Lodz University of Technology TRANSFER AND ...

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TUL takes part in the research activities of six Advanced Technology Centres: ... appropriate competitive scientific potential and education in these disciplines at ...
Lodz University of Technology Lodz University of Technology



Lodz University of Technology

FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES „Community thinking” Development of science and technology transfer to industry are very important  tasks for TUL. The establishment of effective cooperation between TUL and industry is intensified by consortia which bring together leaders from business and the university. TUL participates in Polish and European technological platforms, industrial parks and clusters and other scientific‐industrial projects.

Lodz University of Technology

FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES „Community thinking” TUL takes part in the research activities of six Advanced Technology Centres: BioTechMed AeroNet Pro Humano Tex Agro Tech RIMAMI Advanced Information Technology Centre

Lodz University of Technology

Advanced Technology Centre BioTechMed Members of ATC BioTechMed Molecular and Macromolecular Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences Institute for Medical Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine Lodz University of Technology University of Lodz Medical University „Polfarmex” Joint Stock Company Production and Implementation Company – „IFOTAM” Ltd. Institute of Enzymes and Peptones – „BTL” Ltd. „Pharmena” Ltd. Research and Production Centre of the Lodz University of Technology – „ICHEM” Ltd. Pharmaceutical Wholesale Firm – „HURTAP" Joint Stock Company Voivedeship Occupational Medicine Centre in Lodz Non‐Public Health and Care Centre – Allergology Centre Health and Care Centre – „GASTRO” Consultative Clinic

Lodz University of Technology

Advanced Technology Centre BioTechMed The aim of the ATC BioTechMed are a common long‐term development as well as the research and implementation works. BioTechMed activities are directed to new technologies and services elaboration having the application for the protection and improvement of the people’s health and environment (making the diagnosis, treatment, preventive treatment of diseases, production of safe food, consumer product, etc.).


Lodz University of Technology

The European Centre of Bio‐ and Nanotechnology ECBNT is formed by TUL as an innovative institution in Poland and will follow the leading European  standards.  ECBNT project is implemented within the framework of the ATC BioTechMed. Centre will conduct research in accordance with scientific studies tendency of world leading research institutes and research priorities of EU Framework Programme. Integration of research in the area of nanomaterials and nanotechnology, achievement an  appropriate competitive scientific potential and education in these disciplines at various levels of  study. 26 laboratories area 12 000 m2 230 scientists and Ph.D. students working in ECBNT research facilities for 600 Polish and foreign scientists 

Lodz University of Technology

The European Centre of Bio‐ and Nanotechnology Polish Innovative research centre based on the best  European practices Research directions according to the priorities of EU research programs, and leading research centres in the world Realization of projects based on scientific – industrial consortiums The current update of programs justified by the rapid progress in biotechnology and nanotechnology International Advisory Committee Interdisciplinary research teams composed of research teams from both Polish and foreign academic and industrial centres Research area: environmental protection, energy and medicine A comprehensive test cycle from basic research to implementation research

Lodz University of Technology

Modern biotechnological lab complex  BIONANOPARK LODZ TUL takes part in creation of BIONANOPARK the ultra‐modern biotechnological lab complex in Poland, 2 laboratory teams ‐ molecular biophysics and nanostructures (4 laboratories: cell culture, biochemistry, protomika and transkryptomika and molecular biophysics and nanostructured); and electrical, projects that are put into practice together with industry in research and implementation, as well as research projects with other universities and scientists concerning nanotechnology materials, new generic drugs and medical implants.

Lodz University of Technology

CLASTERS The ideal environment for innovation to flourish TUL plays a vital role in technological clusters functioning in Lodz region Advanced Technology Claster in Textile – Clothing Industry  Advanced Technology Claster EKOENERGIA Fruit and Vegetables Claster Linux Claster E‐Health Claster Fashion Incubator Media Claster

Lodz University of Technology

TUL activities for region and country ‐ EXAMPLES TUL is one of the organizers of the Lodz Scientific and Technological Park (Technopark Lodz) and strongly supports the Regional Technology and Industry Park in Belchatow contributing know‐how in the form of innovative technologies. TUL together with BKPPT and in cooperation with the branch‐Research and Development Center of TP SA work on projects concerning high‐tech solutions for people with disabilities. TUL together with BKPPT implements project for business activity.

Lodz University of Technology

TUL as source of innovative solutions for business The Lodz University of Technology is involved in the promotion and popularization of the idea of academic entrepreneurship and as well as student and staff education. TUL intensively works for the development of science and technology transfer to the industry, supporting cooperation between the TUL’s scientists and entrepreneurs in terms of undertaking new innovative companies (start‐up, spin‐ off companies).

Lodz University of Technology

Model of technology transfer Rector of TUL Chancellor of TUL

Technology Transfer Centre Ltd.


Vice-Rector for Innovation

Technology Transfer Office

subordination flow of information technology transfer and flow of information

Lodz University of Technology

Technology Transfer Office The Technology Transfer Office was established on 1st January 2008 r. TTO is the for Innovation.









The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) at TUL serves as a bridge between university and the business community, identifying collaboration opportunities in the local, regional and international markets based on TUL’s research strengths. MAIN AREAS OF ACTIVITIES:

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cooperation business‐science commercialization of the scientific research intellectual property rights management  education for entrepreneurship promotion of innovativeness

Lodz University of Technology

Quality Management System ‐ Certificate ISO 9001:2008 In business field: knowledge transfer and commercialization of innovative technologies TTO has successfully implemented quality management system according to the standard and appliers it effectively. The conformity was inspected during the certification audit on May 2011 by DEKRA Certification.

Lodz University of Technology

Technology Transfer Office for scientists conducting the procedure for obtaining patent protection, accumulating of knowledge about TUL’s innovative technologies of industrial potential, TUL’s partner searching to implement scientific and business projects, promoting scientific and technical solutions of TUL, providing TUL’s scientists with advice on commercialisation of intellectual property arising from their research, supporting the preparation of research agreements, providing consulting expertise and advice to TUL’s scientists for creating spin‐off companies based on academic research generated within and owned by University, providing information about consultants and experts network, estimating value of TUL’s intellectual property, technology and product.

Lodz University of Technology

The offer for scientists assessing of the advancement technology (theory, concept, prototype, ready for implementation) assessing of the technology innovation, assessing market potential of technology based on based on foresight method, supporting of decision making about initiation or continuation financing technology, proposing commercialization strategy in developing innovative technologies,





providing assistance with the preparation of a business plans and business proposals, supporting the creation and growth of new innovative companies through licensing TUL’s technology , providing consulting expertise and advice in the field of intellectual property protection (polish and foreign procedures for obtaining a patent right), organizational, substantive and legal supporting inclusion of implementing, license and know‐how agreements, supporting business negotiations.

Lodz University of Technology

Technology Transfer Office for entreprises connecting technology partners – scientists and companies in order to commercialization and technology transfer, searching technology solutions to small, medium, and large companies and available sources of funding for these projects, providing support for mediation opinion regarding innovation, expertise and judgment, etc., providing advisory services for entrepreneurs and other with an interest in running their own business, supporting technology transfer negotiations.

Lodz University of Technology

Innovative Database The database contains a large collection of data, including information on:

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TECHNOLOGIES – information on R&D projects, inclusive of innovative solutions and technologies developed at TUL which may be transfered to industry, THESES, DISSERTATIONS – a collection of diploma projects written by TUL’s students, ENTERPRISE – information on enterprises cooperating with TUL, EXPERT – information on TUL’s researchers experienced in preparing expert opinions and evaluations (opinion on innovativeness).


Lodz University of Technology

Technology Transfer Centre Ltd. TTC is the first transfer technology company in Poland operating within the University. Established in August 2009. TTC, a company wholly owned by TUL, was created in order to take better advantage of intellectual and technical potential of the University and help scientists to commercialize potentially valuable inventions arising from their research. The TTC’s activities are mainly focused on supporting effective cooperation between TUL’s scientists and entrepreneurs in terms of undertaking new spin off companies which facilitate advanced technology transfers and scientific ideas from science to economy. The Technology Transfer Centre Ltd. has strong TUL’s links with all the parts of the university involved in innovative technology commercialization. Business activities of TTC are supported by the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) at the University.

The main aim: looking for licensees creating market value for licensed technologies conducting negotiations and selling licenses

Lodz University of Technology

Technology Transfer Centre Ltd. Causes of founding: information about planned changes in legislation (each University – only one company) greater freedom of action (enterprise – not budgetary unit) greater financial benefits for creators growing demand for innovative technologies observation of good international practices (f.e. ISIS Innovation)

Main business activities: TTC helps researchers to commercialize intellectual property arising from their research (selling, licensing, spin‐out, spin‐off companies) TTC provides consulting expertise and advice in technology transfer and innovation management to clients across the public and private sectors TTC manages the University’s intellectual property portfolio, working with University researchers on identifying, protecting and marketing technologies through licensing, spin‐out company formation, consulting and material sales TTC provides access to University expertise and provides researchers with advice on commercialization.

Lodz University of Technology

Brand „Lodz University of Technology” TUL is in the forefront of Polish universities in terms of number of patent applications, which are evidence of strong involvement of TUL’s scientists in the development of innovative engineering techniques and advanced technologies of international standards. At 2011: 90 applications of inventions, utility models and trademarks filed under the national procedure, 66 titles of protection for inventions and trademarks, 3 foreign applications of inventions, 230 matters pending under the national procedure.

Lodz University of Technology

World appreciates TUL’s high‐tec technologies TUL is a leader among universities in Poland in terms of the number of domestic and foreign awards and honours for innovative solutions and technologies. TUL has won 34 medals at 2011: 1 gold medals with honors, 13 gold medals,  7 silver and 4 bronze medals, 9 prestigious awards and special honours.

Lodz University of Technology

Commercially applied TUL’s technologies EYE‐BLINK CONTROLLED HUMAN‐COMPUTER INTERFACE Human‐computer interfaces allow for a more natural communication between human beings and machines, and they are particularly useful for the elderly and the paralysed.

Lodz University of Technology

Commercially applied TUL’s technologies SMART PHONE DEVICE SOFTWARE FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED “Assistant” software for intelligent cellular phones, the so called smartphones. The software package enables visually impaired people (the blind, the elderly) to move around town unconstrained by the limitations of their disability.

Lodz University of Technology

Commercially applied TUL’s technologies LATOPIC – INNOVATIVE PRODUCT WITH A SOLID SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND Latopic® is a dietary food for special medical purposes intended to be used in atopic dermatitis (AD).

Lodz University of Technology

Commercially applied TUL’s technologies 3D medical implants

Lodz University of Technology

Commercially applied TUL’s technologies „DECODE LODZ” („ODKODUJ ŁÓDŹ”) „DECODE LODZ’ is the first in Europe virtual guide book which you may access from your mobile phone and which makes use of the technology of smart codes.

Lodz University of Technology

Commercially applied TUL’s technologies INTERPETER – SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER InterPeter is a bridge between the world of the hearing, who live among sounds, and the world of the  hearing and speech impaired, forced to live in silence, as it allows them to communicate in a way that  is most natural to them.

Lodz University of Technology

Commercially applied TUL’s technologies EQUIPMENT TO MODIFY THE SURFACE LAYER STRUCTURE Equipment to modify the surface layer structure consisting of the production of nitrogen austenite in the surface layer and the outer coating of carbon on nanocrystalline structure.

Lodz University of Technology

Commercially applied TUL’s technologies REHABILITATION ROBOT RRH‐1 Rehabilitation Robot for passive and active rehabilitation of the lower limbs. It allows the rehabilitation of lower limb by repeated movements of the robot using a trajectory, that has been previously programmed by the therapist.

Lodz University of Technology Lodz University of Technology

www.p.lodz.pl CONTACT TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER OFFICE  Ks. I. Skorupki 6/8 Street 90‐924 Lodz, Poland phone: +48 42 631 20 41,  +48 42 631 21 41 fax. +48 42 636 60 29

Check out TTO’s web site at: http://www.p.lodz.pl/dtt