Celebrate the holidays with all the cute, fluffy, In the blink of a googly eye, love can find or even slightly you when you least expect it. hairy loves in your life!
Present Day can be any day of the year if you give a lovely someone something lovely! Connect the dots below to show symbols that represent some common “present” days. 11
ith a grown-up’s help, cut out the cards W below and mix them up. Lay each card facedown. On each turn, a player flips over two cards. If the cards match, give that player a point and remove the cards from the game. If they don’t match, turn the cards back over and the next player gets a turn. The first player to match three pairs of cards is the winner!
ith a grown-up’s help, cut out the W Love Monster outline below and lay it on a piece of felt.
ill Love Monster with cotton balls F or crumpled tissue and finish sewing him together.
race the outline onto the felt using T a marker.
olor in the heart below, cut it out, C and attach it to Love Monster.
Repeat on a second piece of felt.
dd teeth, googly eyes, or other A decorations to make this Love Monster unique.
rab your grown-up again for help G cutting Love Monster out from both felt pieces along the outlines you drew. ith the grown-up’s help, stitch the W two pieces together with a needle and thread, leaving a small opening.
ake a second Love Monster doll to M give to a friend as a special present to show him or her how much you care!