1 Mitishita, E.A., S.R.C. de Freitas, C.P. Krueger, J.F.G. Monico, D. Blitzkow,
L.P.S. ... 2 Alves, Daniele Barroca Marra, João Francisco Galera Monico, and
Luiz ...
Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes
December 2005
Name: Citizenship: Home address:
• •
Telephone/fax: E-mail:
Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes Brazilian Avenida das Américas 489, casa 1, bloco B Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil 22631-000 55-21-2491-7937
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Ph.D. in Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary, Canada (2002) M.Sc. in Computer Science applied to Geomatics, Engineering Military Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (1997) Graduate Course in Geometric, Physical and Satellite Geodesy (240h), DMA IAGS Cartographic School, Panama (1988) Graduate Course in Computer Science (636h), Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1985) Cartographic (Geomatics) Engineer, Engineering Military Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1981)
3 EXPERTISE – SUMMARY I have been working during the past 23 years for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, most of the time in the Department of Geodesy (the Geodetic Survey of Brazil) as the head of the Research and Analysis Division. I currently hold the position of Associate Director of Geosciences. In my work, besides managing technical projects and branches, I have dedicated myself to research in precise geodetic positioning. Satellite Geodesy – Transit System and GPS, Reference Systems, Advanced Estimation and Optimization – through adjustment of large geodetic networks, and Geodynamics are fields where I have been working on. My work got me involved in international projects related to these fields. Among them, I would like to mention the SIRGAS project (Geocentric Reference System for the Americas), which I have been presiding since its start in October 1993. I have also designed and coordinated the establishment of the Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring of GPS (RBMC), a network of CORS GPS stations in Brazil. In order to be more involved in research and teaching - my passions - I currently also hold a Brazilian research scholarship for studying the implementation of a framework to support real time static and kinematic GPS positioning in Brazil, besides holding the position of Associate Professor at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, where I teach computer science courses to Geomatics Engineering undergraduate students.
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq, Brazil Position: Researcher II (since March 2005)
University of the State of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, Brazil Career: Associate Professor (tenure track) at the Department of Cartographic (Geomatics) Engineering (since January 2005)
University of New Brunswick, Canada Position: Honorary Research Associate (since December 2005)
University of La Plata, Argentina Position: Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Astronomic and Geophysical Sciences (August 1 to 30, 2004)
São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil Position: Visiting Professor at the Cartographic (Geomatics) Sciences Graduate Program (August 2004)
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE, Brazil Career: Civil Service employee as a Cartographic (Geomatics) Engineer (since August 1982) Positions taken: • • • • • • •
Associate Director of Geosciences (since May 2003) Head, Department of Geodesy (October 1995 – April 1998) Head, Research and Analysis Division (January 1987 – September 1995) Substitute Head, Department of Geodesy (January 1987 – September 1995) Head, Department of Computation and Analysis (September 1985 – December 1986) Head, Division of Physical and Orbital Methods (January – August 1985) Head, Division of Systems and Software (May 1983 – December 1984)
Análise Engenharia de Serviços Ltda Career: Cartographic Engineer (December 1981 – August 1982)
Computer Science applied to Geomatics Engineering I and II, Computer Languages applied to Geomatics Engineering I, Introduction to Computer Engineering, all undergraduate courses (45h each) taught as Associate Professor to Geomatics Engineering students, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, August - December 2005
Computer Science applied to Geomatics Engineering I and II, Computer Languages applied to Geomatics Engineering I, all undergraduate courses (45h each) taught as Associate Professor to Geomatics Engineering students, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, March - July 2005
Conventional and Network Kinematic GPS Positioning, a 30h-graduate course taught as a Visiting Professor, São Paulo State University (UNESP), August 2004
Bernese GPS Software Version 4.2 Introductory Course, to undergraduate and graduate students, Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary, Calgary, January 2004 (12h)
Bernese GPS Software Version 4.2 Introductory Course, to undergraduate and graduate students, Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary, Calgary, June 2002 (20h)
Introductory Course on the Global Positioning System, to employees of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and other governmental and industrial agencies, Rio de Janeiro, November 1997
Introductory Course on the Global Positioning System, to employees of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and other governmental and industrial agencies, Rio de Janeiro, June 1997
The Global Positioning System (GPS) and its Applications, to employees of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and other governmental and industrial agencies, Rio de Janeiro, May 1996
Theory and Practice of GPS, to professional engineers, Training Centre for Professionals on Surveying (CEAPROT), 40h, Rio de Janeiro, April 1995
Theory and Practice of GPS, to professional engineers, Training Centre for Professionals on Surveying (CEAPROT), 40h, São Paulo, February 1995
Concepts of Global Positioning based on tracking of NAVSTAR/GPS Satellites, to teachers of the Federal Centre for Technological Education of Goiás (CEFET/GO), Goiânia, October 1993
5.2 Participation in Thesis Defence Committees •
Doctor Degree 1
Campos, Ilce de Oliveira. Referencial Altimétrico para a Bacia do Rio Amazonas. Thesis defence, Doctorate in Engineering, Department of Transportation Engineering, Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2004
Sapucci, Luiz Fernando. GNSS/MET no Brasil: Efetivando o Sinergismo entre a Geodésia e a Meteorologia Brasileira. Qualifying Exam, Doctorate in Cartographic Sciences, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Presidente Prudente, 2004
Veronez, Maurício Roberto. Proposta de um modelo regional para a redução do efeito sistemático da ionosfera através do método sequencial de ajustamento. Thesis defence, Doctorate in Transportation Engineering, São Carlos Engineering School of the University of São Paulo, São Carlos, 2004
Campos, Ilce de Oliveira. Estabelecimento de um Referencial Altimétrico na Região Amazônica. Qualifying Exam, Doctorate in Engineering, Department of Transportation Engineering, Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2004
Fedrizzi, Mariangel. Estudo do Efeito de Tempestades Magnéticas na Ionosfera Utilizando dados do GPS. Thesis defence, Doctorate in Space Geophysics, National Space Research Institute (INPE), São José dos Campos, 2003
Saatkamp, Eno Darci. Desenvolvimento e Experimentação de um Formato para a Transmissão de Correções DGPS pelo RDS no Brasil. Thesis defence, Doctorate in Geodetic Sciences, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, 2003
Master Degree 1
Poz, William Rodrigo Dal. Auto Correção do Efeito da Refração Ionosférica no Posicionamento com Receptores GPS de uma Freqüência. Qualifying Exam, MSc in Cartographic Sciences, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Presidente Prudente, 2004
Aguiar, Claudinei Rodrigues. Modelo Regional da Ionosfera (MOD_ION): Implementação em Tempo Real. Qualifying Exam, MSc in Cartographic Sciences, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Presidente Prudente, 2004
Oliveira, Bianca Pedroni de. A Influência do Desvio da Vertical e da Ondulação Geoidal no Processamento das Redes Geodésicas. Thesis defence, MSc in Cartographic Engineering, Cartographic Engineering Department, Engineering Military Institute (IME), Rio de Janeiro, 2004
Alves, Daniele Barroca Marra. Método dos Mínimos Quadrados com Penalidades: Aplicação no Posicionamento Relativo GPS. Thesis defence, MSc in Cartographic Sciences, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Presidente Prudente, 2004
Souza, Eniuce Menezes de. Efeito de Multicaminho no GPS: Detecção e Atenuação Utilizando Wavelets. Qualifying Exam, MSc in Cartographic Sciences, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Presidente Prudente, 2003
Marra, Daniele Barroca. Método dos Mínimos Quadrados com Penalidades: Aplicação no Posicionamento Relativo GPS. Qualifying Exam, MSc in Cartographic Sciences, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Presidente Prudente, 2003
Carranza, Fredy Estupiñán. Comparação de Resultados do Processamento Parcial de Dados da Rede SIRGAS, Usando Efemérides Precisas e Transmitidas, Utilizando o programa GEONAP. Thesis defence, MSc in Geodetic Sciences, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, 1997
5.3 Thesis Supervision •
Doctor Degree 1
Alves, Daniele Barroca Marra, Posicionamento RTK no Contexto de Redes GNSS Ativas Utilizando o Conceito de Estação Virtual, Doctorate in Cartographic Sciences, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Presidente Prudente, 2004, since March 2004
International Association of Geodesy - IAG Member of the IAG Nomination Committee (2005 - 2007) Member of the IAG Review Committee (2004 - 2007) Member-at-large on the Executive Committee, representing Latin America (2003 - 2007) Chairman for the South and Central America region of the Regional Reference Frames Sub-commission of the Commission 1 on Reference Frames (2003 - 2007)
Member of the Working Group IAG 4.5 PPP on Carrier Phase-based Precise Point Positioning (since Jan. 2004) President of the Sub-Commission for South America of Commission X on Global and Regional Geodetic Networks (Aug. 1999 – Jun. 2003) Member of the Special Study Group 1.159 on Use of GPS Positioning for Atmospheric Monitoring (Sep. 1996 – Jul. 1999) Member of the Special Study Group 1.155 on Active GPS Networks (Oct. 1995 – Jul. 1999) Associate member (since Sep. 1994) Collaborator to the Committee of Developing Countries (Jan. 1993 – Dec. 1995) •
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics – IUGG Director of the National Committee of Brazil (since Nov. 2002)
Geocentric Reference System for the Americas – SIRGAS President of the Project (since Oct. 1993)
International GNSS Service - IGS Member of the Real Time Working Group – RTWG (since Apr. 2002) IBGE Representative in the Network category (since Dec. 1994)
Pan-American Institute of Geography and History - PAIGH Brazilian representative on the Cartographic Commission (1997-1998) Brazilian representative on the Geodetic Committee (since 1986)
Institute of Navigation - ION Member (since Oct. 2000)
National Cartographic Commission - CONCAR Executive Secretary (since Oct. 2003)
Brazilian Society on Cartography, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - SBC President of Technical Commission II: Astronomy, Geodesy and Topography (1987 and 2003 - 2005)
Geomatica, GPS Solutions, Revista Brasileira de Cartografia and Série em Ciências Geodésicas Scientific Reviewer of many papers submitted to these publications (since 2002)
Coordinates (published by the Centre for GeoInformation Technologies - cGIT, India) Member of the Editorial Advisory Board (since Aug. 2005)
InfoGPS Magazine (Brazilian Magazine) Member of the Editorial Advisory Board (since Mar. 2004)
Geoconvergencia Magazine (published by Advantstar Comm., USA) Member of the Editorial Board (May 1998 – Oct. 1999)
Fator GIS (Brazilian Magazine) Member of the Editorial Board (Mar. 1994 – Dec. 1996)
Brazilian Geophysics Society - SBGF IBGE Representative on the National Commission of Gravimetry (Jan. 1987 – Dec. 1989)
Studies towards Implementing a Framework to Support Real Time Static and Kinematic GPS Positioning in Brazil (since 2005) - as principal investigator MULTI-REF - Use of a Multiple Reference Stations Approach for GPS Carrier-Phase Based Positioning (1998 – 2002) Use of Geodetic Techniques for Deformation Control of the Itaipu and Tucuruí Hydro electrical Power Plants (1981-1982)
As a coordinator: • • • • • • • • • •
PIGN - National Geospatial Framework Project – in cooperation with the University of New Brunswick, sponsored by CIDA (since 2004) Change of the Brazilian Geodetic System to SIRGAS (since 2002) SIRGAS – Geocentric Reference System for the Americas (since 1993) RBMC - Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring of GPS (since 1991) Geodetic Positioning in Brazil based on GPS (1989 – 1995) Development of a Geoid Model for Brazil (1985 – 1995) Adjustment of the Brazilian Horizontal Geodetic Network (1985 – 1995) Adjustment of the Brazilian Vertical Geodetic Network (1985 – 1995) Transformation Parameters between Reference Systems (1983 – 1989) Geodetic Positioning in Brazil based on the TRANSIT (Doppler) System (1983 – 1989)
Portuguese, English and Spanish
“Ordem do Mérito Cartográfico” Medal, at Officer degree, Brazilian Cartographic Society (SBC), May 2003 Student Paper Award, Institute of Navigation, ION GPS/2002, 2002 KIS-94 Award, Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, 2000 “Ordem do Mérito Cartográfico” Medal, at Knight degree, Brazilian Cartographic Society (SBC), May 2000
• • • • • • • • • • •
Best Presentation Award, Institute of Navigation, ION GPS/2000, 2000 Institute of Navigation's Graduate Student Award, Institute of Navigation, USA, 2000 Best Paper Award, Institute of Navigation, ION GPS/99, 1999 Graduate Research Award, Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, Oct. 1999 Graduate Research Award, Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, May 1999 Graduate Research Award, Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, Feb. 1999 Best Paper Award, Institute of Navigation, ION GPS/98, 1998 PhD Scholarship, awarded by CAPES/Brazil, from 1998 to 2002 Graduate Research Award, Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, 1998 Top student of the Course on Geometric, Physical and Satellite Geodesy, DMA IAGS Cartographic School, with a Distinction Diploma, Panama, 1988 "Departamento de Ensino e Pesquisa do Ministério do Exército" Award, for concluding the engineering undergraduate course at the first place among all students from all engineering courses, Rio de Janeiro, 1981
Referred Journals 1
Bevis, Michael, Douglas Alsdorf, Eric Kendrick, Luiz Paulo Fortes, Bruce Forsberg, Robert Smalley Jr., Janet Becker (2005). SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS IN THE MASS OF THE AMAZON RIVER SYSTEM AND EARTH’S ELASTIC RESPONSE. In Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 32, L16308, pp. 1-4.
Costa, Sonia Maria Alves, Marco Aurélio de Almeida Lima, Maria Cristina Barbosa Lobianco, Katia Duarte Pereira and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2005). INFRA-ESTRUTURA GEOESPACIAL BRASILEIRA MODERNIZA-SE. In InfoGPS, No. 9, pp. 26-28, year 2.
Pereira, Katia Duarte, Jardel Aparecido Fazan and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2004). RBMC: SETE ANOS FORNECENDO REFERÊNCIA A POSICIONAMENTOS GPS NO BRASIL E EXTERIOR. In InfoGPS, No. 5, pp. 36-38, year 1.
Dogan, Ugur, Gérard Lachapelle, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, and Semih Ergintav (2003). A STUDY OF THE TECTONICALLY ACTIVE MARMARA REGION, TURKEY, USING GPS. In Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 40, pp. 1191-1202.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, M Elizabeth Cannon, Gérard Lachapelle, and Susan Skone (2003). OPTIMIZING A NETWORK-BASED RTK METHOD FOR OTF POSITIONING. In GPS Solutions, Vol. 7, pp. 61-73.
Kendrick, Eric, Michael Bevis, Robert Smalley Jr., Benjamin Brooks, Rodrigo Barriga Vargas, Eduardo Lauría, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2003). THE NAZCA - SOUTH AMERICA EULER VECTOR AND ITS RATE OF CHANGE. In Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 16, pp. 125-131.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, M Elizabeth Cannon, Susan Skone, and Gérard Lachapelle (2002). IMPROVING A MULTI-REFERENCE GPS STATION NETWORK METHOD FOR OTF POSITIONING IN THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY. In Lighthouse, No. 61, pp. 4-11.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Gérard Lachapelle, M Elizabeth Cannon, Sam Ryan, Guy Marceau, Sun Wee, and John Raquet (2000). USE OF A MULTI-REFERENCE GPS STATION NETWORK FOR PRECISE 3D POSITIONING IN CONSTRICTED WATERWAYS. In International Hydrographic Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 15-29.
10 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1994). ESPECIFICAÇÕES E NORMAS GERAIS PARA LEVANTAMENTOS GPS PRELIMINARES. In Cadernos de Geociências, No. 10. 11 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1994). ESPECIFICAÇÕES E NORMAS GERAIS PARA LEVANTAMENTOS GPS PRELIMINARES. In Revista Fator Gis, Vol. 2, No. 5 and 6, pp. 29-32. 12 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1993). DETERMINAÇÃO DOS PARÂMETROS DE TRANSFORMAÇÃO ENTRE OS SISTEMAS NWL-10D, NSWC-9Z2, WGS-84 E O SAD-69. In Cadernos de Geociências, No. 9. 13 Pereira, Katia Duarte, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (1993). SISTEMA DE POSICIONAMENTO GLOBAL GPS: CONCEITOS. In Engenharia em Revista, Vol. 106, No. 3, pp. 24-26. 14 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1992). SISTEMA GEODÉSICO BRASILEIRO - NOVA CONCEPÇÃO. In Revista Brasileira de Geografia, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 61-74. 15 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1989). PRIMEIROS RESULTADOS, NO IBGE, DA APLICAÇÃO DO MÉTODO DE MULTI-ESTAÇÃO, COM ARCOS CURTOS, NO PROCESSAMENTO DE OBSERVAÇÕES DE SATÉLITES DO SISTEMA TRANSIT. In Cadernos de Geociências, No. 2. 16 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, and Denizar Blitzkow (1988). AS ALTURAS GEOIDAIS DOPPLER E OS MODELOS DE GRAU ELEVADO DO POTENCIAL GRAVITACIONAL. In Cadernos de Geociências, No. 1. 17 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1988). METODOLOGIA PARA TRANSFORMAÇÃO DE COORDENADAS REFERIDAS AOS SISTEMAS GEODÉSICOS ADOTADOS NO SISTEMA TRANSIT PARA O SAD-69. In Cadernos de Geociências, No. 1. •
Books 1
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2002). OPTIMISING THE USE OF GPS MULTI-REFERENCE STATIONS FOR KINEMATIC POSITIONING, PhD Thesis, p. 323. Calgary: University of Calgary.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1997). OPERACIONALIZAÇÃO DA REDE BRASILEIRA DE MONITORAMENTO CONTÍNUO DO SISTEMA GPS (RBMC), MSc Thesis, p. 152. Rio de Janeiro: Engineering Military Institute (IME).
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1995). TABELAS PARA CÁLCULOS NO SISTEMA DE PROJEÇÃO UNIVERSAL TRANSVERSO DE MERCATOR - UTM (Elipsóide Internacional de 1967). 2nd ed, p. 284. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1986). TABELAS PARA CÁLCULOS NO SISTEMA DE PROJEÇÃO UNIVERSAL TRANSVERSO DE MERCATOR - UTM (Elipsóide Internacional de 1967). 1st ed, p. 284. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
Gonçalves, Alberto S, Primo Beraldo, Claudionor Tusco, Rafael March Castañeda Filho, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes. 1981. APLICAÇÕES DA FOTOGRAMETRIA TERRESTRE PARA FINS MILITARES. Engineering Course Final Project, p. 184. Rio de Janeiro: Engineering Military Institute (IME).
Book Chapters 1
Drewes, Hermann, Klaus Kaniuth, Christof Völksen, Sonia Maria Alves Costa, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2005). RESULTS OF THE SIRGAS CAMPAIGN 2000 AND COORDINATES VARIATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE 1995 SOUTH AMERICAN GEOCENTRIC REFERENCE FRAME. In A Window on the Future of Geodesy, edited by Sansó, Fernando. Vol. 128, pp. 32-37. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2005). SUB-COMMISSION 1.3b REFERENCE FRAME FOR SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA (SIRGAS), REPORT JULY 2003 – APRIL 2005. In IAG-Commission 1 – Reference
Frames Bulletin No. 19, Mid-Term Report 2005, edited by Drewes, Hermann and Helmut Hornik, pp. 22-23. Munich: DGFI. 3
Luz, Roberto Teixeira, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, Melvin Hoyer, and Hermann Drewes (2002). THE VERTICAL REFERENCE FRAME FOR THE AMERICAS - THE SIRGAS 2000 GPS CAMPAIGN. In Vertical Reference Systems, edited by Drewes, Hermann, Alan Dodson, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, Laura Sanchez, and Pedro Sandoval. Vol. 124, pp. 302-306. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Roberto Luz, Katia Duarte Pereira, Sonia Maria Alves Costa, and Denizar Blitzkow. (1998). THE BRAZILIAN NETWORK FOR CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF GPS (RBMC): OPERATION AND PRODUCTS. In Advances in Positioning and Reference Frames, edited by Brunner, F. Vol. 118, pp. 7378. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1997). INTRODUÇÃO. In SIRGAS RELATÓRIO FINAL, GRUPOS DE TRABALHO I E II, edited by Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, pp. 1-8. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1997). INTRODUCTION. In SIRGAS FINAL REPORT, WORKING GROUPS I AND II, edited by Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, pp. 1-8. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
Drewes, Hermann, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, and Melvin Jesus Hoyer (1997). STATUS REPORT ON THE SIRGAS PROJECT. In 1996 IGS Annual Report, edited by Zumberge, J. F., D. E. Fulton, and R. E. Neilan, pp. 433-436. Pasadena: Jet Propuilsion Laboratory (International GPS Service Central Bureau).
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1996). STATUS OF THE BRAZILIAN NETWORK FOR CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF GPS (RBMC). In GPS Trends in Precise Terrestrial, Airborne, and Spaceborne Applications, edited by Beutler, G., G. W. Hein, W. G. Melbourne, and G. Seeber. Vol. 115, pp. 85-88. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Melvin Jesus Hoyer, Walter Humberto Subiza, and Hermann Drewes (1995). THE SIRGAS PROJECT. In 1994 IGS Annual Report, edited by Zumberge, J. F., R. Liu, and R. E. Neilan, pp. 247250. Pasadena: Jet Propulsion Laboratory (International GPS Service Central Bureau).
10 Blitzkow, Denizar, J P Cintra, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (1993). A CONTRIBUTION TO THE GEOID DETERMINATION. In Recent Geodetic and Gravimetric Research in Latin America, edited by Torge, W., A. Gonzalez Flechter, and J. Tanner. Vol. 111. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 11 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1993). BRAZILIAN NETWORK FOR CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF THE GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM - RBMC. In Permanent Satellite Tracking Networks for Geodesy and Geodynamics, edited by Mader, Gerald L, and Wolfgang Torge. Vol. 109. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 12 Blitzkow, Denizar, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, and René Zepeda Godoy (1990). GEOIDAL MAP IMPROVEMENT IN BRAZIL. In Sea Surface Topography and the Geoid, edited by Sünkel, H., and T. Baker. Vol. 104. New York: Springer-Verlag. •
Edition of Books 1
Mitishita, E.A., S.R.C. de Freitas, C.P. Krueger, J.F.G. Monico, D. Blitzkow, L.P.S. Fortes, J.A.S. Centeno, Q. Dalmolin, A.M.G. Tommaselli, J.R. dos Santos, A.P. Crósta, C.R. Sluter, H. Pedrini, M.M.S. Decanini, L.A.C.M. de Sá, and L.F.F.C. Silva (2004). SÉRIE EM CIÊNCIAS GEODÉSICAS. 3rd ed., p. 495. Curitiba: Federal University of Parana.
Drewes, Hermann, Alan Dodson, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, Laura Sanchez, and Pedro Sandoval (2002). VERTICAL REFERENCE SYSTEMS. Vol. 124, p. 353. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1997). SIRGAS RELATÓRIO FINAL, GRUPOS DE TRABALHO I E II. p. 99. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1997). SIRGAS FINAL REPORT, WORKING GROUPS I AND II. p. 96. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
Conference Proceedings 1
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Sonia Maria Alves Costa, Marco Aurélio de Almeida Lima, Jardel Aparecido Fazan, and Marcelo Carvalho dos Santos (2005). MODERNIZAÇÃO DA RBMC. In (CD) Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Cartographic Congress, Macaé.
Alves, Daniele Barroca Marra, João Francisco Galera Monico, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2005). MODELAGEM DA IONOSFERA NO RTK EM REDE. In (CD) Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Cartographic Congress, Macaé.
Souza, Eniuce Menezes de, Daniele Barroca Marra Alves, João Francisco Galera Monico, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2005). FORMULAÇÃO MATEMÁTICA PARA O CÁLCULO DA VRS NO RTK EM REDE. In (CD) Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Cartographic Congress, Macaé.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Eduardo Lauría, Claudio Brunini, Antonio Hernandez Navarro, Laura Sanchez, Hermann Drewes, and Wolfgang Seemueller (2005). EL PROYECTO INTERNACIONAL SIRGAS: ESTADO ACTUAL Y OBJETIVOS FUTUROS. In Proceedings of the 8th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas, New York.
Nunes, Eduardo Pereira, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, Sonia Maria Alves Costa, Valéria Mendonça Guimarães, Moema José de Carvalho Augusto, Anna Lucia Barreto de Freitas, Isabel de Fatima Teixeira Silva, Celso José Monteiro Filho, and Celso Gutemberg Sousa (2005). ACTIVITIES AND EXPERIENCES OF BRAZIL IN THE FIELD OF CARTOGRAPHY. In Proceedings of the 8th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas, New York.
Nunes, Eduardo Pereira, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, Claudia Cotrim Correa da Costa, Ricardo Cardenas Jansen, Moema José de Carvalho Augusto, Celso José Monteiro Filho (2004). A CASE STUDY IN BRAZIL:THE MAIN CHALLENGES FACED BY LAND ADMINISTRATION. In Proceedings of the UN, FIG, PC IDEA Inter-Regional Special Forum for the Development of Land Information Policies in the Americas, Aguascalientes.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, M Elizabeth Cannon, Gérard Lachapelle, and Susan Skone (2003). USO DE MULTI-ESTAÇÕES GPS DE REFERÊNCIA PARA POSICIONAMENTOS RTK. In (CD) Proceedings of the XXI Brazilian Cartographic Congress, Belo Horizonte.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2002). OPTIMISING THE USE OF GPS MULTI-REFERENCE STATIONS FOR KINEMATIC POSITIONING. In Proceedings of the 15th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GPS/2002), Portland, pp. 2359-2372.
Cannon, M Elizabeth, Gérard Lachapelle, Paulo Alves, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, and Bryan Townsend (2001). GPS RTK POSITIONING USING A REGIONAL REFERENCE NETWORK: THEORY AND RESULTS. In Proceedings of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems Conference (GNSS'2001), Seville.
10 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, M Elizabeth Cannon, Susan Skone, and Gérard Lachapelle (2001). IMPROVING A MULTI-REFERENCE GPS STATION NETWORK METHOD FOR OTF POSITIONING IN THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY. In Proceedings of the 14th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GPS/2001), Salt Lake City, pp. 404-414. 11 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2001). SIRGAS AND THE GEODETIC NETWORK FOR THE AMERICAS. In Proceedings of the 7th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas, New York.
12 Cannon, M Elizabeth, Gérard Lachapelle, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, Paulo Alves, and Bryan Townsend (2001). THE USE OF MULTIPLE REFERENCE STATION VRS FOR PRECISE KINEMATIC POSITIONING. In Proceedings of the Japan Institute of Navigation GPS Symposium, Tokyo, pp. 29-37. 13 O'keefe, Kyle, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2001). USING PERMANENT GPS STATIONS TO DETECT THE 2001 NISQUALLY EARTHQUAKE. In (CD) Proceedings of the International Association of Geodesy Scientific Assembly (IAG 2001), Budapest. 14 Lachapelle, Gérard, Paulo Alves, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, M Elizabeth Cannon, and Bryan Townsend (2000). DGPS RTK POSITIONING USING A REFERENCE NETWORK. In Proceedings of the 13th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GPS/2000), Salt Lake City, pp. 1165-1171. 15 Costa, Sonia Maria Alves, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2000). NOVA HIERARQUIA DA REDE PLANIMÉTRICA DO SISTEMA GEODÉSICO BRASILEIRO. In Proceedings of the I Seminar on Geocentric Reference System in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 16 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2000). SIRGAS: O SISTEMA DE REFERÊNCIA PARA O NOVO MILÊNIO. In Proceedings of the I Seminar on Geocentric Reference System in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 17 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, M Elizabeth Cannon, and Gérard Lachapelle (2000). TESTING A MULTIREFERENCE GPS STATION NETWORK FOR OTF POSITIONING IN BRAZIL. In Proceedings of the 13th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GPS/2000), Salt Lake City, pp. 1133-1142. 18 Lachapelle, Gérard, M Elizabeth Cannon, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, and Paulo Alves (2000). USE OF MULTIPLE REFERENCE GNSS STATIONS FOR RTK POSITIONING. In Proceedings of the World Congress of the International Association of Institutes of Navigation, San Diego, pp. 803-809. 19 Townsend, Bryan, Tom Melgård, Gérard Lachapelle, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, T Nørbech, and John Raquet (1999). NEW CONCEPTS FOR CARRIER PHASE-BASED POSITIONING USING A NATIONAL REFERENCE STATION NETWORK. In Proceedings of the 1999 National Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation, San Diego, pp. 319-326. 20 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Gérard Lachapelle, M Elizabeth Cannon, Guy Marceau, Sam Ryan, Sun Wee, and John Raquet (1999). TESTING OF A MULTI-REFERENCE GPS STATION NETWORK FOR PRECISE 3D POSITIONING IN THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY. In Proceedings of the 12th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GPS/99), Nashville, pp. 1259-1269. 21 Raquet, John, Gérard Lachapelle, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (1998). USE OF A COVARIANCE ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE FOR PREDICTING PERFORMANCE OF REGIONAL AREA DIFFERENTIAL CODE AND CARRIER-PHASE NETWORKS. In Proceedings of the 11th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GPS/98), Nashville, pp. 1345-1354. 22 Drewes, Hermann, Melvin Jesus Hoyer, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (1997). THE SOUTH AMERICAN GEOCENTRIC REFERENCE SYSTEM. In Proceedings of the Sixth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas, New York. 23 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Leonardo Castro de Oliveira, and Luiz Felipe Ferreira (1996). ENSAIO DE COMUNICAÇÃO DE DADOS PARA A RBMC. In Proceedings of GIS Brasil'96, Curitiba, pp. 426-436. 24 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1996). ESTABLISHMENT OF THE BRAZILIAN NETWORK OF CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF GPS (RBMC). In Trimble Users Conference Proceedings, San Jose, pp. 69-74. 25 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, and René Zepeda Godoy (1991). REDE BRASILEIRA DE MONITORAMENTO CONTÍNUO DO SISTEMA DE POSICIONAMENTO GLOBAL - GPS. In Proceedings of the XV Brazilian Cartographic Congress, São Paulo, Vol. III, pp. 677-682.
26 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Ivan Ferreira Cagnin, René Zepeda Godoy, and Denizar Blitzkow (1989). DETERMINAÇÃO DOS PARÂMETROS DE TRANSFORMAÇÃO ENTRE OS SISTEMAS NWL-10D, NSWC9Z2, WGS-84 E O SAD-69. In Proceedings of the XIV Brazilian Cartographic Congress, Gramado, Vol. 1, pp. 157-165. 27 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, and Denizar Blitzkow (1989). GEODETIC POSITIONING EXPERIMENTS WITH NAVSTAR/GPS IN BRAZIL. In Proceedings of the 5th International Geodetic Symposium on Satellite Positioning, Las Cruces, Vol. II, pp. 873-886. •
Conference Proceedings (Expanded Abstracts) 1
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1995). PROJETO SIRGAS - ESTÁGIO ATUAL. In Expanded Abstracts of the 4th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. I, pp. 127-130.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1993). REDE BRASILEIRA DE MONITORAMENTO CONTÍNUO DO SISTEMA GPS (RBMC) - ESTÁGIO ATUAL. In Expanded Abstracts of the 3rd International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 1, pp. 637-642.
Conference Proceedings (Abstracts) 1
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Sonia Maria Alves Costa, Marco Aurélio de Almeida Lima, Jardel Aparecido Fazan, and Marcelo Carvalho dos Santos (2005). ACESSING THE NEW SIRGAS2000 REFERENCE FRAME THROUGH A MODERNIZED BRAZILIAN ACTIVE CONTROL NETWORK. In Program & Abstract Book, Dynamic Planet 2005, Cairns, p. 62.
Santos, Marcelo Carvalho dos, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2005). ISSUES AND IMPACTS OF ADOPTING SIRGAS2000 IN BRAZIL. In Program & Abstract Book, Dynamic Planet 2005, Cairns, p. 226.
Alves, Daniele Barroca Marra, João Francisco Galera Monico, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2005). DESCRIÇÃO DOS PRINCIPAIS ALGORITMOS DE CORREÇÃO PARA RTK EM REDE. In Book of Abstracts, IV Brazilian Colloquium of Geodetic Sciences, Curitiba, pp. 100-101.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Sonia Maria Alves Costa, Katia Duarte Pereira, Marco Aurélio de Almeida Lima, and Jardel Aparecido Fazan (2005). RBMC: PLANOS DE MODERNIZAÇÃO, APLICAÇÕES PRÁTICAS E INTEGRAÇÃO DE OUTRAS REDES. In Abstracts online (http://www.geobr.com.br), GEOBrasil 2005, São Paulo.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Eduardo Andrés Lauría (2004). PROJETO SIRGAS: MAIS DE DEZ ANOS DE COOPERAÇÃO NO SENTIDO DO ESTABELECIMENTO DE UMA INFRA-ESTRUTURA GEODÉSICA DE REFERÊNCIA NO CONTINENTE AMERICANO. In Abstracts of the XXII Scientific Meeting of the Argentinean Association of Geophysicists and Geodesists, Buenos Aires.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, and Teresa Cristina Veiga (2003). DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF GLOBAL MAPPING DATA IN BRAZIL. In Abstracts of the Global Mapping Forum 2003, Okinawa, p. 28.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2003). O SISTEMA GEODÉSICO BRASILEIRO E O PROJETO MUDANÇA DO REFERENCIAL GEODÉSICO. In Abstracts online (www.crea-mg.com.br) of the Minas Gerais State Seminar of Surveying Engineering, Viçosa.
Drewes, Hermann, Klaus Kaniuth, Christof Völksen, Sonia Maria Alves Costa, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2003). RESULTS OF THE SIRGAS GPS CAMPAIGN 2000 AND COORDINATE VARIATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE 1995 SOUTH AMERICAN GEOCENTRIC REFERENCE FRAME. In Program and Abstracts CD of the XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG’2003), Sapporo.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Herman Drewes, Sonia Maria Alves Costa, and Klaus Kaniuth (2003). THE REALIZATION OF THE SIRGAS 2000 REFERENCE FRAME. In Abstracts of the Geowissenschaftliches Lateinamerika-Kolloquium (LAK2003), Freiberg, p. 29.
10 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1997). AN OVERVIEW OF THE SIRGAS PROJECT. In Book of Abstracts of the International Association of Geodesy Scientific Assembly (IAG Rio´97), Rio de Janeiro, p. 11. 11 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1996). STATUS OF THE SIRGAS PROJECT. In Abstracts of the IV International Congress of Earth Sciences, Santiago, p. 227. 12 Segantine, Paulo Cesar Lima, Edvaldo Simões da Fonseca Júnior, Denizar Blitzkow, Jorge Pimentel Cintra, Nicola Paciléo Netto, Ricardo Ernesto Schaal, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, and Katia Duarte Pereira (1995). ESTABELECIMENTO E AJUSTE DE UMA REDE GEODÉSICA NO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO COM O SISTEMA DE POSICIONAMENTO NAVSTAR/GPS. In Proceedings of the XVII Brazilian Cartographic Congress, Salvador. 13 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1995). VERIFICAÇÃO DA QUALIDADE DE OBSERVAÇÕES GPS. In Proceedings of the XVII Brazilian Cartographic Congress, Salvador. 14 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1995). IMPLANTAÇÃO DA RBMC - ESTÁGIO ATUAL. In Proceedings of the XVII Brazilian Cartographic Congress, Salvador. 15 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1995). PROJETO SIRGAS. In Proceedings of the XVII Brazilian Cartographic Congress, Salvador. 16 Drewes, Hermann, Klaus Kanniuth, K Stuber, H Tremel, Oscar Cifuentes, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, Jose Napoleon Hernandez, and Melvin Hoyer (1995). RESULTS OF THE 1994 SIRGAS GPS PRE-CAMPAIGN. In Abstracts of the XXI International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly (IUGG’95), Boulder, Vol. Week B, p. B49. 17 Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1995). STATUS OF THE SIRGAS PROJECT. In Abstracts of the XXI International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly (IUGG’95), Boulder, Vol. Week B, p. B49. 18 Drewes, Hermann, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, and Melvin Hoyer (1995). THE SIRGAS´95 GPS CAMPAIGN. In Abstracts of the XXI International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly (IUGG’95), Boulder, Vol. Week B, p. B50. 19 Blitzkow, Denizar, Nicola Paciléo Netto, Jorge Pimentel Cintra, Edvaldo Simões da Fonseca Junior, Regis Fernandes Bueno, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, Katia Duarte Pereira, and Milton de Azevedo Campos (1993). GPS NETWORK IN BRAZIL. In Book of Abstracts of the General Meeting of the International Association of Geodesy, Beijing, p. 86. •
Technical Reports 1
Cannon, M Elizabeth, Wentao Zhang, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (2002). AIRBORNE DATA PROCESSING USING THE MULTIREF METHOD IN POST-MISSION. Contract report prepared by the Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, for the Applanix Corporation.
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Gérard Lachapelle, M Elizabeth Cannon, Kyle O'keefe, and Jayanti Sharma (2000). TESTING OF A MULTI-REFERENCE STATION APPROACH FOR OTF AMBIGUITY RESOLUTION IN THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER. Contract report prepared by the Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, for the Canadian Coast Guard, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Lachapelle, Gérard, M Elizabeth Cannon, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes, and Jim Stephen (1999). FEASIBILITY STUDY ON THE USE OF A MULTI-REFERENCE STATION APPROACH FOR OTF AMBIGUITY RESOLUTION IN A CONSTRICTED WATERWAY (ST. LAWRENCE). Contract report prepared by the
Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, for the Canadian Coast Guard, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. •
Magazines 1
Pereira, Katia Duarte, Jardel Aparecido Fazan, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes. RBMC: SETE ANOS FORNECENDO REFERÊNCIA A POSICIONAMENTOS GPS NO BRASIL E EXTERIOR. InfoGPS Magazine, n. 5, pp. 36-38, Jul/Aug 2004.
Santos, Claudio João dos, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes. A CARTOGRAFIA DO IBGE COMO INSUMO FUNDAMENTAL NA NOVA FASE DO DESENVOLVIMENTO BRASILEIRO. InfoGEO Electronic Magazine (www.infogeo.com.br), edition of February 4, 2004.
Presented Papers 1. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Eduardo Lauría, Claudio Brunini, Antonio Hernandez Navarro, Laura Sanchez, and Hermann Drewes (2005). EL PROYECTO SIRGAS: ESTADO ACTUAL Y OBJETIVOS FUTUROS. XX Consulting Meeting of the Cartographic Commission of the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH), Caracas. 2. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, Sonia Maria Alves Costa, Marco Aurélio de Almeida Lima, Jardel Aparecido Fazan, and Marcelo Carvalho dos Santos (2005). MODERNIZAÇÃO DA RBMC. II National Seminar on Systematic Mapping, Belo Horizonte. 3. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto, and Isabel de Fatima Teixeira Silva (2005). ATIVIDADES DA COMISSÃO NACIONAL DE CARTOGRAFIA (CONCAR). II National Seminar on Systematic Mapping, Belo Horizonte. 4. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2005). SISTEMA DE REFERÊNCIA GEOCÊNTRICO PARA AS AMÉRICAS – SIRGAS2000. Geocentric Reference System for the Americas - SIRGAS2000 - Seminar, Salvador. 5. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2005). PROJETO MUDANÇA DO REFERENCIAL GEODÉSICO: FASE ATUAL E PERSPECTIVAS. XXII Brazilian Cartographic Congress, Macaé. 6. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2005). TRANSIÇÃO DO SISTEMA GEODÉSICO BRASILEIRO DE SAD 69 PARA SIRGAS2000 – DEMANDAS ATUAIS. IV Brazilian Colloquium of Geodetic Sciences, Curitiba. 7. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2005). SITUAÇÃO ATUAL DA CARTOGRAFIA NACIONAL. Workshop on Strategic Planning of the National Commission on Cartography (CONCAR), Brasília. 8. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2004). INÍCIO DO PERÍODO DE TRANSIÇÃO. II Seminar on Geocentric Reference System in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 9. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2004). PROJETO MUDANÇA DO REFERENCIAL GEODÉSICO – PMRG. II Seminar on Geocentric Reference System in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 10. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2004). FUNDING CHALLENGES. UN, FIG, PC IDEA Inter-Regional Special Forum for the Development of Land Information Policies in the Americas, Aguascalientes. 11. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2004). PROJETO MUDANÇA DO REFERENCIAL GEODÉSICO. 6th Brazilian Congress on Multi-Purpose Technical Cadastre and Land Administration, Florianópolis. 12. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2004). REDE BRASILEIRA DE MONITORAMENTO CONTÍNUO DO SISTEMA GPS – RBMC. 2nd Workshop on Permanent GPS Stations in Argentina, Buenos Aires. 13. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2004). PROJETO MUDANÇA DO REFERENCIAL GEODÉSICO. I Symposium on Geodetic Sciences and Geoinformation Technologies, Recife.
14. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2004). REDE BRASILEIRA DE MONITORAMENTO CONTÍNUO DO SISTEMA GPS (RBMC). Workshop on Continuous Reference Stations, São Paulo. 15. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2004). INFRA-ESTRUTURA NACIONAL DE DADOS ESPACIAIS NO BRASIL. National Meeting on Geography of Mexico, Toluca. 16. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2004). INFRA-ESTRUTURA NACIONAL DE DADOS ESPACIAIS. Presented at the GEOBrasil2004, São Paulo. 17. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2004). A REDE BRASILEIRA DE MONITORAMENTO CONTÍNUO DO SISTEMA GPS (RBMC). Presented at the GEOBrasil2004, São Paulo. 18. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2003). THE SIRGAS2000 REFERENCE FRAME. Presented at the WGS-84 Seminar/Taller, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Rio de Janeiro. 19. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2003). SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO NO IBGE EM APOIO À CARTOGRAFIA, Presented at the II Remote Sensing Journey of the Defence, Brasília. 20. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2003). COMISSÃO NACIONAL DE CARTOGRAFIA. Presented at the Plenary Meeting of the National Cartographic Commission (CONCAR), Brasília. 21. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2003). PROPOSTAS DE AGENDA DE TRABALHO. Presented at the Plenary Meeting of the National Cartographic Commission (CONCAR), Brasília. 22. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2003). USO DE UMA REDE DE ESTAÇÕES GPS PERMANENTES PARA APLICAÇÕES RTK. Presented to students and professors from the Graduate Course (Master and Doctor) on Cartographic Sciences, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Presidente Prudente 23. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2003). REALIZAÇÃO DO SISTEMA DE REFERÊNCIA SIRGAS 2000. Presented at the III Brazilian Colloquium on Geodetic Sciences, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba. 24. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2003). GEODETIC ACTIVITIES IN BRAZIL. Presented to graduate students and professors of from the Institut für Erdmessung, University of Hannover, Hannover. 25. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2002). SIRGAS. Presented at the 5th Brazilian Congress on Multi-Purpose Technical Cadastre, 3th Meeting on Multi-Purpose Technical Cadastre for Countries of MERCOSUL, 2nd Meeting on Multi-Purpose Technical Cadastre for Countries of CONESUL, Florianópolis. 26. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (2000). THE SIRGAS PROJECT: STATUS AND FUTURE PLANS. Presented at the American Geophysical Union 2000 Spring Meeting, Washington D.C. 27. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1997). A RBMC E O GEOPROCESSAMENTO. Presented at the IV Brazilian Geoprocessing Symposium, São Paulo 28. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1997). A REDE BRASILEIRA DE MONITORAMENTO CONTÍNUO - RBMC E A ESTAÇÃO UFRGS. Presented to students and professors from the Geosciences Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre. 29. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1997). SIRGAS - SISTEMA DE REFERÊNCIA GEOCÊNTRICO PARA A AMÉRICA DO SUL. Presented to students and professors from the Geosciences Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre. 30. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1997). RBMC: UM NOVO CONCEITO EM POSICIONAMENTO GEODÉSICO NO BRASIL. Presented at the Seminar on the Impact of New Technologies on Cartographic Engineering. São Paulo State University (UNESP), Presidente Prudente. 31. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1997). RBMC E PROJETO SIRGAS. Presented at the III Congress and Exhibition for Geoprocessing Users (GIS Brasil’97), Curitiba.
32. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1995). GPS PARA O GEOPROCESSAMENTO. Presented at the I Seminar on Geoprocessing of the Ceará State, Fortaleza. 33. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1994). O ESTADO DA ARTE DO GPS NO IBGE. Presented at the Workshop on Digital Photogrammetry and GPS, Recife. 34. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1994). SISTEMA DE REFERÊNCIA GEOCÊNTRICO PARA AMÉRICA DO SUL – SIRGAS. Presented at the 18th Scientific Meeting of the Argentinean Association of Geophysicists and Geodesists, La Plata. 35. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1994). INFORMAÇÕES GEODÉSICAS - SITUAÇÃO ATUAL DA REDE GEODÉSICA BRASILEIRA. Presented at the VIIIth Academic Week of the Civil and Surveying Engineering, Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa. 36. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1994). PROJETO SIRGAS - SISTEMA DE REFERÊNCIA GEOCÊNTRICO PARA A AMÉRICA DO SUL. Presented at the Week on Cartography, Brazilian Society on Cartography (SBC), Niterói. 37. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1994). SISTEMA DE REFERÊNCIA GEOCÊNTRICO PARA A AMÉRICA DO SUL – SIRGAS. Presented at the Workshop on GPS, Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute, Bogotá. 38. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1994). EXPERIÊNCIAS E RESULTADOS COM GPS NO BRASIL. Presented at the Workshop on GPS, Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute, Bogotá. 39. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1994). SISTEMA DE REFERÊNCIA GEOCÊNTRICO PARA A AMÉRICA DO SUL. Presented at the Seminar on the SIRGAS Project, Brazilian Society on Cartography (SBC), Rio de Janeiro 40. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1993). A GEODÉSIA NO BRASIL. Presented at the International Conference/Workshop for the Definition of a Geocentric Datum for South America, Military Geographic Service of Paraguay, Asunción. 41. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1993). ESPECIFICAÇÕES E NORMAS GERAIS PARA LEVANTAMENTOS GEODÉSICOS (Proposta de Revisão). Presented at the Seminar on National Cartographic Policy – Executors and Users: an Institutional Vision, Brazilian Society on Cartography (SBC) and Brazilian Association of Cartographic Engineers (ABEC-RJ), Rio de Janeiro. 42. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1993). ESPECIFICAÇÕES PARA GPS. Presented at the Seminar on National Cartographic Policy – Executors and Users: an Institutional Vision, Brazilian Society on Cartography (SBC) and Brazilian Association of Cartographic Engineers (ABEC-RJ), Rio de Janeiro. 43. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1993). REDE BRASILEIRA DE MONITORAMENTO CONTÍNUO. Presented at the Seminar on National Cartographic Policy – Executors and Users: an Institutional Vision, Brazilian Society on Cartography (SBC) and Brazilian Association of Cartographic Engineers (ABEC-RJ), Rio de Janeiro. 44. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1992). ESPECIFICAÇÕES E NORMAS GERAIS PARA LEVANTAMENTOS GPS. Presented at the Meeting for Ethics, Technology and Development, Brazilian Association of Cartographic Engineers (ABEC-RJ) and Engineering Club, Rio de Janeiro. 45. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1992). MAPA GEOIDAL DO BRASIL – 1992. Presented at the Meeting for Ethics, Technology and Development, Brazilian Association of Cartographic Engineers (ABEC-RJ) and Engineering Club, Rio de Janeiro. 46. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1992). ATUALIDADE E PLANOS DO IBGE PARA A CARTOGRAFIA E GEODÉSIA NO BRASIL. Presented at the Graduate Course on Geodetic Sciences, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba.
47. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1992). CONCEITOS GEODÉSICOS ASSOCIADOS ÀS APLICAÇÕES DE NAVEGAÇÃO AÉREA POR SATÉLITES E CONTROLE DE TRÁFEGO AÉREO. Presented at the Telecommunications Department of the Electronic Engineering Division, Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA), São José dos Campos. 48. Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1991). GEODÉSIA SATÉLITE/GPS. Presented at the Conference on Hydrooceanographical Topics, Hydrography and Navigation Directorate, Rio de Janeiro. 49. Silva, Marcus Vinicus Duarte da, and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (1986). A EXPERIÊNCIA DO BRASIL EM AJUSTAMENTOS DE REDES GEODÉSICAS PLANIMÉTRICAS DE GRANDES DIMENSÕES. Presented at the Symposium on Geodesy Update of the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH), 14th Scientific Meeting of the Argentinean Association of Geophysicists and Geodesists, Mendoza.
11 Registered Software •
Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto (1991). GEOSOFT: SISTEMA DE PROCESSAMENTO DE INFORMAÇÕES GEODÉSICAS E TOPOGRÁFICAS. Software package for processing geodetic, topographic and cartographic information. Register Number: DEPIN 06261-8. This software has been licensed to over 14 industrial and governmental agencies in Brazil.