Mahila Vikas Proposal presentation for 2010-11 - Asha for Education

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New Govt. school in nearby Madaba under Sarva. Shiksha Abhiyaan. □ Held Balmela, Childrens exposure tours. □ Mainstreamed 370 children over the past 3 ...
Mahila Vikas Tribal Children’s Education Project in Gajapati district, Orissa (Jul ‘10 – Jun ‘11) Stewards: Nikhil, Lakshmi

Orissa, India

Gajapati district

Project Description  Location: Gajapati District, Orissa  Area (urban/rural): Rural  Primary Focus: Dropout and non-school going girls of Rayagada block – inadequate or dysfunctional government schools  Project Type: Class 1-3 primary education  # of Beneficiaries: 300 children/year

Project Achievements  Provided education and healthcare to 300 tribal girls and sensitized the community about importance of education.  Provided primary education to girl children of ages 5-12 years from class 1 through class 3.  Started 15 bridge course (Sanjukta Vidyalaya) centers in 4 panchayats to enroll dropout and nonschool going children in govt schools.  122 girl children re-enrolled in govt. schools.  Utilized prolonged community involvement through – Project started by community, of community and for community.

Progress  Learning center kept constant at 15 till now. Community centers used for buildings.  Identify barefoot teachers and eligible students  Train barefoot teachers. 2 day orientation followed by 5 days training in two phases.  Sensitization camps held in each quarter in every panchayat to educate, inform and drive community consiting of VEC, PTA and SHG  New Govt. school in nearby Madaba under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan  Held Balmela, Childrens exposure tours  Mainstreamed 370 children over the past 3 years

Activities Last Year  Teacher training: Fun, low/no-cost methods of teaching, visit to nearby govt school.  Awareness and sensitization programs for the villagers.  Conducted study tours to 7 schools and nursing, technical colleges nearby.  Balmela: Organized 10 different sports and games, everyone given consolation prize, winner’s got steel carriers etc

Renewed Proposal for 2010-11 • Starting 5 new centers in the neighboring Silalati panchayat, Udayagiri block • Train 5 new education volunteers (EV) • Training in teaching process • Community mobilization • Sensitization to RTI and RTE for advocacy • Continue training VEC members • Organize 2 stakeholder meetings to discuss problems and opportunities • Admin costs: buying books for the library, printing annual report, Increase in honorarium by 10% in line with increase in costs & minimum wage of Rs. 90/day.

Proposal for RTI & RTE advocacy • • • •

During the previous years the emphasis was laid on awareness generation to the community on importance of education and as a result of the awareness programmes children were mainstreamed into the formal schools. VEC members will be empowered to mobilize resources. Ex: funds for establishing, repairing and maintenance of the schools. Govt. schools in the area have teachers who are mostly absent. On being questioned about it, they responded as this: “kindly give a complaint against me so that I will be transferred from this location to the town” ‘Right to Information Act’ to the rescue. The community will apply under RTI on the following information from the schools: – Total funds allotted to the school – Details of expenses incurred – Teacher’s monthly Report – Details of materials purchased for school etc. The advocacy process followed by the community will not only empower them to develop their village school, but also give them encouragement to lobby for other causes of their village

Budget in separate doc.

Comments Audit report sent Budget increase (6.12 lacs) from last year (4.67 lacs) is in line with them starting 5 new centers Recent survey found about 370 of mainstreamed children still continuing education Success stories Good candidate for WAH next year Responsive project partner

Discussions and modifications Various questions were asked and these were later clarified. A conference call was done between Nikhil, Mohit and Sibani Panigrahi (of Mahila Vikas) Issues about water, electricity and health came up Asked to add health camps to budget Revised budget (INR 7 lacs) was sent which also include brackets for monthly travel by EV's to Mahila Vikas HQ and submitting progress reports and action plans, additional supervisor and healthcamps Progess metrics have been defined for this project. Meeting minutes and progress metrics doc uploaded to the project page