Literary Arts Committee 12th Festival of Pacific Arts ... - Google Sites

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Academic researcher of history (anthropology, archaeology, social sciences, etc.), c. .... coordinating stage crew, orga
Literary Arts Committee 12th Festival of Pacific Arts Overview, Selection Criteria and Delegate Application Form Selina Onedera Salas, Chair ([email protected]) John Ibanez, Co-Chair & CAHA Vice-Chair ([email protected]) OVERVIEW The 6 disciplines under Literary Arts include: Fashion, History, Indigenous Languages, Oratory, Publications and Theater. During the festival, the Literary Arts Committee will coordinate and oversee the following activities to include but not limited to a “browsing library” for all delegations with book sales; theater productions, oratorical events; poetry and storytelling; a History workshop and; fashion shows highlighting indigenous, traditional, and contemporary/urban fashion, design and textiles of the Pacific. I.

FASHION – Selina Onedera Salas, Chair ([email protected])

A. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To bring appreciation, pride, and expression of our unique Chamorro heritage, environment, and experience in fashion; to advance the use and creation of culturally-inspired fashion, design, and textiles on Guam; to educate, document, and showcase Chamorro fashion, spanning generations of cultural history while amplifying the momentum of the Festival of Pacific Arts experience and translating it and to promote this distinct fashion as art and industry. The Fashion Committee is responsible for scheduling exhibits, presentations, and demonstrations by delegates from participating countries in a venue conducive to the presentation of national and cultural, ethnic and haute couture, and textile and fiber fashions. B.    

ACTIVITIES TO INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Organizing and coordinating fashion show(s) with presentations of participating countries’ fashions; Exhibiting participating countries’ fashions, accessories, and body adornment; Organizing and coordinating Parade of Nations at Opening and Closing ceremonies, with one male and one female delegate from each country, in national costumes; and/or Creating opportunities for artists, craftswomen/men, and designers from participating countries to network, conduct lectures, workshops, seminars, and press conferences.

C. DELEGATE SELECTION CRITERIA 1. Must demonstrate an interest in fashion design and creating looks that illustrate the Chamorro culture with strict adherence to the theme of the 12th Festival of Pacific Arts (indigenous, traditional, and contemporary/urban themes). 2. Must be able to put together design concepts, with aesthetic that relates to Chamorro culture. 3. May be required to submit a resume and/or portfolio of (art) work, demonstrating interest and design or aesthetic (i.e. events attended, classes taken, etc.).

12th FestPac Guam Delegation Application Form

4. Must have sketching abilities. 5. (For models) Modeling experience is not required but helpful. 6. Must be willing to donate time and work on a specific work schedule to begin creating looks in preparation of the festival. Design, development, and production work will begin as soon as April 2015. 7. Delegates will be selected for: program editing; production assistance; stage manager; backroom coordinator; stylists; dressers; models; or hair and make-up. I.

History – Dr. Kelly Marsh-Taitano, Chair – ([email protected]) Anthony ‘Malia’ L.G. Ramirez, Co-Chair ([email protected]), and Dr. Michael Clement, Jr., Co-Chair ([email protected]) To explore and portray our unique yet overlapping historical pasts and to ensure that such traditions and knowledge are transmitted to succeeding generations.

A. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The HISTORY Subcommittee of the Literary Arts Discipline for FESTPAC 2016 will encourage, invite and feature participating entities, countries, communities, and individuals to showcase HISTORY by creating opportunities to share cultural and historical narratives with one another according to identified themes and by promoting the experiencing of historical tours of Guam. The History Committee is responsible for documenting, sharing, and passing on songs, chants, oral narratives, dances, visual arts, and inscription for showcasing the dimensions of history as a discipline and contributions. B. ACTIVITIES TO INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO:  Sharing stories and histories of cultures and societies, organically within the main Festival Village as well as in satellite venues;  Engaging Guam’s youth in a project that will incorporate sharing between University of Guam students and community elders/ manåmko’ to be shared with visiting delegates and Festival attendees;  Promoting the experience of history, first-hand, by connecting Festival delegates and attendees with Guam’s extant historical village tours. C. DELEGATE SELECTION CRITERIA 1. Must be able to connect with and have the ability to share a Guam historical theme (creation narrative; story of power of place; World War II experiences; journey of self-government; new mediums of expression of traditional historical narratives; etc.). 2. Categories of historians are a. Traditional historian, b. Academic researcher of history (anthropology, archaeology, social sciences, etc.), c. Professional researcher of history, d. Professional or other, utilizing new mediums to convey Guam’s history, e. Cultural practitioner, with historical focus 3. Historians will be selected according to the following: a. Traditional historians – must have an understood recognition within the Guam CHamoru community as a traditional historian through cultural practice at the village or island level b. History researcher, professional, others – must have demonstrated the ability to skillfully research and write or present historical issues concerning Guam’s CHamoru community. 4. Must have earned a Bachelor’s, Master’s pr PhD degree in the field of history or closely related field in which the candidate has dealt with the historical issues and demonstrated production of one to three (or more) quality research end-products within the last two years; OR

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5. Must have demonstrated production of one to three (or more) quality research end products (articles, reports, studies, public interpretations, public policy, artwork, film, etc.) produced within the last two years; OR 6. Must have demonstrated production of a sizeable body of quality research end products over a span of many years. 7. Cultural practitioner with historical-focus capacity – must have demonstrated the ability and/ or understood recognition from within the Guam CHamoru community, orally or in 2-D/3-D mediums. 8. Must submit a Historian CV, biography, and/ or profile. 9. Must submit three letters of recommendation from professional references who can attest to or speak to your abilities as an historian OR submit a list of professional references that can attest to or speak to your abilities. 10. Must submit samples of work (digital) for consideration by juried process such as examples of audio recordings of Guam historical narratives; written work; images of 2-D/3-D art with historical themes or other types of art that demonstrate the capability to convey historical narratives or themes. (No reproductions—only original works of history will be accepted.) II.

FINO' I TANO' (INDIGENOUS LANGUAGES) - Fermina Sablan, Chair - [email protected]

A. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To function as the central focal point of CHamoru language issues, presentations, documentation, and research work prior to and throughout the festival. CHamoru will be an official language alongside English and French at FestPac. This Subcommittee will also post daily phrases/words in key areas at Festival sites for translation into the many languages of the Pacific. This interactive event will bring focus to the importance of maintaining indigenous languages as a core cultural value. The Indigenous Languages Committee is responsible for establishing an interactive display center where periodicals, newsprints, literature, graphics, and publications that feature each participating country’s indigenous languages. B. ACTIVITIES TO INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO:  Creating a network of indigenous language experts in the field of lexicography, orthography, and pedagogy;  Establishing a daily translation of words, phrases, and sentences that would encourage individuals to present their languages in an atmosphere of language use throughout the day;  Exhibiting each country’s indigenous language use with graphics, photography, posters, and/or maps in exhibits or booths;  Coordinating and organizing Youth Speaks project, inviting each participating country to have a youth representative speak in their native language, with the topic based on the FestPac Theme: Håfa iyo-ta, håfa guinahå-ta, håfa ta påtte, dinanña’ sunidu siha giya Pasifiku; and/or  Coordinating walking tours to various venues with a focus on three to four languages per day, with a designated representative from each country as an interpreter. C. DELEGATE SELECTION CRITERIA 1. Must be a traditional, native speaker and/or an SLA (Second Language Acquisition) of CHamoru language. 2. Must have the ability to communicate in the CHamoru language at the basic level. 3. Must have basic knowledge of historical contexts of the loss of the CHamoru language.

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4. May be a publisher of native language books for language materials exhibits to be used at the festival. IV. ORATORY - Louis Gombar, Chair – [email protected] A. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To deliver presentations and performances that may include mime acts, puppetry, poetry, storytelling, and other forms of oratory presentations or performances, with adherence to the theme: Håfa iyo-ta, håfa guinahå-ta, håfa ta påtte, dinanña’ sunidu siha giya Pasifiku. Presentations will be extemporaneous, spontaneous, original, and may not be reflections of previously published work or literature. The Oratory Committee is responsible for scheduling, organizing, and arranging venues and programs where the four areas are presented to allow participating countries the opportunity to perform without conflicting schedules. B. ACTIVITIES TO INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO:  Coordinating (with the Indigenous Languages Committee) the Youth Speaks project and program;  Presenting nightly or daily performances of participating countries in mime, puppetry, poetry, and/or storytelling;  Establishing a network of storytellers and poets to present lectures, cultural anecdotes, and panels on indigenous perspective; and/or  Organizing a regional storytelling organization. C. DELEGATE SELECTION CRITERIA 1. Must be able to write and/or present stories of personal experiences, encounters, vignettes, historical references, memoirs, and/or other original stories about life on Guam or about the indigenous CHamoru people or culture of Guam. 2. Stories must be prepared for a general audience of all ages. (Some material may be used for age-specific audiences.) 3. Stories may be presented in CHamoru or English. (Proficiency in the CHamoru language is helpful but is not required.) 4. Stories must not be re-adaptations of other stories, legends of Guam, or other published or presented work of other authors/storytellers. 5. Published work is welcome but is not required of delegates. V. PUBLICATIONS - Dr. Monique Carriveau Storie, Chair ([email protected]) and Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, CoChair ([email protected]) A. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To recruit, establish, and showcase the literary work of CHamoru authors who have written in the CHamoru language, English, or bilingually and could either be published or unpublished. Past literary works will be included in the book center that will be established by this committee, but current and up-to-FestPac work is also encouraged. Prior to FestPac a literary event will be presented to the island community whereby local authors will be given the opportunity to present their work.

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The Publications Committee will arrange and schedule book signings, lectures, panels, and workshops from the surrounding region of participating countries. Nightly features of these authors will be coordinated and established with appropriate publicity and press conference(s). B. ACTIVITIES TO INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO:  Establishing and maintaining a book center for the duration of the festival;  Coordinating and conducting sales of literary work through consignment from absent authors and for percentages from on-site participating authors;  Providing opportunities to authors, novelists, and poets to network, conduct book signings, workshop seminars and lectures on their literary work with the precise scheduling among Micronesian, Melanesian, and Polynesian delegates;  Functioning as a repository for shipped publications from all participating countries and providing appropriate storage at a designated venue; and/or  Establishing a regional author directory and organization. C. DELEGATE SELECTION CRITERIA 1. Must have an interest in presenting stories that highlight the experience of the indigenous CHamoru people of Guam. 2. Must produce/present work that connects with the 12th Festival of Pacific Arts theme. 3. Must submit a bibliography that details the breadth of the artist’s work, to include samples of this work OR a portfolio that includes samples of your work. 4. Must submit 3 letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to or speak to your ability as an artist. Vi. THEATER - Tali Ariav, Chair - [email protected] and Jefferson Cronin, Co-Chair - [email protected] A. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To seek, establish, perform, and produce original theatrical work by local playwrights. These contemporary productions will deal with local, indigenous subject matter, encourage the utilization of the CHamoru language; to develop new dramatic work will take place prior to the festival. The Theater Committee will be responsible for coordinating, setting, scheduling, establishing, and maintaining all aspects of theatrical work from participating countries; costuming, make-up, sets, props, and staging for locally produced theatrical performances; hosting repository for scripts; coordinating stage crew, organizing technical, lighting, sound, and music support. B. ACTIVITIES TO INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO:  Organizing and establishing a network of regional playwrights;  Conducting panel presentations and/or workshops among attending playwrights; and/or  Overseeing staging and dressing rooms of performers prior to and immediately after a staged production. C. DELEGATE SELECTION CRITERIA 1. Must have a demonstrated interest, background, and/or basic experience in theater craft or theatrical activities. 2. Must be able to write/present original, theatrical presentations about the experience of the indigenous CHamoru people of Guam and the Mariana Islands or deal with local, indigenous subject matter. 3. Re-adaptations of other published work will not be accepted.

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4. Experience in playwriting is helpful but is not required (workshops for playwrights will take place prior to and at the festival). 5. Proficiency in CHamoru language is helpful but is not required. (Productions may include plays written and performed in the CHamoru language, English, or both languages.) 6. Delegates will be selected for: stage manager; stage crew; backstage crew; make-up crew; tech crew; set crew; light and sound crew; hosts/hostesses; and/or program coordinator. AUDITIONS: The Literary Arts Committee will hold their auditions for the Guam Delegation on the following dates: July 18 10-12 noon Oratory 1-3pm Publications July 25 10-12 noon History 1-3pm Theater Aug 1 10-12 noon Indigenous Languages Venue: UOG English Building - EC 102

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Literary Arts 12th Festival of Pacific Arts Guam Delegation Application Form Please review carefully before filling out the application form. Incomplete and illegible forms may invalidate your application. All applications must be typed, computer generated or written legibly, limited to one page only. Please double-check all information to ensure that it is correct. I. APPLICANT INFORMATION a. Applicant Name: b. Date of Birth: Age: Gender (Circle): Male or Female c. Parent of Guardian’s Name (If applicant is a minor; under eighteen years of age): d. e. f. g.

Contact Numbers - Work: Home: Mailing Address: Email Address: Name of Organization or Group Applicant is Affiliated With (if applicable):


h. i. j. k.

Are you a permanent resident of Guam? _____Yes _____ No How long have you resided in the Territory of Guam? _________ Do you have any current or previous criminal convictions? ______Yes _____No If the answer is yes, what were you convicted for? _________________________________

II. GENRE OR AREA OF INTEREST under LITERARY ARTS (Please checkmark the appropriate box.) 1. Fashion • National, Traditional, Indigenous, Recyclable • Designers and Seminars 2. History • Perspectives, Politics, Social, Cultural, Governmental, Indigenous • Exhibits and displays • Film and video documentaries 3. Fino’ I Tano’ (Indigenous Languages) • Written, Oral, Read • Translations, Orthographies, Lexicography, Documents and Media Usage of Language • Workshops and seminars • On-the-spot translations 4. Oratory • Storytelling • Poetry Recitation & Poetry (Song Poems) • Mime • Puppetry • Youth Speaks 5. Publications • Contemporary, indigenous, graphics, anthologies, academic • Pacific Island Stories and Novels • Biographies and Journals • Novelists, writers, poets and seminars 6. Theater • Contemporary • Indigenous • Children’s • Playwrights and Seminars III. QUESTIONNAIRE –Why do you want to be a Guam Delegate? What can you contribute as a delegate? What do you hope to gain from this experience? (Please answer with a one paragraph response per question.)

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IV. REQUIRED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS/ MATERIALS – The following supporting documents and materials must be submitted with delegate application form. a. Applicant Biography/profile and photograph b. List of 3 professional references with contact information who can attest to or speak to the applicant’s ability. c. Samples of work: digital images, CD’s, DVD’s, portfolio, etc. d. Passport - (applicable only to Diaspora; with expiration date of December 2016 or later.) e. Birth Certificate (applicable only to applicants that are below 18 years of age) f. Applicants below 18 years of age must also provide legal documentation such as temporary power of attorney or legal guardianship giving authorization to their group leader to act on their behalf during the duration of the festival. g. *Original Police Clearance shall be required after the applicant has been auditioned and accepted, to be submitted byTBD. Non-compliance will disqualify membership in the delegation. h. *Original Court Clearance shall be required after the applicant has been auditioned and accepted, to be submitted by TBD. Non-compliance will disqualify membership in the delegation. V. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Note: All applicants over 18 years of age are asked to complete this section, solely for informational purposes for CAHA. This information in required when an individual or group registers with CAHA. Should an applicant be selected as a delegate, they will automatically be registered with CAHA. By completing this section, this excludes them from having to fill out a CAHA Artist registry form.) a. Are you a fulltime artist? _____Yes _______No If the answer is no, what is your current occupation? ______________________________ b. Have you ever applied for a CAHA grant? _____Yes _______No Number of times you have applied for a CAHA grant: ______________________________ c.

If you have been awarded a CAHA grant, briefly describe your project(s):

VI. SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION All applications and support materials must be submitted directly to Guam CAHA by 4:00 p.m., September 18, 2015 located in the Terlaje Professional Building, 1st Floor, 194 Hernan Cortez Avenue in Hagåtña.

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**Please note that by signing this document, the artist is not only applying to be a Guam Delegate to the 12th Festival of Pacific Arts, but if selected as an official delegate, this application form will also be considered as a registration for the artist to be to be a member of the Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities Agency (Guam CAHA).

VII. AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE 1) I, the undersigned, do certify that the information contained within this application including all attachments and supporting materials is correct and true to the best of my knowledge; and that 2) I agree to be a registered artist with the Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities Agency )Guam CAHA); and that 3) I give the Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities Agency (Guam CAHA), the absolute right and permission to use any information that I provided and any images that I created which includes my likeness in the Artist Directory and Webpage. I release the Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities Agency Guam CAHA), its offices, employees, agents and designees from liability for any violation of any personal or property right that I may have in connection with some use. Applicant Name (Please Print): Applicant Signature: Name of Parent or Legal Guardian (if applicant is a minor; under 18 years of age): Parent or Legal Guardian Signature: Date of Application: VIII. CHECKLIST - IMPORTANT! Did you include the following: 1. Applicant Biography/ Profile and Photograph 2. List of 3 professional references who can attest or speak to your ability 3. Samples of work i.e. digital images, photographs, portfolio, CD’s and DVD’s etc. N/A 4. Passport ** Applicable only to Diaspora Delegates*** 5. Birth Certificate ***Applicable only to local delegates that are under 18 years of age 6. Legal Documentation i.e. temporary power of attorney or legal guardianship, etc. 7. Police Clearance (Refer to Section IV. Item g) 8. Court Clearance (Refer to Section IV, Item h) 9. Did you sign the application?

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