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literacy program BROOKSIDE - final pdf.pdf. literacy program BROOKSIDE - final pdf.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign I
We t h a n k t h e B ro o k s i d e P TA for their support of the Library Legacy P ro g r a m .

Brookside Elementary School

2285 Broad Street

Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Yorktown Central School District Fax: 914-243-0017

LIB R A RY LE G ACY P ROG R AM Yorktown Central School District

Phone: 914-243-8130

I give my permission to have my child’s name AND picture posted on the school library website.

I give my permission to have my child’s name ONLY posted on the school library website.

I give my permission for a photograph of my child to be placed inside the cover of the book(s) - picture enclosed.

I give my permission for my child’s name to be placed inside the cover of the book(s).

Parent’s Signature:_________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________

Number of Books:______________________________________ Total Enclosed ($15 per book):__________________________

Parent’s Name:______________________________ Phone: _________________________ Email:__________________________

Special Occasion (Name and Date:____________________________________________________________________________

Child’s Name: ______________________________________________ Teacher: ______________________________________


L I B R ARY LE G ACY P ROG R AM Celebrate a special occasion by donating a brand new book to the Brookside Library! Special occasions can be an exceptional achievement or event, birthday, moving up, thank you, or just because! With your order, a new book: is chosen by you or your child from a special selection in the library is presented to your child on or near your special occasion

We are accepting orders starting immediately, through May 1st, 2016. Please note: Events may be celebrated year-round, but we are only able to accept orders through May 1st, so that the order can be received, processed, and paid in the same PTA fiscal year. This program enables us to enhance our library collection for the benefit of both current and future Brookside students! Mrs. Menzie selects

will be inscribed with your child’s

high quality books that are recommended by

name and special date

respected reviewers such as School Library

will be signed out to your child as the first reader

Journal, Booklist, Kirkus Review, and more. Where possible, the books are ordered in reinforced library binding and are guaranteed by our vendors so that your gift will be enjoyed by students for years to come! You and your child can

In addition, your child’s picture may

choose from titles for pleasure reading or titles

appear on the library website, in our

that support our curriculum. A sampling of cur-

new “Library Legacy” page, and your

rently available titles may be found at the

contribution may be noted by the

Brookside Library Media Center Webpage.

Brookside PTA.

Please note: titles are subject to availability and new titles are always being added!

We look forward to recognizing your special occasion and appreciate your continued support of our library program. Happy reading! Please return the back of this form to your child’s teacher in an envelope marked “Library Legacy Program.” Checks should be made payable to “Brookside PTA.”