Magnetic compass is an accurate measurement record . In our present century we cannot afford to close our eye on scientific & technological development & ...
Magnetic compass is an accurate measurement record . In our present century we cannot afford to close our eye on scientific & technological development & electronic progressive development of our century . Scientific development has placed & touched as to cosmic environment & our electronic development has help us to make our world small ,our distant contact has become a game of minute . I am not conservative in my thinking but at the same time I value the divine gift for human beings where all the elements will remain in the outside of the world of universe are also with every human beings of the world . Our Five elements are EARTH ,AIR,FIRE,WATER ,& SKY . This five elements which human beings which they can have can certainly perform development with the help of the mind ,brain , inner urge , divinity within us ,& last but not the least never ending invisible soul. Our mind & brain have no limit . Our mind never gets tired ,mind remains our inspiring energy force for carrying our contribution as a human being & it is due to this light motion of our mind which have help us for all the development scientific ,technological & even our cosmic development .
This we as human beings have arrival on this earth to make our world more beautiful to live . We know that our electronic development is also due to the progressive development of mind of our human beings , & as such we are aware that all the creative energy & his development are the resulting forces of human beings . Coming to the point of the development of electronic there is nothing wrong but human beings have placed the value & importance of our mind at a discount . With the help of calculated mobile & such other devices a small adding & subtraction we are depending on electronic devices . In the past one of my article I have given the example of Shakuntala Devi regarding her speed of calculation which is quite higher than our electronic devices . Even during my earlier year of my service career I have an opportunity to remain for my working under senior manager executive , who used to carry out the mistake of one sheet of figure with only under the observation with quite few minutes & with my first experience I remain quite surprised . Realizing the value & importance of our mind by giving the importance of our mind what I personally observe that from small children to academic level students they are all the time working with their mobile ,with their messages & also for receiving the information . It is not our feeling that school going children by using computer in day to day their working & also for playing they are not making their mind mechanical !!
This of course my personal opinion as I valued scientific development but not by ignoring the importance & capacity of our mind . I know with the help of our mind, one can visualize the far distance events with the help of spiritual ,prayer , & meditation . We are aware that the final journey of great Yogi Yoganandaji it was difficult for Dr at USA to confirm his death it was only decided his final journey after the period of 21 days . The main end of expressing my view are equally to give the importance of our mind by playing with the inner energy forces under divinity thru the conscious mind whereby we can contribute both in our working development & also in our inner progressive head way to make our life not only worthy but to pass moral vibratory energy force to make the world more beautiful to live .