and in normalizing daytime hypertension in some hypertensive OSAS ... any existing hypertension. .... family history of hypertension (first degree relative).
Sleep. 16(6):545-549 © 1993 American Sleep Disorders Association and Sleep Research Society
Long-Term Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Administration Can Normalize Hypertension in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients *tMayumi Suzuki, tKuniaki Otsuka and *Christian Guilleminault *Stanford University Sleep Disorders Clinic and Research Center. Stanford, California, U.S.A.; and tTokyo Women's Medical College, Daini Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Summary: We investigated the way in which nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) affects the circadian profiles of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) patients. Nine patients with OSAS, confirmed by nocturnal polysomnography, were studied with ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (Colin ABPM-630) during two 48-hour periods, before and during nasal CPAP treatment, at the Stanford University Sleep Disorders Clinic. During each 48-hour monitoring period, blood pressure measurements were taken by the ambulatory device every 30 minutes. During the ambulatory blood pressure recordings, nocturnal sleep time was defined as the period between 0000 hours to 0600 hours and active daytime was defined as the period between 1000 hours and 2000 hours. An average systolic blood pressure> 135 mm Hg during the 48-hour baseline recording was defined as hypertensive. Using these criteria, we selected four hypertensive and five normotensive patients. Average BP (systolic/diastolic) and HR during the 48-hour periods decreased significantly from 148.6/88.2 mm Hg to 138.7/81.4 mm Hg, and from 77.9 beats per minute (bpm) to 67.2 bpm in hypertensives during CPAP treatment (p = 0.04), but there were no significant changes observed in normotensives. Average BP, during the day and at night, decreased from 152.3/ 91.8 mm Hg to 141.2/85.1 mm Hg and from 133.9176.8 mm Hg to 125.9173.7 mm Hg, respectively, in the hypertensives during CPAP, but such changes were not observed in normotensives. Average HR during the day and at night decreased significantly from 85.2 bpm to 72.6 bpm and from 69.8 bpm to 56.5 bpm in the hypertensives (p = 0.04), but not in normotensives. In conclusion, nasal CPAP is effective in improving circadian BP profiles and in normalizing daytime hypertension in some hypertensive OSAS patients. Key Words: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome-Nasal continuous positive airway pressure-Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
Obstructive sleep apneas (OSA) are known to be frequently accompanied by episodic elevations of systemic blood pressure (BP) during sleep (1-3). Day timesustained elevation of systemic BP is also observed in 40-90% of patients with OSAS (4-10). Many studies monitoring the circadian BP rhythm have been performed [see bibliography of reference (11)], including BP monitoring in bed-restricted subjects. However, few studies have monitored the circadian BP profile offreely active OSAS patients. We questioned whether the nocturnal decrease in BP observed in normal subjects (12) was also seen in OSAS patients. We also questioned what effect nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nasal CPAP), a recognized treatment of OSAS, might have on the circadian BP rhythm and on Accepted for publication May 1993. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Christian Guilleminault, M.D., Stanford Sleep Research Center, 701 Welch Road, Suite #2226, Palo Alto, CA 94304, U.S.A.
any existing hypertension. To explore these questions we used an ambulatory BP monitoring device (ABPM630, Colin, San Antonio, TX) (13,14). POPULATION Entry criteria All patients included were diagnosed with OSAS based upon clinical complaints, clinical symptoms and nocturnal polygraphic monitoring. The following variables were recorded: electroencephalogram (EEG) leads C3/A2 and C4/Al of the 10-20 international placement system, electrooculogram, chin and leg electromyogram, and electrocardiogram (ECG) (modified V-2 lead). Respiration was monitored by uncalibrated inductive plethysmography, naso-oral airflow and pulse oximetry (Nelcor®). Informed consent was obtained from all subjects for participation in the study protocol, which had been
approved by an institutional review board. Subjects using hypertensive medication(s) agreed to stay on the same drug at the current dosage during the duration of the study and to use their nasal CPAP equipment for at least 6 days a week and for a minimum of 6 hours per night. (A counter on the machine verifi(~d the number of hours the equipment had been turned on, although it could not verify whether the mask had been placed appropriately.) Finally, all subjects were required to return to the clinic within a prearrang(~d follow-up time.
encouragement to continue following the protocol. At the clinic follow-up, patients were interviewed to assess any changes in daily activities, sleep habits and drug intake. The patients' private physicians were contacted to confirm drug intake information. Ambulatory BP monitoring was performed again after a minimum of 5 weeks of nasal CPAP treatment (mean = 3 months). DATA ANALYSES
"Nocturnal sleep" was defined as the time between 0000 and 0600 hours. "Active daytime" was defined as the period between 1000 and 2000 hours. When a Criteria for data rejection patient's average BP during his or her 48-hour recordSubjects who did not keep a regular day/night cycle, ing was> 135 mm Hg, the patient was defined as hywho did not tum on their equipment for at least 5 days pertensive. The average BP and HR during "nocturnal per week, who increased or decreased weight signHi- sleep" and "active daytime" before and during nasal cantly during the nasal CPAP treatment or who mod- CPAP were tabulated and compared. We used the coified their hypertensive treatment during the study were sine fitting method to derive the midline estimatory discontinued. These criteria led to a large number of statistics of rhythm (MESOR), amplitude and acrosubject rejections at the time offollow-up monitoring. phase values for systolic and diastolic blood pressure Of the 37 subjects who underwent baseline recordings, and heart rate on data obtained before and during treatment with nasal CPAP (15). Finally, we investigated only nine were included for analysis at follow-up. whether certain subjects lacked the drop in blood pressure and heart rate observed during nocturnal sleep in METHODS normal subjects (subjects without this "dip" were called "non-dippers") and whether this abnormal pattern disBlood pressure monitoring appeared with nasal CPAP treatment. A subject was Blood pressure and heart rate profiles were obtained called a "non-dipper" ifhis or her systolic and diastolic for up to 72 hours, using an ambulatory BP monitoring blood pressures did not decrease during sleep by 10 system, the ABPM-630 (Colin, San Antonio, TX), and 5 mm Hg, respectively (16). We also used Verwhich has been used in several studies on normal sub- decchia et al.'s definition of "dipping" (daytime BP jects. night-time BPl24-hour BP x 100) (17). The Colin Medical Instruments ABPM-630 used in Stored data were analyzed using commercially availthis study provides oscillometric and auscultatory able software (Colin PC-630, San Antonio, TX). Wilmeasurements (13,14). The presence of both measure- coxon's signed rank test was used for BP and HR analments allows for rejection of abnormal values. The ysis using the Statview 2® statistical package for the device is lightweight (830 g) and stores data and events Macintosh. A probability of p < 0.05 was considered in solid state memory, which can be transferred to a to be statistically significant. personal computer for analysis and printed. The device recorded and stored a data-point every RESULTS 30 minutes. Each patient underwent an in-depth interview evaluating cardiovascular status, cardiovas- Subjects cular family history, sleep/wake schedule, eating habEight male and one female obese OSAS patient [body its, drug intake and drug history. At physical evaluation, the upper arm circumference was measured to sekct mass index (BMI) 31.2 ± 5.4 kglmZ, mean ± SD], appropriate cuff size. Patients were requested to per- aged 38-71 years (mean 55.7 ± 11.7 years), completed form their regular activities and to record their behav- the study. Three male subjects and the female subject ior in log books during the entire period of BP mon- were classified as normotensive. Five male subjects itoring. BP monitoring was started early in the day to were hypertensive. The average ages ofnormotensives ensure habituation of the subject to the equipment and and hypertensives were 58.6 and 52 years, respectively. There was no statistical difference in BMI between the cuff inflation by the first night. After the baseline recording, all of the patients were two groups. Their mean respiratory disturbance index titrated with nasal CPAP and followed prospectively. (RDI = number of apneas and hypopneas per hour of Every 15 days, each patient was contacted to provide sleep) was 39.2 ± 24.1 and 48.6 ± 39.1 events per Sleep, Vol. 16, No, 6, 1993
(0: 00---6: 00)
Night time
Heart Rate
Diastolic BP
Systolic BP
/min Normotension
100 -
150 140 130 '.;
120 110 100
r ~"
90 80
I~I I~ I I
70 Lp=O.04...J
60 50
L p=o.oaJ
I;::::I I~I
l' before
I !
FIG. 1. Changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate in individual subjects during "active daytime". Legend: Before = Before treatment with nasal CPAP; During = While being treated with nasal CPAP.
hour, respectively, with a nonsignificant trend (p = 0.07) toward a higher index in the hypertensive group. Four hypertensives and three normotensives had a family history of hypertension (first degree relative). One subject in each group took hypertensive medication. Effect of nasal CPAP The average systolic/diastolic BP and HR obtained during the two 48-hour monitoring periods decreased significantly from 148.6/88.2 mm Hg to 138.7 /8l.4 mm Hg and from 77.9-67.2 beats per minute (bpm) in the hypertensive group during CPAP (p = 0.04 for all variables), but there were no significant changes in the normotensive group. The "active daytime" average systolic BP decreased from 152.3 mm Hg to 141.2 mm Hg (p = 0.08), the diastolic BP decreased from 9l.8 mm Hg to 85.1 mm Hg (p = 0.14), and HR decreased significantly from 85.2 bpm to 72.6 bpm (p = 0.04) in the hypertensive group during nasal CPAP, but there were no significant changes in the normotensive group in these parameters (Fig. 1). The "nocturnal sleep" average systolic BP decreased from 133.9 mm Hg to 125.9 mm Hg (p = 0.04), the diastolic BP decreased from 76.8 mm Hg to 73.7 mm Hg (p = 0.08), and the HR decreased significantly from 69.8 bpm to 56.5 bpm in the hypertensive group during nasal CPAP. Again, there were no significant changes in the normotensive group in these measurements (Fig. 2). Calculations of amplitude and acrophase for systolic and diastolic BP and HR on data collected for 48 hours before and
during nasal CPAP treatment showed no statistically significant changes in any of the groups. There were, however, significant changes in systolic (p = 0.04) and diastolic (p = 0.04) blood pressure and HR (p = 0.001) MESORs with nasal CPAP in the hypertensive group, as expected from the above results. Finally, only one ofthe nine subjects (a hypertensive subject) could be classified as a "non-dipper" during baseline monitoring (daytime BP = 138.9179.1 vs. 132.3174.9 at night). He evidenced clear nocturnal sleep variation with nasal CPAP treatment (daytime = 132.2/ 75.7 vs. 114.3/68 at night). COMMENTS The relationship between hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is controversial. A relationship between increases in blood pressure and single apneas has been well documented (1-3), but the 24hour hypertension frequently observed in OSAS patients is still unexplained. Many of the subjects in these studies have had other coexisting clinical problems, with obesity being the most common, and it is difficult to affirm the role of OSAS in the development of daytime hypertension (10,18,19), except in children treated with tracheostomy (20). Our study is a prospective follow-up investigation with one intervention: treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with nasal CPAP. Great efforts were made to include only subjects in whom compliance with the nasal CPAP trial had been ascertained as well as possible and in whom none ofthe other selected variables Sleep. Vol. 16. No.6. 1993
Day time (10: 00---20: 00) Systolic BP
Diastolic BP mmHg
mmHg Normotension
Heart Rate
170 100 160
- -
140 70 130 70
120 Normotension
, before
FIG. 2.
,! during
1 during
Changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate in individual subjects during nocturnal sleep.
known to influence blood pressure was modified during the prospective follow-up period. These pre-established criteria for inclusion led to a large number of drop-outs. Subject elimination was performed on the scheduled follow-up day prior to the second BP monitoring period according to the strict application of the protocol. The technology used in our study is well known and has been frequently tested and used at Stanford as well as in Japan (15,21). The monitoring was performed over a period oftime long enough to obtain more than one 24-hour cycle, allowing us to investigate MESOR, amplitude and acrophase. Also, prior investigations with simultaneous polygraphic monitoring have dem-
onstrated the phenomenon of habituation to intermittent cuff inflation and absence of associated alpha EEG arousals during sleep (21). Interestingly, our normotensive and hypertensive subjects were both overweight (elevated BMI compared to U.S. population normative data). This is in contrast to a previous study reported by our group (12). There was no statistical difference in respiratory disturbance index between normotensive and hypertensive subjects. However, we obtained no clear information from any of the subjects regarding the onset of their breathing disorder during sleep. The prior duration of the syndrome is an important consideration, since it may be argued that it is this parameter that determines the development ofhy-
TABLE 1. Measurements of amplitude, acrophase and J'vfESOR in normotensive and hypertensive OSAS patients before and during treatment with nasal CPAP Condition Group
127.6 ± 6.5 SBP 14.7 ± 4.9 3.9 ± 0.3 73.8 ± 7.0 DBP 9.2 ± 2.0 3.9 ± 0.3 74.7 ± 8.1 HR 10.7 ± 3.3 4.0 ± 0.37 Hypertensive SBP 4.08 ± 0.31 148.5 ± 10.7 11.3 ± 3.0 4.1 ± 0.33 88.3 ± 9.3 DBP 8.0 ± 2.5 78.0 ± 13.1 HR 10.9 ± 5.6 4.4 ± 0.5 Nasal CPAP SBP 3.6 ± 0.3 126.4 ± 6.9 13.0 ± 3.5 76.0 ± 3.9 DBP 8.7 ± 1.5 3.6 ± 0.4 Normotensive 74.1 ± 13.2 HR 3.8 ± 0.5 10.6 ± 4.4 SBP 10.0 ± 4.3 4.06 ± 0.35 139.0 ± 14.5 Hypertensive DBP 4.1 ± 0.31 81.7±89.8 6.5 ± 3.1 67.2 ± 7.5 HR 9.8 ± 3.7 4.0 ± 0.25 Abbreviations: SBP = systolic blood pressure in mm Hg, DBP =, diastolic blood pressure in mm Hg, HR = heart rate in beats per minute, MESOR = midline estimatory statistics of rhythm (15). Baseline Normotensive
Sleep. Vol. 16. No.6. 1993
pertension in OSAS subjects. Our patients, however, usually associated the onset of health problems with their own recognition of daytime sleepiness, a very subjective symptom often unrelated to the onset of abnormal breathing during sleep. Only one of our nine subjects did not present the normal circadian dip in BP during nocturnal sleep. Interestingly, this subject was hypertensive. Absence of this nocturnal sleep drop was reported in OSAS subjects as early as 1976 by Tilkian et al. (2), with reappearance of normal nocturnal "dipping" following tracheostomy (3) or nasal CPAP treatment (22). However, daytime hypertension may occur without a disappearance of the normal circadian nocturnal decrease. Guilleminault et al. (23) have previously emphasized that the distribution of apneas and hypopneas during the night (i.e. continuously repetitive or intermittent) and the frequency and duration of complete awakenings from sleep are at least two of the factors playing a role in the presence or absence of normal circadian nocturnal dip of blood pressure. However, pathological significance of the absence of this drop is unclear. This study demonstrates that when many other factors are controlled, appropriate treatment of upper airway collapse during sleep by mechanical means is associated with a significant improvement in daytime hypertension in adults with OSAS. This finding gives credence to epidemiologic reports that have linked hypertension to OSAS (4-8), despite contrasting views by others (9,10,18,19). Acknowledgement: This study was supported by grant #NA-07772 of the National Institute on Aging. We thank Laura Wilkinson for editing the manuscript.
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Sleep, Vol. 16, No.6, 1993