3 days ago - Ryser Application for Touch a Truck September 29 th . (Police Car and Fire Truck) e. Background checks for
1. Meeting called to Order and Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meetings Act by Mayor Neff. 2. Roll Call. 3. Dawn Wilcox and Claudia Kelly regarding Ridge Road Run 5K for Suicide Prevention 4. Kieran Tintle, JCP&L: re: Reliability Plus Program 5. Jennifer Krimko, attorney for Brickwall of Little Silver. 6. Administrator’s Report: 7. Discussion: a. Block party, Winding Way from Bernard to S. Winding Way., October 20th rain date October 21st. b. Block party, Laurel at Amelia, October 13th, rain date October 14th. c. Block party, Silverton, from Prospect to Cross, October 6th rain date October 7th. d. Ryser Application for Touch a Truck September 29th. (Police Car and Fire Truck) e. Background checks for Recreation Coaches 8. September 24, 2018 Agenda a. 2nd reading and public hearing of an ordinance banning the growing and selling of marijuana and paraphernalia facilitating its use. b. Introduction of an ordinance granting renewal of Municipal consent to Comcast. c. CONSENT AGENDA 1. RESOLUTION: Authorizing the payment of bills. 2. RESOLUTION: Authorizing a release of an escrow, application withdrawn. 3. RESOLUTION: Authorizing a Boot Drive by the Little Silver Fire Department. 4. RESOLUTION: Confirming a Shared Service with Shrewsbury Municipal Court. 5. RESOLUTION: Awarding a contract for plowing of Railroad Station Parking Lot. 6. RESOLUTION: Amendment to the Salary Resolution: Resignation of Relief Dispatcher. 7. RESOLUTION: Authorizing a release of an escrow, project completed 8. RESOLUTION: Authorizing refund of overpayment of 2018 taxes. 9. APPROVAL: Workshop minutes of September 10, 2018 10. APPROVAL: Regular minutes of September 10, 2018 11. APPROVAL: Executive Session minutes September 10, 2018 9. Public Comment: 10. Executive Session: Property Acquisition, Personnel 11. Adjournment.