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tX m o' more secret. 'J ngtcrday amid. '^ g c e n . in. Mremmcnt circles. ^ firc ...... ol tw nighU ct 70 men etch. hM ...... LcRoy Klenz/c, chairman lor more. - h -r th®.


PHOTO! lO T O S f**

h t « d u g in on and t o th e r e a r .


T tT W I N

A Regional Newspaper &

F A L I .S

A— y

I r r l pa te d Idaho Counlles N in e Irrig


Congregational Cliu la l C l i i u ’c h

Iks b y


S e s s it s Session

arshall ^ H | !tirROK|^ B M rem m cnt


kOMltltd Fcail tnS UnllMl'l^w

eds Increase ease T cestimony sl l y o7 h veHlat ' ; Major Jay Rngg [g ea page fftve sod .the ire et •• atoiy and-piettue ot tha th* ta b y «■' th r ^ '

___ _ k ' I

KYO. resistance TOK Y O .SSunday, u n d n June 10 (/P)— R ed ed resistan ce h a s stiffened a l o nthg et hKeorean K o re abnattlefront th e p aist s t 24 hours at n d nn eighth a r r f i y sp spokcsrnan o k c srn a n said th e foe show ed “ every indication” i iVcd of f i g h t i ing n g for fo r C hoi Chorwon an d K um hw a.t. A llie iedd units u n its pressed pr closci- to th 10 o tw o vital ro • a d and rai! h u b s aanchorinK n c h o rin K t' tUe "iron' triRtiRlc" asscinW y ar RssctnWy area. U n ite d N atio n s troops th ru s t close ited ations )se enough ito Chorwon to s e o 3 .0 0 0 reds re d s dii ,000 digging e n tren c h m en ts ts.. To th c ce a st, an allied t a n k patrol p a tro l reached rea d w ithin fo u r mliles iles o f Kumhw’a. Kum Earlier, fie ld ddispatches is p a tc h e s had said ------------------------t h o u s aands n d s ooff Chinese C: w ere a b a n d loninx o n in g th t h e two t ’ cities. A n M f i l l G l l e i g h t hfl aarmy rm y sp o spokesman said fo H n v fthere h rr o iv w nass no sign o f n


circ le s

^ firc ^

Mid 5PCC1I|C11^ to Japan tn d to do »IUi CUTUie South Ko> ■ ^ V u k e the poiiUon ^ n i l e out ft cease-fire. DUlarbcd J^ S o u th Korean legls* ^ *t Pusiin. on me ^ of Korea, (uked Uie ^ t o i torelgn mlnopinlona on tlie


E‘Lie’ ^jabelof‘I

W ASHINGTO^ HINGTON, June 9 (fl>)—Secretary, tary. o f Sta S t a t a Acheaoo ended his is eight-di eig h t-d a y siege on th6 senate0 g rid d le t< to d a y a fta r a new clash lh o f view view s w ith Gen. Douglas Mac M acAArth rthuur-r— ^who term* cd a p a rt o f th e secretary's testimonyY "‘‘p p rc v a ric a tio n ’’--a n d a partinlgg b a rra g e from Republican critics, The see c re ta ry iappeared unruffled and nd in g o o d h' u m o r a s he • emerged Dd fro m th« th o closed-door /-'< I senate in q u iry inl Inquiry in to th a firin g I 'P N P T S of General M a ccA r u ra n d th « _ .., ' c ra lM A rth -C . O C t O — ad m inis istra tio n 's f: o r e a s t pol* tra tio n 's

olish Refugee S Talk Here Thur 'hursday

Taklnr pari lo Ihe rae U lo conttrtnce of CongregaUoc iklng part left to rifht, right, are the R tr. Ira Conrreiatlonal ehurchea a t Paul, lelt BUek, k. New York City, b oard o( home mluloiis; ulofts; the Rer. R et. Edward G rau m ao . rcrtlan rortU nd, fttrel d , SKreUry-atat«el supply In July, 7iyf« ^W ut happens to beef M lI sf ihn f il rDk S l O t

IISAr Pi lAF Probes O O

( • S o V ie tS

lo v ie ts

F r o m

kI , • A U S tn a




newly-organlzed t» i conservation district

considered at fa tmsceU r ;? c ." r members of agrieuliural ogricuiiui agencies a t bers of «:30 p.m p.m, Tuesdsy 1In Uie county t's otilcc. . lOBg the proposals to bc consid*red for for dry dry land U ^ pproblems : are a :st that th a t a sun'e; sun'ey be mado by request

A ustria Z o n e “^t appi'ciuon™^’

SALZBURQ. LZBURO. Auatrl Austria. Ju n e 9 (JF> -Am erican erican soldiers soldiers pput an a rm lo ck on a stmggl'ng stnijgl'ng Buss Russian e h a u lle u r, dragged ;cd him him from from hh hh car an d f o r d blj-cscortedhlm corted him and and ti two oth er m e m bers of repati i t aa Soviet Soviet repatriation m lasion irom the the U. U, fl. fl. lone rone t< today. T h es mission mission was was aa asked Ju n e 1 to leave.. I t Ignored th( Uie deadline o f midnight, Oune 8. The Ighl, The'iataHOD, h e r« to assist 5lst Russians wli who wish t a r e tum home, home, repaWatei repaWated only 28 p e rsons In In the the year year tnC ending Jw t 8 e p tember, cr, and and American American officials c o n sldered thetr buslneas Xric: i^j^av the Russian laylmUie u lans-h cad ed ' b y c^l, A n d trR u8mir A ltw ndtr 8m lnit« - w e r ® ■d into leaving the A m erican iltloned ''CTice'sel Cheesemakers I n n . y,ty occupied J thty occupied , 00m s In Uils U. 8. 21 of th e 34 5 In Uils U. 8. h ead q u arters jny_ to to Uio to go go to Uio dls) displaced p erso n s b ^ n c hh of U 8. 8 aarmy for talk*. of the the U. “ '.y again refused to leave th e mne R«turnlnEr Returning to to tthe inn, th c 7 1 the door blocked by a n A m e rarmy truck and their baggage loaded by American soldiers. Sjivlela SovleU R«ti Retuaed „ W h een n We the truck wa was loaded M a j. i>-. «ai^wi. t Hartel. ine the aAmerican e sco rt f 1 .V c t c L i U l S -. y j j I jfln flS 8 1 Itlcism, ot..U i9.jir«ent. controls , SBATIXB, June 9 < j m , »tn i « r . - i . ^ S came r a ireb fromi iu farm S orgaalntlons. o t a m of army S b r ..is s .n “ ; from Korea on roUU

t-uman Plans

lew Fleas to r

-------- Injured, d, and thre*, three oUier# escaped \ In Ujb m ysterious .xaass lu .. * « " 0 ITW O ol u, Two the u n h u rt plloU Ji8 sleek.pla sleek .plane* down aad a (£».rJ~®®“ thern Idaho rode Ui8 » m not.hold .third.parachutcd.parachutcd.-. -- lag theorlea ■iS S h B ? * ’’ *• Atnoag theorlea studied w as one wrong" fuel was used. th a t “wrong"

•B iert'lans



LargeKorei Korea War eterMs’ Group ■ Lands at Seattle

Wll he used for Before ire Investigators Investigat aealed their Several hundred rel t t i “^ ^ - « n d —trther l i ps, on t's urviy ln r TH-TOrvivlno>’« ‘WW‘^ ' ^ ' ll«Un£S'*«:tlu! navyj the-crtsh-cau»e-3:w i«h‘t~thA *«k*d ■ ,r« awnthiT gairi__th B -J c l port Of gnibarkatloQexploded u One woman . .waved i^fuhrt '’• taken power unit of his plane r . M . a e . .a y lo . aft streaked '« * “ d- hi* craft streaked 17W> fee t above "Hl-cpl. Pat!" In larj lond. A c o ast guard hellc **««• Richmond. posslbmty of s a b o tw e waa re«* P«P« ^8 * C E Wd NICB*^ posslbmty c Igated by m en. Bu a n “ t before Melg the JnveiUgated by federal fed. la *Ut« ^Ut« poll police lieutenant, a I f ^ f« oth. ^ Indiana World war n flier, filer, said “th e a b o -

less groups and some labor orutions. Oeneraliy, union labor e sse s-h a v a -b e e n -s u p p e rtln r L ;cpn^ls:_b«v h*W .. opposed ; U ey describe u too mueh icuon or wage increases. •. ’Tniman called in Democratic Republican leaden to a W hite « meeUnc yesteiday w ith tils stabiitiatlon officials. T he lawer* g m him a promise to m an extension bill to th e floor, , *—Z----------------- Z

si.'sv.si:xp^ £Ss?S

the . S ' ? “ '" • eonSd PoUce Lieut. Earl H 'i V S r . I - d J . S 'r ; a a li ' « » « « aabol»{ . Doiens of coeds from th e r*"----------underaland 1 th e Itand how al) University T dty of Washl Washington, p ro fes[(W r l ) , ^ have happen I modeU and (n terU lcers took ! ^ ” M t'’^ 'i m ^ ‘^a « n t a . J»rt*in“ o S ‘*greeting. iw V*s r n c e ’>'• Lieutenant 8ml A tw the 'nnoisy ffO i., gon aource Waat luree In W a s h ln i t^ A barefoot hula dancer dar arefoot huEa perform ed er as a factor aiU iough lightthe soldiers s e n t te pier and the uickled In Uio aklea a t the ^ cheer that that drowned drew ^ .^ e s L u ll the a h lp 's • , ■ . whUUe. le. 5 . ^ , • ‘n - T i . ■ ------------------------ r o i m i DOSS i n c r a s h eav e s f o r P o s t SAHDPOINT.June truck d i t sideswlped a 18M semi-truck __________ ' • 1 1 in front o f a drlve-ln. R. E. _ M urano0. Orem, Orem. U tah. tal WM driver of ihef n ca t tH oJ lr T a f t h e f vehicle. Rcper also was O Oj U 1 to pay Murano iM fordsm -> ih S s t m k . l^ ln Q fe I -* . o traffic viola> l n PiUs. tw -B X ^lXa cst at isS D J e m o s ,, were reported to city police f-^ lajTiUght by cititen* cooperatth the traffic safety program. A min an told told officers officer! a woman drivLW A UE ^E,, Wis,. June I (Jd MC ttW A tlK V sed him torr TTaft, aft, R B., O.. said today « r P®»«d him on on the U right In Uie —S ennaato ick of adml look* 200 block of StwahoM Stwsho streei south, th e T ru m an admlnUtraUon gingly" Uto > the 1 p.m. the sort of compro5:30 p.m.He Hesaid said he stopped the "loDBlngly" th a t would n d asked e r if she thought »'l»e: peace In Korea Kt w om anlaand askAl hhe a “we 140,000 casould be “we have have wasted wa ^ho should be reported reports to police.' Ae- m e an es aanndd billions Uie woman ualUea billions of dollari.* c o f d l ^g to to Uie the cltlien, citl* s could do a s he wished as she T h10 e chairm chairman an of of th e Bepubllcan y committee license policy committee in in th e senate also d la n t care. care. Tne TTie woman's v taetaken. said th th aa tt under under admlnlstrtUon adi n u m br ewas r wa* Ukea. ol punish, ;her man-said he was-forced >»“ " lh e whole -whole theory th A nother man sald U,gborrow p itUby anoUier car i«« aggression 10 W o s s io n has ^ become a Joke.” adad e e his T•ft a f t mm ^ remark* In a w h ile both vehicle# were making a t h ffoorr aa Republican rally. He iff Addison east onto *Pefch Bepi tu r n off Addison avenue ai e t a t 8:24 pjn. Saturday. ** “ = . ^ SSm sUjeeet p __________ 'T h e ssta U te te departm depart ent appsrently AU wi}Uog_tojllseusa.Ui«.»ur» ar-.of-Pom iosa. and the-admlsChinese io the . . y ... ^ . alon ooff O blaese oommunlsU ecu ed N ations. U 1* willing to con. • th e retirem ent of Amerlcaa ... ■ p « - - a « , w js-Troin- Korea If-th e 'C H ijS e J ; U r OCVC. w ithdraw . VEB. JUDO 9 WV-Apeement 'T lhuaitt would wouJd rwU restore us to exKtly wel Swere in when we I . *. «one-year . . . „ . r coolr.ct pro.M - S u >poaltlcn S « ‘S '='‘> » "* e drew ouirr 'troopa tn IMJ and Inff pay raises of fj T w r-w e e ln rin n H O l t h e Mcmntaln juntaln Btotes Btotes Telepbtww-and _ . Telr8t»irtr"Comiwny^ . . . ' ^ lUon m unlcaU on ••Workers Worker of America he admlnlsUa adm inistration bas been (C IO ). moved !d to be asome o m e ^ t m a n emT h e company company aald aald the n r» wages p h a tieie akggaaisisa a tt the th e Chinese beeaose w ould add add about about M. annual* of th le e ppro rotest test agal against MacArUiur's s operaUng osu In Uia seven, dism issal, ]y to lU operating ccoi Issal, bbuutt Uiey Uiey still look long. j u t e area of ArlUHia, Arlwna Colorado. Id a . Ingly ’ to rea of to suc suchh aa ppeaee. If luch a ■r Mexico, tnade, wi we have wasted ho . New Mexico,U Vtah. tai Wyoming and peaceI bb tnade, 0, Tex. 140.000 euualU ea 00 cuualU ea and bllUons of V ™)mpany , announcement said rs." I be necessary to ask for addi. ;-------------- ---' .


Peace Views

New'Phone v'Phone-Wage"; ■

Contract ntract Okayed )r Seven Areas STS.SSw"'"*

A ^ Q n l^ T . t SJ aa li tl L /i l U I j ia k e C i t y s a l t LAKE o m S r -chief S fJustlc f i r r I K A former emee court will preside a t a raU- jo p e r cent for the ^ suprem pc here T h e pay payraises raisesa an re retroacUve to road rats hearing beginning I day. t u t June ioe 4. 4. when when aa fomier agreeMonday, .lUam B. Lee, Uoscow. Ida., a m e a t expired, aplred. William ll ber ot th e In ttn U lt comaietce _________________ Bitmber InUti nlssloo, will commissioo, wUi hear hei evidence In SEEKS request b r rallnwls to Increaao SEEKS U aU icO IO N rOST DWBLk .-D . •.JtM* 8 t o . M j w e a n t ^ _ . _____C A L D W B m JJuna-t-t/Ph-W um t h JIncrease wm be H ickm an, iponent* off ^the an, Caldwell, former comd a t Uie S a lt Lake hearing p rl- m a n d er, Anerlcan le g lm dUtrlct r. American ly. Testimony by.Uie rallroada th r e e . U U being being ip iponsored on by-Cald4 y h u been presented. m U post u t 39 39 for for f eneiny coustiy." '•'■'1' heart of eneray oom As Acheson .eheson fhiall finally left tb* »lt’ ness chair, halr, otUelal ofUelal sten o g rap h asUmated t h a t-•.nearly .a «d Uiat tM /M ' words have tiave pouiod pouiad 1^ the t u f m ' racord in the last last'fl nva weeks, Acheson ion was cred credltad wltb aeof .

S^W i^Js ’saya

^ ^ v ^ N y S B n n jl >> ,

( f tu i •, ll- i» fiiir w gr[B Joint ehlefa'' 9 ( 'ita ihlefa'«(' a U£a T w U i # lud L O IZ r ^DJ ADA^ICZYK •: the w erioaajdiji;,M t e nn fbv M .a M iM K

te a M fn

Stiff xb•fi

H S ro eg B H p . ftalh, -----

V, . '






nx of oQBununtrts with M M ' , o

lo» Ohlaof K a t-a h « a Oht4 Two itish Aides ; Continued S ' S S

erar, Acheaop. tnsUted w^ ■ • w thur’s raM nneadatlso eo' K l* lfia n 1 U » U policy In l5 rilw * li« d o d r t » ^ InstnioUoaa BTen to 6 ect*> la I < Defense Sb&Bhaa. for hU V .4 U U 1 China iDlaalo& ' ' i v u tha m lisiinraa wtdA ' i / s s d o3K, k , JJune u n a ttttyPl-Two AWOL au reported talhire to btiacBritish dUplomats l^ o m a ts le led masUr detec' hinese conununlsts I na* uves andI se cret age; secret agents on a wiU-o'IU togetter and ead-lbettthe-wlsp ch ase toe chase tonight la one of strife. u;# greatest aahu; test m manhunts in European bioooy stwe. Bttiiider C OalauA history, liie l l i e cold t t ^ appeared Bnuider ftroDx New Toifci shift from rromP^ra nc c e to ^ »I telegram ft j h e day’ a a^ o^n ly^ ! ^ ^ wUiur c charged h * ^ th a t UanhaUli ' J waa deslfaad to -leiotf? June la a foreign e's govemment lata aa il« Uiat a c ablegram sb le ^ a m ''ct c o r i n g a "iM g Chlang's gOTBmmoJ aUmrf — P— M editerranean ancan holid holiday" of the Rus(CmUiiu4 ra«< t. CtleM « ' sian-speaklng iklng O u y IBtirgess was f lM ' ItaliaB s H d p I police and customs otf!taly—w hich has Uie largest Communist is t p a r ty ouUIde < R u ss ia Dined I n the quest for Buris compaiUon wllhout n « « ^ M d hhi* compai

^ e conservaUve inservatlve Rome newspaper SI Tempo B mpo ssaa id l^ Burgess was In a hotel a t nFlorence o r e n c e Thursday TJ and l « t yesterday/ to re retu tu rn to R-ance through th es Ven VenUmlgUa border crossing.c TM ..n.tiw Claimed S o in rr ciatmeo a nbul, monitors checking In Istanbul, ma n unlat B ucharest radio rethe communlat ud up a broad. ported u y h a d .ppicked li: ng Burgesa and Donald D. cast saying landMacLean,1, his companion,-had cotnpi CSechoalo. « l hy j ^lane e l a Prague. Pn Takls., Tthere hero w as no i further comof thU ment andd n o cooflntiaUoa confl . . repcrt fwom.otbar_soi«ce*m .« b ar_ si - ParU ■police-took, police- to o k -o p a a o ^ of rumors aabo bout the dghting several •nnnoBT tlm a th a t he h ad of M acLeao—th e an -th is ls U lgalle ba entered a P lgallo b r about 5 a jn . t o d s r « id a l-as - Mk o^ d^ 'th« » 'b ajten d e p -to ome B ritish change some rltU l curreney. _ ' .■ , C fin rA tn o O U p ree ri nl i ee C K/o u r t B l

I P r e s i d GMPres T .3 J L e3 S a Cd l sS

' '' -

e n t


Pf a r a d e

TT* f ^ Qo ]r; H J J Ui I g h

P a y


SHINOTOK. Jun* • (ffMfCk / WASHINOTOK, • 1 ^ ^he American pay parade t d / ■ OusXtt EB.. VT Vniaoa oS G«aa t QM paid !U president la n mt easily landed him th* iop ■mrtny htiirinffft - ezecutlveg among btUi; corporations corporatlone must tUe .xe*

ports wlUi e sec with th the saeuHties and ag* change) commission (SEC)'. - _j A surrey o t SBO BEO recards^eomplst* : irey ot ed today lay ahowed ahowed WUaos ootdisu n tw l I his his nearest nearest competitor by »M W .;.His closest o His closest oompetitloB can* ' from his Usown own ranka. rank*. Albert Bndlay.. om execuUve secuUve vloe Tloa proldait,.voa ' Uia-Wo.>.-3 3 .«pot-wlU -spot-wimA .o k wlow ithithirdi-wui-ChartbrfldBu-rr: lr d i- w i oreenewalt, swalt, preside president ef B. X. Oq. 7 . pont dee Nemoure Nenour* aaxo d eoapaitf, gUter giant of A m


A t |«aJJOO. Q J f a JsUon to Defease M

son. Ute of O e c e n l Beetrio) Rtlng pa9 at, th a

fhi o o ® fiid s fe rm = id arrrOH.-31iD-efl tff>^Jn3a staU- aw .c o a s tneomefc"

• LgWIBTOH.~31iDe eBtlft ' WMIM It* twp -w w i • m -aa tt Lewiston Sstunlay aprlng term Lex sfter ahearing rln g ItsIts26th and 37Ui cases. Plve JusUces and Uie court ve JusUces d j r t leftt fo forr Boise B ob after dosing the session. on. Attorneys' represe: u n a l county c om tt trlst presented a m i a decision a by th b e dli^ coS m S ? held certain re o r(a n b« uneonsUtuttonaL Lher c a se consisted of an 7 th e ^ < ^ ^ l« tlo a i»Uon tr o m a district oosrt Two K oo te n ai county meoi RONADO, Calif., June t V fy - WUlard Faraons ai a n d M. Tochum, CORONADO, Cal price*—up 40 per cent slnee *on deelaios a decision protesting th e Wool price s—up -probably will remain a t .u ie o< * transm lssl l*»t yrear— e « — -probabl *"• lh levei. )eveS, John Joha :H. TulwcUer. an le ; to tjie H IA . a W »h official a l of th e vWool » Bureau, to o , ----------------yYoork, rk , uu ii dd Sat Saturday. TBUMAN A K E S IDBOISB ' MAN T TA lw ell«,-»l»^addres»ed the an- --W A 8HnfO TW ».-8 a u a l convention eonventlon - of c Paclflo coast PreiidcntI t t u n a s w i e st Bbqard llM ta rm e o u c uufacturen, fu tt nt n nuD said woc4 yacht WUUamabuirf U U aau^ i p a . M T, supplieslies- atwuM. b< be- a m p la^ u o lm ta4ay.- = tet.«n^-qw u a « * m U itary stockpiling atocki by 17Dlt«d th e Polomao Eoao T tm t m . He look g le a i a S U taa w dafeflM d afesM a g ie n c i e s caused few penoniU QOU fMrie e n d s and h ii.n tn f ib o rtsg W akt.. c > id ii(a B trA d & B o l

MM irkketfoi ej for Wool .p^j; t,ru..“Sr; To Remain Rem; Hi^ lde5^!^?*^oS


mabty ha xafenred to Ibt ■' nd of hU tatttmoajr, eUma»*

ed by OOP haryes that tha stat* K)P ccharyes departmlent ent exerelae exerelaea- ‘■dlctatotlJ''

ny that th a departaianl • S^obS?^-*^ ly objeetod"- to V. & planaa



:”£j",s:‘p^.„t..».pou H u nItt ffo o ir

lerving Term

J. S. Controls SllS.'Sf/kS

r.r .tr .i”*'’


:d b y th e terrain for sains Up to three sofcd one-half ne-half mUes mUes northew t of A dam czyk 5n . . u is 13 miles southwest iu m .. H a ls o H ee also

th e soil soil conservation conservationservice to dcine land retermlne land use use capablliUea, ct ilzlng th system organlting thee dlstribuUon distri anns o n tan as to to control caQtrot waste water water erosion, cooperation with s canal board to contro! water Ige from from ditches ditches, m ain canals seepage dbtrlcl iBtcraU. and the efflapplIcaUon of water to combat erosion. soil erosion, .p™ d .osolutions lu llm to w u o r eonproposed atlon problems land levglderatlon problems include In to permit unlfonn application unlfo. «nd esUblishment esUblishmem o( of a border ays01 desirable slope* for tem or dikes on deslr Redi n g- ihwt ,Bllterly _ / hay, grain and pasture. pastui' the east-central front. Uie pnsjibi. methods of controUlnij „ ^ f olught sslble methods u „ h tbitterly bitterlyto halt advjmci erojlon ibclude field windbreak «It, c«tiiia I) miinitSum Pmf* (^n. jMtratton^, tall-aoTO c o is r — —----------—-------------------- _ fJJ'i • T \f residues and Ullage i „ u rough antf^rganlo and 1 tou m at,, ^ ^ R educed d u J 'ccrop r o ryieijs i i a may be cord by crop rotations, adapted ties, increased "j^etles.^ i^ ™ ? a sT organic m atO d V 1 1 1 2 te r use of barnyard barnyard manure and commercial nerclal fertUlwr, fertUlwr, ^O I Roper, American Falls, was ^ r dry farming, strip , cropping, 1 to psy a tlSO fine or spend 3le mulch farailng and proper ^s in the Cassia county Jall • ‘“‘’^1® :e comprise a proposed solution ^*^5* wmprlse guUty Saturday of >a rat iprt i I Caigan i> a f t e r pleading guUt * ' d riv in g• while undei under Uie InHueace ixIcaUng liquor. o f IntoxIcaUng liquo 1 decision was made by ProA. X U l l l c t i i J udge Henry W. Tucker. On_r Uie fm fine, n 'l £• Ahle to> pay the e Roper U serv] \A iir M Ia' the• sentence. sentence. i B oper T waa was cited i< foUowlng an acT T O S . * I I' ^ I ,fl

Figliti Fighting Jets ■““ '"StUB. O

* s« and cattle raiser* HMOND, Ind., 'ssuit price ceilings for RICHMOND, Tni Ju n e 9 m — srce and = licinigt. SpoYesmen Ait terce and FB FBI ts p e tis - to d a y « « price stablllratlon, tried to to determine detennlni w hether sabom cchanlcal the packcrs are tage. aa Uiunderstorm. thunderst< e, or human caused th e p tta ir e s j to end price trouble, or human errors 1 I's worst Jet plane dUastar. nation's 1 It fast-flying ot represenUUve Eight fast-flying F-B4 T hunderc « it to coast to- JeU, racing a t 60C ^ t secUons of ttw a c to a ttie Indiana IP o of lf ll l Jet ^ o t or aoon wlU feel a group Jetplanes, suddenly ^ »hortages. Houndered and fl r r ; ; ------------yesterday from at.


I '

trf t a x e K - .n ie y c n T Held. I jfrtjjar a rm to a d of p»nl*s . . . Youngster foungiter I CIta Pe»ce of Mlod ** only ' «» driven by Oharle.'! A, Strohme'yer. of the sta n d in g on front-aeat off cor cor as as jde *bov« above , • p!• drlv ! muit pUco »ltliudfl Thurs- tftlh e r gives full attention to drlvdrlv* a » iisiffl • T A I* ’>2® Second a v en u e wcit. pulled away I phyiuc*] uid monctar? aehlevement from a p ark ln u space In the JOO water in ring over J*® If WB *r* to keep InlKt our moet d ay* ceremony. Jugi ot waUr ingg . . . Two feUows dickering I block Qf Second avenue norUi north and F Ins ^ Alaska p ric e of t«w «— M agic Valley fol- Case of divorced women—113 Senti-m of Ki u, Three Ured. h u n g ry kids with aa I®* 000 a year, the age John Bonner. MonUna: ’rcmler Premier OOC o l M acA rth u r said In a Ulegram to Minidoka remarried a t the age oo tt Jo ds with ^ Septem,that h ,t flare /or exploring crawled out from Byron Johnson. British Columbia. lumbla. Playing 3 Its h a n d close to Its J J . •d out from reported. tMinidoka *^ se n ato r K now land, R., Calif., I&rcs In ^•“ * year. Bl lii .f - ih .t r ; ’ between clean sheets Initead McClel- cchi h e st. Iran's govemment has sent a , stead of a of« uanty reported m o re m arriages ■In "Two couples less Uian l i years o ld arand Chief Engineer L. N. 'icClel10 11 •»«» " alm o st beyond belief" that ft ™‘‘! to d a y . T he whole town — uples m o re la: lan. Denver, Colo, ol the bureau reau ot ot three th i -m an sub-committee of lte 1 were married and two couples , anyone co u ld Interpret thhU is aBlt fsvhole tovero w n ------------------------------------------------n&Limaiiit «Jolced w ith th e ir parenU. n , enU ry oU board to Abadan. aa th a n 7i years old were married. irried. A lso re recIamaUon. parllam pa: [■finCP voring a communlit-nallcmallit he « '" * “ **•» of Joy. OC -------------------------Ac 50 waa th e According to govemment stateCo recorded In Idaho In 1850 “ oosliuon. R a th e r, he said, he .n a's hind *!««« T hursday when they B O ia c , June 0 «V -lTie atWrtiey « the ; F o r M o te m e n ts. the board I j to Uke*over . . marriage of a 4S-year-oId w om an t, aMortiey agi sgught to stre n g th en Ohlang's hsnd " ’ when picnic th e y Into ^ ", . X m 7*" »»nder«d fro m a family ® ^DENVER, June « 11^. fe a e r a l'i office ruled S atu•ds/ rd s/th e Britlsh-owned Industry. th aall m fcnd p re v e n t a reversion to«9 a.a syitem a r t e t » » '" “n one-halt her age and th e JV lyiiem canyons in the twoc o u n tr school reorganltaUon on com* com- of d isu n ited war lords. „r. marrlnBes of 16- and 21-year-old 1* _ B u t some observers, who aro ex- of ° J the dry west-*ha»lh mile-hlgh S a n g re de Crlsto moun- T m ltt« e i do nol | o out o! exlitence existence I" '* IJhle melstutt UP) to men more lhan th re e Isto mounOP)— —The The women ” 0) llU n p e r t poker players, said Uils may Jf Uln range, th e youngelers tain were SchTOLEDO, 0-, J u n e 9 'o on Ju ly 1. |“I Rivers, Umes Uielr ages. elers were Schmltl brothers fro m Two um found last n ig h t, wis __ TACOMA. June 8 l«V-The Pacific Pacific ^ ^ another bluff in the game that .nd Rivers, Fran“n i a opinion was Included among I Wls., James. Joseph, P a u l and Franhodlsts na: h a s been going on ever ilnce the oil I , Northwest conference of Methodists "We had a lo t o f fun." Larry Me- cls“ ‘i * ® ‘‘ Thousands ef thea 1 • e re ra l other* asked relating lo the Larry Meels—tonight were n a m ed th e cham- n tra ,- f Oee. 7, told th e three airmen who plor rh r '• voted today for elimination of of race race natlonalliaUon law was enacted, ^Bcted WlUl eommntlil r school reortanliatlon law. IrmenS.who plon IntemaUonal b a rb e r shop sing- r lurches. TJ h" e company lUU (s working under totry,,BndlDtm»n!#JU to I * C l« ^ound him . h la a u ter Janet, a s d lag ’ « acffregallon Jn Methodist churches. 5. MBd * ' T h a stata school reorganltaUon Bealtie B ritish direction a n d IStllU Is meetYT Stevie Cross, 3. "1 look net. good care iBg Tl(jusrleJ. meet,y weather over bundnc 4 t o r Ristow, SeatUe. good care Thetr selection clim axed a five1 commlUee U abolished July 1, howtold the conference th a t severai several ''^8 lloi of acrcs. H o e M «>em.“ dsy Hons •ver. ® But despite L arry's protective dsy for ■convention here o f th e Society ils-own’ I1ra n again postponed a reply to S i P o t A races were represented In hls-own' Scattered figures inllii B lain e t . Iv an s, asilitant attor- L , ' boast. It tu rn e d out th a t protective Stevie, a men for the PreservaUon a n d Encouragei J V c a i'V ’ church and he felt "the north could BBritish r h could Foreign Secretary H erbert anclng anc add.up to iracM t Stevie,blue a Ing ment ot Barber Shop Q u arte t SlngDey feneral. Mid lh a l whenI changes |sA L T LA KB o m . June no I UPt- live live wire blond w ith sparkling note o t May 181 protest- and anc th e target mcUcd ti not solve the problem of the south," south,” Morrl.v3n's Mc , KELSO, Wash.. June 8 (,T>_Wa6h. (?> -W a 6h. no rkling blue Ing In America, Inc. t , In achool district boundaries are yo .ries u 're l u c l ^ it you'te got 'r.« W J Z Z Z Z Z il M I . tr. 8«llm N E ,0 2 2 .W





wilson ' 4 -- b B A t w in




6 IV t5


O lA ®





T ''

_________________________ TlM TIM Eg-K ES-N EW S, TWIN. FALLS, lL L S , ID. ID A

_______________ _

fNine-Inch Baby 5aijy Has Good Chance Chan Three ee Pay PayiFine on rinking, Trouble 'fl Survive A ^ fter t e r One Month o: nth of Life *

* **

l^ jffn o n tlu P « « » ; V

u d velsbed




** ** a 11 tie r “ -'■‘ O



ee m en pleaded guUty in police court Snturda their chllSaturday raoming to wpport for herself and oj charges d IlOO o r attorney I tMS a ot disturbing the peace and '■r*" *100 f^or “ o f he r «ult for drunkenneais. tnnesi,' . . - pending the outcome < m ainienance. James C. nichnrd: rdet tollowed a »how cauM v u flne fl

/ / '


If your man Ukea th e beat, give him Oie he best with all your lovel Show Rim lort m you lon H lm on on’^Palhec’4 iv Him D ay by aelectlng th e Qltl Ue He would wot choose, trom A t^ u w n an 's Mtn’t FurtUshlnge ID epartm enll

/ /

!S,:rz" .ss ur?."™?;;; « « ll,( uttle I te . She polnta out te tieU hive remained n iiH r 10 day* before » ■ Ifr knowledge of UMBch- b somewhat

Ir h o M W


,w PpfDAY ffl rl f


Phone 2750 .

^ d in of the Incubator , « be nisfd or lowered bimount ot nir. The (ptruJtJ Jrom one end iSeUie bo* coycrs the i i a body. A therKi tte box is kept a t llitpws by a 10-watt iol tjiE air entering


street East East * » *»41Street


Uaa A ndcrw Uso ndenon's Personal Shopping Service ■rvlce

^ X O. Tell holds JD4y H u whom ihe delivered four lod ene-half prem iturelr a t her m ilem lly hom e' May 12. Welihlog one » o n tth h l. prem.iu. omegiveQ en little c^ chiace (or sgrP «“ "id. ^ : 11 » ounce* a l birth, the child w u tt* . but but W Bppcirf t( cclebrate her lh e prepares lo e w to be In f»od health u ahe (SUJJ photo-eoravlni;) ivini:) » n nIverwry" l T « w r Tuesday. Tui

^ tacubat/jr nnd I t e n trimmed wllh Srcloth and arc kept »rf Urs. Tetz' dining ittnat^ecp a constant

FRESH 'Yi o u r S u m m e r WARDRC W ARDRO Bil "

r e f r e s h

Bot wealher ather takea takea ttha ‘s te r c h ’ out of yoorr wtnboba. wanboba. tlAs t w i * * '' >. vltallie snur Stiur summer summer wear to a freah, deanisparU aparUe. Our i e.O urtxeliB ti«'- — gets'oiit the the ^ ^ itie could suet: a iTHitonulc^d. 1 v n im ;. Judy Roe us, u It U . , ^ Urs. Telz be^ the rather * Mn. Teti doesn't , ^ U j3t«naU bom

p Aj ^'t at a T B x m t T

^ K p” ';..xr';

:epts Position

hM ctn’ *?


ment 0Ordered Welker Payment Iker Seek Seeks Cut t Judge K ales B. tow * f t i T |. A n n m n ered Fred p . CaH*. Twin I InI Appropriation A p p iU p F»Us, to pay.hU pay .hU uwife ife $IW a mont* A M per cent reducl




- -


f. In selected fine c o tto n snd glft-lovlng p itU nnua aod a « patU colors. Choose solid1 shades shadei or iport^altem is. d.




In lustrous m y o n aheen gabardine.. . ‘n ’lm lm-taQoi -taQ or^ a n d shoulder styL styling. ChooM McGregor's ’’Heathcote Qi Keathcote Quardsman-'*

tta n n ''le -uaim


1 8 .9 . MS






M cG R E G O R




In gay s a ? Bawaiiaxt : loiM in prinU . Bbort A e rrttlT e te . e . In MdtUghUuUy c G R E i cool •waahaMe tijo n . ColoiM ■ .0 AA B 0 IndtUgbUuU

^ L-


w ~

D A Y 'S " S A N





ae and desert B!i idM a ll n Bll PerJeetly tailored In a ll wool gabardlsa deter tones. Selection Inclodes favarite colors. 1B .98 PerJeetly tall favarite colon r S e e G i f t SSelection e l e c t i o n of '■

W a l l e t si B e l t sI

like good sportsi likes spo




S u issppeenn dd ee r s


G o lf C aapp, s

Rsherman, H u n te r o>rr a Golf Cham p . . . no m a t te r w h a t Dad’s fancy, we’v e g oitt tth good. to make His sp o rt m o re f u n I h e goods

Frea GiH

[the Fisherman..


3 n . . . w i^^^iecl, jtDraiiy bound w ith Jlne quality q *“ «> hcquer finish.

Bt w t» B««. «»• t ro te c :.sl*. T hey would form »om«' pBrotw KAT10NAI, IlEPBWtNTATIVI Ult right flank off BlaenB!»en'tlon » » ' forwel] I wesT.iioLLinAy co- mc. as bases for b90mblnB o m bing •D ff.n«l»o». >-Mncbo*.'c«m. hower'x la lanndd force, force, ss ix Btrwl. 6iB I I _______ m Mtelllte countries' oil fields an d In ------------------------------- yjg Bovlet'aei'a nndand Mtelllt Lb Li " IN | h S>VAHC1 BT CABM*R—TATABLI ADV.

I i a - —

11!^ ■4kH


A TE TH E Y T H R IV E ON H HA'i • • • ram th e ’Many tim es In thD past ja s t we hn h a v e p o in te d b l o c k{—The —The opposlUon opposiu has come chiefly from u fro m ivlon members a n s aand n d pi p h o n y sp e llBcnndinnvion members of NATO, as weU as out how cheap p o litician anim an d ParU, Blnco It rtqulre.1 an unan lm ooua ua Ing c lass h a tre d s o s a l^ « d o n a n d P m U. filr blndcra persist In fa n n in g class h admission ol a new member of the aalliance, llian ce, ir ow means of p ro m o tin g Ih.ee lr ownn seU si lsh e n d s. 'a r. a sh aotlt icthlea tu ti. physicians, lawyers, tasachers. ac h ers. u n , industrialists, public ofllclsls. etc. I U d prominent Englishmen atm b u te U ielr hav# h e ard leao-lBSO diff: dlfflculUes to the declmaUon of counirv'a leao-iBSO b ritllan t promising men in Wortd w ar I. I t » Iain why ne have to many broken-dow n 3 in in Mgh h igh offici office M ay .



ineffi- bankable loans on save th e dicUtor.ridden and ineffibenka £d e n t Bovemment of Bpaln ,dfrom bS H O T S ■^ ' from gogo- show s b w some ohance of n which IM lita on sound businM

9 . lhe same drain which ■in ingi down ■ swallowed up nailooalljt China and swall ■— ■ — ' ’ Ilat no now Uirtalenlng Iran U anolher HEBE’B COMFANYJ head headache in Washington. BUJctly All you folk* who b iv a paid fine* a p e d fln a * a p e a k i n g , th ls ^ _ ^ ^ _ AI ■ for parking can move o vve^rr migt, be c o Q s l d * H p ||■H■^ H ireo for ovtrtlma c —you hava good company now. —yo' Maiybe 'oy th thee jvmei A m e r l c a 'a ^ ^ u S .^ 'j ^K ^ iL H May some of you wlU enjoy company, too. ness, ness. Tf el C a u - B com] One Wesley 'Brosvick received a * c o B A |Q ^ Ueke er dday. Yep, his name waa Uated ) , i ( er ^ J | right along wllh the olher TloUtora. e^nU rlshi And llkt lots of oUier folk* "ta^lhe In th e fjy r W M aame sami poslUon. he mad# an wniuc- u,(d ifted bul p o v e r t y - H S n ^ H cessfui cessf attempt to convince' E>e8k ^Idde ridden slum, I h a t M k ^ 6 gt. (t. Jack DImond th at the pa p atrol^ l ; ,( s h, 0o u l d be h i s * * - " m an checking meters must. h have man a v e j,u b uas l n e u a n d r« eg “4 M *• mad# a mutake. He didn’t convincesomething o n l y . madi jj,, Spanish people can solve by the desk scrgetnt and finally y paid the “ r near^ the < cuiiomary 11, .ven eventual revolt against their "* nearAa tin*- int-i, As he iBft the police sUUon. •M -» °Ii living conditions.>Wesley Dro--svlck remarked. ”No’» _ Wesl rnT«*e know how tho.se people teK." I n '* * e Tb* Unlled SUtes h u . however. know in seeing BrosBros-8 e « ra l dominant interest* in j.quJ.QU don't know on# Wesley. stecounounnon-fommimlsl vlck, he was a member ot th eI Dollco police “ y vlck, ef depadepartment until recently, Hls p rl-tf'** coUapee. Communismn “U ® course co problem In Bpaln ll in, uas it Biary Job wm ehecklngiirkinff parkins niarj was 1and is on Uie China mainland nalnland meters mete and dislrlbuUng tickets to was and ■as 11 Is potentially In Iran. ran. But overtime p a rk m . overt economic collapse csn b« iusl as iust . . . econt deslrucUve a nd may, In fsct, be the t, thc TIP 0 N.TUHTLE8 principal corilrlbuUng cause! for rejj^ jr jjf n r Pole . th U a tiat■«>''« evenUisl commu* commuTc: TcU "Very Stymied," Jerome. O no ounlrles1have three small turtles. 1O ne ' domUiaUon In those countries,;,vinir Hence Ui# conceni over trying fy ”to morr niomliij my daughUr waa playing '* ‘®.„,th tiiem on the floor.a ier L aier I I Prom a selilah itandpolnt. Int. the di.'ico di-^overcd one win missing. turned pr'hc principal Inierest of the United d j Liitt ..Very Btymled." I turned njr th thee SUte. S U te j In Bpaln U lu possible iJble use [^e the hhome inside oul. In aa iiour r- « ** strategic alrbase and the ensearch ended, I found 11 lA aa vv ee rWO-man ir r leg leir Ustmcnl of Franco's «0,000-man jjcai pii equipped w V i J L VV O KJ tal Muaie-PatU Page ......,y . :^B9e ^ jp, n**ow o w LONG? ^ Dream Awhile-. Time Oul fo r “ g3y intpadi a t yout ows kiiure. ry ot State sta te Dei D ean Acheson’s appearance xee a ra-In k SpoU _________ W u t to B« WiUi Yon AI■ >oU th a t hM been tsken has ahown a n U * =^*7 scarded ways; M j Baby-a Jo at U k a F sentim ent against Acheson who U reg a rd e d w» S ' S " ^ ‘S St S r t? e ast, M oney-tkfty PrtneU ........ „8» e t e cSt -'Q our_ml?tortune3 In Uie far rlstocratlc pei peraonaliiy and stupid rem 0 ”IJ« whose at-lsiocratlc a r e m a rk r k ' ■n”Dflwn-*he Ttall of Aehlor I turning hls bi back on Alger Hiss havec c o m H< aru : Bluebird Island ~ about n o t; tum ing his lle I blned to spark opposltl' opposlUon Uial m ight otherwise Ua »ise be Han); S n o w _________ _____B9c I


. • • •• •• •,


sym paihlrers e rs right here IIn Nampa. For on two nn lg lg bb ts ts mora more reeorOa. .st T'®’' week cooimunitt publlcaUona have b een *" placed In aulom auiomobiles-h obiles-here-Probably-boyi-w ho-did___ n o t know w whaC Uiey wej hat they were doing wxre hired fo r th e 0 actual distribution txlbuUon but soi someone did know w hat h e w aa \V doing, ana1 it «-as *-as the will of lomebody in U ie'K rem lin. ’ who. of course. 1n o occasion to be.unduly alarmed. T h e F B I H ^ r a thier e r complete lUl ^ complete lUC of known RussUn a y m p ath ■ ! i m i a j f a ~will ^ i "p^ro b bi taW i y ' rd r(«-


T B tanH /W T y //V A \ I# H ' V\.% v l^ . _ ^ a |n J


s ic ENTER . ^ M u s ic _ C e n te r

S a A v V eI RI S s


9oka a i l * t i t to tr n t i*7 /'W ,e ia n ly a * y o u

Come in todir «sd «aahear and pUy a se v W u rlitm piaao.



lag. Everr ilicaallk*-®





oN MA * ST E R mO Uetct quicker, *C*y» hocer, Itoi Ito o , fa ster. Hoc io 30 aecoetdal Tbumb.tip Thumb-tip beat r e g . ula ior ia la b a o d i e , cool, eeas; a s y - c o - ie t, ^ CoBvenientl coBvenieotlymarked for for all all typ« type fahrtca; A vailable i a t w o weights—lisbtwclght‘4 ibl. Ibl. or or liibu llghcarw eiiht, 3V1 ibl.


I f II ■I

• L a stin g

] ines of all.theI famous rname appliai )m our L —we ve offer you th e rr


r7«9e I

a people un ited .

only r ic be held a t 1 ? oidy ju c iHTIKLD, J u n e » - a decre»« «re»M will will be i that of five mills In th e village taJC x levy Uie courUiout, cdi ,Jh«t *• va* a; approved » t the last meeting u atund icetlng vlted to waa of the village board. The rate for «>«, 0< of the 1M “ U '!!£'* next year wlU b e 30 millj, Mr*. on a Increaaed valuaU on t« $174,'ns *** “fi on h ‘,” sd*. from «li4,330 permitted Uie **• -KW"' •. ^w scheduled dliled t«r t(ir MnnC Mnndny was vacated •' • B ip ^ . . JpJB by Juiise ludge K Kn\ts n\t: E. L 1 o « e and Jurora ' . R ] 9 ||^ B k . ^ '^‘ "cd thee pa.ie were dlsd to hear th fl n .A mL'ued^untll Wedne ^» .ed‘untll Wednesdny. ' ' I have been h cnrd v>as uiTactlon . brought Ighl by Mc. nntt nn(t Mi&. Rny Stover. McCnil. McCnll. nsalnM C. W. Stoltfn' W l B 'f 'T berg,, Kimberly. A Atttorneys for. thc parties Flipi les filed a Fiipulntioii with thc .'.. courtt asking Hint I.lh e trial dale be VttcRledThe tie Stover.^ Stovers ^eck »42,0 public aehoola a l highway when th Peoria. ia. Ill, (Kelk« (Ketkef phot Tw intl Fnlls resldenlfi resl dsy evening os they watclitd tr'iclc a lle r I n ltk pnis by In pftiadt lo In* ir a tt« e dairy activities. ■ au«urn dnlrj- month i L aiK K r nBt tJ aJaycee y c e park. Guy Ryman, id e n t of the pre.'ildcnt the Twin Falls Chambcr o f Commcr Commerce, further empha1 th e imporuince o t Uie Industry tG ro u p E l e c t s " ‘'po i inting , “ r . out ' th a t Its dollar c;iU£, June 9 (-J>-6lan. volume 10 per p. ccnt of the comm c isIs 10 lliiho Fillj, was named m crce in Twin Twin Falls : ce in county 11/ lhe Idaho Title and o nn ththee lighter IlRhte Ude, the dairy Inluxutlon loiilRlil Inelcc- dustric.^celeb ,ric.^' celebration featured a lavoiind lip the group's mllkitiK :inK ccoont« n t« t which wa.i won Buhl Mayor Jay Rugg. His apby Butil ilUe.'s clcctfd Includc „ arcn lly less less experienced e; ;n tiy opponeni fcViib. BoiJt, secrcuo-. v,n., nn.. Jj.. Schwcndlmiln, sch« chalnnan c l Cordon Gray, T ain of th Twin in Falls Fa! board of commls. hee Tw «;rtsl(l«nt (or thp -'oiithjioner.s. rtLUlM Jrancftc EpcnN:a carlv 2,500 porson.i i rlv 2,500 ottendcd the tT u rtappoliitcd exccu- mur;ic Ic Vnllcy Vnllcy Cowboys ( and Oreot s 6a!scbxU 'Khcte the mllkT4-T i'ftUs SaMbxU same S! ------------------InK ccoonntcst tcst ond oni other events took OXCONVmiO.V place. e. During During the I gome Ice cream, .la j- T h e Rev. and Mrs. cheese, inc. milk.,butlNE WEEKC O CNLY ONE

Saturday, J umn e 16 1< th ne 10( 10th T h ro u g h Sa M onday, June

4 9 .5 0

A ll oou u r be better quality lults. ^Gibtrtines. siiarkskins, etc. AU




C F C R O T O NM j |


w ,M


10% D O W N OM ITEMfl3 UNDER UNDER »M,00 IM.00



“* A .

B................1 4 , » 5 = « » » A . A.......... , . . . , . 1 9 . 9 5 E»eh -■ \ D________ 9 . n c .................1 1 . 9 5 2Each «h ............. .... B .S O tM ti / .................« 2 . ^

■ X^



combination you deaire. aire. Ai eur Making 11 poaalble to g iv e 'yrnu n u almoat almoet any i M*' M *ke your itocka are uaed up we w ill be' lorced to limit 111 our open Moik policy.. MjOw K\ttUon nowl " K 't



TJu Stor# for Women ( ■en and Girli

T r a il< l . .



guard and mayors A color color guardprocession and th e two the long of equipled It.theThey long were procilollowed by the m — ment Theyhigh wereschool band and iberly Kimberly high sc IS inted members o f the Frontier T H IS mounted members lng club. F u rth e r back In the ^ - . — Riding club. Purth of marcli m a rd l were were th e Jerome high 1 I I I I P line>ol of band and Boy Scouti. W \^ W 1 “"rge parade. He H x a rry l^ le r. LyShipman, $ ■ ^ George Shipman, Smith, Junior IH an se n and BUI W ons Smith, Junior StiaVn.

a t C o ro n e t Jewvelers elers



Firm Given Valley Fin Hghway Contract Highway


„ d

O .*

m I.. June &—Pimernl aervices r.,rin V^-nnT T, Orreiin .uerc held flnlur/ IcriiDfiii n lwll the Alben-son me^ radtnl VPsts R 4' i ^ ; 5 „ , . i i . i i or « in n - W i 1 chiipi'l Wllh Bishop Enrle CJulglcy ehiirse Burial

iho. Gti Guardsid Training S tint t l l l t at S l Camp

I d a h o .

;Y. June B -M ra . julla Ann P h lp p enI EldrrdRe IEvans. lOJ. for‘lilent of nt Ca Carey nnd Bolae'a LI1- leC aa V v eC S nO nU f Ut l Il l resident,.dkci :oldciit,.dkd ai 6 p.m, Frlrwln 0. Koch And h ^ tnmlly d n y nl her her home home liilii Boise. Cruln Mr.' Kiniis Kimi^ Mas «a.s twrn I In Council pliiii1 tu leave at IIh.' mil ot thl^ a t\ (ot PcotUx. llIII., >il\cre lie tins D lutt.-. IIhh,.July July :i, :i, 19«. Sl« ctvine moiutv epted a rciiitmct rniitrnct to Inich In tin ' to U tah 1In111«« cDVen cDveifii wnuDii when accepted ■rIa public .'chooU, old nnd nnd tno' inovcil to Cnrey' in Peorla .'choo He hiv,'. been •* yenrs old iclpal ot Mem Memorial l.uthernu 1803, She he »ns «,ns tt-1 tt-member of the principal ool since -IL' in L D S churcli. >>.'11001 -it-' e'tiiblWimciit r: . , . 5, SviVVlVttt!. iiwUiilv IHC. Uk Uiw l io iliiuahVeTs, During Kocli's pprliiclliiihhlp H»e M rs, Myrtle lurliig Koch's Artliiii, yrlleA nl.„i,D ol,-e;nndM r. 01)1 hus >clio(>l hu^ grown gri>wn tnmi lui cm oll- T . C, Pnikp, nike,Ciircy; Ciircy; Ihroe .‘ns. Formeiit d two liiMruc- I'C-'l H- ElrtredKf, ElrtredKf,IiIrn LUlrfrtge nnd lit of S6 pupils anil live instruc- B en U. Evans, Evans,,xl\ lUlCCarey; 33 ernndtnr.'i to 1S7 pupils nnd n s, DfiMt the ^chCK)\ •Kns iippticrt chslrtreii,n, Sb Sb grem greni.grnnilciilWrrn he wns director of Chrl.'ilan ediirn- ni''* 38 cieal-giriii. Cieal-gifiil.Rrnnddillilren. Puiternl tlonI for Immanuel Lutheran church ml service' services «lll bc held nt Mcmdny nl the Lol'e LDS n other cnpacltlrs Kwh hns flr.M wnrd ard uilli Ullll Ill.-l Ili.-hiip Julin Frn,^er ved the lhe ehurch church nl hirte in Its otJlcintliis. biirlnl ttlll ■ be mnde at ins. bnrlnl ^served llh program as editor ■'! thc dl.s- [ Dolse, youth r trict ------------------------ :t publication, the Uuili-Idnlio I -------------Youth. llth, ns publicity director and Q iii* v iP n c ! H rlstlnn growth chniriiinn nf i h c i ' J C l T l t L o 1 1

Ux incJ.

I - V i t o^ yV: i o K OUU EN TIRE S Tr O o cCKK O PP ’



SPRING HATS Hi) ded. Every Every ^ la the dfirker shades Included. '* V to t o l2 3 S - W .W « l...

^ B




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kind, •tyle. tlups |\ i

J .98 , 31 .»9 8 -------^ , “HE lA R G B TA B L E O P C 0 0O1T T O N

|l(irts & Bloi Slouses « t S ^ ’ *«0ftmtnU. color*, •U tU wasWbl#. w»#li*W Jujl right te




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teMOn jou'Vl t e gUd I Ubte iv M iV} itg leMOn -rw iU bi#wwm iii te k l & p e o p u . d urlns thes ViM the extra iptce.. Q r* e elu l arched. leg! leg* ot l-loch tubultf iteel m t pUted to U at IndeftDliAly.

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3 5 * 1 4 T*p O p e n i t o 60 l n c h n ......,~ ________ L g ..- .

1 2 .Q P 'a g

t«j tg9«t i«ppm m dd to give table ( u p p o r t 'i r t u f t w S through hrough dooi door when tolde4. Jde ■itiniK a w*u. ,;_ tldeigiOniK


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Go, Jewelers. C oronet Jewel •




■nainor A% LDN6 *8 T W Ci**t*V ^ O T O K T A T ttJ 'S * "Iitm "9u S u T n S '“ ’ CMSTAt 6 « < t o « c ast ro r» « T OU« w o iY c M JT A f S waTMFWwr q '


J ____ H iA R M O N Y H O U SIE E 2-LEAP 2 -L E A P H

M r e n t ir e


y , O T O N M irillm tr ... T h it’s r ig h t! You get th e fine CROTON Miriiime Ot, iu 17 jewel m oTem ent certified -watetprpor, thock re*i»Unt, iu 17 jewel n 'ellow gold filled CMC • e d e d in « bcndiome 10 k m t jellow gold filled ow949.50. AndFR£E>>< withsuiiuc with BUinlcM iieel back. . . for i low 149.50. And expuuion hracfilet ‘' ’ f* u“"n til F a th e r'* D t j . . . the fine expuuion bracfi sry flje c id p fl f o r . v e r r iUu5tr»«l iU u ttra ied . I t'* v ilu e . A Tery tp e cu l fc • p e d ilg u jr.G e t illo d t;!









Shoshone Council cil oposed Federal Sh lounded o n Proposed [ea ^W arning Sound( AirForCeWill Is Radi Radio Schedules Twin Falls , Sets Session Date r a s ‘Door Opener’ ( Public Pow er as ‘D jr On Taxes, Budget Take 70 Men S5iJ Tax of Publi Iget KVMV KTFI AM-FM K LK KVMA a m K HocrxcLES) itn » K a M t.i unit.... For New Unit Ut

•la d e HH08H0 KE. June 9 — A public publlo o )) » coDUogent 4.7 uUeIO IK»N SBANNOTT cdoti on th e 2S-member way* "T puWla hearing on tft» d ty budget MJld ,d tax ih tolS jBdsnl] and means c om m ittee, agreed ”wlUi to f?h*S ‘ iUNDAT ^'w A r a iN G ’^ I , * J^m e*?(0^ lefson levy jevy vUl be held a t 7:30 pjQ .. Mon[Special! hU UUh coUeagve. T h i s U l strikes itrikes power powe tn Uie norUiwest.- Tollefson a \ l hls*U day. June » . day. Ilnanclng. decland. decli '*• —T he proposed lederal ta x 00 pub- aat t ththe base o f m unicipal Ilnanclng. CKflU«I T«mpU liM ^the house tloor msy open the back the ichief source for repiTment ,o:« i endtt»v o ortlnances v e re passed aim icl- muni municipal debts.*' with irjlh the complete bUl, alnce amnendriWtsu door CO federal ierte* o n aU aimiciaed tsB s ko *KI(k S«boat Cbeir >iOO t'im ' , idmltted menu on Uie floor of th e house le vlU VlU th e imeeUng. One provides t hla a t Uie pal acUvltlea, 'Cong. Waller K. Thi liter The three -w estenien admitted meoi , rs a n eouncU can eleet a prealdent mce ot western senator* eoun It vho ■MNivi ra nger, D-. tJtah. w an u . Ihthat tt Jhere waa little chance of nn-- be be forbidden, fi .7? TrMk l!iS G ra. in IC.H E i e ij.n C .tl-r le na* ^ct during any absencfi o f tbe e bill since tlghUng »hy of Uie Usue. N one ha* :lt Dill Caniiinchain' ie:10 Umi Uk HiDl 11' XiBi T h e 3H per cent ta x U only a movli 1 moving the Item from the bill since tight > **«. cr-v r i. :u j :I0 'MrthodUt Charcb 11iM UUuna nade a pubUo sU te m ent o oa we mayor. niayt The ««ond m akes u n la v tax bill bUl jt Jt wi was orlgmaUy passed by by better better nadi :«» ,iOib« 0 . - . -ot 5Oi. . D.r ^smaU p a rt of tbe biggest tax !*:«» iI lei Virn* Kiv Ikew »er tax matter, and most say they a re w ^t- ful Uie operaUon of any vehicle aanx In peacetim e history due tor or presprea- than than two to o n e . T h e power tax «U1 «U1 matt jJ Jld ■W«n» n»7fc«M log uatll the U x bill rea ch e** s Uie ^B-hUe j,u, under the Influeace e f la K**t e ntaU on by tiie house wiya lys and be beorone of Uie l a r t to be reviewed nviewed In in tug }|1J5 ***^ Ji « » » i i!ia » :s .“. u s ' aenate before taking • sta n d . loxie loitlcatlng Uquor or narcoUc drvgs. rJJ™ m eans ccsmnlttee Tuewiay or Wed- the t the tlnal d ra ftin g . aena I m *Tnii •T ni D«WeU UM lAnnloB ranm ,TUrBtll* Pin-M * ::» KlW»r* J« •lU raenr H omm liJliDabTwot I «eekl seekers. , lng.« the. coffin a* city engineer. Robert veloF*. •■When consumers see tba. Coffi 'i'Ti* • ? ;M « *Lat&mB Vi! Hoar ItlO lOUCfnlufT7t Smnatf* •HunlclpallUe* .put up a fight HoI fiolmes sa id some vole* Ul 'be ’be Sher Sherman as rtcreaUon supervisor voles may I j.h t bill. I t wlU !M *Hkk CarUr J ;90 C*n’l T«li* il »IU> Yog « turw hen taxe* on lhelr bonda were chani ______ and a n d Robert Haddock as recreation da change in th e fin al showing, too itie." I :10 •r»o!llr H>»*ur *i*« Snmmrr TliMUr Wnoj owing, but uxi ■ prop :M n«hlwilh> I( m 4IIb« l i l t iTbMUr Oslhl >'‘iM proposed but they m a y lose ________ — ose thl* UU* neiih neither he n o r K in g was opUmUtlc. ----u'iM •«» Tre. «iof» llw > T .J., deffcull," Granger er said. • pul • Public opposition tromn Tacoma 1r—— ~ MONDAT. iOiO« J6o«iri>i«d i "A vital as a* ,n tn d ISeatUe h a s been strongest ingest thua ,-M a .i il rjiri, rtr k 7emerjv» A t ta x on power U Ju st as VlUl ».«, le.-te lit Ca -The Chocolate Solder: S “5 r .° S S S ‘a S i ?. C O "M"r. Underwood died May s.S. 1949, My H aro . . . Straus ***Cheyenne. eJ V Mo, H is ealate.con-i w Naughty M a rietta : Ah, Sweet W yo,. and W. U Cowley. Roy. Utah,■ sIsUi o f thc south one-hall of lot I of lot Myatery o f lif e . Herbert vlalted , , k,, “ Mr. and Mrs. Burton Thome. Id nine t . T,? T*ln Md uInvitation t o th s Dance . . M rs. Cowler. who hi* been rUIUne „ WeberBerUox M »> tor tev»ev? * ^ of he r daughter for ** The V aR sbond King; e r a l weeka, returned home with .i,, Love M e T onight . Pritnl th e m . K Im liy Amencan S a lu te . . Oould ' M rt. EmIlle Thomson atUnded *, th.Titfi June 9—M r. and M n.j Ci th e graduation exercUe* a l the Unl- . CAREY. CAI noUIled ■ wl versicy of Maho where her uaugudaugh- L. ^ ,F .• Edw ards hsve been Edwsrds. *ds. hss ha*:: | * degree. been returned to d u ty in Korea ^ a lte r receiving tn a tm e n t s t a hos- . J l H i 1 pita l In Ja p an . IW H d V , June B—Blchird and Rob. nd Rob^ VIEW J < ce rr tt Olbbs, students at the Unlveralty o f oI H«| iM -NfO 'NtoMli* i4lM >!»>. fl»ll»»»B»llKcoi iiM !, ; s !w M«?«"KJord^*Sew :io gm«ia* c io 8in(la( M«r»h.ii M*r> illU KllXira ------------------- ;■-----------------------------------w 1 j*rw

0 O

^ 11 IB U

1 1 ) . S, SIE



Dietrich Reports b< ^ tV 6 lS m Visitors, Travels md M rs

DISTBICH, June fr-M r. and M rs. ly. L ew Norman Roragen and family. litovn, Mont.. vUlted • hU aa uu te te rr aa . r. U n . Carl Broadhud and Mre. H »a rold RoUlbough. and famlllea. Mr. and Mn. Leland Larsoa > n d faml^, Mr. and Mr*. O tu Iiaraen, L ara en . Urs. Oenerva Llpe. Eleanor L lpe. U n . Melvin H iatt and U M ar ^ Il B n tttt »r S ft(l«nded a nunlon ot the A A nn dd re re aaaon family In Salt Lake City. DorU Lambeth U vUllIng two a 4. lsta n and attending Uie roie •fesU val BsuvBi In PorUand. Ore. OT nd Mr, and M n. Henry O le n amnd children. Balt Lake Olty. ylslt«d h U uncle* here. '. r Mr. and M n. J. T. Patrick. '. N o rth Platte, Nebr., vUlUd hU nelce. ce. M M rs. rs. John Edward*, and family. , Iq

„ Charles W laiw , « . a *^0 h a re been « J. C. B»ke,*^2‘ «(,l vU ^m it: t rela u tu ip ' -------______ ^ --------- , ^ — J < 1 7 • s. >


II S m iiH IJ?:ginV«"riH- l;:.u ’,; ? Q fl (!9 Shoshone Notes I Travels, Visitors itors r,r s . »... i'i?

"5 2^

from Uie c H i .^ ’


S.», .t ;s

liffo rd 8H06HONE. June » -P fe.. C ilfto a n s ld e . Burgeu returned to O«ceanside. , CaUf,. after vtalUng ftl* p a re n ta. "M r. and Mri. Harold Burgess. r -bb u ii Mr. and M n. Harry T u rn ll es a t th «e •ttended graduation exercl»ei re th o lr tJnlverilly ot Idaho where •on. John, recelted hla degree, M r. ksd Mri. John Turnbull and »ona returned v lth ht* parent*. Ur. aod Ura. Brerett C l«xton. Long Beach. Callf., vlilted M rs. o . V. Olaxton. Ur, and U n . Leille A nderson. Kampa, vUlted Shoahone relaUve*. relauve*. Mr, and Mr*. S. Z. Bourquln uln h a v e returned from a month In A laska, PrancU n e ld i, PocauUo.. v lslt« isitedd a F ield s . hi* grandmother. M n. Emma Mti, Ellwood Werry haa r e tu rn e d trom M oKov where ahe aa tte tiennda eMd the graduation exercUe* a t the U n lYeralty ot Idaho. Her son. Ellwood, . ^ Jr., received h it BA d e re e In...b u sN Jh m pployed lo y ed n e u admlnUtraUon and U em At Korth Rlehland, W ath.


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~ P ublic blie Forum _________ _

^ ^ t e d b y ___________ W om en O ld-A Assistance Old-Age Mel ice Methods

I AEC - E C L L e a d

Seeing Eye E: Firm

K s ^ r r r r .; p S i " “»•“”•«

Insuran [nsursncc Group Ends 2-Day Meet


Security ™!i“ hS h t Sets Visits ?«o?J ‘.’..S



|!i Asked on SCS'T’ iBiissory Note Tax Clami Filed



On Man and Dog

DAV Will Wil Discuss § £ > 1 “ Convention Plans

4-H Club Elects




S S H S A4 7r / & m t






Nylon HOSE ISE — ii N y

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A X IN E"* ij "M "MAX

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» dd . sa ^ c ly alone brings y o u th e b e a u ty , c=omfo o m fo rt1 an Int olooe

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jf Body b y Flshr . . . s ta n d a r d o f fine coach craf ctB odybyF U)

I t alone brings y o u ex tm * « fS c lcn t ya lve -in -h u tstandiog co m fo rt s n ^ -p e ffo rn iB n c e -.-. . p lu s th e outstaiidiDg com

in its itsfieW fieUt • OH-olToiMrtadeAuiomMHi tCOmUaa«watU mbumisston W ;«•*.) B iaJ e n gr(M tiu oopiisnol p M itl cm D» L u t colors. Btow —

conA ll c o m iparisons p arijo n s w ill < v in c e y o u th th aa tt Chevrolet Cbevrole is

U l T lw lQ •


~ M .a n d f l n ee ttttnnAe - ishhllff t d riv in g a * t oDww«aattt cc oo ss tt >w i t h -

• —


.IIC TTR KA A U TOM ATIC AN HW U IM IO K * tiffle.proved Pewerglldt C hevroief.I timei-roved Auiormule TransmlMlw TransmlMlon. coupled witl, io5-h.p. .p. VaUe-ln-lI. VaWe-ln-Head Enttni ^ v u 'f i n u i ti»4hlf< rfrivfnj Mvlsf a t fow«s{ COJf-pIUS the mO»t m ott P01 powerful perin its field. fonnancc in h pedalJ No g ttra lill^ it • No clutch • steps or m gest Only N o pow er steps or *u wtioD, hitherto uodrtamed effortless motion, »■ " ' I " , tease, ™ . .and r f velvet velocity Qooth. ttnbfokto flow of — U eogloe (peedst

U low-prlccd c m . finest o f a ll

^ i

5 P oa lilr


K «. S R fl.. 1 .4 S V . l m , K O W .------ 1

I Is tho Y e s , Q e v ro le t is la rg e sstt of o l a ll lowI . • p r ic «e d cars. It’s th e longe longest c a r in ils field . . . a strapp! .Ueamlined 197 1 9 7 ^ inches. gtxeamlined I t’s c a r m ils f ie ld . . . 3125 p o tu t'i th e heaviest htavL qualiw. osf f solid quiUw. Moreover, it has tho w id e st tr e a^d in Its field ‘. ’ inchcs bci betw een c e n te rs o f th c rear wheela ., . . 55894 8 9 i inches extra co c o m lo i rt, wvith ith a ll tills m 1 eans in te m is o)tf eirtra O T d . Mily. , »aad d s a t = t,l toadabU gwalsMwltfailapuaUr*. * in


ew tvunmer [ T h e evei poiw lar n u m to . . . new tvunmei b ^ •iiadea. SAVE Mo a P a ir . , . AU alsea, I fiia dea . SAM

B H b C ^ ^



60 Gauge IS Denier




Inquiry Spurred . S'U",'." By Sugared Gas


w l/



oshone Travel^ “ sr Shoshone' isitor? R ep o rt^ r S J J z r X S i K Visitor?]

Slow Rat Rate Noted Z S j K ,: For Construction Contract Okayed On Airbase Work

« w „ ..n . iwday-include «top» wras « ‘^lK ttl*'p: elected prtsldent of th e asso, postofflee from 9,30 jj^uon rrfday whUe J. O o ld e n Je n lallon Friday T Ol v O 0 . aad the departm ent CT, Pocatello, waa nam ed v ic e presl.__,.r.finn» fn Applications for construction p e r■iitance, Haliey, Jrom lent. Secretary-treaaurer 3*4,*^ wiU be mils sel a slow pace the past w eek IpjaWayne Vayne C.' C.‘Pro] Proper. Lewiston. * ‘“ " J -------- ;----- • Leo Leo O'Connell. O'Conn Idaho Uiauranee a^toonly four fUed for work v alu ed ommlisloner, gave th e ad d re ss of v«r, fialUKlay Norman Btcvlck. 423 lleem e as assoclaUon inembcrs Quincy street, souRht perrols-ilon to opened their two-day aesaion. Jdd ir w m and ai kitchen a d d itio n sdd aa bbedroom „ -- ------------ -, - to hla his reHdince. residence. Cost of the w ork is M for JHT.20 pluj mT 'a v C ] estimated at ll.WO. lte attorney’* fees and l a J L VJ ■Ktit by A. M. Sande Iti a cerUflcate cerUflcat< of the liab ility of A DELE DELEGATES Mrt suit filed ag&lnst Allha E3 Ulha and Elwood K. W h iteh ead . BOIIL. June 99—Duhl dclcgatt. >T. P. P. A. Kallusky. M r. I jeomlssory no te IssMtd lecotdtr ecotdtr BaWriSay. Batui I'to* Manning left for St. L ouis According Id Jiine 14, 10i n HOW Bald the lha govemment govern said estimate was 2 aerani I aaizea. Oeranluma SSo up. iz e a . t57,U3J4. Petunias 8fl up. 'I ----------Tomato Pli Plants, dot. Sia up. vlsrT iN O PARENTS \ Tomato VI9rTlN( VIEW, VIEW, JJuunntt »i - Mr. and M is. ! aQ. . H. C Il T1 Y1 F L O R A L K.Olbbs Olbbsand anddaughter. Sail Lake f ! ( City, Behind Pai City, are are visiting visitin his parents, Mr. i Parisian Lauudry and and Mrs. Mrs. J J. . C.C.Olbbs._____________

N o Fail-, Local Not cal Mai Man Writes Lauds Editorial

» g*elu A dlTDTCe ■ ^ * • 5 , A « il »wl BlWrtd Editor, ta tsJor the the help h«lp ItIt gives tl aitoT, T Tta*s-New»i-----------------------for the people lh a t county w sln•nie ie old o li folks foi who h a v e hom«s made made Idaho idiho the thi state th a t It Lv * * ^ irrf C EUWH«i)d are on on old 0 age u a l a t u e e are made md are m»deItItlivable livablefor the law m akers her U uA w d h»rtJW lavla; to sljn si{ them o v e r to the Who whoare arelaking lakineihelr independence 55* w , assist- »way away from from them, then making p au p ers \SM Irem the pubUc BMUunce, ofofthe the pioneers pioneerswho went th ro u c h thlle those th at haven’t g o t any. sll all kinds klntls of of hardships hat h ^ get assistance regardless. think thal that law 1 is w ro tte n it Ii think :» that fair? Do th e people of Btlnks. jtmics.If ifthey theywould Jet th e old daho »ee any falroesa In , ^ t ? I folks folk* hate hate their their home.n an d do a s lont. The** old folks, b o th men they they want want to to with wit them 09 p er c e n t md wotaea have worked h a rd tlU of of Ihem them will will tum tur th o t property to hey c a n t work any longer. lome one one that that will w conUnue to poy wme Bome of them have lived tn Idaho taxes on ttxes it. on It 0 year* or more and In tli a t time IItt looks looks to to me me like Idaho Is c u tlave p a « u x ts of all k in d s ; some ting ting off o tf Its lu nsse n J . to spile its face ire lUU paying U xe»,on th e little for for the the atate aUle doesn't do pay tax es o n lome they struggled to e a r n so they that ihat kind kind of of property. proi All tax p ay ers «uld have It In their o ld age and sre are helping helolni to to pay J Uie old cvge n see! H wai theirs.-------------------------- slitance. sUtance Every Evere man m oc woman uotteHow the state m ust b e reim bursed In* In* for for wages wages pays ps so mucli out o t ---------- -------------------------------------- every every check checkfor for old sge assl.^iance. Why mike the old folks p ay three tlmea for for’ nn existence? T h e i « payers’ money pays our itglr.iature; also our govcmor gets hi* salary too Irom th#" taxpayers. Do BON VALLEV. June 8 - T h e Ida- they i W ^ask J w them h t T ito lu m back th e ir 10 state association of life under- ejpense ejperise money? money? wnitrs H , — -------------- T , ' inters wound up Ita 16th annual Oh, o h na, no ot ot courve mm' t\ot. they e a m ttl ;onvention here S atu rd ay w ith a I'll mi they „^p., pot. '„ t. Well, wc so have th e old loon luncheon th a t fen tu red a folks. Woke wokeup, ud people of th e f a ir peech by Stanton O. H ale, new slate s,ate of of Idaho Idaho so s maybe it cnn bc f o r k Insurance co m p an y ex- voted voted out out by by referendum rel th e sam e H !l& c loclal security &decutlve. Mitve salts lax las was, V ;t,p \st down aj it\e sales L to Twin Fnlb, anHale told the t u n d e r» T it« s th at that, -htdule of vislta io *re« family In amlly life insurance e o v erase re- . Is ts ItIt constltutlonBl?' constltu Can th e y • to iccept claJnw and lattd Incooii was not a s adequate make ated ta Income, nuke one one give give up i w liat they have anended aoclal se- IS u It|twas was1010years ago bocause it earned earned to to help' help' keep I someone th a t —__ r haj las not kept Itepi, pase i wllh, Incom e In- hw hw nolhltvs nolhlns 1010 tu rn over to th e Udt tte J^crome office of reates.cream.•• state? Idaho haa a»it«rvlce from 9:30 aw j j., At the aales coneres* S atu rd ay elew H UP? SEaesday. He will .top oomlng:, convention “i O BO naiA Y ENNEy d eleg ates heard OEC ^ W e n d e l l pMtolflee peechcs by Harry J . S y p b tu , Salt (Twin f a l ls) will bo , t the sAke S r Clly. “ i,7 and «^ K enneth W . Crlng, • — -----BU OUM frotn 3.M HI jjjjg gujj

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«R . g . < I .9 S V o lu ., N O W ....... 1

P o ir

B , g iS I Gauge IS Denier g opular Rov« Sptnereite BeeL The fflost popular nov. g I «NoTclty o r « n y opu i-^ *lt7b M b elta d ho*e I \ tity o i on the m aitot. All »l2*» . ....a al lllc ocoiW3 ore. ore. B ^ I g S

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^ ■ ^ ■ ^ B ~ H e r e ^ h a v e t hl ee l ta or g ^t r t c aur h i its f i e l d . . . rr c a r i s I d fie ■ ■ ■ ■ an d aU o t l » fi ld ; . . b ; any and a n y test you ^ yardstick y o u c a r e t o OM an c s ie to n u k e . e i p d a ttm a e It n n i t O rd in arily , y oJU u w o u ld ai c o st tn o re tlia n o th e r c a rni-- b] n t tb e revene l l true.. 's th tb e klow n i e fae l U , h le e rre e ’s n est-ptked fine fa it* f i e l d . . . y ess, s , tb e w * ot ritts ^ b n m t- p r k t d exceedfajly ecofine cars . . . a oi d t b q r ^ ta n om lcal to . o p e r a te a n d m atetabi, u w e ll. & e bc b e tt b o y JOT oa# N a t o r a ^ , y o oI w a n t th


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tb U Dumber Uiia oum ber If you v«Q t a norel^. B Im 8H 8 to XOH. w'**

t y l e s ^ f ir s t this S e a son aon S Stylei H

m l e m ld I H i b eNa e rA«Nl oYe - O « T H R CARI I

> p u s u r c H i v a o i n * T H A N Pa h no nr e c 7 0 7 T w in F aU s


siery Hosiery P ® Ppt. ^* Main lin F.loo Floor

^ erclty BfenlqM 0 '>*’ the, bride, an d Leonard Halverson, Santa Snn R o.ia. eld In the T he recep tio n uaa held Lely followchurch p a rlo rs Immedlalely chu vnna DarkIng Ing thc cerem ony. Mrs. Anna nln? V alfrjo, Calif., sefved !d the fhe cake. nlnw, Mrs. W arre n Johnson,1. Modeslo, M had ch arg e of the gueat book^ and Mrs V ictor Johnson waa In the gift Mrs. root as.’d n te d by OeraldI Christian, room, eddlng trip TThe c o u p le lefl for a wedding whl w ill Include Yellowatone nawhich jOn tlonsl p a rk . Sun Valley a nd Twin Fall T h ey will b« al home 3me at No, Falla. M 88 Monte V l.sta court, Fairfield. field. Calif. q .u t-o f-lo w n O guesU were the brfdegroom’a parents. Mr.. aand brld n d UUra, ra gtjn Stacey D Ie U , Twin Falla. ___ J-------------------------------------------------1

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« ( the Blue Lakes C o u n lty elub will t lh , be 7 ,a feature thla aftem oon a thc club. The ahoot will begin In at 1 PinPiiv ,n oak and Crews apraylng poison poison Ivy will m e et at 9 aJn. at !>P‘: llie picnic grounds. the Farnlly dinner d a y wUI be observed from 3 to 9 p jn . open The locker rooms will be optn ise Ls closed. Monday but the clubhouse the best bc-st ball The .lecond round of the TueNlay a t lournnment « u i be he ld Tue^lay llic women's Koir a n d guest day meeting. Lunch wlU be rerved a t "1 ^1 22:30 p-r^1The "shorty" bridge tournament Iftemoon aalt ’111 begin W ednesday aftemoon me bridge luncheon. Mra. Tom While will be hostess. The 'he luncheon will begin a l 1;16 p.m . Mrs. Olen Jcnitlas. sr., will be general chairjcr man of the tournam ent. md dancing Tliurailnr evening round will be held. . Frldny wlU be w om en's pnrty day. n ‘’Informal 6Bnlurday. evening, an informn! dlnner-dnnce will be held at the reVlcome': club. Members’ g uests are welcome. ^Al thc buffet d in n e r held Thursd.iy Mrs. ’W illardd McMaster L evening. and Clifford Fix received Ived bridge prizes Ix nnd J. A. prl; nnd Mrs. P h ll Fix Cfderqubl rccelvcd pinochle Dchle prizes, C« }lnsl.% aerr Mr. a n d Airs. ,lrs. Junesu Jvnciiu /' Shinn and Mr, a n d Mrs. Mrs. O, O, C, C, Kcl

AAu x iliaries P lanI F A n n u al Flc^ D ay ■ T e o for T u e sday day I The PstrloUo League of W o m ^ H

E ngaged

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ S ■ m ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Women win hold the annual Flag day lay te n ^ a “t tbe American Legion.haU lU a t ' 2 pjn. Tuesdny, All membera of P patriotlc ^ auxlllarlea are Invited to at>


■ ■ ^B H

Presiding officers will be rs H e M rs. Bene Hayward, president. Legion ■ auxiliary; Mrs. Mary Bolton, vice ■ president. American War Mothers; ■ Mrs. Addle Moore, sccreiary-treasM rens- ■ urer, Orand Army of the Republic:pubUc: Mrs. May Janks, sergeanl-at-amis* t-arnis. Daughters of the American Revolu. aevolu. tlon: Mrs. Nelife Horejs, conduclonductress. Disabled American Veterans etenuis ■ ’j ^ auxiliary: Mra. Clara Koehler, c h a p . lain, unllcd Spanish War Veterans eterans H i m auxlllnry. and Mrs. Marlon Jenkins, Bg lenklns, BiliE!^!w SEi?-Sfr ■ ■ mu-sidnn, Vctcmns of Foreign Foreign P ® Ct. Wnrs auxUlary. Each organisation Is asked to ■ ■ ■ brli bring flowers to decornte te th e 1'’" ' rooms. Officers will be Installed lied ffoo r * * * J CEVE.NE BOH'EH nexl year. i 1 (Staff enrravlngl " The American Legion will m ake r / \ I m ake M i S S SoeV C llf f corsages. DAR and GAR will II serve li r '= » y K * * * * cor refreshments and the American ^ Wnr Wn Mothers and Unlled Spanish /M » iS S B 0 W 6 r W i l l t I War Veierana auxiliary will be In ^ b b S ehnrge of the kitchen. **7 daughter or Mr, and i J ^ ,v,c will Veterans of Foreign W tirs , B „ ’cr and Don Olbbs 3t5s will nuxlllnry will present the program jjj married June 23 In nn evening ivening ,,,, ,j,d the DAV will arrange the room . M ^remony. She Is thc dauRhtcr liter of . # # Pan w, Patterson jn and and js 1, ,,p L, lhe son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W . p, P, V ■n Olbbs. ‘ Both nre 1951 graduates of Tw in hlch school. She Is employed FAIRFIEXD. Junc B-A spcclal n t the Tlme.vNews nnd hc w orks f ole wiD mci meeting of the HIU City WSCS Was Se.iboard Mlll.i. The couple tiiv e n t. brld lire et 461 Main avenue cast. brl Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Owinn Rice to prepara ira th e EnnUsh mai_ prograrn for the coming year. daui r. daughter «fre Rue^^il K. s an dn Olllcers are Mrs. QwlnnI R ice, fto R e ' ^ president: Vera Wilson, vice• P prestf « ‘- M r, '''f« }Mrs. H- W. Sawyer, Fnllon, Nev.. den I. Nev.. dent: Polly Strom, secrelary-trcaand Mra. Ivn Wlbon, TvilnI Pnlls. surer, jur, and Mamie Martin, apritu an> al T n pntual »’’« *U1 mu, [, were club life nfe secreury. MeeUngs wlU be h e ld we guests a t the Scrlboler's •s club I**' » UH 1 meeting Friday evening n t thee hom e in 1 in the church nnd homes me ery every tw o «tw‘’‘U“ o ons in Zoilaiw, ofof Mra, Max Crolhers. wee during the aummer. . . . . weeks M Mra.Ellia Andenofl » irod eall wns nnswered w llh in tn a A Sunday school hasobeen r g a norg . an of Uw pro5a foi formation concerning trade Jou rn - Ized izee at Hill City with Jesse How low aard, rd. S “ ' tf-* t; nls nls. Manuscripts were re.id by jy M rs. supsuperintendent: Mrs. Jinlom T hom lon.ton, , ‘W'lrtd »i-j All Albert Murphy. Mrs. J. H. Scavcr, a.sj: n.stlstant, and Clyde Martin, , secrc-secrcM a m mi,j. orval KcJIey snd Mr.s,. I. 1. M. jary-trrasurer. lar: Teaehers are MflJDIe MflJHle Ci Co-hoslfutj re« yjai Jackson. Mra. Crothcrs served Mn. 'Cd re- Mnrtin. Kellh Strom. Ruth H arrl- Slcllen, SlcI daujhter ol Ka son tind Mrs. louclti. freshments, son nnd Vera Wilson. tind fre ------------------------------------------------------r — ,^ 7 ^ — ~ i- . ^ ^



M arry D. G ib b s S

w. Y ear s Progrann . . . _ . ™ Plan ned a t M\tt!.TalkonEnglo, eet J ite C*a n d le lig h t RK ite ™ h v d by f,' i' IIs P r e s e n te '/H forGi I 1 j ' i d B e lle v u e Lodge Lodge ‘ ^ , "» 1I > BELLEVUE, Ju n e 8 — Memorial rM” X " 'e r A ^anuser/pts / h /. iII ' i;i Rebekah service.? were held by the Mnyflower lodge this week.:. Mrs. John , ■

I ^


,' j " i.

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> ,f . sle w s was In c harge of the Uie CnndleCandle!nted by I I \ lighting ceremony presented by 10 10 • Vk members. decoration >• . Rebckah-Odd Fellow decoration ' |___ . .! , day will be observed Sundny, nday, MemT he r e g u la r OES will b« held a t SKDera will nltcnd c h u rc h In na group 6 p.m. T u esd ay al lhe Masonic ^ 1 then (to to the cem etery nnd decorlemple, ^ I • nie grave.s of deceased members. A | ’■ brief memorial aervlce will Rill be pre»1 I'w wikfll M ary -M arth a class of the - sented, I M r a S f l Flrat B n p tlat church will meet a t 5 j The (troup review ed proceeds of I . 2 p.m. T u esd ay a l the church, ^ nd voted an a recent lalent show and m r s . JOHN A. CROfT o rr « V « ESh - v i ' contribution lo n sta le .scholarship (Sherroa pnoto—< u u eniraiingi 7^,zeiiobla club will meet n t 11 a.m. 9 |^ u ra iln it lund. A further y o u th project will in n e r'^ W ednesday for a picnic ddinner a t' K be worked on from now until Christt r-v ' / / the d Johnson. I R the home o f Mrs. Harold A ~-i. ^ welfare work In IV 5 Br nNo o , sewing will be done. Die county. T he second meeting • ¥ * * m each monlh will be dedlcated'lb the v e n The M S and S club will 111 meel at B | ^ "o’ wllll each member brlnnlng 2 p.m, Wedne.^day wllh Mra, Clark M nrlJOe.^ /or lhe puWJr “ program B g i t n P T Q Klelnkopf. A children's day collection, I ‘ will be presen ted . jB rrellmlnnry plana were mnde for W lien the American War ar Molhcrs « ^ a Kood-wlll day w hich will find n e t Frtdny nflernoon al the m Legion the legion T•phe D n lty club will meet nl 3 p.ra, || I * £*2 membefa doliiR w ork for solitary h a l! a repori was made on MRS. LO REN A. DIETZ m MemorMemor- W ednesday n l the home 'o^''^^^s^ of Mrs. h! H. lunlty. I , w k t I members of the community. The it l day aervlce.v T lie group m q 1 I.s required iSU ff engraving) up attendaiicna. Q ^ a c h member l,s ted al a l llhe he jt ^ f M . ________ projcii will be completed e d '.lh e hcrvlce a l lhe cemcler>’ niid alerlnl for T Jifx material next meeting. Mr.'. Harry Barry placedr .a wre.ith 'o I'’’" '" “ P‘' N ^ J Tlie'observance o f Mnyflos-er'.s Mnyflosers 'ta.coS: '»” «■ g | o n thc monumenl. Mrs. Alma Conk' ^CU LJ 50th nnnlversnry w ll! be held Junc [ Jin and Mrs. Nellie McVey decorntrd .j. »1 ,■decorntrd M um aj will meet in Ihecele• 21.Odd Fellows will helpIIn th ,,g | U e monument. Monday a t the home of Edith Path bjBiJon. Mr.s. Ja ire d Ivle, f, Mrs. Les- . A letter was read from Mra. Mar- tcraon. irrR, N ettle Rowe will bc a-wWohn Slevers ' -h.. were •anr. Larsen nnd M rs. John . . ,'fiii(1. your vncfltion ciiii ha complcie «lcn n p in i n n s cnn g n re t Hornhur-'l. Hnzelloii, Two blonraplik-.il sketches loii, stale stale nnl iio.itcss. Roll call will bc nnsweranswerTi ■nmn Eiii ; clmrge of rcfre.'hmcnU. p ho rc;id «l thc nicctliiK of Cnmp F j i i | prc.ildcnt, tclltliK o t acllvUlrs al the td ^ plan your FUN w ardrobe lllrs nl td wllh hlBhllghU of tdaho. f«'“' r o b e a t the th e M ayfair ShonAll . v Ar-Kl, DaiifiliUTS of U tah l-ionccr,..| "A contribution w ill be taken nl ^ vcUran.i lio.\pltal In noise, e. If. If ^ Ar-I liitest styles in your f a v o r ite i t e ccolors anti fabrics, home of cf " " t mccllng f o r the .“.Ign fund ^ nf Amerlnitcrnoon n f thc home Lo,^ lios|iltnll7 .nUnn B |iltnll7.aUnn BUHL—B u h l chnptcr of Amerl- ff*'’ for the Odd fe llo w s home. the heuch . . . for thc m o u n ta t a in i n s . . . or for wear iro ^ :el Monday Mf-'chnlrm an. Rave a rc|>ort on can W nr M olhera will meet n Uie work can Mf-' W lnllrcd W h iteh ead. Mrs. NclllB C haney, noble loble grand, ^ ^ ' \ \ ^ tv e th t h o s e ssp o rt clothes a t a j home . . . you can have i,y the Rroup. J. W. Carr, state slate nt a t the t O eo rg e Wade home. e. 30«ElevMra. Inea B a rn es, granddaughler 30* ElevM rt hi iwl appointed com m ittees to serve a I ^bom e chairman, extendedd an Invi- enth Wade o f ^Wiillam P. S m ith , read entl a v en u e north, with Mrs. Wnde ig e t. th a t will fit your budget. li^ ,1 ihla T rend , .lllert luncheon b nnquc t June 30 for \ ^ and Mr.-^, E'd m a jo rity degrees will1 be given, by ^Mr.«. M ad! B nllcy. uniil lhe July 111 meeting. «d and the hoileu served, refresh- tnbled ti Guests were Mr.s, Id a Hendcr.son, llion Aur’ a re asked lo t>e be al thc Oi ★ White Stag D elegalca to the convention Aug, Officers o rii oient^_________________________ E Mrs. Lydia Jo h n so n , M rs, Mac Flory be chosen choser^ temple a t 7 p.m. Mra. ------------ 33 and 24 at Kellogg vlll be tem] Mrs- H en- P PAin-. June J>—E -dah-ho •ho chapter ^ i S in L V V * and Mrs, Ada O vercn d. Mrs. Ship "N ^ S h o re 4. I f a t the n e u meeilng. .^1 T he p ^ lls Avenut dubI will meet derson ders and Mr.v Joh n son were re- ol the Order of E asternn S tar met / Mra, Anna LeClalr, puroogg rr aa m m at 1:30 1 p .m . Wednesday a lI the Idaho celved celvi Inlo m em b ersh ip. W e. Wednesday evening w ith Mrs. James j ti ris Dodson Dooris Dod c h airm a n , fntroduced Betty Lou Power po»ieCty Lou com pany auditorium. nThe July 13 m e eting win •lum. Mrs. will be a Sic' Stevens, worthy m atron,1. presiding D u n n . who gave a reading. lcr , 1^LeRoy A rrin g to n will be hosteas. m U i >e poUuek d in n er a l th e home al the I Masonic lem ple. le of Mrs. nl ★ JJontxen a n t; J, Hoatesses were Mrs. Kal# e jc I m e m b er Is asked toI bring U ;i* Kevan, Kcwn, Each u oo Ban Barnes. D 9 j a a ||i i w During th t evening the Mount M rs. Ellen McVey, Mra. Jessie gues [esjle But- guesu. A Him on cancer control mi ;er control Mrs, Velma H o o ten will 4)e Jie chair- Hai Harrison cTOlpler o f thee Ordcr of Order \ 1/ p h in , Mrs, Margaret Reynolds, „ iube sh o w n . Each member lolds, Mrs. win >er Ls asked man ^lan of the com bined meeilng rilng w llh the Demolay presented the he molher'a . ~ M A n n a McClain. Mra. Alice Cowles, Cnmp Mary Lois In AugiuU deg st, desrea and lhe m a ste r- counselor Iri M»bel Mabel * doien^cooklea. cam I counselor /, \ M ra. Nellie Evana m d Mn. gave a short lecture o n mothers, lOthera. I :1W society mWy , • » » TTlh e L D S flrat ward Relief / / I ft Holmgren. . At the conclu.slon of the meeilng will r/ U ’ . ¥ ¥ ¥ will hold a w-ork meeting a t } pm, I s rcfrejhmftils were served In the Tuesday. M rs. Myrlle Bingham. \ » / W'ee carry carry a —, , dlnlnc room by M r, and Mrs, Arl io n work d irec to r, will have chkrge of C IU D sntl Mrs. Peggy Fenton. ^sitcii. I .H # / c o m pJete p J e t e line l i n t of _ , Che meeting:. Members are asked to r a u bring th e ir own mawrlaU for a lexoim KIMBERLY, Ju n e ft—Mrs, Roger r Jantzen I \ J a n tz e n ' tile p aln U n g demanslraUon, NursJ ! , II, be ; pro- Thomas, guest sp eak er. Rave a rer / PAUL, June 9—The Duff family «rv jrvcare f o r ehlldren will lift family Ul oe pro. ..g^m j.,ead o w V at the May 'RTSWEAR ?MMrs. rs . 'M SPORTSWE / h e ld a. family reunion at lhe the HuesHues- vlded. vldei * luncheon o f Uic Kllnbeily Latn tiETP ciiE E K . June °flX S— guesl ' '• to n Duff home U at week.' Frank Thatcher w as hostess lo Uie u ------S 32 . 9 S i s T S h lru _____S JJ die* Pioneer club. ftlendly Doren club Thursday. ThUrsday. Out-of-town guesu were M n. 610 Oroup singing w as led by ty Mra, M rt, pim pinochl# waa played wrtth ith prlwa prltea S h o ru S 3 .9 5 - 4 .9 ! J M auda SUlhman. Buhl; Mr, and ower ahow B*w Robert Denton, M rs. J . Frank ank H en- goir going to Mrs. Dave Langley, Mra, / M ra. W alter Short. Mr. and and Mre,Mre D: DECLO, Ju n e #—A flower recreation O', ty, toastm U tress. Introduced wed Mrs. Alb. Albert Oabardi a n d M n. Clarence Zemkewaawas held T uesday a t the recreation / . . D o n Raamifsaen, Mrs, Mabel Ml Zemke, as received ' V’ 1 Pu«her» S 3 , 9 5 j Bro Bro*n. Q uest prU e was Lorum ha / .a ll Burley; Mr. and Mrs. rs. Lorum h»Uh»U by th e I>eclo Oarden club. Mote TThomas. ■re eiiur'ni. an 50 arrangem entJ were eiiUr'nI. A past p resid en t’s !cn sll! II! be held heM by .Mrs. Clorencc Ooodhue. y / sto c k in g and aon, Acequia, nnd nnd Mr. Mr. th thar len flowers Thu Thuraday a t th e h om e of Mrs. Irs. Jnmcs James M Mrs. Leon Brown will be hostess nd family, K I ■ / a n d Mrs. Willard Dult and family, with with irU a n d other garden Heno'. to Illie club June 22. Included I n the entries. Hem B urley. Inch

C a le n d a r

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3 1





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^Keller M em o rio I D a y s S iw i R ep o rt Is Given T o W ar M others S '

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B io g ra p h ie s Read erino D U P M eetin g

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S S S ; Paul OES N oDtes te s SS5 D egree P ro)gram g ram

M a ria n M a rtin P a tte rn

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‘ «nX; Book R e v ie w Is

F a m ily Reunion ™i R e p o rted at Paul »

™ ’Si


Given for C lu b

,‘!SS M

P inochle Played

S h o w Is H eld

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ly h o T h e only n honr

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I h a r d y o u n g hard-t
»t««u ^ n t S ^ e o B . Summer » M B ^ 4 a | | f l

r ..

c o o d i n o , June jun j OODINO, S — Wedding VQM were exctisni exchanged, by IUU Jean dai le RcynalU], Reynolds, daughter of M r.and Mrs. Reyno -y C. A, Reynold], tnd Enslsn lUchard tl m chard Nc«« Nc««U. June « a l th e ^ r rst s t Methodist church ch In Moscow. le Itev. Ernest p. Ooulder performed -med the double ring rites In lh e presence isence of fasUlte families and friend* o f the'couple. coupic. Olven mtrrlai by her father, r.lven In msrrlase Uiee bride bride wora wore aa swhite slipper s a tIn fashioned with wllh two side panels embroidered satin u t; tiers, full aklrt sw eeping'cat a sweeping" cathedral WMn.- a gattiercd thered bertha ccollar of cmhrol« a saun. net n tt yoke, long sleeves Inied a t ihe 'w rlstj and fitted bodice dice completed the wedding dress. o Illusion n et« f.a ^ lingerUp veil o( held ci or pearl studId by a JuUet cap ‘ledd taun. The bride's brl bouquet waa a cascade of white rests centered ''1 ‘h contse wom later with lh a■ red coraage lraveUng>entei r traveUng> ensemble, a g o ^ bol) suit, wllh navy accessories. 6 h s wore three-siran ire a th recsu an d pearl necUaee, * gin of the bridegroom, Two door baskets of gladlrwo large floor and peonies were a t the tldea the. altar and lighted while talhe. !>ers rs in candelabra formed the d e coration. As ^s tokens of sentiment the bride carried handker rrled a handkerchief which had been en carried by by tiei her maternal grandmoiher in 1891. iiher In Georsla St^nemets. St^nen Georgia Buhl, waa Ud of honor and Molly Cramblet, Gooding, Doi Gaudln, Spo)oding, an d Dora kane, nc, were bride bridesmaids. Candlelllhters Rut Van Engelen, hters were Ruth 'Fs'fn F^lIs,'and'Ci i-(n F^IIs,'and'Colleen McDonald, Bovlll. Ida. loyce Fisher, TV' Twin Falls, wai vocallst. list. Wedding and background m u (luring the entire en during service was lyed by l’^ Delorls Celorls Knight, Gooding. Ensign Roc ^ I g n J e n y Rockwood, Iona, was best uth it man a n d ushers were D arrell Callhsn, a Second Lletll. llhsn, Kellogg, and Harold irold Cottrell, Pocatello. T he bridegroom degroom and his attendants wore mllllary lllary uniforms. The rhe brldgroom's mother. Mrs. ^ uura r a Kewcll. Laprens, it la., wore p ustel u i blue wllh 'white accessories nnd n d the bride's mother chosa an an gown with navy accessories. ' a. cahleya orchid cori . ach had w cm

re jg y - r n ...» ! # ' ■ p - '

R S f i a th . f - ' '. - - -* ■ — ■■■■ ■ U J io«. J « y *•— ■ { V ^ p n t e (fu«rd. , , .*: K < g i ”me^ W cdouda ; ~ ^ detalU tar Blue ' .'' ■ i J l f ^ ( I r s l se"!on a-U] '' m * th e oouth hills, TniuC b« made ... by Ju n e


, .' ‘ '

■ jMtrd o f Uie Twin ■ * S r ^ C unp Fire OlrU m g f t M ollice » t 8 pjR. r ^ ‘» ^ K r s . r e u rted to

' f IB H ■ 'I

by ih l. this week I t Ul« if tU c h . I t m e u u U nd. .. f lu n e worUiig w t purpM«I—ger camp. M n. L. C. D. Belveal t i ■ ^ ( a n i l n e some l i n t r ^ ^ 'C .D a v l s la group £ poup 13 tp Q w re d ^ M iu i church. Bivekeau ^itudicd a ir tram porU * l ^ l M . T he glfl^ '^ ent •O ica «erc given eome ^BuU ns o t »lrpUnes. ^ pauenger planea , u d taklns o(f. Two ,Mte> VlUl th e Uip were ■WliKhlng s n d Mrs. a . ^ Tlte r o u p ffunrdUn, also Bceompanled


B H I^ K ^ I n S H U B i^ B 1

H iS H m m SSU -^ B j n ^ B S H

a Blrf p o u p went, to > t«r a picnic. T he glrle ^C « th y Brownell was t l £l9lse C arljon U

ist G 'rcles f c t O f fic e rs Hc5tlM of th e F irst B apd m t reorganized a t fc7,l»y ariernoon. |tW« No. 1 m e t with [itWJtT. M rs. HtTTOan a the d.
thel Rites to S“r ‘°” f*"^? Install L e a d e rs S.' ^ 3 , i A tJ u n e l3 M e e t

hJ Bu4y. M rs.



p ' 5 i t “=£S:

]j^ «tr)-ie E llson, J e r» i LcreltA O'C al,v . , ^ w»ity. pH m w y presraauatlon ccrtlflOaiiaway, fo urth . TV* **''*" ~ mdtflctwn. M rs. E d^ « d future work for I


Bf V * ^ iT H l ' ' ..I-.' ; / F'i I f.;. .V » 'v p * F ' : ■■•»®3gir I' a*^ . .a h t" - . iV. ., l l ' I S KL • . i' \ J B ^k jJ P * - ' - p^ > V ■...-;VT , :• ■ ^ * '’4 ‘

- i C M f e .& ^ HKK «C 4s l * • M il ^^H P Ed cEj lLf t l M i r yr :i t ■ j f O n r ^ ,.club win _i be m em ber* ot,» the co nducted the meet s. Vivian *h C hilds, publicity: ^ .^oum e yclub c So-Joumey and epaa* iler"vlsUed th e ^ c e u h u m -m i* & the'''''H voUonals. Mrs. H ther H\nicher. friendship: o fX Welcome E arl Ma.'on ,'preser m; die Trent. ho.-5plul guild; ®‘ the “ «.W el~m e Wagon. Miller was aa ssisu n l hostess. Belleiue w as dlwu. *^ *^ *‘ ' „ „ Mr»i, Lerira Srr, cclihild cnre, and r.ra See, M n. M iller was up N No, met O tovip q. 3 m n a t th e hsmt oS jX .. Mrs. B)ork, ork, small small boya bastball ^ 0 ^ C iT C lC Mrs. H H.. L. Turner and Mrs, Fred A / \ o n r o f “ ir in was In o t Ui« meet. / V \ U U r e V -.il H udson in charge chai “ ¥he white .lepnan burner gave the devoMr*. Turner U I .- - * . X, Knthcrme Pope and mys^ Mrs. C. P, Bowles read a .nO S T T( ers were Installed f o r th o by Mts. E ileen McCullom. .Olflcer* ln*ti Shoemaker, m iCHFIELD, cH F IE L D June Ju r 9—Circle KO, 5 ^il». Amanda U tte r ffcin frem OerUuda OecUi imanda Thor T hornton. Nr*.-Alta newly organlted Chrli irganlted Christian w o m e n 'i ■nary In Belgium, VanlU and of the Richfield W m issionary Bdgl' he WSCS w u enier- Waring, Mrs. Mrs. Leila Leila W urlng. XJrs, Fellowship o: the V»lley hip group of n Turner janj aang two songs, Mrs, i»ined T uesday at iBharon WIrschlng ai a n d Mrs. Welch ohrlsllan Wiednesday eveed a t the meeting ot Wilma WIrschlng in church W the lesson, iha Moore circle. circle, Mrs. Floyd Pnie, unch. lunch, i ning atI (he the home Qf Qt Mr*. W iU ard R*5ph Bogar presenled prese «rved Co-hdStesses dtesses were were Mrs, Albert former Richfield mnual plcnli picnic will be held Ihler, ier R ichfield member. w»i The annual

itollation R ites Instollatic

W egener. Mrs. Cllttard Clli le t. Mrs, DavU atvl ^naitij tis , June Uatlon service* wero con* „ „n . „ Installation *ervlc« Mrs. Hudson. ichlleld m em bers preseiitert Uie # , * ~ ductedbybyMr*. Mr*.L.L.O.O.B*e*e w h o InMrs. Eiva Olson Mrs. Clarence Peck, presl* ;ram w ith Mra. Mac CrowUier M t i r f n i i n h irroup No. 4. Mrs. lg Ihe devotions and Mr.i. El- / V J U r i U U g r i ^(ri. Max Oalley. vice i>real< i t ;e. meetini m S M . d ueled■ th Jrs, Orvln Bland, se e retA i;: Sw atm an the le«on on child Q r ' t i o / l i . l / r of th e president. M aro In C hristian living. O V -n e U U lt ack Leaher, treasurer; M rs. Mrs. O lson read I tanuey. *ludy study - Mrs. Mrs. Max Behr and ed by Mrs. S ’’ " M rs.. Monroe Hnycs Hnj ide fam ily picnic to be DevoUonals were i Albert Slpe. both fomierly of were made for a fan lUonals were given b7 M n . of of Christ Itom “*rt Slpe. ■ . / mary o f thc We jt Id a h o Power pJc- suc/io and refreshmei ifleld, also beld Julyy 30 a t the I. refreshment* were served ccy iinUI rt rejujrfcllon wJlJi Richfield, also were wer prfsrnt, . / • prophecy .1 i!'■‘ «* «* « nic ground* ind* a lt Ta-lr Ta-ln fait*. by Mts. Ihler, Mrs. Mr^ J . F . P e r e h a l >. thler, songs Interspersed \ ii I poemsI . and som iftemoon w as spent do ng ,„ dri.Mri, Peck, Peck. 11,-; f through {ll t'le t ’le t.ilk. t.i!k. N Mrs. W nrd Blake. P irfK H n \/i rk on dish tow ela for Mrs. i/, y¥ ♦ ¥ ssi-s'cd the ho hojies.1. p i r r n u a y f. B 1/ . i slee assi.s'.cd ^ . Perkins and games \w ere directed by rt • i i n Moore gave a mLulonFILER ■ I. ‘ Mr*.. A’ldle Moore f ’' .-' . ' /J M R , JJuunnee fifi - Mn. Robert Mrs. Clarence Barks irence Barks. ✓ . O r i d a l b r P-. • /■ i ary le.«on ,«on on thc PPhilippines at the Reichert gavo aa picnic plc : f'-. / ;hert gavo Thursday for prltea were were won won by bi M ra. Jack All' , ‘ group Np. 5 meeting meeting. Mrs. O. H. Has- her daughter, daughter, PPatl. ! Ucellaneou*ahahower wms gtr« a tty Ann, Jl. aam es ^gd. Mr*.k ArUiur D Deg eglorglo. M n. U o A mucellaneou* ■ m S i K 'v '4 « •'T > ;/i . - v ^ . kina vvaa a a hostess, hostess. ias4l*t«d bjr Mti. were played. ursday » played. Turner and Mr*, r *y A«endnip. M n. R «« «Tenln« * l th e too m t '' ' t Mts. Moore and Mrs. tv \(«ti v, bbirth iiihdrt, » ' L. E. W ilson. Mrs. lh Vaa v a a SngeV S ngeltn to* N erm n lU elephani M. \W a y ann^'ttrsary ol T he -while elephant w«4 rwelved by ^ ■ l s 4 . * -^ ?7 ' " I .......... in .a A llen. Mrs. W. by Engle, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Mr*. Allred. uesu «w ere Mr*. Duane Fin**red. Q Quest* “ B .X -V # I the meeting. Jt • >1 11 Carothenwas was sM latant hoaU lan Engle, waj waa celebrated Fri- Perkins and Mrs. Mr*. F F*aye WUlhlte. Lol* Carothen Lj-man * ■ . - d a y with a picnic picnic on Rock creek, next meeUng Tlie ne*t meeUni w ilt -be held ess. Shower gathei were pU y ed i rs. Pete T h o rn to n oa July end prlies grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, F. with Mrs, Thi riles received received Iby J e n y 6 t« a > lte C o n v e n tio n llcholson, -were ggttls.__________ _________________ ind Dorothy W Held and V eaver. ' [ / jm e s T w o L o c a l = e I E8 ■- — ~ F alk’s . . . FamouB f FamouB fo r Famous A^omcaL=:£=aj= F / V JJ , .............i 'o m e n t o O f f ic e — M RS. EATIL n . ^E^VEU. T h e .ila .ilaUU conven convenUon o f the Eu(SUIf enrravlni) preme F orest Wood Woodmen's circle was ------------------------------------------- held Jtuu nnee 11 and and 33 In Boise. local memb members were elected ^ an dI Jam Jame.i es Obadal, nl! i-aurens, la.; Two 1local M r.. a n d Mrs. Ashl Ashley Oaudin, Spo- to s stat ete offices. offices, They are Mrs. knne. le. W/ish.: W/iah.: Mr. Mr. cand Mrs. William Mae Ojardoski, ardoski, secoi second vice president. a . Emily IIrwin, assLstant at\ Stonem nemets, ets. Buhl; Buhl; ^Mrs. Van Engelen. and Mjrra, n state convention in r J Twin In Pnlls; Pnlls; Mrs. Mrs. )R. A. McDonald, te n d ann t. Tlie sUt ^ Bovlll, /111, Id a,: Mr. aand Mrs, Herbert 1053 v lll be held in Twin Falla. C hurchill 'lorence Jcnse Jensen. Omaha. Nebr., I Jrchlll and and .w .wn; Winston, and Mra. Florence m l represenU representative, w-as a guest. - . . I M r.. an d Mrs. E, E. L, Cramblet. Oood- natlonol M o nnbb e rs of the Twin ' Falls grove W . I ing. I te r s lin g were Mrs. Eiva Edwards, m I ^ . wedding wedding rec reception for Uie l u t h Shuler, Mr*. Ethel Stlve.i,' B m coup,e ple ^111 Wlll be be held held a t 8 p. m. MonBc.uie Modlin, M n . Grace I B day a t th e Gaodlcis S . .. M S rs. aOaroskl "S and Mrs. Irm W c hirch u rc hp parlors, .,to . ocal president. ^ ^ ^ ^ Mrs.. Modlin was officially Initial. t _ •U te president, Mrs, Bessie . J | /^ ll/c p » * U IN J> U f * * *. J M[r*. rs. F*red F*red Kelly Kelly presented a pro* * m on China li lor the Women's C „ _ gram sio n ary society of Uie United u n Ti et er Tr tQa iinn G u e s ts * M issionary B re Ih th re n church 'Thursday »fter- M ILNER . June .N ER. June I 9 -M r. and Mrs. rioon n a t the homi home of Urs. John H arold1 Seymour //


S t a t e Con' N am esT \ W om en 1

New Foil Sweaters

fp r Womenn and G irls

T a lk s on China

ouLess T o dday] ay]


C o s t Y o u Le

* >

Buy on Loy-A'M

A Down $1

I l l

Because o f rising ising wool ]prices, w tf had the foresight 'esight to .p u rch sM these New FaU Sweat< ’’all Sweaters e a rly . OW for y\ o u r F a ll So BUY NOW flavings i, « .Wardrobe at; great flaw


5m,en: -for Women:

jild B G uild Bea z a a r Is Planne P lan n ed for F a ll

y A f 'W

. m |^ : i

u iiA

F in e all wool Zephyr Card C a rd ig ttB w i t h S llp ^n s to mix six or mate m a td u m a iie, pink, crimgon, Timson, grei s r e e o , fflnffsr* heather, blue. 8844 to 440. 0.



|k ^


e s ts a t Bliss Gjuuests



R e f r i g' eerraattoo rr ss


for Girls:

M ix and m atch Cardijam a n d s lip :h Cardiffana o n s in 100% ailII wool. Red, nav y , d a r k g ree n , brown, white, powder powde blue. •

I /








- ....... .

Sizes 3 to16x2.98 to 3.98 Si*e*7t«iI4i.98 114 2.98 to 4.98

n ^


are o f - Y o m XChildren h i]

Cardigans «s.. .. . . .7 .5 0 'Slipon to match .. . 4.98

1/ L I W /

June 6* — Mr. and Mm. lOr R n r r i r t r ®“LJSS. ®S- J''"* er Ander&on b t» “ ^ z a a r Elmer Ander&on entertained n t' t lly dinner “ 'end w ard Kellef family dinner for I Mr. and M rs. itmndij- a fternoon. Jaek( Anderson, Anderwr), Orandvlew; C Mr. n n d and son. W en aish towel.1 and Mr*.. Beryl Beryl Passmore Passn •• Miaar to be held dell,. and and Mr, Mr, and and Mrs. Ralph P a lm ^ e r and family, Tuttle. 1 .nd family.


V Circle H as

oore C i r c l e s " '" .H o s t fo r W S C S ;^”i^xrMrE.!

YOU SAVE SAV $40.00 .00

Senior :nlor guild members of th e ehureh jc h of of the the EBrethren worked bn clothing hlng for for th# the fall bazaar T h u r s day afternoon afternoon at at the horns of M rs. jjaucle all Idc HHalL Mrs. MarlQD Holloway led d e rs. Marian vjtlons. le Ju ly meet meeting'Will be a n a llTlie church :ch hambUTKi hamburger fr}-. The th em e *111 be. be. “mountai "mountain top experiences.” st speakers win bc confcrence ibers the annual confervnce m em ^rs* at me L "O'"*- T he Junce 18 to 24 st a San Joie. Callf.. Camp Stover, ane A ux u x ilia ry Dinner-Don J u n ee Bride ' . C h r'istia is tiannW \ o m e n T hleta Moose ler-Donce Is M e■et e t W ith G roups S e le c t O fficers Selects lets O fffic e rs ; Planned jnned b y G l u b ra|,>niu.l aahir-iaacd ’ OSIJONE. Ju n e » -Je an S ch u p ~t G iven th e Newcomer's rcomer'* club WJl ba l i M F o>rr BBibli ib le S t u d y I penles p •J was elected president of The' KReports ep O fT S .,

B y A N G E L O PPATRI__________________ ATRl I


FOR^^ A5^ --------THIS 1950 MODEI 40DEL SELLS FOR CURRENT - ^ M UCH AS $ 410.00 0 .0 0 UNDER CURf

a w t a ll live by highI achool time has definite m eaA -and.clear-lm plicatlonafor him.1.1 ®““ ®'’- Peop*« Ings-and.clear-ln h to his benefit. sach m \ t thlldrtn to till Vlme: FlfJti the hours, houn, Uien U the minutes, o n elock. Teach him how to feel Jt«a,:B0rtiJ»t-hBha4:im-«ccur»ta ror-« t-ltM t-g yTtni{iiir~itlBgro£

T L II C -------■ - ! ■ ■ » # k i I I ^ |V | U ^

^ — > V -------- ---------i l - ^

S 5 >..• S 'iron, , w ft-u m el. no r ^s aj»dnB_to~iw B nn time fnr v a t i . yJ o oa rr JnteUr lay m ealror engagement.' is itlal lo Uie social and the busi-

— ~ r --------------^ , .^ -i

I I B O i / r o:>N R E tY J269.95

! S ™ S » S S ‘SS S - 5 ' £ S “

h i .u?-

When m other «a: a t twelve, d in ®*y •« “tt eight: luncheon luneh everybody m u st n e raItte«lx-thlrtyind lx -th lrty i be on n time." time," ana and hold to Just th a t. lng la tentis making te n tu 1lor meals a serlou* ch of Uie rej regulaUoM. - UrMfih lowing haw.t how to tell Ume. how to . Knowing H, how to en, enjoy it, U all of lu « u u ft, l»—a Uiere! l» - a very tbig problem for tn « A ol u»,.But -BB can try-. .


^ 3

j r f u I P ^ a t h w jeH B Ie ■age ,. .. .. such U i8n 88 cubic feet food etorage such practical-ItttureS^irfuIP^aff - MMore o r e UiRIi 1 l-A -F ro st ir in d ic a to r. . . ddrawer r a w e r-.. - . . .. meat n «lnles8 Bt9el drawer . . . etalnleas flt«el super freezer. . . Tel-A-Frost * ,n u .» f e a tu r e s , a t an unbebiff refrigerator, with plenty of features, e x tn tail bottle V storage. It'a a-biff refrisera lie lievtbly v tb ly low price. J _







ctwQM .btekU i^M s; t I u Utte .A A la n .te a , wink nylotu or aott-but-tturtr Kurd, im 4 d a

«IM to fit you perfecUy to

;.v: X \y arn o r's

____ " '

^ h e r ' t D a u •« »

-■ ■■ 1




Of ouF n s i T ffunm w u n wftM ' ^ ^-ia « i ) M l » a r -rd

’ dw l«i»on and n'lui ^ i f thcir L t homcruns. Wes Westrum, Ed S tnnky Cnn he co m e tinck from soo on lit't year's tourney, J', ,'j ’’.^V Car n >,uch a «7 57^00 ey, nlso nlso may forcc tlic Trojans to doff ‘^ ______ EAST LAJiSINO. Mich. J kept th e Twin Fnlls rookiellson tim tope [’o^j nndJpinch-hltier Bill Rigncyw hnck- .— r.i« 51; layoff w ith o u t being rubty? ,•? Savold j,eld held In Omnha. have been working working warnwarmup togs, nnd perspire,; hiK but the ed an Stanfield, who will try to duplicate danger, dang tiock him him ba'cball spcctnclc. T cnm s are although Intense com pe pellruns ll- ru n s in the tlfth frame. they put U)< tickets cn uk. fram e. and ........... ................»• , out." ue nbllu e a i by tlon tlon In some events might extend Ouerni :tend ■ Ooode ran Into the sameves trouble , . vidual players of m a jo r lengue nbll- i 1935-36 fcnts ot Jes.se O Loulj a ppears to be In erent shape iV ipI?'* nccordlng to advance roUces. -s ” 'iio «j ’’ ’ Am- the tlie starts : lips. Amto unexpected p erform in th e eighth; With twa out, he st"uli*i -------■'""I arm - f " “ •fRt shape Itles. noUces. collcfif.iff four championships. Id-fash.510 «« nnd I nnd in fine spirits. He's down to ,rit.. I, bllng Andy will even try Itt via th e ante. ante, Most likely to fall Is th e pole» le w alked the baits full. This tim e N.* - . Vork.....................!« 5» .510 . . w Mwilli i ,, ^ «i ,i[,hi,'.... I ...... ’7 vi ring the y,,. z"i hadggood workout.^ in camp lu nddl- “ ("“"J' “ r.S o Z 'i' f Qoode ................... n iv ,5!j ,J!l |] had Selton of VSC. Both Don L az of erl* forced Rogers to ground out 1' lhe t^^eball season. B u t a new champ ~ tlon to his reg u la r fights since ihe }rasand th e n in the nlnlh Inning retired w., the hopes Illinois and Don Cooper ot N ebrasnber assured, Texns fnllcd to mnke tho o_»t the „ wuth. Cornell nppears B losa to C harJes lasl September. » th e Rus.ict4 In prder. Si. HM ^this h ‘ears best ka have bettered 15 feet thla « a ^ _ grade In the Southw est dLsirlct (, . ... IW (IOC o-xl-l I J i. nnd A fte r the second' Innln*, Hughes *Spol'kirn ' and IJ"n -- son. , 1 yenr and the T exas Aggies replaced _____ lim ited th e Cowboys to only two the jLonghorns. T h e Aggies won :0 ^ “ ' T i A r g e n t i n e L e a [Q d sS »;” m arc h lls as he found the mnEe . of 39 this sea&on a n d bonst a top '°p V I ■ w ith hi* slow.breaklng curves and " r t l f notch pitcher In P n t H ubert, rt, winwinA A i dtps. ‘ J ®® f,W.lktr; H ~ rn .i.d W»tn;n, 1 «■“ H ughes. I sub-p ro u n d over the old sub-'par Wykgyl COI d COLUMBUS. O., J u n e 9 OTH-aome ■ >—Some TWIV PALU i. IDABO rALLS 5 0 4 0 golf club eour.se today andI virtually of tht the cu test co-eds in the country ■ W Om1L i ^n y ' >— sewed up th e tS ,000 llrst prize p rlie In in —43 of ’em—tee o ff Tuesday in ■ I IJ JI Isen'ed DrokoK Sb t I i (^HukownU u904Ml— I 0 04Cbil F»lk >b b , .'T>l. r.ll. iiz .t, oh iiri o> Ol lly «r or dongaraut waor • Intpat* a l^ia«nr'»V ^ 'n g iyiteni or »*a'nraSd'aini«i'' ' ......----------------------«r*tl. Cotr ]. CoBWir. Bll—tlikB H*liL w ith a score of 1J3S. Ed • Head tost c d t o ^ h r oA Ai ■ car and truck tires, all ^ I ‘ f»ir ^ In 8>i. CiTlB.l, 0 ll. li, DB-0(( tear A T e O W B lOY^ASEBALL O Y ^ A S E I P A R K I McCfrrry 7. Ciria.li r. lUka 1. S O - 3S7 ■ Bites. Brins: ’em in this Br McCaffnT t, tlibD I. ER-UcCat* Bl I m t. ll>hn ». HBI'-Coawii br H.hn. t,,*7 Foij'r m e n o g a ln s t T e n ,. Tricks, Triclts, th r ills , a n d b r i l l i o n t H ■ week! W1-—c rtr tT . Ilths «. I-B—C«aw„, Win. >P j2 o ffboiJ. • S a g te n M oiQic a ic Volley V olley A »-5?ors tr y to b e a t th e m . H aUT!#*!'”’ r -j-.ii. ^ aw d e- ^ p o c a t e l l o , June » (JV-Honeer , ■ A V A IL A B L E a t low I 7^s'’ li^! .«•» f u n f o r the klddlea ea a nnd d tdulli, Jt'» Jt' for a sreat_ cau»e ■ heavy. **“* ecome b r in g the family,r. te ll the irlcndi ■ prices — long.laatlng re* / Irlcnds'an'd a ^ th e m 'to ' c o m e."' H I I H I III II ij M n



S,L”lm B o is e D e fe a ts


u S R edbirds 7-6 In 11 Innings


S t

I Cowboys Release ase "™ X Don Bedford

^ i v e i i Honor


Z s

j 'l E i r l H S ®

Rated High It::; Trojans Rate lA’s Honors f i l For NCAA’s




ntow ll®'-



Buzzers E Mustangs 3-2, r : To Hold Lead

'r E I W o rld S e r i e s

For Colleges ;£"£ Is Billed B ig


G . F . Defeats

Ml. OgdeiilS*

K is r s s s - ,*

Ig E™



Hr!.?, i f i

‘c” 1}n ■ S s w S S il - g

S Tickets Go Fast fi;,.';: Forlrish'GaiM

Arj Palm Beach Golf

» S ta rt Y o u r

Co-Eds % Off " K S In Golf Tourney

I ■■ S B B B h h

a n d

tio n T rip ^ I V aaccaatic



' . Burley Bowlers ' i; i : Take Honors in i ■>HElks Tournament


ST.'i ■“ '

lOH SfiecCeUf I



fk v e

S A ^

IRE K MILEAGE NEW TIRE IW Til Tire Safety With New At Half N■Jjew ew 1Tire Cost

• S ili H S-i-iiT i



T H E K IN G & H




I ----HEMt!5mKH-we pay-----

ic '^ i.rrfiu s0 n l]r7 9 5 fl

™ Attendance-Lags= = In Pioneer lo o p S

-O v erW itlo ck


U ults 85«-Child. 3S*

T I C K E T S : A d u l t s 85 for h S 1. only Salt Ils tumTAX INCLUDED., C L V D E D .,.0 , ON N 8A LEA T . 1 Rocky •"'> Id ah o -F b U s turn■MiMTOn WMU o a »til« I j w ere cllcUng faster than they «ld a y e a r ago. ' STERLING L IN G JEWEU JEWELRY C O . — tPr t gh t to -'w w roft with a sched- t Here's th e attendance picture ts KELKER LKER FOTO S H O P . uJed 10-round grudge match. J0/n lhe tir s t of th e month:lUur. u GATE ■WhlUodc of 6tn-PTKieUeo wm b i»51 ...1 o *R A T tTHE h e G, Oames lOSO th e o nly fighter fvcr to-h»w d e- , ^ Ogden --------------- 16 35,500 15,459 - : ^ « U d - U i.:L t,r i, to n . 'Otab. ah e ^x L I* « L._. .,,.Kiwi K»wtfnis.Club_ IS iir. r o lls _ _ _ » 32.n*. ii>:o -- -_______ ^Bene«r._. w el« h t ta Ws 34 p r o f m l sc a••i u S ITwin S M.IM -Ju sd -T hl# m a rk e d Lsyne'* thlrt, defeat Children's Furid^ 3 U n d e r p r i v i lleged e g e d Chill I ItPjly OTCT t h e c o u ( Nrfre-and gave Sim B*tc ^ ---------- ^----- 13 1234J 7J17 ;... » ootftep «h«plnj-up match M for* to hla- O reat F a l l i ------- is