more than wound documentation. With +WoundDesk data exchange and data analysis becomes easy, the quality of care improve
Management of chronic wounds: a challenge for every health institution How big is the wound problem?
“It is a silent epidemic”
All around the world more than 400 million persons are suffering from wounds. The cost and incidence of chronic wounds is increasing, due in part to an aging population, increased prevalence of diabetes, and rising obesity.
30% Hospital stays
— The Wound Reach Foundation
39% Care time
How expensive is wound care?
31% Material
• In the U.S., wound care is a $22 billion/year problem. • One episode of leg ulcer care costs more than $40’000. • Diabetic foot ulcer treatment costs $9 billion/year.
Distribution of wound care costs
20% of in-patients suffers from chronic wounds To measure the impact of chronic wounds on nursing ressources, we can analyze the time used to assess and document chronic wounds. The time needed to realize a legally conform wound documentation including wound image is 15 minutes per patient.
63% of nursing time is dedicated to wound management
The solution: +WoundDesk With the mobile wound care solution +WoundDesk you can reduce up to 66% the time needed for wound assessment and documentation, from 15 minutes to 5 minutes and assure that each visit is legally conform documented. +WoundDesk offers you much more than wound documentation. With +WoundDesk data exchange and data analysis becomes easy, the quality of care improves and you save money.
50% of nursing time is used for 3% of population with chronic wounds
Nursing Home 30’000 beds
Small Hospital 1’000 beds
Nursing time needed for manual wound documentation 3.75 FTE
112.5 FTE
- or 7’200 hours
- or -
- or -
216’000 hours
1’080’000 hours
562.5 FTE
Nursing time saved using +WoundDesk 2.5 FTE
75 FTE
- or 4’800 hours
- or -
- or -
144’000 hours
720’000 hours
Want to try +WoundDesk for free? It is easy to sign up, to use and incorporated into your daily care routine. More information at