Making Guitar: a balance between

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Usual guitarmaker's behaviour approach of their work guitarmaker model musicians intuition good…? not so good..? bad…? in feed-back only subjective.
Making Guitar: a balance between Science and Intuition

Jean Marie Fouilleul guitarmaker

Guitars from its Origins……(Heavens?..)



…to the Present Day More strings…, an instrument imagined by its player …M.Maccaferri

New soundholedesign to enlarge the top. (M.Montassier)


Usual guitarmaker’s behaviour approach of their work

in feed-back only subjective informations

guitarmaker intuition model

good…? musicians

not so good..? not so bad…? bad…?

Joël Laplane

• Science in service with Intuition • « my idea is to realize a structure which vibrates as longer as possible with a large spectrum of harmonics »

Less traction on the top…. Strings are fixed behind the bridge, on an inside-neck

Joël Laplane’s approach with scientists and musicians

in feed-back two types of informations


intuition model

Scientist analysis measures good…?


not so good..? not so bad…? bad…?


Jean-Luc Joie • Science but no intuition • «I’ve seen the opportunity to increase dynamic » • « Wood is not enough to go further »

a bridge inspired by the piano

Jean-Luc Joie ‘s guitar A new material A new concept A new design

Jean-Luc Joie’s approach with scientists and musicians


in feed-back two types of informations

Scientists : analysis - measures

discussion new concept-design model


good…? not so good..?

Musicians appreciations

not so bad…? bad…?

Daniel Friederich

• A rigorous bench scientist

« Intuition can precede the reasoned knowledge, but gives few chance of reproduction in case of success . »

Measures on top and on neck imagined by D.Friederich

Measures of the braces : flexion

Measures on the finished guitar: neck and top flexions

Daniel Friederich’s approach with scientists and musicians guitarmaker reproduction

in feed-back three types of informations


Systematic measures

Scientists: analysis

model good…? not so good..? Musicians appreciations

not so bad…? bad…?


Daniel Friederich’s instruments

• Tradition in aesthetic • Sober • Great quality of realization

To a collective research approach

The groupwork-The main partners:

UNFI : a french professional association of instrumentmakers

Vincent Doutaut : Ingeneer researches, ITEMM (Europeen Institut of Formation for Musictrade)

François Gautier: lecturer,LAUM (Acoustic Laboratory of Le Mans)

Jean-Loïc Le Carrou: p.h.d. student, LAUM

Bertrand David: lecturer, ENST ( National Telecom High School)

Nicolas Dauchez: lecturer, LAUM

Iris Brémaud: doctor,(Mechanic and Civil Ingeneering Laboratory)


A case with thick sides


Constant volume of the case Easy comparison of different tops Possibility to play the instrument


Sides and neck

Thick Back

Testing the top

Example of collaboration, works on: « characterization of the guitar in low frequencies »

« Helmoltz System »: a tool for assistance in making guitar

F.Gautier , J.L Le Carrou , C.Thepenier J.M Fouilleul

Demonstration with “Helmholtz” Interface Identity card of the guitar

Datas’s acquiring

Datas ‘s filing

To……. a « Home Acoustic Research Laboratory »

Informatic tools

Adapted to instrumentmaker

Reasonable price

References and Publications -« Different Configurations of the same Concert Guitar Characterized by Means of Modal Analysis and Noise Transfer » Laplane J., Minsen E., Charron S. Acoustica n°82 -« La Guitare à Travers les Spectres » M. Rosen, publication de l’Atelier de Recherches Appliquées de l’ITEMM -« La Guitare, Aperçus concernant le Fonctionnement et la Conception Organologique de la Guitare, l’Examen et le Choix des Bois, des Réflexions » Daniel Friederich , G.A.M n°92, Université Paris VI, 1977 -« Etude de Comportement Acoustique de la Table d’Harmonie d’une Guitare » D.Douau (D.E.A d’acoustique) Université du Maine, juin 1983 -« Evaluation des Propriétés Acoustiques, Mécaniques et Structurelles des Bois de Tables d’Harmonie de Guitares; Leur Influence sur le Timbre de l’Instrument » D.Douau (Thèse dedoctorat), Université du Maine, 1986 -« Approche du Fonctionnement Mécanique et Acoustique de la Guitare » J.C.Radier ( Thèse ) Université du Maine, Février 1985 -« Helmoltz: un outil de caractérisation des deux premiers modes de la guitare » F.Gautier, J.L Le Carrou, E.Collin, J.Duffaud, C.Frisson ,juillet 2005; Journées Professionnelles Facture Instrumentale « Mettre en Commun »

Special thanks to: V.Doutaut , F.Gautier , J.L Le Carrou