Magnesium-Enriched Hydroxyapatite Compared to Calcium Sulfate in ...
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Sep 9, 2013 - Apatite is a general term to indicate hexagonal minerals that are represented by the chemical formula M10(ZO4)6X2. Apatite of different.
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ROCHESTER. The most common crystal present in calculi formed within the urinary tract is calcium oxalate as the monohydrate or dihydrate crystal phase. (1,2).
We are interested in the synthesis of a calcium phosphate-carbonated apatite. Its biological ... R. Murugan and al have demonstrated that the in vitro solubility of.
phosphate biomaterial in hard tissue repair applications. HA comprising 60 to 70 percent of the bone tissue which reduces inflammation and immunogenic reac-.
LYNWOOD H. SMITHtt, and (by invitation) PETER G. WERNESS ..... Lewis AM, Thomas WC, Jr, Tomita A. Pyrophosphate and the mineralization potential.
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Magnesium-Enriched Hydroxyapatite Compared to Calcium Sulfate in ...
and calcium sulfate (CS) grafts in fresh sockets after tooth extractions. Methods: Forty-five fresh extraction sockets with three bone walls were selected in 15 ...
Volume 80 • Number 2
Magnesium-Enriched Hydroxyapatite Compared to Calcium Sulfate in the Healing of Human Extraction Sockets: Radiographic and Histomorphometric Evaluation at 3 Months Roberto Crespi,* Paolo Cappare`,* and Enrico Gherlone*
Background: Reduction of alveolar height and width after tooth extraction may present problems for implant placement, especially in the anterior maxilla where bone volume is important for biologic and esthetic reasons. Different graft materials have been proposed to minimize the reduction in ridge volume. The aim of this study was to compare radiographic and histomorphometric results of magnesium-enriched hydroxyapatite (MHA) and calcium sulfate (CS) grafts in fresh sockets after tooth extractions. Methods: Forty-five fresh extraction sockets with three bone walls were selected in 15 patients. A split-mouth design was used: 15 sockets on the right side of the jaw received MHA, 15 sockets on the left side received CS, and 15 random unfilled sockets were considered the control (C) group. Intraoral digital radiographs were taken at baseline and at 3 months after graft material placement. At 3 months, cylinder bone samples were obtained for histology and histomorphometry analysis. Results: The difference in mean radiographic vertical bone level from baseline to 3 months was -2.48 – 0.65 mm in the CS group, -0.48 – 0.21 mm in the MHA group, and -3.75 – 0.63 mm in the unfilled C group. Statistically significant differences (P