little red riding hood COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS

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Does Little Red Riding Hood like wearing a cloak? Yes,she does ... How does she feel when she sees the wolf? ... Where is the wolf when the little girl arrives?
lliit tt tllee r reed dr riid diin ng gh ho oo od d CCO OM MP PR REEH HEEN NSSIIO ON NQ QU UEESST TIIO ON NSS VOCABULARY Look at the words in the box and write them under the correct pictures      

     

hungry cloak hide ill woodcutter cookies

frightened basket wolf get dressed blanket sleepy












get dressed

WRITE TRUE OR FALSE 1.FALSE Little Red Riding Hood has cake in her basket. 2. TRUE She feels frightened when she sees the wolf. 3. FALSE The wolf is a friend of the woodcutter. 4. TRUE The wolf eats the grandmother. 5. TRUE The woodcutter looks through the window because he hears the wolf snoring.

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 1.Does Little Red Riding Hood like wearing a cloak? Yes,she does 2.What does she take to her grandmother? She takes cookies to her grandmother. 3.Who does she see in the forest? She sees the wolf in the wolf 4.How does she feel when she sees the wolf? She feels frightened when she sees the wolf. 5.Does the wolf seem hostile? No,he doesn't. 6.Who is the wolf afraid of? He is afraid of the woodcutter. 7.Does the wolf want to be seen by the woodcutter? No,he doesn't. 8.What does the wolf do when he enters the house? He eats the grandmother. 9.Where is the wolf when the little girl arrives? He is in the bed under the blanket. 10.Does the girl approach the wolf much? No,she doesn't. 11.Does the wolf attack the little girl? Yes,he does. 12.Can the little girl get rid of the wolf? No,she can't. 13.What does the wolf do after he eats her? He falls asleep after he eats her. 14.What is the woodcutter doing? He is passing by the house. 15.What does the woodcutter hear? He hears some strange noise. 16.Is the wolf sleeping silently? No,he isn't. 17.Can the woodcutter recognize the wolf? Yes,he can. 18.Does he enter the house after he sees the wolf? Yes,he does. 19.Does he kill the wolf? No,he doesn't. 20.What does he do to the wolf? He holds the wolf tightly and makes him throw up 21.Does the wolf run away? No,he doesn't. 22.Is the little girl and the grandmother alive? Yes,they are.

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