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What is the name of your group, firm or organization?* b. ... What year was your group / firm / organization established
LITTLE FREE LIBRARIES / LIBROS LIBRES Dallas, TX 1. Would you like to be considered as an individual or are you representing a group, firm or

organization?* If you are applying as both, complete the form as an organization, than complete it again as individual. I am applying as an individual I am applying as a group/firm/organization 2. Describe your Group / Firm / Organization a. What is the name of your group, firm or organization?* b. Do you have a website? c. What year was your group / firm / organization established? d. How many staff do you employ? e. How many members does your group have? f. Briefly describe the geographic area in which you work.* Neighborhoods, city, region, or states 3. How do we get in touch with you? a. First Name* b. Last Name* c. Mailing Address* Street Address, City, State & Zip Code d. Phone Number e. Email Address* f. Would you like to receive bc’s monthly newsletter?* Yes / No 4. Upload a short narrative that describes any relevant experience you have.* The file should be a pdf, not exceed 3 pages and should include: a description of your experience, a list of current and completed projects, your approach to small, nonprofit projects, your approach to community engagement, and typical hourly billing rates by position. If applicable, include a list of any relevant certifications. 5. References Please provide 3 references, preferably nonprofit groups or community-based organization clients and partners.

Reference 1* Include contact name, phone number, and email address.

Reference 2* Include contact name, phone number, and email address.

Reference 3* Include contact name, phone number, and email address.

The following questions will help us understand what skills and expertise you can bring to projects.

6. Which of the following best describes your field of work/expertise?* Select from the dropdown menu below. Architecture & Interior Design Urban Design & Planning Landscape Architecture Graphic Design Creative Placemaking Research & Analysis Construction & Fabrication Media & Marketing Translation Visual & Performing Arts Film, Video & Audio Other: 7. Building & Landscape Design* Choose up to 3 that best describe the skills and expertise you provide: accessibility surveys adaptive reuse as-designed & as-constructed drawings commercial building design commercial landscape design community / institutional facility design community / institutional facility landscape design drafting ecological restoration existing facility surveys green infrastructure historic restoration / preservation industrial building design interior design LEED certification mixed use development parks & recreation residential building design residential landscape design other: 8. Visual Art & Communications* Choose up to 3 that best describe the skills and expertise you provide: advocacy campaigns audio recording brand development capital campaigns coding filming literature & poetry live sound management

mobile app design & development photography print-based publications public art, installations, and sculpture public performance translation (english/spanish) UX/ID design visual art wayfinding & signage web design other: 9. Planning, Research & Analysis* Choose up to 3 that best describe the skills and expertise you provide: asset mapping contextual analysis data collection, analysis & synthesis feasibility studies historic research mapping neighborhood mapping planning public policy strategic analysis other: 10. Samples of Work & Other Supporting Material* Upload work samples that illustrate your skills and experience in community-engaged design. A file should be submitted as a pdf document, not to exceed 10 pages and 10MB file size. Work samples are required to apply for Little Free Libraries.