Little Miss/Mister and Junior Miss/Mister Relay for Life Pageant

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Aug 22, 2014 - Any questions please feel free to contact Julie Buoncuore by email at. [email protected], home #
Little Miss/Mister and Junior Miss/Mister Relay for Life Pageant August 22, 2014 7:00pm The River Church 222 South Broad St Penns Grove, NJ 08069

Pennsville Little & Junior Miss/Mr Relay for Life Pageant The pageant will begin at 7pm. No late arrivals. Little Mr will be held first followed by Little Miss, Junior Mr, and Junior Miss. Contestants will need to arrive by 6pm Little Miss/Mister 4 to 8 years of age by Aug 1 Junior Miss/Mister 9 to 12 years of age by Aug 1 There will be a registration fee of $15, per contestant. Girls must be dressed in semi-formal or dressy outfits and boys must be dressed in a suit Judging will consist of overall appearance, stage presence, and speaking. The children will each be asked an age appropriate question after walking on stage In addition we will be having a “Cutest Baby” contest at the pageant. Contestants, who are entering the pageant, must provide an 8 x 10 individual picture of themselves when they were less than 2years old. Each vote will be $1 and the overall winner (the most money raised) within the combined groups will win the title of cutest baby. This is for pageant participants only Winners will be crowned after all groups have participated after a brief intermission. There will be a minimum donation of $1 per attendee at the pageant for those wishing to watch. The River church will also be taping the pageant and you will be able to watch online at later that evening for family and friends who are not able to attend. Entry form, 8x10 photo, $15 registration fee, and contract must be mailed or dropped off to 123 North Hook Rd Pennsville, NJ 08070 by August 8th. Any questions please feel free to contact Julie Buoncuore by email at [email protected], home # 856-517-3114 or cell# 856-371-6991

Little Miss/Mister and Junior Miss/Mister entry form Child’s name: ________________________________ Date of birth:_______ Address:________________________________________________________ Parent(s) Name:__________________________________________________ Email address for parent:__________________________________________ School child attends:____________________

Grade as of 9/14:_______

Favorite activity, TV show, food:____________________________________ Please describe what your child is wearing for the pageant. Handmade? Who did the child’s hair and makeup? (this will be used for when the child is walking on the stage) __________________________________________________________________ All contestants will receive a goody bag for participating Winners will receive a crown, sash, and flowers Entry form, registration fee of $15, 8x10 individual picture of child under the age of 2, and contract must be received at 123 North Hook Rd Pennsville, NJ 08070 by August 8th. Late entries will not be accepted. You will receive a phone call and email once information is received. We do have a limited amount of space and children will be accepted on first come first serve bases. I agree to allow my child to participate in the Little Miss/Mr and Junior Miss/Mr Relay for Life Pageant and allow the committee to use his/her photos in all media: website, newspaper, etc. I understand that the River Church or the American Cancer Society are not liable for any loss, damage for personal injury to myself or my child during the pageant. Parent/Guardian print: _______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________

Pennsville Relay for Life Pageant Contract My daughter/son _______________________ is applying to become a contestant in the Little Miss/Mr or Junior Miss/Mr Relay for Life Pageant. I understand that the Pennsville Relay for Life Pageant has been created to promote awareness for Relay for Life and the benefits it provides to the American Cancer Society. I further understand that the title winner of Little Miss/Mr and Junior Miss/Mr will represent Relay for Life in local parades: Pennsville Septemberfest and Memorial Day Parades, Woodstown 4th of July Parade, Salem City Christmas Parade, Penns Grove Day Parade, and Alloway’s Halloween Parade. As well as make a special appearance at Pennsville’s Relay for Life event in June and the Survivor Dinner in May. If the title winner is not able to fulfill their obligations, then the title will be offered to the next alternate.

___________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature

____________________ Date