Jan 26, 2018 - I've been noticing the alkaline water acts like a customized homeopathic remedy. I've been drinking the w
Magravs Energizer & Alkalizer Testimonials
Hi Richard, I received the Energizer and Alkalizer about a month ago and have been very impressed in particular, with how it has helped my husband. He suffers from acid reflux and a throat condition. He had developed a persistent cough which was getting worse and worse. He would get up in the morning and retch and cough for some time. I was getting quite concerned. The day after he started drinking the water his cough lessened dramatically. Now he coughs occasionally but not for long and most days he has very little if any, coughing. It is amazing! Sincerely, Rebecca Friedman January 01, 2018
Richard, I definitely noticed that the frequency and intensity of my chronic heartburn has sharply declined. I drink about a glass a day, more on the weekends when I am home. Anthony January 24, 2018
Hi Richard, Since using the Magravs Energizer & Alkalizer over a few months, I’ve been able to lose weight, plus I got over a urinary infection without antibiotics. The treated water is much easier to drink, it seems lighter and more fluid, so it’s easier to drink more and benefit from the cleansing and alkalising effect of that. In addition, it seems to have an addition non-physical effect, raising the vibration of my mind-body-spirit ensemble, so things are 26 January 2018 © Magravs Plasma Products Page 1 of 3
just going right in my life and positive synchronicities are happening. Subtle effects but taken together, pretty incredible really. And likewise, a similar story for my wife. With best regards, Peter Shepherd Founder & Webmaster of Trans4mind.com Co-Director Trans4mind Ltd "Minds, like parachutes, function better when open” January 26, 2018
Good morning, Richard ! I personally don't have any visible results with Magravs Energizer & Alkalizer but my girlfriend, just by taking two glasses of that activated water, once every few days, managed to get rid of pelvic pains that were very pressing, especially during menstrual period, and for that we are so happy:)). Plasma be with you, Sir ! Marian Lixandru January 24, 2018
Hello Richard, I've been noticing the alkaline water acts like a customized homeopathic remedy. I've been drinking the water for a while and find I'm inspired to do the disciplines I should and cut back on things I need less of, just as I would if I'd been given the correct homeopathic remedy. This is quite distinct, not something vague. When I used energised water in the Alkalizer and drank a lot of it, it had exactly the same effect as an over-energized homeopathic remedy. The best thing about this alkaline water is it's customized, so to speak. Homeopathic remedies are notoriously difficult to prescribe (there are about 40 remedies for coughs!), but this water is a perfect fit for my ailments. I'm 67 & have aches & pains here & there, plus brain fog & memory lapses ~ all of which have very noticeably improved. I have considerably more mental clarity, and as I said, I'm much more disciplined. When I get an ache, I do a stretch immediately. I used to think I should stretch, then forget to! It's all good!.. This rocks! Cheerio, Vibhooshana November 22, 2017 Hello Richard, I don't know if this will be of any particular interest, but it was cool when it happened.
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A week or two ago I drank a glass of GANS water before I went to bed & as I attempted to doze off, I noticed cells all over my body popping with energy, like tiny fireworks. It was a terrific micro light show! (But inconvenient, as I wanted to get to sleep!) This was quite informative. I'd felt energy from the water before, but it illustrated with crystal clarity how each cell was being energized. One other thing - I might have mentioned this before, can't recall - GANS water doesn't impose a "foreign" energy, something that I've previously encountered & I'd had to stop taking. GANS enhances one's own energy in a positive way. I call it prana. Cheerio, Vibhooshana January 17, 2018
Dr. Richard Presser
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