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The XXII HPLS&A 2018 Conference focuses on the latest scientific advancements in the fields of high-power laser systems and their applications. HPLS&A, formerly Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers, is one of the oldest conferences on laser systems, and we aim to continue the successful tradition of previous symposia held over the past forty-two years. Nowadays, HPLS&A is one of the most representative international symposia in the field, which invites the leading scientists and specialists from all over the world. It is known for being a collaborative forum to exchange ideas and network through panel discussions, poster sessions, and the exhibition. Being held in Italy, HPLS&A 2018 will pay particular attention to new applications of laser technologies especially in the fields of environmental diagnostics, cultural heritage, industry and security.
MAIN TOPICS Advances in high-power laser sources Resonators and laser beam control Applications Novel approaches
CONFERENCE SIGNIFICANT DATES Early registration ….………... 30 June Abstract deadline …………... 30 June Acceptance notification ……. 9 August Full refund for cancellation ... 25 August Late registration ……..…….... 2 October
2018 2108 2018 2018 2018
PAPER SUBMISSION (deadline June 30th, 2018) The Organizing Committee invites the submission of contributed papers covering original works on laser systems and their applications. A list of topics is available at: Authors are requested to complete a maximum 2-page summary of the research. Within two pages, the author must include title, authors, affiliations, e-mail address of the reference author, 35-word abstract, equations, figures, photographs, tables, and references. Each paper must be enclosed as pdf file in an email addressed to
[email protected] Rules and template can be downloaded at: All abstracts and summaries will be peer reviewed. The Program Committee reserves the final decision for acceptance of submitted abstracts. The notification of acceptance will occur before August 9th, 2018. PRELIMINARY LIST OF INVITED SPEAKERS CAPASSO Federico (USA) CLEGG Samuel
(China) (Italy) (USA) (Germany)
(Czech Republic) (France) (France) (USA) (United Kingdom)
VON BERGMANN Hubertus (South Africa) WANI Fumio (Japan)
PARTICIPATION Participation fee is set at 500 Euro (students 200, accompanying person 200, sponsor 300) if the amount is transferred before June 30th. Late and onsite fees can be found at the webpage for registration The registration fee includes: • Participation to the conference • Conference material • Bus transfer Frascati – Villa Mondragone (within the Symposium schedule) • Coffee breaks and refreshments • Lunches • Gala Dinner The Proceedings of HPLS&A 2018 will be published by SPIE. The access to the Proceedings volume is included in the regular fee only. Participation fee does not include hotel booking and accommodation, and tickets for excursions. Note: all prices include VAT
High performance Quantum Cascade lasers: from high power to frequency combs Planetary Surface Investigations with Remote Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy High-power widely-wavelength-tunable Raman fiber lasers Lasers needs for future plasma based accelerators Development and scaling of diode-pumped rare gas lasers Coherent combination of fiber lasers to overcome nonlinear and thermal limitations HiLASE Laser Centre: status and prospects Laser mega-joule program, and PETAL facility Evolution of high-power >kJ-class lasers Multi-level kinetics and beam quality for Diode Pumped Alkali Lasers Applications of extreme ultra violet capillary discharge lasers for material properties, ablation and the creation of warm dense matter High Pressure CO2 amplifiers for picosecond pulse amplification High Power Laser activities at Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE AUTRIC Michel (France) BARMASHENKO Boris (Israel) BOHN Willy (Germany) BOLLANTI Sarah (Italy) BOREYSHO Anatoly (Russia) BOURDON Pierre (France) DI LAZZARO Paolo (Italy) GALLERANO Gian Piero (Italy) KODYMOVA Jarmila (Czech Rep.) LAPUCCI Antonio (Italy) MURRA Daniele (Italy) WALTER Robert (USA) LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE DI LAZZARO Paolo Conference Chair BARTOLOMEI Giulia Webmaster MIGLIETTA Flavio Graphic Designer BOLLANTI Sarah (ENEA Frascati) GALLERANO Gian Piero (ENEA Frascati) MURRA Daniele (ENEA Frascati) CIMINO Monica Secretary and Operational Organizer
[email protected]
The Conference will be held in Frascati (Rome), Italy, from 9th to 12th October, 2018, in the amazing venue of Villa Mondragone, a wonderful 17th century Villa not far from Rome.