M i d d l e E a s t

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Oct 8, 2013 - EMR: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, West Bank and Gaza Strip. EUR: Turkey. Data in WHO as of 17 Dece
M i d d l e

E a s t

P o l i o Te c h n i c a l B u l l e t i n EMR: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, West Bank and Gaza Strip EUR: Turkey Data in WHO as of 17 December 2013 (Week 51) – No.2

Situation Update As of 17 December: After a 15-year absence of wild poliovirus in the Middle East, the Minister of Health of the Syrian Arab Republic declared a polio outbreak on 28 October 2013 with 13 confirmed cases from Deir-Al-Zour. Genetic sequencing indicates that the virus has been in the region for nearly a year and is linked to virus detected in environmental samples from Egypt in December 2012, which are closely linked to strains detected from environmental samples in Israel since February 2013, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip since July 2013. Given the current situation across the region with frequent population movements and concerns about polio immunization rates and AFP surveillance indicators in key areas, the risk of further international spread of wild poliovirus is considered to be high. .

New cases – Summary: New cases this week: none Location / Date of onset: none Outbreak – Summary: Total number of cases: 17 (in Syria) Most recent case: Deir-Al-Zour, Mayadeen / 08-Oct-13 Index case: Aleppo, Fardous / 14-Jul-13 Duration of outbreak: 12 weeks Extent of outbreak: 3 governorates/ 3 districts (in Syria)

SIA – Summary: Number of SIAs since Index case: 2 (2 NIDs) Number of SIAs since last case: 2 (2 NIDs)


Summary information as of 17 December 2013

AFP case information, 2013 Syria





West Bank and Gaza Strip


NP AFP cases

NP AFP cases

NP AFP cases

NP AFP cases

WPV cases

NP AFP cases

NP AFP cases

NP AFP cases

Nb 0 13 3 1 0 0 17

% 0% 76% 18% 6% 0% 0%

Nb 5 34 30 34 15 4 122

% 4% 28% 25% 28% 12% 3%

Nb 26 360 329 178 57 0 950

% 3% 38% 35% 19% 6% 0%

Nb 18 114 160 89 34 0 415

% 4% 27% 39% 21% 8% 0%

Nb 2 3 14 6 3 0 28

% 7% 11% 50% 21% 11% 0%

Nb 1 3 14 8 4 0 30

% 3% 10% 47% 27% 13% 0%

Nb 0 10 10 5 9 0 34

% 0% 29% 29% 15% 26% 0%

Nb 4 26 60 56 54 3 203

% 2% 13% 30% 28% 27% 1%

0 Dose 1-2 Doses 3 Doses 4+ Doses Unknown TOTAL

9 6 1 1 0 17

53% 35% 6% 6% 0%

14 14 9 79 6 122

11% 11% 7% 65% 5%

0 15 12 909 14 950

0% 2% 1% 96% 1%

5 24 39 322 25 415

1% 6% 9% 78% 6%

0 0 1 20 7 28

0% 0% 4% 71% 25%

2 2 5 17 4 30

7% 7% 17% 57% 13%

0 0 0 33 1 34

0% 0% 0% 97% 3%

18 70 8 107 0 203

9% 34% 4% 53% 0%


10 7 17

59% 41%

69 53 122

57% 43%

548 402 950

58% 42%

240 175 415

58% 42%

19 9 28

68% 32%

25 5 30

83% 17%

14 20 34

41% 59%

121 82 203

60% 40%

Age 0-5 months 6-23 months 24-59 months 60-119 months 120-179 months 180+ months TOTAL

Vaccination status



Surveillance indicators, 2010-2013 Country / Territory Egypt




Syrian Arab Republic


West Bank and Gaza Strip


AFP cases reported

Non-polio AFP rate

AFP cases with adequate specimens (%)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013

1151 1023 1022 950 489 530 467 415 40 30 34 28 19 22 24 30 194 168 109 139 215 196 172 203 15 17 21 34

4.5 4.0 3.9 3.0 4.0 4.3 3.8 2.9 1.8 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.8 2.6 2.3 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.3 2.1

95 93 92 91 87 89 90 84 95 97 85 89 47 45 50 40 95 93 84 70 74 81 81 74 100 100 95 94

Targets: NP AFP rate: ≥2/100,000 pop