Luminescence of monohalide excitons and intraband ...
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Luminescence of monohalide excitons and intraband ...
5Ch. B. Lushchik, I. K. Vitol, and M. A. Elango, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 122, 223. (1977) [Sov. Phys. Usp. 20, 489 (1977)]. "R. F. Wood, Phys. Rev, 151, 629 (1966). 7T.
53. Luminescence of monohalide excitons and intraband luminescence in alkali halide crystals Ch. B. Lushchik, A. Ch. Lushchik, E. A. Vasil'chenko, and F, A. Savikhin Institute of Physics, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tartu
(Submitted August 1, 1994) Fiz. Tverd. Tela (St. Petersburg) 37, 525-535 (February 1995) Nanosecond electron-beam pulses excite in RbCl, RbBr, and KBr crystals a continuum of temperature-stable intraband luminescence, luminescence of dihalide self-trapped excitons, as well as weak fast (r