SCM600 = 4 Strings. 2.4 Measurement Accuracy. 2.4.1 Total system voltage: 0.1
% Full Scale. 60VDC for the SCM60. 600VDC for the SCM600. 2.4.2 Unit ...
LVIRA (Low Voltage Impedance Remote Acquisition) BATTERY VALIDATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Part 1 – GENERAL 1.1 Equipment included LVIRA Battery Monitoring System Cable Sets BVM 4.0 Battery Monitoring Software 1.2 System Description 1.2.1 System will measure the impedance of each unit and interconnect at 216Hz, voltage of each unit, temperature of each unit, total battery system voltage, ambient temperature and float current while the battery is on line. The system will also monitor charge current and discharge current when a power outage is detected. A summary alarm Form C dry contact will activate when the system detects that any preset alarm parameter is exceeded (an additional 5 contacts are available). The system also provides 4 digital inputs to allow for connecting other devices that have digital output alarm features. These other devices can be identified on the software side as to the type of alarm. This could include hydrogen detector, door open, etc. The system will sense all power outages, record and archive total system voltage decay, individual unit decay and discharge current during the outage. The system will fully interface to a remote PC that has the BVM4.0 Software installed for automatic data archiving and trending. The system will not interfere in any way with the battery’s capability to deliver its full rated load at any time; this includes the programmed measurement cycle. 1.3 Requirements 1.3.1 Each separately powered UPS or charger) battery string with its associated load will require a separate LVIRA Battery Monitoring System.
Part 2 – LVIRA Battery Monitor 2.1 Data Presentation 2.1.1 Measurements will be displayed as they are made. Each battery site can be viewed in real-time in a graphical format for individual unit voltages, total system voltage, individual unit temperatures and ambient temperature. Real-time display will also show in a graphical format float current, charge current and discharge current to the string level. 2.1.2 The LVIRA System will include provisions for data to be transmitted over a telephone line, Ethernet, hard-wired shortrange modems, or standard with a direct RS232 serial connection utilizing a laptop or other device that has the BVM 4.0 Software installed. 2.2 Measurement Capability 2.2.1 Voltage: A. Total battery voltage: 0 to 600 VDC B. Total number of strings that can be monitored: Up to 60 units = 8 strings Over 60 units = 2 strings C. Unit voltage range: 1 to 16VDC 2.2.2 Unit Impedance: 100µΩ to 20mΩ 2.2.3 Unit and ambient: Minus 32ºF to 200ºF 2.2.4 Discharge events: A. B. C. D.
Date and time of event System voltage Discharge current Power removed
2.2.5 Discharge current logging: Programmable 2.3 Connection Capacity 2.3.1 Total connection points: 192.
2.3.2 Total number strings in parallel: SCM60 = 8 Strings SCM600 = 4 Strings 2.4 Measurement Accuracy 2.4.1 Total system voltage: 0.1% Full Scale. 60VDC for the SCM60 600VDC for the SCM600 2.4.2 Unit voltage: ±0.01V of reading 2.4.3 Unit impedance: ±0.01 mΩ 2.4.4 Temperature: ±1ºF
Module LED Indicators (Tri-mode G/Y/R) 2.5.1 Green “Normal” – illuminated when: parameters.
Unit within all preset
2.5.2 Yellow “Maintenance” – illuminated when: maintenance preset alarm parameter.
Unit has exceeded
2.5.3 Red “Critical” – illuminated when: preset alarm parameter.
Unit has exceeded critical
2.5.4 Alternating Blinking Red - Battery string under load. 2.6
Controller LED Indicators (Tri-mode G/Y/R) 2.6.1 Three summary LED alarm indicators to display MINOR (maintenance), MAJOR (critical) and EQUIPMENT alarms. A. B. C. D.
MINOR (Maintenance) = Yellow MAJOR (Critical) = Red EQUIPMENT = A module not communicating ALT GREEN = Performing a measurement cycle
Power Requirements 2.7.1 The system will operate from 16 – 60V DC/AC. The system can operate from the battery being monitored (48VDC application) or by utilizing a power supply transformer that is Class II double insulated and will be supplied from a 120VAC, 60Hz at 20 watts from the same distribution source as the protected power from the UPS system or battery charger circuit.
Enclosure 2.8.1 System Controller Module (SCM60): Metal type enclosure suitable for rack or wall mounting. 2.8.2 System Impedance Module (ILM60): Metal type enclosure suitable for rack mounting or wall mounting. 2.8.3 System/Impedance Module (SCM600): Metal enclosure for cabinet mounting or wall mounting.
2.8.4 4-Unit module (VTM4): Poly enclosure of flame retardant plastic. 2.8.5 24-Unit module (VTM24): Metal type enclosure for cabinet mounting or wall mounting. 2.9
Sensing Harness 2.9.1 A module sensing cable is terminated with RJ22 style connectors terminating into a resettable fused and temperature sensing (TVF) module. These cables can be fabricated on-site, or custom fabricated at the factory to facilitate interconnections between monitor and battery.
Battery Validation Manager (BVM) 4.0 Software 2.10.1 BVM 4.0 Software is a Windows® based software package that is designed to operate on a 486 or higher PC running Windows® 98SE, 2000, Me, NT 4.0 and/or XP. The software will communicate with the system controller per 2.1.2 in this document. The software will acquire and archive the measured data, recall and sort it, print and/or plot it, and facilitate the observance of trends in the data which signify deteriorating conditions, allowing remedy to be performed before actual system failure. The software will
also provide the capability of remotely changing preset alarm thresholds. The software also provides security access by utilizing a programmed Key that prevents unauthorized changes to the software settings. 2.10.2 The BVM Software can manage up to 1000 SCM controllers. Part 3 – EXECUTION 3.1
Installation 3.1.1 The site review will include the installer, BTECH and the battery plant owner if possible to ensure proper co-ordination and determining the routing of sense leads and ordering of materials. The LVIRA Monitor will be installed in accordance with BTECH’s instructions. The proper installation of the system is critical to the proper performance of the system. 3.1.2 The connecting of the sense leads is to be performed as directed by BTECH’s instructions to each unit in the battery string. In case of multiple unit jars (VRLA), connection at the unit jar level is the preferred method. The impedance load cables (LCL) is to be protected and dressed in panduit, Iboco or equivalent wire trays that are mounted above the battery, or within the battery rack and/or as defined by BTECH’s recommended installation instructions.
On-Site Testing and Training 3.2.1 A Factory trained service technician will be provided to supervise connections and assist in establishing and setting the alarm parameters. The Factory trained service technician will also provide a 2-hour LVIRA product training session to the responsible facility personnel.