2. Respect people and property. 3. Be responsible. 4. Do your best work. Technology is a valuable twentyfirst century to
LUSHER CHARTER SCHOOL Responsible Use of Technology Policy Project Pride 1. Be Kind. 2. Respect people and property. 3. Be responsible. 4. Do your best work. Technology is a valuable twentyfirst century tool for learning. Lusher Charter School is committed to teaching its faculty, staff, students and school community to work with technology in a productive, responsible manner. To that end, students at Lusher will be allowed the privilege of filtered Internet access via the school’s wifi, various schoolowned devices, and/or personal devices, with parental permission. As with any personal property, the school is not responsible for damage, loss, or theft of personallyowned devices. Students may use personal devices ONLY with the teacher’s permission and only in these pilot classes. Other classes are using schoolowned technology, as needed. Violation of the Project Pride rules or the norms created by the school and classroom teachers could result in disciplinary action, including loss of use of privileges, detentions, suspension, or expulsion. All use of electronic resources must be in support of education and research. Students will be held accountable for the responsible use of all electronic equipment in accordance with school rules and expectations. The full “Internet Acceptable Use Policy” is posted on the Lusher website. The use of the Internet and electronic resources is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in disciplinary action including possible cancellation of those privileges and other disciplinary consequences. Norms Norms will be adjusted and created as we learn more about changing classroom technology. The school reserves the right to make these changes, as needed. ● Use technology only at times approved by the teacher. When told to “power down,” do so. Turn devices off and put them away when instructed to do so. ● All classroom use will be directed and taskoriented. ● Project Pride rules cover integrity and technology use. ● Devices should be flat on the table. When told to “flip” by a teacher, raise the device to show the screen, without touching any controls. (This is modelled for classes as they use the devices.)
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Book bags and any water bottles should be under the desk, to avoid trip hazards and spills. ALL Internet use is to occur on the school’s filtered wifi. Students are not to use 4G or other wireless access; ONLY the school’s wifi is to be used. Phones must be on silent. Pictures and video will be used only as directed by the teacher. Never photograph or film someone without asking permission first. “Jailbroken” or other modified devices are strictly forbidden, as they can interrupt the network. Students using schoolowned devices will treat them with care and respect. Removing and returning devices to carts requires care and orderly behavior. Students should bring personal devices charged and ready for work. When using a schoolowned device, never change settings or alter the setup of the device. These shared devices are not meant to be changed. ALWAYS sign out of every device when done using it. (gmail, Study Island, any program, etc.)
We understand that a Lusher student must use the Internet and all devices, both schoolowned and personal devices, respectfully and with integrity and that students must adhere to the rules of “Project Pride,” the Lusher Student Handbook, and this “Responsible Use Policy.” As a parent or guardian, I have reviewed with my child how to stay personally safe in using the Internet. I understand that my child must use only the school’s filtered internet when on campus and that use of 4G for internet access is prohibited because of content filtering concerns. We understand the penalties for improper use of technology. Student Name (PRINT): _______________________________________________ Student Signature:____________________________________________________ Homeroom Teacher: _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature:___________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________