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Lysander Parks & Recreation - Town of Lysander

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registering by phone that person agrees to the ... NO refunds will be given after that or if a cancellation places us be
Lysander Parks & Recreation Registrations Begin 9/1/17 Office Phone: (315) 635-5999…………Office Hours: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm The office will be closed: 9/4, 10/9, 11/10, 11/23, 11/24 & 12/25/17 Mailing Address Lysander Parks & Recreation 8220 Loop Rd Baldwinsville, NY 13027 Online Registration Available At Website: Email: [email protected] Town Supervisor: Joseph Saraceni Town Board: Roman Diamond, Robert Ellis, Robert Geraci, & Peter Moore Become a fan on Facebook: Town of Lysander Parks & Recreation

THE BULLETIN BOARD REFUND POLICY If a program is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment you will receive a full refund. Refunds for participant cancellation will be given until the day after the first class, minus a $10.00 cancellation fee for all refunds. NO refunds will be given after that or if a cancellation places us below the minimum number required to run the program. NO refunds will be given for “one time” programs unless cancelled in advance. BOUNCED CHECK FEE: $ 20.00 Pictures taken at programs may be used on the Town Web Site, Lysander Facebook page, in the local newspapers or in our brochures unless otherwise noted by a parent/participant.

Register for any program from home.

REGISTRATION POLICY Registrations are on a first come, first served basis. Pre-Registration is REQUIRED to attend a program. One person per form please (may be duplicated). NO registration accepted by phone unless you are using a credit card - if registering by phone that person agrees to the policies as listed here and on the registration forms. All programs are run on a self sustaining basis. We MUST have sufficient numbers registered to cover the cost of the program. We reserve the right to cancel or combine classes if necessary. Programs DO NOT carry accident insurance for participants.

Sign up for our Seasonal Brochures! Visit our website at and sign up to receive a notification that our newest brochure is available on the Town website. We will also let you in on a few surprises throughout the year!

WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY If school is CLOSED, programs held IN schools are also CLOSED. When after school activities are CANCELLED, all of our programs IN schools are CANCELLED for that night. Listen and watch for more information on cancellations. If you ever have any questions please call our office: Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (315)-635-5999

OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday

9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

The Parks & Recreation office is closed on: 9/4, 10/9, 11/10, 11/23 & 11/24/17 LYSANDER TOWN PARK HOURS: April 15 - October 31, 2017 9:00 AM to Dusk (The Park does not close for holidays)

 DID YOU KNOW  Nothing ends a Parks & Recreation program faster than people who wait until the last minute to enroll. There is a point when programs MUST be cancelled if there is not sufficient registration. Don’t let this happen to your program. Invite a friend to join you!

Getting’ Jiggy Come learn the basics of Irish Dance: Skip 2 - 3’s, sidesteps and a jig step! Dancers will be introduced to basic Irish Dance fundamentals such as foot placement, posture, rhythm and timing. Dancers will treat their friends and family to a brief performance after the last class to showcase their new skills. This class will prepare dancers for a beginner level should they wish to continue classes. SESSION 1: Tuesdays, Sept. 12 - Oct.3, 2017 TIME: 5:00 to 6:00 pm SESSION 2: Thursdays, Sept. 14 - Oct. 5, 2017 TIME: 5:00 to 6:00 pm SESSION 3: Saturdays, Sept. 16 - Oct. 14, 2017 (No Class 10/7) TIME: 10:00 to 11:00 am SESSION 4: Tuesdays, Nov. 7 - 28, 2017 TIME: 5:00 to 6:00 pm

PLACE: Scoil Rince Branwen Irish Dance Studio 8512 County Rt 57, Baldwinsville Across from Moyers Corners Fire Department AGES:



$35.00 (Min # 4 / Max # 6)

Little Leprechauns Club This class is designed for students ages 3-5 yrs. old. Our Little Leprechauns Club is a fun way to introduce aspiring young dancers to the basics of Irish Dance and prepare them for a beginner level. (4 Weeks)

SESSION 1: Tuesdays, Sept. 12 - Oct.3, 2017 TIME: 4:30 to 5:00 pm SESSION 2: Saturdays, Sept. 16 - Oct. 14, 2017 (No Class 10/7) TIME: 9:30 to10:00 am SESSION 3: Tuesdays, Nov. 7 - 28, 2017 TIME: 4:30 to 5:00 pm

PLACE: Scoil Rince Branwen Irish Dance Studio 8512 County Rt 57, Baldwinsville Across from Moyers Corners Fire Department AGES: 3 - 5 FEE:

This eight session class will let each child focus on their particular art skills in drawing and painting in an informal setting. All necessary art materials will be supplied. Instructor is Mr. Mike Conway, retired Art teacher from Reynolds Elementary School.


Tuesday & Thursdays 9 - 13 yrs. September 19, 21, 26, 28 October 3, 5, 10, 12 4:30 to 6:00 pm Lysander Town Park 8439 Smokey Hollow Rd Community Room $62.00 (Min # 5 / Max # 10)

$15.00 ( Min # 4 / Max # 6)

The Explore Archery program is an innovate educational program focused on introducing beginners of all ages and abilities to the lifelong sport of target archery. The program will focus on five activities (Range Safety, Equipment, Shooting Form, Shot Execution & Scoring) awards will be given out upon completion of the program.


Mondays All 10 & up (adults) September 11, 18 & 25, 2017 5:00 to 7:00 pm Lysander Town Park Turn right at the end of the entrance to the northern parking lot $35.00 (Min # 5 / Max # 8)

Boater’s Safety Course The Boater’s Safety Course is a one day training focusing on the importance of safety on the water. All participants are required to pass an exam to receive their certification. This course meets the regulations to operate all personal watercrafts in conjunction with the new law effective January 1, 2014. Instructors from CNY Navigation & Sheriff Wright can help better inform you of your rights and the laws on the water ways. You will take a 1 hour break for lunch. Anyone under 13 must have an adult accompany them during the course.



Saturday November 4, 2017 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Lysander Town Hall Auditorium 8220 Loop Rd Baldwinsville, NY 13027 10+ $30.00 (Min. # 15 / Max. # 50)

Baldwinsville Youth Wrestling This session is an advanced session - wrestlers must have at least 1 session of wrestling experience or are serious about wrestling. This program is perfect for wrestlers who may be wrestling modified this year, 7th & 8th graders are encouraged to get on the mat sooner. Reminder this is a contact program, held in a safe & fun environment. Please note: This is a co-ed program & girls and boys may be wrestling together. DAY: FOR: DATES: TIME: PLACE: FEE:

Tuesday & Thursday Boys & Girls, Grades 2nd - 8th November 14 - December 21, 2017 (Omit 11/23/17) 6:30 to 8:00 pm Baker High School Wrestling Room $35.00 (Min # 10 / Max # 30)

Fall Tennis Lessons Future Champs come together for small group instructions. Whether you’re just starting out or practicing your skills, these are excellent lessons to improve your game.


Tuesdays 8 - 11 yrs Sept. 12 - Oct. 24, 2017 Nov. 7 - Dec. 19, 2017 4:00 to 5:00 pm $150.00 (Min # 4 / Max # 12) Gold’s Gym 7455 Morgan Rd Liverpool, NY 13090

Registration deadline is Sept. 7th & Nov. 2nd NOTE: There is an additional yearly fee to join the Tennis-N-Gear Academy please contact Chris at 451-5050 for more information.

Tai Chi Tai Chi is a soft and gentle exercise practiced for its health benefits and relieving stress. This slow-moving series of movements is low impact with powerful results and can be practiced by people of all ages and abilities. Known as 'moving meditation', Tai Chi is gentle on joints, and improves balance, leg strength, endurance, mind and mood. This practice is a relaxing way to improve your overall health and energy level. Beginners are welcome - No experience necessary. (6 weeks)


Mondays September 11 – October 16, 2017 October 23 - November 27, 2017 Willow Health & Wellness 3090 Belgium Rd. (Rt 31) Baldwinsville, NY 13027 6:00 to 7:00 pm 16+ $40.00 (Min # 5 / Max # 15)

Grounded Kids Yoga (7-14 years old) is a healthy, fun-filled way for kids to enjoy a noncompetitive fitness activity. Kids will learn breathing and visualization techniques as well as fun and challenging yoga poses. Classes will include yoga, games, music and final relaxation for the mind and body. DAY: FOR: DATES: TIME: PLACE: FEE:

Wednesdays Boys & Girls September 20 - November 8, 2017 (Omit 10/18/17) 4:30 to 5:30 pm Willow Health & Wellness 3090 Belgium Rd (Rt. 31) $80.00 (Min # 10 / Max # 30)

* Please bring a yoga mat to class!

Snowmobile Safety Course This course covers snowmobile safety, common emergencies, dangers, appropriate dress, common maintenance, snowmobile laws, trail markers, signage and hand signals. In order to legally operate a snowmobile on public lands, youth ages 10-17 must take a snowmobile safety course, obtain a safety certificate, and be accompanied by a person over 18. (Bring a lunch for a short break.) DAY: DATE: TIME: PLACE: AGES: FEE:

Saturday November 18, 2017 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Belgium Cold Springs Fire Station I Baldwinsville, NY 13027 7920 River Rd 10 + (Under 13 must have a guardian) Free (Min # 10 / Max # 30)

Village of Baldwinsville Annual Tree Lighting Saturday, November 25th Begin the Season with a Holiday Movie at Baldwinsville Library starting at 2:00 pm. Holiday Caroling & Vendors from 4:30 to 5:30 pm in the Village Square. The Parade of Lights will start at 5:30 pm ending with the Tree Lighting! Meet Santa at the After Party immediately following the Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Baldwinsville Library!

LETTER’S TO SANTA Hey Kids! Have you been thinking about a special gift that you really want this Christmas? Make your list, and have Mom, Dad or even a brother or sister help you put your list in the mail. Santa will respond to all of the letters that are written to him before Christmas to let you know that he got your letter. Santa knows if you have been naughty or nice! Mail or drop off your letter at Lysander Parks & Recreation and we will see that Santa gets it – SPECIAL DELIVERY!!! (Be sure to include your name and address.) DATES: December 1 through19, 2017 TIME: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm DROP OFF or MAIL TO: Letters to Santa Attn: Lysander Parks & Recreation 8220 Loop Rd Baldwinsville, NY 13027

Halloween Window Painting Application for Grades 4, 5, 6, & 7 Sponsored by Lysander Parks and Recreation 8220 Loop Rd Baldwinsville, NY 13027

Please note that the process for registrations has changed. Complete and return this form to The Lysander Parks and Recreation Department by Tuesday, October 10th. DO NOT send through the schools! Registration forms must be returned to the Parks and Recreation Office at the above address by mail or in person, by email to [email protected] or by fax @ 315-635-1515. Paint Day will be Saturday, October 28th from 10 am until 1 pm. PLEASE PRINT Student’s Name _______________________________________ DOB___________ Grade____________ I give my child permission to paint at the Baldwinsville Halloween Window Painting activity and also give permission for my child’s picture to be used in any newspaper, magazine, or web publication article concerning B’ville Window painting. Please contact us 635-5999 if you do not want your child’s picture used in any form of publication. I UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS A PRIVILEGE to be allowed to paint the windows of the businesses within the Village of Baldwinsville and that I or another adult must supervise and remain with my child during the event. All pictures that are painted are to be of a Halloween theme and if not will be removed immediately. We will use painters tape and newspapers to protect the frames and walls surrounding the windows. My child and I are responsible for the clean-up of any paint and supplies that are used during the event. Parent’s Name __________________________

Signature _______________________________

Mailing Address_________________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________


You will receive your window assignments by e-mail, please print legibly. If you do not have an e-mail address your assignment will be mailed to you. SHARING A WINDOW? Not more than three children per window. List up to two other students below. Those students must also fill out an application sheet with a parent/guardian signature AND list the other two students on their application. (1) Name ____________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ (2) Name ____________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________





Lysander Park & Recreations

8220 Loop Rd Baldwinsville, NY 13027 (315) 635-5999, Fax # (315)635-1515 Email: [email protected]

PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM Registration Information: All pr ogr ams ar e on a fir st come, fir st ser ved basis. You must r egister and pay befor e attending any program. You can register by mail, email or in person to the addresses above. Make checks payable to the Town of Lysander. The Bounced check fee is $20.00. Registrations by phone are taken with a credit card payment. (There is a fee added to all credit card payments. See below.) Participants Name:___________________________________________________ Parent’s Name :_____________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________State:__________Zip:___________

DOB______/_______/________ Age:__________

M / F


Home Phone:____________________________________ Work Phone:_______________________________________ Cell Phone:______________________________________ Cell Phone Carrier:__________________________________ We will only use this to contact you about a program you are enrolled inor to notify you of other programs

Email:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Program Name:______________________________________Session/Time:_____________________Fee:___________ Program Name:______________________________________Session/Time:_____________________Fee:___________

Please indicate T-Shirt size if one is specified in your program description. YOUTH: XS (2—4), S (6– 8), M (10-12), L (14-16) ADULT : S, M, L, XL, XXL

Participant or Parent Signature______________________________________________________ I understand there will be a 2.65 % fee with minimum service fee of $3.00 for using a credit card. Visa

Master Card


American Express

Card #:__________________________________________________________________________

Expiration Date: ______/_______

Card Holders Name:________________________________________________________________ Amount: $__________________ Card Holders Signature:_________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________OFFICE USE ONLY Amount: $_____________

Refund Date:_______/________/________

Cash:___________ Charge:_____________

Amount Refunded: $_________________

Date Received:______/______/_______ Check #:____________

Receipt #:_________________________________________________

Admin Fee: $___________Trans #_________________