My Fair Lady Theatre Party. Sydney Opera House Thursday 20 th. October 2016. Name: Telephone: Email: Postal Address: Num
Loreto Ex-Students My Fair Lady Theatre Party Sydney Opera House Thursday 20th October 2016 Name: Telephone: Email: Postal Address:
Number of Tickets
@ $120 per person
Enclosed is cheque for
(cheques made payable to Loreto Kirribilli Ex-Students’ Union)
OR by Direct Deposit
(make sure you put your name in reference box)
Account Name:
Loreto Kirribilli Ex Students Union
062 240
Account Number:
OR Credit Card Payment for
$ (visa or mastercard only) (Please add $2 handling for each ticket)
Card Number: Expiry Date: Name on Card: Signature
RSVP by 1 September 2016 (unless sold out prior) Kirribilli Enquires to:
Normanhurst Enquiries to:
Ruth Tighe
Patsy Shannon
Tel: 0402 836 818
Tel: 9807-6876
[email protected]
[email protected]
All completed forms should be forwarded to Ruth Tighe by post to; 1/333 Edgecliff Road, Woollahra, NSW, 2025 Tickets will be posted or hand delivered by mid-October 2016