Management of PET Plastic Bottles Waste Through Recycling In ...

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the degree of Master of Science in Cleaner Production. By: .... ABBREVIATIONS. IX ...... commonly abbreviated PET, PETE, or the obsolete PETP or PET-P), is a.
Sudan Academy o f Science E n g in e e rin g R esearch A n d In d u strial T ech n o lo g y C o u n cil

Management of PET Plastic Bottles Waste Through Recycling In Khartoum State


A Thesis subm itted in partial fulfillm ent o f the requirem ent for the degree o f M aster o f Science in Cleaner Production

By: N abeel Bedawi Ismail Fadlalla B.Sc(hon),chem .. Eng-U o f K. 1975

Supervisor : Dr.Kam al Eldin Eltayb Yassin O ctober 2010

A cknow ledgem ent

I would like to express my gratitude to my friend and supervisor Dr. Kamal Eldin Eltayeb Yassin, who encouraged me to undertake this study. This study could not have been successful without the valuable input o f the various stakeholders. I would like to thank them all for sparing their valuable time to participate in the m eetings and interviews. I would like to appreciate the efforts o f my friends Awad Eltom and M ohamed Yahia in providing me with the need contacts and access to Sudan Bank and Customs Authorities. A special thanks to my family my parents and wife for their encouragement and thanks also extended to my sons M ohamed and Ahmed for their assistance.



This study has been carried out to assess the general waste m anagement in Khartoum State and effectively manage the PET plastic bottles by identifying practical m eans and introducing recycling as cleaner production tool to achieve sustainable developm ent goals.

The inform ation/ data were gathered during the period June - July 2010 through questionnaires, interviews, meetings and visits to various sites, in addition to the official information and documents collected from reliable sources, mainly Sudan Central Bank, Custom s Authorities, Ministry o f Industry, soft drink and water bottling factories.

The data were presented in tables, graphs and charts by applying W indows Excel Program and also applying Eview Package for the future forecast. Analysis o f data shows a rising consumption in PET bottles and the forecasted PET consumption in year 2015 estim ated to be 60000Tons, twice the estimate in the year 2010. This situation will create serious environmental problems that require much more effort to be exerted by all stakeholders to look for scientific and practical solutions for the disposal o f plastic waste through recycling.

Based on the analysis and findings recom mendations have been made that ensure on recycling o f PET plastic bottles by mechanical method that depends mainly on collection, segregation, cleaning and processing. Further studies and researches on other recycling methods have been recommended in the future.


‫‪Arabic Abstract‬‬

‫ﻣ ﺴﺘ ﺨﻠ ﺼ ﻦ‬

‫ﺗﻬﺪ ف ﻫﺬه اﻟﺪ را ﺳ ﺔ إﻟ ﻰ اﻗﺘ ﺮا ح آﻟﻴﺔ ﻳ ﻤ ﻜ ﻦ ﺑ ﻬﺎ إدا رة اﻟﻨﻔﺎﻳﺎ ت اﻟﺒ ال ﺳﺘﻴ ﻜﻴ ﺔ ﺑ ﻮ الﻳ ﺔ اﻟ ﺨ ﺮ ﻃﻮم‬

‫وﺑ ﺸﻜ ﻞ أ ﺧ ﺺ ﻋﺒﻮا ت ' ‪P E T J‬‬

‫اﻟﺒ ال ﺳﺘﻴ ﻜﻴ ﺔ ود را ﺳ ﺔ إ ﻣ ﻜﺎﻧﻴ ﺔ إ ﻋﺎدة ﺗﺪ وﻳ ﺮ ﻫﺎ ﻛ ﻮ ﺳﻴﻠ ﺔ ﻣ ﻦ و ﺳﺎﺋ ﻞ‬

‫ا إلﻧﺘﺎ ج ا أل ﻧ ﻈ ﻒ ﺣ ﻤ ﺎ ﻳ ﺔ ﻟ ﻠ ﺒ ﻴ ﺌ ﺔ و ﺗ ﺤ ﻘ ﻴ ﻘ ﺎ ال ﻫ ﺪا ف اﻟ ﺘ ﻨ ﻤ ﻴ ﺔ‬

‫اﻟ ﻤ ﺴ ﺘ ﺪا ﻣ ﺔ‪.‬‬

‫ﺗ ﻢ ﺟ ﻤ ﻊ اﻟ ﺒ ﻴ ﺎ ﻧ ﺎ ت و اﻟ ﻤ ﻌﻠ ﻮ ﻣ ﺎ ت اﻟ ﺨ ﺎ ﺻ ﺔ ﺑ ﻬ ﺬ ه اﻟ ﺪ را ﺳ ﺔ ﻋ ﻦ ﻃ ﺮ ﻳ ﻖ ا إل ﺳ ﺘ ﺒ ﻴ ﺎ ﻧ ﺎ ت‬


‫اﻟ ﻤ ﻘﺎﺑ ال ت اﻟ ﺸ ﺨ ﺼ ﻴ ﺔ وا إل ﺟ ﺘ ﻤ ﺎ ﻋ ﺎ ت واﻟ ﺰ ﻳ ﺎ ر ا ت ﻟﻠ ﻤ ﻮا ﻗ ﻊ اﻟ ﻤ ﺨ ﺘﻠ ﻔ ﺔ ﺑ ﺎ ال ﺿ ﺎ ﻓ ﺔ اﻟ ﻰ اﻟ ﻤ ﻌﻠ ﻮ ﻣ ﺎ ت و اﻟ ﻮﺋﺎﺋ ﻖ‬ ‫اﻟ ﺮ ﺳ ﻤﻴ ﺔ اﻟ ﺼﺎ د ر ة ﻋ ﻦ ﻋ ﺪ ة ﺟ ﻬ ﺎ ت ﻣ ﺮ ﺟ ﻌ ﻴ ﺔ أ ﻫ ﻤ ﻬﺎ ﺑ ﻨ ﻚ اﻟ ﺴ ﻮ دا ن اﻟ ﻤ ﺮ ﻛ ﺰ ى وا إل دا ر ة اﻟ ﻌ ﺎ ﻣ ﺔ ﻟﻠ ﺠ ﻤﺎ ر ك‬ ‫و و زا ر ﺗ ﻰ ا ﻟ ﻤ ﻨ ﺎ ﻋ ﺔ و ا إل ﺳ ﺘ ﺜ ﻤ ﺎ ر و ﺷ ﺮ ﻛ ﺔ ﻧ ﻈ ﺎ ﻓ ﺔ و ال ﻳ ﺔ اﻟ ﺨ ﺮ ﻃ ﻮ م و ﻣ ﺤ ﻠ ﻴ ﺎ ﺗ ﻬﺎ و ﻣ ﺼ ﺎ ﻧ ﻊ اﻟ ﻤ ﺸ ﺮ و ﺑ ﺎ ت‬

‫اﻟﻐﺎزﻳﺔ واﻟﻌ ﺼﺎﻧﺮ و اﻟﻤﻴﺎه اﻟﻤﻌﺪﻧﻴﺔ واﻟﺘ ﻰ أﺧﺬ ت ﻛ ﻌﻴﻨ ﺔ و ﻫ ﻰ األﻛﺜﺮ ا ﺳﺘ ﺨﺪاﻣﺎ ﻟﻌﺒﻮا ت ال ‪•PET‬‬

‫ﺗﻢ ر ﺻﺪ اﻟﺒﻴﺎﻧﺎت و ﻋ ﺮ ﺿ ﻬﺎ ﻓﻰ ﺟﺪاول ورﺳﻮﻣﺎ ت ﺑﻴﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﺨﺪام ﺑﺮﻧﺎﻣﺞ وﻧﺪوز آﻛﺴﻞ‬ ‫‪ Excel‬واﻳ ﻀﺎ ﺑ ﺮﻧﺎ ﻣ ﺞ ‪ Eview‬إل ﺳﺘﻘ ﺮاﺀ اﻟﺘ ﻮﻗﻌﺎ ت اﻟﻤ ﺴﺘﻘﺒﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﺘ ﻲ أ ﺛ ﺎ ر ت اﻟ ﻰ زﻳﺎدا ت ﻣ ﻀ ﻄ ﺮﺑﺔ‬ ‫ﻓﻰ‬

‫إ ﺳ ﺘ ﻬ ال ك ' ‪P E T J‬‬

‫اﻟ ﻤ ﺘ ﻮ ﻗ ﻊ ﻟ ﻌ ﺎ م‬

‫‪. 2010‬‬

‫ﻗ ﺪ ﻧ ﻤ ﻞ إﻟ ﻰ‬

‫م ‪ 0‬م ‪60‬‬

‫ﻃ ﻦ ﻣﺘ ﺮ ي ﺑ ﺤ ﻠ ﻮ ﻟ ﻌ ﺎ ﻣ ﻘ‬



‫ض ا ال ﺳ ﺘ ﻬ ال ك‬

‫ﻣ ﻤ ﺎ ﻳ ﺸ ﻜ ﻞ ﺧ ﻄ ﺮا ﺑ ﻴ ﻨ ﻴ ﺎ ﻳ ﺴ ﺘﻠ ﺰ م ﺗ ﻀﺎ ﻓ ﺮ اﻟ ﺠ ﻬ ﻮ د ﻣ ﻦ ﺟ ﻤ ﻴ ﻊ اﻟ ﺸ ﺮ ﻛ ﺎ ﺀ ﻟ ﻮ ﺿ ﻊ‬

‫اﻟ ﺤﻠ ﻮ ل اﻟ ﻌ ﻤﻠﻴ ﺔ اﻟ ﻤ ﻨﺎ ﺳﺒ ﺔ ﺣ ﻔ ﺎ ﻇ ﺎ ﻋﻠ ﻰ اﻟ ﺒ ﻴ ﺌ ﺔ و ذﻟ ﻚ ﺑ ﺈ ﻋ ﺎ د ة ﺗ ﺪ و ﻳ ﺮ ﻫ ﺬه اﻟ ﻤ ﺨﻠ ﻔ ﺎ ت اﻟ ﺒ ال ﺳ ﺘ ﻴ ﻜ ﻴ ﺔ واﻟ ﺘ ﺨﻠ ﺺ‬

‫'‪١‬ن ﺑﻄﺮق ﻋﻠﻤﻴﺖ‬

‫ﻃ ﻰ ﺿ ﻮ ﺀ اﻟ ﻨ ﺘ ﺎ ﺋ ﺞ و اﻟ ﺘ ﺤ ﻠ ﻴ ال ت ﻟ ﺘﻠ ﻚ اﻟ ﺒ ﻴﺎ ﻧ ﺎ ت ﺗ ﻢ و ﺿ ﻊ اﻟ ﻤ ﻘ ﺘ ﺮ ﺣ ﺎ ت واﻟ ﺘ ﻮ ﺻ ﻴ ﺎ ت ﻋﻠ ﻰ‬

‫إ ﻋﺎدة ﺗﺪ وﻳ ﺮ ﻋﺒ ﻮا ت ' ‪ PET،J‬اﻟﺒ ال ﺳﺘﻴ ﻜﻴﺔ ﺑﺎﻟ ﻄ ﺮﻳﻘﺔ اﻟﻤﻴﻜﺎﻧﻴ ﻜﻴﺔ واﻟﺘ ﻲ ﺗﻌﺘﻤﺪ ﻓ ﻲ ا ال ﺳﺎ س ﻋﻠ ﻰ آﻟﻴﺔ‬ ‫اﻟ ﺘ ﺠ ﻤ ﻴ ﻊ واﻟ ﻔ ﺮ ز واﻟ ﻄ ﺤ ﻦ واﻟ ﻨ ﻈ ﺎ ﻓ ﺔ و اﻟ ﺘ ﺼ ﻨ ﻴ ﻊ ﻣ ﻊ د را ﺳ ﺔ ا ﻣ ﻜ ﺎ ﻧ ﻴ ﺔ ﺗ ﻄ ﺒ ﻴ ﻖ اﻟ ﻄ ﺮ ق ا ال ﺧ ﺮ ى اﻟ ﻜ ﻴ ﻤ ﻴ ﺎ ﺋ ﻴ ﺔ‬

‫وإ ﺟ ﺮاﺀ ﺑ ﺤ ﻮ ث إ ﺿﺎﻓﻴﺔ ﻓ ﻰ ﻫﺬا اﻟﻤ ﺠﺎ ل ﻛ ﻤﻘﺘ ﺮ ﺣﺎ ت ﻣ ﺴﺘﻘﺒﻠﻴ ﺔ‬

Table of Content

Table of Contents Acknowledgm ent




Arabic Abstract




List o f Tables


List o f Figures




1.2 Objectives




2.2 Com m on Therm oplastics


2.2.1 Polyethylenes


2.2.2 Polypropylene


2.2.3 Poly(Vinyl Chloride)


2.2.4 Polystyrene

18 21

2.3 Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) 2.3.1 General


2.3.2 Uses


2.3.3 Intrinsic Viscosity


2.3.4 Drying


2.3.5 Copolym ers


2.3.6 Crystals


2.3.7 Degradation


2.3.8 Antimony


2.3.9 Bottle Processing Equipment


2.4 Therm oplastic Products M anufacture

30 30

2.4.1 General


Table of Content

2.4.2 Extrusion Processing


2.4.3 Injection M olding


2.4.4 Blow M olding


2.4.5 Extrusion Blowing o f Film


2.5 Polyester and PET Recycling Industry


2.5.1 General


2.5.2 PET Bottle Recycling


2.5.3 Impurities and M aterial Defects


2.5.4 Processing Examples for Recycling Polyester

44 Simple Re-pelletizing

44 M anufacture o f PET-pellets


for Bottles (B-2-B) Direct Conversion o f Bottle Flakes


2.5.5 Recycling Back to the Initial Raw M aterials

47 Glycolysis and Partial Glycolysis

47 Hydrolysis

48 M ethanlysis


2.5.6 Practices in Collection& Rcycling o f PET

49 Collection

49 Recycling PET bottles

51 Designing Comm unity PET Recycling Program



3.1 The Study Area 3.1.1 Khartoum State Map

54 55

3.2 Sources and M ethods o f Data Collection


3.3 Statistical Analysis M ethods



4.1 Results


Table of Content

4.1.1 Excel Presentation


4.1.2 Eview Package Application


4.1.3 Soft drink & W ater bottling Factories Survey


4.2 Discussions



5.1 Conclusions


5.2 Recom mendations




List of Tables

List of Tables

Table (4.1) Imported Plastic Resin/ PET Preform & commodity During 2005 - 2009 Table (4.2) Annual increment o f imported PET preform during period 2005-2010 Table (4.3) Forecast o f PET Preform (bottles) to Year 2015


List of Figures Figure (2.1) Com m on polymers derived from crude oil & natural gas Figure (2.2) Stress strain graph o f thermoplastic material. Figure (2.3) Schematic representation o f levels o f chain branching in different types of polyethylenes Figure (2.4) Simplified flow diagram o f Unipol process. Figure (2.5) Flow diagram for suspension or polymerization o f vinyl chloride. Figure (2.6) Simplified flow diagram for solution polymerization o f styrene. Figure (2.7) Flow diagram illustrating components o f plastics industry Figure (2.8) Main features o f a simple single-screw extruder Figure (2.9) Diagram o f a simple injection-molding machine Figure (2.10) Injection-molded piece. Figure (2.11) Blow m olding o f plastic bottles Figure (2.12) Schematic representation o f extrusion blowing o f plastic film Figures (4.1a)& (4.1b) Virgin plastic resin imports quantity/value Figures (4.2a)&(4.2b) PET preform imports quantity/value Figures (4.3a)&(4.3b) Plastic products imports quantity/value Figures (4.4a)&(4.4b) Relationship between Virgin resin, PET and Plastic products imported quantities. Figures (4.5a)&(4.5b) Relationship between virgin resin, PET and Plastic products imported values Figures (4.6a)& (4.6b) Ratio o f PET preform imports against Virgin Resin quantity/value

Abbreviations TSW

Total solid waste


M unicipal solid waste


Low Density Polyethylene


Linear Low Density Polyethylene


High Density Polyethylene




Polyvinyl Chloride




Polyethylene Terephthalate


Polym ethylm etha crylate


Isolated polypropylene


Biaxially oriented PP


Vinyl Chloride M onomer


Plasticized PVC


Food & Drug Administration


Acrylonitrile - Butadiene - Styrene


Styrene - Acrylonitrile - copolym er


Styrene - Maleic - Antriydride


Styrene with Butadiene copolym er


Chlorofluoro carbon


Intrinsic Viscosity


Cyclohexane di-methanol


Stretch blow molding


Purified Terephthalic Acid


Dimethyl Terephthalate


Ethylene Glycol


Chapter One *



Chapter 1

1 Introduction 1.1 General: Total solid w aste (TSW ) is every thing that

people throw away each day.

Total solid waste com es from agriculture , mining , industry and m unicipal solid waste .M unicipal solid waste (MSW) is the garbage that people produce in their homes and where they work which is operated and controlled by local officials such as city or governm ents. (MSW) contains all kinds o f garbage including papers, yard waste, plastics, old appliance, household garbage, used furniture and any thing that people throw aw ay at hom es , schools and business.

Sustainable solid waste

management is crucial problem not only for developing countries but for the developed countries as well. However, the plastic waste as significant portion and component o f the m unicipal solid waste is a quite problem atic for its non biodegradability and therefore can stay in the environm ent for a considerable length of time carrying all sorts o f problems. *

There are two m ajor categories


plastics include therm oplastics and

thermosets. .Therm oplastics refer to plastic m aterials that can be form ed into other products by re-m elting or processing into different shapes by the application o f heat and pressure. These are easily recyclable into other products. These therm oplastics include polyethylene, low

and high density (LDPE, HDPE) polypropylene (PP),

polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) etc Thermoset plastics contain alkyd ,epoxy ,ester ,m elam ine form aldehyde, polyurethane ,etc .which are cross linked on curing and will not soften with heat to allow these to be formed into different shapes.

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is widely used in several key products ,as fiber for textile

applications and into backing m aterials for audio and video tapes

.Biaxially oriented polyester film is used for packaging and as therm oform ed sheets in frozen m eal trays for m icrowave ovens . Pet films are used in electric devices as well.

1 e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Chapter 1

The best known product made from aromatic polyester (PET),however is the blow molded w ater and soda bottles for soft drinks and other household and consumer products . PET is a relatively new packaging resin .. Soft drink bottles remain the biggest user o f PET resin .'consumer' bottles are used for other products such as ,salad dressing ,peanut butter and jullies ,H alf o f the polyester carpet m ade in united states is made from recycled PET bottles .The rise o f use o f custom bottle and the increased consum ption o f water and soft drinks away from home have created challenges for increasing the PET recycling rate .PET use has reduced the size o f the waste stream because PET has replaced heavier steel and glass containers.

One o f the approaches to solution o f the plastic waste problem is through recycling for its num erous benefits justifying the aim o f this study that essentially meant to contribute to sustainable consumption and production o f PET bottles in particular. Recycling o f plastics should be carried in such a m anner to m inimize the pollution level during the process and as a result to enhance the efficiency o f the process and conserve the energy.

Plastics recycling technologies have been

historically divided into four general types -primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary.

Primary recycling involves processing o f a waste/scrap into a product with characteristics sim ilar to those o f original product.

Secondary recycling involves processing o f waste/scrap plastics into m aterials that have characteristics different from those o f original plastics product.

Tertiary recycling involves the production o f basic chem icals and fuels from plastics waste/scrap as part o f the municipal waste stream or as a segregated waste.

Quaternary recycling retrieves the energy content o f waste/scrap plastics by burning/incineration.

-2 -


Chapter 1

1.2 Objectives o f the Study :

Major objective

TO assess the general plastic waste m anagement in Khartoum state and to effectively manage the PET plastic bottles by identifying practical m eans to introduce cleaner production tools m ainly recycling in order to achieve sustainable development goals.

Specific objectives

■ To collect and study available data on plastic and PET plastic bottles in particular. ■ To effectively m anage the PET plastic bottles waste and m inimize the volume (industrial / domostic). ■ To identify ways and methods for collectio o f PET bottles waste. ■ To recom m end on what to be done to support the growth o f PET bottle recycling.

Chapter Two Literature Review

Literature Review

Chapter 2

2 Literature Review 2.1. Background

The first totally m an-m ade polym er to be synthesized was the phenol formaldehyde resin (called Bakelite at the tim e) made by Leo Baekeland in his garage in Yonkers, New York, back in 1907.1 It was an imm ediate success not only as a replacement for shellac in electrical wiring (the primary reason for its invention) but also in numerous consum er uses including the body o f the old black dial telephones and in early electrical fittings. Since that time, plastics have grown rapidly and have now become an indispensable part o f everyday life. The exponential growth o f plastics and rubber use, essentially over a short period o f h alf a century, is a testim ony to the versatility, high performance, and cost effectiveness o f polymers as a class o f materials.

Polymers derive their exceptional properties from an unusual m olecular architecture that is unique to polymeric materials, consisting o f long chainlike macromolecules. W hile both plastics as well as elastomers (rubber-like materials) are included in polymers, discussions on environm ent-related issues have mostly centered around plastics because o f their high visibility in packaging and building applications Many o f the common therm oplastics used today, however, were developed after the 1930s; and a few o f these even emerged after World War II. Am ong the first to be synthesized were the vinyl plastics derived from ethylene.. But the now common rigid PVC used in building was a postwar development that rapidly grew in volume to a point that by the early 1970s the demand for vinyl resin was close to that for polyethylene! Polyethylene, the plastic used in highest volume worldwide, was discovered at Imperial Chem ical Industries (ICI) research laboratories in 1933.

This high-pressure polym erization route was

exclusively used to com m ercially produce low-density polyethylene (LDPE) for nearly two decades until the low-pressure processes for high-density polyethylene (HDPE) were developed in 1954. Linear low-density copolym ers o f ethylene (LLDP), intermediate in structure and properties between the HDPE and LDPE, followed even more recently in the 1970s. In the last decade yet another new class o f polyethylene


Literature Review

Chapter 2

based on novel m etallocene catalysts has been developed. Polypropylene m anufacture started relatively late in the 1950s only after the stereospecific Ziegler-N atta catalysts that yielded high-m olecular-w eight propylene polymers became available. W hile a range o f copolym ers o f ethylene is also com m ercially available, the hom opolym er o f propylene enjoys the highest volume o f use. Polyethylene, polypropylene (and their common copolym ers) are together referred to as polyolefins.

Several other comm on therm oplastics emerged about the same tim e as LDPE in 1930s. Polystyrene, for instance, was first produced in 1930 and by 1934 plants were in operation producing the comm ercial resin in both Germ any and the United States. Poly(m ethylmethacrylate) (PM MA) was developed by ICI about the same period. C arothers’s discovery o f nylons (introduced in 1939 at the W orld’s Fair in New York) yielded a m aterial that particularly served the allied war effort.

The millions o f m etric tons o f polymer resins m anufactured annually •

worldwide are predom inantly derived from petroleum and natural gas feedstock, but other raw m aterials such as coal or even biomass might also be used for the purpose. In regions o f the world where natural gas is not readily available, petroleum or coal tar is in fact used exclusively as feedstock. About half the polyolefins produced in the United States today is based on petroleum, the rem ainder being derived from natural gas. The crude oil is distilled to separate out the lighter com ponents such as gases, gasoline, and kerosene fractions. Cracking is the process o f catalytically converting the heavier com ponents (or “residues” from this distillation) o f crude oil into lighter more useful com ponents. About 45% o f the crude oil reaching a refinery is converted to gasoline.

Ethylene from cracking o f the alkane gas m ixtures or the naphtha fraction can be directly polym erized or converted into useful m onomers. (Alternatively, the ethane fraction in natural gas can also be converted to ethylene for that purpose). These include ethylene oxide (which in turn can be used to m ake ethylene glycol), vinyl acetate, and vinyl chloride. The same is true o f the propylene fraction, which can be converted into vinyl chloride and to ethyl benzene (used to m ake styrene)..


For the purpose o f this study, this chapter is subdivided into common thermoplastics,




therm oplastic


manufacture , plastic and PET recycling .

2.2. Common Therm oplastics A thermoplastic, also known as therm osoftening plastic, is a polym er that turns to a liquid when heated and freezes to a very glassy state when cooled sufficiently. Most therm oplastics are high-m olecular-weight polymers whose chains associate through weak Van der W aals forces (polyethylene); stronger dipole-dipole interactions and hydrogen bonding (nylon); or even stacking o f arom atic rings (polystyrene). Thermoplastic polymers differ from therm osetting polym ers (Bakelite) in that they can be remelted and remoulded. Many therm oplastic m aterials are addition polymers; e.g., vinyl chain-growth polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene.


Literature Review

Chapter 2


Fig 2.2 Stress strain graph o f therm oplastic material. Therm oplastics are elastic and flexible above a glass transition tem perature specific for each one— the m idpoint o f a tem perature range in contrast to the sharp melting point o f a pure crystalline substance like water. Below a second, higher melting tem perature, Tm, also the midpoint o f a range, most therm oplastics have crystalline regions alternating with amorphous regions in which the chains approximate random coils. The amorphous regions contribute elasticity and the crystalline regions contribute strength and rigidity, as is also the case for non­ thermoplastic fibrous proteins such as silk. (Elasticity does not mean they are particularly stretchy; e.g., nylon rope and fishing line.) Above Tm all crystalline structure disappears and the chains become random ly inter dispersed. As the temperature increases above Tm, viscosity gradually decreases without any distinct phase change. Some therm oplastics normally do not crystallize: they are term ed "amorphous" plastics and are useful at tem peratures below the Tg. They are frequently used in applications where clarity is important. Some typical exam ples o f amorphous thermoplastics are PM M A, PS and PC.

Generally, am orphous therm oplastics are

less chemically resistant and can be subject to stress cracking. Therm oplastics will crystallize to a certain extent and are called "semi-crystalline" for this reason. Typical semi-crystalline therm oplastics are PE, PP, PBT and PET. The speed and extent to which crystallization can occur depends in part on the flexibility o f the polymer chain. Semi-crystalline therm oplastics are more resistant to solvents and other chemicals. If the crystallites are larger than the wavelength o f light, the therm oplastic is hazy or opaque. Semi-crystalline therm oplastics becom e less brittle above Tg. If a plastic with otherwise desirable properties has too high a T% , it can often be lowered by adding a


Literature Review

Chapter 2

low-molecular-weight plasticizer to the melt before forming (Plastics extrusion; molding) and cooling. A sim ilar result can sometimes be achieved by adding non­ reactive side chains to the m onomers before polymerization. Both methods make the polymer chains stand o ff a bit from one another. Before the introduction o f plasticizers, plastic autom obile parts often cracked in cold winter weather. Another method o f lowering Tg (or raising Tm) is to incorporate the original plastic into a copolymer, as with graft copolym ers o f polystyrene, or into a com posite material. Lowering T%is not the only way to reduce brittleness. Drawing (and sim ilar processes that stretch or orient the m olecules) or increasing the length o f the polymer chains also decrease brittleness. Thermoplastics can go through melting/freezing cycles repeatedly and the fact that they can be reshaped upon reheating gives them their name. This quality makes thermoplastics recyclable. The processes required for recycling vary with the thermoplastic. The plastics used for soda bottles are a comm on exam ple o f thermoplastics that can be and are widely recycled. Animal horn, m ade o f the protein a-keratin, softens on heating, is somewhat reshapable, and may be regarded as a natural, quasi-thermoplastic material. Although m odestly vulcanized natural and synthetic rubbers are stretchy, they are elastomeric therm osets, not therm oplastics. Each has its own

and will crack

and shatter when cold enough so that the crosslinked polym er chains can no longer move relative to one another. But they have no Tm and will decom pose at high temperatures rather than melt. Recently, therm oplastic elastom ers have become available. A com prehensive introduction to common polymers and their m anufacture within this study is impractical and is not the present objective. Therefore, this chapter is limited to a discussion o f the comm on therm oplastic m aterials that are produced in large volume and therefore o f particular environm ental significance.. For the present purpose “com m on” plastics include the high-volume com m odity resins polyethylene, polypropylene, poly(vinyl chloride), polystyrene, and therm oplastic polyester.

Literature Review

Chapter 2

2.2.1. Polyethylenes

Polyethylenes, the most widely used class o f plastics in the world, include several copolym ers o f ethylene in addition to the hom opolym er. The polyethylene homopolymer has the sim plest chemical structure o f any polymer. —CH2— CH2— CH2— CH2— CH2— CH2— CH2— CH2— The com m ercially available resins, however, have far more complicated structures with branched chains and semi crystalline m orphologies not indicated in this simple representation. Depending on their copolym er composition and the polymerization process used, comm ercial polyethylenes display a wide range o f average m olecular weights, m olecular weight distributions (polydispersity), and chain branching in the resin. These m olecular param eters affect the ability o f the macromolecules to pack closely into a dense m atrix and also control the extent o f crystallinity in the material. Because o f their semicrystalline nature, polyethylenes do not display their theoretical density o f 1.00 g/cm3 (or the theoretically expected melting point o f about 135°C) but show a surprisingly wide range o f physical properties, Based on these, particularly the bulk density, the resins are divided into three basic types: • Low-density polyethylenes (LDPE) • High-density polyethylenes (HDPE) • Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE)

High-density polyethylene has the sim plest structure and is essentially made of long virtually unbranched chains o f polymer (som ewhat representative o f the simple structure shown above). These chains are able to align and pack easily; HDPE therefore has the highest degree o f crystallinity in a polyethylene. Its m olecular weight is high enough (and the chain branching m inimal) to obtain a degree o f crystallinity as high as 70-95% (and a correspondingly high density in the range o f 0.941-0.965 g/cm3). Low-density polyethylene on the other hand has extensive chain branching in its structure. Both long- and short-chain branching are usually present, and this results in a com paratively lower material density o f 0.910-0.930 g/cm3 and a crystallinity o f only 40-60% . LDPE has a melting tem perature range o f 1 1 0 -1 15°C. The amount o f crystallinity and the m elt tem perature o f the resin can even be further


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reduced by incorporating a small am ount o f a suitable co-m onom er. When the branches on polym er chain are mostly short chains, a linear low-density polyethylene with a density range o f 0.915-0.940 g/cm3 and a higher degree o f crystallinity o f 4 0 60% is obtained. Figure 2.3 shows a schem atic o f the nature o f chain branching in the three varieties o f polyethylene. Since its introduction in 1968 the LLDPE resin has been extensively used in packaging films, particularly in products such as grocery bags and garbage sacks where high clarity is particularly not important. LLDPE with short branches yield exceptional strength and toughness; LDPE packaging film can often be replaced with an LLDPE film o f only about a third o f the thickness. Given the cost effectiveness o f LLDPE, it is likely to be used increasingly (mainly at the expense o f LDPE) in future packaging applications. [3]


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Figure 2.3 Schematic representation o f levels o f chain branching encountered in different types o f polyethylenes. Ethylene for the m anufacture o f polyethylene is derived from cracking various components o f petroleum oil such as the gasoline fraction, gas oil, or from hydrocarbons such as ethane. While petroleum remains the predom inant source o f the monomer at the present time, it can also be produced using biomass. In fact ethylene has been com m ercially derived from molasses, a by-product o f sugar cane industry, via the dehydration o f ethanol.


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The polym erization o f ethylene might be carried out in solution or in a slurry process. But these processes are complicated by the need for a separation step to isolate the resin product from solution. The newer installations favor the gasphase process that can produce both the low- and high-density resins. Older plants lack this versatility and are able to produce only either the high-density or the low-density type of polyethylene. In the older process, LDPE resin was produced under high pressure (15,000-22,500 psi at 100°C-300°C) in stirred autoclave or tubular-type reactors, where the liquefied ethylene gas is polymerized via a free radical reaction initiated by peroxide or by oxygen. CH2=CH2------ » — [— CH2— CH2— ]n—

The reaction is highly exothermic (22 kcal/mol) and therefore requires careful control o f the tem perature, especially in autoclave reactors. The product generally has a high level o f long chain branching from chain transfer to polymer. Short-chain branches are methyl or alkyl groups formed by the active growing chain end abstracting a hydrogen atom from another part o f the chain via “ back-biting” reactions. [4]


polym erization



im portant




manufacturing technology for polyolefins. In the Unipol (gas-phase) process ethylene and any comonomers (usually other olefins such as oct-1-eping or handling viscous polymer solutions and the solubility o f the resin product. The solid polyethylene is directly removed from the reactor with any residual m onom er being purged and returned to the bed. The gas-phase reactors are able to take advantage o f the new metallocene catalysts with little engineering m odification. A schem atic diagram o f a Unipol-type reactor is shown in Figure 2.4 [5]


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Figure 2.4 .Sim plified flow diagram o f Unipol process.


Polypropylene is typically m anufactured by the direct polymerization o f propylene in a low-pressure process employing Z iegler-N atta catalyst systems (typically alum inum alkyls and titanium halides with optional ether, ester, or silane activators). The process can be carried out in liquid or slurry in conventional manufacturing or in the newer gas-phase stirred-bed or fluidized-bed reactors. The polymerization generally yields an is tactic index (generally m easured as the percent insolubles in heptane) o f 85-99. The isotactic form o f the polymer with a high degree of crystallinity (40-60% ) is preferred for most practical applications.

Isotactic polypropylene (iPP), the principal type used by the polymer processing industry, has a density o f about 0.92-0.94 g/cm3. The weight-average molecular w eight o f polypropylene from these processes is in the range o f 300,000-

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600,000 with a polydispersity index o f about 2 -6 [7]. Some atactic polypropylene results as a by-product9 o f the process and has found limited practical use [8]. The atactic form is mostly am orphous and has a density o f only about 0.85-0.90 g/cm3. Small amounts o f the syndiotactic form o f polypropylene (where the m ethyl groups on repeat units are located on alternate sides o f the chain on adjacent units) are made commercially using the single-site m etallocene catalyst and are being evaluated in various applications. The syndiotactic resin has lower crystallinity (30^40% ) and are softer, tougher, stronger (higher impact strength and elastic modulus), and relatively more transparent than the isotactic resin. Propylene m onom er is produced by catalytic cracking o f petroleum fractions or the steam

cracking o f hydrocarbons during the


o f ethylene.

Conventional processes in liquid phase and in slurry use stirred reactors and a diluent such as naphtha, hexane, or heptane. The reaction takes place typically at a temperature o f about 60-80°C and at 0.5-1.5 MPa, and the final product is obtained as a solid suspension o f polypropylene in the liquid phase. Isolation o f the resin requires a separation step (such as centrifugation) followed by washing the resin free of residual diluent and drying.

The m anufacturing process for polypropylene has undergone m any changes since 1957 when the first facility went on stream. In the 1960s the Novolon gas phase process and the Phillips process for polymerizing liquid propylene were introduced. These processes had the advantage o f not using any diluents, but they generally suffer from relatively



perform ance and some lim itations



stereoregularity o f resins. In 1975 with the introduction o f improved third-generation catalysts that facilitate the reaction at the same tem perature but at the slightly higher pressure o f 2.5-3.5 MPa, both optimum yield and stereoregularity could be achieved. These catalysts introduced, by M ontedison and M itsui, could be used with liquid monomer systems in the new gas-phase reactors.






the already


polyethylene process went on stream in 1985. The flow diagram polyethylene

production, shown



2.5, applies


for the process for




polypropylene. Polym erization-grade propylene (usually at a purity o f at least 99.8%)


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is used in place o f the ethylene m onom er feed. A suitable co-m onom er (usually ethylene) is also generally used. M ost o f the advantages o f gas-phase processes cited for polyethylene also apply to the production o f polypropylene [6]. Over a third o f the polypropylene produced in the United States is ultimatel processed into useful products by injection molding. A wide range o f resins spanning a melt flow index (M FI) range o f 2 to >70 g/10 min is available for this purpose. In North American m arkets a m ajority o f the polypropylene is injection molded into products or spun into fibers for use in various textile applications. The latter includes sacks made o f woven polypropylene strips cut from oriented sheets used for packaging agricultural products. The common m olded products include closures, containers, bottles, jars, and crates. A relatively small fraction o f the polypropylene (about a tenth) is extruded into film. In applications involving low-tem perature use (as with refrigerated packages), the copolym ers are preferred over the homopolymer. Both biaxially






polypropylene are used in food packaging. The former is




used as a barrier film,

usually with a surface coating. Nonoriented films are used in general-purpose applications such as apparel bags, bandages, diaper linings, and in sanitary products. Blow molding o f polypropylene is also common, and is used in the production o f bottles and containers.


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Dewatering and drying of product Figure 2.5 Flow diagram for suspension or em ulsion polymerization o f vinyl chloride.


Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), the second widely used resin in the world (after polyethylene) is m ade by the polymerization o f vinyl chloride m onom er (VCM). In theory the chemical structure o f the polym er is simple, consisting o f the same structure as for polyethylene with one hydrogen in every other — CF12— group being replaced by a chlorine atom — CH2— CHC1— CH2— CHC1— CH2— CHCL However, as the repeat unit is asymm etrical because o f the presence o f only a single chlorine atom, two types o f linkages, head to tail and head to head, are possible: CH2— CHC1— CH2CHC1 CH2— CHC1— CHC1— CH2 Head to tail Head to head In general, however, the head-to-tail linkages are predominant (nearly 90%) in the resin. The weight-average m olecular weight Mw of


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commercial PVC resins ranges from about 100,000-200,000 and the polydispersity index is about 2.0. The resin has a glass transition tem perature o f 75-85°C and a crystalline m elting point o f 120-210°C. The crystallinity in PVC is due to syndiotactic sequences in the polymer and amount to about 7-20% in commercial resins. Resins with higher levels o f crystallinity can be obtained by polymerization under specific conditions.

The polym er is susceptible to both photo- and therm al degradation; and, for products intended for outdoor use, the resin has to be com pounded with light stabilizers.Such form ulations typically contain other additives (such as a thermal stabilizer package to protect the resin during processing), fillers, and lubricants. The compounds not containing any plasticizers or the rigid PVC m aterials (also referred to as uPVC) are used extensively in building products such as pipes, fittings, siding, window frames, and rainw ater products. In unplasticized form ulations o f PVC intended for outdoor use, an opacifier,' usually rutile titania, that effectively absorbs the damaging ultraviolet (UV-B) radiation is incorporated in the formulation to protect the surface from UV-induced degradation.

PVC resin can also be made into a versatile soft pliable rubbery m aterial by incorporating plasticizers such as organic phthalates into the com pound. Plasticized PVC (also referred to as pPVC) is used widely as packaging film, roofing membranes, belting, hoses, and cable covering. With pPVC, calendering is em ployed to produce films and sheets. The resin is also used as a coating on paper or fabric and is made into numerous household products. A small am ount o f the plasticized film is used in packaging, for instance, in m eat wraps where it is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for food-contact use..

In suspension polymerization the vinyl chloride m onom er is dispersed in water using a protective colloid or a surfactant to control the final particle size (usually between 130 and

165 pm) and a m onomer-soluble initiator (usually an azo

compounds or a peroxide) is used. Gelatin, soaps, glycols, and pentaerythritol or their mixtures can be used as dispersing agents in the reaction mixture. The polymerization is usually carried out in a glass-lined reactor with controlled agitation, at a

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2 temperature o f 50-75°C and at a pressure o f about 0.7 MPa. Oxygen is usually excluded from the reaction vessel to prevent interference with the free-radical polymerization reaction. Vinyl chloride m onom er is volatile with a boiling point o f -13.4°C and is a hazardous air pollutant. (The reactants are usually m aintained under pressure during the process to keep the VCM in a liquid state). F ig u re 2.6 shows aschematic representation o f the m anufacturing process [10].


Styrene and solvent recovery

Styrene Solvent

Devolatilizer V.J \\ ‘//



Polystyrene to cutter

Extruder Figure 2.6 .Sim plified flow diagram for solution polymerization o f styrene.

2.2.4. PO LY STY REN E

General-purpose polystyrene (also called crystal polystyrene because o f the clarity o f resin granules) is a clear, hard, glassy material with a bulk density o f 1.05 g/cm -3. These desirable physical characteristics, as well as easy moldability, low water absorbancy, and good color range in which the resin was available, made it a popular general-purpose resin. Its brittleness, which limited the range o f products in which the resin could be used, was soon overcom e when the highim pact toughened grades o f polystyrene containing rubber became available. The resin is available as a


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general-purpose grade, high-im pact resin, high-m olecularweight resin (for improved strength), high-heat grades with a higher softening point, and easy flow grades for sophisticated m olding applications. High-heat resins are high-m olecular-w eight resins with melt flow rates o f 1.6 g/10 min. The medium and easy flow grades contain 1—4% added mineral oil or other lubricant to obtain higher flowrates o f about 7.5 and 16 g/10 min, respectively. Impactgrade resin accounts for about half o f the demand for polystyrene and is widely used in injection m olding o f consum er products. Some copolym ers such as (acrylonitrile-


copolym ers



copolymers (SAN), and styrene-m aleic anhydride copolym ers (SM A) are also commercially available [11], Copolym er o f styrene with butadiene (SBR) is an important elastom er widely used in passenger tire applications.

The first com m ercial production o f polystyrene (PS) was carried out in the early 1930s by the Farben Com pany(Germ any) and was soon followed in 1937 by the Dow Chem ical Com pany introducing in the United States a grade called “ Styron.” Styrene m onom er is mainly produced by the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene made by reacting ethylene and benzene in a Friedel-C rafts reaction using a catalyst system containing aluminum chloride [12]. Yields in excess o f 98% are common in this process. The thermal cracking reaction that produces the dehydrogenation is carried out at 630°C in the presence o f a catalyst, comm only a mixture o f Fe203, C r2 0 3, and K 2C 03. The reaction yields a m ixture o f products, but the process conditions can be controlled to obtain about 80% conversion.

The styrene is separated from the product mix, which also contains unreacted ethylbenzene and other impurities, by vacuum distillation. The m onom er can easily autopolymerize into a hard solid and is therefore inhibited from polym erization during storage by mixing in a few parts per million o f a free-radical reaction inhibitor (generally /-butyl catechol). A relatively small amount o f styrene is also made by the oxidation o f ethyl benzene in a process introduced by Union Carbide. The ethylbenzene hydroperoxide formed by oxidation is reacted with propylene to form propylene oxide and 2-phenyl ethanol. The latter compound is dehydrated to obtain styrene.


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While bulk or em ulsion polym erization can also be used for the purpose, the commercial m anufacture o f polystyrene is mostly carried out in a solution process using a free-radical initiator. The solvent, typically ethylbenzene, used at a level o f 2 30%, controls the viscosity o f the solution. High-im pact-grade polym er used in injection-molding and extrusion is m odified with butadiene rubber incorporated during polymerization. The solvent and residual m onom er in the crude resin is removed by flash evaporation or in a devolatilizing extruder (at about 225°C). Figure 2.6 is a schematic o f the polym erization process.

Since this study is m ainly concentrating on PET for its value as a recyclable resin ,more elaboration is considered in the following

subchapter .

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2.3.1. GENERAL

Polyethylene terephthalate

n Polyethylene terephthalate (som etimes written poly(ethylene terephthalate)), commonly abbreviated PET, PETE, or the obsolete

PETP or PET-P), is a

thermoplastic polymer resin o f the polyester family and is used in synthetic fibers; beverage, food and other liquid containers; therm oform ing applications; and engineering resins often in com bination with glass fiber. Depending on its processing and thermal history, polyethylene terephthalate may exist both as an am orphous (transparent) and as a sem i-crystalline material. The semicrystalline m aterial might appear transparent (particle size < 500 nm) or opaque and white (particle size up to a few microns) depending on its crystal structure and particle size. Its m onom er (bis-B-hydroxyterephthalate) can be synthesized by the esterification reaction between terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol with water as a byproduct, or by transesterification reaction between ethylene glycol and dimethyl terephthalate



methanol reaction

as of

a the

byproduct. monomers

Polymerization (done



imm ediately



esterification/transesterification) with ethylene glycol as the byproduct (the ethylene glycol is directly recycled in production). The m ajority o f the world's PET production is for synthetic fibers (in excess of 60%) with bottle production accounting for around 30% o f global demand. In discussing textile applications, PET is generally referred to as sim ply "polyester" whiJe "PET" is

most o/ccn to refer to packaging applications.

Some o f the trade names o f PET products are Dacron, Diolen, Tergal, Terylene, and Trevira fibers, Cleartuf, Eastm an PET and Polyclear bottle resins,

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Hostaphan, M elinex, and M ylar film s, and Am ite, Ertalyte, Impet, Rynite and Valox injection molding resins. The polyester industry makes up about 18% o f world polymer production and is third after polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). PET consists o f polym erized units o f the m onom er ethylene terephthalate, with repeating CioHsCU units. PET is comm only recycled, and has the num ber "1" as its recycling sym bol.

PET Molecular formula


Density amorphous

1.370 g/cm 3

Density crystalline

1.455 g/cm 3

Young's modulus (E)

2800-3100 MPa

Tensile strength('of')

55-75 MPa

Elastic limit


notch test

3 .6 k J/m 2

Glass temperature

75 °C

melting point

260 °C

Vicat B

170 °C

Thermal conductivity

0.24 W/(m-K)

linear expansion coefficient (a)

7xlO _:7K

Specific heat (c)

1.0 kJ/(kg-K)

Water absorption (ASTM )


Refractive Index



0.5-1.25 €/kg

source: A.K. van der Vegt & L.E. Govaert, Polym eren, van keten tot kunstof, ISBN 90-407-2388-5


2.3.2. USES PET can be sem i-rigid to rigid, depending on its thickness, and it is very lightweight. It m akes a good gas and fair m oisture barrier, as well as a good barrier to alcohol (requires additional "barrier" treatm ent) and solvents. It is strong and impactresistant. It is naturally colorless with a high transparency PET bottles are excellent barrier m aterials and are widely used for soft drinks (see carbonation). For certain specialty bottles. PET sandwiches an additional polyvinyl alcohol to further reduce its oxygen perm eability When produced as a thin film (biaxially oriented PET film , often known by one o f its trade names, "Mylar"), PET can be alum inized by evaporating a thin film o f metal onto it to reduce its permeability, and to make it reflective and opaque (MPET). These properties are useful in many applications, including flexible food packaging and thermal insulation, such as "space blankets". Because o f its high m echanical strength, PET film is often used in tape applications, such as the carrier for magnetic tape or backing for pressure sensitive adhesive tapes. N on-oriented PET sheet can be therm oformed to make packaging trays and blisters. If crystallizable PET is used, the trays can be used for frozen dinners, since they withstand both freezing and oven baking tem peratures. When filled with glass particles or fibers, it becomes significantly stiffer and more durable. This glass-filled plastic, in a semi-crystalline form ulation, is sold under the tradename Rynite, Arnite, Hostadur, and Crastin. While most therm oplastics can, in principle, be recycled, PET bottle recycling is more practical than many other plastic applications. The prim ary reason is that plastic carbonated soft drink bottles and water bottles are alm ost exclusively PET, which makes them more easy to identify in a recycle stream. PET has a resin identification code o f 1. One o f the uses for a recycled PET bottle is for the manufacture o f polar fleece material. Among its many uses, companies, such as English Retreads use the PET material to line their products. It can also m ake fiber for polyester products.


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Because o f the recyclability o f PET and the relative abundance o f post­ consumer waste in the form o f bottles, PET is rapidly gaining m arket share as a carpet fiber. M ohawk Industries released everSTRAND in 1999, a 100% post-consumer recycled content PET fiber. Since that tim e, more than 17 billion bottles have been recycled into carpet fiber Pharr Yarns, a supplier to num erous carpet manufacturers including Looptex, Dobbs M ills, and Berkshire Flooring,

produces a BCF (bulk

continuous filament) PET carpet fiber containing a m inimum o f 25% post-consumer recycled content. PET, as with many plastics, is also an excellent candidate for thermal disposal (incineration), as it is composed o f carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with only trace amounts o f catalyst elem ents (but no sulfur). PET has the energy content o f soft coal. PET was patented in 1941 by the Calico Printers' Association o f M anchester. The PET bottle was patented in 1973 by Nathaniel W yeth. 2.3.3. Intrinsic viscosity One o f the most important characteristics o f PET is referred to as intrinsic viscosity (IV) The intrinsic viscosity o f the m aterial, m easured in deciliters per gram (dC/g) is dependent upon the length o f its polymer chains. The longer the polymer chains, the the more entanglem ents between chains and therefore the higher the viscosity. The average chain length o f a particular batch o f resin can be controlled during polycondensation. The intrinsic viscosity range o f PET Fiber grade 0 .4 0 - 0 .7 0 dC/g Textile 0.72 - 0.98 dC/g Technical, tire cord Film grade 0.60 - 0.70 dC/g PET film (biaxiallv oriented) 0.70 - 1.00 d t/g Sheet grade for therm oform ing


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Bottle grade 0.70 - 0.78 d£/g W ater bottles (flat) 0.78 - 0.85 dC/g Carbonated soft drink grade M onofilament 1 .0 0 -2 .0 0 dC/g

2.3.4. Drying PET is hygroscopic, meaning that it naturally absorbs water from its surroundings. However, when this 'damp' PET is then heated, the water hydrolyzes the PET, decreasing its resilience. This m eans that before the resin can be processed in a molding m achine, as much moisture as possible must be removed from the resin. This is achieved through the use o f a desiccant or dryers before the PET is fed into the processing equipment. Inside the dryer, hot dry air is pumped into the bottom o f the hopper containing the resin so that it flows up through the pellets, rem oving m oisture on its way. The hot wet air leaves the top o f the hopper and is first run through an after­ cooler, because it is easier to remove m oisture from cold air than hot air. The resulting cool wet air is then passed through a desiccant bed. Finally the cool dry air leaving the desiccant bed is re-heated in a process heater and sent back through the same processes in a closed loop. Typically residual moisture levels in the resin must be less than 5 parts per million (parts o f water per million parts o f resin, by weight) before processing. Dryer residence tim e should not be shorter than about four hours. This is because drying the material in less than 4 hours would require a tem perature above 160 °C, at which level hydrolysis would begin inside the pellets before they could be dried out.


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PET can also be dried in com pressed air resin dryers. Com pressed air dryers do not reuse drying air. Dry, heated compressed air is circulated through the PET pellets as in the desiccant dryer, then released to the atmosphere. 2.3.5. Copolym ers In addition to pure (homopolymer') PET, PET m odified by copolym erization is also available. In some cases, the m odified properties o f copolym er are more desirable for a particular application. For example, cyclohexane dimethanol (CHDM ) can be added to the polymer backbone in place o f ethylene glycol. Since this building block is much larger (6 additional carbon atoms) than the ethylene glycol unit it replaces, it does not fit in with the neighboring chains the way an ethylene glycol unit would. This interferes with crystallization and lowers the polymer's m elting tem perature. Such PET is generally known as PETG (Easljnan Chemical and SK Chem icals are the only two m anufacturers). PETG is a clear amorphous therm oplastic that can be injection molded or sheet extruded. It can be colored during processing.


O -

£3 Replacing terephthalic acid (right) with isophthalic acid (center) creates a kink in the PET chain, interfering with crystallization and lowering the polym er's melting point.

A nother common m odifier is isophthalic acid, replacing some o f the 1,4-

(para-) linked terephthalate units. The l,2-(ortho-) or l,3-(m eta-) linkage produces an angle in the chain, which also disturbs crystallinity. Such copolym ers are advantageous for certain m olding applications, such as thermoforming, which is used for example to make tray or blister packaging from PETG film, or PETG sheet. On the other hand, crystallization is important in other applications w here m echanical and dimensional stability are important, such as seat

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belts. For PET bottles, the use o f small amounts o f CH DM or other com onom ers can be useful: if only small am ounts o f com onom ers are used, crystallization is slowed but not prevented entirely. As a result, bottles are obtainable via stretch blow molding ("SBM"), which are both clear and crystalline enough to be an adequate barrier to aromas and even gases, such as carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages.

2.3.6. Crystals Crystallization occurs when polymer chains fold up on them selves in a repeating, symm etrical pattern. Long polymer chains tend to becom e entangled on themselves, which prevents full crystallization in all but the m ost carefully controlled circumstances. PET is no exception to this rule; 60% crystallization is the upper limit for commercial products, with the exception o f polyester fibers. t

PET in its natural state is a crystalline resin. Clear products can be produced by rapidly cooling m olten polym er to form an amorphous solid. Like glass, amorphous PET forms when its molecules are not given enough time to arrange themselves in an orderly fashion as the melt is cooled. At room tem perature the molecules are frozen in place, but if enough heat energy is put back into them, they begin to move again, allowing crystals to nucleate and grow. This procedure is known as solid-state crystallization. Like most m aterials, PET tends to produce m any small crystallites when crystallized from an am orphous solid, rather than forming one large single crystal. Light tends to scatter as it crosses the boundaries between crystallites and the am orphous regions between them . This scattering m eans that crystalline PET is opaque and white in most cases. Fiber draw ing is among the few industrial processes that produce a nearly single-crystal product.

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2.3.7. Degradation PET is subject to various types o f degradations during processing. The main degradations that can occur are hydrolytic, thermal and probably most important thermal oxidation. When PET degrades, several things happen: discoloration, chain scissions resulting in reduced m olecular weight, formation o f acetaldehyde and cross­ links ("gel" or "fish-eye" formation). Discoloration is due to the form ation o f various chromophoric





treatm ent



temperatures. This becomes a problem when the optical requirem ents o f the polymer are very high, such as in packaging applications. A cetaldehyde is normally a colorless, volatile substance with a fruity smell. It forms naturally in fruit, but it can cause an off-taste in bottled w ater. Acetaldehyde forms in PET through the "abuse" o f the material. High tem peratures (PET decomposes above 300 °C or 570 °F), high pressures, extruder speeds (excessive shear flow raises tem perature) and long barrel residence times all contribute to the production o f acetaldehyde. W hen acetaldehyde is produced, some o f it rem ains dissolved in the walls o f a container and then diffuses into the product stored inside, altering the taste and aroma. This is not such a problem for non-consum ables (such as shampoo), for fruit juices (which already contain acetaldehyde), or for strong-tasting drinks like soft drinks. For bottled water, however, low acetaldehyde content is quite important, because if nothing masks the aroma, even extrem ely low concentrations (10-20 parts per billion in the water) of acetaldehyde can produce an off-taste. The thermal and therm ooxidative degradation results in poor processability characteristics and performance o f the material. One way to alleviate this is to use a copolym er. Com onom ers such as CHDM or isophthalic acid lower the melting tem perature and reduce the degree o f crystallinity o f PET (especially important when the material is used for bottle manufacturing). Thus the resin can be plastically formed at lower tem peratures and/or with lower force. This helps to prevent degradation, reducing the acetaldehyde content o f the finished product to an acceptable (that is, unnoticeable) level. See copolymers, above.

Other ways to improve the stability o f the

polymer is by using stabilizers, m ainly antioxidants such as phosphites. Recently,


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molecular level stabilization o f the m aterial using nanostructured chem icals has also been considered. 2.3.8. Antimony Antim ony (Sb) is a catalyst that is often used as antimony trioxide (Sb 2 C>3 ) or antimony triacetate in the production o f PET. After m anufacturing a detectable amount o f antim ony can be found on the surface o f the product- this residue can be removed with washing. Antimony also rem ains in the m aterial itself and can thus migrate out into food and drinks- exposing PET to boiling or m icrowaving can increase the levels o f antimony significantly, possibly above USEPA maximum contamination levels . The drinking water limit in the USA for antim ony is 6 parts per billion . Although antimony trioxide is o f low toxicity when taken in orally,


presence is still o f concern. The Swiss Federal Office o f Public Health investigated the amount o f antim ony migration, com paring w aters bottled in PET and glass: the t

antimony concentrations o f the w ater in PET bottles was higher, but still well below the allowed m aximal concentrations. The Swiss Federal Office o f Public Health concluded that small am ounts o f antimony migrate from the PET into bottled water, but that the health risk o f the resulting low concentrations is negligible (1% o f the "tolerable daily intake" determ ined by the W HO ). A later (2006) but more widely publicized study found sim ilar amounts o f antim ony in water in PET bottles. The WHO has published a risk assessm ent for antimony in drinking water. Com m entary published in Environmental Health Perspectives in April 2010 suggested that PET m ight yield endocrine disruptors under conditions o f comm on use and recom mended research on this topic. Proposed m echanism s include leaching o f phthalates as well as leaching o f antimony. Other authors have published evidence indicating that it is quite unlikely that PET yields endocrine disruptors . 2.3.9. Bottle processing equipm ent There are two basic m olding methods for PET bottles, one-step and two-step. In two-step m olding, two separate m achines are used. The first m achine injection molds the preform, which resem bles a test tube with the bottle-cap threads already


molded into place. The body o f the tube is significantly thicker, as it will be inflated into its final shape in the second step using stretch blow m olding. In the second process, the preforms are heated rapidly and then inflated against a tw o-part mold to form them into the final shape o f the bottle. Preforms (uninflated bottles) are now also used as containers for candy. In one-step m achines, the entire process from raw m aterial to finished container is conducted within one m achine, m aking it especially suitable for m olding non-standard shapes (custom molding), including jars, flat oval, flask shapes etc. Its greatest merit is the reduction in space, product handling and energy, and far higher visual quality than can be achieved by the two-step system [13].



2.4.1. G ENERAL

Therm oplastic resins are available to the processing industry as pellets o f resin. Converting the raw m aterial into useful products can involve separate segments o f the plastics industry. As Figure 2.7 suggests, the resin m ight be com pounded by a custom com pounder and formed into the final product by a processor or a fabricator. The com pounding can also be carried out by the processor in an in-house facility.


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Figure 2.7.Flow diagram illustrating com ponents o f plastics industry. The resin raw m aterial needs to be mixed intimately with a variety o f chemical additives to impart specific properties to the end product. Additives are used widely in the plastics industry, in nearly all types o f plastic products. The use o f common plastics in consum er products would not be possible without the use o f additives. For instance,







therm al


photodegradation; no useful products can be made with it if stabilizer additives designed to protect the resin during thermal processing and use were not available. Selecting the appropriate set o f additives called for by a given product and mixing these in correct proportion with the resin is referred to as compounding. . To ensure adequate m ixing or dispersion o f the additive, the mixing is accom plished by passing the resin and additive m ixture at a tem perature high enough to m elt the thermoplastic, through a m ixing screw in an extruder (a com pounding extruder). Care is taken not to overheat or overshear the mix to an extent to cause chemical breakdown o f the plastic itself or the additive m aterials. The now “com pounded” resin with the additives evenly distributed within its bulk is repelletized, cooled, dried (where the pelletization is carried out undercooling water), and stored for subsequent processing. Processing is the final step that converts the com pounded m aterial into a useful plastic product. Basically, the compounded resin needs to be m elted into a liquid and heated to a temperature that allows easy handling o f the fluidized plastic or the “ m elt.” This melt is fed into molds or dies to force the material into required


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shapes and quickly cooled to obtain the product. Usually, some m inor finishing is needed before the product is made available to the consumer. The basic principals involved in com m on processing m ethods associated with high- volume products will be discussed briefly below.

2.4.2. Extrusion Processing

The most important processing technique for comm on therm oplastics is extrusion, where the plastic material is melted in a tubular metal cham ber and the melt forced through a die. The design o f an extruder is not unlike a toothpaste tube (heated, o f course, to m elt the resin), and tubular products such as plastic rods, plastic tubes, *

plastic drinking straws, coatings on electrical wire, and fibers for textile applications can be m anufactured using an appropriately engineered die. To exert enough pressure to force the viscous melt through the small die orifice, an Archim edean screw is used. Most o f the heat needed to m elt the resin is derived from the m echanical shearing action o f the screw, although external heating is also provided. The screw transports the resin from the inlet (at the hopper) through a long passage with several heating regions into a heated die.

The resin passes through a region o f the screw (with decreased depth in screw channels) that ensures further mixing and consolidates the melt rem oving any empty spaces or bubbles in melt prior to reaching the mold. The passage o f melt is controlled by a layer o f mesh on its way to the entrance o f the die; this breaker plate assembly (with screen pack) serves to filter out any particulate debris and to control the melt flow into the die. The design o f the die determines the geom etric features o f the product extruded. Figure 2.8 shows the main features o f a sim ple single-screw extruder, along with three types o f common extrusion dies. The sim plest die is a precisely drilled hole or a slit yielding a rod or a ribbon product. A slightly more com plicated design (a circular orifice with a central solid region) produces pipes and


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tubing. The first two dies shown in the diagram are for tube (or pipe) products and laminates. The third is a specialized die for coating therm oplastic resins on electrical conductors. As the conductor is drawn through the cylindrical die, it contacts the molten polym er introduced from the top o f the die. Extrem ely com plicated dies are used in the extrusion o f com plicated profiles, for instance, in plastic window and door frames. The product em erging from the die is handled by “down stream ” equipment that would essentially cool (in case o f pipe cut to size) and collect the product for storage. The actual pieces o f equipm ent used for the purpose depend on the type o f product m anufactured.

(a) . Melt from J extruder

Coated wire

Annular die

Stit die

Crosshead die (b)

Figure 2.8 Main features o f a simple single-screw extruder, along with three types o f common extrusion dies

2.4.3. Injection M olding

Injection m olding is one o f the most popular processing operations in the plastics industry.

In recent years, more than h alf the processing machinery

m anufactured were injection-m olding m achines. The equipm ent is basically designed


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to achieve the m elting o f the resin, injecting the m elt into a cavity mold, packing the material into the mold under high pressure, cooling to obtain solid product, and ejecting the product for subsequent finishing. It is different from extruders in that a mold is used instead o f a die, requiring a large force to pack the m elt into the mold. A machine is typically classified by the clam ping force (which can vary from 1 to 10,000 tons!) and the shot size determined by the size o f the article to be m anufactured. O ther param eters include injection rate, injection pressure, screW design, and the distance between tie bars. The m achine is generally made o f (a) a hydraulic system, (b) plasticating and injection system, (c) mold system, and (d) a clam ping system. The hydraulic system delivers the power for the operation o f the equipment, particularly to open and clamp down the heavy mold halves. The injection system consists o f a reciprocating screw in a heated barrel assem bly and an injection nozzle.

The system is designed to get resin from the hopper, m elt and heat to correct •

tem perature, and deliver it into the mold through the nozzle. Electrical heater bands placed at various points about the barrel o f the equipm ent allow close control o f the melt tem perature. The mold system consists o f platens and m olding (cavity) plates typically made o f tool-grade steel. The mold shapes the plastic melt injected into the cavity (or several cavities). O f the platens, the one attached to the barrel side o f the m achine is connected to the other platen by the tie bars. A hydraulic knock-out system using ejector pins is built into one o f the platens to conveniently remove the molded piece.

The m achine operates in an injection-m olding cycle. The typical cycle sequence is, first, the em pty mold closes, and then the screw m ovem ent delivers an amount o f m elt through the nozzle into it. Once the mold is full, the pressure is held to “pack” the m elt well into the mold. The mold is then cooled rapidly by a cooling medium (typically water, steam, or oil) flowing through its walls, and finally the mold opens to eject the product. It is common for this cycle to be closely monitored and to be mostly autom ated by the use o f sophisticated control systems. Figure 2.9 shows a diagram o f a simple injection m olding m achine indicating the hydraulic, injection,


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and mold systems. The mold filling (a), compaction (b), cooling (c), and ejection (d) steps are also illustrated in Figure 2.9. shows a m odern injection-m olding machine. Hopper

Nozzie Heaters



Cl OIZ1QIZ3 □ cm

Clamping system

.. Reciprocating screw

Hydraulic system

Injection system

Mold system

Nozzle \

t? Q T

Moving platen

Stationary platen





Figure 2.9 .Diagram o f a simple injection-molding machine indicating the hydraulic, injection, and mold systems .W hen a m ulticavity mold designed for several “parts” is used, the ejected product is complex, consisting o f runners, a spruce, and flashing that needs to be removed (and recycled) to obtain the plastic product. Figure 2.10 shows a molding with one o f the product “parts” rem oved from it.

Figure 2.10 Injection-m olded piece.



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2 2.4.4. Blow M olding

This is the prim ary processing technique used to fabricate hollow plastic objects, particularly bottles, which do not need a very uniform distribution o f wall thickness. It is a secondary shaping technique that inflates the preprocessed plastic (usually extruded) against the inside walls o f the mold with a blow pin. In addition to extrusion blow molding, injection blow m olding and stretch blow m olding are commonly employed. With m ost polymers, especially when the product size is large, extrusion blow m olding is used; while injection blow m olding is typically used with sm aller products with no handleware. Sem icrystalline m aterials that are difficult to blow are molded by stretch blow molding. Com m on resins such as PVC, PS, PP, LDPE, HDPE, and PET are blow molded routinely. Figure 2.11 illustrates the steps involved in extrusion blow molding.





Mow opens

Figure 2.11 Blow m olding o f plastic bottle. In extrusion blow molding, the most comm on blow-m olding process, an extruder is used to produce a thick-walled plastic tube called the parison. The parison is extruded directly into a water-cooled cavity mold, which is then closed, and air injected through the top or the neck o f the container. The softened polymer in the

parison inflates against the wall o f the mold, which cools the m elt and solidifies it into the mold shape. The mold opens and the part is removed and deflashed to remove any excess plastic. W hile the wall thickness o f the parison itself is uniform, that o f the product form ed (a bottle) will not be uniform because o f its different geometry. This variation in wall thickness needs to be taken into account when designing products intended for blow molding. In this processing cycle most o f the tim e is spent on cooling the mold. Therefore, it is usual to have several molds set up on a rotating table that takes up sections o f parison from a single continuous extruder to optim ize the process.


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In injection blow molding, an injection-m olding m achine replaces the extruder. In the first stage a parison with the threads o f the finished bottle molded in is injection m olded onto a core element. The injected parison core is then carried to the next station on the m achine, where it is blown up into the finished container as in the extrusion blow-m olding process above. In some instances the parison might


stretched inside the mold to obtain a biaxially oriented plastic product.

As the parison is injection molded, there is good control o f the weight

o f the

final product in this type o f blow molding.

In stretch blow m olding (for resins such as PET used in soda bottles) an injection-m olded preform (usually obtained from a separate specialized vendor) is used. The preform is loaded into a simple machine that heats it to soften the plastic and stretches it inside the mold to shape the plastic into a bottle.

2.4.5. Extrusion Blowing o f Film

Extrusion blowing o f common plastics such as polyethylenes into film is one o f the oldest processing techniques (dating back to the 1930s in the United States). The basic process is simple and is based on a special annular die that is connected to one or more extruders. In the simple case with a single extruder, the m olten plastic material is extruded vertically upwards through the die into a thin-walled plastic tube. Blowing air into the tube expands the

soft m olten


deform ing


circum ferentially into a tube with a wider diameter, while the pickup and winding up o f the collapsed tube elongates the tube in the m achine direction. The ratio o f the pickup or haul-off rate to that o f extrusion is called the draw-down ratio. The tubular film can be blown up by air only while it is soft and soon forms a “freeze line” at a maximum diam eter (the ratio o f the diam eter at the freeze line to that o f the annular die is the blow-up ratio for the film). To obtain a uniform film, it is crucial to m aintain constant extrusion rates and a symm etric stable “bubble” or the inflated cylinder o f polym er at all tim es during processing. Typically the bubble can be 15-30

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ft tall and up to several feet in diameter. The processing variables as well as the grade o f resin used for film blowing determ ines the quality and uniform ity o f the film product Figure 2.12 shows a diagram o f film blowing equipment. The same process can also be used to produce a m ultilayered film using several extruders, one for each type o f resin used, and a feed block to direct the resin into different layers. The layers need to be selected carefully for their processing characteristics as well as their performance in the final product. For instance, in coextrusion o f a barrier film for packaging applications, different layers o f the film might be selected for different functionality needed in the prod.

Figure 2.12 Schematic representation o f extrusion blowing o f plastic film.


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2.5 Polyester and PET R e cy clin g Industry

2.5.1 General

W hen recycling polyethylene terephthalate or PET or polyester, two ways generally have to be differentiated: 1-The chem ical recycling back to the initial raw m aterials purified terephthalic acid (PTA) or dimethyl terephthalate (DM T) and ethylene glycol (EG) where the polymer structure







interm ediates



hydroxyterephthalate. 2-The m echanical recycling where the original polym er properties are being m aintained or reconstituted.

Chem ical recycling o f PET will become cost-efficient only applying high capacity recycling lines o f more than 50,000 tons/year. Such lines could only be seen, *

if at all, within the production sites o f very large polyester producers. Several attempts o f industrial m agnitude to establish such chemical recycling plants have been m ade in the past but without resounding success. Even the promising chem ical recycling in Japan has not becom e an industrial break through so far. The two reasons for this are at first the difficulty o f consistent and continuous waste bottles sourcing in such a huge amount at one single site and at second the steadily increased prices and price volatility o f collected bottles. The prices o f baled bottles increased for instance between the years 2000 and 2008 from about 50 Euro/ton to over 500 Euro/ton in 2008.

M echanical recycling or direct circulation o f PET in the polymeric state is operated in m ost diverse variants today. These kinds o f processes are typical o f small and m edium -sized industry. Cost-efficiency can already be achieved with plant capacities within a range o f 5 000 - 20 000 tons/year. In this case, nearly all kinds o f recycled-m aterial feedback into the material circulation are possible today. These diverse recycling processes are being discussed hereafter in detail.

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Besides chem ical contam inants and degradation products generated during first processing and usage, m echanical impurities are representing the main part of quality depreciating impurities in the recycling stream. Recycled m aterials are increasingly introduced into m anufacturing processes, which were originally designed for new m aterials only. Therefore, efficient sorting, separation and cleaning processes become most important for high quality recycled polyester.

W hen talking about polyester recycling industry we are concentrating mainly on recycling o f PET bottles which are m eanwhile used for all kinds o f liquid packaging like water, carbonated soft drinks, juices, beer, sauces, detergents, household chem icals and so on. Bottles are easily to distinguish because o f shape and consistency and separate from waste plastic streams either by autom atic or hand sorting processes. The established polyester recycling industry exists o f three major sections: PET bottle collection and waste separation— waste logistics Production o f clean bottle flakes— flake production Conversion o f PET flakes to final products— flake processing

Interm ediate product from the first section is baled bottle waste with a PET content greater than 90%. M ost common trading form is the bale but also bricked or even loose, pre-cut bottles are common in the market. In the second section the collected bottles are converted to clean PET bottle flakes. This step can be more or less com plex and com plicated depending on required final flake quality. During third step PET bottle flakes are processed to any kind o f products like film, bottles, fiber, filament, strapping or intermediates like pellets for further processing and engineering plastics.

Aside this external polyester bottle recycling num bers o f internal recycling processes exist, w here the wasted polymer material does not exit the production site to the free m arket and where the waste is reused at one and the same production circuit. In this way for instance fiber waste is directly reused to produce fiber, preform waste is directly reused to produce performs and film waste is directly reused to produce film


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2.5.2 PET bottle recycling

Purification and decontam ination - the most important processing steps during polyester recycling.T hf success o f any recycling concept is hidden in the efficiency of purification and decontam ination at the right place during processing and to the necessary or desired extent.Generally, the following applies: the sooner foreign substances are rem oved, in the process, and the more thoroughly this is done, the more efficient the process is.

The high plasticization tem perature o f PET in the range o f 280°C is the reason why alm ost all comm on organic impurities such as PVC, PLA, polyolefin, chemical

wood-pulp and paper fibers, p o lyvin yl acetate, m elt adhesive, coloring agents, sugar and proteins residues are transform ed into colored degradation products which, in their turn, might release reactive degradation products additionally. Then, the number o f defects in the polym er chain increases considerably. Naturally, the particle size distribution o f impurities is very wide, the big particles o f 60-1000 /am— which are visible by naked eye and easy to filter— representing the lesser evil since their total surface is relatively small and the degradation speed is therefore lower. The influence o f the m icroscopic particles, which— because they are many— increase the frequency o f defects in the polymer, is comparable bigger. The motto "W hat the eye does not see the heart cannot grieve over" is considered to be very important in m any recycling processes. Therefore besides efficient sorting the removal o f visible impurity particles by m elt filtration processes is playing a particular part in this case. In general one can say that the processes to make PET bottle flakes from collected bottles are as versatile as the different waste streams are different in their composition and quality. In view o f technology there isn’t ju st one way to do it. There are m eanwhile m any engineering com panies which are offering flake production plants and com ponents, and it is difficult to decide for one or other plant design. Nevertheless there are principles which are sharing m ost o f these processes. Depending on com position and impurity level o f input material the general following process steps are applied. 1. Bale opening, briquette opening


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2. Sorting and selection for different colors, foreign polym ers especially PVC, foreign

matter, removal o f film, paper, glass, sand, soil, stones and metals

3. Pre-w ashing without cutting 4. Coarse cutting d r^ o r combined to pre-washing 5. Removal o f stones, glass and metal6. A ir sifting to remove film, paper and labels 7. Grinding, dry and / or wet 8. Removal o f low-density polymers (cups) by density differences 9. Hot wash 10. Caustic wash 11. Caustic surface etching, maintaining intrinsic viscosity and decontam ination . 12. Rinsing 13. Clean water rinsing 14. Drying 15. Air sifting o f flakes 16. Autom atic flake sorting 17. W ater circuit and water treatm ent technology 18. Flake quality control 2.5.3 Im purities and m aterial defects The num ber o f possible impurities and material defects which accum ulate in the polymeric material is increasing perm anently— when processing as well as when using polymers— taking, into account a %to\\«v% sets'\ce Ivfe \vn\e,

fm a\

applications and 'repealed \ec^c\\Y\g. Ns far as iecyc\ed PKY botVies are concerned, the defects m entioned can be sorted in the following groups: Reactive. poU jestex O R - a t C O C ft\- ew i

- a t XvafcsfejreweA trtfc

S wa

reactive end groups, e.g. form ation o f vinyl ester end groups through dehydration or decarboxylation o f terephthalate acid, reaction o f the OH- or COOH- end groups with m ono-functional degradation products like m ono-carbonic acids or alcohols. Results are decreased reactivity during re-polycondensation or re-SSP and broadening the m olecular weight distribution. b) The end group proportion shifts toward the direction o f the COOH end groups built

up through a therm al and oxidative degradation. Results are decrease in reactivity,

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increase in the acid autocatalytic decom position during therm al treatm ent in presence o f humidity. c) N um ber o f poly-functional m acrom olecules increases. Accum ulation o f gels and long-chain branching defects. d) Num ber, concentration and variety o f non polymer-identical organic and inorganic foreign substances are increasing. With every new therm al stress, the organic foreign substances will react by decomposition. This is causing the liberation o f further degradation-supporting substances and coloring substances. e) Hydroxide and peroxide groups build up at the surface o f the products m ade o f polyester in presence o f air (oxygen) and humidity. This process is accelerated by ultraviolet light. During an ulterior treatm ent process, hydro peroxides are a source o f oxygen-radicals which are source o f oxidative degradation. Destruction o f hydro peroxides is to happen before the first thermal treatm ent or during plasticization and can be supported by suitable additives like antioxidants. Taking in consideration the above mentioned chemical defects and impurities, *

there is ongoing a m odification o f the following polymer characteristics during each recycling cycle, which are detectable by chemical and physical laboratory analysis. In particular: Increase o f COOH end groups Increase o f color num ber b Increase o f haze (transparent products ) Increase o f oligom er content Reduction in filterability Increase o f by-products content such as acetaldehyde, form aldehyde Increase o f extractable foreign contam inants Decrease in color L D ecrease o f intrinsic viscosity or dynamic viscosity Decrease o f crystallization tem perature and increase o f crystallization speed D ecrease o f the m echanical properties like tensile strength, elongation at break or elasticity m odulus Broadening o f m olecular weight distribution


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2 The recycling o f PET-bottles is m eanwhile an industrial standard process which is offered by a wide variety o f engineering companies

2.5.4 Processing exam ples for recycled polyester Recycling processe^w ith polyester are almost as varied as the manufacturing processes based on prim ary pellets or melt. Depending on purity o f the recycled m aterials polyester can be used today in most o f the polyester m anufacturing processes as blend with virgin polym er or increasingly as 100% recycled polymer. Some exceptions like BOPET-film o f low thickness, special applications like optical film or yarns through FDY-spinning at > 6000 m/min or m icrofilam ents and m icro­ fibers are produced from virgin polyester only. Simple re-pelletizing o f bottle flakes This process consists in transform ing bottle waste into flakes, by drying and crystallizing the flakes, by plasticizing and filtering, as well as by pelletizing. Product is an am orphous re-granulate o f an intrinsic viscosity in the range o f 0.55-0.7 dC/g, depending on how com plete pre-drying o f PET flakes has been done. Special feature are: acetaldehyde and oligomers are contained in the pellets at lower level; the viscosity is reduced somehow, the pellets are am orphous and have to be crystallized and dried before further processing. Processing to: Non-woven, Staple fiber, Filaments, Carpet yarn, A-PET film for therm oform ing, Packaging stripes, BOPET packaging film, Bottle resin by SSP, Engineering plastics, Addition to PET virgin production.

Choosing the re-pelletizing way m eans having an additional conversion process \\iVi\Or\ v=> a V


destruction. At the other

ew eTg}

vrv \e T V S \\e , c o s \ c o n s w r n 'v n g ,

side the pelletizing step

advantages: o

Quality uniformization


Processing flexibility increased


Product selection and separation by quality


Interm ediate quality control


Intensive m elt filtration



X h e tv tv a X

isproviding the following

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M odification by additives M anufacture o f PET-pellets for bottles (B-2-B) and A-PET / This process is, in principle, sim ilar to the one described above; however, the pellets produced are directly (continuously or discontinuously) crystallized and then subjected to a solid-state polycondensation (SSP) in a tum bling drier or a vertical tube reactor. During this processing step, the corresponding intrinsic viscosity o f 0.80 0.085 d£/g is rebuild again and, at the same time, the acetaldehyde content is reduced to < 1 ppm.

The fact that some m achine m anufacturers and line builders in Europe and USA make efforts to offer independent recycling processes, e.g. the so called bottleto-bottle (B-2-B) process, such as URRC or BUHLER, aim s at generally furnishing proof o f the "existence" o f the required extraction residues and o f the removal o f model contam inants according to FDA applying the so called challenge test, which is necessary for the application o f the treated polyester in the food sector. Besides this process approval it is nevertheless necessary that any user o f such processes has to constantly check the FDA-limits for the raw m aterials m anufactured by him self for his process. Direct conversion o f bottle flakes

In order to save costs, one is working on the direct use o f the PET-flakes, from the treatm ent o f used bottles, with a view to m anufacturing an increasing num ber o f polyester intermediates. For the adjustm ent o f the necessary viscosity, besides an efficient drying o f the flakes, it is possibly necessary to also reconstitute the viscosity through polycondensation in the melt phase or solid-state polycondensation o f the flakes. The latest PET flake conversion processes are applying twin screw extruders, multi screw extruders or multi rotation systems and coincidental vacuum degassing to remove m oisture and avoid flake pre-drying. These processes allow the conversion o f un-dried PET flakes without substantial viscosity decrease caused by hydrolysis.


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Looking at the consumption o f PET bottle flakes the main portion o f about 70% is converted to fibers and filaments. W hen using directly secondary m aterials such as bottle flakes in spinning processes, there are a few processing principles to obtain.


High speed spinning processes for the m anufacture o f POY normally need a viscosity o f 0.62-0.64 d£/g. Starting from bottle flakes, the viscosity can be set via the degree o f drying. The additional use o f T i0 2 is necessary for full dull or semi dull yarn. In order to protect the spinnerets, an efficient filtration o f the m elt is, in any case is necessary. For the tim e being the amount o f POY made o f 100% recycling polyester is rather low because this process requires high purity o f spinning melt. Most o f the tim e a blend o f virgin and recycled pellets is used.

Staple fibers are spun in an intrinsic viscosity range which rather lies somewhat lower and which should be between 0.58 and 0.62 df/g. In this case, too, the required viscosity can be adjusted via drying or vacuum adjustm ent in case o f vacuum extrusion. For adjusting the viscosity, however, an addition o f chain length

Spinning non-woven— in the fine titer field for textile applications as well as heavy spinning non-woven as basic m aterials, e.g. for ro o f covers or in road building— can be m anufactured by spinning bottle flakes. The spinning viscosity is again within a range o f 0.58-0.65 d£/g. One field o f increasing interest where recycled m aterials are used is the m anufacture o f high tenacity packaging stripes— and m onofilaments. In both cases, the initial raw m aterial is a m ainly recycled material o f higher intrinsic viscosity. High tenacity packaging stripes as well as m onofilam ent are then m anufactured in the melt spinning process


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2.5.5 R ecycling back to the initial raw materials

2.5.5.lG lycolysis anc|rpartial glycolysis

The polyester which has to be recycled is transform ed into an oligom er by adding ethylene glycol or other glycols during therm al treatm ent. The aim and advantage o f this way o f processing is the possibility o f separating the mechanical deposits directly and efficient through a progressive and stepwise filtration. The filtration fineness o f the last filtration step has a decisive effect on the quality o f the end product. Taking partial recycling with partial glycolysis as an example, it is to be demonstrated how bottle waste can successfully be recycled in a continuously operating polyester line which is m anufacturing pellets for bottle applications.

The task consists in feeding 10-25% bottle flakes and m aintaining at the same time the quality o f the bottle pellets which are m anufactured on the line. This aim is solved by degrading the PET bottle flakes— already during their first plasticization which can be carried out in a single- or m ulti-screw extruder— to an intrinsic viscosity o f about 0.30 d£/g by adding small quantities o f ethylene glycol and by subjecting the low viscosity m elt stream to an efficient filtration directly after plasticization. Furthermore, tem perature is brought to the lowest possible limit. In addition, with this way o f processing, the possibility o f a chemical decom position o f the hydro peroxides is possible by adding a corresponding P-stabilizer directly when plasticizing. The destruction o f the hydro peroxide groups is, with other processes, already carried out during the last step o f flake treatm ent for instance by adding H 3P 03. The partially glycolyzed


finely filtered

recycled material

is continuously

fed to the

esterification or prepolycondensation reactor, the dosing quantities o f the raw m aterials are being adjusted accordingly. The treatm ent o f polyester waste through total glycolysis to convert the polyester to bis-beta hydroxy-terephthalate, which is vacuum distilled and can be used, instead o f DMT or PTA, as a raw m aterial for polyester m anufacture, has been executed on an industrial scale in Japan as experimental production.


Literature Review

Chapter 2 H ydrolysis

Recycling processes, through hydrolysis o f the PET to PTA and M EG, are operating under high pressures under supercritical conditions. In this case, PET-waste will be directly hydrolyzed applying for instance supercritical water steam. Purification o f crude terephthalic acid will be carried out by re-crystallization in acetic acid / water m ixtures sim ilar to PTA purification. Industrial-scale lines based on this chemistry have not been known to date. M ethanolysis

M ethanolysis is the recycling process which has been practiced and tested on a large scale for many years in the past. In this case, polyester w aste is transform ed with methanol into DMT, under pressure and in presence o f catalysts. A fter this an efficient filtration o f the m ethanolysis product is applied. Finally the crude DM T is purified by vacuum distillation. The m ethanolysis is only rarely carried out in industry today because polyester production based on DM T shrunk trem endously and with this DM T producers disappeared step by step during the last decade [14],


Literature Review

Chapter 2

2.5.6 Practices in C ollection and Recycling of PET Bottles Collection There are four basic ways in which com m unities worldwide offer recycling collection services for PET plastic bottles and containers to their residents. The first method known as Returnable Container Legislation, or "Bottle Bills" These containers, when returned by the consum er for the redem ption value, facilitate recycling by aggregating large quantities o f recyclable m aterials at beverage retailers and wholesalers to be collected by recyclers, while sim ultaneously providing the consum er with an econom ic incentive to return soft drink containers for recycling. The second and most widely accessible, collection m ethod is curbside collection o f recyclables. Curbside recycling programs are generally the most convenient for com m unity residents to participate in and yield high recovery rates as a result .Residents are requested to sepa/ate designed recyclables from their household garbage and to place them into special receptacles or bags. The third collection method is known as drop-off recycling . In this method, containers for designed recyclables m aterials are placed at central collection locations throughout the comm unity, such as parking lots, schools, or other civic associations. Residents are requested to deliver their recyclables to the drop-off location, where recyclables are separated by material type into their respective collection containers. D rop-off centers require much less investment to establish than curbside programs, yet do not offer the convenience o f curbside collection. The last collection m ethod employs the use o f buy-back centers. As most buy-back centers are operated by private companies, they often provide incentives, through legislation or grants and loan programs, that can assist in the establishm ent o f buy-off centers for their residents. Most buy-off centers have purchasing specifications that require consumers to source separate recyclable materials brought for sale, e.g. removal o f caps from bottles. PET plastic wastes are also collected by the following ways: ■

Private Collection -T h is type o f collection is done in restaurants, hotels, business establishments, superm arkets and fast food chains.


Literature Review

Chapter 2

Household Consum er - The household consum ers segregate and sell their p lastif waste to eco-aids. However , some o f them dispose their com m ingled solid waste to garbage bins or containers for pick- up by dum p trucks or garbage collectors.

Junk Shops- There are m any jun k shops collecting recyclable items and separate them. They buy from scavengers and household consum ers and sell their scrap to the recyclers/ processors. PET bottles are sold after sorting and cleaning (rem oval o f cover and label) from the comm ingled waste.

M iddleman - The m iddlem an or consolidators operates in the following ways: a) collects and grinds PET industrial waste "on- site", b) collects and grinds PET industrial and post consum er waste in their own p la n t, and c) collects PET industrial/ consum er waste and sell them to PET recyclers


Literature Review

Chapter 2 Recycling PET bogles

Recycling of PET bottles

Design for Separation, the Serendipitous Result

Collected PET containers are delivered to m aterials recovery facility (MRF) or a plastic interm ediate processing facility (IPC) to begin recycling process.

Literature Review

Chapter 2

Segregation & G rinding/Flaking (MRFs) separate collected recyclables into their different categories. PET bottles are separated based on type/number, color and processing m ethod then baled for sale to (IPCs), (PRFs) or reclaimers. (PRFs) further sorted PET bottles by color sorting, granulating and shipm ent to reclaim ers as "dirty" regrind for processing into a form that can be used by converters. Cleaning & Drying At reclaim ing facility, the dirty flake passes through series o f sorting and cleaning stages to separate PET from other contam inants (labels, glue, fines and very small PET particles). The flakes then washed with detergent in a "scrubber", then passed through "float/sink" classifier to remove float base cups(HDPE) and caps ring(PP). Some reclaim ers use "hydrocyclone" for this step. Then the flakes thoroughly dried in a "centrifugal dryer" and passed through "electrostatic separator" for aluminum separation. X-Ray separation may also be used for removal o f PVC. Cleaned PET flake or pellet is then processed by reclaim ers or converters into comm odity-grade raw m aterial such as fiber, sheet or engineered compounded pellet which finally sold to end-users m anufacturing new products. There are five m ajor generic end-use categories recycled PET: 1) Packaging applications e.g. bottles. 2) Sheet &film applications e.g. laundry scoops. 3) Strapping. 4) Engineered resins applications e.g. reinforced compounds for automobiles 5) Fiber applications e.g. carpets, fiberfill Designing Com m unity s PET Recycling Collection Program Properly designed PET recycling collection programs greatly increase the quantity and quality o f PET collected and can reduce overall recycling system costs. In order to m aximize the recovery and value o f PET plastic containers our community recycling collection program, two best practices should be followed when designing program. The first is to establish an effective and ongoing consum er education program. The second best practice is to designate all PET bottles with screw-neck tops as acceptable for recycling.


Literature Review


2 There are seven basic m essages that should be included in any consum er education or prom otional program aimed at the collection o f PET bottles. 1)

with screw-neck tops to be placed for collection or brought to a collection location. PET can be identified by looking for the "#1 code. Any non-bottle PET should be excluded.

2) Only PET bottles that are clear or transparent green should be included for recycling . Other colors to be excluded. 3) Consum ers should remove lips, caps and other closures from PET bottles placed for recycling. 4) All PET bottles that are setout for recycling should be com pletely free o f contents and rinsed clean. 5) Consum ers should flatten PET bottles prior to setting out for collection. 6) Consum ers should never place any material other than the original content into PET bottles for recycling. 7) Hypoderm ic needles are increasipg safety concern at recycling facilities [15].


Chapter Three Materials & Methods *

Materials & Methods

Chapter 3



Materials & Methods

3.1 The Study Area

Khartoum state is one o f the 26 states o f Sudan , located in the m iddle o f Sudan. It contains three provinces, Khartoum, Om durman and Khartoum North with eight localities. It has area o f 22,122 Km2 and estimated population o f approximately 7,152,102 (2008). Khartoum, the national capital o f Sudan, is the capital o f Khartoum state. Khartoum state is linked with other states through traffic networks highways roads, railways and airways.

In Khartoum state there are (7) seven soft drinks factories and more than (50) fifty water bottling factories. All o f these factories are using PET plastic bottles for their packaging. Four o f the seven soft drinks factories are in Khartoum North industrial area, two in Om durman and one in Khartoum new industrial area. M ost o f these factories are distributing their products to all states o f Sudan. There are also (4) four formal small-scale grinding plastic recycling units and many informal recycling units in Khartoum state. Only one o f the formal units is grinding collected PET bottles for export. There are also (2) two PET preform (bottles) factories newly established in Geury industerial area.


Materials & Methods

Chapter 3

3.1.1 Khartoum State M ap (Google).

3.2 Sources & M ethods o f Data Collection

PET bottles have been a focus o f interest o f this study due to the littering problem. Therefore, information was reviewed to gain an understanding o f the following aspects: the plastic chain with emphasis on existing plastic waste m anagement practices o f PET bottles, also the relevant stakeholders and the parteners that exist between them. In addition, emphasis was placed on studying soft drinks & water factories and plastic recycling units and their constrains in handling PET.

Materials & Methods

Chapter 3

Inform ation and data for this study were gathered from diverse sources mainly, Bank o f Sudani, Custom s Authorities, Ministry o f Industry,

Sudanese Cham ber o f

Industries Association, Khartoum State Cleaning Scheme, soft drinks & water factories and plastic recycling units. Two questionnaires were developed and designed so as to get the relevant data, views points o f various stakeholders and feasible recom m endations that help in mitigation o f the problem. Interviews were also carried out with various representatives in the plastic chain. Face to face, on site interviews as possible were undertaken as this was the effective means o f gathering information. -The study was conducted in July 2010. -Soft drinks and water bottling factories in Khartoum state are taken as sample for this study. -Data collected from Bank o f Sudan and Customs Authorities covering the period 2005 - 2009.


-Survey and data results were managed and analyzed by Excel and e-view analytical methods.

3.3 Statistical Analysis M ethods

The data collected were presented in charts and graphs applying Excel program which is the preferred program and much more useful for creating charts and graphs for data presentation as well as developing projections. E-view program was also applied for the future forecasting. M icrosoft Excel is a spreadsheet application written and distributed by M icrosoft for M icrosoft W indows and Mac OS X . It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables and a m acro program ming language called (VBA ) Visual Basic for Applications .(It has been a very widely applied spreadsheet for these platforms, especially since version 5 in 1993 .Excel forms part o f M icrosoft Office .The current versions are M icrosoft Office Excel 2010 for W indows and 2008 for Mac. M icrosoft Excel has the basic features o f all spreadsheets using a grid o f cells arranged in numbered rows and letter-named columns to organize data m anipulations like

Materials & Methods

Chapter 3

arithmetic operations .It has a battery o f supplied functions to answ er statistical, engineering and financial needs .In addition, it can display data as line graphs, histogram s and charts, and with a very limited three-dimensional graphical display. EViews (econom etric Views) statistical package for W indows, used mainly for tim e-series oriented econometric analysis . It is developed by Quantitative Micro Software (QM S), now apart o f HIS .The current version o f EView is 7.1, released in April 2010. EViews can be used for general statistical analysis and econometric analyses, such as cross-section and panel data analysis and time series estimation and forecasting .EViews com bines spreadsheet and relational database technology with the traditional tasks found in statistical software, and uses a W indows GUI .This is combined with a program m ing language which displays limited object orientation. EViews relies heavily on a proprietary and undocumented file form at for data storage.


Chapter Four Results & Discussion

Results & Discussion

Chapter 4

4 Results & Discussion

4.1 Results In general, table (4.1) shows imported plastic m aterials in metric tons and their values in 1000 $ for virgin plastic resin, plastic products and PET preform (bottles) during the years 2005 - 2009. And table (4.2) shows annual increment o f PET preform (bottles) during 2007 - J u l y 2010. The figures (4.1a) - (4 .6 b ) respectively illustrate graphical relationship between particulars, by using excel program, during the same period. A forecast for imports o f PET preform (bottles) was shown in table (4.3) by applying eviews package.

Sudan imports o f plastic materials increased annually, in year 2005 reached 54540 tons virgin plastic resin o f value 61,292,000 $,107,420 tons plastic products o f value 73,341,000 $ and 9,611 tons PET preform (bottles) o f value 18,137,000 $.

In 2006 imported o f virgin resin was 64,403 tons o f value 63,259,000 $ 55,511 tons plastic products o f value 85,124,000 $ and 10,400 tons PET o f value 18,235,000

In 2007 virgin resin was 65,146 tons o f value 94,354,000 $, 53,790 tons plastic products o f value 98,072,000 $ and 9,915 tons PET preform o f value 17,384,000 $.

In 2008 virgin resin increased to 75,233 tons o f value 129,106,000 $, 62,860 tons plastic products o f value 117,616,000 $ and 15,81 I tons PET preform o f value 29,780,000 $. In 2009 imported virgin resin reached 108,856 tons o f value 139,234,000 $, 117,616 tons plastic products o f value 80,945,000 $ and 22,444 tons PET preform o f value 38,899,000 $.

In this year 2010, from January to July, imports o f plastic m aterials show significant increase. Virgin resin reached 58,565 tons o f value 71,795,000 $, 38,271 tons plastic products o f value 85,662,000 $ and 17,336 tons PET preform o f value


Results & Discussion

Chapter 4

34,564,000 $. Therefore, PET preform imports estimated to reach by end o f 2010 approxim ately 30000 tons. f 4.1.1 Excel P resen tatio n The results obtained as in table (4.1) are presented in graphical and charts forms by applying Excel M icrosoft Program as shown in figures (4.1a,b) - (4.6a,b); Figures (4.1a) and (4.1b) represent quantities and values o f the imported virgin plastic resin according to year. Figures (4.2a) and (4.2b) represent imported PET preform quantities and values according to year. Figures (4.3a) and (4.3b) represent yearly imported plastic products in quantities and values. Figures (4.4a), (4.4b) and (4.5a), (4.5b) illustrate the comparative relationship between virgin resin, PET preform and plastic products imports in quantity/value during the years 2005 -2009. Figures (4.6a) and (4.6b) show the ratio o f PET preform imports to virgin plastic resin in quantities and values during the same period.



Table(4.1) Imported Plastic Resin I Products I P E T Perform (bottle) Period 2005 - 2009






ITEM Quantity MT

Value X1000$

Virgin Plastic Resin


Plastic Products


V X I000$





PET Preform (bottles)



% age PET/Virgin Plastic Resin



V X I000$










V X I000$


V X I000$
























Table (4.2) Estimate PET Preform (bottle) 2010


Year/MT PET preform Increment % annual increment






























20% *





Table (4.2) PET Preform (bottle) % Annual Increment


R esults & D iscussion

Chapter 4

Virgin Plastic Resin

i 2005 i 2006 2007 2008 2009

Fig (4.1a)

Virgin Plastic Resin



l 2006

2007 2008 2009

Fig (4.1b)


Results & Discussion

Chapter 4

PET Preform(bottles) 1

Fig (4.2a)

PET Preform(bottles)

Fig (4.2b)


Chapter 4

Plastic Products


12005 i 2006 2007 i 2008 2009

Fig (4.3a)

Plastic Products

I 2005 12006 i 2007 12008 I2009


Results & Discussion

Chapter 4

Ratio of PET preform imports to virgin plastic (Quantities)

100% 9 0

% y

80% f 70% 60% 50


c 4%



9% ■ Virgin Plastic Rosin

% y

■ PET Preform(bottles)

40% 3 0

% y

20% 10% -


1,6 %





0% 4^ 2005





Fig (4.6a)

in plsticRatio of preform imports to virg (Values)

■ Virgin Plastic Resin ■ PET Preform(bottles)

Fig (4.6b


R esults & D iscussion

C hapter


i Virgin Plastic Resin l Plastic Products PET Preform(bottles)






Fig (4.4a)

Comparative relation between virgin resin, PET &plastic products imports (Quantities)


R esults & D iscussion

C hapter


m Virgin Plastic Resin ■ Plastic Products ■ PET Preform(bottles)


0 2005





Fig (4.5a)

200000 180000 160000 140000

— Series 1

120000 100000


80000 60000 40000



0 0 3


3 03





03 >



Fig (4.5b) een virgin resinComparative relation betw, PET &plastic products imports (Values)

R esults & D iscussion

C hapter


Eviews Package Application Forecast for PET Preform (bottles) Imports

Forecast: XF3 Actual: X Forecast sam ple: 2 0 0 5 2 0 1 5 Adjusted sam ple: 2 0 0 5 2 0 1 0 Included observations: 6 Root M ean Squared Error 2 8 8 2 .6 2 4 M ean Abs. Percent Error 2 3 6 3 .5 9 0 M ean Absolute Percentage Error 1 8 .5 1 7 1 2 Theil Inequality Coefficient 0 .0 8 0 4 1 4 Bias Proportion 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 Variance Proportion 0 .0 3 8 8 8 3


Variable T C RESID01(-1) R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat

± 2 S.E.

Dependent Variable: X Method: Least Squares Date: 08/23/10 Time: 13:35 Sample(adjusted): 2006 2010 Included observations: 5 after adjustinc endpoints Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 5920.110 797.5212 7.423137 0.0177 -621159.7 85990.06 -7.223622 0.0186 0.742890 0.418197 1.776413 0.2176 0.968474 Mean dependent var 17714.00 0.936948 S.D.dependent var 8533.157 2142.689 Akaike info criterion 18.46122 9182236. Schwarz criterion 18.22688 -43.15305 F-statistic 30.71985 2.986481 Prob(F-statistic) 0.031526

Y = C + BT Y = -62110 + 5920.11 T + .74289 e Since Y : P E T P reform T : Y ear C : intercept B : Slope o f T e : error



Results & Discussion


I Y ears

PET Preform "bottles"

Growth Rate



2006 2007

10400 9915


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015







3 5 9 7 2 .5 1


4 1 892.62


4 7 8 1 2 .7 3


5 3 7 3 2 .8 4


5 9 6 5 2 .9 5


T able (4.3)

4.1.3 Soft Water bottling Factories Survey drink & The result o f the survey, visits, meetings and interviews conducted with key personnel in some selected soft drink and water bottling factories indicated that PET industrial waste generated as rejects during the processing o f preforms to stretch blow molding into bottles was in the range 0.5 - 3%. The industrial waste depends mainly on the m achine efficiency and the preforms quality. This PET waste is clean, easily identified/ defined and segregated.


Results & Discussion

Chapter 4

4.2 Discussion < As shown in Figures (4.2a) and (4.2b) imported quantities and values o f PET preform were increasing annually. In year 2005 the quantity imorted was 9600 tons o f value 18,137,000$ increased teremendously to reash 22444 tons o f value 38,899,000$ and expected to reash 30000 tons by the end o f this year 2010. This high increase in PET consum ption due to introduction o f additional capacities and investments in soft drinks and water plants as well as partial replacement o f glass bottles by PET. Table (4.3) illustrates forecasted quantities o f PET Preform up to year 2015 by applying eview statistical package. PET Preform estimated to reash approxim ately 60000 tons in year 2015 which is twice the quantity estimated in year 2010. This expected high rising in PET consumption will require serious measures to be taken to pose environm ental challenges for the whole country and Khartoum State in particular.


Chapter Five Conclusion &Recommendations

Conclusion & Recommendation

Chapter 5

5. Conclusion &Recommendations


5.1. C onclusion Population growth and rapid pace o f urbanization pose several environmental challenges for Khartoum State. One o f the challenges is the waste m anagement, and especially plastic waste management. The environm ental issues regarding plastic waste and PET in particular, arise predom inately due to the gradual changes in lifestyle, the throw aw ay culture that plastic propagate, and also the lack o f an efficient waste m anagem ent system contribute to the widespread problem. PET Preform (bottles) imported during the last five years (2005-2009) was increasing due to high demand o f soft drinks and bottled water and estimated to reach 30000 tons by the end o f this year 2010. Prediction o f PET preform for the coming five years as shown in table (4.3) estimated to reach approxim ately 60000 tons in year 2015. This expected rise and increasing consumption o f PET bottles will create environm ental problem s that must be addressed by identifying and introducing recycling as one o f the best practical cleaner production tool to achieve sustainable development. M echanical recycling o f PET bottles is the most preferred recovery route for hom ogeneous and relatively clean plastic waste stream. It is well suited for developing countries since it is less cost-intensive and currently being employed in Khartoum plastic recycling units. Collection process is the key to successful recycling o f PET bottles and plastic waste. It lies on consum ers that must become educated and motivated through designed com m unity educational program so that identification and collection of recyclables containers becomes a routine activity. W ith abundance o f PET bottles, the current recycling units are very low capacities and the process is just grinding, cleaning and baling for export. PET industrial waste from factories rejects ranged from 0.5% to 3% which is clean and easily recyclable.

Conclusion & R ecom m endation

C h a p te r 5

5.2. R ecom m endations Based on the findings and results o f this study, it is recom mended that: •

Governm ent support to Khartoum cleaning scheme and other private com panies working in waste m anagement to achieve better performance and exert more effort in collection and sorting plastic waste and in particular PET bottles.

N ecessity to cooperation and coordination among the various actors, governm ent, private sector, informal sector, NGO s and the industry to create jo b opportunities for the limited income people to participate in PET / plastic collection .

Promote recycling o f PET bottles and other plastic waste through adoption of good practices in collection and selection o f the appropriate methods, (refer to section 2 .5 .6 )

Designing com m unity PET recycling collection program greatly increase the quantity and quality o f collection and reduce the overall recycling cost. Two best practices should be followed : - To establish an effective and ongoing consum er education program. - To designate all PET bottles with screw-neck tops as accepted for recycling. ( Refer to section )

Initiate regional and international knowledge transfer from countries with successful practices in PET collection and recycling.

Promote and encourage current and new investments in PET recycling by offering subsidies.

Promote and encourage current and new investments in production o f PET preform.

Prohibit imports o f second hand machinery or old technologies for soft drink and water bottling factories, however new machinery contributes to waste saving.

Promote conducting feasibility studies to determine the viability o f the establishm ent o f PET resin industry using Sudanese petroleum.


Conclusion & Recommendation

Chapter 5

Review o f the existing laws and policies on plastic waste with particular to PET rising consumption to address the problem o f littering by encouraging recycling. Promote conducting further researches and studies in future.






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