For example, the hexadecimal value represents the Symbol B1, ... Name or
Meaning ... em space emsp. M M. 2010. -. - hyphen hyphen. -. 2013. –. \N en
dash ndash. – .... s. |IS acute underaccent duacute s. D56. 0311. |Aj inverted
breve. dBreve ..... Saturn. Saturn. M55. 2235. |Mv because becaus. M56. 2640. &.
|zp. Venus.
XY 8.x SYMBOLS LIST --- 01/09/08
AIP XML SYMBOLS AVAILABLE FOR TYPESETTING AIP Style Manual identification numbers are given in column 1. Standard input for all symbols are UNICODE hexadecimal character codes shown in column 2. The following format is used to represent a character/symbol. Set the Unicode value between the x and the semicolon. For example, the hexadecimal value 共 represents the Symbol B1, left parenthesis. An asterisk * preceding a Symbol No. indicates a new unicode/symbol added to the list.
Unicode Hex
Symbol Rendered
Name or Meaning
XML Entities
XML Rendered
. , : ; ? ¿ ! \! |1! |J6
period; decimal comma colon semicolon question mark inverted question mark exclamation point inverted exclamation mark centered ellipsis 3 online dots, em leader thin space 共1/6-em兲 en space 共1/2-em兲 em space hyphen en dash em dash left double quotation mark right double quotation mark left single quotation mark apostrophe; right single quotation mark left guillemet right guillemet
left bracket right bracket left brace right brace vertical bar 共fence兲 double vertical bar 共fence兲 left angular bracket right angular bracket ceiling right ceiling left floor right floor left left open font brace right open font brace left open font bracket right open font bracket double right angle bracket double left angle bracket
lsqb rsqb lcub rcub verbar Verbar lang rang ceilr ceill floorr floorl lopcub ropcub lopenb ropenb Rang Lang
triple dot double bar double tilde right overangle left overangle left hook right hook right underangle left underangle bar with tilde double acute accent wavy underline dot with caret double underdot
Diacritics D1 D2 D3 D4
Combining Diacritics
20D7 20D6 20E1 0331
D5 D6
20DB 033F 034C 031A 20D0 20D1
030B 0330 2025 0324
A*c ⴱ A⬘ A⬘c A⬙ A⬙c A Ac A A c ` ´ ¸ ˘ ˚ – w : |$$:y w ; |$$;y
Polish hook grave underaccent double wavy underline slash, accent through characters hook, ogonek triple underdot double underline underdot bar with dot bar with double dot contrabindu acute underaccent inverted breve double asterisk overbar with caret tilde with overdot caret over caret tilde with overbar triple underbar quadruple underbar