Delhi Public School Bangalore East October Newsletter Class IV
Whatever you do may be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it. - Mahatma Gandhi
Dear Parents, After studying hard for the half yearly exams, it’s now time for our little children to have some fun and frolic. It’s that time of the year again, when there is festivity all around us. We are all looking forward to the Durga Puja celebrations. We hope this break will be relaxing for all of us and we will be happy to see our children come back with more energy and enthusiasm. Regards Class Teacher
Portion for the month Subject
The story of Fidgety Philip(Literature) The Whale CB/WB The Archery Competition (Literature) Daan ka Hisab Vyakaran : Ling
Collect information about Whales.
Putaanigalu Mattu Gullivera
Related pictures
Division (Ex. 4.1- 4.4)
Grouping Symbols Lab Activity
Safety First Our Clothes
Social Science
Forests of India
Stick samples of objects used in a First Aid box. Collection of different types of cloth materials. Making a collage on forests and wildlife. Class discussion on forests and their importance.