Love among the Haystacks. 華南高商 柯淑靜. There are four leading characters in
the story, Maurice , Geoffrey ,Paula and. Lydia. Maurice and Geoffrey are ...
Love among the Haystacks 華南高商 柯淑靜 There are four leading characters in the story, Maurice , Geoffrey ,Paula and Lydia. Maurice and Geoffrey are brothers. Paula is a German girl. Maurice and Geoffrey both loved Paula , but Paula loved Maurice. There were some problems between the two brothers because they both wanted to win the German girl’s heart. The two brothers sometimes helped and worried about each other, but sometimes they had an argument and fight. Most important of all, they still cared each other. One time, when they had a fight, Maurice’s feet were caught in the hay and he fell over the side of the stack. Geoffrey was very nervous rather than happy. The relationship between them touched me deeply. Because they were brothers, they didn’t break their brotherhood. It is the lesson we should learn;that is, we can’t hurt any relationships for anything. And eventually, both of the two brothers found their true love. In my opinion, I think true love needs time to find. For instance, Geoffrey loved Paula at first, but he met Lydia later and they fell in love. Lydia was his true love instead of Paula. In our life time, we may meet many people, and when we really find our Mr. Right or Miss Right, we’ll be willing to do anything for him or her. I am convinced that when lovers are together, they don’t care about anything;they just enjoy the happiness no matter what difficulties they face. If they really love each other, they must overcome them. Life is a marvelous journey. When can you find your true love? You need to adventure! 玉珊: 整篇心得言之有物,文後富有對故事情節的自身見解,足見的確用心閱讀。在心得最後 提出看法並多加闡述,使人更深一層思考書中內容與情節。 麗婷: 故事內容描述的蠻詳細,即使沒看過此書的人也能了解其故事情節,我也認為親情是無 法被任何東西所破壞的。 教師講評: Miss Huang: I agree with your mature viewpoint towards the relationship between brothers and lovers. Indeed, siblings mean a lot to us and true love takes time and opportunity to find out.