Overview The aim of this event is to raise awareness about stroke, stroke services and stroke research.
LOCATION Come to the main entrance and staff members will meet you. The talks will start at 13:00 in lecture theatre A.
The talks will be followed by stands run by organisations and local support services, blood pressure testing, research demonstrations and research poster presentations (15:00-17:00).
Awareness Event
Everyone is welcome! There will be a series of short 10 minute talks given by the Stroke Association and Oxford researchers working on stroke related topics (13:00-15:00).
Wednesday Department of Experimental Psychology
25th November
Tinbergen Building 9 South Parks Road Oxford OX1 3UD
Please contact Ms. Rachel King for more information. 01865 618633 07824162164
[email protected] Main Entrance
13:00- 17:00
Stroke and Stroke Services
13:10- 13:30 Mr. Adrian Bodimeade
Prof. Marcus Baldo: Decision Making
Stroke Association Ambassador
Dr. Zargol Moradi: Social Cognition Ms. Clea Desebrock: Transcranial direct current stimulation
Cognitive Assessment 13:35 – 13:45 Dr. Nele Demeyere
Mr. Edwin Dalmaijer: Eye tracking
Associate Professor Stroke Association Lecturer
Mr. Anders Jespersen: Computerized apraxia screening (LEAP) Ms. Linde De Wandel & Ms. Louise Puttevis: Computerized Cognitive Screening (COAST)
Social Assessment 13:50 – 14:00 Prof. Glyn Humphreys Watts Professor and Head of Experimental Psychology
Poster Presentations
Motor Rehabilitation
Dr. Sanjay Manohar: Reward sensitivity after medial frontal stroke Dr. Jie Sui: Self bias and memory Mr. Alex Luttich: Biomarkers of attentional impairment Ms. Ellie Slavkova: Aphasia rehabilitation Ms. Renata Lima: Automatic imitation response tendencies
14:05 – 14:15 Dr. Charlie Stagg Aphasia Stroke Club
Woodstock Stroke Club
Associate Professor and Head of Physiological Neuroimaging
Aphasia Rehabilitation
Abingdon Stroke Club
14:20 – 14:30 Prof. Kate Watkins Care Villages
Ms. Gloria Pizzamiglio: Exploring object based action in apraxia
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and tutorial fellow at St Anne’s College
One Life: My Experience of Stroke
Mr. Nir Shalev: Assessing sustained attention following stroke Ms. Rachel King: Lesion neuroanatomy of sustained attention
Abingdon Health and Oxford Options Health Wellbeing Centre and Wellbeing Centre
14:35 – 14:45 Mr. Richard Raynor CNC Research Volunteer