At the dawn of the 2011-2012 academic year, the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) ...
in Organizational Behavior and Development (OBD) will get the opportunity to ...
table of contents 4 IDC HERZLIYA 8 MA PROGRAM ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND DEVELOPMENT (OBD) Josh Manson, Communications, London, UK
Yukhee Lee, Psychology, Seoul, Korea
Daniel Popovich, Business Administration, San Paulo, Brazil
Prof. Uriel Reichman President and Founder of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Dear future students, At the dawn of the 2011-2012 academic year, the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya will be in the midst of implementing the strategic plans for the coming decade. We are expanding our English-language graduate program in the Arison School of Business and the School of Psychology. Over the past sixteen years, our schools and research institutes have won international recognition while our alumni have taken impressive steps toward changing the face of Israeli society. In a recent survey conducted by the Israel Council for Higher Education on student satisfaction throughout Israeli academia, IDC Herzliya was ranked number one in sixteen out of the twenty categories. In the coming years we will build upon these accomplishments and expand our academic programs and activities to new heights. Students who enroll in this new graduate program in Organizational Behavior and Development (OBD) will get the opportunity to study with the field’s leading lecturers, whose rich academic and research experience in universities throughout Israel and the world has won international renown. By enrolling in the Raphael Recanati International School you will be joining one of the leading academic institutions in Israel. IDC Herzliya has led this academic avant-garde movement since its inception. We combine the study of theory with real-world experience. Our educational method is based on an interdisciplinary approach, information technology and openness to the international horizon. Our outlook, which is rooted in the concepts of liberty and responsibility, emphasizes initiative and leadership alongside community service. International students not only benefit from this outlook, they also gain an all-encompassing introduction to the State of Israel which includes exploring its roots, enjoying the country's unique scenery and learning of its rich history. This year IDC has thirteen hundred students from seventy-seven countries at the Raphael Recanati International School. I am convinced that everyone who joins us from abroad will obtain an excellent education and will also develop meaningful friendships with students from Israel and dozens of other countries – an experience that will accompany them for the rest of their lives.
IDC HERZLIYA’S VALUES FOR A NEW ISRAEL There were no private educational institutions of significance in Israel until 1994, when IDC Herzliya was founded. Modeled on distinguished small colleges in the United States, IDC Herzliya is a non-profit corporate entity which is not subsidized by the government and is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in education and research. Its founders aimed to create an Israeli university for the third millennium – a university where personal achievement goes hand in hand with social responsibility.
» IDC Herzliya’s approach is fundamentally different from other academic institutions in Israel because of its interdisciplinary spirit and strong social commitment.
» IDC Herzliya seeks to train a future Israeli leadership of the highest caliber in the fields of law, business, government, computer science, communications and psychology.
» IDC Herzliya aspires to provide its students with a broad, in-depth education and the skills needed to excel in the international business arena of the 21st century.
» IDC Herzliya seeks to employ accomplished faculty of international repute whose careers reflect a combination of scholarly excellence and practical experience.
» IDC Herzliya, a non-profit organization established for the public good, charges tuition based on actual costs, while taking into account the financial means of its students. It selects and rewards its faculty and administrative staff on the basis of individual merit.
» IDC Herzliya is actively involved in the community, contributing according to its capabilities and the resources at its disposal.
» IDC Herzliya is committed to the fundamental values of a free and tolerant society, while maintaining a Zionist philosophy – first and foremost, freedom of the individual for self-realization in all realms of thought and action, while striving to strengthen the State of Israel.
» IDC Herzliya’s motto is “liberty and responsibility.”
IDC HERZLIYA SCHOOLS IDC Herzliya adopts an interdisciplinary approach and its academic programs combine the many resources of its internationally renowned schools. This allows students to obtain an education that is both wide-ranging and practical.
Radzyner School of Law Arison School of Business Efi Arazi School of Computer Science Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy Sammy Ofer School of Communications School of Psychology School of Economics Raphael Recanati International School
IDC HERZLIYA RESEARCH INSTITUTES & LEARNING CENTERS Advanced Virtuality Lab (AVL) Asper Institute for New Media Diplomacy Center for European Studies Center for Mindfulness and Neuroscience Entrepreneurship Center Executive Education Unit Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS) International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) The Lea & Naftali Ben-Yehuda Study Skills Center Media Innovation Lab (miLAB) Project on Applied Decision Analysis (PADA) Reinventing Israeli Government Project The Research Center for Internet Psychology (CIP) Rich Center for the Study of Trading and Financial Markets Rothschild Caesarea Center for Capital Markets and Risk Management Shari Arison Awareness Communication Center
Professor Yair Taubman Dean, Arison School of Business
Professor Mario Mikulincer Dean, School of Psychology
Dear prospective students and friends, Welcome to the MA program in Organizational Behavior and Development (OBD), a joint academic program of the Arison School of Business and the School of Psychology at IDC Herzliya. Our schools honor a deep commitment to excellence in scholarship, teaching and service. We offer students and professionals the opportunity to acquire expertise across a variety of pressing issues that confront organizational development, leadership and management within Israel and around the world. Our faculty and staff aspire to engage students in a challenging program of intellectual inquiry, rigorous research and professional practice. We aim to expand and deepen students’ knowledge and to help them acquire meaningful professional experience. The MA program in Organizational Behavior and Development is unique in its synthesis of the disciplines of social psychology, organizational psychology, business administration and management. We believe in the importance of adopting multiple perspectives in studying and understanding
organizational issues, ranging from the individual to the group and organizational perspectives. Our curricula is based on the "scientific-practitioner" model, by which students are exposed to “cutting edge” theory and research and receive the opportunity to immediately apply this scientific knowledge into fieldwork within Israeli and international organizations. During the program students engage in dialogue regarding the most updated organizational theories and research with our nationally and internationally known faculty; share and learn from realworld experiences in the organizational field; and develop effective interventions that can improve the functioning of businesses, governments, schools, for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Moreover, students participate in a collegial environment that stresses networking, constructive competition, personal autonomy and community responsibility. These values are essential to being successful in today’s diverse and rapidly changing job market of organizational counseling and development. We look forward to your joining our community. Cayle Giddens, MA Government, Toronto, Canada
Professor Dan Zakay
The mission of the MA program in Organizational Behavior and Development is to educate experts who will be able to understand and diagnose organizations, and to effectively conduct organizational development interventions in organizations which will improve organizational effectiveness. The program is also aimed at educating researchers in the field of organizational behavior. In order to achieve these goals a unique program has been designed which combines the teaching of theory, research methods and personal development of the students. Students will be trained in all the skills which an organizational counselor needs. The program is taught in English and the lecturers are leading experts in their fields, including expert professionals. The teaching will be based, in addition to frontal instruction, on case studies and simulations aimed at enhancing experiential learning.
Kenneth Gotlib, Government, Antwerp, Belgium
PROGRAM highlights Leading scholars in the field who have international reputations and extensive teaching and research experience in universities in Israel and worldwide. Personal supervision by senior Israeli professionals who have comprehensive experience in organizational counseling and development. Theoretical courses, workshops, and supervised professional training in organizational diagnosis, organizational development, organizational interventions, counseling skills, executive coaching, team development, and leadership. An interdisciplinary program with emphasis on the interface between organizational behavior, social psychology, positive psychology, counseling, and business administration. A professional curriculum that provides graduates with the best tools to work as counselors in profit and non-profit organizations and in companies specializing in organizational counseling and development. IDC is located in Herzliya, a city six miles north of Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean coast. It is an ideal area for students as it is located in the center of the country. IDC is in a residential neighborhood as are the student apartments.
Core Courses
Research Seminar
In the first two semesters students take
Students take eleven core courses which
During the second year students choose
three methodological courses: Advanced
include four different types:
one research seminar out of a list of offered
Statistics; Quantitative Research Methods;
A two-semester course, Organizational
seminars. Within each seminar students
and Qualitative Research Methods. These
Behavior, designed to ensure the acquisition
choose a research issue or question, develop
courses are essential for conducting reliable
of theoretical and empirical knowledge on
a research proposal, run their research within
and valid empirical research in organizations,
organizational behavior at the individual and
organizations, present research findings in
and conducting efficient and evidence-based
group levels.
class, and write a research report at the end of the course.
organizational diagnosis and analysis. Three courses designed to provide theoretical Advanced Courses
in Psychology
and empirical knowledge on the macro
During the four semesters students take
aspects of organizational management
In the first semester students take two
and design: Organizational Theories;
advanced courses in psychology: Social
Organizational Management and Design;
Cognition and Positive Psychology. These
and Advanced Course in Organizational
courses are important for understanding the
Management and Design.
practicum courses (first year practicum, second year practicum), which are designed to develop and train basic counseling skills and provide students with professional training in organizational diagnosis and organizational
complexity of individual and group behavior within organizations.
A course, Economic and Judicial Aspects of Organizations, which is designed to expose
Advanced Courses in Business Administration
students to basic concepts of economic and judicial aspects of organizational activities.
During the second year students take two Five courses designed to ensure the
from among four courses offered: Finance,
understanding of organizational change
Marketing, Accounting, and Macro-Economics.
processes, the functions and tasks of
These courses are offered in the MBA
organizational consultants, and issues related
program of the Arison School of Business and
to professional ethics:
they aim to provide students with relevant
» » » »
and Development of the Work of Counselors
within Organizations
During the second year students choose two professional workshops out of a list of offered workshops. These workshops are held within small groups (around fifteen students) and are designed to allow students to develop
Theoretical and Practical Aspects
They include fieldwork in the IDC campus and real-life profit or non-profit organizations,
Professional Workshops
Introduction to Organizational Change
small groups (around twelve students) and are supervised by senior organizational couselors.
group supervision, and individual supervision.
advanced courses in business administration
knowledge regarding the business activities of
interventions. Practicum courses are held in
specific skills that are not learned during the practicum (e.g., team development, negotiation, executive coaching).
Organizational Diagnosis Organizational Interventions
Professional Ethics
During the second year students choose four electives out of a list of offered courses. The
Core studies also include a bi-weekly meeting
aim of these courses is to enrich and deepen
with senior managers and organizational
knowledge in specific issues that are related
consultants who present real-life cases of
to organizational behavior, group processes,
organizational diagnosis, consulting, and
business administration, and organizational
counseling and development.
TRACKS The program includes two tracks: Track A (with thesis) and Track B (without
thesis). Students in both tracks study all methodological, psychology, business administration, and core courses, the research seminar, and the practicum courses. Students in Track B have to take the required two professional workshops as well as the four required electives courses (a total of twelve credits). Students in this track have to write a final paper describing a diagnosis or intervention they made in a real-life organization and to present this paper no later than the end of the third year. Students in Track A are exempted from six credits from workshops and electives and then take only one professional workshop and two electives (a total of six credits). Thus, Track A students have more available time during the second year to conduct their thesis research and write their MA thesis. The MA thesis includes preparing and running a novel and independent empirical study related to organizational behavior at either the individual, group, or organizational level; analyzing the collected data; and writing a research report. Students in Track A have to finish the MA thesis during the third year. Students can choose to take Track A or B at the beginning of their studies or during
Andreas Krieg, Government, Dusseldorf, Germany
their first year. Eligibility for admission to Track A depends on GPA or BA average grade.
Only students with a GPA higher than 3.2 or an average BA grade higher than 85 will be accepted to Track A. Students who don't meet this criterion but can demonstrate academic excellence during their first-year courses will be eligible to enroll in Track A at the end of the year.
Advanced Statistics
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Advanced Positive Psychology
Advanced Social Cognition
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Design and Management
Organizational Change and Development
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Organizational Counseling
Organizational Diagnosis
Organizational Interventions
Voices From the Field
First year practicum
Organizational Theories
Advanced Course in Organizational Design and Management
Financial and Judicial Aspects of Organizations
Professional Ethics
Voices From the Field
Second year practicum
Business management courses (2 courses, 1 each semester)
Research seminar
Professional workshops (2 workshops, 1 each semester)
Electives (4 courses)
(per week)
First Year
Second Year
Examples of Research Seminars
» » »
Decision Making in Organizations Emotions and Decision Making Organizational Climate and its Effect
» »
on Employees’ Performance
Social Dilemmas Attachment, Personality
and Organizational Behavior
Examples of Professional Workshops
» » » » » » »
Team Development Executive Coaching Group Dynamics Counselor’s Professional Development Advanced Counseling Skills Negotiation Using Humor in Organizational Counseling
Examples of Electives
» » » »
Leadership Development Advanced Finance Critical Thinking Organizational Development
Artem Kroupehev, MA Government, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Organizational Evaluation
REQUIRED CREDITS The program is a two-year (4 semester) program. Students need to earn 62 credits to finish the MA degree. These credits are divided as follows:
Track A
Track B
Methodology courses
8 credits
8 credits
Psychology courses
4 credits
4 credits
Business administration courses
4 credits
4 credits
Core courses
22 credits
22 credits
Research seminar
4 credits
4 credits
8 credits
8 credits
Professional workshops
2 credits
4 credits
4 credits
8 credits
MA thesis
6 credits
62 credits
62 credits
» » » » » » »
in Non-Profit Organizations and Measurement
Human Resources Management Organizational Learning Change Processes Small Group Processes Meta-Cognitive Processes in Organizations Consumer Behavior Advanced Marketing
REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION The criteria for admission to the MA program in Organizational Behavior and Development are a BA degree majoring in psychology, behavioral sciences, business administration or management from a college or university in Israel or abroad that is accredited by the Israel Council for Higher Education. Candidates who did not take courses in general psychology, social psychology, and introduction to economics (or micro-economics) during their BA degree will be required to take these courses at the IDC campus during the summer semester (before beginning the program). A GPA of 3 or above in the BA degree or an average BA score of 80 or above (in a grading scale ranging from 0 to 100). Candidates who want to take the MA with Thesis track should have a GPA of 3.2 or above or an average BA score of 85 or above. Professional experience in counseling, leadership, or managerial roles is not mandatory. However, such experience would improve the chances of being accepted to the program in case the number of candidates would exceed the number of available places in the program. Candidates with a BA major in other disciplines of social sciences, humanities, engineering or sciences and a GPA of 3 or above (or an average BA score of 80 or above) will be allowed to register for the program. However, they will be required to take a series of complementary courses in psychology and management before beginning the program. Candidates who took courses in statistics and research methods in the social sciences during their BA degree will be able to complete the complementary courses at the IDC campus during the summer semester before
beginning the program. Candidates who did not take courses in statistics and research methods in the social sciences during their BA degree would need to complete an entire academic year before beginning the program at the IDC campus in order to complete the complementary courses. The admission process consists of the following: Candidates should apply to the program, complete the application form and attach a formal transcript of their BA degree; a short curriculum vitae (CV) describing their academic and professional experience; and letters of recommendation from faculty and/ or professionals who can write about the candidate's academic skills and/or professional experience in the field of counseling, management, or leadership. In some cases the Admissions Committee may invite the candidate to an interview. Following a review of a candidate's information (grades, academic skills, professional experience) the Admissions Committee will decide whether or not to accept the candidate for admission to the program, and which complementary courses the accepted candidate will be required to take before beginning the program. We aim to accept no more than forty candidates per year. Therefore, if the number of candidates exceeds the number of available places in the program, candidates fulfilling the admission criteria will be ranked according to their BA grades and letters of recommendation about academic skills and professional experience and we will accept the best forty candidates.
FACULTY Lecturers Professor Dan Zakay, PhD, Tel Aviv University Head of the MA Program in Organizational Behavior and Development, IDC Areas of Interest: decision making; the psychology of time; meta-cognitive processes Courses:
Organizational Diagnosis; seminar in Decision Making
Professor Mario Mikulincer, PhD, Bar-Ilan University Dean of the School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: interpersonal relations; leadership, personality and group processes Courses:
Research Methods; Personality and Organizational Processes
Professor Israel Orbach, PhD, Yeshiva University School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: clinical psychology; personality processes Courses:
Processes of Change
Professor Orit Tykocinski, PhD, New York University School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: decision making; behavioral economics; social cognition Courses:
Social Cognition; Behavioral Economics
Professor Roni Michaely, PhD, New York University Arison School of Business, IDC Areas of Interest: finance Courses:
The above faculty members, although not all, will be teaching throughout the MA program.
Professor Eyal Biyalogorsky, PhD, Duke University Arison School of Business, IDC Areas of Interest: marketing; consumers' expectations Courses:
Professor Dan Segal, PhD, New York University Arison School of Business, IDC Areas of Interest: accounting Courses:
Financial Accounting
Dr. Gilad Hirschberger, PhD, Bar-Ilan University School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: cognition and emotion; coping with threats; interpersonal relations Courses:
Advanced Course in Social Cognition; elective in Motivation and Emotion
Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD, Harvard University School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: positive psychology; leadership; organizational behavior Courses:
Advanced Course in Positive Psychology; Organizational Change and Development; workshop in Leadership Development
Dr. Yair Amichai-Hamburger, PhD, Oxford University Sammy Ofer School of Communications, IDC Areas of Interest: organizational behavior; leadership; psychology of the Internet Courses:
Organizational Interventions; Organizational Theories; workshop in Negotiation
Dr. Tal Katz Navon, PhD, Columbia University Arison School of Business, IDC Areas of Interest: organizational behavior; safety behavior; organizational climate Courses:
workshop in Team Development; seminar in Organizational Climate; elective in Organizational Learning
Dr. Varda Liberman, PhD, Tel Aviv University Arison School of Business, IDC Areas of Interest: judgement and decision making; conflict resolution Courses:
seminar in Social Dilemmas; elective in Critical Thinking
Dr. Yaniv Kanat-Maymon, PhD, Ben Gurion University School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: organizational behavior; self-determination; motivation Courses:
Statistics; Organizational Behavior; elective in Self-Determination Theory
Additional Faculty Dr. Gurit Birnbaum, PhD, Bar-Ilan University School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: interpersonal relations; love and sex; personality processes
Dr. Daniel Levy, PhD, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: memory; attention; organizational learning; brain and behavior
The above faculty members, although not all, will be teaching throughout the MA program.
Dr. Nava Levit-Binnun, PhD, Weizmann Institute School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: brain regulation; biology of interpersonal relations
Dr. Shahar Ayal, PhD, Tel-Aviv University School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: heuristics and biases; unethical behavior; decision making
Dr. Sarit Guttmann Steinmetz, PhD, State University of New York at Stony Brook School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: aggression; personal strengths; coping with violence
Dr. Guy Doron, PhD, University of Melbourne School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: stress and anxiety; cognitive models of anxiety and depression
Dr. Ora Nakash, PhD, Boston University School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: multicultural psychology; cultural biases in judgments and behavior
Dr. Tamar Saguy, PhD, University of Connecticut School of Psychology, IDC Areas of Interest: intergroup relations; group processes; gender-related issues
Raphael Recanati was a man of vision; more important, he was a person devoted to putting his vision to work. He would have been proud of the Raphael Recanati International School carrying out his vision of modern Israel in action. Israel, he knew, could no longer be just the manifestation of its ancient promise or of revolutionary Zionist prophesies. It must, through competitive achievements, assume a place of leadership in new global markets and find ways to participate as a full partner in the creation of Western culture and international political institutions. Israeli universities, for their part, must help prepare new generations, both in Israel and from abroad, to thrive in this emerging world. The Raphael Recanati International School rejects the idea of seeing Israel as a follower and invites students to come to IDC Herzliya to learn how to become leaders – as scientists, as entrepreneurs and as custodians of a uniquely human global environment. This is the world Raphael Recanati understood and helped to invent. The Raphael Recanati International School presents this challenge to students of unusual maturity and ambition. Come and learn the management skills, diplomatic strategies and technologies that define our age. Come immerse yourself in an unforgettable adventure. Come join and enjoy a unique student body. Come and be inspired to be among the founders of tomorrow’s world.
Michael Recanati Chairman of the Raphael Recanati International School
Oudi Recanati Chairman of the IDC Herzliya Board of Directors
Jonathan Davis Head of the Raphael Recanati International School Vice President for External Relations
As young adults, you find yourselves facing many choices and options. I would like to introduce a unique option to those of you interested in academic studies in the State of Israel - to study at IDC Herzliya, The Raphael Recanati International School at IDC Herzliya is open to students from around the world who would like to deepen their bond with Israel and Israelis while earning an internationally recognized degree. Our classes are taught in English, the prevalent language in the international academic community, and the language shared by our students, who hail from seventy- seven different countries. In addition, we strive to demonstrate that private initiatives, free enterprises, a “start up nation” attitude and public responsibility are not incompatible values. We endeavor to build bridges between economic elites and the underprivileged, between Israelis and Diaspora Jews, and between Israelis and their neighbors. We also will offer you the opportunity to participate in athletic, cultural, social and religious activities. Our clubs in debating, public advocacy and entrepreneurship are only some of the many extracurricular activities that help nurture leadership, solidarity and integration into the IDC Herzliya community. We are an international university. The Raphael Recanati International School has grown significantly and now makes up twenty percent of the student body at IDC Herzliya. Next year the number of students at RRIS will exceed one thousand three hundred. Our new program, MA in Organizational Behavior and Development (OBD), offers you the opportunity to acquire expertise in this new and demanding field. The distinguished faculty members of the Arison Business School and the School of Psychology will guide you through the curriculum which integrates courses in social psychology, organizational psychology, business administration and management. Our graduates are realizing their dreams and building careers both in Israel and in major cities around the world. We hope that you will join us at one of Israel’s finest academic institutions and give us the opportunity to help you reach your goals. We look forward to your realizing the dream of Herzl, “If you will it, it is not a dream” and spending “next year in Herzliya.”
Jonathan Davis with Tal Yudin, Government, Tel Aviv, Israel.
RAPHAEL RECANATI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL The Raphael Recanati International School (RRIS) was established in order to allow students from around the world to benefit from the excellent academic programs at IDC Herzliya by offering several of these programs in English. Degrees granted by IDC Herzliya are accredited by the Israel Council for Higher Education and are recognized worldwide. The school’s faculty is world-renowned having earned their degrees from the world’s finest universities with a high percentage from the Ivy League. Tuition at IDC Herzliya is significantly lower than tuitions of colleges and universities of a similar stature in the United States. The school helps young, bright adults and promising students to develop the skills to become future leaders. International students learn side by side with their Israeli counterparts and are involved in all aspects of campus life. The school offers an extensive extracurricular program that takes students beyond the boundaries of the IDC Herzliya campus and acquaints them with the long, rich history and diversity of Israel.
RRIS GLOBAL VILLAGE 2010 - 2011 34%
23% 2% 4% 5% 8%
34% 23% 24% 8% 5% 4% 2%
North America
Israel & Middle East
1/3 of the students at IDC are officers and combat
Western Europe
fighters from elite units in the Israel Defense Forces.
Latin America Africa
Eastern Europe & Russia
In a survey conducted by the Israel Council for
Asia & Oceania
Higher Education, IDC was rated number 1 in student satisfaction in 16 out of the 20 categories.
There are 13 research centers at IDC.
IDC has more than 30 exchange programs with leading universities from around the world.
IDC operates a radio station at frequency 106.4FM where students from all the schools broadcast both in Hebrew and in English.
25% of the students come from countries other than Israel. 70% of those students make aliyah during their studies.
IDC Herzliya was established in 1994.
IDC has over 10.000 graduates.
IDC's Berman-Lippa Family Foundation
The IDC Student Union is an apolitical
Debating Club is one of the most popular
organization that works and operates for the
activities at the school. Although the Club
protection and representation of all students
is still in its early years, it has competed in
on campus. It focuses on academic support,
numerous championships within Israel and
welfare aid, social events and community
abroad. The Club is open to students from
involvement. Students from each class are
all of IDC’s study tracks and each participant
elected to the Union and the International
learns valuable skills for their academic and
School is represented by a new committee
personal lives. Tryouts are open to all students
geared to cater to the special requirements
at the beginning of the year.
of international students. In addition to
trip and Student Day, the Student Union also
organizing the traditional Eilat trip, the Poland IDC espouses the idea of “a healthy mind in
encourages social awareness and contribution
a healthy body” and gives its students the
to the community both locally and nationally. A
opportunity to participate in various sports
large component of the activity of the Student
activities. The sports teams of IDC compete
Union is to provide a platform for students to
both at the amateur level as well as the
start their own projects and contribute their
professional one and take part in numerous
own ideas for events and extra-curricular
competitions including the Academic Sports
activities. The IDC Student Union exists as
Association (ASA). IDC enables students
an integral branch of IDC Herzliya and as the
to integrate their academic studies with
backbone of its students.
diverse athletic activities on a volunteer basis and students have the opportunity to take
part in some thirty sports teams. During
The IDC Herzliya Hillel House serves as a hub
the academic year games in various sports
for Jewish activities on campus and a platform
take place on campus. Additional sports are
that enables a variety of student initiatives. It
offered to athletes through ASA membership
aims to enrich students’ lives with meaningful
including junior soccer, basketball, volleyball,
Jewish experiences, inspiring them to enrich the
handball as well as personal sports such
Jewish people and the world. The IDC Herzliya
as windsurfing, tennis, swimming, judo,
Hillel House strives to meet the specific needs of
fencing, karate, chess, athletics, gymnastics,
international, veteran Israeli and new immigrant
dance and more.
students through activities that celebrate the broad spectrum of languages and cultures in
ENTREPRENEURSHIP CLUB Another anchor of extracurricular activities is the IDC Entrepreneurship Club which identifies and enhances the deep pool of
Israel. Activities include Friday night Shabbat dinners, trips around Israel, weekend seminars and celebrations of Jewish and Israeli holidays.
entrepreneurial talent that exists among our students. The Club encourages and supports these students by assisting them in developing their entrepreneurship abilities by connecting them with businesses, technology graduates and academic experts in Israel and by organizing a variety of networking and educational activities.
Campus life at IDC Herzliya
CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER The Center strives to prepare students to enter the workplace and to assist them in locating suitable employment opportunities. The Center provides a variety of counseling, placement and informational services tailored to meet the specific needs of the students and graduates of each of IDC Herzliya’s schools. These services include personal career counseling and assistance as well as lectures and workshops on jobseeking strategies. In addition, the Center creates recruitment and networking opportunities such as job fairs and employers meetings. The Center also maintains an updated listing of job openings in Israel for students and graduates.
THE LEA & NAFTALI BEN-YEHUDA STUDY SKILLS CENTER The Center strives to help students who have been diagnosed with learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder to succeed academically. Learning disabilities result in a wide range of difficulties in reference to academic skills: reading; writing; processing information; and issues in time and self management. The Center has three main goals: to provide the student with the most significant strategies; develop the student’s independent studying skills; and raise the student’s awareness of his own style of studying. The Center offers both workshops and individual sessions.
PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES The IDC Herzliya Psychological Counseling Service is designed to promote the health and well-being of students. Resident psychologists provide professional, individualized counseling in both scholastic and personal matters – from problems related to social integration and learning disabilities to personal conflicts and crises. All counseling is kept strictly confidential. If extended treatment is recommended, the student is referred to a suitable off-campus professional. The Psychological Counseling Service also sponsors workshops on topics such as coping with anxiety in testing situations and inter-personal relations. Shmarya Green, Business Administration, Toronto, Canada
VISA AND STATUS ASSISTANCE Students are responsible for clarifying and establishing their status in Israel and can turn to the Raphael Recanati International School staff for advice and assistance. Before commencing studies, all students must clarify their status and eligibility for a visa or Israeli citizenship with the Israeli embassy or consulate in their country of origin. International students who are children of Israeli parents must settle all matters, such as deferment of military service, with the nearest Israeli embassy or consulate. Contact information for embassies and consulates around the world can be found at Sherut/IsraeliAbroad/Continents The Jewish Agency provides advice and assistance to students considering immigrating to Israel www. and for North America/UK
HEALTH INSURANCE All IDC Herzliya students are required to have comprehensive health insurance coverage throughout the period of their studies. Israeli residents, including new immigrants, receive health insurance for a low monthly fee in accordance with the country’s health insurance legislation. International students who are not covered by Israel’s compulsory health insurance legislation must purchase a health insurance policy which will accommodate all their health needs while studying at IDC. We have made special arrangements to insure international students who are not covered by Israel’s compulsory health insurance legislation. The plan with Hilit Insurance provides comprehensive health coverage for an annual $500 US membership fee.
Marlen Jacobi, Government, Vienna, Austria
IDC Herzliya Alumni Association
Alumni Association Activities ›
IDC Herzliya’s first graduates and the school administration jointly founded the Alumni Association in 1998. It currently has 10,000 members who take an active apart in the world
› ›
of law, government, economy, business and high-tech in Israel and throughout the world.
Organizing professional conferences and
seminars in law, management,
computer science and governance
Operating an Internet site that is an
Arranging social events Establishing and coordinating business
clubs which allow alumni to meet
leading figures in the Israeli economy
Supporting IDC Herzliya in cultivating its
image and in fundraising
Fostering ties with alumni associations
effective tool for nurturing
connections and furthering
cooperation between alumni
Helping alumni to continue to use IDC
Herzliya services, such as the Career
Development Center and the Marc
Rich Library, by arranging informative
and networking events specifically for
alumni and showing alumni that the
of other institutions in Israel and
doors of IDC Herzliya are always open
around the world
to them
Organizing community service initiatives
and raising funds for scholarships
IDC HERZLIYA ALUMNI The professional and academic worlds eagerly welcome IDC Herzliya alumni, appreciating For more information contact:
their interdisciplinary outlook and the practical skills and experience they obtained during their
Adi Olmert, Adv.
studies. Alumni can be found at leading graduate programs around the world as well as in major
Director, IDC Herzliya Alumni Association
law firms, high-tech companies, investment houses, international consulting companies, the
Tel +972- 9 – 9527249,
Knesset and Israel government agencies. Many alumni have used the entrepreneurial training
[email protected]
they received at IDC to successfully launch their own businesses in a variety of sectors.
Selected Graduate Schools IDC Alumni Attend
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Cellcom, Channel Two Television,
Carnegie Mellon University, US
Keter Books Ltd., Music 24 Television Channel
Columbia University, US
Cornell University, US
Amdocs, Check Point, Elbit, eWave, GE,
Emory University, US
HP, IBM, ICA Telecom, Legend Business
ESSEC Business School, France
Technologies, Medcon Telemedicine, Microsoft,
George Washington University, US
Netcom Systems, Ness Technologies, Oracle Israel,
Georgetown University, US
SAP, See-Run
Harvard University, US
Instituto de Empresa Business School,
Clal Industries and Investments Ltd.,
King's College, UK
Cedar Fund, Equity Group Investments, Gerson Lehrman Group, Goldman Sachs,
London School of Economics, UK
Matrix ABC, McKinsey and Company,
major Israeli banks
Monash University, Australia
Law Firms
Northwestern University, US
Yigal Arnon; Herzog, Fox and Neeman;
S. Horowitz; Dr. Jacob Weinroth
Paris Graduate School of Management,
Government and Public Service Sectors
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Bocconi University, Italy
› › › › › › ›
Selected Employers of IDC Alumni
Port Elizabeth University, South Africa
Ministers, Ministry of Defense, Ministerial Advisors, Members of Knesset,
Sciences-Po, France
Parlimentary Assistants, Israeli Supreme Court,
Toronto University, Canada
Israeli Foreign Service, Jewish Agency for Israel
Tufts University, US
Université Paris-Dauphine, France
El Al, Sakal
University of Cambridge, UK University of California, Berkeley, US University of London, UK The University of Oxford, UK University of Pennsylvania, US
ADMISSION TO RRIS APPLYING Admission decisions are based on a combination of academic and personal criteria: high school grades; standardized test scores (if applicable); letters of recommendation; a curriculum vitae (resume); and a personal essay.
Applicants must submit official copies of their
Applicants who graduated from a high school
high school transcript and diploma. Applicants
in the US must take a standardized test such
in their final year of high school may submit a
as the SAT or ACT. However, if they have
partial transcript. Acceptance of such applicants
completed at least one year of university-level
is contingent upon receiving a final transcript
studies with distinction, they may request an
showing that they graduated and that the grades
exemption from this requirement. Students
they earned in their final semester are similar to
who graduated from a high school in other
those earned in previous semesters. Applicants
countries except Israel are not required to take
who have completed one year of university-
a standardized test.
level studies must submit only their high school
diploma and university transcript.
ACT: Students who graduated from a high
school in Israel must take the Psychometric
Applicants must submit two recommendations
from people who can evaluate their academic abilities such as teachers, educators, counselors, employers or supervisors.
APPLICATION FORM AND FEES The Raphael Recanati International School recommends that applicants apply online at The fee is $100 US. Applicants may obtain an application form from the Raphael Recanati International School, or download one from www.rris.idc. and return it by regular mail. The fee is $100 US (or the equivalent in shekels or Euros based on the exchange rate set by the Bank of Israel) and can be paid by check or bank transfer to the order of “The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya.”
DEADLINE For an application to be considered valid, all forms and other required information must be submitted to the Raphael Recanati International School at IDC Herzliya by August 15, 2011.
ENGLISH PROFICIENCY The academic program of the Raphael
TRANSFER STUDENTS In order to receive credits or exemptions for courses taken at another academic institution,
Recanati International School is taught
students must submit a detailed syllabus
entirely in English. Graduates of high schools
in English for each course for which they
in which English was not the primary
are requesting credit and/or an exemption.
language of instruction are required to
Please note that IDC Herzliya is not obligated
pass the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign
to grant credit for courses taken at other
Language) or an equivalent test, such as the
academic institutions. To receive a degree
IELTS (International English Language Testing
from IDC Herzliya, students must earn at least
System), PEARSON (Language Test) or the
60% of the credits at IDC Herzliya and must
Israel Psychometric Examination.
be enrolled at IDC Herzliya for a minimum of
two years.
$9,700 US per year*
Optional: IDC-Sponsored Housing
$6,000 US per year (includes all maintenance charges,
but not gas, water, electricity, and telephone bills)
Please note, students that have master bedrooms, must pay an additional $50/month ($6,600 US year). *Rates are subject to change due to fluctuations in market prices and currency exchange rates.
A $1,000 US tuition deposit must be sent to the
Students are responsible for their airfare to
registrar at the Raphael Recanati International
and from Israel. Students should expect to
School within one month of being accepted to
spend about $500- $600 US each month for
study at IDC Herzliya in order to reserve a place
food, travel and other basic expenses. Please
in the class. The tuition deposit is the first tuition
note, the tuition does not include the cost of
the textbooks that we recommend students
A brochure containing details on how to pay the
remainder of the tuition will be sent later. This
A symbolic fee is charged at some RRIS social
deposit will be fully refunded to those who decide
and cultural events.
not to enroll, if they inform the Raphael Recanati International School of their decision in writing by July 31, 2011. The contact e-mail to do so is
[email protected] IDC Herzliya reserves the right to increase annual tuition by up to 8 percent per annum, depending on economic conditions, but no more than this. There is an additional tuition fee of $160 US for students in the School of Communications.
CONTACT INFORMATION Please submit applications to: In Israel
In the US
Raphael Recanati International School,
Raphael Recanati International School
Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya
c/o American Friends of IDC,
1 Kanfei Nesharim Street, P. O. Box 167,
116 East 16th Street, 11th Floor,
Herzliya, Israel 46150
New York, NY 10003, US
Tel +972-9-952-7248
Tel +1-866-999-RRIS,
+972-9-960-2801, +972-9-960-2841,
+1-212-213-5961, +1-212-213-6371,
Fax +972-9-952-7334
Fax +1-212-213-6436
SCHOLARSHIPS MASA SCHOLARSHIPS The Jewish Agency for Israel and the Israel Prime Minister’s Office co-sponsor the Masa project to encourage young Jews who are not Israeli residents to study in Israel. Students up to the age of thirty-one, who have not been to Israel on a long term program before, are eligible for a grant from Masa to go towards tuition at the Raphael Recanati International School. Students will receive an initial grant based on their country of origin and can apply for additional funding of up to $10,000 US which is awarded based on financial need. Application forms for Masa must be completed online (see below). Please note, Masa is an independent initiative and therefore its criteria for evaluating scholarship requests may differ from those used to evaluate requests for the Raphael Recanati International School Scholarships.
Academic Schedule, 2011/12 , Preparatory Courses
September - October, 2011
Orientation Week Begins
October, 23 - 28, 2011
Fall Semester Begins
October 30, 2011
Memorial Day for Yitzhak Rabin
November 9, 2011
Hanukah Vacation
December 25, 2011
Fall Semester Ends
January 27, 2012
Fall Semester Exams
January 29, 2012
Spring Semester Begins
March 4, 2012
Purim Vacation
March 8, 2012
Passover Vacation
April 1, 2012
Back to School
April 15, 2012
Eve of Holocaust Memorial Day
April 18, 2012
Eve of Israel Memorial Day
April 24, 2012
Israel Memorial Day
April 25, 2012
Israel Independence Day
April 26, 2012
Student Day
To be announced
Shavuot Break
May 27, 2012
Spring Semester Ends
June 15, 2012
Make Up Lessons
ends June 22, 2012
Spring Semester Exams
June 24, 2012
Mimi Laufer
Marilyn Koolik
Gadi Dagon, Yudit Svirsky, Coco, Albatross
For additional information about the Raphael Recanati International School, please contact us: ISRAEL Raphael Recanati International School Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) PO Box 167, 1 Kanfei Nesharim Street Herzliya, Israel 46150 Attention: Registrar Fax +972 9 952 7334 E-mail
[email protected] NORTH AMERICA Raphael Recanati International School c/o American Friends of IDC 116 East 16th Street, 11th Floor New York, NY, US 10003 Tel +1 866 999 RRIS +1 212 213 5961 +1 212 213 6371 Fax +1 212 213 6436 E-mail
[email protected]