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Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection: Approximately 75% of all testicular cancer patients will retain the potential for fertility.10 Retroperitoneal lymph node ...
Original Articles TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2004) 4 (S1), 214–248 ISSN 1537-744X; DOI 10.1100/tsw.2004.71

Management of Male Infertility Sergio G. Moreira, Jr., M.D.1 and Larry I. Lipshultz, M.D.2,* 1Fellow in Male Reproductive Medicine and Surgery; 2Professor of Urology, Chief, Division of Male Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, Scott Department of Urology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Previously published in the Digital Urology Journal

GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS While 85% of couples are able to conceive after one year of protected intercourse, approximately 15% of couples are unable to initiate a pregnancy without some form of assistance or therapy. These patients are said to be "primarily infertile." In approximately one-third of these couples, a male factor appears to be singularly responsible, and in an additional 20% both a male and a female factor can be identified. Therefore, a male factor is at least partly responsible for difficulties in conception in roughly 50% of these couples. It has been shown that the longer a couple remains subfertile, the worse their chance for an effective cure. In addition, many couples experience significant apprehension and anxiety after only a few months of failure to conceive. For these reasons, unduly prolonged unprotected intercourse should not be advocated before workup of the male is instituted. Although it has often been recommended that clinical evaluation be delayed until 12 months of unprotected intercourse has passed, we believe that the initial screening of the male should be considered whenever the patient presents with the chief complaint of infertility. This initial evaluation, however, should be rapid, noninvasive, and cost-effective. The most important part of the management of male infertility is the correct diagnosis. The use of standard techniques for evaluating medical problems in general, such as complete history, physical examination, and laboratory tests is essential for this purpose.

INITIAL EVALUATION History A detailed history should address the duration of the couple's infertility, and also previous pregnancies with the present or previous partners. In addition, previous difficulty in achieving conception and any previous evaluation and treatment should be documented (Table 1).

Sexual Habits One of the most common problems encountered in this patient population is either too-frequent or tooinfrequent intercourse. Often, neither the husband nor the wife understands her menstrual cycle. They do Correspondence to: Larry I. Lipshultz, M.D., 6560 Fannin, Suite 2100, Houston, Texas 77030; Phone: (713) 798-6163/Fax: (713) 798-6007


Moreira and Lipshultz: Management of Male Infertility

TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2004) 4 (S1), 214–248

TABLE 1 Infertility History History of Infertility

Medical History

Gonadotoxins Chemicals (pesticides)

Duration Drugs (chemotherapeutic, cimetidine, Prior pregnancies Present partner Another partner Previous treatments

Systemic illness (i.e., diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis Previous/current therapy

sulfasalazine, nitrofurantoin, alchohol marijuana, androgenic steroids) Thermal exposure Radiation

Evaluation and treatment of wife Smoking

Sexual History

Surgical History

Family History

Orchiectomy (testis cancer, torsion) Potency Lubricants Timing of intercourse Frequency of intercourse Frequency of masturbation

Retroperitoneal injury Pelvic injury

Cystic fibrosis

Pelvic, inguinal, or scrotal surgery Herniorrhaphy

Androgen receptor deficiency Infertile first-degree relatives

Y-V plasty, transurethral resection of the prostate

Childhood & Development


Review of Systems

GU congenital anomalies Undescended testes, orchiopexy Viral, febrile

Respiratory infections

Mumps orchitis




Tuberculosis, smallpox (rare)

Impaired visual fields

Herniorrhaphy Y-V plasty of bladder Testicular torsion Testicular trauma Onset of puberty Modified from Sigman, Lipshultz, L.I., and Howards, S.S.: Evaluation of the subfertile male. In: Infertility in the Male, 3rd edition. Edited by L.I. Lipshultz and S.S. Howards. St.Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1997, p.174.

not realize that the optimal time for intercourse is midcycle and that the most effective frequency of intercourse is every 48 hours. This is based on the fact that sperm survival in normal cervical mucus and within the cervical crypts is approximately 2 days. Thus, this frequency will assure viable spermatozoa


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concurrently in the 24-hour period during which the egg will be within the fallopian tube and capable of being fertilized. It is also important to discuss coital techniques with the husband, e.g., the use of lubricants or the frequency of masturbation that can deplete the sperm "reserve." Many lubricants have been tested for in vitro effects on sperm motility.1 Commonly used substances, such as K-Y Jelly, Lubifax, Surgilube, Keri Lotion, petroleum jelly, and saliva result in a deterioration of motility. Others, such as raw egg white, vegetable oil, and the Replens douche, do not impair in vitro motility. Astroglide, a water-soluble, inert vaginal lubricant, contains no petroleum ingredients or detergents that may be toxic to sperm; however, with increasing concentration, there is impairment of sperm motility equivalent to that found with K-Y jelly.

Childhood Illnesses A history of specific childhood illnesses and disorders may be an important finding in the evaluation of the infertile male. For example, it has been shown that in the male born with a unilaterally undescended testis, regardless of the time of orchiopexy, overall semen quality is considerably less than that found in normal men. Approximately 30% of men with unilateral cryptorchidism and 50% with bilateral cryptorchidism have sperm densities below 12-20 million/mL.2 Despite this impairment in semen parameters, the majority of men with a history of one undescended testis are able to initiate a pregnancy without difficulty. Testicular trauma or torsion of the testes should be noted, since both can result in atrophic testes. Approximately 30% of men with history of testicular torsion will have abnormal results on semen analysis.3 A history of postpubertal mumps orchitis is also important. Mumps does not appear to affect the testes when experienced prepubertally. However after the age of 11 or 12, unilateral mumps orchitis is seen in 30% of males affected and bilateral orchitis in approximately 10%.4 Furthermore, the testicular damage can be quite severe and should be readily appreciated on physical examination, since the involved gonads will be markedly atrophic. Patients who have had operative correction (Y-V plasty) of their bladder neck during childhood often suffer from retrograde ejaculation due to ablation of the internal sphincter. Bladder neck reconstruction at the time of ureteral reimplantation surgery was common in the early 1960s; this patient population has now entered an age group when pregnancy will most likely be attempted. Retrograde ejaculation should be suspected in the man who gives a history of bladder surgery and whose ejaculate volume is less than 1 cc, severely oligospermic, and abnormally alkaline. The correct diagnosis can be made by finding large numbers of sperm in the postejaculate urine. Children born with congenital anomalies involving the male reproductive system, such as bladder exstrophy/epispadias, can also exhibit abnormalities of ejaculation because of difficulties with both intromission and ejaculation. Spermatogenesis is usually normal; however, the ejaculatory ducts may be obstructed, or retrograde ejaculation may occur. Also, a history of herniorrhaphy suggests the possibility of iatrogenic vasal injury.

Exogenous Agents That Interfere With Spermatogenesis The history should also include a detailed inquiry into exposure to environmental toxins and medications that may interfere with spermatogenesis, either directly or through alterations in the endocrine system. For agents such as heat, ionizing radiation, heavy metals, and some organic solvents, there are many studies that support these associations. Recent publications have also reported the effect of specific pesticides (i.e., dibromochloropropane) on gonadal function.5 Furthermore, reversibility has been substantiated when the oligospermic patient has been removed from this toxic environment.6 However, once azoospermia has occurred, return to a normal pre-exposure state is highly unlikely.


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Medications, such as sulfasalazine and cimetidine, or ingestants, such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or marijuana, have also been implicated as gonadotoxic agents. Withdrawal from these substances should enable return of normal spermatogenesis if they are acting adversely. Also, calcium ion channel blockers may interfere with sperm membrane function and fertilization ability.7 The use of androgenic steroids by athletes is a potentially significant cause of infertility in both adults and adolescents, and the problem is becoming more commonplace.8 The incidence of steroid abuse has been reported to be as high as 30%-75% among professional athletes or body builders. Androgenic steroids exert their deleterious effect by depressing gonadotropin secretion and interfering with normal spermatogenesis. Consequently, if a person is taking any of these medications at the time of initial interview, the medication should be stopped and the patient's semen reevaluated at a later date. Elevated temperatures, as in the routine use of saunas and hot tubs, may interfere with spermatogenesis.9

Surgical History Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection: Approximately 75% of all testicular cancer patients will retain the potential for fertility.10 Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection can involve excision of portions of the sympathetic chain necessary for ejaculation. Some patients will retain seminal emission, but many will have retrograde ejaculation or lose the ability to emit semen altogether. Prostatectomy: Patients who have had transurethral or open prostatectomy also have a high incidence of retrograde ejaculation. This incidence is reported to range from 40%-90%.

Physical Examination (Table 2) Physical examination of the infertile man should include a generalized and complete evaluation. Any factor that affects overall health can theoretically be responsible for abnormalities in sperm production. For that reason, the physical examination should be thorough, with emphasis placed on the genitalia.

Body Habitus If the patient appears to be inadequately virilized (androgen-deficient), as evidenced by decreased body hair, gynecomastia, eunuchoid proportions, etc., the diagnosis of delayed maturation due to an endocrine abnormality should be considered and evaluated.

Phallus Penile curvature or angulation should be assessed, as should the location of the urethral meatus, i.e., for presence of hypospadias. Abnormalities can result in improper placement of the ejaculate within the vaginal vault.


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TABLE 2 Physical Examination

Body Habitus

Decreased body hair Gynecomastia Eunuchoid proportions


Peyronie's disease Congenital curvature Hypospadias


Testicular volume Epididymal induration Presence/absence of vas deferens Varicocele

Digital Rectal Examination

Prostate size Prostatic/seminal vesicular mass/induration/cysts

Scrotum The scrotal contents should also be carefully palpated with the patient standing. Testicular size and consistency must be noted and the volume of the testis estimated either with an orchidometer or by measuring the long and wide diameter of the testes to the nearest millimeter. It has been shown that a decrease in testicular size is often associated with impaired spermatogenesis. Standard values of testicular size have been recorded for the normal population.11 These data document that in the normospermic male, the length of the testis should be greater than 4 cm and the volume greater than 20 mL. Examination of the peritesticular area is also essential. Epididymal induration, irregularity, and cystic changes should be noted, as should the presence absence of the vas deferens and any nodularity along its course. Certainly, engorgement of the pampiniform plexus should be identified, since a varicocele can cause abnormalities of gonadal function.12 Ideally, the patient should be examined in a warm room after standing for several minutes. Palpation for asymmetry of the spermatic cords, followed by a Valsalva maneuver with re-palpation of the spermatic cords, should be routinely performed. An "impulse" can often be felt with the increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) DRE is necessary to assess prostatic size, as well as to rule out prostatic and/or seminal vesicular induration, masses, or cysts.

LABORATORY ASSESSMENT Routine Laboratory Tests Semen Analysis Once an appropriate history and physical examination have been completed, appropriate laboratory testing should be performed. Certainly, the central component of the laboratory evaluation is the semen analysis. Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that the semen analysis is not a test for fertility. Fertility determination is a couple-related phenomenon that requires the initiation of a pregnancy. A female factor evaluation should be completed concurrently with that of the male to achieve optimal results.


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All specimens must be collected with a consistent abstinence period of 2-3 days and brought to the laboratory for evaluation of sperm motility and forward progression within 2 hours of collection. The specimen container should be clean, but not necessarily sterile. Some plastics contain residual spermatocidal chemicals and should be checked to rule out spermatotoxic contaminating material. Collection of the semen can be by masturbation, coitus interruptus, or with a special condom devoid of spermatocidal agents. It is important for the clinician to understand the difference between "normal" (average) and "adequate" (potentially fertile) semen quality. If one could measure semen quality in a non-biased population of patients, it would be possible to calculate a mean or average sperm density. However, these data have been difficult to obtain. A compilation of previous studies shows that the authors are not in agreement. Most of these patients are from vasectomy clinics, i.e., a setting where the critical period of sexual abstinence could not be controlled and where the motivation for obtaining a complete ejaculate was not high. In addition, the mean age of this population is higher than that of men presenting for routine fertility evaluation. Clinical studies of infertile patients have also established limits of adequacy, below which initiation of a pregnancy becomes statistically increasingly difficult (Table 3). World Health Organization (WHO) standards are slightly, though not significantly, different (Table 4). Nevertheless, men with high-quality spermatozoa may be fertile with very low sperm densities. TABLE 3 Semen Analysis: Minimal Standards of Adequacy On at least two occasions: Ejaculate volume: Sperm density: Motility: Forward progression: Morphology:

1.5-5.0 mL >20 million/mL >60% >2 (scale 0-4) >60% normal

And: No significant sperm agglutination No significant pyospermia No hyperviscosity Modified from Sigman, Lipshultz, L.I., and Howards, S.S.: Evaluation of the subfertile male. In: Infertility in the Male, 3rd edition. Edited by L.I. Lipshultz and S.S. Howards. St.Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1997, p.174.

Basic Laboratory Tests Laboratory investigation of testicular function begins with basic screening tests. The tests to be performed will depend on the clinical history and physical examination. The hormones most frequently measured are testosterone (T), luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Serum T reflects Leydig cell function and provides an easy available indicator of intratesticular testosterone. Measurement of circulating LH and FSH levels allows the clinician to determine if a patient's endocrine dysfunction is the result of primary testicular failure or hypothalamic and/or pituitary deficiency.


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TABLE 4 World Health Organization (WHO) Criteria For Normal Semen Values Volume pH Sperm concentration Total sperm count Motility Morphology

>/= 2.0 cc or greater 7.2-7.8 >/= 20 million/cc >/= 40 million >/= 50% with normal morphology > 30% normal forms

Modified from Gilbert, B.R., et al.: Semen analysis in the evaluation of male factor subfertility. AUA Update Series, Lesson 32, VolumeXI, 1992.

Other tests are indicated in certain circumstances. Serum prolactin should be measured in patients with signs and symptoms suggestive of a pituitary tumor, in any patient with a low serum testosterone level without an associated increase in serum LH, and in patients taking psychotropic drugs or centrally acting antihypertensives. An assessment of other pituitary hormones (adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH], thyroidstimulating hormone [TSH], and growth hormone [GH]) is recommended in all patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (LH and FSH deficiency).

Additional Laboratory Tests Between 10% and 20% of infertile couples evaluated will be found to have "unexplained" infertility. In the female, this percentage is rapidly decreasing as more sophisticated techniques have been developed to accurately identify the efficacy of evaluation. In the male, we have only recently come to realize that sperm number and motility, as determined by routine semen analysis, do not define function or true sperm quality. Consequently, additional tests have been developed to identify other abnormalities of semen parameters. These include leukocyte and antisperm antibody identification, as well as tests of sperm function.

Quantitation of Leukocytes in Semen Recently, monoclonal antibody technology has been applied to the identification of leukocytes in semen. Some patients presenting for infertility demonstrate numerous round cells in their semen. With a standard semen analysis, it is very difficult to differentiate between immature germ cells and leukocytes. Since pyospermia may indicate an infection, it is useful to be able to determine the cell type. Recent work by Anderson has shown that infertile men have higher white blood cell counts in their ejaculates than normal men.13

Antisperm Antibody Testing The presence of antisperm antibodies (ASA) in the semen often correlates with lower pregnancy rates. Such a condition may be suggested by several risk factors, including prior genital infections, testicular trauma or biopsy, heat-induced testicular damage, or genital tract obstruction (Table 5). ASA may also be suspected on semen analysis with clumping/agglutination, diminished motility, a poor postcoital test, or the presence of the "shaking" phenomenon on sperm-cervical cross-mucus testing.


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TABLE 5 Risk Factors in the Development of Antisperm Antibodies (ASA) Obstruction: Vasectomy Vasectomy reversal Vasal or seminal vesicle agenesis Testicular Infection: Orchitis Venereal disease Prostatitis Thermal: Varicocele Cryptorchidism

Physical Injury: Trauma Torsion Biopsy Coitus Genetic: Human lymphocyte antigens

Modified from Turek, P.J.: Immunopathology and infertility. In: Infertility in the Male, 3rd Edition. Edited by L.I. Lipshultz and S.S. Howards. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1997, p.313.

Although several different methods to detect these antibodies have been described, the most accurate assay currently appears to be the immunobead test. This assay utilizes polyacrylamide beads to which rabbit antihuman antibodies have been linked. It can accurately detect IgA or IgG antibody binding to the head, midpiece, or tail of motile sperm. A finding of more than 20%-50% of sperm demonstrating immunobead binding is felt to be clinically significant. Tests that measure antisperm antibodies in the serum or seminal plasma are less useful than sperm-bound antibody assays, as it is the sperm surface antibodies that most likely product the functional deficits associated with immunologic infertility.

Advanced Sperm Fertility Tests There is no single sperm assay that is a global indicator of male infertility. Therefore, to assess properly the ability of the spermatozoon to fertilize, one must optimally use a combination of tests and be aware there is no widely accepted standard advanced sperm function test that is currently in use. Also, one must be clear regarding the purpose for semen measurements and sperm function tests.

(a) Strict Morphology Traditionally, the semen analysis included the percentage of spermatozoa with normal morphology, and if this percentage was below the normal threshold, these patients were considered to be teratozoospermic. In 1986, Kruger et al. introduced "strict" criteria with a clinically significant threshold of 14% normal forms.14 These criteria were based on measurements taken from spermatozoa that successfully migrated to the cervix. Normal sperm morphology, as assessed by these strict criteria, is an excellent predictor of in vitro fertilization (IVF) rates. The IVF rates were substantially reduced in individuals with less than 14% morphologically normal spermatozoa and reduced even more when this percentage was less than 4%. To assess sperm morphology, spermatozoa are fixed with the Papanicolaou stain, and at least 200 spermatozoa per slide are analyzed. The criteria for the normal spermatozoon include a smooth, oval sperm head measuring 3-5 micrometers in length and 2-3 micrometers in width. There should be no defects of the neck, midpiece, or tail, and a well-defined acrosome should comprise 40%-70% of the sperm head (Fig. 1). There should be no cytoplasmic droplets larger than half the size of the sperm head.


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FIGURE 1. Criteria for Kruger strict morphology.

All borderline forms are classified as abnormal. Abnormal head forms include tapered, pyriform, duplicated, macro, micro, and amorphous. Other modified versions of strict criteria have also been described. Notably, WHO has recently issued stricter criteria and lowered the reference value of normal sperm forms of sperm to an empirically set minimum of 30%. Advocates feel that this simple, rapid, and inexpensive test can be most useful as a predictor of IVF rates and in optimizing IVF rates by increasing the concentration of inseminated spermatozoa for teratozoospermic patients. Currently, many investigators have adapted strict morphology as a routine laboratory sperm test.

(b) Computer-Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA) CASA was introduced in the 1980s to provide an automated, objective, and standardized evaluation of sperm concentration and movement. The variables measured by most CASA systems are sperm density, percent motility, straight-line velocity, curvilinear velocity, linearity, average path velocity, amplitude of lateral head displacement, flagellar beat frequency, and hyperactivation This technology is based on digitalized sperm images that are visualized by a video camera and analyzed by a computer. Disadvantages of CASA include standardization of specimen preparation, cost, technician expertise, and an understanding of the limitations of computer-based analysis. In addition, CASA can be highly inaccurate when measuring spermatozoa at very high or very low concentrations. Routine use of CASA in the andrology laboratory is controversial in part because of a lack of understanding of the specifications and limits of this equipment and also because in the majority of cases CASA may offer little clinical advantage over routine semen analysis.

(c) Hypo-Osmotic Swelling Test (HOS) In 1984, Jeyendran et al. reported that under hypo-osmotic conditions (150 mOsm/L), a normal spermatozoon will absorb fluid resulting in bulging of the plasma membrane and curling of its tail.15 This test is based upon the principle that a living spermatozoon can maintain an osmotic gradient whereas a dead cell cannot. This curling is readily detected by using phase-contrast microscopy (Fig. 2). This simple test measures the physical and functional integrity of the plasma membrane and therefore viability. In an


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FIGURE 2. Hypo-osmotic swelling of spermatozoa. Hatched areas indicate swelling. A, no tail swelling and an abnormal response. B-G, various types of tail swelling and a normal response. (From Jeyendran RS, et al: J. Reprod. Fertil., 70:219, 1984.)

abnormal sample, less than 50% of spermatozoa swell; in a normal one, more than 60% of spermatozoa react. The investigators believe that when performed properly, this test provides functional information independent of other fertility tests and is particularly useful when no swelling is seen, correlating in this instance with very poor IVF results. This assay can differentiate immotile but viable spermatozoa from necrospermia. The HOS test is currently used most often in selecting live testicular sperm intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), where there is little or no motility.

(d) Viability Stain Assays Viability stains are also used to determine if spermatozoa are alive and if the plasma membrane is intact. These tests are based on the principle that live cells can exclude dye whereas damaged dead cells cannot. The stains used are eosin Y and trypan blue. The vitality results of the stain assay and of the HOS test correlate very closely, since both evaluate the integrity of the plasma membrane. Similar to the HOS test, these assays add little to predicting prognosis of IVF results and determining a diagnosis, except in cases with very low or absent motility (by differentiating it from necrospermia). Unfortunately, once sperm are stained, they are no longer viable and cannot be used for ICSI.

(e) Cervical Mucus/Sperm Interaction Assays The spermatozoa must travel through the cervical mucus to reach the uterus. Failure of passage through the cervical mucus is the primary cause of infertility for 10% of couples consulting for this condition. The quality of the cervical mucus varies during the menstrual cycle. The postcoital test (PCT), first performed by Sims more than 125 years ago, has traditionally been a common way to determine cervical mucus/sperm interaction. This test evaluates sperm concentration and motility in an aspirate of cervical mucus at midcycle shortly after the couple has intercourse. Results of a normal PCT would show the presence of 20 or more spermatozoa per high-power field. An abnormal PCT results most commonly is secondary to inappropriate timing of coitus. Other causes include ASA, anovulation, an abnormal hormonal milieu, female or male genital tract infections, poor semen quality, and male sexual dysfunction. Because this test relies heavily on factors that are beyond the control of the clinic, the usefulness of the PCT in infertility investigation has been questioned. Whereas the presence of motile spermatozoa indicates that spermatozoa can survive in the cervical mucus, failure to find motile spermatozoa is more difficult to interpret.


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Tests that investigate the in vitro interaction between spermatozoa found in semen and sperm-free midcycle mucus are also clinically useful. In vitro tests, such as the capillary test, were introduced in an attempt to standardize the sperm-mucus penetration capacity. The crossed mucus-hostility assay, which uses donor spermatozoa and mucus as controls, is utilized to determine if it is the male or female partner who is responsible for poor sperm-cervical mucus interaction. Recently, a commercial assay (Penetrak test) has been developed using bovine cervical mucus that is similar to human cervical mucus both biochemically and physiologically. However, this assay does not assess the female component of the cervical factor. The Tru-Trax Assay (Humagen) combines both approaches, placing human and bovine cervical mucus in adjacent wells. Niederberger et al. have shown reliability and reproducibility in both assays.16 Some investigators have reported a poor correlation of cervical mucus penetration assays with IVF and pregnancy rates, while others refute this. There is also disagreement of whether these assays correlate with one another, with motility and other semen variables. It is likely that the cervical mucus penetration test measures a sperm function that is independent of other sperm functions measured.

(f) Sperm Capacitation Assays, Mannose-Ligand Receptor Assays, and Acrosome Reaction Assays Currently, these tests are more commonly used for research purposes.

(g) Sperm Penetration Assay (SPA) The SPA was developed to measure the functional properties of sperm and was initially developed following the observation that, upon the removal of the zona pellucida of hamster ova, the species specificity of fertilization and the block to polyspermy are lost. In particular, heterologous penetrations between hamster ova and sperm from a variety of species, including humans, has been observed. Ideally, human ova should be used for this assay, but they are not widely available, and there are ethical problems associated with their use. Therefore, hamster ova have provided a useful model for the measurement of human sperm function. For fertilization to occur in vivo, the sperm must first be capacitated and have undergone the acrosome reaction. The physiology of sperm capacitation is not clearly defined. In particular, it is not known whether capacitated sperm that have gained the ability to penetrate human ova have undergone the acrosome reaction, or whether this occurs as a local event at the time of gamete fusion. The use of SPA as a measure of potential fertility is based on the theory that fertile sperm samples will either penetrate most hamster ova or result in a significant amount of polyspermy of the penetrated ova. Infertile sperm samples are expected to penetrate a lower percentage of ova or result in a lesser degree of polyspermy. Consideration should be given to obtaining the SPA in couples with unexplained infertility or in couples in whom the decision is being made to proceed with intrauterine insemination (IUI) or IVF, since lower SPA results have been predictive of poor success with IVF and lower pregnancy rates in couples attempting conception through intercourse.17

(h) Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Assay For cells living under aerobic conditions, oxygen represents a paradox: While it is required for survival and normal function, its metabolites can be potentially toxic due to the generation of oxygen-free radicals. Some of these metabolites, called ROS, have been shown to be produced by spermatozoa and to generate toxic effects on sperm function. However, when produced at the right time and amount, these ROS can also initiate and promote normal physiologic reactions such as sperm hyperactivation and capacitation. In human semen, high ROS formation was detected in 40% of semen samples from an unselected population of men consulting an infertility clinic.


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Genetic Evaluation Genetic abnormalities related to male infertility need to be considered in terms of being (1) causative for male infertility and (2) potentially transmissible to the offspring. Reasons for pursuing a genetic evaluation include (1) establishing a diagnosis, (2) establishing the genetic origin of the abnormality, (3) clarifying the pattern of inheritance, and (4) providing information on natural history, variation, and expression. When examining the offspring, the physician should keep in mind that abnormalities may be transmitted from either parent, or may arise de novo, depending on the specific defect. The three most common known genetic factors related to male infertility are cystic fibrosis (CF) gene mutations leading to congenital absence of the vas deferens, Y-chromosome microdeletions leading to spermatogenic impairment, and karyotype abnormalities. When a man has azoospermia, it is the responsibility of the urologist to determine whether testicular failure or obstruction is present. If the vas deferens is not palpable, unilaterally or bilaterally, then CF gene mutation testing is necessary. The most commonly encountered condition in this category is cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene mutations, which typically manifest in men with azoospermia and vasal or epididymal abnormalities. The most common manifestation is congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens, which occurs in 1%-2% of men presenting with infertility. The carrier status for this autosomal recessive condition is quite common, being present in 1/25 persons of Northern European descent and with over 550 CFTR gene mutations having been reported. Because of the potentially fatal nature of this autosomal recessive disorder for the offspring, screening should now be considered routine when vasal or epididymal abnormalities are suspected. Deletions in the Y chromosome (i.e., DAZ, YSRRM, and AZF a, b, c deletions) are now known to result in severe oligospermia and azoospermia. Consequently, a genetic etiology of male factor infertility must be considered in these patients. At our institution, in those patients with a sperm density of less than 10 million/mL, we send peripheral blood for Y chromosome analysis. A positive analysis has implications not only for diagnosis, but in the age of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), for potential transmission of subfertility to a male offspring. The role for chromosomal analysis (+/- painting) has yet to be defined for patients undergoing ICSI but should be performed in cases of ICSI failure. Karyotyping can uncover genetic abnormalities in the infertile male including structural chromosomal disorders such as Klinefelter's (classic 47,XXY), mixed gonadal dysgenesis, chromosomal translocations, and XYY syndromes. Chromosomal abnormalities are not uncommon in the general population, as the incidence has been estimated at 0.5%. Klinefelter's syndrome is relatively common with an incidence of 1 in 500 live male births and is the most common abnormality of sexual differentiation, while the XYY male syndrome occurs in about 1 in 1000 live births.18 A great majority of these patients are fertile, with infertility being as common as the normal population. Identification of these disorders is important because with the advent of ICSI, men with Klinefelter's syndrome (mosaic and non-mosaic) can have sperm harvested from testis biopsies and initiate a pregnancy with resultant genetically normal embryos19. Men with Klinefelter's may also have severe oligozoospermia.

SURGICAL TREATMENT OF THE INFERTILE MALE Diagnostic Studies (a) Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS) TRUS offers a noninvasive means of studying both the prostate and the accessory sex glands. The indications for TRUS remain controversial, but standard criteria include low volume and acidic azoospermic semen specimens. These findings suggest absence of seminal vesicle fluid in the semen consistent with complete ejaculatory duct obstruction. Also, dilated seminal vesicles are suggestive of ejaculatory duct obstruction due to a midline cyst, which may respond to a transurethral resection of the


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ejaculatory ducts (TURED). Ultrasound guidance may be used during needle aspiration of the seminal vesicles, which may help determine if there is ejaculatory duct obstruction.

(b) Vasography Vasography can be performed at the time of testicular biopsy if normal spermatogenesis is demonstrated. A transverse micro-incision in the vas near the junction of the straight and convoluted portions will allow immediate examination of the effluxing fluid for the presence of sperm as well as localization of the level of obstruction. The use of optical magnification (we use the operating microscope) is advised. Sterile saline may be injected distally in an antegrade direction to assess vasal patency. If resistance is encountered, distal obstruction must be ruled out. Chromotubation or antegrade injection of indigo carmine into the vas deferens is next performed. The urethra is then catheterized to check for blue-stained urine. The absence of blue urine confirms distal vasal obstruction. The site of vasal obstruction may then be documented by passing a #0 Prolene suture in an antegrade direction through the vas and determining the distance from the vasotomy to the level of the obstruction. If the level of obstruction remains unclear, an antegrade vasogram, using sterile Hypaque or Renografin solution, will demonstrate the anatomy of the distal vasal obstruction. Retrograde injection should be avoided as epididymal trauma may result. In an effort to avoid leakage or stricture formation, a microsurgical technique should be used to repair the vasotomy site, i.e., closure with 10-0 and 9-0 monofilament microsutures.

(c) Testis Biopsy Since the early reports by Charny and Hotchkiss in the 1940s,20,21 the importance of testis biopsy in the male infertility evaluation has been recognized. Testis biopsy is important in the azoospermic patient for differentiating obstruction from nonobstructive testicular pathology. In addition, in the patient with severe, unexplained oligospermia, a testis biopsy can provide a tissue diagnosis that will furnish prognostic information and help direct future medical treatment.22 Bilateral biopsies may be indicated if there is a suggestion of an asymmetrical testicular lesion, such as ductal obstruction with primary testicular failure.23 Testis biopsy can also be used for "mapping" of the testes for later sperm aspiration for ICSI.24 Elevated serum gonadotropins should not preclude direct scrotal investigations; surprisingly good sperm production may be present in the setting of very high FSH values. In addition, testicular biopsy for screening of intratubular germ cell neoplasia or carcinoma in situ (CIS) is of relevance to the infertile population, since an increased incidence of CIS is found in men with a history of cryptorchid testes.25 The technique of open testis biopsy has been well described in many texts. Local anesthesia using a cord block and local infiltration often with mild sedation may be utilized. A general anesthetic is preferable if extensive scrotal exploration with concurrent microsurgical correction is indicated. A "window" technique provides the simplest approach and should be used if obstruction is not suspected. The anterior scrotal skin is stretched while the testis is lifted, and a 1-2 cm incision is made through the tunica vaginalis. Small hemostats placed on the edges of the tunica vaginalis offer easier closure. If local anesthesia is being utilized, Lidocaine may then be dripped onto the surface of the tunica albuginea. Placement of a small eyelid retractor may improve exposure at this point. After the tunica albuginea is incised for approximately 5 mm with a #11 scalpel blade, gentle pressure on the testis will extrude the seminiferous tubules. With a no-touch technique, the specimen is excised with sharp Iris scissors and promptly placed in Bouin's, Zenker's, or buffered glutaraldehyde solution. Ten percent formalin, used in most types of tissue fixation, will introduce distortion artifacts in the testis biopsy and should not be used. Prior to placing the specimen into the solution, a touch preparation slide can be made for immediate review, i.e., testicular cytology. Hemostasis is obtained with careful use of electrocautery, and the tunica albuginea is closed with fine, absorbable suture as are the layers of the scrotum. If there is no intention to repair an obstructive ductal


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lesion, the "window" technique is preferable to exposing the entire testicle, which will encourage the formation of adhesions; this makes future exploration more difficult. If epididymal obstruction is suspected, the testis should be introduced into the operative field through a more generous scrotal incision. Testicular Needle Biopsy: Several reports have appeared discussing the relative merits of needle versus open testis biopsy. The performance of needle biopsy suggests that the study can be performed as an office procedure, with little pain and low morbidity, and yields adequate information. Techniques have been described using the Vim-Silvermann26 or Tru-Cut biopsy needle27 to obtain a core of tissue or using fine-needle aspiration with material smeared on the microscope slide. A high degree of correlation with the findings on routine histologic section has been demonstrated. However, tissue sampling is not really as comprehensive. One potential use of needle biopsy would be to document active spermatogenesis in an azoospermic patient in the office setting, so that subsequent operative exploration with microsurgical capability can be planned. Testicular Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA) Cytology: FNA cytology of the testis has also been described extensively and has been described as a minimally traumatic procedure having high correction with histologic studies.28 Because of the "heterogenous picture" of the spermatogenic process within the testis, a single aspirate or biopsy may not be truly reflective of the entire testis.29 Testicular FNA has not gained widespread acceptance in the evaluation of the infertile male for numerous reasons. Although cellular detail is excellent, information regarding peritubular fibrosis, the interstitial tissue, and cellular arrangement is lacking. Testicular Cytology: We have been studying the use of two techniques that allow cytologic analysis of the germinal epithelium using a testis biopsy.30 These are the "touch imprint" and ìcytospinî preparations. The former has proved the easiest with clear cytologic findings. An open biopsy specimen is touched to or gently smeared across a microscopic slide, which is then rapidly sprayed with cytofixative and stained with routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). A cytospin is prepared by immersing the specimen in cold tissue culture solution and agitating gently for 1 minute. The specimen is then removed and placed in an appropriate fixative for routine processing, while the cold solution containing cells that have washed out of the cut tubules is centrifuged on a cytospin processor and stained. These methods provide a rapid means of examining the cellular contents of the seminiferous tubules. Because mature, intact spermatozoa are clearly identified in this manner, we have found such cytologic preparations useful in distinguishing late maturation arrest from normal biopsies; this is often difficult on frozen or paraffin sections. We have also found cytology to be the most rapid means of confirming intraoperatively that complete spermatogenesis is occurring.

Procedures to Improve Sperm Production (a) Varicocele Detection A varicocele is defined as a dilatation of the pampiniform venous plexus that surrounds the testis. The surgical correction of a varicocele, known as varicocelectomy, is the most commonly performed operation for the treatment of male infertility. Physical Examination: Careful physical examination is mandatory for the accurate diagnosis of varicocele, and little difficulty is encountered in identifying large or moderate-sized varicoceles. The distended veins may appear as a vermiform bluish discoloration beneath the scrotal skin. Dubin and Amelar described the classical "bag of worms" appearance on palpation. Varicoceles can be described according to their size, as large or grade 3 when visible through the scrotal skin; moderate or grade 2 when easily palpable without a Valsalva maneuver, and small or grade 1 when palpable only with the


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Valsalva maneuver. The physical examination has to be performed with the patient in both supine and upright positions. A warm and comfortable environment is also important. Adjunctive Diagnostic Tests: Doppler. A pencil-probe Doppler (9 MHz) can be used to aid in the diagnosis of the varicocele. With the patient in the upright position and performing the Valsalva maneuver, a venous "rush" is heard, and the clinical impression of a varicocele may be confirmed. Nevertheless, the significance of a positive test result in subfertile, oligospermic patients with a subclinical varicocele screened by Doppler is uncertain; this test should only be used as an adjuvant technique to confirm physical findings consistent with a varicocele or to examine the contralateral cord to determine if a hard-to-palpate varicocele exists. Ultrasonography. The usefulness of ultrasonography in the evaluation of the subfertile male has been clinically demonstrated, especially in patients with a small scrotum or thickened scrotal skin that interferes with the diagnosis. For patients with recurrent or persistent varicoceles, a color-flow Doppler may be helpful. There is no consensus on the scientific merits of correcting a subclinical varicocele, nor is there agreement on whether one should extensively investigate suspected lesions in patients who have one. Venography. Retrograde spermatic venography is the most sensitive technique for diagnosis of varicoceles; reflux is seen in almost 100% of patients with a varicocele. However, its specificity and significance in reference to the "subclinical" varicocele are unclear. Due to the invasive nature of venography, it should not be used routinely to diagnose varicoceles. The most appropriate indication for venography is the persistent varicocele in the postsurgical patient. Additional Techniques. Scrotal thermography and scintigraphy with technetium-99m may be useful in supporting the diagnosis of clinically apparent varicoceles; however, these techniques should not be used to search for a subclinical varicocele.

(b) Varicocele - General Concepts Varicoceles are found in approximately 15% of the general population, including adolescents and adults,31 in 35% of men with primary infertility (reported range: 19%-41%),32 and in 80% of men with secondary infertility. Improvements in seminal variables, testicular size, and testicular histology have been observed after varicocelectomy.33-35 Varicocele repair has been reported to improve spermatogenesis in 50%-80% of patients, and 30%-40% will initiate a pregnancy after the procedure.36 Clinically, varicoceles occur more commonly as isolated left-sided lesions (60%-90%). Although the incidence of bilateral varicoceles historically has been reported to be approximately 10%, more recent studies have shown bilaterality in 30%-50% of cases.35,36 The isolated right-sided varicocele is uncommon and causes concern regarding the possibility of an underlying retroperitoneal abnormality, such as renal tumor with venous invasion. The left internal spermatic vein drains perpendicularly into the left renal vein, taking a course that is approximately 8-10 cm longer than that of the right internal spermatic vein, which enters the inferior vena cava at an oblique angle. This unique venous insertion on the left can result in increased hydrostatic pressure, overcoming valvular mechanisms and resulting in venous backflow, venous dilatation, and ultimate varicocele formation. Increased hydrostatic pressure within the left internal spermatic vein may also result from compression of the left renal vein between the superior mesenteric artery and the aorta, the so-called "nutcracker" effect. Absence or incompetence of valves appears to play a role in the etiology of the varicocele.37 Most varicoceles are thought to be due to abnormalities of the internal spermatic venous system. Nonetheless, dilatation of the external spermatic (cremasteric) system may be clinically significant, and it has been suggested that any vein greater than 4 mm in diameter should be ligated.38


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(c) Pathophysiology There are several hypotheses to explain the mechanisms by which a unilateral varicocele may exert a bilaterally deleterious effect on spermatogenesis and fertility. These include renal and adrenal reflux, hypoxia, hormonal dysfunction, and hyperthermia. Renal and Adrenal Reflux: The reflux of metabolic products or by-products of the adrenal glands and kidneys has been hypothesized to have a toxic effect on testicular function. The pathophysiology of the varicocele remains to be clearly defined. The role of renal metabolites has not been adequately investigated. Hypoxia: It has been hypothesized that varicoceles cause hypoxia because of the stagnation of less oxygenated blood pooling around the testes. Hypoxia, indeed, may have a detrimental effect on spermatogenesis, but there is no evidence that varicoceles induce hypoxia. Hormonal Dysfunction: Decreased levels of plasma testosterone were found in patients with varicocele; this hypoandrogenic state may play a part in the effects of varicocele on spermatogenesis.39 Other authors have shown that testosterone levels in venous or internal spermatic vein blood of patients with varicocele do not differ from those of normal men. Also, a subtle alteration in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis can be found in some varicocele patients.40 Whether this is the mechanism of the effect of the varicocele or the result of the primary pathophysiologic effect of the varicocele is unclear. Hyperthermia: Elevation of scrotal temperature is the factor most widely believed to explain the observed effects of the varicocele on spermatogenesis. In normal patients, intrascrotal temperatures are 0.6o-0.8oC lower than the intrascrotal temperatures of patients with varicoceles.41 In patients with preoperative sperm concentrations of less than 50 million/mL and postoperative counts of greater than 50 million/mL, a decrease in scrotal temperatures of 0.5oC was found after varicocelectomy.42

(d) Indications for Repair Infertility: Impaired fertility is the most common indication for varicocele repair. However, one must be certain that there are not other causes for the patient's infertility as well. Moreover, the mere presence of a varicocele in a subfertile male is not alone an indication for varicocele repair. The varicocele repair can improve parameters measured by the semen analysis and morphology measured by strict criteria.43 Symptoms: Testicular or scrotal pain is not commonly experienced by patients with varicoceles; if pain is persistent, after other causes of pain are ruled out, a varicocele repair may be beneficial. Peterson et al. showed an 86% incidence of complete resolution of pain after varicocele ligation.44 However, conservative measures, such as scrotal support and analgesics, should be offered first. Pediatric and Adolescent Varicocele: There are several reports in the literature indicating that the childhood varicocele may become apparent peripubertally and that early corrective therapy could prevent future damage to the individual's fertility status; however, this remains a controversial subject. As we noted previously,45 the presence of a varicocele is associated with loss of testicular mass that appears to be progressive with age. After a pediatric or adolescent varicocele is corrected, a significant increase in testicular volume can be observed- a phenomenon called "catch-up" growth of the affected testis.46 Many authors have adopted the position that a pediatric varicocele should be left untreated unless there is significant testicular asymmetry or impaired testicular growth (>20% volume disparity). Secondary Infertility: The role of varicoceles in infertility in males with secondary infertility is generally agreed upon. Witt and Lipshultz, in 1993, determined that the varicocele is a progressive lesion that can result in loss of previously established fertility.47


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(e) Surgical Treatment Surgical varicocele repair is the mainstay of varicocele therapy. The goal of intervention is the complete disruption of the internal spermatic venous drainage of the testicle without damaging the internal spermatic artery, vas deferens with its blood supply, and spermatic cord lymphatics. Several surgical approaches have been used. These include the scrotal approach, the inguinal approach (modified Ivanissevich), the retroperitoneal approach (modified Palomo), and the laparoscopic approach. The scrotal approach is rarely used. Because of the complexity of the anatomy of the scrotal pampiniform plexus it is possible to damage all three major sources of blood to the testis and epididymis: the spermatic, the deferential, and the cremasteric arteries. The retroperitoneal approach involves an incision at the level of the internal inguinal ring, splitting of the external and internal oblique muscles, and exposure of the internal spermatic artery and vein retroperitoneally near the ureter. This technique minimizes the potential for recurrence of the varicocele, but does not allow identification and ligation of the external cremasteric vessels, which can be a cause of recurrent and persistent varicocele.48,49 The popularity of laparoscopy in general has led in recent years to its use for the ligation of the internal spermatic veins. As a retroperitoneal approach, its advantages and disadvantages are similar to those of the open retroperitoneal approach. Microscopic Varicocele Repair - Inguinal Approach: The inguinal approach exposes the internal spermatic vessels within the inguinal canal. As noted by Ivanissevich, this approach has several advantages over the retroperitoneal approach.50 First, the urologic surgeon is more familiar with the anatomy within the inguinal canal. As the spermatic vein reaches the internal inguinal ring, it will coalesce to form several larger vessels. This approach will also allow for identification of large external cremasteric vessels that may contribute to the varicocele. Traditional approaches to inguinal varicocelectomy involve a 5-10 cm incision over the inguinal canal, opening of the external oblique aponeurosis, and delivery of the spermatic cord. Once the cord is exposed, the use of the operating microscope facilitates the dissection and reduces the likelihood of complications. The spermatic fascia is incised and teased apart to allow identification and isolation of the dilated veins. The testicular artery or arteries can be easily identified and avoided, and lymphatics can be easily visualized and preserved. The bleeding is minimized with more precise dissection under magnification and use of a microsurgical bipolar cautery. Often, there is a typical pattern of the veins and artery with one or two large veins lying laterally and two smaller veins on either side of the artery more medially (Fig. 3). Use of the micro Doppler probe facilitates identification and confirmation of sparing of the testicular artery or arteries (Fig. 4). The Doppler tip is only 1-2 mm in diameter. Splaying the cord out over one's finger makes it possible for the vas deferens to be placed laterally and out of the area of dissection. Combining tactile with visual assessment helps to determine the extent of the varicocele.

(f) Nonsurgical Treatment Percutaneous Venous Occlusion: Techniques used to achieve transvenous occlusion have included use of detachable balloons, coils, and sclerotherapy. Proponents of the percutaneous technique support its use as a timely and cost-effective outpatient procedure. The overall success rate of this procedure is 69%.32 We use embolization for the treatment of surgical failures or in patients with previous inguinal surgery who do not want another operation.


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FIGURE 3. Varicocele vascular pattern.

FIGURE 4. Micro Doppler probe used intraoperatively.

(g) Semen Improvement and Pregnancy Rates An accurate comparison of outcomes using different treatment modalities is difficult because of innumerable, inconsistently controlled variables. Although there are some series that show no significant effect or an adverse effect of varicocele repair, these series are relatively small and may be biased as well as statistically misinterpreted (Tables 6&7).51-53 A review of 15 papers32 showed an overall rate of improvement in semen quality of 66% (range 51%-78%) and an overall reported pregnancy rate of 43% (range 24%-53%). A randomized, prospective study of patients with varicoceles, comparing those treated surgically with those treated by observation alone has been reported by Madgar et al.54 The results clearly demonstrated that varicocelectomy improves sperm quality and fertility rates. In this study the average pregnancy occurred 6-9 months following surgery. An extensive review of the literature concluded that varicocelectomy has a beneficial effect on sperm density.55 This effect seems more pronounced when initial semen densities are greater than 10 million/mL. It has also been reported that motility and morphology may improve after varicocelectomy concomitant with an associated rise in density, although isolated improvements in either of these parameters have also been cited. Similarly, several authors have shown the improvement in sperm morphology measured by strict criteria.43,56


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TABLE 6 Studies Demonstrating Improvement in Semen Quality and Pregnancy Rate After Varicocelectomy SELECTED STUDIES Scott & Young 82 Charny & Baum



MacLeod 84


Dubin & Amelar36 Newton et al.


Marks et al. 57 Goldstein et al.


Ross & Ruppman87 Madgar et al.














































Modified from Nagler, H.M., Luntz, R.K., and Martinis, F.G.: Varicocele. In: Infertility in the Male , 3rd Edition. Edited by L.I. Lipshultz and S.S. Howards. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1997, p.337.

TABLE 7 Studies Demonstrating No Beneficial Effect of Varicocelectomy on Pregnancy Rates

Selected Studies Nilsson et al.52 Baker et al.


Vermeulen et al.



Pregnancy Rate (%) After Varicocelectomy

Pregnancy Rate (%) With No Surgery










Modified from Nagler, H.M., Luntz, R.K., and Martinis, F.G.: Varicocele. In: Infertility in the Male , 3rd Edition. Edited by L.I. Lipshultz and S.S. Howards. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1997, p.337.

In an attempt to identify prognostic factors that could predict postoperative pregnancies, Marks, MacMahon, and Lipshultz described a cohort of 130 patients and identified four useful prognostic variables.57 The absence of testicular atrophy was found to indicate a good prognosis; 56% of patients with normal testicular size established pregnancies, compared with a 33% pregnancy rate in patients with testicular atrophy. An initial sperm count greater than 50 million/ejaculate was also associated with a higher pregnancy rate. Patients with a normal motility established a pregnancy in 60% of cases, whereas only 30% of patients with abnormal motility were successful. An elevation of FSH was a poor prognostic indicator. Only 25 % of patients whose FSH was above 300 ng/mL (normal