The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English helps advanced learners ...
The new edition of the Longman Business English Dictionary gives students an.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English With 2 fantastic CD ROMs
The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English helps advanced learners understand and communicate effectively.
Upper Intermediate — Proficiency
Teacher Support • Instant dictionary lessons available on the CD-ROM • Download extra resources and activities from the Companion Website at • Help students improve their exam skills by teaching them how to work with the self-study sections on the CD-ROM.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 4th Edition Flexi with CD-ROM Paper with CD-ROM Paper CD-ROM Network Version (up to 50 users) CD-ROM Network Version (up to 100 users)
978 1 4058 1128 6 978 1 4058 1126 2 978 1 4058 0673 2 978 1 4058 0682 4 978 1 4058 0683 1
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The Living Dictionary Your link to living language
Real life examples show words in meaningful contexts.
63,000 natural word combinations in definitions and collocation boxes show how words are used together
‘Signposts’ help you find the meaning you want – fast!
The only dictionary to show spoken and written frequency – with the 3000 most frequent words highlighted in red.
Clear definitions using only 2000 of the most commonly used words
Word Focus Boxes and Usage notes help you choose the right word and avoid errors.
corpus NETWORK
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Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture Third Edition
Upper Intermediate Proficiency
From the Atkins Diet to the iPod and to Jamie Oliver - the Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture is recommended for teachers and learners who want a full language dictionary and in-depth knowledge of English speaking culture. • Over 15,000 cultural and encyclopedic entries covering people, places, history, geography, the arts and popular culture • 80,000 words and phrases with clear definitions • Full colour feature pages on topics including festivals, special days and key events in British and American history • Two colour throughout, with many full colour photographs
Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture Cased Paper
978 0 582 85313 3 978 0 582 85312 6
Longman Essential Activator® Second Edition A unique, effective concept to expand vocabulary The Longman Essential Activator® isn’t just ‘good’ – it’s ‘perfect’, ‘suitable’ and ‘excellent’ for anyone needing to expand their vocabulary. • From just a few basic words your students will learn thousands of new words and expressions, as well as the grammar and usage notes to make sure they are used correctly • Clear definitions and plenty of natural examples help learners choose the right word, every time • Includes the Longman Writing Coach on CD ROM
Intermediate Longman Essential Activator® Paper with CD-ROM Cased with CD-ROM Paper
978 1 4058 1568 0 978 1 4058 1569 7 978 1 4058 1559 8
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Longman Business English NEW Dictionary EDITION The new edition of the Longman Business English Dictionary gives students an in-depth knowledge of all the vocabulary they need to survive in today’s fastpaced business environment, whether they are students of business English or people already in work. Students learn real-world business English from thousands of example sentences which are taken from authentic business sources. The interactive CD-ROM provides interactive exam practice for BEC and BULATS.
Longman Business English Dictionary Paper Paper + CD-ROM Cased + CD-ROM
978 0 582 85312 6 978 1 405 85259 3 978 1 405 85260 9
Upper Intermediate – Advanced
Longman Exams Dictionary The Longman Exams Dictionary is ideal for students who need English for academic purposes, as well as students preparing for advanced level exams in English. Vocabulary Building Students can focus on vocabulary for common exams topics. The Topic Activator is a highly effective tool that groups key vocabulary for topics such as the environment, computers and the media. Writing Skills Students can work on improving their essay writing skills with the Essay Activator, which contains relevant vocabulary and collocations for essay writing with examples from authentic academic writing. Exam Practice The dictionary increases your students’ chances of exam success with over 35 hours of interactive exam practice and feedback for FCE, CAE, IELTS, TOEIC ® and TOEFL ® on the Longman Exams Coach CD-ROM.
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Upper Intermediate – Advanced Longman Exams Dictionary Cased with CD-ROM Paper with CD-ROM Paper
978 1 4058 5136 7 978 1 4058 5137 4 978 1 4058 1860 5
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