have been made in the management of cirrhosis and ascites. The chief factor .... management of ascites. * Endoscopy allo
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review article
current concepts
Management of Cirrhosis and Ascites Pere Ginès, M.D., Andrés Cárdenas, M.D., Vicente Arroyo, M.D., and Juan Rodés, M.D. From the Liver Unit, Hospital Clinic and University of Barcelona, Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi-Sunyer, Barcelona, Spain (P.G., A.C., V.A., J.R.); and the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (A.C.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Ginès at the Liver Unit, Hospital Clinic, Villarroel 170, 08036 Barcelona, Spain, or at
[email protected]. N Engl J Med 2004;350:1646-54. Copyright © 2004 Massachusetts Medical Society.
irrhosis, most frequently caused by hepatitis c or alcoholism, was the 12th leading cause of death in the United States in 2000, accounting for more than 25,000 deaths.1 Ascites is the most common complication of cirrhosis and is associated with a poor quality of life, increased risks of infections and renal failure, and a poor long-term outcome.2,3 In recent years, important advances have been made in the management of cirrhosis and ascites.
pathophy siology of ascites The chief factor contributing to ascites is splanchnic vasodilatation.4 Increased hepatic resistance to portal flow due to cirrhosis causes the gradual development of portal hypertension, collateral-vein formation, and shunting of blood to the systemic circulation. As portal hypertension develops, local production of vasodilators, mainly nitric oxide, increases, leading to splanchnic arterial vasodilatation.5 In the early stages of cirrhosis, splanchnic arterial vasodilatation is moderate and has only a small effect on the effective arterial blood volume, which is maintained within normal limits through increases in plasma volume and cardiac output.4 In the advanced stages of cirrhosis, splanchnic arterial vasodilatation is so pronounced that the effective arterial blood volume decreases markedly, and arterial pressure falls. As a consequence, arterial pressure is maintained by homeostatic activation of vasoconstrictor and antinatriuretic factors, resulting in sodium and fluid retention. The combination of portal hypertension and splanchnic arterial vasodilatation alters intestinal capillary pressure and permeability, facilitating the accumulation of retained fluid within the abdominal cavity. As the disease progresses, there is marked impairment in renal excretion of free water and renal vasoconstriction — changes that lead to dilutional hyponatremia and the hepatorenal syndrome, respectively4,6 (Fig. 1).
evaluation of patients with ascites general assessment
The evaluation of patients with cirrhosis and ascites should include not only an assessment of liver function but also an assessment of renal and circulatory function (Table 1). Ideally, patients should be evaluated when they are not receiving diuretic agents, since some variables related to renal function may be altered by the administration of these medications. Ascitic fluid should be examined to rule out spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in patients with new-onset ascites, whether or not they are hospitalized, and especially in those who have signs of infection, abdominal pain, encephalopathy, or gastrointestinal bleeding.
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current concepts
Increased resistance to portal flow
Portal hypertension
Splanchnic vasodilatation
Increase in splanchnic capillary pressure
Arterial underfilling
Lymph formation that exceeds lymph return
Activation of vasoconstrictor and antinatriuretic factors
Arterial and cardiopulmonary receptors
Sodium and water retention
Impaired free-water excretion
Expansion of plasma volume
Dilutional hyponatremia
Renal vasoconstriction
Hepatorenal syndrome
Figure 1. Pathogenesis of Ascites. Vasoconstrictor and antinatriuretic factors include norepinephrine, angiotensin II, aldosterone, and antidiuretic hormone.
evaluation for liver transplantation
All patients with ascites should be evaluated for transplantation, since the presence of ascites is associated with poor long-term survival (survival rate at five years, 30 to 40 percent, vs. 70 to 80 percent among patients who have undergone transplantation).3,8 The prognosis is not uniform among patients with ascites, but there is no widely accepted model for determining the prognosis for these patients.3,9-11 In clinical practice, the best meth-
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od of identifying patients who may have a poor outcome is to recognize conditions associated with severe impairment of renal or circulatory function, such as refractory ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, or the hepatorenal syndrome (Fig. 2). Transplantation in patients with any of these three conditions should be given priority. In the United States, priority is assigned on the basis of the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score,12 a quantitative index obtained with the use of a for-
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mula that incorporates the serum bilirubin and creatinine concentrations and the international normalized ratio. This system has not been validated specifically for patients with ascites.
prevention of other complications of cirrhosis
Patients with cirrhosis and ascites are at high risk for other complications of cirrhosis. Thus, preventive measures should be undertaken with the aim of reducing morbidity and improving survival. Complimanagement of ascites cations that can be effectively prevented include gastrointestinal bleeding due to gastroesophageal general measures Reduction of sodium intake is beneficial in patients varices,16 spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and the with ascites, particularly those with severe sodium hepatorenal syndrome (Table 2). retention that does not respond or responds only minimally to diuretics.13 A low-sodium diet (60 to specific measures 90 mEq per day, equivalent to approximately 1500 Moderate-Volume Ascites to 2000 mg of salt per day) may facilitate the elimi- In some patients, the amount of fluid in the peritonation of ascites and delay the reaccumulation of neal cavity is sufficient to cause moderate discomfluid.13,14 More stringent restriction is not recom- fort. Renal sodium excretion is not severely immended because it is poorly tolerated.14 Fluid intake paired in most of these patients, but they have a should be restricted (to approximately 1000 ml per positive sodium balance because sodium excretion day) only in patients with dilutional hyponatremia, is low relative to sodium intake. The rate of accumua condition characterized by a serum sodium con- lation of ascitic fluid is usually low, so large-volume centration of less than 130 mmol per liter in the ascites typically does not develop unless the sodipresence of ascites, edema, or both.15 Dilutional hy- um intake is high or there is a delay before medical ponatremia results from impaired renal excretion of assistance is sought. Renal free-water excretion and free water due to inappropriately high concentra- the glomerular filtration rate are normal in most cases; therefore, the serum sodium and creatinine contions of antidiuretic hormone.15 centrations are within normal limits. Patients with moderate-volume ascites can be Table 1. Evaluation of Patients with Cirrhosis and Ascites. treated as outpatients and do not require hospitalization unless they have other complications of cirEvaluation of liver disease rhosis. In most cases, a negative sodium balance Liver-function and coagulation tests Standard hematologic tests and loss of ascitic fluid are quickly achieved with Abdominal ultrasonography or computed tomography low doses of diuretics.14,19,20 The diuretic of choice Endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract* is either spironolactone (50 to 200 mg per day) or Liver biopsy in selected patients† Evaluation of renal and circulatory function amiloride (5 to 10 mg per day). Low doses of furoMeasurement of serum creatinine and electrolytes semide (20 to 40 mg per day) may be added during Measurement of urinary sodium (preferably from a 24-hour urine the first few days to increase natriuresis, especialcollection) Measurement of urinary protein (from a 24-hr urine collection) ly when peripheral edema is present. Furosemide Arterial blood pressure should be used with caution because of the risk of Evaluation of ascitic fluid excessive diuresis, which may lead to renal failure Cell count of prerenal origin. The recommended weight loss Bacterial culture Measurement of total protein to prevent renal failure of prerenal origin is 300 to Other tests (measurement of albumin, glucose, lactate dehydrogenase, 500 g per day in patients without peripheral edema amylase, and triglycerides; an acid-fast smear; and cytologic examand 800 to 1000 g per day in those with peripheral ination)‡ edema.21 The response to diuretics can be evaluat* Endoscopy allows assessment of the presence and characteristics of gastroed on the basis of changes in body weight and by esophageal varices. physical examination. Routine measurement of uri† Liver biopsy is warranted in patients who present with ascites and liver disease nary sodium during diuretic therapy is not necesof unclear type or cause. ‡ For the measurement of albumin, a gradient of serum albumin to ascitic fluid sary, except in patients in whom there is no weight albumin that is greater than or equal to 1.1 g per deciliter suggests that the asloss. In that situation, measurement of urinary socites is related to portal hypertension (which is indicative of cirrhosis in most dium provides an exact assessment of the response cases), whereas a gradient of less than 1.1 g per deciliter suggests that the ascites has another cause, such as peritoneal carcinomatosis, tuberculous perito diuretics and may help in the decision whether to tonitis, or pancreatitis.7 increase the dose of diuretics.
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current concepts
Large-volume ascites — that is, ascites in an amount large enough to cause marked abdominal discomfort, which interferes with regular daily activities — can be treated on an outpatient basis unless there are associated complications. Patients with largevolume ascites usually present with severe sodium retention (urinary sodium concentration, less than 10 mmol per liter), so that ascitic fluid accumulates rapidly, even when sodium intake is restricted. Most patients with large-volume ascites have normal renal free-water excretion and a normal serum sodium concentration. In some, however, free-water excretion is impaired and dilutional hyponatremia may develop, either spontaneously or when fluid intake is increased. The serum creatinine concentration is normal or only moderately higher than normal, indicating that the glomerular filtration rate is normal or only moderately reduced. There are two therapeutic strategies for largevolume ascites: large-volume paracentesis and the administration of diuretics at increasing doses (maximal doses, 400 mg of spironolactone per day and 160 mg of furosemide per day) until loss of ascitic fluid is achieved. The results of randomized trials comparing these two approaches support paracentesis as the method of choice.22,23 Although there is no difference between the two strategies with respect to long-term mortality, large-volume paracentesis is faster, is more effective, and is associated with fewer adverse events than diuretic therapy. Regardless of the strategy used, diuretics should be given as maintenance therapy to prevent recurrence of ascites.24 Removal of large amounts of ascitic fluid by paracentesis without the use of plasma expanders is associated with a derangement in circulatory function, characterized by a reduction of effective arterialblood volume and activation of vasoconstrictor and antinatriuretic factors.25-27 Circulatory dysfunction after large-volume paracentesis is associated with a high rate of recurrence of ascites, development of the hepatorenal syndrome or dilutional hyponatremia in 20 percent of cases, and shortened survival.25,28-30 Plasma expanders are effective in preventing this complication.25,28 Albumin is superior to dextran 70 and polygeline in preventing circulatory dysfunction after paracentesis involving the removal of more than 5 liters of fluid, but randomized studies show no significant difference in survival between patients treated with albumin and those treated with other plasma expanders, probably be-
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cause of the studies’ sample sizes.28,31,32 Although the use of albumin in this setting remains controversial because of its high cost and the lack of a documented survival benefit, albumin has a greater protective effect on the circulatory system than other expanders, a feature that supports its use in patients treated with large-volume paracentesis. Severe local complications related to paracentesis, such as infection or intestinal perforation, are exceedingly rare if the procedure is performed with an appropriate technique and with an appropriate needle.14,22,23,25-33 The incidence of clinically significant bleeding at the puncture site or hemoperitoneum is also extremely low, but most clinical trials have excluded patients with an elevated prothrombin time (more than 21 seconds), an international normalized ratio that exceeds 1.6, or a platelet count below 50,000 per cubic millimeter. The risk of bleeding complications in patients with more severe coagulopathy is unknown and warrants investigation. Refractory Ascites
Refractory ascites, which occurs in 5 to 10 percent of patients with ascites, is defined as a lack of response to high doses of diuretics (400 mg of spironolac-
Probability of Survival
Large-Volume Ascites
0.4 Refractory ascites Type 2 hepatorenal syndrome
0.2 Type 1 hepatorenal syndrome 0.0 0
Figure 2. Probability of Survival among Patients with Cirrhosis, Refractory Ascites, and the Hepatorenal Syndrome. Type 1 hepatorenal syndrome is a progressive impairment in renal function, defined by a doubling of the initial serum creatinine concentration in less than two weeks to a value greater than 2.5 mg per deciliter (221 µmol per liter). Type 2 hepatorenal syndrome is a stable or slowly progressive impairment in renal function that does not meet the criterion for type 1 hepatorenal syndrome.
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Table 2. Effective Interventions for Preventing Complications in Patients with Cirrhosis and Ascites. Complication and Setting
Propranolol or nadolol (stepwise increase in dose until the heart rate decreases by 25% or to 55–60 beats/min)
Reduces the risk of variceal bleeding and improves survival
Bosch et al.16
In patients with acute variceal bleeding
Oral norfloxacin (400 mg twice daily for7 days), intravenous ofloxacin (400 mg daily for 7 days), or intravenous ciprofloxacin (200 mg daily) plus oral amoxicillin–clavulanic acid (1 g and 200 mg, respectively, three times daily) for 7 days
Reduces the risk of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and improves survival
Rimola et al.17
In patients with ascitic-fluid protein concentration 1.5 mg/dl or 24-hr creatinine clearance