Sep 20, 2013 ... Indonesia. “Cooperation on Climate ... Disaster Management,. Republic of
Indonesia ... Mayor,. Kenji Kitahashi. Naruto University of Education.
List of Projects for JICA President Award (5 projects) Country/ Territory
Name of Project (Scheme)
Name of Executing Agency, Designation and Name of Delegation (omit titles from names) 1. Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, Minister, Bayarsaikhan Tsevelmaa
“The Study on City Master Plan and 2. Ulaanbaatar city government, Urban Development Program of Mayor, Ulaanbaatar City” and “The Project Mongolia
Bat-Uul Erdene
on Capacity Development in Urban 3. ALMEC Corporation Development Sector in Mongolia” joint-venture group,
(Technical Cooperation Projects)
CEO, Katsuhide Nagayama 4. Asahikawa city government, Mayor, Masahito Nishikawa
Palestinian Authority
“Improving Maternal and Child Ministry of Health of the Palestinian Health/Reproductive Health in Palestine” (Technical Cooperation Projects) “Cooperation on Climate Change”
Authority, Minister,
Jawad Awwad National Development Planning Agency,
Republic of Chairperson, Indonesia (Technical Cooperation and ODA Armida Alisjahbana Loans) “The Project for Construction of Republic of Primary Schools (Phase IV)” Cameroon (Grant Aid)
Ministry of Basic Education, Minister, Youssouf née Hadjidja Alim
Independent “Miyako-jima Water Supply Model Miyako-jima City, Mayor, State of Project in Samoa” Samoa (Grassroots Technical Cooperation) Toshihiko Shimoji
List of Persons for JICA President Award (2 persons)
Name (omit titles from names)
Expert or Volunteer
Shoji Shiba
JICA Expert
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of Ghana
Hiroko Samejima
JICA Volunteer
List of Individuals for JICA Recognition Award (10 persons) Name (omit titles from names) Hidetomi Oi
Present Post Former JICA Expert, Former JICA Senior Advisor 1. Chair of the Board of Directors, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Hironori Hamanaka
2. Director General, International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC) 3. Chair of International Council for Local Environmental Intiatives (ICLEI) Japan Office 1. Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University 2. Director, Career Resource Laboratory, Keio University 3. Chairman of the Board, KEIO SFC Forum
Mitsuyo Hanada
4. Board Member, Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 5. Executive Board Member, Association of Human Resources Development
Kenichi Tanaka
Former JICA Senior Advisor
Tami Utsunomiya
Guenji Yamazoe Jamilur Reza Choudhury
President, JICA Trainees Association -ABJICA Vice Chancellor, University of Asia Pacific, People's Republic of Bangladesh Senior Adviser to the Senate and House of Representatives
Monthip Sriratana Tabucanon
Commissions on Natural Resources and Environment, Office of the Parliament, Kingdom of Thailand Former Vice Minister,
Cao Viet Sinh
Ministry of Planning and Investment, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Former Deputy Chief for Prevention and Preparedness,
Sugeng Triutomo
National Agency for Disaster Management, Republic of Indonesia
List of Groups for JICA Recognition Award (7 groups)
Designation and Name of Delegation (omit titles from names)
City of Kitakyushu
Mayor, Kenji Kitahashi
Naruto University of Education
President, Yuzo Tanaka
Ibaraki Supporting Organization of JOCV (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers)
President, Kiyoshi Nakagawa
Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd.
President, Yoshiyuki Izawa
National Service for Industrial Apprenticeship (SENAI), Federative Republic of Brazil
Director General, Rafael Esmeraldo Lucchesi Ramacciotti
Cambodia Mine Action Centre, Kingdom of Cambodia
Director General, Heng Ratana
Forest Department, Government of Tamil Nadu,Chennai, India
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Gautam Dey