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management practices by incorporating ... Management: Skills and Application,. 14e is a short, value-priced ..... The Fourteenth Edition of the award- winning ...
Management Principles of Management

Contemporary Management, 8e Published: 01/18/2013

Gareth Jones and Jennifer George ISBN: 978-0-07-802953-0

Contemporary Management by Jones and George distinguishes itself through its authorship, comprehensive/current contents, exceptionally rich and relevant examples, and applications/experiential exercises provided in every single chapter. The new eighth edition of Contemporary Management continues to provide students the most current and up-to-date account of the changes taking place in the world of business management. Jones and George focus on keeping it relevant and interesting to students, while still mirroring the changes taking place in management practices by incorporating recent developments in management theory and research through vivid, current examples of how managers of companies large and small have responded to the changes taking place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Annual Editions: Management, 17e Published: 01/18/2013

Fred Maidment

ISBN: 978-0-07-352878-6

The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of

common organizational features designed to make them particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offers an online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is a general guide that provides a number of interesting and functional ideas for using Annual Editions readers in the classroom. Visit www. for more details.

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Management Skills & Application, 14e Published: 09/14/2012

Leslie Rue, and Lloyd Byars

ISBN: 978-0-07-802911-0 / 512 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-132643-8 (IE)

Management: Skills and Application, 14e is a short, value-priced paperback that presents the fundamentals of management principles to undergraduate students. It continues its tradition of presenting principles of management in a straightforward and accessible manner, focusing on the essential skills that are needed to become a successful manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Management, 6e

Published: 09/14/2012

Angelo Kinicki and Brian Williams ISBN: 978-0-07-802954-7 / 608 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131529-6 (OR)

Blending research, practical application, and imaginative writing, Arizona State University business professor Angelo Kinicki (author of Kreitner/Kinicki Organizational Behavior 10e) and writer

Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER

Brian Williams (author of Williams/ Sawyer Using Information Technology 7e) have created a market-leading text through highly-readable writing, an emphasis on practicality, and a unique student-centered layout. The authors present all basic management concepts in bite-size chunks, 2-to 6-page sections to optimize student learning and emphasize the practicality of the subject matter. This text is widely praised by today’s visuallyoriented students. In addition, instructors and students are supplied with a wealth of classroom-proven resources. Supplements : • Connect Plus Management • Connect Management with LearnSmart

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M: Management, 3e Published: 09/21/2012

Thomas Bateman, and Scott Snell ISBN: 978-0-07-802952-3 / 416 pp.

M: Management by Bateman/Snell is the fastest growing Principles of Management textbook on the market. Bateman/Snell is written from the ground up to be brief, lean, and flexible enough to enable you to cover just the topics you want at the level of depth you want, while still maintaining the integrity of the content. Plus, it does not inherit outdated examples from a hardback derivative. With market-leading teaching support and the most up to date content available, M: Management represents the best value available in the brief Principles of Management market. What sets Bateman/Snell apart? An unrivaled mixture student-focused current content and the best teaching support around. Supplements :

• Connect Management with Learnsmart

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Management Essentials of Contemporary Management, 5e Published: 01/17/2012

Gareth Jones and Jennifer George ISBN: 978-0-07-802934-9 / 576 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131808-2 (OR)

Jones/George, Essentials of Contemporary Management is the concise edition of the market bestselling textbook by the same author team. Jones and George are dedicated to the challenge of “Making It Real” for students. The authors present management in a way that makes its relevance obvious even to students who might lack exposure to a “real-life” management context. This is accomplished thru a diverse set of examples, and the unique, and most popular feature of the text, the “Manager as a Person” Chapter 2. This chapter discusses managers as real people with their own personalities, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and problems and this theme is carried thru the remaining chapters. This text also discusses the importance of management competencies—the specific set of skills, abilities, and experiences that gives one manager the ability to perform at a higher level than another in a specific context. The themes of diversity, ethics, globalization, and information technology are integrated throughout. Supplements

• Connect Management • Connect Plus Management

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Management : Leading & Collaborating in the Competitive World, 10e Published: 01/17/2012

Thomas Bateman and Scott Snell ISBN: 978-0-07-802933-2 / 784 pp. ISBN: 978-1-259-07169-0 (IE)

Bateman and Snell’s Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World is a text with a fully modernized functional approach. This text is maintaining the four traditional functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, while modernizing and re-visioning the concepts as delivering strategic value, building a dynamic organization, mobilizing people, and learning and changing.

Bateman/Snell’ results-oriented approach is a unique hallmark of this textbook. In this ever more competitive environment there are five essential types of performance, on which the organization beats, equals, or loses to the competition which are cost, quality, speed, innovation, service and sustainability. These six performance dimensions, when done well, deliver value to the customer and competitive advantage to you and your organization. Throughout the text Bateman & Snell remind students of these five dimensions and their impact on the “bottom line” with marginal icons contributing to the leadership and collaboration theme, which is the key to successful management. People working with one another, rather than against, is essential to competitive advantage. Supplements:

• Connect Management with Learnsmart • Connect Plus Management with Learnsmart

Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER Organizational Behavior

M: Organizational Behavior, 2e Published: 01/25/2013

Steven McShane and Mary Von Glinow ISBN: 978-0-07-802951-6

M: Organizational Behavior, 2e provides the essential OB knowledge to students in an accessible, student focused presentation. This text builds on the strengths of the main textbook, including a strong literature foundation, excellent readability, meaningful exhibits, global representation of examples, and presentation of both core and emerging topics. McShane/Von Glinow allows students to practice applying concepts via Connect. M: Organizational Behavior: Connecting students to the world of OB.

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Organizational Behavior and Management, 10e Published: 02/01/2013

John Ivancevich and Robert Konopaske

ISBN: 978-0-07-802946-2 ISBN: 978-1-259-06059-5 (OR)

The authors’ goal in writing Organizational Behavior and Management 10e is to improve students’ ability to understand, interpret, and predict the behavior of people working in organizations. The book combines text, self-learning exercises, groupparticipation exercises, and cases in an integrated way designed to enhance learning and retention of organizational behavior concepts and skills. A solid research base and an appendix on research techniques make this book suitable for a graduate studies course.

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For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email: [email protected]


Management Managing Organizational Behavior: What Great Managers Know and Do, 2e Published: 01/19/2012

Timothy Baldwin, Bill Bommer, and Robert Rubin ISBN: 978-0-07-353040-6 / 624 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131455-8 (OR)

Managing Organizational Behavior by Baldwin/Bommer/Rubin distinguishes itself from other OB texts by taking a carefully-balanced approach to OB. It covers all traditional OB topics but in a decision-oriented, not just descriptive, way. It embraces the best OB models and evidence but engages students in how to use those models to improve their skill-sets and more successfully navigate organizational life. It is expressly designed to reconcile student demands for relevance and application with instructor interests in rigor, evidence and appropriate coverage of the discipline. Its student-centric materials provide students with relevant cutting-edge research and applications through extensive case studies, Manage What? situations, and practical Tool Kits that bring OB and career success to real life. Supplements:

• Connect with Managing Organizational Behavior • Connect Plus with Managing Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior, 6e Published: 01/13/2012

Steven McShane and Mary Von Glinow ISBN: 978-0-07-811264-5 / 640 pp.

Delivering what we’ve come to expect from this author team, McShane/Von Glinow 6e helps everyone make sense of OB, and provides the conceptual tools to work more effectively in the workplace.

In their new Sixth Edition, McShane and Von Glinow continue the trailblazing innovations that made previous editions of Organizational Behavior recognized and adopted by the new generation of organizational behavior (OB) instructors. The McShane and Von Glinow text is acclaimed for:

• Readability, presentation of current knowledge • Linking OB concepts and theories with reality • Strong International/Global orientation • Contemporary Theory Foundation (without the jargon) • Active Learning and Critical Thinking Support • Textbook’s philosophy-OB knowledge is for everyone, not just traditional managers.

Organizational Behavior, Sixth Edition is written in the context of these emerging workplace realities. This edition explains how emotions are the foundation of employee motivation, attitudes, and decisions; how social networks generate power and shape communication patterns; how selfconcept influences individual behavior, team cohesion, and leadership; and how adopting a global mindset has become an important employee characteristic in this increasingly interconnected world. This book also presents the reality that organizational behavior is not just for managers; it is relevant and valuable to anyone who works in and around organizations. Supplements:

• Connect with Organizational Behavior • Connect Plus with Organizational Behavior

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Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER Organizational Behavior, 10e Published: 01/17/2012

Robert Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki ISBN: 978-0-07-802936-3 / 672 pp.

In its tradition of being an up-to-date, relevant and user-driven textbook, Kreitner and Kinicki’s approach to organizational behavior is based on the authors’ belief that reading a comprehensive textbook is hard work; however, the process should be interesting and sometimes even fun. The authors’ commitment to continuous improvement makes complex ideas understandable through clear and concise explanations, contemporary examples, a visually appealing photo/art program, and/or learning exercises. The authors respond to user feedback by ensuring the text covers the very latest OB research and practices. Key topics, such as diversity in organizations, ethics, and globalization, are recommended by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Wolf branding book cover: Wolves remain a central theme for Kreitner and Kinicki because they view wolves as an instructive and inspiring metaphor for modern Organizational Behavior. Wolves are dedicated team players, great communicators, and adaptable. These are quintessential attributes for success in today’s workplace. Supplements:

• Connect with Organizational Behavior • Connect Plus with Organizational Behavior

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Management Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace, 3e

Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes, 14e

Published: 01/21/2012

James Gibson, John Ivancevich, and Robert Konopaske

Jason Colquitt, Jeffrey LePine, and Michael Wesson ISBN: 978-0-07-802935-6 / 640 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131811-2 (OR)

The introductory section of Colquitt contains two chapters not found in the beginning of other books: Job Performance and Organizational Commitment.

Why is this important? Being good at one’s job and wanting to stay with one’s employer are critical concerns for employees and managers alike. This book takes a unique approach by highlighting the concepts of PEFORMANCE and COMMITMENT at the beginning of the book. After describing these topics in detail, every remaining chapter in the book concludes by linking that chapter’s major topic to performance and commitment. Using this approach, students can better appreciate the practical relevance of organizational behavior concepts. To the student, performance is accelerated by providing a conversational writing style, making OB enjoyable to read, showing OB concepts as they are applied today, and including features that readily help students translate OB into the world around them. Connect then serves as the conduit to reinforce those concepts. All this ensures that your students achieve success in the classroom, readying them for today’s real business world. Supplements:

• Connect Organizational Behavior • Connect Plus Organizational Behavior

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Published: 03/18/2011

ISBN: 978-0-07-811266-9 / 640 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-108641-7 (IE)

The Fourteenth Edition of the awardwinning Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes is based on the idea that managing people, structure, and processes in organizations is a challenging, compelling, and crucial set of tasks. This book illustrates how organizational behavior theory leads to research and how both theory and research provide the basic foundation for practical applications in business ¿rms, hospitals, educational institutions, government agencies, and other organizations. Readers are given the opportunity to look inside these organizations and to develop their own perspective and skills for managing organizational behavior. In recognition of its educational effectiveness, in 2005 the book received the Text and Academic Authors Association’s McGuffey Longevity Award. Supplements:

• Organizational Behavior Video DVD, Volume 1 ISBN: 0-07-333728-5

Employee Benefits

Employee Benefits, 5e Published: 01/11/2013

Joseph Martocchio

ISBN: 978-0-07-802948-6 ISBN: 978-1-259-01078-1 (IE)

Joseph Martocchio’s Employee Benefits: A Primer for Human Resource Professionals was written to promote a fuller understanding of employee benefits

Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER

programs among students enrolled in college-level compensation and benefits courses. It’s relevant to students who plan to be general managers, who deal with a variety of human resource issues in their day-to-day jobs, as well as to those who expect to be human resource practitioners. The real-world focus of Martocchio’s text is evident on every page, as the author seeks to balance current academic thought with brief examples of contemporary benefits practices in business. Martocchio’s Employee Benefits is forward-thinking and seeks to bring the topic into the mainstream of compensation understanding. The Fifth Edition continues to be concisely written, highlighting key issues in order to provide the reader with a solid foundation for discussing benefits issues with employee benefits professionals. As practices and laws affecting benefits change frequently, Martocchio stays on the cusp of recent developments, capturing all recent changes with his Fifth Edition.

Strategic Management

Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases, 19e Published: 01/11/2013

Arthur Thompson, Margaret Peteraf, John Gamble, and A.J. Strickland III ISBN: 978-0-07-802950-9

The distinguishing mark of the 19th edition is its enriched and enlivened presentation of the material in each of the 12 chapters, providing an as up-to-date and engrossing discussion of the core concepts and analytical tools as you will find anywhere. There is an accompanying line-up of exciting new cases that bring the content to life and are sure to provoke interesting classroom discussions, deepening students’ understanding of the

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Management material in the process. While this 19th edition retains the 12-chapter structure of the prior edition, every chapter – indeed every paragraph and every line – has been re-examined, refined, and refreshed. New content has been added to keep the material in line with the latest developments in the theory and practice of strategic management. In other areas, coverage has been trimmed to keep the book at a more manageable size. Scores of new examples have been added, along with 16 new Illustration Capsules, to enrich understanding of the content and to provide students with a ringside view of strategy in action. The result is a text that cuts straight to the chase in terms of what students really need to know and gives instructors a leg up on teaching that material effectively. It remains, as always, solidly mainstream and balanced, mirroring both the penetrating insight of academic thought and the pragmatism of real-world strategic management. Thompson 19e, your best case scenario!

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Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Readings, 19e Published: 01/11/2013

Arthur Thompson, Margaret Peteraf, John Gamble, and A.J. Strickland III ISBN: 978-0-07-753707-4

The distinguishing mark of the 19th edition is its enriched and enlivened presentation of the material in each of the 12 chapters, providing an as up-to-date and engrossing discussion of the core concepts and analytical tools as you will find anywhere. There is an accompanying line-up of exciting new cases that bring the content to life and are sure to provoke interesting classroom discussions, deepening students’ understanding of the material in the process. While this 19th edition retains the 12-chapter structure of the prior edition, every chapter – indeed every paragraph and every line

– has been re-examined, refined, and refreshed. New content has been added to keep the material in line with the latest developments in the theory and practice of strategic management. In other areas, coverage has been trimmed to keep the book at a more manageable size. Scores of new examples have been added, along with 16 new Illustration Capsules, to enrich understanding of the content and to provide students with a ringside view of strategy in action. The result is a text that cuts straight to the chase in terms of what students really need to know and gives instructors a leg up on teaching that material effectively. It remains, as always, solidly mainstream and balanced, mirroring both the penetrating insight of academic thought and the pragmatism of real-world strategic management. Thompson 19e, your best case scenario!

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Essentials of Strategic Management: The Quest for Competitive Advantage, 3e Published: 01/20/2012

John Gamble, Arthur Thompson, Jr., and Margaret Peteraf ISBN: 978-0-07-802928-8 / 560 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131812-9 (OR)

Essentials of Strategic Management responds head-on to the growing requests by business faculty for a concisely-written strategic management text that’s robust and theory-driven and supported with a compelling collection of cases. This text was written with four objectives in mind: 1) Although relatively brief in length, the text provides students with an up-to-date and thorough understanding of essential strategic management concepts and analytic tools; 2) It simplifies the task of demonstrating student learning through course embedded assessment; 3) The concepts are supported by contemporary, well-written cases involving headline strategic issues; and lastly,

Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER

4) The text serves as the theoretical foundation of a teaching approach incorporating a business strategy simulation. Supplements:

• Connect Management

• Connect Plus Management

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Strategic Management, 13e Published: 01/27/2012

John Pearce and Richard Robinson ISBN: 978-0-07-802929-5 / 976 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-132639-1 (IE) To learn more visit:

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Strategic Management: Concepts, 1e Published: 01/09/2012

Frank Rothaermel

ISBN: 978-0-07-732445-2 / 464 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131792-4 (OR)

Combining quality and user-friendliness with rigor and relevance, Frank T. Rothaermel synthesizes theory, empirical research, and practical applications in a breakthrough new text designed to prepare students for the types of challenges they will face as managers in the globalized and turbulent businessenvironment of the 21st century. This new textbook, written with a single, strong voice, weaves together classic and cutting-edge theory with in-chapter cases and strategy highlights, to teach students how companies gain and sustain competitive advantage. OneBook... OneVoice...OneVision Supplements:

• Connect Management • Connect Plus Management

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Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 1e Published: 01/06/2012

Frank Rothaermel

ISBN: 978-0-07-811273-7 / 960 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131791-7 (OR)

Combining quality and user-friendliness with rigor and relevance, Frank T. Rothaermel synthesizes theory, empirical research, and practical applications in a breakthrough new text designed to prepare students for the types of challenges they will face as managers in the globalized and turbulent businessenvironment of the 21st century. This new textbook, written with a single, strong voice, weaves together classic and cutting-edge theory with in-chapter cases and strategy highlights, to teach students how companies gain and sustain competitive advantage. OneBook... OneVoice...OneVision Supplements:

• Connect Management • Connect Plus Management

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Employee Training & Development, 6e Published: 11/09/2012

Raymond Noe

ISBN: 978-0-07-802921-9 / 608 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-132638-4 (IE)

Raymond Noe’s Employee Training and Development sets the standard in this course area. First introduced in 1998, ETD became the market-defining text within 6 months of publication. Its popularity is due to its lively writing style and relevant examples of the most up-to-date developments in training, research and practice, including the strategic role of training and the use of new technologies in training.

Employee Training and Development 6th edition strikes a balance between research and real company practices. It provides students with a solid background in the fundamentals of training and development such as needs assessment, transfer of training, learning environment design, methods, and evaluation. To help students better understand the relationship between the main elements of the book, the book is now organized into five different parts. Part I focuses on the context for training and development and includes a chapter devoted to strategic training. Part II includes coverage related to the fundamentals of designing training programs. Chapters in Part II focus on needs assessment, learning theories and program design, transfer of training, and training evaluation. Part III focuses on training and development methods and includes chapters devoted to traditional training methods, e-learning and the use of technology in training, employee development, and special issues in employee development, such as managing diversity, succession planning, and crosscultural preparation. Chapters in Part IV cover career issues and how companies manage careers, as well as challenges in career management, such as dealing with work-life conflict, retirement, and socialization. Finally, Part V provides a look at the future of training and development.

Human Resource Management

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 5e Published: 01/18/2013

Raymond Noe, John Hellenbeck, Barry Gerhart and Patrick Wright ISBN: 978-0-07-811261-4 ISBN: 978-1-259-07198-0 (IE)

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 5th Edition by Noe,

Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER

Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright is specifically written to provide a complete introduction to human resource management for the general business manager. This book is the most engaging, focused and applied HRM text on the market.

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Human Resource Management with Premium Content Access Card, 6e Published: 03/26/2012

H. John Bernardin

ISBN: 978-0-07-760296-3

For more information visit:

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Human Resource Management, 8e Published: 01/03/2012

Raymond Noe, John Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart, and Patrick Wright ISBN: 978-0-07-802925-7 / 800 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-714089-2 (GE)

As competitors strive to win the war for talent, effective human resource management is necessary to gain true competitive advantage in the marketplace. Three challenges companies face are sustainability, technology, and globalization. Human Resource Management, Eighth Edition brings these challenges to life by highlighting real-world examples pertaining to these issues and relating it to the concepts within the chapter. This best-selling McGraw-Hill/Irwin Human Resource Management title provides students with the technical background needed to be a knowledgeable consumer of human resource (HR) products and services, to manage HR effectively, or to be a successful HR professional. While clearly strategic in nature, the text also emphasizes how managers can more effectively acquire, develop,

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Management compensate, and manage the internal and external environment that relates to the management of human resources. Supplements:

• Connect Management • Connect Plus Management

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Human Resource Management, 12e Published: 02/16/2012

John Ivancevich and Robert Konopaske

ISBN: 978-0-07-802912-7 / 672 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-132633-9 (IE)

Human Resource Management, 12e by Ivancevich and Konopaske takes a managerial orientation; that is it takes the position that HRM is relevant to managers in every unit, project, or team. Managers are constantly faced with HRM issues, problems, and decision-making and the text’s primary goal is to show how each manager must be a human resource problem solver and diagnostician. This book pays attention to the application of HRM approaches in “real” organizational settings and situations. Realism, understanding, and critical thinking were important in the revision. Students and faculty alike have identified readability and relevance as key strengths of the text. The Twelfth Edition provides a book that stimulates ideas and keeps all users up-todate on HRM thinking and practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Human Resource Management with Premium Content Access Card, 6e Published: 04/06/2012

H. John Bernardin ISBN: 978-0-07-760296-3

Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER Business Ethics

Business Ethics: DecisionMaking for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility, 3e Published: 03/08/2013

For more information visit:

Laura Hartman and Joseph DesJardins

Managing Human Resources, 9e

Business Ethics: Decision-Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility, 3e is designed to prepare the student to apply an ethical decision-making model, not only in the ethics course but throughout her or his business discipline. This model teaches students ethical skills, vocabulary, and tools to apply in everyday business decisions and throughout their business courses. The authors speak in a sophisticated yet accessible manner while teaching the fundamentals of business ethics. Hartman’s professional background in law and her teaching experience in the business curriculum, combined with DesJardins’ background in philosophy and MacDonald’s ability to distill complicated business transactions into understandable terms, results in a broad language, ideal for this approach and market. The authors’ goal is to engage the student by focusing on cases and business scenarios that students already find interesting. Students are then asked to look at the issues from an ethical perspective. Additionally, its focus on AACSB requirements makes it a comprehensive business ethics text for business school courses.

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Published: 02/03/2012

Wayne Cascio

ISBN: 978-0-07-802917-2 / 768 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131819-8 (OR)

Wayne Cascio’s Managing Human Resources, 9e is perfect for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people. It explicitly links the relationship between productivity, quality of work life, and profits to various human resource management activities and as such, strengthens the students’ perception of human resource management as an important function, which affects individuals, organizations, and society. It is research-based and contains strong links to the applicability of this research to real business situations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Human Resource Management, 2e Published: 03/09/2012

Dushkin and Pramila Rao

ISBN: 978-0-07-352736-9 / 384 pp. To learn more visit:

ISBN: 978-0-07-802945-5 ISBN: 978-1-259-06058-8 (OR)

The goal for the third edition is to provide “a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the ethical issues arising in business.” Hartman and DesJardins have retained the focus on decisionmaking as well as the emphasis on both personal and policy-level perspectives on ethics. This edition continues to provide pedagogical support throughout the text. The most noticeable changes involve a

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Management thorough updating of distinct items such as Reality Checks, Decision Points, and readings to reflect new cases, examples and data.

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Annual Editions: Business Ethics 13/14, 25e Published: 03/01/2013

William Kehoe

ISBN: 978-0-07-352879-3 The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. Annual Editions volumes have a number of organizational features designed to make them especially valuable for classroom use: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing of supporting World Wide Web sites; Learning Outcomes and a brief overview at the beginning of each unit; and a Critical Thinking section at the end of each article. Each volume also offers an online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is a general guide that provides a number of interesting and functional ideas for using Annual Editions readers in the classroom. Visit for more details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Annual Editions: Business Ethics 12/13, 24e Published: 03/16/2012

Dushkin, John Richardson, and William Kehoe

ISBN: 978-0-07-352872-4 / 224 pp.

The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make them particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offers an online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is a general guide that provides a number of interesting and functional ideas for using Annual Editions readers in the classroom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Business Ethics and Society, Expanded, 12e Published: 11/26/2012

Lisa Newton, Elaine Englehardt and Michael Pritchard ISBN: 978-0-07-352737-6 / 448 pp.

Taking Sides volumes present current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript or challenge questions. Taking Sides readers feature an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites. An online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing material is available for each volume. Using Taking Sides in the Classroom is also an excellent instructor resource. Visit www.mhhe. com/takingsides for more details.

Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER Business and Society

Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, 14e Published: 03/01/2013

Anne Lawrence and James Weber ISBN: 978-0-07-802947-9 ISBN: 978-1-259-09072-9 (IE)

Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, 14e by Lawrence and Weber has continued through several successive author teams to be the market-leader in its field. This new edition highlights why government regulation is sometimes required as well as new models of business-community collaboration. The authors believe that businesses have social (as well as economic) responsibilities to society; that business and government both have important roles to play in the modern economy; and that ethics and integrity are essential to personal fulfillment and to business success. In addition, this textbook has long been popular with students because of its lively writing, upto-date examples, and clear explanations of theory.


Compensation, 11e Published: 01/18/2013

George Milkovich, Jerry Newman and Barry Gerhart ISBN: 978-0-07-802949-3 ISBN: 978-1-259-01080-4 (IE)

Compensation, 11th Edition, by Milkovich, Newman and Gerhart is the marketleading text in this course area. It offers instructors current research material, in depth discussion of topics, integration of Internet coverage, excellent pedagogy, and a truly engaging writing style. The authors consult with leading businesses, have won teaching awards, and publish in the leading journals. This text examines

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Management the strategic choices in managing total compensation. The total compensation model introduced in chapter one serves as an integrating framework throughout the book. The authors discuss major compensation issues in the context of current theory, research, and realbusiness practices. Milkovich, Newman and Gerhart strive to differentiate between beliefs and opinions from facts and scholarly research. They showcase practices that illustrate new developments in compensation practices as well as established approaches to compensation decisions. Time after time, adopters relay stories of students getting job offers based on the knowledge they learned from this book.


Manager’s Guide to Navigating Change, 1e Published: 08/31/2012

Stephen Rock

ISBN: 978-0-07-176947-1 / 256 pp.

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Deadlines and Disruption: My Turbulent Path from Print to Digital, 1e Published: 08/24/2012

Stephen Shepard

ISBN: 978-0-07-180264-2 / 304 pp.

In Deadlines and Disruption, Shepard recounts his five decades in journalism—a time of radical transformations in the way news is developed, delivered, and consumed. Raised in the Bronx, Shepard graduated from City College and Columbia, joined BusinessWeek as a reporter, and rose to the top editorial post. He has closed the circle by returning to the university that spawned him, founding the Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York.


The Entrepreneurial Instinct: How Everyone Has the Innate Ability to Start a Successful Small Business, 1e Published: 08/24/2012

Monica Mehta

ISBN: 978-0-07-179742-9 / 224 pp.

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One Simple Idea for Startups and Entrepreneurs: Live Your Dreams and Create Your Own Profitable Company, 1e Published: 10/12/2012

Stephen Key

ISBN: 978-0-07-180044-0 / 256 pp.

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Entrepreneurship, 9e Published: 09/28/2012

Robert Hisrich, Michael Peters, and Dean Shepherd ISBN: 978-0-07-802919-6 / 640 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-132631-5 (IE)

The 9th Edition of Entrepreneurship, by Robert Hisrich, Michael Peters and Dean Shepherd has been designed to clearly instruct students on the process of formulating, planning, and implementing a new venture. Students are exposed to detailed descriptions of ‘how to’ embark on a new venture in a logical manner. Comprehensive cases at the end of the text have been hand-picked by the authors to go hand-in-hand with chapter concepts. The superb author team of Hisrich, Peters, and Shepherd draw from their distinct backgrounds to create a book that addresses the dynamics of today’s entrepreneurial challenges.

Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER

From Bob Hisrich’s expertise in global entrepreneurship to Mike Peter’s background as a both a real-life entrepreneur and academic to Dean Shepherd’s current research on cognition and entrepreneurial mindset, this book balances the crucial line between modern theory and practice.

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Business Management for the Personal Fitness Trainer, 1e Published: 01/20/2012

Charles Ware, Charles Bamford, and Garry Bruton ISBN: 978-0-07-337708-7 / 416 pp.

Business Management for the Personal Fitness Trainer is a handbook for fitness professionals who have entertained the idea of going out on their own and starting their own business. It serves as an entrepreneurial tool to help fitness professionals expand their knowledge and to develop an understanding of the necessary elements in designing, starting, and managing a small business in the fitness industry. It walks through the fundamentals of small business and notes how these apply to the fitness industry. From choosing an idea for a business and developing a business plan to the legal, financial, and operational considerations of opening and running a business, this book is your guide to building a fitness business.

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Management Human Relations

Human Relations in Organizations: Applications and Skill Building, 9e Published: 09/14/2012

Robert Lussier

ISBN: 978-0-07-802920-2 / 672 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131528-9 (OR)

Lussier’s Human Relations in Organizations: Applications and Skill Building, 9th Edition employs a workbook-style approach. This approach is perfect for instructors who want to incorporate activities and exercises into the classroom, and benefits students who want to understand concepts as well as apply and develop skills that they can use in their daily and professional lives.The book provides a balanced, three-pronged approach: A clear concise understanding of human relations/organizational behavior concepts. The application of human relations/organizational

behavior concepts for critical thinking in the business world. The development of human relations/organizational behavior skills.

International Business

Global Business Today, 8e Published: 01/18/2013

Charles W. L. Hill ISBN: 978-0-07-811262-1

Charles Hill’s Global Business Today, 8e has become the most widely used text in the International Business market because its:

Current—it is comprehensive and up-todate. Application Rich—it goes beyond an uncritical presentation and shallow explanation of the body of knowledge. Relevant—it focuses on managerial

implications. Integrated—it maintains a tight, integrated flow between chapters, and incorporates ancillary resources that enliven the text and making it easier to teach.

Our research has shown that students and instructors alike enjoy the interesting, informative, and accessible writing style of GBT – so much so that the writing has become Charles Hill’s trademark. The author’s passion and enthusiasm for the international business arena is apparent on every page. In addition to boxed material which provides deep illustrations in every chapter, Hill carefully weaves interesting anecdotes into the narrative of the text to engage the reader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

International Business, 9e Published: 01/17/2012

Charles W. L. Hill ISBN: 978-0-07-802924-0 / 752 pp.

Market-defining since it was first introduced, International Business 9e by Charles W. L. Hill, continues to set the standard for international business textbooks. In writing the book, Charles Hill draws on his experience in teaching, writing, and global consulting to create the most thorough, up-to-date, and thought-provoking text on the market. Many issues in international business are complex, so, the text explores the pros and cons of economic theories, government policies, business strategies, organizational structures, etc. Hill’s: International Business is known for its strong emphasis on strategy and for maintaining a tightly integrated flow between chapters. Hill’s book is practical in nature and focuses on the managerial implications of each topic on the actual practice of international business. The author’s passion and enthusiasm for the international business arena is apparent on every page as he strives to

Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER

make important theories interesting, informative, and accessible to all students. Supplements: • Connect International Business • Connect Plus International Business

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MP International Business with CESIM Global Challenge Simulation Access Card, 13e Published: 01/17/2012

Donald Ball, Michael Geringer, Michael Minor, and Jeanne McNett ISBN: 978-0-07-760612-1 ISBN: 978-0-07-714087-8 (GE)

International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition 13e by Ball, Geringer, McNett, and Minor continues to be the most current, objective and thorough treatment of international business available for students. Enriched with colorful maps, photos, and the most up-to-date world data, this text boasts the collective expertise of four authors with firsthand international business experience, specializing in international management, finance, law, global strategy, and marketing – a claim no other text can make. In addition, each new copy of International Business 13e includes access to CESIM – an interactive IB simulation developed for industry professionals. Ball et al is the only textbook on the market which features access to CESIM. Only Ball, Geringer, McNett and Minor can offer a complete view of international business as diverse as the backgrounds of business students. Supplements: • CESIM Global Challenge Simulation Connect International Business • Connect Plus International Business

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Management International Management

Transnational Management: Text, Cases & Readings in Cross-Border Management, 7e Published: 03/15/2013

Christopher Bartlett and Paul Beamish ISBN: 978-0-07-802939-4 ISBN: 978-1-259-01089-0 (IE)

Transnational Management focuses on the management challenges associated Portfolio Management with developing strategies and managing the operations of companies whose activities stretch across national boundaries. The purpose of this book is to provide a conceptual framework showing the interplay between the multinational corporation, the countries in which it does business, and the competitive environment in which it operates. Through text narrative, cases, and readings, the authors skillfully examine the development of strategy, organizational capabilities, and management challenges for operating in the global economy.

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining

Labor Relations: Striking a Balance, 4e Published: 11/02/2012

John Budd

ISBN: 978-0-07-802943-1 / 576 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131855-6 (OR)

John Budd continues to present the most dynamic, engaging approach to understanding labor relations in the 21st century with Labor Relations, 4/e. This textbook presents labor relations as a system for balancing employment relationship goals (efficiency, equity, and voice) and the rights of labor and management. By weaving these themes with the importance of alternative

perspectives on the nature of the employment relationship throughout the text, students can learn not only how the traditional labor relations processes work, but also why these processes exist and how to evaluate whether they are working. In this way, students can develop a deeper understanding of labor relations that will help them successfully navigate a contemporary labor relations system that faces severe pressures requiring new strategies, policies, and practices.

Small Business Management

Entrepreneurial Small Business, 4e Published: 03/08/2013

Jerome Katz and Richard Green ISBN: 978-0-07-802942-4 ISBN: 978-1-259-06061-8 (OR)

Entrepreneurial Small Business (ESB) provides students with a clear vision of small business as it really is today: Katz focuses on the distinctive nature of small businesses that students might actually start versus high growth firms. The goal of the companies described in this textbook is personal independence with financial security; not market dominance with extreme wealth. Traditional beliefs and models in small business are discussed, as well as the latest findings and best practices from academic and consulting arenas. Katz and Green recognize the distinction between entrepreneurs who aim to start the successor to Amazon. com or the pizza place around the corner. They discuss the challenges facing entrepreneurs, while keeping focused on the small businesses students plan to start.

Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER

Taking Sides: Clashing Small Business Management: An Entrepreneur’s Guidebook, 7e Published: 09/28/2012

Mary Jane Byrd and Leon Megginson ISBN: 978-0-07-802909-7 / 544 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131847-1 (OR)

Operating any business is complex and challenging, but it provides interesting, creative, and rewarding experiences. Small Business Management, Seventh Edition, takes a practical and down-toearth approach to planning, organizing, and running a small business. While employing current research and theory, Small Business Management takes a pragmatic “how-to” perspective illustrating many practical examples and applications from the business world. It explains how to achieve optimum benefits from the limited resources available to small firms, as well as how to plan for growth and succession in a business. It also explores arguments both for and against owning a small business. The enhancements to the seventh edition serve to strengthen and reinforce without minimizing or losing the original qualities and usefulness of the textbook. The business plan remains a very important building block for this edition in both examples and format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Management Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Management, 4e Published: 09/21/2012

Dushkin, Marc D. Street, and Vera L. Street ISBN: 978-0-07-352738-3 / 448 pp.

Taking Sides volumes present current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with Learning Outcomes, an Issue Summary, an Introduction, and an Exploring Issue section featuring PortfoliotheManagement Critical Thinking and Reflection, Is There Common Ground?, and Additional Resources. Taking Sides readers also offer a Topic Guide and an annotated listing of Internet References for further consideration of the issues. An online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing material is available for each volume. Using Taking Sides in the Classroom is also an excellent instructor resource.


Supervision: Concepts and Skill-Building, 8e Published: 09/07/2012

Samuel Certo

ISBN: 978-0-07-802918-9 / 616 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-131836-5 (OR)

Certo’s Supervision: Concepts and SkillBuilding 8e prepares students to be supervisors in a challenging modern workplace. It is based on the premise that organizational variables including diversity in the workforce, computer and communication technology, and the design of organization structures are constantly changing. Overall, this text focuses on discussing important supervision concepts and providing fundamental skills necessary for applying these concepts. Students will learn the critical role of a supervisor in an organization and the

abilities needed to be successful.

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Supervision: Managing for Results, 10e Published: 01/11/2012

John Newstrom

ISBN: 978-0-07-802317-0 / 496 pp.

Available for Spring ©2014 & EARLIER from assessing the competitive dynamics of a situation, to strategy formulation, to strategy implementation. As a brief, affordable paperback, it is ideal to package with cases. Recommended case sets from the author are available through McGraw-Hill Create or from the Harvard Business School Case Database.

This text offers a comprehensive presentation of the vital aspects of supervision with a focus on practical advice about how to handle real-life, on-the-job situations. In this revision, the author has recognized the ever-changing social and work environment and has updated the text with current trends and situations and the latest professional concepts of supervisory practice. The text is arranged with an emphasis on inquiry learning, which presents the key concepts in a clear and concise manner. A wide variety of exercises, applications, and margin notes help to further the learning process.

Technology & Innovation

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation,4e Published: 11/02/2012

Melissa Schilling

ISBN: 978-0-07-802923-3 / 336 pp. ISBN: 978-0-07-132644-5 (IE)

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 4e by Melissa Schilling is the first comprehensive and rigorous, yet accessible text for the Technology and Innovation Management course. Unlike other books, Schilling’s approach synthesizes the major research in the field, providing students with the knowledge needed to enhance case discussion and analysis. The subject is approached as a strategic process, and as such, is organized to mirror the strategic management process used in most strategy textbooks, progressing

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