Jun 5, 2017 - Educational Development initiatives for ... the basis of written application submitted to the Honorable ..
List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017
List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students)
Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students CRITERIA
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WB CHIEF MINISTER RELIEF Financial Assistance for Education are FUND SCHOLARSHIP granted from the fund for the New Educational Development initiatives for Poor & Meritorious Setudentd in West Bengal for the financial Year 2017-2018 on the basis of written application submitted to the Honorable Chief Minister, WB, ADD; NABANNA, 329, \/ Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah-711102 - portal-
Sanctioned Amount is Rs. 6000 to Rs. 10000 per year. (It will be based on Student Merit ans Studying in course)
Assistance from Chief Minister’s Relief Fund and Chief Minister’s Discretionary Fund is given to the student * Who is a permanent resident of the State of West Bengal. * Who is studying in any institutions of the State after passing out the State Board/Council of S econdary Education or a State aided University in West Bengal. * Who has got 65% marks in aggregate in Madhyamik Examination [for H.S. level] or 60% in aggregate in H.S. Examination [ for U.G. level] or 55% Marks in the Honours Subject [for P.G. level] * Who do not enjoy any other governmental(central/state) scholarship or stipend for the same course or stage of study. * Whose annual family income does not exceed Rs. 60,000
Visit Unofficial website- www.examdrive. in * Click to Scholarship Tab. * Download Application Form. * Print out Application from. * The Application from is correctly & completely filled up. * Attach with Application from all relevant Document. * Send Application from with Document through Ordinary Post / Dropbox to the Address of - Nabanna, 14th Floor,325 Sarat Chatterjee Road, Shibpur, Howrah- 711102. * Incomplete application will be canceled.
Online/ www.wbcmo.gov.in Downloaded Application to be sent by Ordinary Post/Dropbox to the Address of - Nabanna, 14th Floor, 325 Sarat Chatterjee Road, Shibpur, Howrah711102.
For K1 Scheme an annual scholarship of Rs.750/For K2 Scheme One-Time Grant of Rs.25,000/-
Age: K1- between 13 and 18 years & K2-between 18 and 19 years; Unmarried; class VIII or above/college or equivalent Open University course/Vocational Training Centre/ Technical Training Centre/Industrial Training Centre; Family Income not more than Rs. 1, 20,000/- per annum; Family Income criteria is waived for 40% or more disabled candidate; both parents are deceased; If the applicant is currently resident in a Home registered under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2000
Student at the age of 13 and must have a bank account
Annual grant (K1) & One-Time Grant (K2)] was introduced to reinforce the positive impact of increased education and delayed marriages, the scheme also works to enhance the social power and self-esteem of girls.
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List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) SCHOLARSHIP NAME
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Swami Vivekananda Scholarship
This scholarship is formally known as ‘Merit cum Means’ scholarship provided by West Bengal state govt.
10+2: Rs. 750/per month UG course: Rs. 750/- – 1500/per month Post Graduate: Rs. 1200/1500/- per month
Students who have passed Madhyamik and Higher Secondary Exmaination with at least 75% marks and post graduate students who have passed UG Honours course with at least 55% from any recognised university are eligible for this scholarship. There is no any specific eligibility criteria for the students who are admitted in MBBS, BDS, B.Sc Nursing, BHMS, BAMS course on 1st year. For applying for this scholarship, student’s gross annual family income not exceed Rs. 80000/-.
http://svmcm.wbhed. gov.in/page/about.php
Minority Development Financial Corporation
Post Matric Stipend for Minority to study from class XI upto PhD.
The stipend is awarded one time in a year
Residents of West Bengal and have passed their last final examination with less than 50% Marks in the last Board/ University Examination.The annual family Income of Parents/Guardian should not exceed 2 (two) lakhs. Pursuing regular courses of study only are eligible for this scholarship .
Displayed in the portal
UGC Grant for Single Girl Child
The objectives of the proposed scheme are : a) to support post graduate education of single girl child in non-professional courses only. b) to recognize the value of observance of small family norm.for Post Graduation Cours
Rs. 3100/per month
i) Girl students without having any brother or the girl student who are twin daughters/ fraternal daughter may also apply for scholarship under the aforesaid scheme. In a family if one son and one daughter is available then girl child will not be considered for scholarship under the scheme. ii) Girl students up to the age of 30 years at the time of admission in PG courses are eligible. iii) The scheme is applicable to such single girl child who has taken admission in regular, fulltime first year Masters Degree course in any designated university or a post graduate college. This scholarship is available to PG-I year student only. iv) Admission to PG Course in Distance education mode is not covered under the scheme.
Advertisement to Online be published by the UGC once in a year through advertisement in leading newspaper and Employment News
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List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) SCHOLARSHIP NAME
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AICTE Scholarship Scheme for Girl Child
To promote technical education among girls
400 Scholarships of up to Rs 50000 per year
One girl per family, Class 12 (PCM/B) Passed
AICTE- Scholarships for Differently Able (DA) Students 2014
To provide the financial assistance to the DA students to promote technical education (Engg, Architecture, Pharmacy, applied arts etc.) at degree and diploma levels
1000 Scholarships, upto Rs 50000 per year
Annual family income of parents should be less than 6.0 lakh & the student must be in first year
Students of III, IV,V,VI,VII,VIII, IX, X, Within 10th April, Higher Secondary classes (XI & XII) 2017 and Degree 1st, 2nd, 3rd year B. A./B. Sc./B. Com. and students studying Law, Engineering, Medical, Management and Computer Science, etc. For H.S. & Degree: Conforming to the UPSC and APSC General Studies Pattern.
Ajmal National Talent The AJMAL NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH Search Examination (ANTS) EXAMINATION has assumed (only for selected states) significance as a popular talent search examination in North East India. The aim of ANTS Examination is to identify the extraordinarily brilliant students and to encourage them through cash awards and other incentives to further improve and hone their talents.
BY post, Email
BY post, Email
www.b4s.in/UID/ ASDA
http://www.antse. org.in
Atul Maheshwari Scholarship
The Amar Ujala Foundation has started this 30,000 to scholarship scheme in the memory of late 50,000 Mr. Atul Maheshwari Ji (Founder of Amar Ujala). The association offers the total 36 scholarships to the top candidates, who have an ability to qualify the high competitive exam. There are 18 scholarships for High School Level students and 18 to for the Intermediate level students.
10th/12th class appearing students are eligible for this scheme. Students should have 60% Marks in his last class for 9th to 12th class students from state education board. His family annual income should be below from Rs 1.5 Lakh.
The last date to ap- Online ply for this scheme is 7th September 2017
www.foundation. amarujala.com
Avasar Post Matric Scholarship for girls
To provide opportunities to talented & meritorious underprivileged girls through scholarships, education counselling, coaching, training and mentoring programs—all of which support their overall personality development, thereby preparing them for quick gainful employment and workplace success.
Girl students who secured 80% marks in 9th grade can apply
31st December
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List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) SCHOLARSHIP NAME
Babulal Nagarmal Satnalika Foundataion Scholarships
Babulal Nagarmal Satnalika Foundation is a non-governmental organization aiming to promote education and learning among the underprivileged children of our society. The foundation works for the children welfare and their progress by providing them monetary assistance on monthly basis so that they are not deprived of the best and basic necessities of today’s world i.e.‘The Education’.
Bharat Petroleum Scholarships
Indian citizen, holding a degree from a recognised university and residing in India at the time of application, and who have secured at least 65% in Arts and 70% in Engineering, Science or Commerce at the Graduate level. The applicant should be below 25 years as on first of September. Students with confirmed admission to any full time, two years Post Graduate Degree Course (in any field of education other than fine arts), at any recognised University / Institute of repute in India or abroad.
Central Sector Scheme
Scholarship for Class 12 passed students of Science, Commerce & Arts subjects. Total- 8400 Scolarships (50% for girls and boys each)
Colgate Dental Cream Scholarship
This Scholarship offer is being conducted Up to Rs 100000 by Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd (“Colgate” / “Company”) is meant to help and support the education of a child below the age of 21 years.
a) Students until std XII b) Percentage greater than 80% in the last examination c) Annual Income less than 60000 per annum
Secured at least 65% in Arts and 70% in Engineering, Science or Commerce at the Graduate level. The applicant should be below 25 years as on first of September.
Graduation course: Rs 10,000 per year for 3 years, Master course: Rs 20,000 per year for next 2 years
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The official notification is released much before the normal academic year in India and abroad based institutions and universities.
Online / Offline
http://www.bnsat nalikafoundation.org
Online / Form can bharatpetroleum.com be obtained from the organization by sending them a request for the application form in a self addressed envelope affixed with a stamp of appropriate value before the last date for obtaining the application form
August, September Online, post
Participants whose child / children 1st May 2017 to is/ are below the age of 21 years 31st July 2017 are eligible to participate in this offer
To participate in this Scholarship offer a missed call should be given on the Toll Free number 1800 532 2213
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List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) SCHOLARSHIP NAME Danish Educational Trust Scholarship (only for Karnataka)
For students who have taken admission Up to Rs 40000 to 1st year in Professional Courses – BE, MBBS, BUMS, BAMS & BHMS on merit basis through KCET 2016 only and for students pursuing LAW & JOURNALISM Courses (Graduation and Post Graduation)
ELIGIBILITY 1. Students who have cleared 2nd Pre-University Course in science stream or 12th std. science and CET exams. 2. Students should have achieved (a) Rank within 3,000 in Medical (b) ISM Rank within 10,000 (c) Engineering rank within 30,000 in CET. 3. The applicant’s parents/guardian income should not exceed Rs. 1 Lakh annually. 4. The applicant should be eligible & willing to receive ZAKAT Funds. 5. The applicant must belong to Karnataka State.
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LINK http://danishtrust.co.in/
Dharam Hinduja Merit Scholars are awarded a continuing Rs 2000pm cum Means Scholarships scholarship from Std XI till first Graduation (only for selected states) whatever the field (regular - 3 years; engineering - 4 years; medicine - 4 ½ + 1 year of internship). The scholarship generally is continued between five years and a maximum of seven years (in case of engineering or medical graduates). Dhirubhai Ambani Scholarship Programme 2017 - Meritorious
Meritorious Students with demonstrated need for financial support
First Top 15 Meritorious Students in the State
Dhirubhai Ambani Scholarship Programme 2017 - Meritorious Differently Abled Students
Meritorious Students who are Differently Abled
Five Scholarships awarded per State
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List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) SCHOLARSHIP NAME
FAEA Scholarship
To secure social justice for students belonging to socially and economically disadvantaged sections of the society.It enables economically and socially disadvantaged students to study in the institutions, which provide academic excellence, access to structures of power and economic opportunity.
Higher education scholarship
Fair and Lovely Foundation Scholarships (to develop your career)
Women between 15-30 years who wish to Rs 100000 pursue undergraduate or post graduate courses
FFE Scholarship
The applicants should have passed their Higher Secondary/Pre-University/Intermediate/ CBSE/ISC or equivalent board qualifying examination not earlier than in 2017.
G.P. Birla Educational Foundation p rovide scholarships to the students who have recently passed Higher Secondary examination
ECSS aims to cover students from recognized Private or Government aided schools between standards 6 and 12 and students studying in undergraduate and post-graduate courses (full-time/part-time degree/diploma/ courses) who due to personal/family crises are unable to continue bearing the cost of education and are at risk of dropping out of school/college/university. This situation would be defined as bereavement/death/ terminal illness/permanent disability and loss of job of the breadwinner due to accident or any such extreme circumstances that have put a strain on the family resources.
Candidates who have passed 12th standard securing a minimum of 60% in 10th and 12th Std board exams
www.fairandlovely foundation.in/ scholarship
The applicants should have scored not less than 70% marks in the qualifying examination.
Online, by post
Rs 50000 per year 12th Passed, 80% + marks in state board, or must have secured rank in top 150000 in AIEE/JEE/AIPMT Course Science, Humanities, Engineering, Achitecture, Commerce or Law
June, July
By post
www.gpbirlafoun dation.com
Rs. 20000-2 lakhs
September to November
By email
Application window open from May to 15th July 2017
Online / Offline
hdfcbank.com/ scholarship
The Scholarship will cover the total annual School Fee upto a maximum of Rs.10,000/and College/ University Fee upto a maximum of Rs.25,000/- of the selected candidates.
11 yrs-35 yrs, all students
May, June (30th, June)
www.faeaindia. org/studeninfo.asp www.b4s.in/UID/ INSPIRE
1st year student of Engg, MBBS
Gaurav Foundation Scholarship HDFC Scholarship
Class 12 passed 1st year graduation
Online, Post
Foundation for Excellence Scholarship G.P. Birla Educational Scholarship Schemes
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List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) SCHOLARSHIP NAME
Rs 20000
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Notification : June – August of each year Last Date for receipt of Application form : 10th September of every year or as mentioned in the form
Application should be submitted through the concerned institution or school either at the office of the District Magistrate, Minority Cell or for Kolkata application should be submitted at the Annex Shed Office of WBMDFC, Bhabani Bhavan Compound, Alipore, Kolkata-700027 in an envelope super scribed“Application for Post Matric Scholarship”.Applicants are advised to open Bank A/c. in a Commercial Bank as the scholarship amount would be sent through Bank A/c. By post, in person
Haji Md Mohsin Fixed Endowment Fund Scholarship
From the year 2011 the Govt. of West Bengal introduced one time Haji Md. Mohsin Fund Scholarship every year to total 100 Muslim candidates passing out of the Madhyamik Pariksha (70) Higher Madrasah Examiniation (20) and Alim Examination (10).
Hamdard Educational
To provide financial assistance to students Scholarships pursuing job oriented education in technical and professional courses
Class 12th passed
June, July
I am the change Scholarship 2016 by Team Everest NGO (only for West Bengal)
I am the change scholarship is an initiative Rs 35000 of Team Everest NGO through which we provide scholarship for 100 students to do their graduation.
Parentless or Single Parented. The student should have scored more than 70% in Plus-2 exam. Family incomes should be less than Rs 2,00,00.
Call to the helpdesk number 89396 12365. After verifying the eligibility of the student, the organisation would be asked to come to Chennai Everest office to apply in person for this scholarship.
Indian Oil academic Scholarship for Class 10, 12 passed students
Total 2600 Scholarships
Course 10th/12th/ITI, Engineering & MBBS, MBA
August, September
Rs 1000 per month
www.b4s.in/UID/ HAMDARD www.teamever estindia.org
http://ioclscholar. sifyitest.com or http://www.iocl. com/Aboutus/ Scholarships.aspx continued on next page
List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) SCHOLARSHIP NAME
INSPIRE Scholarship for Class 12 Board Performers (Top 1 percentile), Performance in JEE Mains, Advance,NEET, KVPY, NTSE, IMO ETC Competitive Examinations.
10000 Scholarship will be provided by Central Government to the 1% students of each State board who score highest marks.
Total value Rs.80,000 till the course completion
The scholarship candidates must have to score 80% marks on last board exam.
Internshala Career Scholarship for Girls
The scholarship is meant to advance the girl’s career in some way – be it an allowance for pursuing an internship or undertaking a project in the chosen field, payment towards a specialized training program, special equipment, etc.
Rs 25000
Any girl (an Indian national) between the ages of 17 to 23 years (as of 31st December 2016), i.e. born between 1st January 1993 and 31st December 1999 with a career objective is eligible to apply
IOCL Scholarship Scheme
Students studying with 10+ITI, MBBS, MBA, Engineering are eligible for this scholarship.
Jagdish Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS) Junior talent search test 2016 (Only for West Bengal)
The Scholarship scheme is categorised in four groups: Category A- For pursuing class 9 & 10 Category B -For pursuing class 11& 12 Category C- For pursuing any undergraduate course Category D- For pursuing any post-graduate course.
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WHEN TO APPLY September, October
Online / Post
www.b4s.in/UID/ INSPIRE and www. inspire-dst.gov.in.
For getting this scholarship candidate must pass his/her last examination with 65% marks.
Online application Online is available in the month of July, 2017. Last date for application is in the month of October, 2017
Any Indian National who has passed the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination in the year of application (i.e. , current year ) and is studying B.Sc.(Hons.), Engineering or Medicine at undergraduate level in any institution, registered in West Bengal.
The dates of application, examination etc. are advertised in leading newspapers after the result of Higher Secondary examination (West Bengal) is declared.
Online / Post
www.b4s.in/UID/ JMSMSS
Category A Class 9 to 12, graduation, post (No. o Scholar- graduation ships 15) -Rs. 400 p.m. for two years Category B (No. o Scholarships 15) -Rs. 500 p.m. for two years Category C (No. o Scholarships 10) -Rs. 600 p.m. for three years as applicable Category D (No. o Scholarships 10) -Rs. 500 p.m. for two or three years as applicable
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List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) SCHOLARSHIP NAME
KC Mahindra Scholarship scheme
KC Mahindra group providing scholarship for students who have taken admission to diploma courses in India.
Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY)
The KVPY Fellowships are given to Indian Nationals only to study in India
LIC India Scholarship Scheme
LIC India providing scholarship for completing its golden jubilee. Post matric scholarship will be awarded to the students who passed the examination with at least 60% marks and the annual family income not more than 1 lakh.
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Application Start Offline Date: Last week of July 2017 Application End Date: 31 st October 2017
Students enrolled in an undergraduate course in Basic Sciences, that is, B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S. in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Ecology, Molecular Biology, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Biotechnology, Neurosciences, Bioinformatics, Marine Biology, Geology, Human Biology, Genetics, Biomedical Sciences, Applied Physics, Geophysics, Materials Science or Environmental Science.
Students may download the admit card for the aptitude test from the website from the first week of October 2017
Students who passed the examination with at least 60% marks and the annual family income not more than 1 lakh.
Deadline Sept. 23, 2016
Loreal India - For Yourng Scholarship scheme for girls pursuing degree Cash Rs 2.5 lakh 85% PCM/PCB, family income should June, July Women in Science courses in science/medical/engineering/ to each girl be less than 4 lakh per annum Scholarships biotechnology or any other scientific field
Online / By post
www.foryoungwom eninscience.com
Mahamana Malviya Scholarship (only for Bihar)
The scholarship aims to help poor and meritorious students to pursue higher education by mitigating their sufferings and economic hardships.
Rs 10000
The scholarship shall be granted to the students of class XI & XII only. The selection for scholarship shall be based on the results of class X. Students securing greater than or equal to 60 % marks or CGPA 7 or B2 grade in all the subjects at the annual examination can only apply.
Maulana Azad National Scholarship
Scholarship Schemes for Muslim, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Parsis Girls studying in class 11 & 12
Cash Rs 12000/- 55% in 10th Class, family income 30th September per year to should be less than 1 lakh per annum each girl
Merit cum Means Scholarship for Minority Students
To provide financial help to the poor and deserving students belonging to minority communities to enable them to pursue professional and technical courses
Rs 25,000 to Rs 30,000 per year
http://minorityaffairs. gov.in/Scholarship Schemes
Rs 5000 pm
12th passed, graduates of Muslim, Christian, Parasis, Buddhist, Sikhs and Jain community
15th July to 31st October, 2016
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List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) SCHOLARSHIP NAME
Merit Scholarship Exam 2016-NEC
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Rs 50000
MHRD Scholarship Scheme
Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students
The rate of scholarship is Rs. 10,000/- per annum for the first three years and Rs. 20,000/per annum for the fourth and fifth year.
Students who are above 80th percentile of successful candidates in the relevant stream from a particular Board of Examination in class XII and pursuing regular course and not availing benefits of any other scholarships, are eligible to apply under this Scheme. Students having family income of less than Rs.6 lakh per annum.
National Scholarship Exam (NSE)
The N.I.C.E. Group has taken up an important task of searching young talents through Scholarship Exam.
Rs 31000
5th To 12th - SSC / ICSE / CBSE English & Regional Language
Nationwide Education and Scholarship Test (NEST-Junior)
* Registration Started : Online / Offline Saturday, 01st April 2017. * Last Date of Application: Saturday, 30th September 2017.
http://www.scholar ships.gov.in
Up to Rs 50000
NEST Scholarship Scheme
Applicants who have passed out their 12th Class from a recognized board can easily apply for this NEST Scholarship. Candidates will have to take part in the exam and qualify it to become one of the eligible aspirants.
The eligibility criteria of this NEST Before 30th Scholarship Scheme are defined in September, 2016 two tests: NEST 1 and NEST. 10th class passed from recognized school or board with good academic records. Candidates belong to the categories of SC, ST, OBC and Minority. Applicants parental annual income should be Rs. 2 Lakh or below. BC, EBC, Disabled Welfare Students whose parental income is Rs. 1 Lakh or below. Students whose attendance is 75% at the end of each quarter.
Tuition fee for a year or complete course of graduation or post graduation
12th passed students
Online / Post
www.b4s.in/UID/ NRSS and www. nirankarifoundation. org
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List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) SCHOLARSHIP NAME
Nirman Scholarship and Mentorship Program (NSMP)
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College Fee till course completion
Class 12 passed, merit cum means
June, July
Online, By Post
www.b4s.in/UID/ NSMP
Rs 27000 per year
Class 12th passed
March, April
By post
www.b4s.in/UID/ NSWCS
North South Foundation (NSF) Scholarship 2014-15
Rs 5000 to 12000 per year
Class 12 passed students in top 10% September in Board & Exams, Family income is less than or equal to Rs 65000
Online, By Post
NTSAE 2015 - National Talent Scholarship Award Examination
Rs 25000
Class 12th passed
Online, by email, by post
www.b4s.in/UID/ PFOILS
Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council, SHDF Scholarship
To support students for pursuing professional diploma, degree or postgraduate courses
Popular front of India Loan Scholarship
Loan Scholarship
Post Matric Scholarship Schemes for Minority Students
To provide financial support to minority communities studying in government or private higher secondary schools/ college/universities. In addition to this, technical and vocational courses in industrial training institutes affiliated with the National Council for Vocational training (NCVT) for classes 11th and 12th level.
Post Matric Stipend (Under Talent Support Programme)
Students who are resident of West Bengal and have passed their last final examination and obtained below 50% marks and must have secured pass marks in his/her last examination. He/she should be continuing their studies. Scholarship is given to students for pursuing studies from Class XI and onwards up to Ph.D. Annual Family Income up to Rs. 2 Lakh.
Post-Matric Scholarship to SC/ST
Provide financial assistance to the Scheduled Castes students studying at post matriculation or post secondary stages to enable them to complete their education.
Rs 9,300 to Rs 13, 800 per year
Class 11th, 12th, 12th+ Candidates August, September Online, By Post of Muslims, Sikhs , Christians, Buddhists and Zoroastrians (Parsis). The family income of students applying for this scheme must be less than Rs. 2 lakh
The income ceiling of parents/ guardian should not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- p.a.
www.momaschol arship.gov.in/ www. b4s.in/UID/PMSMC
Last date for filing online application in the web portal www.tsp.wbmdfc. co.in is 31st Jan. 2017.”
May, June
www.scholarships. gov.in
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List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) AWARD
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Post-Matric Scholarship to the OBC Students
• 100 % centrally sponsored scheme being implemented through the State Government and Union Territories. • The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance only to the OBC students studying at post-matriculation or post-secondary stage. • The income ceiling of parents/guardians for eligibility is Rs.1.00 lakh per annum (including self income, if employed).
All the State GovOnline ernments/UT Admns. will announce in May-June, the details of the Scheme and invite applications by issuing an advertisement in the leading newspapers of the State and through other media.
www.scholarships. gov.in
Pre Matric and Post Matric Candidates who have passed the MatricuScholarship for Students lation or Higher Secondary or any higher with Disabilities examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education will be eligible
The Department Online of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities will announce the details of the scheme and invite applications by issuing an advertisement in the leading newspapers and through the websites and other media outfits. Applications will be called for through National e-Scholarship Portal
www.scholarships. gov.in
Priyamvada Birla Scholarship Scheme
Students with more than 60% marks on Higher Secondary (10+2) examination
Students with more than 60% Application promarks on Higher Secondary cess will start from (10+2) examination. The annual till to July family income should not be more than Rs.75,000/- for applying to this scholarship.
R D Sethna Loan Scholarship 2014
To empower individuals for pursuing their Financial, academic interests and career. The loan certificates scholarships are granted to cover fees, books and tuitions.
Class 12 passed
April to August
By post, in person
www.rdsethnaschol arships.org www. b4s.in/UID/RDSS
Sahu Jain Trust-loan Scholarship
Non Refundable scholarship for pursuing graduation and post graduation
March to 20th July
By post
http://sahujaintrust. timesofindia.com/
Final Aid certif- Graduation/Post Graduation in icates Engineering, Medical, MBA
List of Merit Scholarship Scheme - 2017 (Information directory: Applicable for HS Qualified Students) SCHOLARSHIP NAME
WHEN TO APPLY The last date for apply Sitaram Jindal Scholarship 2017-18 is 31st October, 2017.
Sitaram Jindal Scholarship Programme
This scholarship will be only for West Bengal students. Priyamvada Birla Scholarship is provided by South Point School, Kolkata.
60% marks in Higher Secondary (10+2) examination. The annual family income should not be more than Rs. 75,000/- to apply for this scholarship.
The Human Welfare Foundation (HWF)
Interest-free loan for meritorious Muslim Rs 15000 students which needs to be paid back by the students after completion of course. The beneficiaries of Human Welfare Foundation Scholarships include school , under graduates/post graduates students, orphans and IAS aspirants.
The tGELF Khemka Domestic Scholarships/ Grants 2014
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www.sitaramjindal foundation.org
This scholarship is applicable for August Indian Muslim students belonging to the northern states viz., Delhi, Haryana, M.P., Chattisgarh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, U.P., Bihar, Jharkhand, West-Bengal & Assam.
Class 12 passed or in undergraduate courses
June, July
www.b4s.in/UID/ TTKDS www.b4s.in/UID/ TFSFD
Trust Fund Scholarships for Disables
The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the differentlyabled students to enable them to pursue professional or technical courses from recognized institutes and get employed/ self-employed.
2500 scholarships Professional and technical courses, of Rs25,000 to family income less than Rs 3 lakhs Rs 30,000 per per year. year and other benefits
Year long application
Trust Fund Scolarship Schemes for Disables
To provide financial aid to the differently abled students to enable them to pursue courses.
2500 scholarships Family income should be less than Year long applicaof Rs25,000 to Rs 3 Lakh per year. tion Rs 30,000 per year and other benefits
UDAAN- A programme to give wings to girl students
Providing free online resources to girl students and financial support.
UGC Scholarship
Applicants who want to apply for the UGC Scholarship should have completed their 10+2 and Graduate / Post Graduate / Ph.D degree in the relevant discipline from a well recognized University and Board.
Class 11 (PCM)
July, August
www.b4s.in/UID/ UDAAN