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[EPub Download] Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: Skills and Strategies eBook By Addison Wesley Longman Get one FREE 30 days by clicking the image below!

Book details ●

Author : Addison Wesley Longman

Pages : 432 pages

Publisher : Addison Wesley Publishing Company 1995-09

Language : English

ISBN-10 : 0201846764

ISBN-13 : 9780201846768

Book Synopsis This course gives students the skills, strategies, practice and confidence they need to increase their scores on all sections of the TOEFL Test, including the Test of Written English. This edition reflects the revised TOEFL, first administered in July 1995, and skill coverage has been expanded for all sections. Volume A explains and practices key language points so that students improve their language proficiency as well as their test-taking skills. Clearly defined steps, pre- and post-tests and TOEFL exercises guide students in improving TOEFL strategies and scores. TOEFL answer sheets are included, along with scoring information. The two cassettes contain a wide range of listening material. Volume B contains five complete practice tests; a comprehensive "Strategies" section to help students avoid common mistakes and maximize their time; and horizontal and vertical answer sheets to familiarize students with both common formats. The teacher s manual provides explanatory notes and