Love One Another - Westminster Presbyterian Church

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Oct 13, 2012 - As Christians, we are called to love and told not to judge. Yet most of us find ourselves in relationship
Westminster Presbyterian Church 2012 Fall Women’s Retreat

Love One Another Led by Eileen McAvoy Rolling View Community Center on Falls Lake in Durham County October 13, 2012 9:00 am-4:00 pm

As Christians, we are called to love and told not to judge. Yet most of us find ourselves in relationships where the later comes so much easier than the former. This retreat will focus on a spiritual discipline applicable in any life situation and designed to connect us with the life in our hearts and the hearts of others. When this connection is made, loving becomes the natural course to take. Eileen McAvoy is a long time member of Westminster. In 2002, her professional interest in conflict resolution led her to a workshop with Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D. founder of a program called nonviolent communication. Rosenberg has drawn from psychology and the world’s religions to create a practice designed to help people connect in a compassionate way with themselves and with each other. Eileen has been learning, living, and sharing this practice for the last ten years.

Registration: WPC Fall Women’s Retreat Oct. 13, 2011 9:00am-4:00pm


Name: __________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Phone: ___________Email:__________________ Carpool: Y/N

Willing to drive? ____________

Special Dietary Needs? _____________________ Please return form with check payable to Westminster by Presbyterian Church by October 05 to WPC, Women’s Fall Retreat, 3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC, 27707

More info? Contact Anne Wolf at 919- 724-9246 or at [email protected]