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1. JETSET LEVEL 5. LISTENING TEST. PRACTICE PAPER. You need. ▫. This question paper. ▫. An answer sheet. ▫. A Pencil. You may NOT use a dictionary.

This question paper

An answer sheet

A Pencil

You may NOT use a dictionary

Do NOT open this paper until you are told to do so. Try to answer ALL the questions.


Listen to each question carefully

Select the correct answer and then mark your selection on your answer sheet

Only mark one answer for each question


Part One Listen to the recording, read the questions and select true (A), false (B), or (C). Mark your answers on your mark sheet.

1. There are no more than thirty active volcanoes in the world. A = True

B = False

C = Unknown

2. Stromboli erupts nearly all the time. A = True

B = False

C = Unknown

3. A dormant volcano can still emit small amounts of lava. A = True

B = False

C = Unknown

4. The period of eruption is usually longer than the period of dormancy A = True

B = False

C = Unknown

5. The eruption of Helgafell in 1973 killed 5000 people. A = True

B = False

C = Unknown

6. A volcano that last erupted 20,000 years ago would still be considered ‘active’. A = True

B = False

C = Unknown

7. There are volcanoes on every continent. A = True

B = False

C = Unknown

8. Tristan da Cuhna is in the Pacific Ocean. A = True

B = False

C = Unknown

9. The biggest pieces of tephra are sometimes called ‘bombs’. A = True

B = False

C = Unknown

10. The explosion of Tambora in 1815 was unexpected. A = True

B = False

C = Unknown 10 Marks


Part Two Read each question, listen to the recording and select the correct answer (A B C or D). Mark your answer on your answer sheet 11. Bungee jumping started in the UK in A 1892 B 1928 C 1982 D 1992 12. Which of these statements is true. A Anybody can bungee-jump. B There are age and fitness restrictions only. C There are fitness and weight restrictions only. D There are age, fitness and weight restrictions. 13. It is forbidden to bungee jump if you weigh A 42 kilos B 80 kilos C 100 kilos D 182 kilos 14. Why did Stan Garibaldi do a bungee jump? A Because he was sixty. B Because he was getting married. C Because it was his wedding anniversary. D Because it was his birthday. 15. £105,000 was raised for A Bungeemania B Cancer Research C A British Company D British Charities 16. The number of people who have bungee jumped since Bungeemania started is A 4000 B 75,000 C 100,000 D over 100,000 17. The height of the cranes is A 40 metres B 60 metres C 70 metres D 75 metres 18. The cheapest jump is A first solo B repeat solo C first tandem D repeat tandem 19. The telephone number of Bungeemania is A 02264 760750 B 02664 706705 C 02664 705706 D 02644 750760 20. This item would NOT appeal to people who are A cowardly B fearless C brave D charitable (10 Marks)


Part Three Read each question, listen to the recording and select the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Mark your answer on your answer sheet JOBS AND CAREERS

21. A B C D

Estate Agent Pilot Travel Agent Reporter

26. A B C D

Farmer Zoo Keeper Vet Dog Warden

22. A B C D

Builder Lorry Driver Taxi Driver Plumber

27. A B C D

Shop Assistant Chef Cleaner Waiter

23. A B C D

Artist Optician Greengrocer Teacher

28. A B C D

Fireman Doctor Trainer Psychologist

24. A B C D

Novelist Teacher Accountant Banker

29. A B C D

Secretary Librarian Naturalist Teacher

25. A B C D

Dressmaker Hairdresser Gardener Carpet Fitter

30. A B C D

TV Presenter Athlete Receptionist Actor (10 marks)