LNCS 6731 - Media Map: A Multilingual Document Map ... - Research

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Aalto University School of Art and Design, ..... international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information ... Espoo (December 2009). 19.
Media Map: A Multilingual Document Map with a Design Interface Timo Honkela1 , Jorma Laaksonen1 , Hannele T¨orr¨ o2, and Juhani Tenhunen2 1

Aalto University School of Science, Department of Information and Computer Science P.O. Box 15400, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland 2 Aalto University School of Art and Design, Department of Media P.O. Box 31000, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland

Abstract. We present a selection of results produced in a project called Media Map. The project aims at developing an intuitive user interface to a library information system containing data on projects and publications. The user interface is a two-dimensional visual display created with the Self-Organizing Map algorithm. The map has been computed using the hierarchical self-organizing map, and a specific graphical design supports the visualization and use of the map interface. In the design, there are specific iconic representations for the projects, publications and persons displayed on the map. The novel aspects in this WEBSOM-type of document map are that the texts on the map are written in different languages, and there are different types of textual objects mapped on the same map. The interlingual mapping is based on applying machine translation on non-English documents. Even when the translation is not fully correct, the approach works well when large enough proportion of relevant terminology has become translated. Keywords: Self-Organizing Map, text mining, machine translation, library information system, publication map, project map, person map, WEBSOM, PicSOM.



In this article, we present intermediate results from a project called Media Map in which the use of the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) as an interface to a multifaceted academic library collection is demonstrated. First, we discuss the background for this work and introduce several projects of related work. We continue by presenting the data and methods used and showing the experimental results with the emphasis on describing the basic concept and providing information on the overall system. We do not, however, aim to evaluate each of the subcomponents systematically. This will constitute a future task which includes, for instance, a quantitative analysis of the performance of applying machine translation in content vector creation (see e.g. [1]) as well as qualitative usability and quantitative performance and evaluations (see e.g. [14,19]). J. Laaksonen and T. Honkela (Eds.): WSOM 2011, LNCS 6731, pp. 247–256, 2011. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 



T. Honkela et al.

Self-Organizing Map for Information Retrieval

The basic alternatives for information retrieval are (1) searching using keywords or key documents, (2) exploration of the document collection supported by organizing the documents on some manner, and (3) filtering. The keyword search systems can be automated rather easily whereas document collections have traditionally been organized manually. The organization is traditionally based on some (hierarchical) classification scheme, and each document is usually assigned manually to one class. In the WEBSOM method (see e.g. [2,5,8]), the Self-Organizing Map algorithm [6] is used to map documents onto a two-dimensional grid so that related documents appear close to each other. The WEBSOM automates the process of organizing a document collection according to the contents. It does not only classify the documents, but also creates the classification system based on the overall statistics of the document collection. The PicSOM content-based visual analysis framework1 (see e.g. [11,12,17] is based on using relevance feedback with multiple parallel SOMs. It has been developed and used for various types of visual analysis, including image and video retrieval, video segmentation and summarization. It has also served as the implementation platform for the experiments described in this paper. 1.2

Our Approach

In this article, we present a method that follows the basic WEBSOM approach for creating document maps with the following three main novel developments. First, we present a method for creating maps of multilingual document collections in which the documents with similar semantic contents are mapped close to each other regardless of their language. In our experiment, we have English and Finnish documents. Second, the map calculation is conducted with a TreeStructured Self-Organizing Map (TS-SOM) algorithm [9]. Third, we have developed a design interface for the specific purpose of retrieval and exploration of a database of three different types of entities — people, projects, and publications — in the area of design, media and artistic research. Our objectives have been three-fold: – to provide a map as an overview of the contents of an academic research database, – to design an attractive and informative visualization of the map, and – facilitative information retrieval from the database regardless of the language used in the documents. 1.3

Related Work

The SOM is widely used as a data mining and visualization method for complex numerical data sets. Application areas include, for instance, process control, 1


Media Map


economical analysis, and diagnostics in industry and medicine (see e.g. [18]). The SOM has also been used to visualize the views of candidates in municipality elections [4], or the items provided by museum visitors [15]. A variant has been developed in which the shape of the SOM is modified so that it coincides with some well-known shape like the country of Austria [16]. The WEBSOM method for text mining and visualization has been used for various kinds of document collections including conference articles [13], patent abstracts [8], and competence descriptions [3].


Data and Methods



ReseDa2 is the public web-based research database of the Aalto University School of Art and Design. It is designed to support the school’s research, assist the administration of research activities and give them wider visibility. In general, ReseDa provides information on the school’s research activities, its expertise, and artistic activities related to art, design, and media. Table 1 details what kinds of data fields are contained in each of ReseDa’s three record types relevant for our experiments. In practice, we started by collecting data on total of 94 projects described by abstracts in either English or Finnish. From the project data we then extracted the identifiers of all involved persons resulting in a set of 101 people. Starting from these people, we finally collected their publications whose abstracts were available in ReseDa in either English of Finnish. The last type of entities involved in our studies are units (such as departments and institutions) with which the projects and publications are associated. In the current data, there were seven units that had more than ten projects and publications. While the data retrieval was one directional, i.e., from projects to people and from people to publications, and from those to the units, we also maintained the reverse mappings in the opposite directions as depicted with solid and dashed lines in Fig. 1. The quantities of the collected data are summarized in Table 2. Table 1. ReseDa database record types and their contents used in the experiments Publications Projects publ-id proj-id publ-title proj-title publ-abstract proj-abstract publ-people proj-people ... ...



People person-id person-name person-publs ...


T. Honkela et al.

people projects

publications units

Fig. 1. The link relations between the ReseDa record types Table 2. The counts of the ReseDa record types used in the experiments Document category Publications Projects Persons


English 293 66 101

translated 9 28 n/a

Content Vectors from Multilingual Documents

In our pilot data set, the smallest number of words in the publications is 14 and largest 711. The average number of words is 99.9 with the standard deviation of 90.0. The corresponding numbers for the projects are 27, 867, 117.4 and 156.4. This indicates that the data is skewed, i.e., for many publications there are only a short description. In order to generate a list of relevant terms, a frequency count of all unigrams, bigrams and trigrams was calculated and sorted in a decreasing order of frequency. Altogether 4934 + 23063 + 32919 = 60916 term candidates were available. Among these, the words and phrases appearing at least 5 times were considered. Finally, in the manual selection 268 single words such as “adaptive”, “advertising”, and “aesthetic”, 66 bigrams like “augmented reality”, “cultural heritage”, “design process”, and 16 trigrams including “digital cultural heritage”, “location based information”, and “research based design” were included in the terminology. These 350 terms were used in the encoding of the 497 text documents into document vectors. The average number of terms in the project descriptions was 21.6 and for publications 16.6. The persons were represented as a concatenation of the publications and projects in which they have been involved. Therefore, the average number of terms for persons, i.e., 44.1 is considerably higher than any of the other two. Unlike persons, each of whom is represented with one text document obtained by concatenation, the departments and other units are represented as collections of their associated projects and publications. Google Translate3 was used in the translation. The terms found in the translations was 10.6 when the number of words in translation was 77.5, i.e. lower than for publications or projects. Only a small number (34) of Finnish words were not 3


Media Map


translated. Among them, 4 words were misspelled, and the rest 30 were typically inflectional word forms of rare or newly invented words or compounds such as “palvelukehityskin” (even the service development), “julistemaalareiden” (of the poster painters), “innovaatiokoneistosta” (from the innovation machinery) or “kunnollisuudesta” (from decency). 2.3

Document Map Creation

In creating the document maps from the content vectors, we used the hierarchical, Tree-Structured Self-Organizing Map algorithm [9] that is extensively used in the PicSOM content-based image retrieval system [10,11]. The hierarchical structure of TS-SOM drastically reduces the complexity of training large SOMs, thus enabling scalability of the approach into much larger document collections. The computational savings follow from the fact that the algorithm can exploit the hierarchy in finding the best-matching map unit for an input vector.


Document Maps

In the following, we describe different kinds of maps produced in the Media Map project. We also present the basic interface design and some design questions when a number of people, projects, publications and organizational units are projected on a map. 3.1

Term Distributions

An elementary analysis of a document map is to study how the different terms are organized on the map. This can be done simply by observing the componentwise distribution of values of the SOM weight vectors. Figure 2 illustrates the distributions of the four most common terms — design , media, art and learning — existing in our data. We can see that these terms are quite orthogonal to each other in our material as they appear clearly in non-overlapping map areas. The areas are also mostly contiguous for all of these terms except for learning. 3.2

Class Distributions

The aim of the Media Map project has been to place the researchers and their publications and projects on a map in a way that the topology reflects the similarity of the content of the activities. A secondary aim has been to study how well such a mapping also maintains the characteristics of the associated research units. These two questions are addressed in the following. Figure 3 displays how one researcher’s publications (n = 20) and projects (n = 7) are mapped on the document map. The locations of the documents have been indicated with impulses that have then been low-pass filtered in order to amplify the visibility of spatial topology of the data. The most significant U-matrix [20] distances are illustrated with horizontal and vertical bars. In this researcher’s case, Fig. 3 shows that his projects and publications occupy separate,


T. Honkela et al.

Fig. 2. Occurrences of the words design (top left), media (top right), art (bottom left) and learning (bottom right) on the document map

Fig. 3. Distributions of one person’s projects (top left) and publications (top right) on the document map. Also the person’s own location (bottom left) and the union of the previous three distributions (bottom right) are shown.

but closely situated map areas, and our method maps the researcher himself in a map location close to both areas. The distribution of publications and projects associated with four research units are shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the activities of the units appear

Media Map


mostly in non-overlapping map areas, but that the units’ distributions are not unimodal. The Media department has the largest number of publications and projects and this is reflected in that unit’s relatively largest area. Comparing this figure with the two previous ones, some observations can be made. First, as the names of the research units match quite accurately with the most common terms in Fig. 2, also the term and activity distributions are pairwise somewhat similar. Second, the activities of the researcher in Fig. 3 seem to fall inside the activities of the Media department, and this could be expected as the researcher actually is a staff member of that unit.

Fig. 4. Distributions of four units’ activities on the document map. The units are Design (top left), Media (top right), Art (bottom left) and Visual culture (bottom right).


Map Interface Design

Figure 5 shows an example of the planned map interface designed specifically for the Media Map project. Similarly to Figs. 3 and 4, the location of persons is also in this figure indicated as a specific point on the map whereas the departments and other research units occupy larger areas on the map, respectively. For the persons, an icon is used and other icons exist for publications and projects. As can be seen, the areas of the research units have been planned to be coded with colors that can be overlaid without losing clarity. The figure shows that there exist a slider and control arrows on the left hand side of the map for zooming and panning of the map. Even though Fig. 5 has still been created by a designer (H.T.), we already have the necessary mechanisms for creating similar illustrations automatically. An open issue is still how zooming into a specific area of the document map could


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gradually reveal more and more details of the data. In this manner, the highestlevel view would show only information on the research unit level, the mid-level views could show objects and activities on the person level, and only the most detailed view would display data on particular projects and publications. Also different kinds of connections between the entities would be illustrated on the map on different zoom levels.

Fig. 5. An example of the interface design of the Media Map

An important design question related to the data to be presented is the way how the items in each category (people, projects, publications and units; see Fig. 1) are visualized. It is natural to represent each individual document as one location on the map (even though it would be possible to find multiple locations for multi-topic documents, see [7]). In our case, each person is represented as a combination of the articles that he or she has written. Our solution is thus to visualize a person as one location on the map. The same solution is in use when projects are considered. However, it would be possible to show all locations where the articles written by a person (or published by a project) are located. This would possibly endanger the readability of the map. On the other hand, it is a natural choice to represent organizational units as the smoothed areas where the articles written by the employees of and the projects hosted by the unit are located.


Conclusions and Discussion

We have presented a selection of preliminary results of a project that creates an interface to a library collection in the area of art, design and media research.

Media Map


Central research and development themes are related to the multilinguality, versatility and interlinked structure of the document collection. There are documents in English and in Finnish concerning projects, publications and people in the database. We have presented a methodology to create document maps in this kind of basic setting and a map interface design that is meant to support information exploration and search. In the future work, we plan to extend the database to cover all schools of the Aalto University, i.e., schools of Chemical Technology, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Engineering, and Science, in addition to the School of Art and Design involved in the current pilot. This will increase the size of the database considerably because there are more than 300 professors at the Aalto University and the number of people in the academic staff exceeds 2000. Also, we will implement automatic incorporation of the designed user interface elements and facilitate on-line use of the created maps with zooming, panning and clickable links to the original on-line data. The map interface provides an alternative view to researchers’ research areas and their results in contrast with the traditional classification systems that only slowly adapt to the developments in research topics and methods. It is important to note that creative inventions often include introduction of new concepts that do not fit into the existing classification systems. If this aspect is not properly taken into account, and the semantic processing in information infrastructures for research are based on some rigid standards, the innovation activities may even slow down. We believe that the Self-Organizing Map provides a viable alternative and efficient solution for organizational information management.

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