1. MADHYA GUJARAT VIJ COMPANY LTD. (O&M) Circle Office ,Bhuravav,Old
Power House Godhra-389 001. Phone No. 02672-262205. Web Site : www.gseb.
MADHYA GUJARAT VIJ COMPANY LTD. (O&M) Circle Office ,Bhuravav,Old Power House Godhra-389 001 Phone No. 02672-262205 Web Site : www.gseb.com FaxNo.02672-262927 email :
[email protected] TENDER NOTICE No. GDC/O&M/ MNT-BILL-1/2011 SE (O&M) invites Tenders for the following work. Tender Papers & Specifications may be down loaded from MGVCL Web site. Tender fee may be paid along with submission of tender in EMD cover, for respective tender. “All the tenders will be received only by Registered Post A.D. or Speed Post addressed to SE(O&M), MGVCL.,
Circle Office,
Bhuravav, ,Godhra- 389 001.. “NO COURIER SERVICE OR HAND DELIVERY” will be allowed. The new firm, in respect of tender item must have vendor registration with the MGVCL/GUVNL or their subsidiary companies prior to the date of opening of technical bid of the tender otherwise their bids will not be considered eligible for technical scrutiny and as such, their technical bids will not be opened.
Sr No
Tender No.
1 1
2 GDC/O&M/MNTBILL-1/2011
Estimated Cost Rs.
3 4 Meter Reading, On Spot Bill Distribution 1526280=00 and DTR wise Energy Accounting for Various Towns of Godhra Circle Office.
Tender fee in Rs.
Last Date of receiving the Tender (Up to 14.00 Hrs & date of Opening at 16.00Hrs.)
( N. V. Thakkar ) Superintending Engineer (O&M) MGVCL, CO, Godhra.