Srivasatava K.D., Disciplinary Action against Industrial Employees and its
Remedies .... K.D. Gaur, A Text Book on the Indian Penal Code (i998), Universal.
1. Ilistorical'Perspectives on Labour : 1. Labour through the ages - slave labour- guild system-division on case basis- labour during feudal days. 2. Colonial labour law and policy 3" Labour capital c.onflicts : exploitation of labour, profit motive, poor bargaining power, poor w'orking conditions, unorganized labour. strrplus labour, division oflabour and super-specialisation, lack of alternative employment. zl. International l-abour Standards and their Inplementation. 5. F'rom Laissez faire to Welfrre State : Transition lrom exploitation to protection and from contract to
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Collective Bargaining : 1" Concepi of collective bar-gaining. hrtenrational norms - conditions precedent - merits and
eri ts. 3. Bargaining Process, Ne go ti ation, Pressuriz-ation : Strike and iockouf go-slor.v" r,r,ork to ruie gherao" 4. Structure of bargaining dem
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: plant, industry and national levels.,i.l)uration ancl enlorcentent of bipartite agreement. 6. Rcfornrs in I-arv 3" Discipline in Industrl' : Restraints on lvlanagerial Prerogatives : 1. Doctrine of hire and ilre- history of rnanagement's prerogative 2. Fainress in disciplinary process : Punishnrent for rnisconduct : rneaning of nrisconduct. the right to l