Localization Issues in Automated Usability ... - Semantic Scholar

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Bobby is available as a feature of CAST's web site and as a downloadable Java ... Shortcuts keys and mnemonics are often dependent of the language and the ...
Localization Issues in Automated Usability Engineering Piotr Rejmer & Jean Vanderdonckt Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) School of Management (IAG) Unit of Information Systems (ISYS) Belgian Laboratory of Computer-Human Interaction (BCHI) Place des Doyens, 1 – B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) {bouillon,vanderdonckt}@isys.ucl.ac.be Abstract Many software products exist that automatically evaluates the accessibility of a Web site according to the guidelines, including those promoted by the W3C. The internationalization of this software poses a series of challenges to support international web sites to evaluate, to incorporate international design and evaluation guidelines, and to produce evaluation reports that can be read by an international reader. This paper reports on lessons learned with this internationalization process..



The World Wide Web has no geographic boundaries and has a potential for broad inclusion of individuals—but not of all of them. It often excludes some people from participating in much the same way that a staircase prevents a person in a wheelchair from going in a building’s door (Cooper, 1999). Many people, in fact, do not see a web page in the way its designer expected. Individuals “may not be able to see, hear, move or may not be able to process some types of information easily”. They may have a text-only screen or a slow connection. They may have an early version of a browser or a voice browser. In order to address these issues, the W3C created the WAI, which released the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) in May 1998. These guidelines are intended for all Web content developers (page authors and site designers). In order to help these developers and to promote accessibility, CAST created Bobby to help identify accessibility violations on pages and to provide contextualized instruction in proper implementation of the guidelines. Localization here involves taking a product and making it linguistically and culturally appropriate to the target locale (country/region and language) where it will be used. Internationalization is the process of generalizing a product so that it can handle multiple languages and cultural conventions without the need for re-design. Internationalization takes place at the level of program design and document level development (Perlman, 2000).


Example of interest

Bobby is available as a feature of CAST’s web site and as a downloadable Java application. It can evaluate web pages on the Internet, and the local version can also examine local files and intranets. The online version by default redisplays the page examined with “Bobby hat” icons to identify the location of high priority accessibility violations, followed by a textual report that describes the location of each violation and links to detailed information about each error type. It is expected that the use of Bobby will help web page authors and designers to take into account

accessibility issues so their web pages become usable by the widest audience possible. Figure 1 graphically depicts the local version of Bobby.

Figure 1: Offline version of Bobby Figure 2 depicts its online version where the user enters the URL of any web page to evaluate.

Figure 2: Online version of Bobby

Bobby was, however, created for a U.S. English audience, which presents a significant barrier to success in this mission in the international arena. Users around the world have expressed the need of localized versions of the software as their native language may not be English, or their web sites are not located in the United States of America and are not necessarily in English. To address the growing demands of a large international audience and to disseminate its mission to a global market, CAST, with the aid of the UCL, has decided to launch a project of localization and internationalization of Bobby. Localizing and internationalizing Bobby means that these processes should be applied to: • Bobby, the product itself, for its UI to be appropriate for a wide audience • The accessibility guidelines, which may encompass more general guidelines that can be interpreted as culture- or country-independent design guidelines, and/or culture- or countrydependent guidelines when the site to be evaluated belongs to a particular culture or country. • The evaluation report produced by Bobby subsequently to its evaluation. This report is written in English, which may not mix well with the language of the page that was evaluated, and according to Western culture conventions, which are not necessarily those of the evaluator.


Example of Internationalization Issue: Keyboard Shortcuts, Mnemonics and Keyboard layouts

Description of the problem. Keyboard shortcuts are keystroke combinations (consisting of a modifier key and a character key, like Control-Z) that activate a menu item from the keyboard even if the menu for that command is not currently displayed (SUN, 1999). Mnemonics provide a keyboard alternative to the mouse. A mnemonic is an underlined letter in a menu title, menu item, or other interface component. It reminds the user how to activate the equivalent command by pressing the character key that corresponds to the underlined letter. Shortcuts keys and mnemonics are often dependent of the language and the “computer traditions” of the country (Figure 3). The keys shouldn’t be the same in different localized versions. Conflicts by redundancy are made when you follow the logic rule of the first letter as the character key. It is impossible to use logical associations for the functions of Couper, Copier, Coller (French for Cut, Copy, and Paste). In addition, applications can be used in different countries and across platforms, the keyboards are different with additional keys that are nonexistent on other systems.

Figure 3: File menu with keyboard shortcuts and mnemonics in Bobby


Illustration of the problem. In the GUI of Bobby, we use for each function a shortcut key and a mnemonic. The software has to support all major international keyboards. People all over the world will use the English version of Bobby and all the functions of the program must be accessible. Some keys are nonexistent in other countries; for example, the Y key is nonexistent in the Portuguese keyboard. Even keyboards for the “same” language may be different (Figures 4a and 4b).

Figure 4a: Keyboard layout for Belgian French (Kano, 1995)

Figure 5b: Keyboard layout for Canadian French (Kano, 1995) A shortcut or mnemonic with the Y key would be unusable by Portuguese users. Similar problems exist between mnemonics in English and French (Table 1). Menu Titles

Menu Items English: New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Page Setup, Print, Preferences, English: File Exit French: Fichier French: Nouveau, Ouvrir, Fermer, Enregistrer, Enregistrer sous, Mise en page, Imprimer, Propriétés, Quitter English: Edit English: Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Find, Find Again, Select All French: French: Annuler frappe, Répéter frappe, Couper, Copier, Coller, Rechercher, Edition Selectionner tout Table 1: Summary of commonly used mnemonics in English and French.

Solving the problem. The only solution to handle the difference in keyboard layout across platforms or countries is to consult all the major keyboard layouts (Microsoft is providing online a library of all the known layouts) and to spot any potential difference.

Applicable guidelines are: • • • • •

Since keyboard shortcuts and mnemonics are not always equivalent on different platforms and languages, ensure that any new keyboard shortcuts you have created are compatible with existing shortcuts and mnemonics on all your target platforms. If your software is a cross platform and multilingual application, test the compatibility of the shortcuts and mnemonics on different platforms. Make sure that the characters you have chosen for your shortcuts or mnemonics are available on a maximum of different international keyboards. Internationalization must be addressed along with the concern of keeping the cross-platform portability (Hysel, 1999). Store keyboard shortcuts and mnemonics in resource files, so they can be changed easily for particular language if needed.

Acknowledgements The authors would like to greatly thank Michael Cooper, previously Bobby project leader at CAST. Bobby is now a property of Watchfire Corp., and is accessible at http://bobby.watchfire.com/bobby/html/en/index.jsp

References Cooper, M. (1999). Evaluating accessibility and usability of web pages. In Puerta, A. & Vanderdonckt, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces CADUI’99 (Louvain-la-Neuve, 21-23 October 1999). Dordrecht Kluwer Academics, pp. 21-42. Cooper, M., & Rejmer, P. (2001). Case Study: Localization of an Accessibility Evaluation. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI’2001 (Seattle, March 31 - April 5, 2001). Vol. 2. New York: ACM Press, pp. 141-142. Kano, N. (1995). Developing international software, Microsoft Press, Redmond. Hysell, D. & Perlman, G. (1999). Lessons Learned from Internationalizing a Global Resource, in Proc. of 1st Int. Workshop on Internationalization of Products and Systems IWIPS’99, ACM Press, New York, 1999, pp. 183-192 Ishida, R. (1998).Globalization of software and user interfaces, Xerox, Perlman, G. (2000). The FirstSearch User Interface Architecture: Universal Access for any User, in many Languages, on any Platform, in Proc. of 1st ACM Int. Conf. on Universal Usability CUU’2000, ACM Press, New York.

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