 pp. text plus 72 pp. colour plates. B/w text drawings. One foldout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £60.00 Detailed report on the archaeological investigations and excavations from the area of the main entrance to the Changchunyuan complex of the Yuanmingyuan outside Beijing. In addition to illustration and discussion of the remains of foundations of the buildings of the palace gate complex, there is illustration of sculpted and carved pieces of masonry and a good number of ceramic sherds, many of a delicacy indicating the refined imperial nature of the site. Three page abstract in English. Main text in Chinese.
739 Yule, Henry: CATHAY AND THE WAY THITHER. Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China. Taibei, 1966. xxviii, 318, xvi; 368, xx; 270, xiv; 360 pp. 4 vols. in 2. 2 vols. 19x14 cm. Cloth. £50.00 Reprint of revised edition, 1914. Yule edited & translated the works of some medieval travellers to the Orient. Cordier left the original work intact, adding archaeological data discovered after 1866.
740 Zeng Fan et al: CHUGOKU TOJI ZENSHU 27 — CHINESE CERAMICS IN CHINESE COLLECTIONS 27. Fujian Ceramics (Fujian Province). Kyoto, 1983. 197 pp. Japanese text. 247 colour plates & illustrations. Maps. Text-figures. 33x27 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £50.00
A well-illustrated survey of the ceramics of Fujian province from earliest times to the present day including approximately 90 colour illustrations of Blanc-de-Chine pieces. In Japanese.
741 Zhang Hongshi: CUICAN LIULI ZHANGUO GU ZHU. Chinese Warring State Glass Bead. 璀璨琉璃戰國古珠 。 張宏實. Taipei, 1997. 157 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 21x19 cm. Cloth. £50.00 A detailed study of Warring State glass beads. Numerous colour illustrations. In Chinese.
742 Zhao Feng: LIAO TEXTILES AND COSTUMES. Liaodai Sichou. 遼代絲綢 。 趙豐. Hong Kong, 2004. 269 pp. Numerous colour plates. 31x23 cm. Cloth. £100.00
A detailed study of Liao period textiles and costumes based on archaeological evidence. The Liao dynasty, ruled by the Khitan (or Qidan), occupied the greater part of Northern China during the period roughly equating to the Song dynasty. Their culture has links with the nomadic cultures of the steppes. A useful addition to the subject illustrated throughout in colour and showing numerous examples. Dual text in Chinese and English.
743 Zhao Feng & Qi Dongfang ed: JIN SHANG HU FENG: SICHOU ZHI LU FANGZHIPIN SHANG DE XIFANG YINGXIANG (4-8 SHIJI). New Designs with Western Influence on the Textiles of Silk Road from 4th Century to 8th Century. 錦上胡風 : 絲綢之路紡織品上的西方影响(4-8世紀)。 趙丰 齊東方 主編. Shanghai, 2012. 220 pp. 67 full page colour plates, numerous text colour plates throughout. B/w text illustrations and drawings. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £75.00 Details recent research and finds concerning western influences found on textiles discovered at Silk Road sites in China. Well-illustrated with many interesting examples. List of contents, text to three-page glossary and captions to the full page colour plates in English. Main text in Chinese.
– 62 –
744 Zhao Ruzhen: JIANPIAN BIYANHU. (The Connoisseurship of Snuff Bottles). Jingzhi Shenghuo Congshu 36. Taibei, 1994. 126 pp. 165 bottles illustrated in colour. 21x15 cm. Paper. £15.00 A treatise on Chinese snuff bottles by an expert on Chinese ceramics and handicrafts. Translated into modern Chinese by Xiong Mu.
745 ZHONGGUO BANHUA QUANJI. (A Compendium of Chinese Woodblock Prints). 中國版畫全集. Zhongguo Meishu Fenlei Quanji. Beijing, 2012. c. 400 pp. per volume. Over 200 pp. full page colour and b/w plates to each volume. B/w text illustrations. 3 foldouts in volume 6. 6 vols. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £450.00 A very good and useful six-volume representative survey of Chinese woodblock printing across the centuries. Comprises: Vol. 1: Buddhist Prints: From the Tang through to the Qing. Includes Dunhuang material. Vol. 2: Folk Prints: Mostly Qing dynasty material with a few earlier examples. A wide variety. Vol. 3: Painting Manuals: Focuses on two famous painting manuals — the Ming dynasty ‘Shizhuzhai Hua Pu’ (44 colour images) and early Qing dynasty ‘Jiezi Yuan Hua Zhuan’ (177 colour and black-andwhite images). Vol. 4: Ming Dynasty Woodblock Prints: Surveys one of the finest periods of woodblock printing in China, showing a wide variety of material. Vol. 5: Qing Dynasty Prints: Shows a broad and interesting selection in over 300 images. Vol. 6: Qing Dynasty Palace Prints: Focuses on imperially-commissioned works printed in Wuying Dian in the Forbidden City in Beijing. Includes, amongst much else, the Gengzhi Tu and copperplate engravings. The prints illustrated throughout the series come primarily from major museum and library collections in China plus some material from collections abroad. Each volume copiously illustrated throughout with colour and black-and-white plates. Good descriptions accompany. All text in Chinese.
746 Zhongguo Huabao She comp: JIU ZHONGGUO LUEYING. (Photographs of Old China). Beijing, 1993. 310 pp. Over 900 photographs illustrated. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £45.00 An interesting collection of photographs dating between 1900 to 1949 grouped into different subject groups: government, religion, finance, streets, minorities, communications, etc. Although the quality of reproduction is not the best, the subjects are very catching.
747 Zhongguo Huabao She comp: JIU ZHONGGUO LUEYING. A Glimpse of Old China. Beijing, 1996. 316 pp. Over 900 photographs illustrated. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £35.00
An interesting collection of photographs dating between 1900 to 1949 grouped into different subject groups: government, religion, finance, streets, minorities, communications, etc. The same content as item 402 in List 81 but with both English and Chinese text.
748 Yin Wenran: DUNHUANG CAISU. (Dunhuang Coloured Sculpture). 敦煌采塑. Zhongguo Meishu Quanji — Diaosu 7. Shanghai, 1987. 300 pp. 194 colour plates, many b/w photographs and line drawings. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £65.00 Exquisite reproductions of the painted Buddhist figures at Dunhuang. In Chinese. A volume in the Zhongguo Meishu Quanji series. Out-of-print.
749 ZHONGGUO ZHAN HONG TU. (China’s War against Floods). Beijing, 1991. 224 pp. Colour photographs throughout. 37x26 cm. Cloth. £45.00
Graphic photography showing the devastation wrought by floods in China in the Huaihai river region in the summer of 1991. Shows the physical extent of the flooding, damage wrought and the human suffering caused. A powerful reminder of the battle China has fought with flooding over the centuries. In Chinese.
750 Zhou Sizhong: QING GONG CITAI HUAFALANG YANJIU 1716-1789. (Research into Falang Porcelains Made for the Qing Court 1716-1789). 清宮瓷胎畫琺琅研究1716-1789 。周思中 著. Beijing, 2008. 6, 3, 2, 302 pp. text plus 6 pp. colour plates. 20x14 cm. Wrappers. £30.00
A small but detailed work on these superb porcelains made for the emperor’s use and pleasure. The dates used represent the period during which the best examples were made. In Chinese.
751 Zhu Boqian et al: CHUGOKU TOJI ZENSHU 4 — CHINESE CERAMICS IN CHINESE COLLECTIONS 4. Yue Wares (Zhejiang Province). Kyoto, 1981. 191 pp. Japanese text. 220 colour plates & illustrations. Maps. Textfigures. 33x27 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £70.00 A good selection, well-illustrated in colour. Text in Japanese.
752 Zhu Pengshou comp: QINGDAI RENWU DASHI JINIAN. (Chronology of Acts by Eminent Personages of the Qing Period). 清代人物大事紀年 。 朱彭壽 編著. Beijing, 2005. 12, 3, 680 pp. Index. 22x16 cm. Boards. £28.00 A rather extraordinary reference work that lists year by year, and then by name, the acts — births, appointments, actions, deaths — where known, of prominent Qing personages. Provided with a stroke-count index of the names. Thus is possible to look up the name of a person and refer successively to each of their acts in its annual context. In Chinese.
753 Zhu Yuping: YUANDAI QINGHUACI. (Yuan Dynasty Blue-and-White). 元代青花瓷 。 朱裕平 著. Shanghai, 2010. 342 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £70.00 A fine discourse on Yuan blue-and-white with hundreds of good detailed colour plates showing much varied material from collections in China, Japan and elsewhere. Also has a small section on Yuan underglaze red. Appears to be an expanded and revised edition of a work first published in 2000. Text in Chinese
754 Zi Wuyuan: WANQING MINGUO QIANJIANG CAICI: CIQI SHANG DE WENRENHUA. (Late Qing and Republican Qianjiang Ceramics with Literati Painting Scenes). 晚清民國淺絳彩瓷 : 瓷器上的文人畫 。 子午源 著. Hangzhou, 2006. 102 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 21x14 cm. Paper. £35.00 Focused work showing numerous examples of qianjiang ceramics bearing painted scenes either resembling Chinese literati painting or scenes from Chinese literature. In Chinese.
755 Zou Yuejin ed: MAO ZEDONG SHIDAI MEISHU (1942-1976). (Art of the Maoist Era: 1942-1976). 毛澤東時代美術(一九四二至一九七六) 。 鄒躍進 編著. Ershi Shiji Zhongguo Meishu Zhuangtai Congshu. Changsha, 2005. 485 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 29x25 cm. Cloth. £55.00
A major survey of communist Chinese art. The focus, and the bulk of the illustration, is from the late 1950s up to the time of Mao’s death. Includes much Cultural Revolution material. The majority of illustrations are of paintings and propaganda poster art. Illustrated throughout in colour. In Chinese.
Agriculture 122 Archaeology 7, 25, 41, 57, 102, 104, 131, 154, 181, 191, 201, 218, 225, 244, 2934, 334, 475, 492, 533, 535, 542, 690-1 Architecture 32, 50, 55-6, 63, 77, 81, 113, 126, 135-6, 140, 143, 147, 151, 233, 262, 286, 402, 420, 511, 592, 599, 638, 653, 724 Armour and Weapons 395, 604 Bamboo 274, 482, 547, 618 Beijing 286, 468 Bibliography 544, 647 Biography 9, 272, 308, 344, 383, 499, 593, 668, 677, 703, 752 Bird and Flower 725 Blue and White 353, 376, 753 Boxer Rebellion 328, 697 Bronzes 6, 22, 28, 154, 223, 302, 359, 567, 586, 620, 689, 729 Buddhism 33, 84, 109, 139, 207, 308, 332, 339, 400, 498, 589, 613, 668, 681, 728 Buddhist Art 38, 140, 246, 276-7, 283-4, 325, 339-41, 348, 401, 412-3, 426-8, 436-8, 441, 450-1, 457, 474, 479, 517, 519, 527, 530, 534, 536-40, 556, 55960, 571, 591-2, 597, 605-6, 611, 624, 626, 659, 664-5, 673, 686, 714, 720, 722, 732 Calligraphy 550, 726 Cambodia 62, 85, 112, 180 Carvings 297, 313, 321, 410, 541, 545, 618, 688, 690 Ceramics 2, 24, 27, 30, 46-9, 53, 59, 76, 79-80, 82, 90, 92, 94-5, 100-1, 103, 105, 108, 111, 114, 121, 123, 130, 132, 148, 153, 155, 159, 162-3, 175, 177-8, 182-6, 192-3, 195-9, 202, 209-10, 2124, 226, 228, 237-8, 240, 242, 247, 249, 251, 270-1, 279, 288, 310, 312, 327, 353, 356, 361, 369-70, 373-4, 376, 380, 382, 384, 393, 407, 409, 421-2, 424, 430, 445-7, 449, 454, 459, 471, 473, 484, 489, 497, 516, 526, 531-3, 543, 549, 580-1, 583, 603, 621-3, 628, 635, 652, 675, 684-5, 698, 717, 721, 738, 740, 750-1, 753-4 Chengde 519 Chronology 290, 483 Cities 109, 224, 599 Clocks 372 Conservation 171-4 Court Life 118-9 Daoism 401 Design 314, 347, 386, 653 Dictionaries 344, 392 Dolls and Toys 439 Drawings 391 Dunhuang 245, 284, 748 Ethnography 582 Export Art 185, 192, 261, 291, 298, 305, 319, 361, 384, 393-4, 449, 500, 518, 603, 667 Fans 17-8, 313, 364, 411, 411, 415, 415 Figurines 581 Folk Art 44, 274, 541
– 63 – Folk Customs 222, 230, 239 Folk Tales 54 Food and Drink 141 Footbinding 431 Forbidden City 587, 686 Foreigners in Asia 12, 64, 66, 68, 78, 97, 125, 149, 260, 260, 272, 311, 318, 383, 404, 425, 470, 493, 499, 506, 515, 564, 576, 609, 615, 629, 631, 633, 682, 699, 734, 739 Furniture 26, 569 Gandhara 259, 259 Gardens 418, 738 Geography 275, 322, 388, 575, 676, 749 Geology 700 Geomancy 402 Glass 10, 375, 403, 455, 741 Glazes 471 Gold 176, 456 Guidebooks 127, 137 Handscrolls 562 History 41, 51-2, 58, 66, 70, 93, 97-8, 115-20, 133, 138-9, 145, 164, 205, 215, 224, 229, 231-2, 235, 256, 258, 268, 273, 282, 290, 306, 316, 323-4, 326, 328, 337, 352, 357, 360, 362, 366-7, 381, 396, 399, 432, 444, 465, 467, 483, 486, 494-5, 504, 507, 513, 522, 528, 546, 563, 576-8, 590, 593, 612, 633, 647-8, 676, 683, 692, 703, 709, 752 Hong Kong 329-31, 408, 581, 669, 701, 706 Illustrated Books 395, 423, 477, 634, 713 Inscriptions 28 Ivory 161, 278, 303, 545 Jade 11, 371 Jewelry and Silver 176, 179, 261, 456 Jews in Asia 493 Lacquer 16, 110 Language 266, 595 Law 432 Literature 51, 125, 152, 235, 241, 253, 295, 357, 490, 502 Lithography 281, 713 Macau 377 Magic 222 Mao Zedong 496 Maps and Atlases 345 Maritime 79, 204 Metalwork 88, 188, 372 Minor Arts 320, 687 Minorities 189, 239, 608 Mirrors 6 Missionaries 487, 491, 699 Murals 25, 106, 236, 479, 624 Museums 14, 127, 336, 556 Nagasaki 518 Netsuke 307 Opium War 709 Painting 17-8, 23, 37, 60, 106, 160, 203, 236, 243, 248, 264, 281, 289, 291, 300, 317, 351, 363, 368, 378, 385, 391, 4056, 411, 414-5, 419, 429, 440, 453, 460, 500, 503, 521, 530, 537-8, 548, 550, 554-5, 557, 562, 570, 584, 596, 617, 627, 634, 641-6, 649, 657, 661-3, 680, 702, 718-20, 722, 725-6, 731, 737, 755 Periodicals 187
SUBJECT INDEX Philosophy 705 Photography 4, 109, 144, 147, 194, 280, 285, 292, 309, 315, 326, 335, 358, 377, 397, 417, 461-3, 485, 496, 506, 511-2, 525, 552-3, 558, 579, 588, 607, 656, 666, 670, 694, 704, 707, 711, 716, 724, 735, 746-7 Poetry 165, 469 Politics 574 Posters 514 Printing 745 Propaganda 144, 755 Qi Baishi 641 Rare Books 206, 263, 342, 354, 365, 389, 398, 443, 629, 636 Reference 127, 752 Religion 50, 67, 84, 207, 263, 308, 332, 339, 354, 400-1, 498, 589, 613, 630, 638, 655, 668, 681, 728 Rivers and Canals 267 Scholar’s Studio 21, 374, 476, 521, 619, 639, 654, 672, 687, 723 Science 372 Screens 440, 627 Sculpture 19, 32, 42, 61, 63, 75, 113, 1501, 200-1, 223, 259, 299, 341, 349, 363, 390, 427-8, 464, 472, 474, 480-1, 551, 561, 567, 583, 591, 598, 600-1, 610, 614, 616, 637, 640, 660, 671, 696, 708, 714, 730, 736 Sex 219, 431 Shanghai 713 Silk Road 245, 325 Silver 319 Singapore 65, 216 Sinology 266 Snuff Bottles 10-1, 15, 20, 455, 744 Sociology 122 Taiping Rebellion 507 Tantra 498 Tattoos 678 Tea Ware 327 Tea 346, 685 Textiles 8, 59, 86-7, 166, 227, 350, 466, 529, 568, 742-3 Thailand 31, 35, 89, 107, 129, 142, 220 Theatre 43 Tibet 253, 379, 416, 448, 573, 650-1 Trade 58, 88, 130, 470 Translations 357 Transport 72, 292 Travel 12, 29, 34, 40, 64, 69, 71, 73, 78, 81, 83, 99, 128, 137, 146, 156, 158, 167, 190, 206, 252, 257, 265, 267, 269, 287, 296, 304, 318, 338, 343, 355, 358, 387, 433-4, 452, 458, 501, 505, 510, 520, 523, 564, 589, 602, 630-2, 636, 674, 679, 695, 700, 710, 716, 733-4 Ukiyo-e 405, 435, 508-9, 518 Woodcuts 3, 398, 715, 745 Wooden Sculpture 426, 464 Yixing 531, 721