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1. MAGIC SPELLBOOKS. The first four spells before the line are the spells the Hero Wizard starts with. The colleges and Monster Magic are now been compiled  ...
Written By Tommy De Coninck

MAGIC SPELLBOOKS The first four spells before the line are the spells the Hero Wizard starts with. The colleges and Monster Magic are now been compiled into one handy volume so this great work can easily be used in your games. Each is listed one college per page so you can just print off whichever you require or all, however you decide. Some of the spells require the use of templates which are borrowed from the MB game Heroquest, as this game is long out of print and hard (and expensive) to get hold of they have been sourced included at the back of the article.


AMBER WIZARDS SPELLBOOK Amber spell components: Vial of Deep Water, Wolf's Claw, Nature Seed, Magical Earth and Maple Leaf. Wall of Ice (100 gc): Vial of Deep Water The caster builds up a wall of thick ice over two squares. It must be within 12 squares in sight. The wall has a WS 1, Toughness 8 and 4 Wounds. The wall of ice blocks sight. Featherlight (100 gc): Maple Leaf Target gets flight until next exploration tum. Target can now ignore deathzones. (See p.40 in rulebook.) Pittrap (100 gc): Vial of Deep Water A pittrap (1 square) opens on a square within line of sight of the caster. See rules for pittraps p.33 in rulebook. Shield of Protection (100 gc): Magical Earth All heroes and their henchman have Toughness +2 (max 12) in the next phase. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wall of Rock (100 gc): Vial of Deep Water and Magical Earth The caster must first make a successful intelligence test or the spell fails and the used components are wasted. He builds a wall of stone where there was none within 12 squares. The wall has a width of 2 squares, WS 1, Toughness 10 and 6 Wounds. Cave-in (100 gc): Nature Seed and Vial of Deep Water A successful intelligence test is required. 4 Adjacent squares within 12 squares of the caster, and partially in line of sight, collide. All models under it are rolled 6 damage dice and the caster may move them away from the cave-in (1 square). To remove the stones roll a D12 per model next to the cave-in, no other action can be performed that turn or phase. When total is greater than 100 then all stones are removed. Strangle (100 gc): Nature Seed This spell causes a vine to grow from the ceiling above the head of any model in the caster's line of sight. It wraps around the neck of the model and begins to strangle it. The model cannot move or perform any action, other than attempting to break free and takes 2 damage dice at the beginning of every hero phase. Each hero phase, after the damage is done, the target may attempt to break free. This requires a Strength test and, if successful, the model may move to an adjacent square, but may do nothing else this and next phase. The vine remains there until next exploration turn or until the caster dies and any other model moving in that square will be grabbed by the vine. The vine does no damage to undead or deamons but still prevents movement until they break free. Boulder (120 gc): Magical Earth A large stone ball manifests itself on a square next to the caster. The boulder rolls in the same direction until it hits a portcullis, wall or pittrap. It dissolves if it stops rolling. The first turn it rolls 4 squares, second turn it rolls 3, etc . Models hit, get 4 damage dice the first turn, 3 damage dice the second turn, etc. Savage Beast of Horros (150 gc): Wolf's Claw and Nature Seed The caster transforms into a legendary, raging animal. Until next exploration turn he gains: regeneration, fearsome monster, berserker and flight. (See p.40 for rules of these skills.) Bonecrusher (150 gc): Wolf's Claw Opponent in caster's deathzone loses 2 Wounds or may spend one Fate point to avoid the blow. Hail of Arrows (150 gc): Maple Leaf The caster opens his arms and between his palms a fasces of sharp, pointed arrows emerges. Roll a D12, divide the result by 3 (round up). That many arrows can be aimed at different targets. BS counts as being 4, with 2 damage dice per arrow. Hunger of the Land (250 gc): Magical Earth and Wolf's Claw A pit of 2x2 squares opens within 12 squares and line of sight of the caster. See p.33 for pittrap rules. The pit lasts until next exploration turn.


AMETHYST WIZARDS SPELLBOOK Amethysts spell components: Moon Dust, Bone Relic, Dark Seed, Shadow Sphere and Skull Ash. Dark Clouds (100 gc): Moon Dust A dark cloud covers a chosen place. Every model on the template (2x3) counts as having bravery -1 and rolls to hit need a roll of 10+ to be successful. No ranged attacks are allowed and the dark cloud blocks line of sight. Embrace of Doom (100 gc): Dark Seed Place the 2x3 template from MB Hero Quest with the two hands within 12 squares in sight of the caster. It lasts for D12/2 (round up) turns. Models in it cannot move and they must make a bravery test to attack another model. Cloaked Lurker (100 gc): Shadow Sphere Until the next exploration turn 1 friendly model in sight or the caster himself can ignore deathzones, cannot be attacked, may perform attacks but cannot cast spells. Lightning Strike (100 gc): Bone Relic A flash fire escapes from the casters fingers. It flows over 5 adjacent squares (use template). Everybody in the beam is hit. Roll 4 damage dice each. If the foe wears chain or plate armour or a helm then roll 6 damage dice. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Time Shifter (100 gc): Bone Relic Reroll one dice for a failed action the target just performed. This spell may be cast at all times without penalty. The target model must be the caster or any other model within sight. Manacle of Caloe (100 gc): Shadow Sphere Until next hero phase one bad guy loses one attack and cannot move. Ignore Death (110 gc): Bone Relic A hero or henchman in the casters deathzone can be the target if no other model is adjacent to the caster. The wounds of the target are restored to the full quota. Even if the model just died then you have until next exploration turn to raise him from the death on the place he died. The target receives one extra permanent fate point. Burning Scythe (125 gc): Moon Dust The caster gets a magical scythe until next exploration turn. As long as he got the weapon: WS +2 (max 12), S +3 (max 12). He can attack diagonally with it. No fumbles and critical hits on a hit roll of 11 or 12. Strength Dam Dice

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 0 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 08 09 10

Lost in Time (150 gc): Bone Relic and Skull Ash If a successful intelligent test is made by the caster then 1 model in sight becomes lost in time for D12 turns. Remove the model from the board for that many exploration turns or hero phases (during combat). Choke (200 gc): Dark Seed and Shadow Sphere The victim suddenly clutches his throat and has trouble breathing. Select a target in sight. It may only stagger 1 square per turn for the next 3 turns. Unless the caster has been killed in the meantime, the victim dies of asphyxiation. Undead and deamons cannot be the target of this spell. Caress of Laniph (200 gc): Dark Seed and Moon Dust Place a fireball template within 12 squares in sight of the caster. Any models under it are hit by the firestorm. The caster makes an intelligence test, if successful then roll 7 damage dice for each model, if failed then roll only 5. Purple Sun of Xereus (200 gc): Shadow Sphere and Skull Ash Place a fireball template within 12 squares in sight of the caster. Models underneath the template are captured and can do nothing for D12/2 (round up) turns. The caster may move the Sun and its captives 2 squares each hero phase (ignore deathzones). This moving of the Sun counts as an action. Ignore traps for models in the Sun.


CELESTIAL WIZARD'S SPELLBOOK Celestial spell components: Moon Dust, Fire Dust, Crystal Scale, Magnetic Flake and Phoenix Feather. Heroic Presence (100 gc): Crystal Scale This spell influences the caster or a hero in line of sight. The target flashes light until the next exploration turn. All attackers have a -1 modifier to their hit roll. Stargazing (100 gc): Crystal Scale The caster calls telepathic help from the stars An unexplored room or passage becomes explored. The first time a hero enters this location, add +3 to the surprise roll if there are enemies. Lightning (100 gc): Fire Dust A flash fire escapes from the casters fingers. It flows over 5 adjacent squares (use Hero Quest MB template). Everybody in the beam is hit. Roll 4 damage dice each. If the foe wears a helm or metal armour (chain, plate) then roll 6 damage dice. Wind Blast (100 gc): Phoenix Feather The wind blows in a one-square wide strip in front of the caster and continues until it reaches a wall or reaches its maximum range of ten squares. All models in that area (starting with those furthest from the caster) are blown backwards, unless they make a Strength test, they hit an immovable object, another model or the limit of the spells range. Those striking immovable objects take one damage dice for each square they moved before hitting the object. Any model that previously made a Strength test that gets struck by another model must make another Strength test or be carried along with the other model. A successful test stops the other model. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Star Bolts (100 gc): Magnetic Flake The caster calls down 2 fire bolts on squares next to him (use templates). The bolts may be moved 1 square every following hero player phase during combat turn. Roll 4 damage dice for a hit model. Remove the bolts next exploration turn. The Light (100 gc): Moon Dust and Crystal Scale The caster himself, or a hero in the caster's deathzone recovers 2 lost fate points. There may not be another model in the caster's deathzone. This spell doesn't work if the caster fails an intelligence test. Heavens Call (150 gc): Crystal Scale No enemy (GM) in the dungeon section selected by the caster may move or attack in their next phase The caster must have line of sight to that dungeon section. Watershield (150 gc): Magnetic Flake This spell surrounds any one model in the caster's deathzone (or the caster himself) with a torrent of violent water, which whirls around them, but never touches them. Any model attacking the targeted model with a wielded weapon must make a Strength test or be disarmed (weapon lost). Any model attacking the targeted model with natural weapons suffers 1 damage dice. The watershield remains until next exploration turn. Crystal Cage (175 gc): Crystal Scale The caster captures himself in a crystal cage. He may not be attacked and spells have no effect on him. The caster may not move, cast spells or attack. To break the cage, a model (even the caster himself) must throw under its Strength. This counts as an action. Sapphire Arch (175 gc): Moon Dust and Phoenix Feather The caster or someone in his line of sight is teleported to a previously explored free square. The model may prevent the spell from working by making a successful intelligence test. Deathstrike (200 gc): Fire Dust and Crystal Scale A flash fire escapes from the casters fingers. It flows over 5 adjacent squares (use Hero Quest MB template). Everybody in the beam is hit. Make an intelligence test. If successful, then roll 6 damage dice each. If the foe wears a helm or metal armour (chain, plate) then roll 8 damage dice. If the test failed, then treat this spell like it was "Lightning" (see above). Apocalypse (200 gc): Magnetic Flake and Moon Dust Like "Star Bolts", but if a successful intelligence test is made then 4 bolts come down instead of only 2 !


GOLDEN WIZARD'S SPELLBOOK Golden spell components: Golden Materia (costs 30 gc), Magnetic Flake, Power Gem, Silver Key and Yellow Dust. Gleaming Missile (100 gc): Magnetic Flake The caster performs a ranged attack which hits automatic. Target must be within sight. Roll 4 damage dice. Fear of Aramar (100 gc): Yellow Dust One target must make an intelligence test (add +2 to the roll) or be convinced that a nightmarish horror is chasing him around. He cannot attack in any way and the caster may move him one square each GM phase. The fear stops if a successful intelligence test is made at the end of a GM phase. Wall of Fire (100 gc): Yellow Dust The caster builds up a sizzling wall of fire over two squares. It must be within 12 squares of the caster. The wall has WS 1, Toughness 7 and 10 Wounds. The wall of fire blocks line of sight. Each attack the attacker is rolled 1 damage dice for because of the heath. Glittering Robe (100 gc): Golden Materia The caster gains a magical robe which glitters by the slightest ray of light. He can only be hit by a roll of 12 until next exploration turn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lava Bulb (100 gc): Power Gem Place fireball template within 12 squares and in line of sight of the caster. Any models are automatically hit and rolled 5 damage dice for. Greed (100 gc): Golden Materia Dispel. Counters a spell being cast or already in effect. Dispel may be cast at any time, even if the dispeller has already performed an action. If the caster of the target spell makes a successful intelligence test, then greed fails. Heavy Metal (110 gc): Magnetic Flake x 2 Choose a hero or henchman in the casters deathzone who is wearing metal armour. The targets Toughness is +3 (max 12) until next exploration turn. Golden Scimitar (150 gc): Golden Materia Choose a first target in line of sight and within 12 squares. The rotating magical scimitar does 3 damage dice and WS used varies. First target, use WS 6, second target, use WS 5, etc. You may only select a new target if it is within 12 squares of the previous target which must have been hit. Every model can only be the target once per phase. Creation (100 gc): Power Gem and Silver Key Create any spell component caster wants. The Gilded Cage (200 gc): Magnetic Flake and Golden Materia One opened room in line of sight of the caster becomes a magically sealed prison until the caster makes a successful intelligence test to undo this spell. Fools Gold (200 gc): Golden Materia Suddenly it looks like it is raining gold coins in front of every enemy model in the same room as the caster. Every victim that fails an intelligence test has Toughness -3 until next exploration turn or until they have been attacked once. Open Wall (250 gc): Silver Key The caster can create a door where there was none. He may place a door in the section he is in. Throw a D12, if it is 4 or less, then there is only rock behind it (spell fails, component lost).


GREY WIZARD'S SPELLBOOK Grey spell components: Phoenix Feather, Shadow Sphere, Dark Seed, Wolf's Claw and Moondust. Windblast (100 gc): Phoenix Feather The wind blows in a 2-square wide strip in front of the caster and continues until it reaches a wall or reaches its maximum range of ten squares. All models in that area (starting with those furthest from the caster) are blown backwards, unless they make a Strength test, they hit an immovable object, another model or the limit of the spells range. Those striking immovable objects take one damage dice for each square they moved before hitting the object. Any model that previously made a Strength test that gets struck by another model must make another Strength test or be carried along with the other model. A successful test stops the other model. Cloak of Shadows (100 gc): Shadow Sphere A dark cloud covers a chosen place. Every model on the template (2x3) counts as having bravery -1 and rolls to hit need a roll of 10+ to be successful. No ranged attacks are allowed and the dark cloud blocks line of sight. Whirlwind (100 gc): Phoenix Feather A character of the caster's choice may move 18 squares (exploration) or at double speed (combat) during his next move. Lightning (100 gc): Moondust A flash fire escapes from the casters fingers. It flows over 5 adjacent squares (use template). Everybody in the beam is hit. Roll 4 damage dice each. If the foe wears a helm or metal armour (chain, plate) then roll 6 damage dice. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dispel (100 gc): Wolf's Claw Requires a successful intelligence test. Counters a spell being cast or already in effect. Dispel may be cast at any time, even if the dispeller has already performed an action. Earthmouth (100 gc): Shadow Sphere A pittrap opens on one square in line of sight of the caster. See rulebook p.33. Dance of Despair (100 gc): Dark Seed If he makes a successful intelligence test, the caster can move an enemy in this hero phase. It may not attack. Hands of Darkness (125 gc): Shadow Sphere The caster can summon the hands of darkness (2x3 template) if at least one square is within 12 squares. Movement on the template counts double (hinder) and all dice rolls made by a model on the template are reduced by 2. Lupus (150 gc): Wolf's Claw and Moon Dust The caster transforms into a wolflike beast until next turn (exploration or combat). He cannot cast any spells or perform human actions like using items while in wolfform. The Lupus has following characteristics. Hand-to-hand: Opp. WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-12 Hit Roll 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Damage dice: 4

Fearsome animal. WS: 5 BS: 0 ST: 6 TG: 8 INT: +1 FT: same WDS: same

SP: 10 BR: 10

Gate of Shadows (175 gc): Moon Dust and Shadow Sphere The caster or someone in his line of sight is teleported to some other, free square. The teleported model may prevent the spell of taking effect by making a successful intelligence test but with a -2 modifier. Mind Control (200 gc): Dark Seed and Phoenix Feather If he makes a successful intelligence test, the caster can control an enemy model in this hero phase. The enemy model cannot attack during the next GM phase. The Choke (200 gc): Dark Seed and Shadow Sphere The victim suddenly clutches his throat and has trouble breathing. Select a target in line of sights. It may only stagger 1 square per turn for the next 3 turns. Unless the caster has been killed in the meantime, the victim dies of asphyxiation. Undead cannot be the target of this spell.


HIGH MAGIC WIZARDS SPELLBOOK High Magic spell component: Sacred Powder Rapid Healing (100 gc): Sacred Powder A successful intelligence test is needed, otherwise the spell component is lost and the spell has no effect . All friendly models in the same room as the caster recover all their lost Wounds. Energy Boost (100 gc): Sacred Powder A successful intelligence test is needed, otherwise the spell component is lost and the spell has no effect . A friendly model in line of sight of the caster gets an extra attack next time he attacks in this combat. Glamour (100 gc): Sacred Powder Target a model in line of sight of the caster. That model may now be moved 12 squares by the caster. Try to let it run into traps! Drain Magic (100 gc): Sacred Powder The following phase, no spells can be cast. And all spells in effect now (magic clouds, etc.) are dispelled. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Deadlock (150 gc): Sacred Powder The caster locks a certain spell of an enemy sorcerer. This spell cannot be cast until next exploration turn, or until the caster of 'Deadlock' dies. 'Deadlock' fails if you fail an intelligence test. Assault of Stone (200 gc): Sacred Powder x 2 The caster cracks the ceiling and stones fall down. Throw a D12, divide the result by 3 (round up). That many rocks come down on squares in line of sight of the caster. The effect of the stones is the same as the trap 'falling blocks'. The blocks remain until they magically disappear in the next exploration turn. Hand of Glory : (125 gc): Sacred Powder All friendly models in the same room as the caster (and the caster himself) get Bravery 12 for this phase. Cast this spell in any phase, even when already performed an action. Coruscation of Finreir (100 gc): Sacred Powder The caster or a model in line of sight gains flight until next exploration turn. Lightning Bolt (150 gc): Sacred Powder An electrically charged bolt of light is propelled at a target in line of sight of the caster. It does 5 dice of damage a nd the target model must skip his next phase. Erasure (200 gc): Sacred Powder x 2 'Erasure' permanently removes a known spell from the spellbook of a wizard in line of sight of the caster. Telepathy (200 gc): Sacred Powder x 2 Randomly select a spell out of a spellbook from an enemy sorcerer. This target spell is cast now, in case of Lizardmen. If it cannot be cast because no targets are available or for any other reason, then 'Telepathy' has no effect. In case of an elven Wizard casting 'Telepathy', he may write the target spell in his spellbook for later use.


JADE WIZARD'S SPELL BOOK Jade spell components: Youth Seed, Iris, White Blossom, Vial of Deep Water and Crystal Scale. Wall of Ice (100 gc): Vial of Deep Water The caster builds up a wall of thick ice over two squares. It must be within 12 squares in sight. The wall has a WS 1, Toughness 8 and 4 Wounds. The wall of ice blocks sight. Crystalgazing (100 gc): Crystal Scale The caster looks into the crystal scale and can see into an unexplored room or around an unexplored corner. When the party enters this section, add 3 to your surprise roll. Spectral Cloak (100 gc): Iris The caster summons the wood spirits to protect him. This spell can be cast on a model in sight or on the caster himself. The target count as having WS 12 for 1 turn (only for defence). Quackery (100 gc): Vial of Deep Water The caster tries to make a magic potion. Make an intelligence test. If unsuccessful, the potion becomes rat poison (note down on paper). If successful, then roll a D12. An even number and the flask becomes a strength potion, an odd number and it becomes a healing potion. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wall of Stone (100 gc): Crystal Scale and Vial of Deep Water The caster builds up a wall of thick ice over two squares. It must be within 12 squares in sight. The wall has a WS 1, Toughness 10 and 6 Wounds. The wall of ice blocks sight. But the caster must first make an intelligence test, if he fails it then the spell components are wasted and the spell has no effect. Fountain of Youth (100 gc): Youth Seed and Vial of Deep Water The square in front of the caster becomes a small pool. The spell can only be cast during exploration turns. The magic pool vanishes when the caster moves or dies. Every time someone drinks from the pool roll a D12 and check the results. (1) Deadly well. The well vanishes, but the drinking person must use a healing potion or he dies. (2-3) Sleeping potion. Roll a D12. The drinker is KO for that many turns. (4-8) Luck. The drinker gains 1 permanent fate point. (9-12) Healing. All the drinker's lost wounds are restored. Deadly Nature (100 gc): Youth Seed The caster summons an ethereal fungus on an unoccupied square in sight. The green life form has following characteristics: regeneration (hero phases), WS 8 (no fumble, no critical), Strength 1 (one damage dice), Toughness 6, Speed 3 and Wounds 6. It lasts until next exploration turn or until killed. Earthblood (100 gc): Iris Nature shows her protective powers to interrupt warlike fights. This spell can only be cast in a room. All models (heroes and gamemaster models) may be moved one square by the caster model's player. Quickrot (150 gc): Vial of Deep Water With this spell, the caster accelerates the process of aging and decay on one target within his line of sight. The target mus t make one intelligence test and one toughness test. If both succeed, roll 2 damage dice against the target. If one succeeds, roll 6 damage dice. If neither succeeds, the target dies instantly and is reduced to a pile of bones and mouldy flesh. Rebirth (175 gc): White Blossom and Youth Seed This spell only works if a successful intelligence test is made by the caster. The target is a knockout or dead hero in the casters deathzone. No other models may be adjacent to the caster. The hero comes back alive with his full number of wounds and fate points. a dead hero can only be saved in the same combat turn. Until the next exploration turn, this hero also gets the regeneration skill. Invisibility (175 gc): White Blossom The caster becomes invisible until next exploration turn. He can ignore deathzones, cannot be attacked, he may not perform attacks, and spells have no effect on him (not even counter spells). Flesh to Stone (200 gc): Iris The caster shivers when he touches the wall. He becomes one with the stones. He can move this turn right through stone (walls) but if he isn't out of it at the end of his turn his flesh stays stone and he will die a horrible death.


LIGHT WIZARD'S SPELL BOOK Light spell components: Hysh Rune, Power Gem, Silver Key, Orb of Light and Crystal Scale. Healing Earth (100 gc): Crystal Scale This spell heals all lost wounds of any one model in the caster's deathzone. There may not be another model in his deathzone. This spell can also be used to heal the caster himself. Radiance of Power (100 gc): Orb of Light One model in line of sight of the caster or the caster himself becomes encapsulated by a magical lightning sphere until next exploration turn. He cannot be shot at with ranged weapons, nor can he be the target of direct spells that need line of sight. Sizzling Energy Flash (100 gc): Power Gem Not a single enemy can attack (spellcasting included) in the following GM phase. Mindstealer (100 gc): Silver Key A successful intelligence test is needed. Else component is lost and no effect. The target within sight of the caster is driven mad by powerful magic. For the next 5 GM phases, he is controlled by the caster. The caster may move him and attack with him as he chooses. In the meantime, if other models from the same alliance of the target can move so that the target is in their deathzones, and their combined Strength is two times that of the target, he can be restrained. Restrained targets cannot move or attack or cast spells, so the others will be safe as long as they can hold him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beam of Burning Light (100 gc): Orb of Light The caster may target a model within 12 squares and with no other models in the way. The target is hit with 5 damage dice. The beam can go through walls, doors and furniture. The Dwellers Below (100 gc): Hysh Rune and Power Gem Deadly, slimy tentacles emerge suddenly from the ground under the target. They grab a model within 12 squares of the caster. This model may not move and its WS is modified by -4 for defence purposes. The grabbed model must throw one damage dice less when attacking. At the end of each hero player phase, throw a D12. If the score is equal to or under the Strength of the model then it is released and the dwellers disappear. Crevasse (125 gc): Silver Key and Hysh Rune The earth before the caster starts to tear apart. A dangerous crevasse tries to find its way. Roll a D12, on a roll of 7+ the crevasse is 4 squares long. Otherwise only 2 squares. If a successful intelligence test is taken, then the crevasse is long 2 squares extra. Rules for pittraps apply. The crevasse goes through walls. The affected wall has a passable opening now. The crevasse magically grows back together in the next exploration turn with no extra damage to models down in it. Ripping Energy Blast (150 gc): Power Gem and Hysh Rune Place fireball template within 12 squares in line of sight of the caster. All models under it are hit with 5 damage dice for every model. If the caster makes a successful intelligence test, then roll 7 damage dice each. Landslide (150 gc): Hysh Rune All models in a room in line of sight of the caster are slided to one side of the room. They are packed together there. Earthquake (175 gc): Crystal Scale and Power Gem The earth-shaking lasts until next exploration turn. All movement (except for flyers) is halved (round down). All rolls to hit are modified by -2. Shockwave (175 gc): Hysh Rune and Power Gem All models in the same room or corridor as the caster are hit with 2 damage dice each. Armour does not count, use basic toughness. Only magical armour can hold the shock (use current Toughness). The caster may now move all models one square. Earth Gap (250 gc): Power Gem and Orb of Light A 2x2 pittrap opens within 12 squares in line of sight of the caster. The pittrap template remains in play.


MAGIC RUNES FOR DWARF RUNEPRIESTS The dwarf wizard has a bag of runes out of which he takes one rune at a time. As long as that rune remains out of the bag, the effects last. He may only take another rune when the previously taken one is returned into the bag. There are twelve different runes available. Roll a D12 every time a dwarf wizard grabs a rune. The rite of grabbing counts as an action (so, no more fighting or disarming same turn). A runepriest can never cast normal spells. And spell components are worthless for him (unless he could trade them for gold !). 1 - Rune of Blessing When this rune comes out of the bag, all heroes and their henchmen retrieve one lost fate point. 2 - Rune of Benediction As long as this rune is out of the bag, all good-willed dwarves have Bravery +1. 3 - Rune of Healing As long as this rune is out of the bag, at the beginning of every hero player phase in combat, the dwarf runepriest may heal 1 lost Wound of a fellow adventurer. 4 - Rune of Righteous Anger (Grudge) As long as this rune is out of the bag, all good-willed dwarves are berserkers during combat. 5 - Rune of Inspiration As long as this rune is out of the bag, all heroes have their intelligence modified by +1. 6 - Rune of Order As long as this rune is out of the bag, the dwarf runepriest becomes the leader of the party (see p.9 in the rulebook for rules). 7 - Rune of Protection As long as this rune is out of the bag, all heroes and their henchmen have Toughness +1. 8 - Rune of Fortune As long as this rune is out of the bag, a hero that searches for hidden treasures may take another HeroQuest MB treasure card if he doesn't like the one taken. Or he may add up to three to the dice roll on the Hidden Treasure Table. 9 - Rune of Pain As long as this rune is out of the bag, the dwarf runepriests intelligence is halved (round up) and all enemies with intelligence 6 or lower roll one damage dice less when their (physical or magical) attack hits. 10 - Rune of Invisibility As long as this rune is out of the bag, the dwarf runepriest becomes invisible and therefor may not be attacked or be the target of directed spells. He himself may not attack either. 11 - Rune of Luck As long as this rune is out of the bag, all heroes may reroll every single dice-throw once. 12 - Rune of Magical Swiftness As long as this rune is out of the bag, all good-willed dwarves add +2 to their speed during combat turns and move up to 18 squares during exploration turns.


MONSTER MAGIC CHAOS DARK MAGIC A Chaos Sorcerer can cast three spells. Each spell one time. Roll to see which spells he knows or take the three spells indicated on the monster reference table. If you roll the same number then choose another spell you like. 1 - Choke : See rules for "Choke" on p.55 in the rulebook. 2 - Fireball : See rules for "Fireball" on p.55 in the rulebook. 3 - Flaming Skull of Terror : See rules for "Flaming Skull of Terror" on p.55 in the rulebook. 4 - Arrows of Chaos : Roll a dice and divide by three (round up). This is the amount of magical 'arrows' of energy the Chaos sorcerer fires at the heroes. He can select different targets if he has more than one 'arrow' available. He has an effective BS of 6 with these, and each 'arrow' causes 3 dice of damage. 5 - Illusion of Terror : One target hero or henchman, selected by the caster, must make a successful intelligence test (adding +2 to the roll). or be convinced that a nightmarish horror of Chaos is chasing him around the room. He is half-paralyzed with fear, and cannot attack in any way, but he can move 1 square in a direction the GM chooses. The target can make an intelligence test each hero player phase and, as soon as one is made successful, the effect ends. 6 - Inferno of Chaos : A horrible screaming pandemonium fills the room and each hero and henchman in the room must make a Toughness test or lose 1 point each of WS and BS, and also Strength, until the combat turn is over and they have left the room. 7 - Warp Attack : Enemies ignore any armour the heroes and henchmen uses within the same room as the caster. The weapons of the enemy seem to pass right through the armour ! This does not apply to any magical armour or magical protection. This spell lasts until the caster is killed. 8 - Flame Attack : The sword or halberd of a model in line of sight of the caster spits fire and adds 1 extra damage dice to its next attack. 9 - Magical Null : All magic items possessed by the heroes are nullified so long as they stay in the same room as the Chaos sorcerer. They are not permanently drained, and will regain their normal properties as soon as they are taken out of the room. Spells, however, are not affected by 'Magical Null'. The spell lasts until the caster is killed or escapes. 10 - Anti Magic : Use this spell immediately when a wizard tries to cast a spell. The wizard must make an additional intelligence test to successfully cast his spell. If this test is failed then the components are lost and the spell has no effect. 11 - Fate Drain : Fate points are useless within the same room as the caster. They cannot be used at all, but they are not lost. The spell last s until the caster is killed or escapes. 12 - Drain Magic : A model selected by the caster and in line of sight has one of his magical items permanently drained of magic. If he has more than one item, the GM should decide randomly which has been affected. The item regains normal stats (weapons) or is useless (items).


MONSTER HIGH MAGIC High magic can only be used by Lizardmen Slann Mage-Priests, Skink Shaman. A Mage-Priest knows 5 spells (each can be cast once) and a Skink shaman knows one spell. 1 - Rapid Healing : A successful intelligence test is needed, otherwise the spell component is lost and the spell has no effect . All friendly models in the same room as the caster recover all their lost Wounds. 2 - Energy Boost : A successful intelligence test is needed, otherwise the spell component is lost and the spell has no effect . A friendly model in line of sight of the caster gets an extra attack next time he attacks in this combat. 3 - Glamour : Target a model in line of sight of the caster. That model may now be moved 12 squares by the caster. Try to let it run into traps ! 4 - Drain Magic : The following phase, no spells can be cast. And all spells in effect now (magic clouds, etc.) are dispelled. 5 - Deadlock : The caster locks a certain spell of an enemy sorcerer. This spell cannot be cast until next exploration turn, or until the caster of 'Deadlock' dies. 'Deadlock' fails if you fail an intelligence test. 6 - Assault of Stone : The caster cracks the ceiling and stones fall down. Throw a D12, divide the result by 3 (round up). That many rocks come down on squares in line of sight of the caster. The effect of the stones is the same as the trap 'falling blocks'. The blocks remain until they magically disappear in the next exploration turn. 7 - Hand of Glory : All friendly models in the same room as the caster (and the caster himself) get Bravery 12 for this phase. Cast this spell in any phase, even when already performed an action. 8 - Coruscation of Finreir : The caster or a model in line of sight gains flight until next exploration turn. 9 - Lightning Bolt : An electrically charged bolt of light is propelled at a target in line of sight of the caster. It does 5 dice of damage and t he target model must skip his next phase. 10 - Erasure : 'Erasure' permanently removes a known spell from the spellbook of a wizard in line of sight of the caster. 11 - Telepathy : Randomly select a spell out of a spellbook from an enemy sorcerer. This target spell is cast now, in case of Lizardmen. If it cannot be cast because no targets are available or for any other reason, then 'Telepathy' has no effect. In case of an elven Wizard casting 'Telepathy', he may write the target spell in his spellbook for later use. 12 - Anger of Sotek : (Lizardmen only !) A serpent swarm attacks with their poisonous bites. The Lizardman Magician summons this swarm in the same room where he is. Treat the room as it was filled with 'Rats' like the hazard on page 28 in the rulebook. The heroes must first ki ll all the serpents before they can perform other actions.


NECROMANCER DARK MAGIC A necromancer has the same characteristics as a Chaos Sorcerer with some changes. His weapon is a sword (fumble on 1, critical on 12) with 3 damage dice. He knows four different spells. Each can be cast once. If the necromancer is killed, all his undead minions crumble to dust ! 1 - Summon Skeletons : The necromancer summons 2 skeleton warriors in line of sight. They can attack immediately (this GM phase). 2 - Resurrection : Cast this spell in the hero phase immediately after a zombie, mummy, ghoul or skeleton warrior is crushed. The model comes back with all characteristics at full quota. 3 - Fear : A target model in line of sight of the necromancer must make a bravery test. If he fails, he can do nothing next hero phase. 4 - Witch Flight : The necromancer discorporate and reappears on a previously discovered square anywhere in the dungeon. 5 - Raise the Dead : The necromancer makes an intelligence test. If successful, count the difference of points between the dice roll and the intelligence of the necromancer. That many zombies are placed in line of sight of the caster. Or that amount divided by two (round up) skeleton warriors are placed in line of sight of the caster. The undead creatures attack next GM phase. 6 - Danse Macabre : An undead model under the GM's command that just performed all its actions may move and attack again. 7 - Hand of Dust : The necromancer grabs a victim in his deathzone to the throat. Both roll a D12 and add their Intelligence and Strength. Equal or higher score of the victim means the grip is released. Otherwise, roll an amount of damage dice for the victim equal to the difference in scores. If the victim is killed, replace him with a skeleton champion (wight). All the victims belongings are lost. 8 - Soul Drain : Roll 3 damage dice for a target in line of sight of the necromancer. The necromancer gains an amount of Wounds equal to the lost Wounds by the target. 9 - Malediction of Nagash : Target a model in line of sight of the necromancer. The target counts as having WS -2 and Bravery -2. And every next GM phase he loses 1 Wound (or Fate point). Until the caster moves or is killed, or when he ends the spell or the spell is dispelled, Malediction of Nagash remains. 10 - The Curse of Years : The target in line of sight of the necromancer undergoes rapid ageing. He loses 1 Strength point every following GM phase. If his Strength reaches zero, the target is dead. If the caster dies before this happens, the targets gets back all lost Strength points. 11 - Wind of Death : A model in line of sight of the caster needs to take a Strength and a Toughness test. If he fails the Strength test, then he is moved back 4 squares until he hits something solid. If the Toughness test is failed, then corrosive gas eats his flesh and he undergoes 3 damage dice. 12 - Doom Bolt : A bolt of black fire hits a target in line of sight of the necromancer. Roll 5 damage dice.


SKAVEN MAGIC A Skaven Grey Seer may use the spell indicated on the Reference Table or he may roll for 4 different spells below. When a same number comes up, then pick a spell you like. Each spell can only be cast once. A Skaven Warpweaver may change any of his spells on the Reference Table, for a spell below. But the two spells he has must be different. 1 - Choke : Select a single target within the caster's line of sight. The target may only stagger one square per turn for the next 3 turns (the model's player makes this move). Unless the caster has been killed in the meantime, the victim dies at the end of the third turn from asphyxiation. 2 - Fireball : Place a fireball within 12 squares of the caster along his line of sight. All models under the template are hit. Roll 5 damag e dice for every model. 3- Flaming Skull of Terror : The caster is treated as a fearsome monster until play returns to exploration turns. 4 - Warp Lightning : The warlock casts a bolt of deadly warp lightning at its foe. The beam follows 5 adjacent squares. Roll 4 damage dice for every model that is hit by the beam. 5 - Skitterleap : Skitterleap can be cast at a single GM-friendly model in line of sight of the caster or on the caster himself. This model may be placed on a previous explored free square anywhere in the dungeon. 6 - Vermintide : The room is suddenly overwhelmed with rats. Immediately work out the result for the 'Rats' hazard, but the heroes cannot 'Slam the Door' (see rulebook p.28). 7 - Frenzy ! : All skaven in the same room as the caster gain berserker skill for this GM phase. 8 - Skaven Paws : The target model's hands turn into skaven paws. This reduces WS and BS by 2 points each until next exploration turn. The target must be within 12 squares and in line of sight of the caster. 9 - Deathfrenzy ! : If a successful intelligence test is made then all skaven in the same room as the caster are berserkers until next exploration phase or until the caster is killed. If the test fails, all skaven in the same room lose 1 Wound and become berserkers for only this GM turn. 10 - Scorch : The caster sets on fire a model in line of sight and within 12 squares. Every GM phase (this one included) the target takes 1 dice of damage on his basic Toughness until he successfully makes a Toughness test at the start of every hero players phase. 11 - Poison Wind : Green smoke emerges from the ground under a target model in line of sight of the caster. That model and all models in adjacent squares (and vertical adjacent squares) take 2 dice of damage on their basic Toughness. 12 - Pestilence : Plague ! A model in the deathzone of the caster is diseased (see p.40 in rulebook).


WAAAGH ORC & GOBBO MAGIC An orc shaman (or mysteakoil) has 4 different waaagh spells to cast. When he gets killed he drops three mushrooms (see matrice). A goblin shaman has 3 different waaagh spells to cast. Drops 2 mushrooms when killed. 1 Waaa-Orc : All orcs and goblins in the same room as the shaman who casts the spell, become berserkers until the next GM phase. They are whooping and jeering and are yelling their barbarous war cries at the heroes. 2 Orc Berzerker : One orc in line of sight of the caster feels strong and unbeatable. He becomes a berserker until the next exploration turn. 3 Mork Save Us! : For one turn all goblins and orcs in the same room as the caster are surrounded by a protective shield. The roll to hit is increased by +1. 4 Gaze of Mork : "...stinkin' heroes...!" See rules for Fireball. 5 The Hand of Gork : The GM may take one to four orcs or goblins from anywhere in the dungeon and must place them in the shaman's line of sight. 6 Ere We Go : All orcs and goblins in the same room or corridor as the shaman must add +1 to their speed until the next turn. 7 Mork Want Ya! : The orc-god holds a hero in his grip. This hero is removed from the table. Roll a d12. The hero returns after having been off the board for that many turns. The hero returns in the same room or dungeon section he was removed from. 8 Kunfuse 'Em! : The Shaman chooses any one target within a 6 space radius that he can "see" and rolls 1D12. If he rolls higher than that hero's intelligence, that hero temporarily forgets where and who he/she is and may not perform any action on their next combat phase. 9 Help Dem! : All greenskins (orcs, goblins and snotlings) within a radius of 4 squares get an extra attack on their next turn. 10 Fist of Gork! : The Shaman inflicts 3 damage dice (= one attack) on each heroes and henchmen adjacent to him. They defend as usual. 11 Brain Bursta! : The Shaman chooses any one target he can "see" and causes a bolt of power to erupt from his head. The Shaman takes a terrible mental hit, roll 3 damage dice. Then roll 1D12, and if the total is higher than the targets current Intelligence points, he rolls 1D12 again: 1: Targets head explodes, killing him instantly; 2-11: Target suffers 6 damage dice; 12: Spell fizzles out, no damage. 12 Da Krush : A giant shock waves through the room. The shaman may move all his enemies in the same room 1 square. This spell can only be cast during a combat turn.