Lubrication of Silicon Nitride in a Simulated Turbine Exhaust Gas ...
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This paper presents the velocity and turbulence characteristics of the flow in an annular diffuser, which is a model of a gas turbine exhaust diffuser with six struts.
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A typical NACC cycle includes air compression, heating compressed air using nuclear heat and a heat ... In the HRSG, warm air produces steam that is used to produce added electricity. For peak power production, auxiliary heat (natural gas, stored hea
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Mar 24, 2015 - View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal ... Channels with Periodic Elbows for Application in ... Numerical simulations.
which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. ..... However, cycle calculations based on half-ideal gas properties and no dissociation (i.e. isobaric ..... An insight on intercooling and reheat gas turbine cycles, ..... the b
Lubrication of Silicon Nitride in a Simulated Turbine Exhaust Gas ...
Feb 27, 2008 - exhaust gas could lubricate high-temperature Si3N4 bearing surfaces through lubricous carbon deposition and replenish- ment. As graphitic ...
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Lubrication of Silicon Nitride in a Simulated Turbine Exhaust Gas Environment@ W. GREGORY SAWYER (Member, STLE), THIERRY A. BLANCHET (Member, STLE) a n d SALVADORE J. CALABRESE Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Dcpartmcnt of Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering a n d Mechanics Troy, New York 12180
7bti17.g hc~sbeen conducted on silicon nitride (Si3N4)i n simulated engine exlin~~st gas environnmzts i n four-ball rolling contacts and pi~n-o~r.-disk slidin,g contacts lo 590°C. Utilizing a steel race, the depth (fthe wenr tmck formed at the Si3N4/Si3N4 rolling contad i n the presence of exhnust gas rum roughly one-hay that formed i n the presntce of N2 alone. Deposition of lubricous microctystalline graphite c(~rl,onfrom CO ruithin the exhaust was conjrmed by Raman spectroscoj~y.I?emovnl of H 2 0 from the exhaust gas further reduced rolling ruear. I